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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Cenários geopolíticos e emprego das forças armadas na América do Sul" / geopolitics sceneries and military roles in the South America

Oscar Medeiros Filho 27 January 2005 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do emprego das Forças Armadas dos países da América do Sul levando em consideração o panorama geopolítico pós-Guerra Fria. Dois são os objetivos principais: estabelecer cenários geopolíticos para o subcontinente com base em diferentes paradigmas da Teoria das Relações Internacionais e, a partir desses cenários, analisar o emprego das Forças Armadas na América do Sul diante das atuais características geopolíticas. Considera-se como recorte temporal, para tal estudo, o período compreendido entre o fim da Guerra Fria e os dias atuais e, como recorte espacial, a escala subcontinental. Por meio de uma abordagem plurimetodológica, analisa-se o sentido geopolítico das iniciativas de cooperação e integração militar entre os países sul-americanos – fenômeno que, em virtude da autonomia de que ainda dispõem os meios militares na região, ocorre de forma paralela às demais dimensões do processo de integração regional. Adotando uma perspectiva construtivista de abordagem das Relações Internacionais, procura-se, também, analisar a possibilidade de construção no subcontinente de uma Comunidade de Segurança. Por fim, em caráter meramente prospectivo, procura-se analisar as possibilidades de emprego das Forças Armadas na América do Sul considerando quatro diferentes cenários: clássico (escala nacional), construtivista (escala regional), hegemônico (escala hemisférica) e idealista (escala global). / This work concerns the use military roles of South American countries, taking into consideration the post-Cold War geopolitic panorama. There are two main objectives: stablish geopolitic sceneries for the subcontinent based on different International Relations Theory paradigms and, to from these sceneries, analyse the function of the Forces in the South America faced the present geopolitic characteristics. This study considers the period between the end of Cold War and the present days, having as spatial setting the subcontinental scale. Through a plurimethodological approoch, this work analyses the geopolitical meaning of military cooperation and integration initiative in the South American countries – phenomenon that has been a parallel process of regional integration due to military forces autonomy. By means of constructivist perspective of International Relation Theory also analysing the possibility of constucting a Security Community in the subcontinent. At last, under a prospective character it analyses the possibility of the military forces appliance in the South America, considering four different sceneries: classic (national scale), constructivist (regional scale), hegemonic (hemispheric scale) and idealist (global scale).

O ícone Raoni : líder indígena Mebêngôkre no cenário global / The icon Raoni : indigenous leader Mebêngôkre on the global stage

Neves, Roberta Cristina, 1987- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Vanessa Rosemary Lea / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T16:20:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Neves_RobertaCristina_M.pdf: 3420870 bytes, checksum: 1f725c669b12f724b85babeda37d6ddf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O líder indígena Mebêngôkre (Kayapó) Ropni Metyktire, mais conhecido como Raoni, é, há décadas, considerado um ícone, no cenário nacional e internacional, da reivindicação pelos direitos indígenas, da resistência contra a violação de tais direitos e da luta pela preservação das florestas. Raoni teve uma participação fundamental em diversos episódios da história indígena e sua imagem é bastante difundida, estampando campanhas, homenagens e matérias midiáticas, o que confirma o seu caráter emblemático. Tendo isso em vista, a presente dissertação objetiva realizar um mapeamento da trajetória desse importante líder, bem como refletir acerca dos elementos subjacentes à repercussão por ele adquirida, dialogando, para tanto, com a questão das representações históricas sobre os povos indígenas / Abstract: Better known as Raoni, the indigenous leader Mebêngôkre (Kayapó) Ropni Metyktire is, for decades, considered an icon, in national and international scene, the claim by the indigenous rights, the resistance against the violation of such rights and the struggle to preserve forests. Raoni had key role in several episodes of Indian history and his image is quite widespride, stamping campaigns, tributes and media materials, which confirms his emblematic character. Keeping this in view, the presente study aims to map the trajectory of this importante leader as well as reflect on the underlying elements to the impact he had acquired and dialogue, therefore, the issue of the historical representations of indigenous peoples / Mestrado / Antropologia Social / Mestra em Antropologia Social

