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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring interaction design for counter-narration and agonistic co-design – Four experiments to increase understanding of, and facilitate, an established practice of grassroots activism

Palmér, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This is a documentation of a programmatic design approach, moving through different levels of an established practice of grassroots activism. The text frames an open-ended, exploratory methodology, as four stages of investigation, trying to find possible ways to shape and increase understanding of, and facilitate a process, of co-designing a practice. It presents the experience of looking for opportunities for counter-narration, as contribution to an activist cause, and questioning the role, purpose and approach of a designer in a grassroots activist environment.

Det post-antibiotiska köket : En dystopisk designspekulation om framtidens köksobjekt / The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen : A dystopic design speculation about the future objects of the kitchen

Grahn, Ebba January 2019 (has links)
I examensarbetet Det post-antibiotiska köket har samhällsfrågan om antibiotikaresistens undersökts ur ett designperspektiv. Detta för att uppmärksamma och sprida kunskap om problemet med den ökande resistensen och den nutida konsumtionen av läkemedlet. Designmetoden som använts är spekulativ design och syftet har varit att tillverka fem objekt som skall påverka och motivera en publik till att förändra den aktuella användningen av mirakelmedicinen. Genom grundliga efterforskningar om problematiken och om en framtid utan antibiotika har ett scenario formulerats. Detta scenario utspelar sig 30 år framåt i tiden, år 2049, i en värld där det inte längre finns fungerande antibiotika. Hur utförs en vardagsaktivitet, som att laga spagetti och köttfärssås, när ett litet sår kan leda till en dödlig infektion? Baserat på efterforskningar, workshops och samtal kunde köksobjekten fastställas; en kniv som minskar risken för stick- och skärskador, skyddande handskar, halkfria skor, en ansiktsmask och bakteriekryddor. Objekt som kan bli en del av det post-antibiotiska köket och vardagslivet om vi inte ändrar vårt nutida beteende. / In the degree work The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen the societal issue concerning antibiotic resistance has been explored through design. The purpose of the project has been to bring attention and spread knowledge about the growing resistance and current consumption of antibiotics. Speculative design has been the used design method and the goal has been to create five objects that will influence and motivate an audience to change the present usage of antibiotics. Through thorough research on the issue and on a future without antibiotics, a scenario has been formulated. The scenario takes place 30 years in the future, in 2049, in a world where there are no longer any functioning antibiotics. How will a day to day activity, such as cooking a meal, be performed when a small cut could lead to a deadly infection? Based on research, workshops and conversations five objects were created; a knife to prevent cut- and stab injuries, protective gloves, non-slip shoes, a face-guard and bacteria spices. Five objects that could be a part of the post-antibiotic kitchen and the daily life unless we change our current behavior today. / <p>Posten kompletterad 20190813 med uppdaterad version av uppsatsen.</p>

Smarttelefonen: En blick mot framtiden : när vetenskapliga fakta, design och fiktion blir ett

