Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apatial cognition"" "subject:"cpatial cognition""
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Influência de indicadores de masculinização na atratividade e sexualidade humana / Influence of indicators of masculinization on human attractiveness and sexualityKamila Janaina Pereira 09 December 2014 (has links)
Homens geralmente são mais permissivos quanto ao sexo casual, sendo considerados mais irrestritos. Evolutivamente, essa estratégia sexual foi selecionada pelos homens apresentarem menor investimento parental e consequente maior investimento na competição e busca por parceiras, enquanto as mulheres, por apresentar alto investimento e sucesso reprodutivo relacionado à qualidade da prole, foram selecionadas para ser seletivas. Numa perspectiva proximal, o nível de hormônios masculinizantes pré-natais e da puberdade pode gerar essas diferenças intersexuais, assim como distinções intrassexuais, mas as evidências são ambíguas. Ademais, não está clara a conexão entre hormônios e julgamentos de si e realizados por terceiros quanto à atratividade. Avaliou-se a variação intersexual e intrassexual na sociossexualidade em função de indicadores anatômicos, cognitivo e psicológicos de masculinização e em função da autoavaliação e da avaliação feita pelo sexo oposto da atratividade. Participaram 54 mulheres (24,02 anos ± 4,86) e 51 homens (23,57 anos ± 3,89), estudantes da cidade de São Paulo, compreendendo diferentes cursos. Eles responderam voluntária e anonimamente a um questionário, contendo autoavaliações facial, corporal, vocal e comportamental quanto à feminilidade/masculinidade e atratividade; Inventário de Orientação Sociossexual-Revisado; e teste de rotação mental de Vandenberg, e mediu-se a taxa digital 2D:4D das duas mãos e as razões cintura/quadril feminina e cintura/ombro masculina. Ademais, as faces foram fotografadas e avaliadas quanto à atratividade: 27 mulheres (23,81 anos ± 3,87) avaliaram os rostos masculinos e 24 homens (23,66 anos ± 3,70) julgaram os femininos. As diferenças intersexuais foram: homens foram mais irrestritos, autodeclaram-se mais masculinos, foram mais masculinos cognitivamente e foram julgados como menos atraentes facialmente. Não houve diferença entre as razões 2D:4D e a atratividade autodeclarada. Nas variações intrassexuais femininas, apenas indicadores psicológicos se associaram com a sociossexualidade: mulheres mais irrestritas avaliaram sua voz como mais masculina e menos atraente. Ademais, mulheres cognitivamente mais masculinas foram julgadas como facialmente mais atraentes, participantes mais masculinas na razão 2D:4D avaliaram seu corpo como mais atraente, aquelas que se declararam mais atraentes também se julgaram como mais femininas e mulheres que avaliaram seu comportamento como mais feminino foram mais femininas na razão cintura/quadril. Nas variações intrassexuais masculinas, homens que se declararam mais atraentes, mais masculinos corporalmente, mais velhos e que tiveram razão 2D:4D mais feminina foram mais irrestritos. Demais, homens que foram julgados como mais atraentes se declararam mais atraentes facialmente e mais femininos em seu comportamento; taxa 2D:4D mais feminina se associou com rosto autodeclarado mais masculino; e participantes que se avaliaram como mais atraentes corporalmente tiveram ombros mais largos. Então, este projeto mostrou que parte da sociossexualidade masculina pode ser explicada por algumas medidas anatômicas e por indicadores de valor de conquista, enquanto apenas os indicadores psicológicos se relacionaram com sociossexualidade feminina. Porém, indicadores de masculinização não se relacionaram entre si nem com a sociossexualidade, como algumas medidas se associaram de forma oposta ao esperado e algumas relações foram contraditórias entre si. Isso indica que o desenvolvimento dos indicadores de masculinização e seus efeitos podem ser parcialmente independentes entre si. Novos estudos examinando essas associações e outras amostras brasileiras são necessários / Men in general are more permissive on casual sex, for that reason they are considered more unrestricted. From an evolutionary perspective, this sexual strategy was selected because men have shown less parental investment and, for that reason, greater investment in competition and in search for partners. On the other hand, women were selected to be more selective due to their greater parental investment and reproductive success related to the offspring quality. From a proximate view, the level of prenatal and pubertal masculinization may cause these