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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sri Lanka : Towards a better tourism destination in Asia

Ziarkowska, Jessika January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to research into Sri Lanka’s tourism and study the development over the last five years, 2009-2014. The author did a small contradistinction between Sri Lanka and Thailand to see the difference between both countries in Asia. Following years was chosen because of the ended war in Sri Lanka. Interviews that have been done to accomplish this dissertation were expert interviews with three tour operators/agencies and two individuals. All five persons that were interviewed work within promoting or selling trips to Sri Lanka for Swedish travelers. Sri Lanka could be improved and market by using the 8P factors in the Marketing Mix by Morrison. Factors as Promotion, Partnership, Packaging and Impact should be prioritizing while promoting Sri Lanka as a tourist destination in Asia. During their development towards a tourism destination they have reached the Involvement stage in the Butler’s sequence model. They are developing roads, hotels and striving towards a better marketing and they will surely increase their inbound tourism as soon as the development is finished. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att forska om Sri Lankas turism och dess utveckling kring the senaste fem åren, 2009-2014. Skribenten har valt att göra en liten jämförelse mellan Sri Lanka och Thailand för att se vad som skiljer sig åt mellan båda Asien länderna. Fokus ligger på svenskarnas resor till vardera av länderna. Statistiskt har de fem valda åren undersökts och skribenten valde dessa år för att kriget i Sri Lanka slutade 2009 och man kan lägga fokus på att forska kring utvecklingen av turismen. Intervjuer, så kallade expert intervjuer, har gjorts för att slutföra denna uppsats. Skribenten intervjuade tre touroperatörer/resebyråer och två individer. Alla fem personer som blev intervjuade till denna uppsats jobbar med Sri Lanka genom att marknadsföra och sälja resor till svenska resenärer. Sri Lanka skulle kunna förbättras och marknadsföras bättre genom att använda sig av de 8P faktorerna ur Marketing Mix av Morrison. Faktorerna så som Promotion, Partnership, Packaging och Impact bör prioriteras vid marknadsföring av Sri Lanka som turism destination i Asien.

Évolution géodynamique du domaine Est Téthysien (Asie du Sud Est) du Permien supérieur au Trias supérieur : études des bassins sédimentaires et des séries volcano-sédimentaires associées / Geodynamic evolution of the East Tethysian domain (South East Asia) from the Late Permian to the Late Triassic : sedimentary bassins and associated volcano-sedimentary series

Rossignol, Camille 05 December 2014 (has links)
Le Permien et le Trias (ca. 300 à 200 Ma) sont caractérisés par une réorganisation globale de la dynamique des enveloppes externes de la Terre et en particulier de la biosphère qui traverse l'une de ses plus grandes crises à la transition entre le Permien le Trias. L'évaluation du rôle du domaine Est Téthysien (actuelle Asie du Sud Est) dans les perturbations des enveloppes externes est mal établie en raison d'une mauvaise compréhension de son évolution paléogéographique au Permien et au Trias. Des éléments nouveaux sur la paléogéographie et l'évolution géodynamique du domaine Est Téthysien ont été déduits d'analyses sédimentologiques, géochronologiques et géochimiques réalisées dans les bassins sédimentaires de Luang Prabang (Laos), Sam Nua et Song Da (Nord du Vietnam). Ces études ont montré qu'un ensemble continental majeur du domaine Est Téthysien, le bloc Indochinois, est bordé par deux zones de subduction au Permien supérieur et au Trias inférieur, puis entre en collision avec le bloc Chine du Sud au Trias moyen tandis que le fonctionnement de l'autre zone de subduction, au niveau du Bassin de Luang Prabang, se poursuit jusqu'au Trias supérieur. Les arcs magmatiques liés à la présence des zones de subductions représentaient alors probablement des reliefs topographiques importants dans une zone située à faible latitude. La présence d'un écosystème continental relativement diversifié au Trias inférieur dans le Bassin de Luang Prabang suggère que ces reliefs aient pu constituer des zones refuges favorables au maintient et/ou au renouvellement de la biosphère lors de la crise biologique permo-triasique. / The Permian and the Triassic (ca. 300 to 200 Ma) are characterized by a global change that has impacted the hydrosphere, the atmosphere and especially the biosphere that has underwent one of its biggest crisis at the permian-triassic boundary. Assessing the role of the East Tethyan domain (present day South East Asia) in the reorganization of the biosphere is hampered by a poor understanding of its paleogeographic evolution. Examination of the Luang Prabang Basin (Laos) Sam Nua and Song Da Basin (Vietnam) using sedimentological, geochronological and geochemical analysis brings new information about the geodynamic evolution of the Indochina bloc. These studies revealed the existence of two subduction zones bordering the Indochina bloc during the Late Permian and the Early Triassic, followed by a collision with the Indochina bloc during the Middle Triassic while the other subduction zone was still active up to the Late Triasic. The magmatic arcs related to the subduction zones might have representedimportant topographic heights in an area located at a low latitude. The occurrence of a rather diversified continental ecosystem in the Luang Prabang Basin during the Lower Triassic suggests that these topographic heights could have formed a refuge zone suitable to the maintaining and/or the recovery of the biosphere during or slightly after the Permian-triassic biotic crisis.