Persson, Simon, Larsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
I den här undersökningen utforskar vi hur användande av smarttelefoner skulle kunna se ut inom en nära framtid. Med designfiktion som grundpelare och förhållningssätt, verklighetsproducerar vi diegetiska prototyper som med sina utseendemässiga egenskaper och funktionaliteter, berättar om en möjlig framtida värld av smarttelefonanvändning. De diegetiska prototyperna är sprungna ur ett fiktivt scenario, baserad på tidigare forskning om aspekter kring användning av smarttelefoner, smarttelefonens tekniska utveckling och dess estimerade roll i en nära framtid. Med Scenariometoden, en egentillverkad metod som vi kallar “Lager-på-lager” och Bleeckers (2009) framställning av designfiktion, kan vi utgå från dessa aspekter för att fantisera och spekulera kring hur det en dag skulle kunna se ut. Löwgren och Stoltermans (2004) bok “Design av informationsteknik” bidrar med metodologi som bistår oss med verktyg för att realisera vår designfiktiva verklighetsproduktion, där fokuset ligger på idégenerering och ifrågasättande samt en abstrakt bild av hur designsituationer börjar, som vi använder som ett förhållningssätt under hela gestaltningsarbetet. Vi får inte bara inblick i hur smarttelefonanvändning skulle kunna se ut inom en snar framtid, men även hur designfiktion kan användas i en spekulerande undersökning, där vetenskapliga fakta, design och fiktion möts och blir ett. / In this Bachelor thesis we explore what smartphone usage could be like in the near future. With design fiction as the central method of approach, we create real life diegetic prototypes that, with their appearance and functionalities, tell of a possible future world of smartphone use. Our diegetic prototypes come from a fictitious scenario, based on aspects derived from science fact, containing smartphone use, the smartphone’s technological evolution and estimated role in the near future. With Scenariometoden (“The scenario method”), our own method Lager-på-lager (“Layer-on-layer”) and Bleecker’s (2009) interpretation of design fiction, we can base our fantasy and speculation on these aspects, to imagine what it one day could be like. Löwgren and Stolterman’s (2004) book “Design av informationsteknik” contributes methodology that assists us with tools for realizing our design-fictional reality production, where the focus is on idea generation and questioning as well as an abstract picture of how design situations begin which we use as an appliance throughout the design work. We not only get an insight into what smartphone use could be like in the near future, but also how design fiction can be used in speculative study, where science fact, design and fiction meet and become one.

Pesquisa através do design e prática crítica : uma investigação sobre o desenvolvimento de artefatos críticos no processo de construção de problemas de pesquisa acadêmicos

Lorenz, Bruno Augusto 23 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-05-28T12:50:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Augusto Lorenz_.pdf: 11301208 bytes, checksum: 8c50f8de2f0ed9b207ee727c647fc2ee (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-28T12:50:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Augusto Lorenz_.pdf: 11301208 bytes, checksum: 8c50f8de2f0ed9b207ee727c647fc2ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-23 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nos últimos anos, o design também passou a ser considerado como uma abordagem de pesquisa acadêmica que se apropria da prática projetual como meio de construção de objetos a fim de alcançar novos conhecimentos – a pesquisa através do design (RtD). Levando e consideração que o processo de desenvolvimento de um trabalho de pesquisa acadêmico passa por uma etapa de identificação e construção do problema a ser investigado, o presente trabalho discute o impacto do desenvolvimento de artefatos críticos na construção de problemas de pesquisa acadêmicos. Artefatos críticos são aqueles criados a partir da prática crítica, uma abordagem de RtD que propõe a reflexão e o debate a partir de estratégias provocativas. Desenvolveu-se um método compreende três workshops, nas quais oito mestrandos exploraram seus próprios problemas de pesquisa através do desenvolvimento de artefatos críticos. Os 25 artefatos criados foram analisados a partir das ferramentas Matriz Crítica e Portfólio Annotations. Grupos focais foram realizados com os designers-pesquisadores e posteriormente analisados com a ferramenta Análise de Conteúdo. A partir dos resultados, concluiu-se que (i) artefatos críticos permitem aos pesquisadores que estes alcancem novas percepções sobre seus próprios temas de pesquisa, a partir de atitudes Exploratórias e Solucionadoras; (ii) o exercício da prática crítica pode ser localizado em três diferentes momentos de uma pesquisa acadêmica, com benefícios variados; (iii) artefatos críticos incorporam conhecimentos sobre as pesquisas que exploram, o que permite que eles funcionem como meios não usuais de popularização de conhecimento acadêmico. Por fim, diretrizes projetuais são propostas visando beneficiar futuros exercícios em contextos semelhantes. / In recent years, design has also come to be regarded as an academic research approach that appropriates design practice as a means of building objects in order to achieve new knowledge - known as research through design (RtD). Taking into consideration that the process of developing an academic research work goes through a stage of identification and construction of the problem to be investigated, this dissertation discusses the impact of the development of critical artifacts in the construction of academic research problems. Critical artifacts are those created from critical practice, an RtD approach that proposes reflection through provocative strategies. A method has been developed comprising three workshops, in which eight master students explored their own research problems through the development of critical artifacts. The 25 artifacts created were analyzed using the Matrix of Common Argument Types and the Portfolio Annotations methods. Focus groups were carried out with the designers-researchers and later analyzed through the Content Analysis tool. It was concluded that (i) critical artifacts allow researchers to reach new insights about their own research themes, through Exploratory and Solving Attitudes; (ii) the practice of the critical practice can be located in three different moments of an academic research, with varied benefits; (iii) critical artifacts incorporate knowledge about the research they explore, which allows them to function as unusual means of popularizing academic knowledge. Finally, design guidelines are proposed to benefit future exercises in similar contexts.