intersexual differences, as well as intrasexual variations, but the evidence is ambiguous. Moreover, it is not clear the relation among hormones and attractiveness (self-rated and evaluated by others). We assessed the inter- and intrasexual variation in the sociosexuality by using anatomical, cognitive, and psychological indicators of masculinization and the evaluation of attractiveness (self-rated and evaluated by others). Participants were 54 women (mean age = 24.02, SD = 4.86) and 51 men (mean age = 23.57, SD = 3.89), all students of Sao Paulo city, comprising different university courses. First, they answered, voluntarily and anonymously, a questionnaire that included facial, bodily, vocal, and behavioral self-reported femininity/masculinity and attractiveness; the revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory; and the Vandenberg Mental Rotation Test. Then we then measured the 2D:4D digit ratio of both hands, the female waist-to-hip ratio and the male waist-to-shoulder ratio. The participants faces were photographed and rated for attractiveness: 27 women (mean age = 23.81, SD 3.87) assessed the male faces, and 24 men (mean age = 23.66, SD 3.70) judged the female faces. The intersex differences we found were: men that were more unrestricted declared themselves as more masculine, their cognition was more masculine, and they were judged as less facially attractive. We found no differences between the 2D:4D ratio and the self-rated attractiveness. In the female intrasexual variations, we found that only the psychological indicators were associated with the sociosexuality: more unrestricted women rated their voices as more masculine and as less attractive. Moreover, women who were more cognitively masculine were judged as more facially attractive; participants who had more masculine 2D:4D evaluated their body as more attractive; women who rated themselves as more attractive also judged themselves as more feminine, females who evaluated their behavior as more feminine had more feminine waist-to-hip ratio. As for the male intrasexual variations: men who rated themselves as more attractive, more bodily masculine, older, and who had more feminine 2D:4D ratios were more unrestricted. Furthermore, men who were judged as more attractive declared themselves as more facially attractive and were more behavioral feminine; the more feminine 2D:4D ratios were associated with more masculine self-rated faces; and participants who evaluated themselves as more bodily attractive had wider shoulders. This study showed that part of the male sociosexuality might be explained by some anatomical measures and by the indicators of mate value, while only the psychological indicators might be related to the female sociosexuality. However, indicators of masculinization were not associated to each other or with the sociosexuality; some measures had opposite relations, and some associations were contradictory. This indicates that the development of the indicators of masculinizing and their effects may be partly independent. New studies are needed to examine those associations and other Brazilian samples
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The action of prism adaptation on intact visuospatial cognition : when time matters to space / L'action de l'adaptation prismatique sur la cognition visuo-spatiale : lorsque le temps est important pour l'espaceSchintu, Selene 18 December 2014 (has links)
Nous sommes fonctionnellement et structurellement asymétriques. La symétrie parfaite que nous expérimentons subjectivement en observant l'espace qui nous entoure est, dans une certaine mesure, une illusion. La cognition visuospatiale, comme indiqué par les tâches de bissection de lignes, est généralement biaisée à gauche chez les sujets sains et à droite suite à des lésions de l'hémisphère droit causant la Négligence Spatiale Unilatérale (NSU). Ces biais peuvent être modulés et l'adaptation prismatique (AP) a démontré sa capacité à réduire les symptômes de la NSU et à induire des comportements similaires à la NSU chez les individus sains. La question de savoir comment ce type d'adaptation sensorimotrice module la cognition spatiale est encore débattue. