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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林孫弘, Curtis Lin Unknown Date (has links)
從1906到1999年間,台灣地區男性出生時平均餘命增加了43.55歲,女性增加了47.63歲,雖然台灣地區平均餘命不斷地在增加,地區間死亡風險的差異情形則未有所改善。本研究以生命表方式計算台灣地區縣市級、鄉鎮級平均餘命,尤以鄉鎮級為研究重心,配合統計地圖的使用以瞭解小地區間死亡風險的差異情形。 在縣市層級方面,男性與女性出生時平均餘命皆以七大都市較高,西部其他地區次之,東部地區的花蓮縣、台東縣最低。各縣市出生時平均餘命的差異,正指出各縣市之間的死亡風險差異甚大,特別是東部地區明顯地比西部地區更處於不利的狀態。 在鄉鎮層級方面,男性與女性各生命階段平均餘命皆呈現出西部地區高、東部地區低的明顯差異,而且平均餘命數值越低的地區其兩性平均餘命的差距也越大,此種現象尤以男性平均餘命越低的地區越為明顯。在空間模式上,男、女平均餘命最高的地區皆以大都市為中心向外擴散至其鄰近地區,平均餘命最低的地區則廣散在山地鄉之間。總的來說,中央山脈兩側的鄉鎮不僅死亡風險較其他地區高、兩性的死亡風險差異大,山地鄉之間的死亡風險結構更是呈現高度的異質性。 關鍵字:鄉鎮市區、死亡風險、平均餘命、性別差異、統計地圖、空間模式。 / Over the twentieth century (1906-1999), the life expectancy at birth in Taiwan has increased 43.55 and 47.63 years for males and females respectively. Undoubtedly, such a dramatic increase in life expectancy is resulted from the improvement of living quality in Taiwan over the past century. Nevertheless, after detailed examination of historical data, it shows that the areal variation in life expectancy over the life cycle is significant and has never diminished. This study, by applying the life table methods and statistical maps, attempts to analyze the areal variation in risks of death at small areas in Taiwan. The data sources for achieving this purpose come from the vital statistics and death-registration- profiles. The research findings show that life expectancies for both males and females are highest in the most-developed urban counties. On the contrary, the life expectancies are lower in rural counties. The gaps in life expectancies at birth between Taipei City and Taitung county reach 11 years and 7 years for males and females respectively. The spatial pattern of variation in life expectancy at the township-level is consistent with the research findings at the county-level. In general, the life expectancies for townships within the central metropolitan area are highest, and then gradually decrease for townships distant from the metropolis center. The life expectancies for both males and females are lowest in the rural-mountain townships. The gap in life expectancies between males and females is also larger in these rural-mountain areas. Finally, the life expectancies for the aboriginal townships are lowest in Taiwan. However, the age profiles for risks of death are heterogeneous in these aboriginal townships. Keywords: life expectancy, life table, statistical maps, spatial pattern