Collective weaving of territories: Exploring diasporic identities with Latin American migrants

Castillo Muñoz, Yénika January 2020 (has links)
Den här interaktionsdesign uppsatsen bidrar till en omgående diskussion på Avkoloniserande design. Särskild genom att utforska identiteter i diaspora med latinamerikanska migranter. Mellan anpassning och total assimilation flera frågor dyker upp, om värderingar, egenskaper och vanor, och de materiella uttryck av dessa aspekter såsom de utmaningarna för interaktionsdesign och deras metoder. Resultatet är en kollektiv territorium uttryckt som en interaktiv karta som kontinuerligt vävas genom en smartphone app. Kartan fylls med minnen, låtar, matrecept och drömmar som förverkliga de identiteterna i diaspora (diasporic situatedness). Kartan är en kritisk fabulering om vad kartorna är och kan bli. Kartan vädjar till uppfattningen av den Pluriversum för att avkolonisera begreppen som hybriditet, identitet och territorium. Forskningen avgår från Chicano- och transnationella feminism, postkoloniala och avkoloniala teorier, epistemologier från Södern och kritisk design. I processens hjärta ligger den kollektiva spekulation, genom codesign metoder för att uppmuntra delade funderingar och diskussioner, med visuella och verbala resurser. En ny metod undersöker de berättande egenskaper av linjer för att väva och vandra den interaktiva kartan. / This interaction design thesis contributes to the discussion in Decolonial design, and in particular it explores diasporic identities of Latin American migrants. Between adaptation and assimilation, several questions arise: About traces, values, practices and the materialities of these aspects, as well as the challenges for Interaction design and its methods to address them.The design outcome is the concept of a collective identity territory expressed in an interactive map, that is continuously woven digitally through an app interface. The map is populated with memories, songs, recipes and dreams that materialise the diasporic situatedness. I consider it a critical fabulation on what maps can be. The contribution of the outcome appeals to the notion of the Pluriverse to decolonise the notions of hybridity, identity and territory.The research departs from the notions of Chicano and transnational feminism, postcolonial and decolonial theories, epistemologies of the South and critical design. In the center of the design process is the collective speculation, using codesign methods to encourage shared reflections through visual and verbal resources. A new method explores the narrative qualities of lines to weave and wander the interactive map.

Internet of Beings : Speculating about more-than-human interactions in the urban environment

Iezzi, Valeria January 2021 (has links)
Designing for societal engagement and benefit, aiming for the inclusion of humans, has been largely implemented within interaction design research. However, recent studies on entanglements and more-than-human worlds in interaction design, participatory and speculative design, in combination with Science &amp; Technology Studies (STS) and ANT (Actor-network theories), revealed new opportunities for designers for the development of methods and practices, particularly about designing new forms of engagement with and through design artefacts for the benefit of the natural environment in the city. Through an RtD process, this thesis explores current relations between humans and nonhumans by establishing a more-than-human design space that embraces participatory and speculative methods. The aim is to implement more-than-human theories into the design practice to contribute to Posthuman Interaction design and Non-anthropocentric design. Therefore, this thesis presents Internet of Beings, a series of speculative design artefacts that aim to rebalance power structures and enable collaborative more-than-human interactions in the city. Internet of Beings stems from the desire of speculating on possible more-than-human futures, where cohabitation and care are at the base for the future of urban species. While humans are asked to reattune, be curious, notice again and collaborate with nature, nonhuman species start to have agency in the decision-making to thrive in a collaborative, sustainable more-than-human city. Thus, Internet of Beings represents a way of "staying with the trouble" (Haraway, 2016) for a collaborative future (Tsing, 2015) in the urban environment.