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'utiliser des approches comportementales et physiologiques, pour examiner les mécanismes sous-jacents des effets de l'AP sur la cognition visuospatiale d'individus sains. Dans une 1ère étude comportementale, nous avons observé la présence d'une dynamique temporelle des effets survenant après l'AP. Suite à ce premier résultat, nous avons testé sur une période de temps plus longue les effets faisant suite à l'AP déviant la vision vers la droite ou la gauche, et nous avons dévoilé, dans une 2ème étude, des dynamiques temporelles différentes en fonction de la direction de l'AP. Dans une 3ème étude, nous avons utilisé la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne pour étudier la physiologie sous-tendant la modulation visuospatiale efficacement induite par l'AP. Les résultats de cette thèse appellent à un raffinement des modèles actuels de l'action de l'AP sur la cognition visuospatiale / We are functionally and structurally asymmetric. The perfect symmetry we subjectively experience through vision of the space around us is, to some extent, an illusion. Visuospatial cognition, as indexed by performance on line bisection tasks, is generally biased leftward in healthy individuals and pathologically rightward after right brain damage causing unilateral spatial neglect (USN). These biases can be modulated and prism adaptation (PA) is capable of both alleviating USN symptoms and inducing a rightward shift (the so-called “neglect-like behavior”) in healthy individuals. How this type of sensorimotor adaptation modulates spatial cognition is still debated. The goal of this thesis was to use both behavioral and physiological approaches to investigate the underlying mechanisms of PA’s effects on visuospatial cognition in healthy individuals. In a first behavioral study we found the presence of a temporal dynamic in PA after-effects. Based on this first finding we tested, over a longer period of time the PA after-effects following both right and leftward PA and unveiled, with the second study, different temporal dynamics depending on PA direction. In a third study we used transcranial magnetic stimulation to investigate the physiology underlying the effective visuospatial modulation induced by PA. The results of this thesis call for a refinement of the current models of PA action on visuospatial cognition
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Planifier et choisir un itinéraire en milieu urbain : approches plurielles d'un problème cognitif / Route planning in urban environment : multiple approaches of a cognitive problemGrison, Elise 26 November 2015 (has links)
Planifier un itinéraire est une tâche réalisée quotidiennement pour nos déplacements. Bien que cette tâche soit routinière, les recherches dans le domaine de la résolution de problème et de la cognition spatiale ont révélé les stratégies adoptées et les ressources cognitives (e.g. mémoire de travail, capacités spatiales, fonctions exécutives) nécessaires à sa réalisation. Ainsi différents modèles cognitifs décrivant la planification en différentes étapes avec ou sans compétition entre stratégies ont été proposés pour expliquer la formation des plans de voyage (Gärling, Säisä, Böök & Lindberg, 1986, Cuntini, Di Fernando, Basso, Bisiacchi et Zorzi, 2008). L'étude plus écologique de la planification, c’est-à-dire en situation réelle, montre la mise en jeu de facteurs supplémentaires tels que les critères de sélection, des facteurs individuels et contextuel. Cependant à ce jour peu d'études se sont intéressées à la planification d'itinéraire en transports en commun, alors que la valorisation de ces modes est actuellement nécessaire pour répondre aux préoccupations environnementales et de congestion du réseau routier des grandes villes. Dès lors, une question est de savoir si les processus de planification et de choix d’itinéraires sont modifiés du fait de la spécificité des itinéraires en transports en commun (modes variés et changements de modes) et quelles sont les facteurs cognitifs, psycho-sociaux, et contextuels impliquées. Pour répondre à cette question, nous avons mené quatre études pour investiguer différentes dimensions de cette activité à l'aide de paradigmes et techniques variés telles que les mouvements oculaires (étude 1), l'entretien (étude 2), des choix forcés (étude 3) et la réalité virtuelle (étude 4). Ces études ont permis de mettre en évidence que la planification d'itinéraire à partir de cartes de réseaux de transports s'effectue en deux temps et qu'elle se complexifie avec l'augmentation du nombre de changements de lignes (étude 1). De plus, l'analyse de l'expérience des usagers (étude 2) et les résultats de mises en situations expérimentales (études 3 et 4) ont montré que le choix d'itinéraire dépend du contexte et du profil de l'usager (capacités spatiales, préférences, attitude, etc.). Les résultats permettent donc de proposer des préconisations pour adapter les aides à la planification en