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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Devenir des apports solides du Rhône dans le Golfe du Lion : étude de la dynamique du panache turbide du Rhône en réponse aux forçages hydrométéorologiques / Fate of Rhône River sediment inputs to the Gulf of Lions : study of the Rhône River turbid plume dynamics in response to hydrometeorological forcings

Gangloff, Aurélien 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les contaminants, dissouts ou adsorbés sur les particules, sont principalement délivrés au milieu marin par les fleuves. La dynamique sédimentaire constitue alors un proxy de la dynamique de ces contaminants. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le projet ANR AMORAD, et se focalise sur la dynamique du matériel particulaire délivré par le Rhône au Golfe du Lion (Méditerranée nord-occidentale), principal contributeur d'apports solides au Golfe (80 % des sédiments). Alors que des études antérieures ont permis de bien représenter les processus au niveau du fond, les processus régissant les comportements des matières en supension (MES), majoritairement rencontrées dans le panache turbide du Rhône, sont encore mal apréhendés. En vue de mieux décrire la dynamique de ces MES et d'améliorer les modèles hydrosédimentaires existants, l'objectif est de mieux caractériser ces particules. À cette fin, un vaste jeu de données issu de capteurs déployés in situ (données collectées pour 12 campagnes en mer, réalisées de 2011 à 2016) a été exploité, permettant d’obtenir une vision 2D verticale mais seulement ponctuelle (spatialement et temporellement). De façon complémentaire, une base de données d'images satellitaires (donnée couleur de l'eau du capteur MERIS-300m acquise entre 2002 et 2012), offrant une vue plus synoptique et long terme mais uniquement en surface, a été exploitée. Le jeu de données d'images satellitaire (plus de 800 images) a été traité de façon innovante par l'application d'un traitement semi-automatique permettant l'extraction de différentes métriques du panache turbide du Rhône (e.g. aire, limites d'extension, forme, centres géométriques, concentrations). La distribution spatiale et les caractéristiques physiques des MES telles que leur concentration dans l'eau, leur diamètre médian ou encore leur vitesse de chute ont été étudiées et estimées en fonction des différents forçages hydrométéorologiques actifs sur la zone d'étude (e.g. débit du Rhône, vents dominants). Un nouveau modèle hydrosédimentaire reposant sur le couplage du modèle hydrodynamique MARS-3D et du module sédimentaire multiclasse MIXSED a été configuré et les données in situ et satellitaires ont pu être mobilisées afin de contraindre la vitesse de chute des sédiments, paramètre clef de la modélisation de la dynamique hydrosédimentaire. / Contaminants, which can be dissolved in water or adsorbed on particles, are mainly delivered to the coastal environment by rivers. Thus, sediment dynamics reperesent a relevant proxy of contaminants dynamics. ThisPhD thesis is part of the ANR AMORAD project, of which one workpackage focuses on the fate of sediments in the coastal environment. This work focuses on the dynamics of Rhône River sediments in the Gulf of Lions (north-western mediterranean), this river delivering 80 % of the sediments of the Gulf. While previous studies over the area allowed a better understanding of physical processes at the water-sediment interface, processes driving suspended particulate matter (SPM) dynamics are still poorly understood. To better describe this SPM dynamics and improve hydrosedimentary models, the aim is to better characterize these particles. To this end, a large dataset collected from in situ deployed sensors (data collected for 12 field campaigns, conducted from 2011 to 2016) was analyzed to get a 2D vertical but ponctual view (both spatially and temporally). Complementary, a satellite images dataset (MERIS-300m ocean colour archive from 2002 to 2012) was built in order to get a long term and more synoptic view (but limited to surface).This dataset (more than 800 images) was originaly studied, applying a semi-empirical process to extract various Rhône River turbid plume metrics (e.g. area of extension, south-east-westernmost points, shape, centroids, SPM concentrations). Plume metrics and physical properties of SPM such as their concentration in water, their median diameter or their settling velocity were investigated regarding the different hydrometeorological forcings (e.g. Rhône River discharge, prevailing winds). A new hydrosedimentary model, based on the coupling of the 3D hydrodynamical model MARS-3D and the sedimentary module MIXSED, was set and ocean color and in situ data were used to constrain the settling velocity of particles, key parameter of hydrosedimentary modelling.