Increasing information transfer rates for brain-computer interfacing

Dornhege, Guido January 2006 (has links)
The goal of a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) consists of the development of a unidirectional interface between a human and a computer to allow control of a device only via brain signals. While the BCI systems of almost all other groups require the user to be trained over several weeks or even months, the group of Prof. Dr. Klaus-Robert Müller in Berlin and Potsdam, which I belong to, was one of the first research groups in this field which used machine learning techniques on a large scale. The adaptivity of the processing system to the individual brain patterns of the subject confers huge advantages for the user. Thus BCI research is considered a hot topic in machine learning and computer science. It requires interdisciplinary cooperation between disparate fields such as neuroscience, since only by combining machine learning and signal processing techniques based on neurophysiological knowledge will the largest progress be made.<br><br> In this work I particularly deal with my part of this project, which lies mainly in the area of computer science. I have considered the following three main points:<br><br> <b>Establishing a performance measure based on information theory:</b> I have critically illuminated the assumptions of Shannon's information transfer rate for application in a BCI context. By establishing suitable coding strategies I was able to show that this theoretical measure approximates quite well to what is practically achieveable.<br> <b>Transfer and development of suitable signal processing and machine learning techniques:</b> One substantial component of my work was to develop several machine learning and signal processing algorithms to improve the efficiency of a BCI. Based on the neurophysiological knowledge that several independent EEG features can be observed for some mental states, I have developed a method for combining different and maybe independent features which improved performance. In some cases the performance of the combination algorithm outperforms the best single performance by more than 50 %. Furthermore, I have theoretically and practically addressed via the development of suitable algorithms the question of the optimal number of classes which should be used for a BCI. It transpired that with BCI performances reported so far, three or four different mental states are optimal. For another extension I have combined ideas from signal processing with those of machine learning since a high gain can be achieved if the temporal filtering, i.e., the choice of frequency bands, is automatically adapted to each subject individually.<br> <b>Implementation of the Berlin brain computer interface and realization of suitable experiments:</b> Finally a further substantial component of my work was to realize an online BCI system which includes the developed methods, but is also flexible enough to allow the simple realization of new algorithms and ideas. So far, bitrates of up to 40 bits per minute have been achieved with this system by absolutely untrained users which, compared to results of other groups, is highly successful. / Ein Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) ist eine unidirektionale Schnittstelle zwischen Mensch und Computer, bei der ein Mensch in der Lage ist, ein Gerät einzig und allein Kraft seiner Gehirnsignale zu steuern. In den BCI Systemen fast aller Forschergruppen wird der Mensch in Experimenten über Wochen oder sogar Monaten trainiert, geeignete Signale zu produzieren, die vordefinierten allgemeinen Gehirnmustern entsprechen. Die BCI Gruppe in Berlin und Potsdam, der ich angehöre, war in diesem Feld eine der ersten, die erkannt hat, dass eine Anpassung des Verarbeitungssystems an den Menschen mit Hilfe der Techniken des Maschinellen Lernens große Vorteile mit sich bringt. In unserer Gruppe und mittlerweile auch in vielen anderen Gruppen wird BCI somit als aktuelles Forschungsthema im Maschinellen Lernen und folglich in der Informatik mit interdisziplinärer Natur in Neurowissenschaften und anderen Feldern verstanden, da durch die geeignete Kombination von Techniken des Maschinellen Lernens und der Signalverarbeitung basierend auf neurophysiologischem Wissen der größte Erfolg erzielt werden konnte.<br><br> In dieser Arbeit gehe ich auf meinem Anteil an diesem Projekt ein, der vor allem im Informatikbereich der BCI Forschung liegt. Im Detail beschäftige ich mich mit den folgenden drei Punkten:<br><br> <b>Diskussion eines informationstheoretischen Maßes für die Güte eines BCI's:</b> Ich habe kritisch die Annahmen von Shannon's Informationsübertragungsrate für die Anwendung im BCI Kontext beleuchtet. Durch Ermittlung von geeigneten Kodierungsstrategien konnte ich zeigen, dass dieses theoretische Maß den praktisch erreichbaren Wert ziemlich gut annähert.<br> <b>Transfer und Entwicklung von geeigneten Techniken aus dem Bereich der Signalverarbeitung und des Maschinellen Lernens:</b> Eine substantielle Komponente meiner Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Techniken des Machinellen Lernens und der Signalverarbeitung, um die Effizienz eines BCI's zu erhöhen. Basierend auf dem neurophysiologischem Wissen, dass verschiedene unabhängige Merkmale in Gehirnsignalen für verschiedene mentale Zustände beobachtbar sind, habe ich eine Methode zur Kombination von verschiedenen und unter Umständen unabhängigen Merkmalen entwickelt, die sehr erfolgreich die Fähigkeiten eines BCI's verbessert. Besonders in einigen Fällen übertraf die Leistung des entwickelten Kombinationsalgorithmus die beste Leistung auf den einzelnen Merkmalen mit mehr als 50 %. Weiterhin habe ich theoretisch und praktisch durch Einführung geeigneter Algorithmen die Frage untersucht, wie viele Klassen man für ein BCI nutzen kann und sollte. Auch hier wurde ein relevantes Resultat erzielt, nämlich dass für BCI Güten, die bis heute berichtet sind, die Benutzung von 3 oder 4 verschiedenen mentalen Zuständen in der Regel optimal im Sinne von erreichbarer Leistung sind. Für eine andere Erweiterung wurden Ideen aus der Signalverarbeitung mit denen des Maschinellen Lernens kombiniert, da ein hoher Erfolg erzielt werden kann, wenn der temporale Filter, d.h. die Wahl des benutzten Frequenzbandes, automatisch und individuell für jeden Menschen angepasst wird.<br> <b>Implementation des Berlin Brain-Computer Interfaces und Realisierung von geeigneten Experimenten:</b> Eine weitere wichtige Komponente meiner Arbeit war eine Realisierung eines online BCI Systems, welches die entwickelten Methoden umfasst, aber auch so flexibel ist, dass neue Algorithmen und Ideen einfach zu verwirklichen sind. Bis jetzt wurden mit diesem System Bitraten von bis zu 40 Bits pro Minute von absolut untrainierten Personen in ihren ersten BCI Experimenten erzielt. Dieses Resultat übertrifft die bisher berichteten Ergebnisse aller anderer BCI Gruppen deutlich. <br> <hr> Bemerkung:<br> Der Autor wurde mit dem <i>Michelson-Preis</i> 2005/2006 für die beste Promotion des Jahrgangs der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam ausgezeichnet.