considérant les différents profils d'usagers afin de favoriser l'utilisation de ces modes. Enfin, sur le plan théorique, nos études montrent que la prise en compte uniquement de l'aspect cognitif pour modéliser la planification n’est pas suffisante et que considérer les différents profils d'usagers permet une modélisation plus complète de ce processus complexe. / Route planning is an everyday task performed when we want to travel. Even though it is a routine task, researches in problem-solving and spatial cognition domains have revealed that various strategies and cognitive resources are involved (e.g. working memory, spatial abilities, and executives' functions). Some models have been proposed to explain the formation of travel plans. They usually describe the planning process into different stages with or without competition between strategies (Gärling, Säisä, Böök & Lindberg, 1986, Cuntini, Di Fernando, Basso, Bisiacchi & Zorzi, 2008). More ecological studies, i.e. in real situations, have shown the implication of additional factors such as selection criteria, personal and contextual variables. To date however, few studies have taken an interest on the route planning using public transport, even though promote these modes is necessary considering environmental concerns and saturation of traffic in large cities. A question is whether planning and choice processes are modified due to special features of public transports (various modes and changes of modes) and which are the cognitive, psycho-social and contextual factors involved. To answer this question, we conducted four studies to investigate different dimensions of public transport planning activity using various methodologies and paradigms as eye-tracking (study 1), interview (study 2), two alternatives forced-choice (study 3) and virtual reality (study 4). The outcomes of these studies are that the route planning from a network map is a two-step process which becomes more complex with the number of changes of lines (study 1). The analyses of users' experience (study 2) and of different simulations (studies 3 and 4) show that the route choice depends both on the context and the user's profile (spatial abilities, preferences, attitudes, etc.). Results allow us to propose recommendation to better adapt assistance depending on various users profiles, in order to favour the use of public transports. Finally, on the theoretical side, our studies highlight that taking into account only the cognitive facet to build route-planning models is not sufficient, while considering different users' profiles provides a more complete picture of the processes involved.
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The Role of Peripheral Vision in Configural Spatial Knowledge AcquisitionDouglas, Lisa J. 19 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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應用在空間認知發展的學習歷程分析之高效率空間探勘演算法 / Efficient Mining of Spatial Co-orientation Patterns for Analyzing Portfolios of Spatial Cognitive Development魏綾音, WEI, LING-YIN Unknown Date (has links)
空間認知(Spatial Cognition)指出人所理解的空間複雜度,也就是人與環境互動的過程中,經由記憶與感官經驗,透過內化與重建產生物體在空間的關係認知。認知圖(Cognitive Map)是最常被使用在評估空間認知。分析學生所畫的認知圖有助於老師們瞭解學生的空間認知能力,進而擬定適當的地理教學設計。我們視空間認知發展的學習歷程檔案是由這些認知圖所構成。隨著數位學習科技的進步,我們可以透過探勘認知圖的方式,探討空間認知發展的學習歷程檔案。因此,我們藉由透過圖像的空間資料探勘,分析學生空間認知發展的學習歷程。
空間資料探勘(Spatial Data Mining)主要是從空間資料庫或圖像資料庫中找出有趣且有意義的樣式。在論文中,我們介紹一種空間樣式(Spatial Co-orientation Pattern)探勘以提供空間認知發展學習歷程的分析。Spatial Co-orientation Pattern是指圖像資料庫中,具有共同相對方向關係的物體(Object)常一起出現。例如,我們可以從圖像資料庫中發現物體P常出現在物體Q的左邊,我們利用二維字串(2D String)來表示物體分佈在圖像中的空間方向關係。我們透過Pattern-growth的方法探勘此種空間樣式,藉由實驗結果呈現Pattern-growth的方法與過去Apriori-based的方法[14]之優缺點。
我們延伸Spatial Co-orientation Pattern的概念至時空資料庫(Spatio-temporal Database),提出從時空資料庫中,探勘Temporal Co-orientation Pattern。Temporal Co-orientation Pattern是指Spatial Co-orientation Pattern隨著時間的變化。論文中,我們提出兩種此類樣式,即是Coarse Temporal Co-orientation Pattern與Fine Temporal Co-orientation Pattern。針對此兩種樣式,我們提出三階段(three-stage)演算法,透過實驗分析演算法的效率。 / Spatial cognition means how human interpret spatial complexity. Cognitive maps are mostly used to test the spatial cognition. Analyzing cognitive maps drawn by students is helpful for teachers to understand students’ spatial cognitive ability and to draft geography teaching plans. Cognitive maps constitute the portfolios of spatial cognitive development. With the advance of e-learning technology, we can analyze portfolios of spatial cognitive development by spatial data mining of cognitive images. Therefore, we can analyze portfolios of spatial cognitive development by spatial data mining of images.