Variabilité et évolution des apports de matières en suspension dans la zone côtière : approche multi-échelle dans le bassin de la Méditerranée / Variability and evolution of suspended particulate matter inputs in the coastal zone : multi-scale approach in the Mediterranean basin

Sadaoui, Mahrez 12 December 2016 (has links)
Les fleuves assurent le transport des matières particulaires vers la mer, introduisant ainsi du sable, des nutriments et des contaminants. Les fleuves méditerranéens sont de part leurs caractéristiques (relief accidenté, climat contrasté) naturellement riches en matières en suspension (MES), mais leurs flux sont aujourd’hui largement modifiés par la construction de barrages. Cette étude vise à comprendre la variabilité et l’évolution des apports fluviaux en MES en Méditerranée par une approche multi-échelle : (1) Dans le Golfe du Lion, les flux de MES (et nutriments associés) ont été estimés à long terme grâce à la nouvelle méthode SiRCA (Simplified Rating Curve Approach). La lithologie est le contrôle principal pour la variabilité spatiale de ces flux, ce qui attribue au Rhône le rôle dominant dans les apports totaux (95%). (2) Dans le bassin méditerranéen, une quantification complète des apports par l’ensemble des fleuves a été établie (modélisation empirique) dont 35% de MES sont aujourd’hui retenus dans les grands barrages (GB). (3) Dans le bassin du Maghreb, la retenue sédimentaire par les petits barrages a pu être estimée égale à celle des GB. / Rivers ensure the transport of suspended particulate matter (SPM) to the Sea, introducing sand, nutrients and contaminants. According to their drainange basin characteristics (mountainous relief, contrasting climates), Mediterranean rivers are naturally rich in SPM, but their fluxes are largely altered today because of damming. This study aims to understand the variability and evolution of the riverine SPM inputs to the Mediterranean sea by a multiscale approach. (1) In the Gulf of Lion, total SPM fluxes (and associated nutrients) were estimated on the long term through the development of a new method SiRCA (Simplified Rating Curve Approach). The lithology is the main control for the spatial variability of these fluxes, which attributes to the Rhône River the dominant role in the overall fluxes (95%). (2) In the Mediterranean basin, empirical modeling could be established which allows for the first time a complete quantification of the inputs by all the rivers in this region (997 Mt/an). It also confirms the importance of lithology among the dominant controlling factors. By combining this model with a database of large dams in this region, it has been calculated that about 35% of SPM are today retained behind dams. (3) In the Maghreb basin, finally the role of sediment retention by small dams and hillside reservoirs has been studied. A new database on these reservoirs was created and combined with the database on large dams. This study demonstrates that small dams probably retain the same amount of sediments that large dams.

Sestavení a testování zařízení pro výrobu ozonované vody a její aplikace na čištění křemíkových desek / Assemblage and testing of the device for water ozonizing and its application for silicon wafer cleaning

Ředina, Dalibor January 2017 (has links)
Deionised-ozonated water, so-called DIO3 appears to be an ideal alternative for usage in semiconductor industry. The utilisation of DIO3 for removal of photoresist from silicon wafers is faster, cheaper, and more environmental-friendly compared to classical technology based on mixture of sulphuric acid with hydrogen peroxide, so-called SPM. The diploma thesis deals firstly with research into ozone and ozonated water and their possible applications. Next sections describe two prototypes of generators for DIO3, that were assembled in CSVG a.s. Testing of parameters for generators on dissolved-ozone concentration is also a part of this thesis. Moreover, thesis involves tests, that were carrier out in ON Semiconductor in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. These tests compare efficiency of cleaning by classical technology based on SPM and DIO3 approach.

Software pro výběr pacientů a oblastí mozku vhodných k analýze konektivity z fMRI dat / Software for patients and brain regions selection suitable for analysis of connectivity in fMRI

Slavíček, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create an exploratory tool for functional magnetic resonance imaging data, which allows quickly and easily making a selection of persons and areas suitable for group analysis of connectivity. In the first chapters of this work is mentioned history of brain research and comparison of methods used in functional imaging. Next they are discussed the theoretical basis of fMRI methods, such as the formation of BOLD signal, acquisition parameters of MRI images and methods for designing experiments. The following chapter describes in detail the analysis of recorded data from the pre-processing to the interpretation of results. The last chapter of the first part describes problems of group analysis in SPM8 software. The second half of this work is dedicated to the description of developed program from data input to saving the results, including detailed descriptions of key features. In conclusion, there is a chapter characterizing the application of developed program on real data from clinical studies, including the results and evaluation of the usability of program. The program will mainly be used in neuroscience research.