A internacionalização de empresas brasileiras na América do Sul : impactos da política externa recente e da integração regional / The internationalisation of Brazilian companies in South America : impacts of the recent foreign policy and of regional integration

Murgi, Rafael, 1983- 12 August 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Sebastião Carlos Velasco e Cruz / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T09:12:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Murgi_Rafael_M.pdf: 1918949 bytes, checksum: 591025397ac283b7f9c7983f16a38793 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Propõe-se, nesta dissertação, o estudo dos impactos da política externa brasileira recente e da integração regional sobre o processo de internacionalização de empresas brasileiras na América do Sul por meio de investimentos diretos. A pesquisa visará a conhecer, com base nos fatores mencionados acima, o estágio atual deste processo, as principais dificuldades e obstáculos encontrados por essas empresas, o potencial de expansão do capitalismo brasileiro na região e os estímulos governamentais disponíveis / Abstract: It is proposed, in this paper, the study of impacts of recent Brazilian foreign policy and of regional integration on the process of internationalization of Brazilian companies in South America via direct investments. The research will aim to analyse, based on the factors mentioned above, the current stage of this process, the main difficulties and obstacles encountered by those companies, the potential for expansion of Brazilian capitalism in the region and the government incentives available / Mestrado / Política Externa / Mestre em Relações Internacionais

"Estar na cultura" = os Tupinambá de Olivença e o deafio de uma definição de indianidade no sul da Bahia / "Living in our culture" : the Tupinambá of Olivença and the challenge of defining indigeneity in southern Bahia, Brazil

Mejía, Ernenek, 1980- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: John Manuel Monteiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T06:12:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mejia_Ernenek_M.pdf: 15303637 bytes, checksum: 8abe019d01372470ffb3133ae3fb7636 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Este trabalho descreve e analisa o processo através do qual os Tupinambá de Olivença, no sul da Bahia, determinaram buscar seu reconhecimento como mais um povo indígena do Brasil, com os direitos, os riscos, as vantagens, as condições e as contradições que isso representa. Dentro do trabalho, pretende-se refletir sobre o modo a partir do qual essa coletividade construiu uma definição própria de índio e de indianidade em decorrência das relações surgidas de seu reconhecimento como indígenas em seu trato com o movimento indígena, os órgãos governamentais, as organizações indigenistas, os antropólogos os historiadores, entre outros atores envolvidos. Discutimos como, através da memória, os Tupinambá de Olivença, enquanto coletivo, elaboram uma nova leitura do seu passado, no qual reconhecem sua história como indígenas na região e no Brasil. Do mesmo modo, definimos alguns dos conceitos utilizados na sua socialidade, tal como o de "luta" e o de "estar na cultura" através dos quais construíram, em parte, sua definição do ser Tupinambá. São apresentados, ainda, os questionamentos levantados a respeito da autenticidade indígena deste grupo, desafio que revela o conflito ao estabelecer o que é e o que deve ser constitutivo do índio entre as diferentes partes envolvidas em torno dos indígenas / Abstract: Focusing on the Tupinambá of Olivença, Southern Bahia, Brazil, this thesis describes and analyzes the process through which they sought to become recognized as an indigenous people, with all the risks, advantages, conditions, and contradictions that this entails. The thesis examines the ways in which members of this collectivity developed their own definition for Indians and indigeneity as a result of their relations with the Indian movement, government agencies, non-governmental indigenist organizations, anthropologists, and historians, among others, in the process of becoming recognized officially as Indians. Examining Tupinambá collective memory, the thesis examines how this group elaborated a new reading of their own past, viewing their history as Indians within the region and within Brazil. At the same time, the author defines the concepts used within the context of Tupinambá sociality, including "struggle" and "living in our culture", expressions that were employed in determining what it means to be Tupinambá. The thesis also discusses the challenges raised by others in contesting this group's authenticity as Indians, which reveals the conflict involving different actors in establishing the criteria for what constitutes an Indian / Mestrado / Antropologia Social / Mestre em Antropologia Social

Marx e América indígena : diálogo a partir dos conceitos de abolição e recusa do Estado / Marx and indigenous America : dialogue from the concepts of abolition and refusal of the state