台灣新移民女性政治賦權之研究 / Political empowerment of female new immigrants in Taiwan

康逸琪, Kang, Yi Chi Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣社會隨著新移民的逐年增加,根據內政部移民署統計,截至2016年2月以婚姻來台之東南亞新移民,女性約12萬人,這些新移民女性及新移民二代,是近年臺灣政府積極關心的對象。根據調查,多數新移民來台後生活會有許多考驗與不便,例如語言與生活適應,過去研究也顯示新移民嫁入的家庭多數較為貧窮或屬於農漁養殖業,新移民女性來台後的生活適應因此有許多困境,女性主義學者認為,「賦權」為一種改變弱勢、提升自我地位的手段與過程。 賦權過程有許多方式,本文透過實際訪談新移民女性,瞭解政治賦權對新移民女性有何影響,觀察實際的參與有何行動?本文主要探討問題有三;第一,新移民女性政治賦權之現況與類型為何?第二,比較不同政治參與程度的新移民女性,其參與行為的差異與影響參與的條件為何?第三,目前政治賦權可能扮演何種角色?與教育賦權、經濟賦權相互間的重要性為何? 本研究經過與12位新移民以及1位非政府組織幹部進行訪談,發現政治參與確實可以改善新移民在社會上的弱勢地位或改善其生活困境,但非每個新移民皆認為其地位為弱勢,因此她們政治參與的類型會有所不同,而經濟與教育程度的差異並非影響政治參與的關鍵因素,所以本文認為新移民在台的政治社會化與自身經驗、個人特質,可能才是影響政治參與的關鍵。 / The number of New Female Immigrants is gradually increasing in Taiwan; according to the statistics of Taiwan Immigration Department indicates, the population of the New Female Immigrant is 120,000 as of February 2016. Previous research indicates these female immigrants had lots of difficulties, such as learning foreign language and adaptation to different culture. Past research also confirms these New Female Immigrants' tough situations because most of them married to those who live in poor villages or engage in agriculture and fishery industry. Some feminist scholars suggest that empowerment is a mean way to enable New Female Immigrant to take control of her own life and improve her social status. Empowerment consists of different dimensions, such as economic, education and political empowerment; this thesis will focus on the political empowerment and discuss its effect on the New Female Immigrant by observing their participation in politics practically. There are three main inquiries in this thesis: First, what are the present situation and type of the New Female Immigration's political empowerment in Taiwan? Second, what is the condition that influences the New Female immigrant's political participation? Last but not least, what kind of role that political empowerment features in the present, and what is the interaction among economic, education and political empowerment? Through the in-depth interview with 12 New Female Immigrants in Taiwan and a Non-Government Organization (NGO) supervisor, this thesis figures out that New Female Immigrants can overcome their difficulties in daily life and weak status by participating in politics. These New Female Immigrants’ different cognitions of their social status lead to various types of political participation. In other words, their economic and educational background are not the key factors in their political participation. To sum up, the core of the New Female Immigrant’s political participation is their personality, experience, and political socialization in Taiwan, regardless of their economic or educational background.

