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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direito à prevenção especial da criança na classificação indicativa / Right to Special Prevention of Child in the Rating System

Leite, Rita de Cássia Curvo 13 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-11T13:51:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cássia Curvo Leite.pdf: 2053909 bytes, checksum: 89d79deca184a3be0dcee67198e74bb4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-11T13:51:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cássia Curvo Leite.pdf: 2053909 bytes, checksum: 89d79deca184a3be0dcee67198e74bb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-13 / In this study, we intend to ascertain, essentially, that the indicative rating system is an effective interlocutor of the principle of special prevention enshrined in the Statute of Children and Adolescents (Law no 8.069/90, articles 74-80), avoiding exposure children to inappropriate audiovisual content. Regulated by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice and the National Secretariat of Justice, the classificatory system strode to approach the co-regulation model, through which the society in the regular exercise of citizenship, is invited to participate in the classification of works giving greater transparency and freedom to the system. In order to identify the negative impacts on child development arising from inadequate intake for their age group especially in the cultural environment, leisure and entertainment, discourse shall be in the foreground, on the principles that guide the novel juvenile law, starting the doctrine (or, as it will adopt in this paper), the overprinciple of full protection. Recognizing that the child is a person (subject of rights), to whom should the state, the family and society devote attention, care and zeal, based on recognized vulnerability and underpriviledge, one could end up excelling by values, such as dignity of the human person undeniably serves in particular the child, in order to ensure to preserve his/her well-being, respect his physical, mental and moral integrity and meet at last, at its best interest. Shall be to examine, from there, the heart (the ratio and prospecting) of special prevention, which will be considered, in our case, subclass of general prevention. The children's entertainment industry (as often happens with television and public spectacles in general, including cinematograph), advertising, the use of electronic media, the availability of games (including interpretation - RPG) are that deserve increased attention from adults, especially given the speed with which information from these means reach the child. In this sense, the reflections contained in our study did not escape the confrontation of controversial and related issues to the central area, such as the apparent conflict between freedom of speech and the expression of thought and control these through the parental rating system regulated by Justice Ministry. To this end, some praetorian decisions will be examined, without forgetting the technical assessment of the ADI (direct action of unconstitutionality) 2404 which is being processed since 2001 in the Supreme Court. Finally, it will examine the extent of the indicative classification system, daring to suggest it can be extended to other forms of communication today not cataloged by the classification model in place. / No presente estudo, defende-se, fundamentalmente, que o sistema de classificação indicativa é um eficiente interlocutor do princípio da prevenção especial consagrado pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei nº 8.069/90, artigos 74 a 80), evitando a exposição infantil a conteúdos audiovisuais inapropriados. Regulado por Portarias do Ministério da Justiça e da Secretaria Nacional de Justiça, o sistema classificatório caminhou a passos largos para se aproximar do modelo de corregulação, por meio do qual a sociedade, no exercício regular da cidadania, é convidada a participar da classificação das obras, dando maior transparência e liberdade ao sistema. A fim de identificar os impactos negativos no desenvolvimento infantil decorrentes do consumo inadequado à sua faixa etária, especialmente no ambiente da cultura, do lazer e do entretenimento, discorrer-se-á, em primeiro plano, acerca dos princípios que norteiam a legislação infantojuvenil, partindo-se da doutrina (ou, como se adotará neste trabalho), do sobreprincípio da proteção integral. Ao se reconhecer que a criança é uma pessoa (sujeito de direitos), a quem deve o Estado, a família e a sociedade dedicar cuidado, zelo e atenção, fundada na reconhecida vulnerabilidade e hipossuficiência de que é portadora, prima-se por valores como o da dignidade da pessoa humana que, inegavelmente, protege em particular a criança, a fim de garantir-lhe a preservação de seu bem-estar, respeitar-lhe sua integridade física, mental e moral e atender, enfim, a seu melhor interesse. Examinar-se-á, a partir daí, o cerne (a ratio e a prospecção) da prevenção especial, a qual será considerada, em nossa hipótese, subclasse da prevenção geral. A indústria do entretenimento infantil (como sói acontecer com os programas televisivos e espetáculos públicos em geral, incluindo-se os cinematográficos), a publicidade, o uso de mídias eletrônicas, a disponibilização de jogos (inclusive de interpretação – RPG) estão a merecer atenção redobrada dos adultos, principalmente diante da velocidade com que as informações provenientes desses meios atingem a criança. Nesse sentido, as reflexões contidas neste estudo não escaparão ao enfrentamento de temas polêmicos e correlatos à matéria central, tais como o aparente conflito entre a liberdade de expressão e a manifestação do pensamento e o controle destes por meio do sistema de classificação indicativa. Para tanto, serão examinadas algumas decisões pretorianas, sem se olvidar a apreciação técnica da ADI (Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade) 2404, que tramita desde 2001 no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). Por fim, examinar-se-á a extensão do sistema de classificação indicativa, ousando-se sugerir possa ele ser estendido a outras formas de comunicação hoje não catalogadas pelo modelo classificatório em vigor