Feral Africanized honey bee ecology in a coastal prairie landscape

Baum, Kristen Anne 30 September 2004 (has links)
Honey bees, Apis mellifera, play an important role in many ecosystems, pollinating a wide variety of native, agricultural, and exotic plants. The recent decline in the number of feral and managed honey bee colonies in North America, as well as the arrival of Africanized honey bees, have caused concern about adequate pollination for agricultural crops and natural plant communities. However, little is known about feral colonies, and the feral population is the source for Africanized honey bees as they spread and infiltrate managed populations. The goal of my dissertation was to examine the ecology of feral honey bee colonies, adding the spatial context necessary to understand the population ecology and patterns of resource use by feral honey bees on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. I defined the functional heterogeneity of feral honey bee habitat by identifying the suitability of different habitats for feral colonies based on the distribution and abundance of important resources (cavities, nectar, and pollen). I evaluated the distribution and abundance of feral colonies by examining nest site characteristics, population trends, and spatial and temporal patterns in cavity use. Lastly, I examined resource use by evaluating patterns in pollen collection and identifying where and when honey bees searched for resources. Overall, the Welder Wildlife Refuge provided excellent habitat for feral honey bees, supporting a high density of feral colonies. The dense live oak habitat was the best overall source for cavities, nectar, and pollen. Nectar and pollen were abundant throughout the year, with the exception of December and January, when a large number of honey bees searched for resources. Cavities did not appear to vary in their suitability for feral colonies based on measured structural and environmental attributes, since no cavity attributes were correlated with indices of cavity quality. However, the cavity quality indices varied between cavities, suggesting some cavities were more suitable for feral honey bees than others. Colonies were aggregated within the study area, probably due to the distribution of resources. The invasion of Africanized honey bees appeared to fragment the existing European population, with Africanized colonies aggregated in distribution and European colonies random in distribution.