Tible, Jean François Germain, 1979- 10 November 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Siqueira Ridenti / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T13:17:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tible_JeanFrancoisGermain_D.pdf: 1500316 bytes, checksum: 3edee9a8f12facadc8be030194ffe743 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: É proposto nesta tese um encontro entre Karl Marx e América Indígena. Partindo de José Carlos Mariátegui, precursor de um marxismo afetado pelas lutas indígenas, a pesquisa conta com um ponto metodológico fundamental: a contribuição de Marx para o pensamento reside nos seus contatos com as lutas e nos deslocamentos que estas produzem nele. Lutas principalmente operárias, mas Marx chegou a considerar outros sujeitos e deixou um campo aberto para uma perspectiva (o marxismo) fazê-lo. Nesse sentido situa-se o papel da antropologia, como certa mediação entre ciência e elaborações indígenas. Para preparar tal encontro, estuda-se, no primeiro capítulo, os escritos de Marx e Friedrich Engels acerca das formações sociais "outras" que encontram-se para além da Europa Ocidental. Isto permite entrar no cerne da pesquisa, a saber, o diálogo entre os conceitos marxiano de abolição do Estado e clastriano de Sociedade contra o Estado. Após tal diálogo teórico, pensa-se o encontro em curso nas Américas, por conta da expansão do capitalismo e das resistências a este. Desse modo, produz-se uma interlocução entre Marx, lutas Yanomami e perspectivismo amazônico. Concluise discutindo as tensões entre a multiplicidade das lutas e seus diferentes mundos e propondo uma chave antropófaga para trabalhar Marx nas Américas / Abstract: This thesis aims to produce an encounter between Karl Marx and Indigenous America. Departing with José Carlos Mariátegui, precursor of a marxism affect by the indigenous struggles, the research works with a fundamental methodological point: Marx's contribution to reflection rest on his links with the struggles and the changes those produces on him. Workers' struggles mainly, but Marx considered other subjects and let an open space to a perspective (marxism) do to it. By this way is seen the role of anthropology, as mediation between science and indigenous creations. To prepare the encounter, is made a study, on the first chapter, of Marx and Engels's writings about "others" social formations (outside Occidental Europe). This permits to enter at the core of the research, the dialogue between concepts, the marxian abolition of the state and the clastrian Society against the state. After this theoretical dialogue, is analyzed the encounter in course in the Americas, due to the capitalism expansion and the resistances against this system. So, are produced exchanges between Marx, Yanomami struggles and amazonian perspectivism. At the end, are discussed the tensions between the multiplicity of the struggles and the different worlds, a cannibal key being proposed as a way of working with Marx in the Americas / Doutorado / Sociologia / Doutor em Sociologia

Naturalmente filmados : modos de atuar e de viver nos postos indígenas do SPI na década de 1940 / Filmed naturally : ways of acting and of living in Indian Protection Service posts in Brazil in the 1940s