Nástroj pro analýzu pohybu subjektů při měření funkční magnetickou rezonancí / Tool for analysis of subject's movements in functional magnetic resonance measurements.

Šejnoha, Radim January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an analysis of subject’s movement during measurements with funcional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). It focuses on methods of a movement artifacts detection and their removal in fMRI images. Thesis deals with metrics which are used for the movement rate of measured subjects evaluation. Metrics and a correction of movement are implemented into the programme in MATLAB. Comparison of subjects suffering from Parkinson’s disease with a group of healthy control was carried out. Tresholds of individual metrics were suggested and a criterion for the removal of subjects with high movement rate was determined.

Flux sédimentaire en estuaire de Seine : quantification et variabilité multi-échelle sur la base de mesure de turbidité (réseau SYNAPSES) / Sediment fluxes in the Seine estuary : quantification and variability based on turbidity measurements (SYNAPSES monitoring network)

Druine, Flavie 26 June 2018 (has links)
La dynamique des Matières en Suspension (MES) dans les estuaires macrotidaux est fortement variable à la fois spatialement (du compartiment fluvial à l'embouchure de l'estuaire) et temporellement (de la seconde à plusieurs années), mais reste primordiale pour comprendre et quantifier la dynamique sédimentaire des environnements estuariens. Avec le développement croissant des réseaux de mesures haute-fréquence à l'échelle internationale, l'objectif principal de cette étude est de qualifier et de valoriser les mesures de turbidité acquises par un réseau de mesures haute fréquence (réseau SYNAPSES) implanté d'amont en aval sur l'estuaire de la Seine (France) à la fois (i) en matière de suivi de la dynamique des MES du compartiment fluvial au bouchon vaseux et (ii) en matière d'estimation des flux de MES sur différentes échelles spatio-temporelles de l'estuaire de la Seine. Les données acquises à partir du réseau SYNAPSES et des campagnes in situ (81 journées de 12 h - OBS-3+/YSI/LISST 100X-C/ADCP 600 kHz) sur quatre stations réparties de l'estuaire fluvial à la zone du bouchon vaseux, constituent un set de données extrêmement riche et unique sur les domaines estuariens. La variabilité des relations, établies entre les mesures de turbidité [NTU] et les mesures de concentrations en MES [g.L-1] sur chacune des campagnes de l'échelle tidale à annuelle, met en évidence l'effet (i) de la technologie interne du capteur et (ii) de la variabilité des propriétés optiques inhérentes des particules (diamètre médian D50), densité sèche rhô et efficacité de diffusion Qc) sur la sensibilité des différents capteurs optiques. L'analyse conjointe des données in situ et des données SYNAPSES a permis de calibrer les mesures de turbidité en concentration massique, avec une relation validée sur le cycle annuel, spécifique à chacune des stations et des incertitudes minimisées. Après une étude de la représentativité des stations du réseau vis-à-vis de la section, les flux instantanés de MES sont estimés (i) à partir des données de concentrations en MES et de débits acquis par l'ADCP sur l'intégralité de la section et (ii) à partir des concentrations ponctuelles en MES du réseau SYNAPSES couplées au modèle hydrodynamique MARS-3D. Les comparaisons des flux de MES in situ par rapport à ceux estimés par la combinaison SYNAPSES/MARS-3D permettent de proposer un coefficient spécifique à chacune des stations du réseau SYNAPSES, dans le but d'ajuster les flux instantanés de MES estimés, avec leurs incertitudes, à partir du réseau SYNAPSES à la réalité in situ. Les outils et les démarches développés dans la thèse sur l'estuaire de la Seine pauvent être appliqués à d'autres estuaires macrotidaux pour estimer les flux sédimentaires. / The dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in macrotidal estuaries is highly variable both spatially (from the fluvial compartment to the estuary mouth) and temporally (from the second to several years), but it is essential to understand and quantify the sedimentary dynamics of estuarine environments. With the development of high-frequency measurement networks around the world, the main objective of this study is to qualify the turbidity measurements acquired by a high-frequency measurement network (SYNAPSES network) located on the Seine estuary (i) in terms of monitoring the SPM dynamics from the fluvial compartment to the turbidity maximal zone (TMZ) and (ii) in terms of estimation of the SPM fluxes on different spatio-temporal scales of the Seine estuary. Data acquired from the SYNAPSES network and complementary in situ campaigns (81 days of 12 h - OBS-3+/YSI/LISST 100X-C / ADCP 600 kHz) on four stations from the fluvial estuary of the Seine Estuary to the turbidity maximal zone, are an extremely rich and unique dataset on estuarine environments. The variability in the relationship between turbidity measurements [NTU] and SPM concentration measurements [g.L-1] on each campaign, reveals the effect of (i) the internal sensor technology and (ii) the variability of the particle inherent optical properties (median diameter D50, dry density rho and scattering efficiency Qc) on the sensitivity of different optical sensors. The analysis of the in situ and the SYNAPSES data allowed to calibrate the turbidity measurements in mass concentration, with a validated relationship on the annual cycle, specific to each of the stations and reduced uncertainties. After a study of the SYNAPSES station representativeness across the section, the instantaneous fluxes of SPM are estimated (i) from the SPM concentration and liquid flow data acquired by the ADCP on the global section and (ii) from the SPM concentrations of the SYNAPSES network coupled to the hydrodynamic model MARS-3D (estimation of the liquid flow). Comparisons of SPM fluxes in situ to those estimated by the combination SYNAPSES/MARS-3D allow to propose a specific coefficient for each of the SYNAPSES network stations, xith the aim of adjusting the SPM instantaneous fluxes estimated from the SYNAPSES network to the in situ reality, with reasonable uncertainties. the tools and approaches developed in the PhD thesis on the Seine estuary can be applied to other macrotidal estuaries to estimate sedimentary fluxes.

