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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogical discourse and the dynamic of school development

Skidmore, David January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

A critical analysis of disability through processes of open learning

Ivani-Chalian, Christine January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

高校の特別なニーズ教育に関する諸外国の実態と日本の課題 : コーディネーターの役割を中心に

ISHIKAWA, Michiko, 石川, 美智子 30 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Teachers' perceptions about language practices and choices in schools in Mpumalanga, South Africa for learners with severe intellectual disability

Van Wyk, Renera Elsabé January 2020 (has links)
Supporting learners with a severe intellectual disability (SID) who come from diverse language backgrounds presents teachers with complex choices and decisions regarding the language(s) they use in their classrooms. Understanding teachers' perceptions in this matter can assist all role players, such as administrators and policy makers as well as auxiliary support personnel such as speech-language therapists, to support teachers in their decisions and practices. This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of foundation phase teachers in schools for learners with SID, that have high linguistic diversity, about their language practices and choices. Specifically, the study aimed to: (i) describe the language(s) teachers use with the learners in their classrooms; (ii) to describe the factors that teachers take into account when deciding on which language(s) to use with their learners; and (iii) to explore teachers' beliefs and feelings about language practices and choices for learners with SID in their classes. / Mini Dissertation (MA AAC)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) / MA (AAC) / Unrestricted

Inre kraft och yttre tryck : perspektiv på specialpedagogisk verksamhet i glesbygdsskolor / Inner power and outer pressure : perspectives on special needs education in rural schools

Pettersson, Gerd January 2017 (has links)
The overall aim of this doctoral thesis is to increase knowledge and understanding of special needs education in rural schools. More specifically, the purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyse the enabling and constraining conditions in special needs education for the mission of class teachers', principals' and special educators'. To fulfil this purpose, the following research question is posed: What are the enabling and constraining conditions for special needs education and its organisation, and what meanings are given to special needs education in rural schools? In order to meet this aim four studies were conducted in a total of 58, mainly Swedish rural schools. The schools were spread out geographically and represented both public and independent rural schools. The empirical data consists of interviews, observations and questionnaires. The method of analysis was mainly qualitative content analysis. Descriptive statistics were also used. The first study (Article 1) examines class teachers' conditions for supporting pupils with special educational needs in seven rural schools in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The main results of the interview study are summarized into four themes; relationship, collaboration, distance and concern. The second study (Article II) investigates how principals in rural Swedish schools organize special needs education. A web questionnaire was answered by 45 principals. The results show that the principals balance between an individual approach to special needs and a flexible way of organizing special needs education. The third study (Article III) examines how special educators' expertise in educational consultation is utilized in order to support professional development of class teachers who work in rural schools with diverse pupil groups. Three authentic consultation sessions were observed and analysed. The results show that consultation as a support strategy enables the class teachers to support pupils with special educational needs and strengthens professional collaboration between special educators and class teachers. The fourth study (Article IV) investigates what meanings educators working as principals in independent rural schools attach to special needs education. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire with open-ended questions. According to the principals' special needs education is an activity aimed at supporting all pupils' learning and development. The results also show that the independent schools have strong ties to the surrounding community. The thematic analysis of the four studies displays two main concepts; inner force and outer pressure. These concepts illustrate the enabling as well as the constraining conditions for special needs education in rural schools. The inner force stems from relationships, familiar atmosphere, the possibilities to meet all pupils' needs, collaboration and flexible ways of organizing the educational activities, while the outer pressure stems from threats of school closure, lack of resources and unappreciative municipal authorities. Despite the constraining conditions, which make the rural school vulnerable, the enabling conditions seem to dominate, making the rural school an inclusive learning environment able to meet all pupils' diverse learning needs.

En skola för alla, men hur? : En studie om hur olika yrkesgrupper inom skolan ser på samverkan kring inkludering ur ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv.