Arruda, Lucybeth Camargo, 1971- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: John Manuel Monteiro / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T11:17:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arruda_LucybethCamargo_D.pdf: 14806183 bytes, checksum: b027d6a2468368305756347b5e84b432 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Esta tese é um exercício de reflexão a partir de fotografias que compõem três coleções fotográficas produzidas pela Seção de Estudos (SE), do Serviço de Proteção aos Índios (SPI), em cinco Postos Indígenas localizados no estado de Mato Grosso, nos anos de 1942 e 1943. A partir de métodos e investigações nos campos da antropologia, fotografia e história, analisamos imagens que foram produzidas pela equipe de Foto-Cinematografia, tendo como suporte a documentação administrativa do SPI, no período de 1910 e 1945, referente aos postos indígenas São Lourenço, Córrego Grande, Cachoeirinha, Taunay e Simões Lopes. A tese tem como objetivo central perceber a participação indígena dentro do "bloco monolítico" chamado de posto indígena. Busca-se observar, refletir, interrogar e problematizar o movimento ambíguo da fotografia, que está para além da objetificação - premente, absoluta - em que ela foi concebida e utilizada. As coleções aqui estudadas foram produzidas a partir dessa compreensão de fotografia, no entanto, faz-se o exercício de partir do "índio" objetificado e, na contramão desse percurso, lançar luz sobre as fraturas que nos fazem encontrar com os Bororo, Bakairi, Terena etc., enquanto agentes do seu processo histórico e parte integrante e importante da formação histórica das regiões onde foram instalados dentro dos postos indígenas. Assim, esta tese produz através de imagens e palavras (documentação do SPI) um instrumento que se complementa e compõe uma narrativa importante da história dos índios nas primeiras décadas do século XX / Abstract: This thesis critically examines the photographs that comprise three collections assembled in 1942 and 1943 by the Department of Studies of the Brazilian Indian Protection Service (SPI), covering five Indian Posts in the state of Mato Grosso. Drawing together methods and research from the fields of anthropology, photography, and history, this study analyzes images developed by the SPI's Photo-Cinematography team in light of the administrative documents produced by the SPI between 1910 and 1945, with a special focus on the Indian Posts of São Lourenço, Córrego Grande, Cachoeirinha, Taunay, and Simões Lopes. The main objective of the thesis is to perceive the participation and action of Indians within the Posts, often portrayed in the form of a "monolithic bloc". The analysis seeks to observe, reflect on, interrogate, and problematize the photographs' ambiguous character, which goes far beyond the objectification that underlay its conception and use. While the collections emerged from this understanding of photography, the thesis seeks to decodify these images by examining them from the vantage point of the objectified "Indian", discovering in the fractures a counterhistory that allows us to encounter the Bororo, Bakairi, Terena, and other peoples as agents of their historical process and as an integral part of the historical formation of the regions surrounding the Indian Posts. Thus, juxtaposing images and texts (the SPI documents), this study provides an approach that endeavors to compose a significant narrative of indigenous history during the first decades of the twentieth century / Doutorado / Antropologia Social / Doutor em Antropologia Social

Rongeurs paléogènes d’Amazonie péruvienne : anatomie, systématique, phylogénie et paléobiogéographie / Paleogene rodents from Peruvian Amazonia : anatomy, systematics, phylogeny, and paleobiogeography

