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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ungdomarna och idrotten : tonåringars idrottande i fyra skilda miljöer

Larsson, Bengt January 2008 (has links)
<p>The main aim of the study is to generate increased knowledge about young people’s leisure time sporting habits in a contextual perspective. The intention is to highlight the circumstances in which young people pursue and participate in different activities, with a particular focus on sport in terms of one’s own life circumstances. An essential point of departure of the study is regarding sport as an important pedagogic environment of norms and values.</p><p>The perspective of the study is mainly cultural-sociological. In the analyses, Pierre Bourdieu’s key concepts habitus and capital have been used as research tools together with gender. The data on which the thesis is based is collected from young people from school year 9 living in four different milieus and comes from three different collections, conducted in 1996, 2002 and 2007. In each data collection about 1200-1500 pupils replied to a questionnaire.</p><p>Sport occupies a central position in young people’s life on the recreational field. The results show that sport culture can best be understood in the local perspective. Young people’s sporting habit development can be said to be a result of a complex interplay between personal preferences, the home environment, local traditions, what is on offer, living conditions and the prevailing laws of gender and status.</p><p>For the group of teenagers as a whole the proportion of members, as well as those who pursue personal sports, increases with higher educational capital and higher economic capital. When it comes to organised sport outside the sports club milieu no such connection can be determined.</p><p>The thesis has shown that sport is not accessible for all and opportunities for participation are curtailed for large groups of young people in our society. This is especially true for sport organised in sport clubs, i.e. sport mainly supported by public funds.</p>

Ungdomarna och idrotten : tonåringars idrottande i fyra skilda miljöer

Larsson, Bengt January 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the study is to generate increased knowledge about young people’s leisure time sporting habits in a contextual perspective. The intention is to highlight the circumstances in which young people pursue and participate in different activities, with a particular focus on sport in terms of one’s own life circumstances. An essential point of departure of the study is regarding sport as an important pedagogic environment of norms and values. The perspective of the study is mainly cultural-sociological. In the analyses, Pierre Bourdieu’s key concepts habitus and capital have been used as research tools together with gender. The data on which the thesis is based is collected from young people from school year 9 living in four different milieus and comes from three different collections, conducted in 1996, 2002 and 2007. In each data collection about 1200-1500 pupils replied to a questionnaire. Sport occupies a central position in young people’s life on the recreational field. The results show that sport culture can best be understood in the local perspective. Young people’s sporting habit development can be said to be a result of a complex interplay between personal preferences, the home environment, local traditions, what is on offer, living conditions and the prevailing laws of gender and status. For the group of teenagers as a whole the proportion of members, as well as those who pursue personal sports, increases with higher educational capital and higher economic capital. When it comes to organised sport outside the sports club milieu no such connection can be determined. The thesis has shown that sport is not accessible for all and opportunities for participation are curtailed for large groups of young people in our society. This is especially true for sport organised in sport clubs, i.e. sport mainly supported by public funds.

Hábitos físico-deportivos en la Región de Murcia: implicaciones para la elaboración del currículum en el ciclo formativo de actividades físico-deportivas

Hellin Gómez, Pedro 15 May 2003 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los hábitos deportivos de la población de la Región de Murcia comprendida entre 15 y 64 años de edad, para una mejor adecuación del currículum de los técnicos en animación deportiva. El diseño muestral fue aleatorio, semiprobabilístico, por cuotas de edad y género, con un margen de error de ±3% y un nivel de confianza del 95,5%. La muestra requerida fue de 1.107 sujetos. Se utilizó un cuestionario, creado específicamente para esta investigación.Los resultados concluyen que existe una tendencia hacia la práctica físico-deportiva de carácter individual sobre todo en mayores, y en mujeres, en cambio, los más jóvenes y los varones orientan la práctica hacia la competición. La valoración de las clases de Educación Física resultan más positivas en la medida que se incrementa la practica deportiva; igualmente son mejor valoradas por los varones y los jóvenes. Se sugiere que la formación de los técnicos en animación deportiva debe estar orientada a los diversos motivos de práctica de grupos poblaciones heterogéneos (la preocupación por la salud, la mejora de las destrezas, el incremento de la condición física, el cuidado de la imagen corporal, la relación con los demás, liberar tensiones...). / The purpose of this study was to analyse the sport habits of the population in the Region of Murcia aged between 15 and 64, so that sports motivators' programmes could be made more suitable. The sample design was random, semi-probalistic, with a margin of error of ±3%, a confidence level of 95.5%, and age and gender quotas were applied. The sample consisted of 1,107 subjects. A questionnaire created specifically for this research was used.The results concluded that older people and females tend to do sport and physical activity individually, whereas younger people and males focus their activity on competitive sport. Physical Education classes are rated more positively as the amount of sports activity increases. Similarly, they score higher among males and young people. We suggest that sports motivators' training should be aimed at the heterogeneous population groups' different reasons for doing sport (concern for health, improvement of skills, increase in physical fitness, care for physical appearance, socialising, getting rid of stress.).