Sundberg, Anna-Lena January 2014 (has links)
This study aims to develop knowledge of different professional groups and their views on inclusion and collaboration concerning "students in difficulty." Through qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey, the researcher sought answers to this and also how inclusion, through collaboration between different professional groups, can develop in school.The results of the study have been analyzed according by Nilholms (2007) three different perspectives on special education: The critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective. The results were also analyzed based on Ahlberg's (2013) communicative – relationship perspective.The result shows that the concept of inclusion is not clearly defined either in the governing documents or among the interviewees. This makes it difficult to speak the same language in school, which complicates the work of inclusion. Since the governing documents are unclear and somewhat contradictory when dealing with "students in difficulty" educators are put in a dilemma. It is on the one hand about the importance of early identification and remedy difficulties and on the other hand not to categorize students. Another concern is on the one hand to see differences as opportunities for learning and on the other hand that all students should attain the curriculum objectives. Students should at the same time feel good and happy at school. The result also shows that the cooperation that existed around "students in difficulty” has been minimal at schools. In contrast, all interviewees’ see good cooperation as crucial to the quality of work with students. Surprising facts is that it seems to be easier to see and talk about what others should do to improve together than to see one’s own part in the work for development. One conclusion is also that the majority of the respondents see the economic foundations are setting up barriers by time, room, materials and resource shortages, and also large classes.

På väg in i skolan : Om villkor för olika barns delaktighet och skriftspråkslärande

Sandberg, Gunilla January 2012 (has links)
The start of school is an important period in life. For some children, it is critical and affects their first time in school. It might have great importance for their learning and well-being. The aim of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of how different children face the school, based on the conditions that have been set for participation and learning, with special regard to literacy. Attention will be given to the start of school as an important transition in life, literacy activities, and special support in preschool-class and first grade. Both children and teacher perspectives are considered. The theoretical framework is a dynamic and interactional perspective.  This ethnographic study is inspired by the hermeneutic tradition. The empirical material has been collected through a case study at two schools, where two different groups of children have been observed from the latter part of preschool-class up until first grade. Furthermore, qualitative interviews have been held with special pedagogues at nine schools. The results show that the strive of teachers in preschool-class to create social security and ensuring close-knit group seem to have an impact on children during their entrance into school. Children appear well-prepared and comfortable in the school environment of first grade. Nevertheless, an organization that requires two transitions is inherently problematic, given the change in activities, roles and relations for children within one year. In terms of didactics, preschool-class and first-year class are weakly linked. There is no clear association between the reading and writing activities in the two forms of school, and there is no arena for teachers to develop a common ground for the didactic effort, a borderland. This can have consequences in terms of halting or interrupting children’s learning process.  A well-developed special-pedagogical work strategy and careful surveying is made of children’s learning processes. But, with the cautious attitude shown, the support of individual children is not put into process until the spring of their first school year or later. The issues of when and how special support should be offered are tied to different dilemmas.

IKT för elever med ADHD : Nytta eller nöje? / ICT for students with ADHD : For play or learning?

Blomberg, Danielle January 2013 (has links)
The aim with this study was to see how a few teachers with experience of young students with ADHD looks upon the need of special support through ICT and from which perspective of special needs education the support is formed. I related the informants’ answers about their views on special needs support based on a relational and categorical perspective and came to the conclusion that all of the informants uses a bit of both depending on each individual students needs. Therefor I could see that the dilemma perspective is current in schools today. The most important need for the students with ADHD in general is, according to the informants, structure and routine. The result from this study also shows that general knowledge about ICT is lacking and needs to increase. This could in most cases be explained by the schools economic resources as that partly prevent purchase of new and more equipment but also forces the school to keep larger groups of students in each class. This leads to less time for the teacher to learn about how and when ICT can be used. When asked if or how ICT could work as an asset for the students with ADHD in their studies, all of the informants said that it could be used mainly as motivation for the students to keep focus but is not seen as a tool only for those in need of special support but acts as motivation for all students, with or without diagnosis. In general ICT is viewed as a complement to the ordinary education and all of the informants points out the importance of letting go of these artifacts once in a while to actually see what surrounds them and that it is important to know the purpose of its use.