Boivin, Myriam 29 November 2017 (has links)
Les rongeurs caviomorphes constituent l’un des groupes de mammifères placentaires les plus diversifiés d’Amérique du Sud. Malgré la grande diversité actuelle et néogène du groupe, les premières phases de l’histoire évolutive des caviomorphes n’étaient documentées que par quelques localités à l’échelle de tout le continent sud-américain. Les recherches paléontologiques récentes menées en Amazonie péruvienne ont permis la découverte de 18 localités éocènes et oligocènes, livrant de nombreux restes dentaires de caviomorphes inédits. L’étude de ces fossiles a conduit à la description et à la comparaison de 52 taxons distincts, dont 11 nouveaux genres et 17 nouvelles espèces. Ce travail révèle une riche diversité alpha-taxonomique des caviomorphes en Amazonie péruvienne à la fin de l’Éocène moyen, mais surtout à l’Oligocène inférieur et à l’Oligocène supérieur, trois fenêtres temporelles jusqu’alors très peu documentées dans les régions de basses latitudes du continent sud-américain. Les localités étudiées de la fin de l’Éocène moyen livrent les plus anciens caviomorphes connus à ce jour. Dans ces localités, la faible diversité taxinomique, associée à une faible disparité morphologique, incluant des taxons caractérisés par des traits dentaires plésiomorphes, rappelant les formes hystricognathes sub-contemporaines de l’Ancien Monde. Cela suggère un intervalle de temps court entre l’arrivée en Amérique du Sud des hystricognathes pionniers et l’émergence des espèces étudiées. Les assemblages de caviomorphes des localités plus récentes montrent une disparité plus importante et livrent des représentants des éréthizontoïdes, octodontoïdes et chinchilloïdes. L’analyse approfondie du matériel d’étude et sa comparaison avec des spécimens provenant d’autres gisements sud-américains ont permis une meilleure compréhension de l’homologie et de l’évolution des structures dentaires chez les caviomorphes. Une analyse cladistique de grande ampleur, incluant un grand nombre de familles des quatre super-familles (i.e., Cavioidea, Erethizontoidea, Chinchilloidea et Octodontoidea) a été réalisée. Elle a permis pour la première fois la reconnaissance de groupes basaux des caviomorphes. Les régions de basses latitudes du continent sud-américain paraissent être le centre d’origine des caviomorphes et le lieu d’une première diversification basale du groupe à la fin de l’Éocène moyen. Les quatre super-familles émergeraient au cours de l’Éocène supérieur–Oligocène inférieur, illustrant ainsi une deuxième radiation majeure du groupe au cours du Paléogène. Durant cette période, les caviomorphes se seraient dispersés aux moyennes et hautes latitudes. L’origine géographique des super-familles reste quelque peu ambiguë, excepté pour les chinchilloïdes qui émergeraient dans les régions de basses latitudes. Nos résultats mettent également en évidence l’existence d’une troisième radiation autour de la limite Oligocène–Miocène. Cette troisième phase correspondrait à la diversification des chinchilloïdes, octodontoïdes, et éréthizontinés basaux et à l’émergence du groupe couronne des caviidés, des octodontoïdes et très probablement des chinchilloïdes. Ces trois événements de diversifications majeures au cours du Paléogène sont concomitants avec des évènements climatiques globaux et des périodes intenses de surrection andine. / Caviomorph rodents represent one of the most successful groups of placental mammals from South America. Despite their high modern and Neogene diversity, their early evolutionary history has long remained obscure. Recent paleontological investigations in Peruvian Amazonia allowed for the discovery of 18 Eocene and Oligocene localities yielding many new fossils of caviomorphs (mainly isolated teeth). Fifty-two taxa, including 11 new genera and 17 new species, are described here. This study reveals a rich alpha-taxonomic diversity of caviomorphs in Peruvian Amazonia during the late Middle Eocene, Early Oligocene and Late Oligocene. These three periods were until now poorly documented in the low-latitudes of South America. The late Middle Eocene localities yield the earliest representatives of the group. In these localities, the low taxonomical diversity, associated with a low morphological disparity including taxa that harbor very primitive dental features, reminiscent to those observed in coeval Old World hystricognaths, suggest that a short time range of caviomorph evolutionary history had undergone in South America prior the emergence of these rodents. The most recent caviomorph assemblages show a higher disparity and yield representatives of erethizontoids, octodontoids and chinchilloids. The exhaustive analysis of the material and its comparison with specimens from other South American localities further our understanding regarding the homology and the evolution of dentary structures in caviomorphs. A cladistic assessment with a comprehensive taxonomic sampling including most families of the four superfamilies (i.e., Cavioidea, Erethizontoidea, Chinchilloidea, and Octodontoidea) was undertaken. For the first time, several stem Caviomorpha were recognized. Low latitudes of South America are thus viewed as the cradle and the first diversity hotspot of early caviomorphs. A second radiation would have occurred during the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene and would correspond to the emergence of the four superfamilies. At this time, caviomorphs would disperse towards the middle and high latitudes. The geographic origin of modern superfamilies remains somewhat ambiguous, except for chinchilloids which would emerge in low-latitude regions. A third radiation would have also occurred, around the Oligocene–Miocene transition, corresponding to the more recent diversification of stem Chinchilloidea, Octodontoidea, Erethizontoidea and the emergence of crown Erethizontinae, Caviidae, Octodontoidea, and probably Chinchilloidea. It is noteworthy that these three Paleogene diversification phases were contemporaneous with global climatic events and intense Andean uplift events.

Bio-sociocultural aesthetics : indigenous Ramkokamekra-Canela gardening practices and varietal diversity maintenance in Maranhão, Brazil