Efektivita programu prevence zranění dolních končetin v házené / The effectiveness of program in lower limbs injuries in handball

Kropíková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Title of diploma's thesis: The effectiveness of program in lower limbs injuries in handball Abstract: The theoretical part of diploma's thesis contains detailed description of anatomy and kinesiology of knee and ankle joints. It also link injuries which affect this parts of body. This part contains accident occurrence in sports, causes and mechanism of injury. We could not forget the theoretical treatment for the prevention of injury. The practical part is the creation and application of a simple prevention motion program that will have a preventive effect in terms of lower limb injuries of female handball players. Research thesis therefore dealt efficiency of our original motion program. We checked the statistically processed data on the number and type of injuries in female players of handball in the first league of women. The effectiveness of our motion program was confirmed by reducing the number of injuries of the lower limbs in the intervention group. Key words: lower limb injury, injury prevention, accident occurrence, special prevention motion program

The penalty: function and requirements / La pena: función y presupuestos

Meini Méndez, Iván Fabio 10 April 2018 (has links)
Legitimacy of criminal sanction is originated on its own purposes pursued in a state governed by the Rule of Law. That legitimacy should include the penalty as well as security measures, bearing in mind that both are imposed to someone breaking a rule of conduct, and therefore, someone capable to do it. Reviewing penal capacity or criminal liability concepts is required because if penal capacity means the capacity to understand the reality and adjust the behavior to it, and if every legitimate criminal sanction have to be imposed to someone who have the capacity of break it, then security measures also have to be imposed only to people responsible, capable to understand rules and act in accordance. With regard to people not subject to criminal liability they are standing outside Criminal Law and punish them would be illegitimate. In this line, criminal liability should be seen not only as a crime assumption but also as a basic statement for any dialogue the state shall have with the citizens: at the level of crime itself, proceedings and sentence execution . / La legitimación de la sanción penal se deriva de los fines que persigue en un Estado de derecho. Dicha legitimación debe abarcar tanto a la pena como a la medida de seguridad, y tener en cuenta que tanto la pena como la medida de seguridad se imponen a quien infringe una norma de conducta y, por tanto, a quien tiene capacidad para infringirla. Esto presupone revisar el concepto de capacidad penal o imputabilidad,pues si imputabilidad es capacidad para comprender la realidad y adecuar el comportamiento a dicha comprensión, y toda sanción penal legítima ha de imponerse a quien tiene dicha capacidad, también las medidas de seguridad han de ser impuestas solo a imputables. Los verdaderos inimputables son aquellos que están al margen del derecho penal y a quienes resulta ilegítimo imponer alguna sanción. En esta línea, la imputabilidad ha de ser vista no solo como presupuesto del delito, sino como presupuesto de cualquier diálogo que tenga el Estado con el ciudadano con respecto al delito, al proceso y a la ejecución de la pena.