The role of climate and land use change in Lake Urmia desiccation

Fazel Modares, N. (Nasim) 16 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract Wetlands in arid and semi-arid regions are complex fragile ecosystems that are critical in maintaining and controlling environmental quality and biodiversity. These wetlands and specially closed lake systems depend on support processes in upstream parts of the basin or recharge zone, as small changes in river flow regime can cause significant changes in lake level, salinity and productivity. Recent strong alterations in river flow regimes due to climate and land use change have resulted in ecosystem degradation and desiccation of many saline lakes in arid and semi-arid regions. Because of the low economic value of these lakes, their hydrology has not been monitored accurately, making it difficult to determine water balance and assess the role of water use and climate in lake desiccation. Furthermore, available data are usually of coarse resolution on both spatial and temporal scale. New frameworks using all available data and refining existing information on lake basins were developed in this thesis to assess regional differences in water resource availability, impacts of human activities on river flow regime alteration and agricultural land use change. The frameworks were applied to study causes and impacts of desiccation of a major lake, Lake Urmia, one of the largest saltwater lakes on Earth. This highly endangered ecosystem is on the brink of a major environmental disaster resembling that around the Aral Sea. The spatial pattern of precipitation across the Lake Urmia basin was investigated, to shed light on regional differences in water availability. Using large numbers of rainfall records and a wide array of statistical descriptors, precipitation across space and time was evaluated. Another important research component involved examining streamflow records for headwaters and lowland reaches of the Lake Urmia basin, in order to determine whether observed changes are mainly due to climate change or anthropogenic activities (e.g. water withdrawal for domestic and irrigation purposes). Principal component and clustering analyses of all available precipitation data for the lake basin revealed a heterogeneous precipitation pattern, but also permitted delineation of three homogeneous precipitation areas within the region. Further analysis identified variation in seasonal precipitation as the most important factor controlling the spatial precipitation pattern in the basin. The results showed that climate change impact on headwaters is insignificant and that irrigation is the main driving force for river flow regime alterations in the basin. This is supported by evidence that the headwaters have relatively remained unaffected by agriculture and by lack of significant changes in the historical records. The approach presented, involving clear in terpretation of existing information, can be useful in communicating land use and climate change information to decision makers and lake restoration planners. / Tiivistelmä Kuivilla aridisilla ja semiaridisilla alueilla sijaitsevat kosteikot ovat hauraita ekosysteemejä. Ne ovat myös tavallista tärkeämpiä, koska ne ylläpitävät ja säätelevät ympäristön laatua sekä luonnon monimuotoisuutta. Nämä kosteikot, kuten valtaosa muistakin kosteikoista, ovat riippuvaisia vesistöalueen ylemmillä osilla tehdyistä toimista kuten vesistöjen säännöstelystä. Jopa pienet muutokset jokien virtauksissa voivat aiheuttaa merkittäviä muutoksia järvien vedenpinnan korkeuteen, suolapitoisuuteen ja tuottavuuteen. Viimeaikaiset ilmastonmuutoksen ja maankäytön muutosten aiheuttamat voimakkaat muutokset jokien virtaamiin ovat johtaneet ekosysteemien rappeutumiseen sekä monien suolajärvien kuivumiseen kuivilla ja puolikuivilla alueilla. Kuivilla alueilla sijaitsevien suolajärvien hydrologiaa ei ole tarkkailtu riittävästi niiden alhaisemman taloudellisen arvon vuoksi. Se hankaloittaa vesitaseen määrittämistä. Tarkkojen tietojen puuttuessa on vaikea arvioida myös sitä, miten vedenkäyttö ja ilmasto ovat vaikuttaneet järvien kuivumiseen. Lisäksi saatavilla olevat tiedot ovat yleensä sekä ajallisesti että alueellisesti epätarkkoja. Analysointiin tarvittavien tietojen ja välineiden puute saattaa pahimmillaan johtaa ristiriitaisiin oletuksiin. Väitöstyön päätavoite on tarjota puitteet, joilla parannetaan ymmärrystä vesivarojen alueellisista eroista, ihmisen toiminnan vaikutuksista jokien virtausten muutoksiin ja maatalouden maankäytön muutoksista käyttäen kaikkea saatavilla olevaa dataa sekä täsmentäen samalla vesistöistä jo olemassa olevaa tietoa. Väitöskirja tutkii yhden suuren järven kuivumisen syitä ja seurauksia. Urmiajärvi on yksi maapallon suurimmista suolajärvistä sekä erittäin uhanalainen ekosysteemi. Järvi on samankaltaisen ympäristökatastrofin partaalla, joka aiheutti Araljärven kuivumisen. Väitöskirja antaa tietoa veden saatavuuden alueellisista eroista tutkimalla sademäärien alueellista jakautumista Urmiajärven valuma-alueella. Tutkielmassa arvioidaan sadannan ajallista ja paikallista vaihtelua erilaisten tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Tutkielman toinen tärkeä osa keskittyy vesialtaan latvavesistön ja tasankoalueiden valumatietoihin. Tämän osuuden päätavoite on määritellä johtuvatko havaitut muutokset järvessä pääasiassa ilmastonmuutoksesta vai ihmisen toiminnasta kuten kastelusta. Sadantatietojen pääkomponentti- ja ryhmittelyanalyysien tulokset osoittavat, että Urmiajärven allas on sadannaltaan heterogeeninen alue. Analyysi johti seudun jakamiseen kolmeen homogeeniseen sadanta-alueeseen. Analyysi osoitti, että sademäärien kausittainen vaihtelu on merkittävin järvialtaan alueellisiin sademääriin vaikuttava tekijä. Tulokset osoittavat, että ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset latvavesistöön eivät olleet merkittäviä ja keinokastelu on ylivoimaisesti merkittävin järvialtaan jokien virtausten muutoksiin vaikuttava tekijä. Tätä johtopäätöstä tukee se tosiseikka, että maanviljelys ei ole juurikaan vaikuttanut latvavesistöihin eikä niissä näy historiallisten lähteiden perusteella merkittäviä muutoksia. Tutkimuksen hyöty on siinä, että se tulkitsee saatavilla olevan tiedon selkeästi, joka on avuksi, kun maankäyttöön ja ilmastonmuutokseen liittyviä tietoja välitetään päättäjille ja järven kunnostusta suunnitteleville tahoille.