Idrottsvanor bland ungdomar : En kartläggning över föreningsidrott och spontanidrott

Beijar, Per January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis examines sport habits among young people and a view of their future in sports. Research has shown that the majority of youth leave sport clubs during adolescence. The thesis questions were: How physically active are young people? Which sports do they practice? Regarding their future in sports, what kind of aspirations do the young people have? Are there any barriers that could complicate their involvement in these activities? These questions were examined by analyzing if there were any differences between boys and girls, youth in different grades and youth with Swedish or foreign backgrounds. Pierre Bourdieu´s theoretical framework about sports and economic capital has been used as a research framework. 248 students (6th to 9th grade) in Umeå answered a survey about their sport habits. The results showed that many adolescents participate in sports activities. Participation in sport clubs decreased with age, which lead to the fact that many young people do not meet the recommendation from WHO (2010) of one hour of physical exercise each day. Sport capital was an important factor for physical practice, while economic capital was important within sport clubs but not outside. Half of the studied population wanted to exercise more frequently but there were several factors that prevented them. The different groups that were analyzed showed varying results, especially about their habits within sport clubs. This study confirms research about drop-out during adolescence which could lead to large challenges for sport clubs and decision makers within sports in the future.

El deporte en edad escolar en la ciudad de Torrevieja

Plaza Montero, Daniel 22 September 2012 (has links)
L’estudi de l’activitat física i esportiva extraescolar en alumnes de primària és l’eix central d’aquesta tesi. La tesi està dividida en dues parts ben diferenciades: l’abordatge teòric i la part empírica. En la fonamentació teòrica s’aborda l’esport en edat escolar, la seva evolució i les diferents manifestacions. La part empírica de la Tesi es realitza a la ciutat de Torrevieja. Pel seu desenvolupament s’han dissenyat quatre estudis que avaluen la pràctica física extraescolar en nens i nenes de 6 a 12 anys. Les valoracions es realitzen als nens, pares, docents i tècnics esportius. Les conclusions dels estudis realitzats són: un alt percentatge de nens/es no realitzen activitat física; els resultats confirmen l’estreta relació que mantenen entre sí les pautes de participació en activitats físiques i esportives dels nens/es en edat escolar i les dels seus pares; pares i fills presenten uns patrons d’inactivitat altament preocupants. Si ens referim als docents, aquests donen molta importància a les activitats esportives extraescolars i, una àmplia majoria estan d’acord en que la pràctica d’activitats físiques extraescolars és bàsica per a l’educació d’hàbits saludables. Pel que fa als tècnics esportius, les conclusions obtingudes indiquen que és necessària una ordenació i regulació de l’exercici professional de l’activitat física per garantir un procés adequat d’ensenyament i aprenentatge educatiu. Els resultats confirmen la necessitat d’implicar més tots els actors que intervenen en l’educació primària amb la finalitat d’aconseguir hàbits de vida saludable. / El estudio de la actividad físico-deportiva extraescolar en alumnos de primaria es el eje central de esta tesis. La tesis está dividida en dos partes claramente diferenciadas: el abordaje teórico y la parte empírica. En la fundamentación teórica se aborda el deporte en edad escolar, su evolución y las diferentes manifestaciones. La parte empírica de la Tesis se realiza en la ciudad de Torrevieja. Para ello se han diseñado cuatro estudios que evalúan la práctica física extraescolar en niños y niñas de 6 a 12 años. Las valoraciones se realizan a los niños, padres, docentes y técnicos deportivos. Las conclusiones de los estudios realizados son: un alto porcentaje de niños/as no realizan actividad física; los resultados confirman la estrecha relación que guardan entre sí las pautas de participación en actividades físicas y deportivas de los chicos/as en edad escolar y las de sus padres; padres e hijos presentan unos patrones de inactividad altamente preocupantes. Si nos referimos a los docentes, estos dan mucha importancia a las actividades deportivas extraescolares y una amplia mayoría están de acuerdo en que la práctica de actividades extraescolares es básica para la educación en hábitos saludables. En cuanto a los técnicos deportivos, las conclusiones obtenidas revelan que es necesaria una ordenación y regulación del ejercicio profesional de la actividad física para asegurar un proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje educativo. Los resultados confirman la necesidad de una mayor implicación de todos los actores que intervienen en la educación primaria con el fin de conseguir hábitos de vida saludables. / The research of the extracurricular Sports and Physical activities of primary education children´s is the core of this thesis. The thesis is divided in two single chapters clearly differentiated; the theorical part and the empirical part. The theory foundation deals with the Sport in children of school ages, their evolution and their different expressions. The thesis in it´s empirical part is made in the city of Torrevieja. For this research it has been designed four different studies that evaluates the extracurricular Sport and Physical activities of childen beetween 6 and 12 years old. The assesment has been made to children, parents, teachers and Sport coaches. The conclusion of the researches are: A high percentage of children dont make any Sport activity and the result confirms the close relationship that set out the guidelines beetween the Sport and Physical activities of the children and their parents, not only the parents also their children, show a patterns of inactivity disturbingly high; The teachers gave special significance to the extracurricular Sport activities which is essential for education in healthy and balanced habits; In order to the sport coaches the research reveals that it´s necessary to arrange and make a regulation about the professional practice in Sport and Physical activities, for guarantee a process of learning and education in those terms; The outcomes confirms the need of a greater involvement of the actors involved in the primary education with the objective of finding and applying healthy and balanced habits.

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