Pristine and Doped Titanium Dioxide Studied by NC-AFM

Bechstein, Ralf 02 February 2009 (has links)
A commercial non-contact atomic force microscope was improved to achieve utmost resolution on a routine basis. This system was used to study the (110) surface of rutile titanium dioxide. The focus was on understanding contrast formation in terms of tip-sample interaction mechanisms. Moreover, chromium and antimony-doped titanium dioxide was investigated. The implications of transition-metal doping on the surface structure of this highly interesting photocatalyst was studied at the atomic scale.

Modified Scanning Probes for the Analysis of Polymer Surfaces

Barrios, Carlos A. 01 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Origen y función de las espermidina aminopropil transferasas en Arabidopsis thaliana

Gómez Minguet, Eugenio 24 May 2010 (has links)
"Origen y función de las espermidina aminopropil transferasas en Arabidopsis thaliana " Las poliaminas son pequeñas moléculas con carga positiva a pH fisiológico. Las más abundantes y más ampliamente distribuidas entre todos los seres vivos son la putrescina y la espermidina con dos y tres grupos amino, respectivamente. La espermidina se forma a partir de la putrescina por adición de un grupo aminopropilo. La espermina, con cuatro grupos amino y presente sólo en eucariotas, se forma a partir de la espermidina por adición de un segundo grupo aminopropilo. Las poliaminas han sido relacionadas con procesos fundamentales para la vida, como son la división, el crecimiento, la diferenciación y la muerte celular, habiéndose demostrado en todos los organismos en los que se han conseguido mutantes deficientes en su síntesis que las poliaminas son esenciales. En plantas se han encontrado múltiples correlaciones entre la variación en la concentración de las poliaminas y procesos tales como la germinación, la embriogénesis, la formación de raíces, la iniciación floral o el desarrollo de flores y frutos. Al inicio de esta tesis se publicó la identificación de la primera putativa espermina sintasa en plantas (ACL5), cuya pérdida de función da lugar a un defecto en la elongación del tallo y alteración del patrón normal de los haces vasculares; sin embargo, nuestro análisis del mutante acl5 nos ha revelado que no había perdido la capacidad de sintetizar espermina. Nuestro rastreo del genoma de Arabidopsis thaliana nos permitió identificar y caracterizar el gen SPM, otra putativa espermina sintasa regulada por ácido abscísico. Los mutantes nulos para este gen no muestran diferencias fenotípicas respecto del silvestre pero el doble mutante spm/acl5 nos ha permitido confirmar que no hay más genes responsables de la síntesis de espermina. No obstante, la sobreexpresión de SPM en el mutante acl5 no ha sido capaz de aliviar su fenotipo. / Gómez Minguet, E. (2008). Origen y función de las espermidina aminopropil transferasas en Arabidopsis thaliana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8311