Spatial data mining is an important task to discover interesting and meaningful patterns from spatial or image databases. In this thesis, we investigate the spatial co-orientation patterns for analyzing portfolios of spatial cognitive development. Spatial co-orientation patterns refer to objects that frequently occur with the same spatial orientation, e.g. left, right, below, etc., among images. For example, an object P is frequently left to an object Q among images. We utilize the data structure, 2D string, to represent the spatial orientation of objects. We propose the pattern-growth approach for mining co-orientation patterns. An experimental evaluation with synthetic datasets shows the advantages and disadvantages between pattern-growth approach and Apriori-based approach proposed by Huang [14].
Moreover, we extend the concept of spatial co-orientation pattern to that of temporal patterns. Temporal co-orientation patterns refer to the change of spatial co-orientation patterns over time. Two temporal patterns, the coarse temporal co-orientation patterns and fine temporal co-orientation patterns are introduced to be extracted from spatio-temporal databases. We propose the three-stage algorithms, CTPMiner and FTPMiner, for mining coarse and fine temporal co-orientation patterns, respectively. An experimental evaluation with synthetic datasets shows the performance of these algorithms.
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Βοηθητική τεχνολογία προγράμματος σπουδών για μαθητές με ελαφρά νοητική καθυστέρησηΒεληβασάκη, Γαλάτεια, Τσιβαλιού, Αλεξάνδρα 07 November 2007 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία, εκτιμώνται τα πλεονεκτήματα που παρέχουν οι βοηθητικές τεχνολογίες, όπως είναι τα εικονικά περιβάλλοντα, για προγράμματα σπουδών σε μαθητές με ελαφρά νοητική καθυστέρηση. Επίσης, μελετώνται οι αντιληπτικές και χωρικές ικανότητες παιδιών με νοητική καθυστέρηση συγκριτικά με αυτές των παιδιών τυπικής ανάπτυξης, χρησιμοποιώντας μία εφαρμογή εικονικής πραγματικότητας. Για την διερεύνηση των παραπάνω, πραγματοποιήθηκε μία ερευνητική διαδικασία αποτελούμενη από δύο φάσεις. Η πρώτη φάση συνίσταται σε μία πιλοτική εφαρμογή του προγράμματος εικονικής πραγματικότητας, όπου ζητήθηκε από μία ομάδα 10 ατόμων, ηλικίας 16-23 ετών, να το αξιολογήσουν ώστε να επιτραπεί η χρήση του στην επόμενη φάση.
Η δεύτερη φάση περιέχει την κυρίως έρευνα, όπου συμμετέχουν δύο ομάδες παιδιών, η μία εκ των οποίων αποτελείται από παιδιά με νοητική καθυστέρηση, ενώ η άλλη από παιδιά τυπικής ανάπτυξης. Τα υποκείμενα των δύο ομάδων εξερεύνησαν το εικονικό περιβάλλον και εν συνεχεία αξιολογήθηκαν σε κάποια έργα χωρικής μνήμης και χωρικής αντίληψης. Τέλος, αξιολογήθηκε ο προσανατολισμός, η λεπτή κινητικότητα και κάποια άλλα χαρακτηριστικά της συμπεριφοράς των υποκειμένων. Βάσει των δεδομένων που προέκυψαν από την ερευνητική διαδικασία, εξήχθησαν συμπεράσματα για τα παραπάνω, τα οποία παρουσιάζουν τα παιδιά με νοητική καθυστέρηση να μειονεκτούν έναντι των παιδιών τυπικής ανάπτυξης. / The following research paper, which serves as a part of the Departments requirements leading to a Bachelor’s Degree, unfolds its goal and objectives into phases. The goal of this endeavor is to present the advantages that assistive technologies, such as Virtual Environments, offer to students with mental retardation. In addition, the conceptual and spatial abilities of mentally retarded children are examined, comparatively with the abilities of nonretarded children using an application of virtual reality. In order to investigate the above, a two-phase research had taken place. In the first phase, that is a pilot test, a group of ten subjects, 16-23 years old, evaluated this application in order to be possible to use the application in the next phase.