Att möta variation i klassrummet : Lärares erfarenhet av att undervisa elever utifrån olika läroplaner och kursplaner

Blomqvist, Gabrielle January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva erfarenheter hos grundskollärare i de senare skolåren som i sina klasser undervisar i olika ämnen, både elever som läser efter grundskolans läroplan, Lgr11 och elever som läser efter grundsärskolans läroplan 2011, utifrån olika kursplaner. Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv där interaktion och samspel med andra är viktiga förutsättningar för lärande.  Kvalitativa intervjuer med tre lärare genomfördes. Samtliga intervjuade lärare har erfarenhet av att undervisa i klasser med både grundskoleelever och grundsärskoleelever. I studien framkommer att lärarna försöker möta eleverna där de är i sitt lärande och ordna rätt anpassningar och rätt utmaningar som eleverna motiveras av. En bra planering och rätt anpassningar gör eleverna självständiga och delaktiga. Elevers olikheter, samarbetet och interaktionen med andra gör att eleverna utvecklas. Alla som deltar i undervisningen bidrar med sina tankar och åsikter genom språket. Styrkan med elevernas samarbete är att det utvecklar elevernas lärande. Genom samarbete får eleverna draghjälp och motiveras till ytterligare arbete när de utmanas av någon som kan lite mer.  Lärarna använder sig av scaffolding och artefakter för att nå elevernas närmaste utvecklingszon och utveckla lärandet. Resultatet i denna studie visar att den sociala- och didaktiska inkluderingen är tätt sammanvävda och den rumsliga inkluderingen bidrar till detta. / The purpose of this study is to describe teachers’ personal experiences about teaching based on different curriculum, Lgr 11 for compulsory school and curriculum for special compulsory school 2011, and different course syllabi. I have used qualitative interviews with three teachers from a secondary school, school year 7 -9. The teachers who participated all had experiences of teaching pupils from different curriculums. In this study I have used open formulated questions and the teachers shared their experiences regarding developing teaching strategies. This study is based on sociocultural theory. One result that can be seen is that the teachers try to meet the pupils in their learning process. They organize with individual adjustments, which motivates education in class together with others. The pupil’s social interaction is central. The teachers’ use artefacts and scaffolding to reach the zone of proximal development. A good planning for pupils and adjustments make pupils more independent and involved. Cooperation and social interaction with others lead to development. Everyone who participates in teaching contributes with their thoughts and aspects which develop learning. The results of this study show that the social- and didactic inclusion is closely interwoven and the spatial inclusion contributes to this.

Matematiska begrepp inom positionssystemet : - vilka är svårigheterna?

Floberg, Agneta, Löfström, Helene January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstrakt</strong></p><p>Studien behandlar begreppskunskap inom området positionssystemet hos elever i matematiksvårigheter. Undersökningen har gjorts i årskurs 4 och omfattar naturliga tal avseende tiobassystemet.</p><p>Studien består av en kvantitativ undersökning och en kvalitativ del med intervjuer.</p><p>Resultatet av studien har organiserats i tre områden som har betydelse för individens utveckling av matematiska begrepp. Talområdet 1-10, talsystemets uppbyggnad samt förståelsen av stora tal.</p><p>Av resultatet framgår att förståelse av ett begrepp kan vara mer ytlig än den ser ut att vara. Brister i grundläggande begreppsförståelse kan leda till att räknesvårigheter uppstår. Svårigheter är bland annat begreppen talsort och platsvärde, särskilt i stora tal.</p><p><em>Sökord:</em> begrepp, matematiksvårigheter, positionssystemet, schema, specialundervisning, tiobassystemet.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The study deals with the conceptual knowledge in the positional system for pupils with mathematical difficulties. The investigation was conducted in grade four and includes natural numbers for the ten-base system.<strong></strong></p><p>The study consists of a quantitative survey and a quality part with interviews.</p><p>The result of the study has been organized into three areas which have importance to the development of mathematical concepts for individuals. The number field 1-10, rules for the building of system of numbers and the understanding of large numbers.</p><p>The result shows that the understanding of a concept may be more superficial then it appears to be. Deficiency in basic conceptual understanding can lead to numeracy problems. The difficulties included the concepts place-value and magnitude of number, especially in large numbers.</p><p> </p><p><em>Keywords:</em> concept, mathematical difficulties, positional system, schema, special needs education, ten-base system.</p>

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