ImplementaÃÃo de portas lÃgicas atravÃs da modulaÃÃo de pulsos por posiÃÃo (PPM) em filtros acÃstico-Ãpticos sintonizÃveis. / Implementation of optic gates through the pulse position modulation (PPM) in acoustic optical tunable filter (AOTF)

Clauson Sales do Nascimento Rios 13 July 2006 (has links)
FundaÃÃo de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Cearà / Nesta dissertaÃÃo foi estudada a aplicaÃÃo do filtro AcÃstico-Ãptico SintonizÃvel (AOTF), com a ModulaÃÃo de Pulsos por PosiÃÃo (PPM), objetivando implementar, utilizando o mÃtodo de Runge-Kutta de 4a ordem, portas lÃgicas (OR-OU e AND-E) Ãpticas operando com pulsos de luz ultracurtos (2ps). Neste trabalho à investigado o desempenho das portas considerando vÃrios comprimentos do filtro ( L) que integra a sua estrutura interna, com o intuito de obter o comprimento de filtro mais adequado para uma operaÃÃo satisfatÃria, em regime dispersivo, nÃo linear, sem perdas e com modulaÃÃo de fase cruzada (XPM). Esta investigaÃÃo à realizada em duas situaÃÃes: primeiramente, sÃo considerados filtros com automodulaÃÃo de fase (SPM) e GVD (dispersÃo da velocidade de grupo). Em um segundo momento, as mesmas portas sÃo obtidas com efeitos SPM, XPM e GVD agindo juntos no AOTF. Foi observado que para pulsos do tipo sÃliton, os efeitos da dispersÃo, da nÃo linearidade e da modulaÃÃo de fase cruzada exercem juntos uma forte influÃncia na propagaÃÃo do mesmo, provocando a quebra do pulso na saÃda do dispositivo quando utilizamos um comprimento maior para os filtros. Para dispositivos mais curtos, o pulso chaveado apresentou compressÃes e alargamentos temporais e espectrais, bem comodeslocamentos temporais nos dois modo de propagaÃÃo (TE e TM). ApÃs a escolha de um comprimento de filtro adequado, foi selecionado um deslocamento temporal Ãtimo a ser aplicado nos pulsos de entrada para conseguirmos, na saÃda da porta lÃgica, deslocamentos temporais satisfatÃrios (acertos) na aplicaÃÃo da modulaÃÃo PPM. Em seguida, introduzimos fases em um dos pulsos de entrada (TM), provocando um defasamento entre os pulsos TE e TM, reduzindo ainda mais a margem de erro PPM de operaÃÃo das portas. Finalmente, ao analisarmos as fases aplicadas no pulso TM (0 a 2), definirmos o melhor Ãngulo de fase para que as portas operem na regiÃo de acerto da modulaÃÃo PPM. / In this dissertation it was studied the application of the Acoustic Optical Tunable Filter (AOTF), with Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), aiming at to implement, using the method of Runge-Kutta of 4a order, logical gates (OR and AND) optical operating with pulses of light ultra shorts (2ps). In this work the acting of the gates is investigated, considering several lengths of the filter (  L) that integrates your internal structure, with the intention of obtaining the length of more appropriate filter for a satisfactory operation, in dispersion regime, nonlinear, without losses and with Cross Phase Modulation (XPM). This investigation is accomplished in two situations: firstly, filters are considered with Self Phase Modulation (SPM) and GVD (group-velocity dispersion). In a second moment, the same gates are obtained with effects SPM, XPM and GVD, acting together in AOTF. It was observed that for pulses of the type soliton, the effects of the dispersion, of the nonlinearity and of the cross phase modulation exercise together a strong influences in the propagation of the same, provoking the break of the pulse in the exit of the device when we used a larger length for the filters. For shorter devices, the switched pulse presented temporary and spectral compression and spread, as well as, displacement in the time in the two propagation modes (TE and TM). After the choice of a length of appropriate filter, a great temporary displacement was selected to be applied in the input pulses for us to get, in the exit of the logical gate, satisfactory temporary displacements (successes) in the application of the PPM modulation. Soon after, we introduced phases in one of the entrance pulses (TM), provoking a phase displacement among TE and TM pulses, still reducing more the margin of error PPM of operation of the gates. Finally, to the we analyze the applied phases in the pulse TM (0 to 2), we defined the best phase angle for the gates to operate in the success area of the PPM modulation.

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