The second phase involves the basic research, where two groups of children, one of mentally retarded children and one of nonretarded children, took part. The subjects of these two groups explored the virtual environment and afterwards they completed tests of spatial memory and spatial cognition. In the end, the orientation, the “delicate mobility” (the ability to handle small objects) and some other characteristics of the children’s behavior were assessed. On the basis of the data that emerged from the research procedure, there were extracted conclusions that indicate that mentally retarded children are deficient against nonretarded children.
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Auditory displays : A study in effectiveness between binaural and stereo audio to support interface navigationBergqvist, Emil January 2014 (has links)
This thesis analyses if the change of auditory feedback can improve the effectiveness of performance in the interaction with a non-visual system, or with a system used by individuals with visual impairment. Two prototypes were developed, one with binaural audio and the other with stereo audio. The interaction was evaluated in an experiment where 22 participants, divided into two groups, performed a number of interaction tasks. A post-interview were conducted together with the experiment. The result of the experiment displayed that there were no great difference between binaural audio and stereo regarding the speed and accuracy of the interaction. The post-interviews displayed interesting differences in the way participants visualized the virtual environment that affected the interaction. This opened up interesting questions for future studies.
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A Critical Examination of Spatial Skills Assessment: Validity, Bias, and TechnologyKristin Alicia Bartlett (16642071) 31 July 2023 (has links)
<p> </p>
<p>At the highest level, this dissertation is a case study on how bias can become encoded into the tools used to measure a construct and into the very definition of the construct itself. In this case, the construct is spatial ability. This dissertation focuses on the validity and accuracy of spatial tests and illuminates gender bias that is interwoven with the history of spatial testing. </p>
<p>First, I present a critical analysis of the graphical imagery used in spatial tests and explain why the imagery may be unclear and lead the tests to be inaccurate. I analyzed a collection of research in which researchers modified the stimuli used in spatial tests and found that the tests became easier when the imagery was made clearer. Thus, I conclude that imagery presentation impacts test difficulty, a likely example of construct-irrelevant variance which may reduce the validity of some spatial skills assessments and introduce bias in favor of individuals with past experience in engineering graphics, who historically are more likely to be men. </p>
<p>Second, I make a critical review of gender differential research in spatial skills. I argue that the construct of “spatial ability” has been co-constructed with gender, in that it has been devised in a manner influenced by gender beliefs. Because of a preexisting belief that men had better spatial skills than women, some test creators “selectively bred” spatial instruments to produce the expected gender differences. Such instruments, including the very popular Mental Rotation Test (MRT), cannot validly assess between-group differences. Biological or evolutionary explanations for sex differences in spatial ability lack empirical evidence. Instead, the differences are rooted in the shaping of the construct of “spatial ability” to create the expected gender patterns. </p>
<p>Finally, I describe an experiment designed to investigate the hypothesis that using a spatial test with content from a feminized discipline will show different patterns in gender differences. Female engineering students outperformed males on the Digital Apparel Spatial Visualization Test (DASVT), while the male engineering students scored higher than the female students on the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test (PSVT:R). Students with relevant background experience scored better than students without experience on both assessments. The results demonstrate the shortcomings of using a single instrument to assess a concept as heterogeneous as spatial skills. I conclude this dissertation with a discussion of the implications of my work and recommendations for researchers and educators. </p>
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The Spatial Properties of Music Perception: Differences in Visuo-spatial Performance According to Musicianship and Interference of Musical StructureVassillière, Christa Theresa 22 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Where is the bottle? Cross-linguistic study on side assignment to objects and interpretation of static spatial relations by German, Polish, Italian and English native speakersStoltmann, Katarzyna 22 July 2021 (has links)
Das Ziel der Dissertation ist, den Gebrauch von sekundären Raumdeixes (‚vor‘, ‚hinter‘,
‚rechts / links von‘) und Referenzrahmen (absolut, intrinsisch, relativ) von deutschen,
englischen, italienischen und polnischen Muttersparcher_innen für die Beschreibung
von statischen Raumrelationen zu untersuchen. Zwei Experimente pro Sprache wurden
Das erste Experiment untersuchte Seitenzuweisung. Die Proband_innen sahen ein Objekt
von der Vorderseite (kanonische Position) und Rückseite (nicht-kanonische Position).