Padrões espaciais do suicídio na cidade de São Paulo e seus correlatos socioeconômico-culturais / Spatial patterns of suicide in the city of São Paulo and its socioeconomic-cultural correlates

Daniel Hideki Bando 06 October 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo tem o objetivo de analisar os padrões espaciais das ocorrências de suicídio no município de São Paulo, no período de 1996 a 2005, e verificar a sua associação com variávies socioeconômico-culturais (estado civil, renda, instrução, religião, migração). A escolha das variáveis analíticas foi baseada nos fatores de risco ao suicídio levantados pela OMS, OPAS e na teoria sobre o suicídio de Durkheim. Os dados socioeconômicos utilizados foram provenientes do IBGE e os dados de mortalidade do PRO-AIM. Para a identificação do padrão espacial das taxas de suicídio foi utilizado o teste de varredura espacial. Para a verificação da associação com as variáveis socioeconômicas e culturais foi utilizada análise de regressão logísica. No período estudado ocorreram 4275 óbitos por suicídio no município de São Paulo, com uma taxa média de 4,1/100 mil hab/ano. O primeiro teste de varredura espacial, considerando-se 50% da população total como tamanho máximo do agrupamento, identificou 2 agrupamentos significativos, um de risco (RR = 1,66) composto por 18 distritos da região central, centro-sul e centrooeste da cidade (Alto de Pinheiros, Barra Funda, Bela Vista, Bom Retiro, Brás, Cambuci, Consolação, Itaim Bibi, Jardim Paulista, Liberdade, Moema, Morumbi, Pinheiros, Perdizes, República, Santa Cecília, Sé, Vila Mariana) e um de proteção (RR = 0,78) formado por 14 distritos da região sul (Campo Grande, Campo Limpo, Capão Redondo, Cidade Ademar, Cidade Dutra, Grajaú, Jardim Ângela, Jardim São Luís, Santo Amaro, Socorro, Pedreira, Raposo Tavares, Vila Andrade, Vila Sônia). O teste considerando-se 5% da população total como tamanho máximo do agrupamento, encontrou 2 agrupamentos significativos. Nesse teste, o agrupamento de risco do primeiro teste foi desmembrado em dois agrupamentos menores, ambos de risco. O agrupamento primário apresentou RR = 1,92 em 9 distritos centrais, o agrupamento secundário RR = 1,58 em 6 distritos da região centro-sul. Para a análise de regressão logística, o agrupamento de risco identificado no primeiro teste de varredura espacial (18 distritos) e os demais 78 distritos (contraste) foram definidos como variáveis dependentes e as variáveis socioeconômicoculturais independentes. O primeiro modelo ajustado na regressão multivariada identificou as seguintes variáveis como risco: solteiros (OR = 2,36); migrantes (OR = 1,49); católicos (OR = 1,36); elevada renda (OR = 1,05). O segundo modelo multivariado identificou as seguintes variáveis como proteção: casados (OR = 0,48); evangélicos (0,60). Os resultados podem ser explicados pelos fatores de risco da literatura, pela teoria de Durkheim adaptada à realidade paulistana e pela diferença entre suicídio e homicídio. / The present study aims to analyse the space patterns of suicide occurence in the city of São Paulo, in the period from 1996 to 2005, and check its association with the socioeconomic-cultural variables (marital status, income, education, religion, migration). The choice of the analytical variables was based on the suicide risk factors lifted by the WHO and OPAS, and in the Durkheim´s suicide theory. The socioeconomic data used were originated from the IBGE and the mortality data from the PRO-AIM. The spatial scan test was applied to identify space patterns of suicide rates. In order to check the association with the socioeconomic-cultural variables, the logistic regression analysis was used. In the studied period, 4275 suicide deaths took place in the city of São Paulo, with a mean rate of 4,1/100 thousand inhabitant/year. The first spatial scan test, considering 50% of the total population as the maximum cluster size, identified 2 significant clusters, one of risk (RR = 1,66) composed by 18 districts of the central region, south-center and western-center of the city (Alto de Pinheiros, Barra Funda, Bela Vista, Bom Retiro, Brás, Cambuci, Consolação, Itaim Bibi, Jardim Paulista, Liberdade, Moema, Morumbi, Pinheiros, Perdizes, República, Santa Cecília, Sé, Vila Mariana) and one of protection (RR = 0,78) formed by 14 districts of the south region (Campo Grande, Campo Limpo, Capão Redondo, Cidade Ademar, Cidade Dutra, Grajaú, Jardim Ângela, Jardim São Luís, Santo Amaro, Socorro, Pedreira, Raposo Tavares, Vila Andrade, Vila Sônia). The test considering 5% of the total population as the maximum cluster size, found 2 significant clusters. In this test, the risk cluster of the first test was dismembered in two minor clusters, both of risk. The primary cluster presented RR = 1,92 in 9 central districts the secondary cluster RR = 1,58 in 6 districts of the south-centre. To the logistic regression analysis, the risk cluster identified in the first spatial scan test (18 districts) and the others 78 districts (contrast) were defined as dependent variables and the socioeconomic-cultural variables as independent. The first adjusted model in the multivaried regression identified these variables like risk: singles (OR = 2,36); migrant (OR = 1,49); catholics (OR = 1,36); high income (OR = 1,05). The second multivaried model identified these variables like protection: married (OR = 0,48); evangelic (0,60). The results can be explained by the literature risk factors, the Durkheim´s theory well-adjusted for the reality of São Paulo and by the difference between suicide and homicide.