Philippine Economic And Political Development And Philippine Muslim Unrest

de Leon, Justin 01 January 2008 (has links)
Muslim culture and society has been a part of the Philippine islands in spite of nearly ninety-five percent of the population being Christian (a majority Catholic), yet did not become a separatist movement until the 1970's. Since then, the two main separatist groups the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have been battling the Philippine government. The parties entered truces in 1996 and 2001, yet there has been a cycle of violence continues. The Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), linked to Al Qaeda, emerged in 1990 and has launched many attacks on the Christian Philippine majority. The prolonged Muslim unrest in the ARMM has left thousands dead and hundreds of thousands displaced. The main objective of this research paper is to examine Philippine economic and political development and its impact on Philippine Muslim unrest. This paper presents a critical analysis of the economic and political development and Philippine Muslim unrest by examining six major features of the Philippines; they are: The historical evolution, economic development, political development, socio-cultural setting, geographic setting, and the quality of life of the Filipino people. This research also examines Fareed Zakaria's illiberal democracies theory, liberal institutionalism, and the Marxist theory of class revolution and primarily relies on research conducted at the University of the Philippines and from Philippine and Asian scholars. By taking a holistic comprehensive approach and by using international relations theory, this research fills two gaps in the literature about Philippine Muslim unrest. The research concludes with a look at future challenges, both short term and long term that face the country, as well as, possible future scenarios. The findings of this research are that the economic and political development and the historical evolution, though major contributory factors, are not the sole reason for the prolonged Philippine Muslim unrest. The most pervasive causal factor to Muslim unrest was the socio-cultural setting. Because of the all-pervasive nature of culture; at first glance, the socio-cultural setting was not a major apparent cause. At almost all times examined throughout this research, certain cultural tendencies guided decisions and altered the course of events more so than any other single variable. Corruption, crony capitalism, patrimonialism, and irrational institutions all stem from the tendencies of Philippine culture must be addressed to find lasting peace in the country. A move toward rational legal institutions and liberal constitutionalism, will lead the way to the creation of a liberal democracy and break the cycle of violence occurring in the Philippines.

TF1 face au tsunami du 26 décembre 2004 : construction d’un objet politique et médiatique (déc.2004-fin 2009) / TF1 facing the December 26, 2004 tsunami : construction of a political and media-related object (Dec.2004-late 2009)

De Azevedo, Marlyce 05 February 2010 (has links)
Le 26 décembre 2004, l’un des plus violents séismes de l’histoire a lieu au large de l’île indonésienne de Sumatra, provoquant une série de tsunamis. Si les catastrophes naturelles constituent un type d’événement prisé des médias, celle-ci se distingue en tant que nouvel objet médiatique en mettant en œuvre, selon nous, une sémiotique de la crise fondée sur la confusion, la violence et l’urgence. Motivés par la concurrence et par le caractère inouï du tsunami, les médias ont proposé une information inscrite dans une logique de dramatisation, d’esthétique et de politique. Nous partons du postulat selon lequel la dramatisation s’est exprimée à travers : une couverture importante dans les semaines et les mois qui suivirent et la redondance d’images choquantes, la difficulté qu’ont éprouvé les médias à appréhender un phénomène étranger et le recours à une rhétorique de l’émotion basée sur une dialectique de l’éloignement et de la proximité. La représentation médiatique de l’événement met au jour les trois dimensions de celui-ci : une dimension réelle des conséquences humaines et matérielles de la catastrophe et des actions politiques qu’elle engendre, une dimension symbolique des interprétations auxquelles elle est sujette et des représentations qu’elle véhicule et une dimension imaginaire révélatrice des peurs liées aux catastrophes. De fait, la représentation révèle une vision du monde et de ses acteurs. Nous observerons comment la représentation s’articule à de nombreux questionnements : sur le lien entre catastrophe et écologie politique, entre catastrophe et risque et entre catastrophe et opposition Nord-Sud. Nous avons choisi, par ailleurs, de confronter notre corpus au domaine de la fiction, en nous appuyant sur un téléfilm anglo-américain : « Tsunami : les conséquences ». Ce parallèle permet de mettre en évidence la relation fiction-information, les particularités de la fiction et de l’information ainsi que l’identité politique, culturelle et idéologique de la chaîne. / On December 26, 2004 one of the most violent earthquakes in history hits offshore the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing a series of tsunamis. If natural disasters represent a type of event valued by the media, this one distinguishes itself as a new media-related object, structured, according to us, on a crisis semiotic, based on confusion, violence and emergency. Motivated by competition and the unbelievable nature of the tsunami, the media offered an information in line with a logic of dramatization, aesthetic and politic. We take it as axiomatic that the dramatization expressed itself through: an important coverage during the weeks and months that followed and the redundancy of shocking images, the difficulty experienced by the media in the comprehension of an unfamiliar phenomenon and the use of a rhetoric of emotion based upon a dialectic of distance and proximity. The media representation of the event reveals its three dimensions: a reality dimension of the material and human consequences of the disaster and the political actions it generated, a symbolic dimension of the interpretations it is subject to and the representations it promotes and an imaginary dimension revealing the fears linked to disasters. De facto, the representation reveals a vision of the world and its actors. We mean to observe how the representation is based on many questioning: on the link between disaster and political ecology, disaster and risk, disaster and the North-South opposition. We also decided to confront our corpus to the area of fiction, by analyzing a British-American TV film: “Tsunami: the aftermath”. This parallel highlights the relation between information and fiction, the characteristics of fiction and information and the political, cultural and ideological identity of the TV channel.