Das Ergebnis bestätigt, dass die Proband_innen der vier Sprachen die Außenperspektive
für die Seitenzuweisung des kanonisch stehenden vis-à-vis Objektes meistens benutzen.
Einige Variationen haben die Pol_innen und Italiener_innen gezeigt, vor allem bei
der Zuweisung von der rechten und linken Seite. Dabei wiesen die Deutschen und
Italiener_innen signifikante Unterschiede auf.
Mit dem Mouse Tracking habe ich die Interpretation von statischen Raumrelationen
von zwei Komplexitätsgraden untersucht. Die einfachen Raumrelationen enthielten
entweder ein extrinsisches oder intrinsisches Referenzobjekt (belebt; unbelebt) und eine
Flasche als lokalisiertes Objekt. Die komplexeren Raumrelationen wurden um einen
Agenten ergänzt und mit der indirekten Rede eingebettet. Das erlaubte die Erforschung
von Origo-Shift. In allen Raumrelationen wurden die Proband_innen gebeten, die
Lokalisation von der Flasche zu beschreiben. Die Deutschen und Italiener_innen zeigten
signifikante Unterschiede bei der Interpretation von einfachen belebten und unbelebten
intrinsischen Raumrelationen. Bei der Interpretation von komplexeren intrinsischen
Raumrelationen haben die polnischen Muttersprachler_innen die Origo am häufigsten zum
Agenten verschoben und von seinem Blickwinkel bezüglich des relativen Bezugsrahmens
die Relationen beschrieben. Im Allgemeinen, für die Interpretation von komplexeren
Raumrelationen ist die Wahl des intrinsischen Bezugsrahmens im Vergleich zu einfacheren
Raumrelationen signifikant gesunken. Das heißt, die meisten Proband_innen haben die
Origo zum Agenten verschoben und von seinem Blickwinkel die Raumrelationen bezüglich
der Spiegelstrategie interpretiert. / The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the use of reference frames (absolute, relative,
intrinsic) and secondary local deixes (‘in front of’, ‘behind’, ‘to the right / left of’) by
German, English, Italian, and Polish native speakers to describe static spatial relations.
Two experiments per language were carried out.
The first experiment investigated side assignment. Participants saw the object from
the front (the canonical position) and the back (the noncanonical position). The results
confirm that for side assignments to a canonical positioned vis-à-vis object most speakers
of the four languages use the outside perspective. However, some variations occurred for
Polish and Italian, especially while identifying the right and left sides showing significant
differences between German and Italian.
Using mouse tracking, I tested the interpretation of static spatial relations of two kinds
of complexity. The simple spatial relations included either extrinsic or intrinsic reference
objects (animate; inanimate) and a bottle as localized object. The complex spatial
relations were supplemented by an agent and embedded by indirect speech. This allows
the investigation of origo shift. In all situations, participants were asked to describe the
location of the bottle. German and Italian showed significant differences in interpreting
simple animate and inanimate intrinsic relations. Interpreting the intrinsic complex
relations, Polish speakers shifted the origo to the agent most frequently and described
the relations from his point of view. All in all, for the complex relations, the choice of
the intrinsic reference frame decreased significantly compared to the simple relations.
That is, most participants shifted the origo to agents’ point of view and interpreted the
spatial relations applying the reflection strategy.
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