Impact of anthropogenic activities on the vegetation structure of mangrove forests in Kribi, the Nyong river mouth and Cameroon estuary / Impacts des activités anthropiques sur la structure de la végétation des mangroves de Kribi, de l'embouchure du fleuve Nyong et de l'estuaire du Cameroun

Nfotabong Atheull, Adolphe 13 September 2011 (has links)
Mangroves are intertidal ecosystems found along the tropical and subtropical coastlines.<p>Though globally recognised as ecosystems of ecological, biological and economical<p>remarkable importance, these ecotone formations are characterised by a continuously<p>increasing anthropization. However, very little studies have been focused on the impact of<p>various anthropogenic activities on the mangrove vegetation structure.<p>We have firstly (a) assessed the commercial and subsistence utilization of mangrove<p>wood products in the Littoral region (Cameroon estuary). Then, we have confronted the<p>subsistence usages of mangrove wood products in the Southern region (close to the mouth of<p>the Nyong River and Mpalla village (Kribi)) in comparison with the Littoral region. By doing,<p>we have compared the local residents‟ perceptions on environmental changes that occurred<p>within the two regional mangrove forests. Also, we have (c) studied the structural dynamic of<p>mangrove vegetation neighbouring the Douala city (Cameroon). Always in the vicinity of this<p>town, we have (d) reconstructed the original structure of largely disturbed mangrove forests.<p>Moreover, we have (e) map the mangrove structure in a non peri-urban setting located within<p>the Cameroon estuary. Here, we have finally (f) analysed the spatial distribution of a black<p>mangrove namely Avicennia germinans (L.) Stearn.<p>Our results underlined an excessive utilization of mangrove wood products in the<p>Cameroon estuary. We have showed that the frequency of mangrove harvesting was relatively<p>fewer in Kribi (Mpalla) and the mouth of the Nyong River. The local people inhabiting these<p>two localities perceived mangroves as less degraded areas. In contrast, those established<p>within the Cameroon estuary stated that mangroves were largely disturbed. When combining<p>the local people statements with our field observations, we recorded that it a complex mix of<p>causes (e.i. clear-felled corridors, agriculture, sand and gravel extraction, over-harvesting and<p>anarchic urbanization) that have led to the largely degradation (vegetation and sediment) of<p>the peri-urban mangroves in Cameroon. A diachronic analysis (1974, 2003, 2009) of their<p>coverage revealed that over the 35-year period, mangrove had decreases in cover of 53.16%<p>around Douala. We have also showed that in the peri-urban settings, wood harvesting was<p>commonly applied on the structurally more complex (highly dense stands neighbouring the<p>habitations) mangrove forests (Mboussa Essengue) and, in a lesser extent, on the structurally<p>more developed mangrove stands (fewer dense stands faraway from Douala). On the other<p>hand, the mapping analysis of the non peri-urban mangroves (distant from Douala) has<p>revealed that the structure of these intertidal forests was relatively less impacted. In the<p>Cameroon estuary, we also showed that A. germinans trees were randomly distributed on<p>almost one-half of the sampling plots and clumped at some scales on the remaining plots.<p>Accordingly, this species might play a significant role in the recovery process of artificial<p>gaps found in the non peri-urban areas.<p>The multi-disciplinary approach employed in this study has allowed a better<p>understanding of the direct and indirect impacts of anthropogenic activities on the mangrove<p>vegetation structure in Cameroon. These results constitute a fundamental data base quite<p>useful for the multi-temporal monitoring of these littoral ecosystems perpetually disturbed.<p>The application of similar approach in other mangroves facing high anthropogenic pressures<p>appears important. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Spatial Pattern, Demography, and Functional Traits of Desert Plants in a Changing Climate