Dying ‘on time’ in dementia

de Haas, Marije, Hignett, Sue, Jun, Thomas Gyuchan 19 December 2019 (has links)
The fear of suffering dementia may lead to people signing an Advance Euthanasia Directive to make provision for health care decisions in the event that he/she becomes unable to make those decisions. However, Advance Euthanasia Directives are rarely adhered to in the case of dementia because the symptoms of dementia conflict with the due care criteria; a person requesting euthanasia must be able to confirm this request at time of death and must be undergoing unbearable and hopeless suffering. Once dementia has progressed, the euthanasia ‘wish’ can no longer be confirmed, and assessing suffering in a person with dementia is nearly impossible. This means that for a euthanasia request to be successful you have to perform the euthanasia early enough, while the patient is still cognitively competent. The risk in doing so is that the patient may lose years of their life that could have been full of quality. Postponing euthanasia in dementia could result in euthanasia not being possible and the person with dementia living a life that they did not want. This paper addresses how to decide what ‘on time’ is when it comes to dying with dementia through literature review, information visualisation and public debate.

Reality Check : A review of design principles within emergent XR artefacts

Svedberg, Jonnie Juhani January 2020 (has links)
With the advent of novel digital interfaces such as augmented, mixed and virtual reality, the way we interact with digital artefacts is changing at a nearly reckless pace. The adoption rate within enterprise applications is racing, with mass adoption among consumers soon to follow. This paper aims to iterate a key question sometimes hidden within these rapid developments; are the practices used to develop these artefacts properly tested and evaluated as the best possible ones? In order to answer this, we will explore and evaluate how existing best practices adhere to empirical evidence, but also to experiment with potential avenues of alternative design methodologies. Once adequate conclusions are reached, they will be utilized to design a prototype/proof of concept to showcase just how aninterface/interaction made with the new considerations in mind can differ from those made with contemporary design principles. Upon evaluation of thi sexperimental prototype which utilized the user’s hands as physical, tactile feedback for interactions, respondents were overall positive to this method of interaction, despite some discomfort from the limitations imposed by this specific technical approach. Due to this, it is strongly suggested that development of XR artefacts might often be designed around these technical limitations instead of a truly best practice. This is why we heavily implore both further testing and experimentation as time goes on, since emergent technologies might lack these limitations and therefore enable richer, better interaction methods and experiences within XR.

The Testing Bureau – Creating a climate fiction game to influence the narrative of climate change

Ellen, Mårtensson January 2020 (has links)
The stories humans tell and are told about climate change matters in our understanding of the phenomena, and have an impact on how we act in relation to it. However, climate fiction video games are few in numbers. This project presents the development of “The Testing Bureau”; an interactive fiction game with a story inspired by climate research. The research used is that of the shared socioeconomic pathways: five scenarios that present different socio-economic and political movements and their impact on mitigating and adapting to climate change (O’Neill et. al 2015). The game has been created as a response to the lack of climate fiction within video games, as well as being a way to make climate change research visible outside of scientific circles. Playtests indicated that the game held the potential of spurring personal reflection and engagement on the topics of the policies and possible endings.

Cyborg, How Queer Are You? Speculations on Technologically-Mediated Morality Towards Posthuman-Centered Design

Çerçi, Sena January 2018 (has links)
This research deals with the highly-relevant issue of paternalism within the discipline and practice of HCI with a particular focus on the autonomous decision-making AI technologies. It is an attempt to reframe the problem of paternalism as a basis for posthuman-centered design, as the emerging technologies have already started to redefine autonomy, morality and therefore what it means to be a human. Instead of following traditional design processes, queering as an analogy/method is used in order to speculate on the notion of technological mediation through design fictions. Relying on arguments drawn from the relevant theory on philosophy of technology and feminist technoscience studies as well as the insights from the fieldwork rather than conventional empirical design research for its conclusions, this research aims to provide a background for a possible ‘Design Thing’ to tackle the problem in multidisciplinary and democratic ways under the guidance of the ‘queer cyborg’ imagery.

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