Miller, Theresa L. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is an attempt to bring to light the value and importance of gardening and varietal diversity maintenance in the indigenous Jê-speaking Ramkokamekra-Canela community of Maranhão, Brazil. Formerly a semi-nomadic community with small garden plots, the modern-day Canela have become subsistence horticulturalists with a dual garden plot system where species and varietal diversity thrive. Thus, the thesis seeks to understand this transformation through a focus on mythic, historical, and contemporary accounts of gardening activities and practices that appear to promote and maintain cultivated crop diversity. Through a comparison with other Jê-speaking communities in northeast and central Brazil, the thesis posits that Canela gardening and varietal diversity maintenance incorporate the transformation and continuity that are common aspects of Jê 'life-worlds.' Additionally, through an exploration of everyday gardening practices and individual and communal rituals in and around garden spaces, the thesis suggests that Canela gardening can best be conceptualized as a series of multi-sensory, embodied engagements between human gardener 'parents' and their growing plant 'children.' In order to explore these engagements fully, the thesis draws on phenomenological (in particular that promoted by British anthropologist Tim Ingold) and other approaches that seek to question the boundaries between the biological, cultural, and social dimensions of life. It is argued that in the emergent Canela 'bio-sociocultural life-world,' certain relational pathways between and among human gardeners and cultivated plants become valued and meaningful through an 'aesthetics of landscape' that incorporates multiple sensory modalities. Thus, the 'bio-sociocultural aesthetics' theoretical approach is put forward as a comprehensive way of understanding the Canela life-world and the myriad human-nonhuman engagements that unfold through and within it.

Zdanění spotřeby v EU a Jižní Americe / Taxes on consuption in the EU and South America

Švecová, Klára January 2013 (has links)
The content of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the systems of consumption taxes in the European Union and in South America. The main aim of this thesis is to test the hypothesis that the proportion of consumption taxes in the total tax revenue is higher in the less developed countries - specifically in South America, than in the European Union member states. The hypothesis is verified by the comparison of the structure of the total tax revenues and consumption taxes in the EU and in South America. The thesis describes the consumption taxes and the harmonisation of it in both areas and the ways of combating tax evasion used in these two areas.

Repensando a integração sul-americana

Araujo, Assilio Luiz Zanella de January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem um propósito ambicioso: procura repensar o modelo de integração econômica na América do Sul. O método escolhido para tanto foi o de analisar e extrair lições de outras experiências de integração econômica para balizar uma reflexão sobre este processo na região. Neste sentido, dividiu-se a dissertação em três capítulos, além de um breve capítulo introdutório e das considerações finais. No capítulo 2, “Considerações Gerais e Teorias sobre Integração Econômica Regional”, realiza-se apenas algumas definições conceituais e uma breve revisão das teorias sobre integração econômica regional. O intuito deste capítulo inicial é tão somente de “limpar o terreno” para a análise dos capítulos posteriores. Feito isso, no capítulo 3, “Lições das Experiências Internacionais Recentes: União Monetária Europeia, NAFTA e Cooperação Financeira no Leste Asiático”, analisa-se as principais experiências internacionais de integração, apresentando basicamente a racionalidade, a lógica básica de funcionamento e os resultados alcançados por cada uma delas, de tal forma a depreender algumas lições para a América do Sul. No capítulo 4, “Lições das Iniciativas Pretéritas de Integração na América do Sul: Uma Breve Análise do Caminho Percorrido da ALALC à UNASUL”, apresenta-se um apanhado histórico das iniciativas de integração econômica na América do Sul, seguindo essencialmente a mesma estrutura do capítulo anterior. Por fim, nas considerações finais, à luz das lições extraídas nos capítulos anteriores, são tecidos alguns comentários sobre as iniciativas integracionistas vigentes na região. / The dissertation has an ambitious intention: it aims at rethinking the model of economic integration in South America. The method chosen for such task was to analyze and extract lessons of other experiences of economic integration to define a reflection regarding this process in the region. In this direction, the dissertation was divided into three chapters, along with a brief introductory chapter and the final considerations. Chapter 2, “General Considerations and Theories on Regional Economic Integration”, presents some conceptual definitions and a brief revision of the theories on regional economic integration. The intention of this initial chapter is mainly to “clear the ground” for the analysis of the subsequent chapters. Once this is done, in chapter 3, “Lessons of the Recent International Experiences: European Monetary Union, NAFTA and Financial Cooperation in the East Asian”, the main international experiences of integration are analyzed, presenting basically the rationality, the basic logic of functioning and the results reached by each one of them, in such way to infer in the end some lessons for South America. Chapter 4, “Lessons of the Past Initiatives of Integration in South America: a Concise Analysis of the Way from ALALC to UNASUL”, presents a historical summary of the initiatives of economic integration in South America, following, essentially, the same structure of the previous chapter. Finally, in the final considerations, in light of the lessons extracted in the previous chapters, some comments are made on the effective integrationist initiatives in the region.

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