McCarthy, Ryan L. 09 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Activity Space in a Terminal Classic Maya HouseholdXuenkal, Yucatan, Mexico

Coakley, Corrine 29 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Forstplanung auf der Basis von Eingriffsinventuren / Forest management based on thinning event assessment

Staupendahl, Kai 28 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Réduction de dimension en apprentissage supervisé. Application à l'étude de l'activité cérébrale

Vezard, Laurent 13 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail est de développer une méthode capable de déterminer automatiquement l'état de vigilance chez l'humain. Les applications envisageables sont multiples. Une telle méthode permettrait par exemple de détecter automatiquement toute modification de l'état de vigilance chez des personnes qui doivent rester dans un état de vigilance élevée (par exemple, les pilotes ou les personnels médicaux). Dans ce travail, les signaux électroencéphalographiques (EEG) de 58 sujets dans deux états de vigilance distincts (état de vigilance haut et bas) ont été recueillis à l'aide d'un casque à 58 électrodes posant ainsi un problème de classification binaire. Afin d'envisager une utilisation de ces travaux sur une application du monde réel, il est nécessaire de construire une méthode de prédiction qui ne nécessite qu'un faible nombre de capteurs (électrodes) afin de limiter le temps de pose du casque à électrodes ainsi que son coût. Au cours de ces travaux de thèse, plusieurs approches ont été développées. Une première approche propose d'utiliser un pré-traitement des signaux EEG basé sur l'utilisation d'une décomposition en ondelettes discrète des signaux EEG afin d'extraire les contributions de chaque fréquence dans le signal. Une régression linéaire est alors effectuée sur les contributions de certaines de ces fréquences et la pente de cette régression est conservée. Un algorithme génétique est utilisé afin d'optimiser le choix des fréquences sur lesquelles la régression est réalisée. De plus, cet algorithme génétique permet la sélection d'une unique électrode. Une seconde approche est basée sur l'utilisation du Common Spatial Pattern (CSP). Cette méthode permet de définir des combinaisons linéaires des variables initiales afin d'obtenir des signaux synthétiques utiles pour la tâche de classification. Dans ce travail, un algorithme génétique ainsi que des méthodes de recherche séquentielle ont été proposés afin de sélectionner un sous groupes d'électrodes à conserver lors du calcul du CSP. Enfin, un algorithme de CSP parcimonieux basé sur l'utilisation des travaux existant sur l'analyse en composantes principales parcimonieuse a été développé. Les résultats de chacune des approches seront détaillés et comparés. Ces travaux ont aboutit sur l'obtention d'un modèle permettant de prédire de manière rapide et fiable l'état de vigilance d'un nouvel individu.

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