毒品法庭的批判性考察 / A Critical Analysis of Drug Courts

林俊儒, Lin, Jun Ru Unknown Date (has links)
毒品法庭自美國發展而逐漸影響世界各地,甚至成為台灣修法倡議,是晚近刑事政策的重要議題。為深入了解毒品法庭,除介紹制度的發展概況與具體內涵外,尚將進一步考掘歷史成因及改革困境,並從制度構造及程序法理的二方面剖析其所引發的爭議。最後,將問題帶回台灣,在透過實證數據理解實務現況的基礎上,將改革情勢與制度問題脈絡化進行比較研究,試圖從刑事政策的觀點提出評價性建議,以作為台灣毒品施用者處遇的策進方向。 毒品法庭於其權限範圍內,避免對於毒品施用者施加刑罰,而改採治療的態度與方法,促使其參與以治療為主、多元且細緻的處遇。在此同時,也視其表現給予懲罰或獎勵,進行嚴密監督以強化治療義務的要求,加深毒品施用者兼具病人與犯人身分的矛盾。另一方面,程序轉為合作、案主導向、問題解決,則與以往對抗、案件導向、真實發現有別。藉此反思台灣毒品施用者處遇,重要的毋寧是檢討制度的各種爭議,以及其背後所顯示的刑事政策的價值選擇。 / Drug Courts that have risen from development in the United States have had a gradual influence on the rest of the world, and have even been amended into Taiwanese law. This has been an important issue in recent discussions of criminal policy. In order to understand Drug Courts in detail, this article first introduces the background and the contents of the system, and then explores historical causes and reform dilemmas. It then analyzes the issue from the perspective of institutional structure and procedural legal principles. To then focus the issue back on Taiwan, on the basis of understanding the current state of practice through empirical data, a comparative study of the context of reform and institutional issues is conducted. Finally, this article will attempt to put forward a proposal for an evaluation from the perspective of criminal policy as a strategy for dealing with drug addicts in Taiwan. Within its jurisdiction, the Drug Court will avoid applying penalties to drug users, and instead adopt attitudes and methods that focus on meticulous and multi-faceted methods that promote participation in treatment. At the same time, they also punish or reward based on performance, carry out strict supervision aimed at strengthening requirements and treatment obligations, and deepen the contradiction between the identity of patients and prisoners among drug users. On the other hand, the transition of procedures to collaboration, case-director orientation, and problem solving is different from confrontation, case-orientation, and truth discovery. In this regard, it is important to reflect on the problems with the system and the choice of values of the criminal policy seen behind them.