What are the Difficulties in Settling the South China Sea Dispute : Obstacles to Dispute Settlement Through the Lens of Liberal and Neo-Realist IR Theory

Pålstam, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Sovereignty over the South China Sea waters and the territorial features therein has been a contentious issue since at least the 1970’s, with conflicting claims going back even further. Key concepts of Liberal and Neo-Realist International Relations Theory are used to assess respective theory’s explanatory capability for why the South China Sea Dispute is difficult to settle. The scope of the study is limited to three pairings of international relations: China-Philippines, China-Vietnam and China-USA. The analysis concerns the development of these sets of international relations from 2016 up until now. The findings point to unilateral action by one claimant in the face of contesting claims by another as being one of the main factors perpetuating the conflict. Treaties and international law are designed with Liberal development of international relations in mind, but in practice Neo-Realist hard power politics interrupts this development. Examples of disruptive action include attempts to unilaterally exploit natural resources in the region, settling features in the sea, doing construction work on features in the sea, as well as regular FONOPS conducted by navy ships in the region. Finally, there are difficulties settling on a mechanism for sovereignty settlement, as China makes its claims based on historic- or historical claims, rather than international law as it is written out in UNCLOS.

Understanding the Concept and Practice of Ecosystem Approaches to Health in the Context of Public Health

Nguyen, Vi 02 May 2011 (has links)
A scoping study of the published literature was used to describe the concept and practice of ecosystem approaches to health (ecohealth) in the context of public health. Analysis of commentaries identified 24 themes, expressed in a mind map showing interconnections between themes, with a table of explanations. Most (27 of 29) primary research articles did not explicitly explain how ecohealth was applied in their research, suggesting a need for some standardization in reporting ecohealth. Additionally, a case study approach was undertaken to identify enablers and impediments of ecohealth and how concepts were integrated into a research project of health and environmental sanitation in Vietnam. The project’s conceptual framework was aligned with ecohealth concepts, but in practice, a variety of challenges were identified. In future, ecohealth research teams should include a self-investigation of their ecohealth process to facilitate a comparison of theory-to-practice; this may serve as a best practice for ecohealth. / Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health - Canada (CoPEH-Can)

‘WILL WORK FOR FOOD’: Canada’s Agricultural Industry and the Recruitment of South East Asian Temporary Migrant Workers

Ziesman, Alia 17 May 2013 (has links)
As of fairly recently, migrant workers from South East Asia are migrating to Canada for work in the agricultural industry. Little research has been conducted on migration routes and recruitment patterns of these migrant workers. Interviews with 13 workers and three support workers were conducted between May and July 2011 to learn about this process; specifically with how these individuals are getting to Canada, and how they maintain (or do not maintain) relationships with the private intermediaries and employment agencies that facilitate this movement. This research will fill a gap in the literature by describing the recruitment processes of ‘low-skilled’ workers into Canada and, more importantly, it will provide a much-needed space for South East Asian migrants to share their experiences about working in Canada.

Le Râmâyana dans les peintures du temple du Buddha d'Émeraude (Wat Phra Kèo) à Bangkok : sources, contexte, prolongements / The Râmâyana in the paintings of the Emerald Buddha temple (Wat Phra Kèo), Bangkok : sources, context, repercussion

Asavaplungkul Saisingha, Monruedee 15 April 2015 (has links)
Le Râmakîen est une des œuvres littéraires les plus importantes du royaume thaïlandais. Reprenant l’épopée indienne de Vâlmîki, le Râmâyana, il revêt une grande importance à la cour royale et sa popularité est considérable dans toute l’Asie du Sud-Est. Au Wat Phra Kèo, ses épisodes ont été intégralement illustrés sur le mur de la galerie. La thèse ne prend en compte que les parties figurant les dix incarnations de Viṣṇu et la naissance des dieux hindous et des personnages de l’épopée. Ces épisodes nous amènent au prélude du Râmakîen et l’étude s’arrête au moment du retour du roi Jânaka à Mithilâ. Il nous a fallu opérer des rapprochements entre ces peintures et le Tamrâ Thewarûp, les albums d’iconographie brahmanique, ainsi que le Tamrâ Thewapâng, recueil de légendes sur la naissance des dieux et les incarnations de Viṣṇu. Ces rapprochements étaient nécessaires car tous les épisodes représentés à Wat Phra Kèo ne sont pas racontés dans le Râmakîen tel que le relate la version du roi Râma I. L’omniprésence des scènes empruntées à l’épopée, en particulier celles des dix incarnations de Viṣṇu et des dieux hindous dans les temples importants de Bangkok fondés par les rois ou par leurs proches au début de la période de Ratanakosin, s’explique par la grande importance accordée par ces souverains à l’incarnation de Viṣṇu en Râma. Le royaume thaïlandais adopta par ailleurs les rites brahmaniques pratiqués à la cour khmère. Une récapitulation des témoignages iconographiques sur l’épopée au Cambodge, au Laos et au Myanmar complète notre étude. / The Râmakîen is one of the most important literary works in Thailand. Derived from the Indian epic of Vâlmîki, it became very important at the royal Thai court, and is one of the most popular texts in South-East Asia. At Wat Phra Kèo its episodes are represented on the four sides of the gallery. This thesis aims to study the parts illustrating the ten incarnations of Viṣṇu, the birth of the Hindu Gods and the main characters of the Indian epic. These episodes lead us through the Râmakîen’s prelude and our study stops at the moment of King Jânaka’s return to Mithilâ, his kingdom. The comparison between the paintings, the Tamrâ Thewarûp, the iconographic albums of Hindu Gods and the Tamrâ Thewapâng (the book of legends containing the god’s creation and the ten incarnations of Viṣṇu) proved necessary to understand some of the painted scenes which do not relate to the Râmakîen, as told in the version composed by King Râma I. The omnipresence of a number of scenes borrowed from the epic (particularly the ten incarnation scenes of Viṣṇu and the Hindu God images) in the temples founded by the kings or their families around Bangkok’s Grand Palace can be explained by the great importance attributed by the sovereigns to the Râma avatâra of Viṣṇu. Besides, the Thai Kingdom borrowed from the Khmer court their Hindu rituals. A review of the Râmâyana images in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar completes our study.

Nový řád ve východní Asii a Východoasijská sféra společné prosperity / New Order at East Asia and Eastasian sfere of mutual prosperity

Reinisch, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to clarify the issues related to the New Order in East Asia and the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Emphasis will be added to motives which lead Japan to the creation of a new arrangement in East Asia. These motives are represented by both Japan's strategic interests, among which was the struggle for obtaining access to natural resources (such as iron ore, coal and oil), as well as the control over a certain part of Asian territory with the intention of creating a buffer zone, mainly because of fearing the Soviet Union. The effort to control the Far East was further strengthened by the Great Depression, which resulted with the creation of enclosed trade blocks. A significant source of Japanese expansionist policy was presented by the ideology of Pan-Asianism, which played a large role in Japan's foreign policy making since the second half of the1920s. Pan-Asianism had been originally focused mainly on Northeast Asia and only later was it utilized to legitimize the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia. The thesis also pays much attention to the creation of Japanese puppet regimes, both on occupied Chinese territory and in Southeast Asia. An important role here is played by the Japanese effort to cooperate with local elites, both political and religious. Not only...

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