Strafzumessungsrelevanz der Vorsatzformen

Chung, Hung-Ping 29 July 2020 (has links)
Fragen: Es gibt nach h.M. der deutschen Strafrechtswissenschaft drei Vorsatzformen: Absicht, sicheres Wissen und dolus eventualis. Soll unterschiedliche Vorsatzform, ceteris paribus, auch bei der Strafzumessung unterschiedlich bewertet werden? Warum? Methode: Diese Fragen werden in einem interdisziplinären Dialog zwischen Norm und Empirie untersucht. Neben der strafrechtlichen und verfassungsrechtlichen Ausführung bezieht sich diese Arbeit großenteils auf die Erkenntnisse aus den Bereichen Kriminalpolitik, Kriminologie, Psychologie, Verhaltensökonomie und Neurowissenschaft. Zur Auswertung der Erkenntnisse wird großer Wert auch auf Forschungsmethode gelegt. Ergebnisse: Zur ersten Frage: Die Schuldangemessenheit gebietet, unterschiedliche Vorsatzformen bei der Strafzumessung unterschiedlich zu bewerten, wenn sie quantitative oder qualitative beachtliche Unterschiede aufweisen. Zur zweiten Frage: Der in Kapitel 6 erarbeitete Maßstab, Vorsatzformen nach dem Risiko für die Tatbestandsverwirklichung abzustufen, erweist sich als am aussichtsvollsten, sich auf solide Grundlagen der Norm und Empirie zu stützen. Möglichkeiten für Vorsatzabstufung nach diesem Maßstab werden erörtert. Eine klare Antwort bedarf aber einer Anpassung der Vorsatzformen an empirisches Wissen, weil die Studien aus anderen Bereichen den Nuancen von rechtlichen Begriffen nicht genug Rechnung tragen. Ferner wäre eine Vorsatzabstufung nach dem Bedarf einer Straftäterbehandlung, wie in Kapitel 4 gezeigt, erfolgversprechend, sollte die Beziehung zwischen den Vorsatzformen und dem Rückfallrisiko festgestellt werden. Ausblick: Der Verfasser plädiert für eine normativ sowie empirisch fundierte Strafrechtsdogmatik. Das heißt, Strafrechtler sollen empirische Beweise vorbringen, nötigenfalls durch eigene Studien, soweit ihre Argumente empirische Thesen enthalten. Zum Schluss verweist der Verfasser auf die Erforderlichkeit, das Potenzial und die Grenzen dieses Ansatzes und die Herausforderungen auf diesem Weg. / Question: According to the prevailing view of German legal doctrines, there are three severe types of mens rea, collectively referred to as "Vorsatz," i.e., intent, knowledge, and dolus eventualis. This work examined two questions: Should criminal acts committed with different "Vorsatz" types, all other things being equal, be punished differently? Why? Method: This work answered these questions in an interdisciplinary discourse between jurisprudence and empirical research, based chiefly on knowledge from criminal and constitutional law jurisprudence, penal policy, criminology, psychology, behavioral economics, and empirical research methods. Conclusion: To the first question: The proportionality between the penalty and criminal act demands that criminal acts committed with different "Vorsatz" types shall be differently punished if they exhibit considerable qualitative or quantitative differences. To the second question: The state of research, as discussed in Chapter 6, indicated that a gradation of "Vorsatz" types according to the risk they pose for crime completion is the most promising guideline that could enjoy both normative and empirical justifications. Possibilities of "Vorsatz" gradation are suggested. However, revisions of the definition of "Vorsatz" types are prerequisite for all these possibilities, because the studies in other disciplines did not take sufficiently into consideration the nuances of legal notions. On the other hand, a gradation of "Vorsatz" types according to the requirements for successful offender rehabilitation, as shown in Chapter 4, would also be promising if the relation between "Vorsatz" types and recidivism risk could be proven. Prospects: The author called for a criminal legal dogmatics on both normative and empirical bases. It means that criminal law scholars should provide evidence for arguments comprising empirical hypotheses. The necessity, potential, and limitations of this approach and challenge toward it are discussed. / 問題:按照德國刑法學通說,故意有三種類型:意圖、明知、間接故意。假設其他條件相同,不同的故意類型在量刑時是否應做不同評價? 方法:本文以規範與實證之間的對話來回答上述問題。除了刑法學和憲法學的辯證之外,本文大量援引數個領域的知識,例如刑事政策、犯罪學、心理學、行為經濟學及神經科學。為了適切評析實證知識,也注重實證研究方法的理解。 結果:回答第一個問題:罪刑相當原則要求,若故意類型之間具有量或質的重要差異,便應於量刑時做相應不同的評價。回答第二個問題:第6章提出的標準,亦即按照故意類型所代表的構成要件實現風險來做故意分級,是最有潛力同時具備堅實的規範基礎及實證基礎之標準。本章提出按照此標準來做故意分級的數種可能性。然而,必須先對故意類型的定義略做修改,才能得出明確的答案,這是因為其他領域做的研究不能充分顧及法律概念的細微變化。此外,若有朝一日能釐清故意類型與再犯風險之間的關係,則按照犯罪人矯治的需求來做故意分級,如同第4章所分析,也是很可能成功的。 展望:作者提倡「兼具規範與實證基礎的刑法釋義學」,此意味著,刑法學者應該提出經驗證據來支持自己論述當中的經驗命題,若有需要時,也應自己從事實證研究來達成此事。於論文結尾,作者提示這種研究取徑的必要性、潛力和界線,也指出追求此路徑之際可能面臨的挑戰。

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