Spelling suggestions: "subject:"språk"" "subject:"apråk""
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A Norm Critical Approach to Teaching Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: Exploring Gender, Heteronormativity & AbleismFanourgakis, Maria January 2019 (has links)
A growing concern in educational institutions is the lack of a unified collegial effort to address issues pertaining to discrimination. The Swedish National Agency of Education (SNAE) has released several reports and articles this past decade (2009, 2010, 2016), in which no significant improvement has been observed in schools with regard to discrimination pertaining to race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability. An important finding illustrated in all reports is that norms are the cardinal reason behind all discriminating conduct. Consequently, to address this problem, SNAE suggests that a norm-critical perspective should be implemented in order to hamper and change such behaviours (101). A core problem, however, is that not all syllabi provide specific examples of how teachers can work with norms in the classroom. Significantly, however, literature has shown to be a valuable gateway to norm-criticism as it provides students with the opportunity to critically assess problems presented in novels with a certain detachment; promoting a more objective attitude and thus a deeper understanding of their own real-life situations (Rosenblatt 47). Thus, the aim of this thesis is to provide English teachers with a more concrete point of departure in the discussion of norms by the use of literature, namely Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre (1847). More specifically, this essay critically examines the notions of heteronormativity, gender and ableism to illustrate how hetero-norms, gender-norms and disability-norms are both subverted and challenged in Jane Eyre, often in unexpected ways. The concepts of the ‘male gaze’ and the ‘Other’ are introduced, to demonstrate how this novel may be approached norm-critically in the ambition to avert discriminatory behaviour. To exemplify how the reading of each concept may have positive implications in teaching, I demonstrate how a fusion of norm-critical pedagogy, critical literacy pedagogy and reader-response theory can be fruitful to foster critical thinking.
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"Well, Propensities and Principles Must Be Reconciled by Some Means" : The Conflict of Happiness in Jane EyreElmi, Nadia January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Språkutvecklande lärande : Med inriktning på nyanlända eleverMorén, Axel January 2019 (has links)
Detta är en rapport om skapandet av en produkt inriktad på användandet av språk inom undervisningen. Den riktar sig främst till lärare i årskurserna 4-6, som har nyanlända elever i sina klasser. Produkten är skapad som ett informationshäfte, menat att introducera arbetssättet genom teorier och konkreta sätt att arbeta i klassrummet. Teorin som produkten grundar sig i är det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande och språkets vikt i undervisningen. Under arbetets gång har vetenskapliga artiklar, litteratur och annat material undersökts och ligger till grund för produkten.
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Il centenario che saltò dalla finestra e scomparve : Analisi della traduzione dei realia culturospecifici in un romanzo svedese tradotto in italiano / Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann. : En analys av hanteringen av kulturspecifika "realia" i en svensk roman i italiensk översättningNilsson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the translation of cultural-specific elements known as realia from Swedish to Italian based on the theoretical framework of translation studies. Realia, often without correspondence in the target language and sometimes difficult to even distinguish in a text, are known to cause challenges for translators. The thesis focuses on the realia in the book Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann, written by Jonas Jonasson in 2009. It examines which translation strategies the translator has used for the cultural-specific elements and the question is raised whether the translation is orientated towards the source culture (“adequacy”) or towards the target culture (“acceptability”). The initial hypothesis was that the translation of the book would be orientated towards the target culture (acceptability) and that in the Italian version the geographic-cultural element would be dominant to the plot, which would be a subdominant. The analysis is based on parallell reading of the original Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann and the Italian translation Il centenario che saltò dalla finestra e scomparve, translated by Margherita Podestà Heir in 2011. Whilst reading the books, realia were collected, listed and organised in groups according to categories of realia as described by Osimo (2011) and the translation strategy used, again as described by Osimo. The analysis confirmed that the translation was orientated towards the target culture with an “acceptable” translation, rather than “adequate”. It was equally found that the plot was as important to the translator of the Italian version and hence a dominant also in the latter. The thesis highlights the importance of insight in the “language-culture” of the source language as the inadequacy thereof could contribute to failed translations of both realia and other words and phrases.
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Underholdningens pedagogiske funksjon : En studie om underholdningsmediers effekt på språkinnläringWahl, Per Henrik January 2019 (has links)
ABSTRACT Aim: The purpose of this study is to produce knowledge regarding the effects of media consumption and exposure on language learning skills. Method: The study assumes the form of a pedagogical language experiment which encompasses language learning skills through consumption and exposure of entertainment media. Furthermore, the study preforms a quantitative examination of the hypothesis stating that those Swedish high school students that have watched one season or more of the Norwegian entertainment program Skam, would preform better on the studies language test, than those who had not watched Skam. The method of data gathering is based on a questionnaire form including a language test, which was handed out to different high schools Sweden. The gathered data will be presented and analyzed through the statistical data program PSPP, where the results are presented through a descriptive design. This study has a certain positivistic character since it performs a test of an assumed hypothesis. Result: The majority of the Swedish students that had never watched Skam, preforms poorly on the study’s language test. The majority of the students that have watched Skam for one season or more, preforms either average or good on the language test. As a result, this study indicates that considerable exposure of the entertainment series Skam, can increase the Norwegian language skills of Swedish high school students. Conclusion: This study indicates that exposure of Skam is the variable with the most considerable impact on the respondent’s Norwegian language skills. Other variables like sociocultural status and visits to Norway is shown to have less significant impact on the pupil’s performance on the language test.
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Cultural Gendering and the Shaping of Identity in David Dabydeen’s The Intended : A Social Constructionist and Psychoanalytic AnalysisMonfort, Etienne January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Das Verhältnis zwischen Text und Fotografie in Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther : Zur Erinnerungsfunktion der Bild-Text Intermedialität in der Holocaustliteratur der dritten GenerationSchimke, Eva January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Hallå! Vem där? : En kvantitativ studie om internationella författarskap i några av svenskämnets antologier för gymnasieskolanLarsson, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar avstamp i debatten om en eventuell kanon-lista hade främjat elevers läsförståelse och känsla av samhörighet genom gemensamma referenspunkter i kulturen. Studien undersöker genom ett postkolonialt perspektiv representationen i ett par antologier utgivna för svenskundervisning på gymnasiet för att urskilja hur den globala representationen ser ut i läromedlen som redan finns tillgängliga i landets skolor. Resultatet visar att svenska och europeiska författare är klar majoritet i läromedlen. De gemensamma referenspunkter som redan finns att tillgå på marknaden i form av läromedel förmedlar således ett västerländskt och europeiskt perspektiv. Flera författare och litterära verk återkommer i ett par av antologierna och detta kan tyda på att det redan finns en outtalad litterär kanonlista i den svenskundervisningen på gymnasiet.
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A Psychoanalytical Study on the Importance of Skin Tone in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest EyeDe Freitas, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Den samtida arbetarlitteraturens relevans och aktualitet för elever i dagens gymnasieskola : En litteraturanalys av tre arbetarlitterära verkGabrielsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
I denna undersökning har tre moderna arbetarlitterära verk analyserats med syfte att ta reda på hur samtida arbetarlitteratur lyfter fram frågor om klass och hur det kan vara aktuellt och relevant för dagens gymnasieelever. I dag används ofta klassisk arbetarlitteratur i undervisningen vilket inte alltid upplevs som aktuellt för ungdomar i den nuvarande gymnasieskolan. Detta gör det relevant att undersöka vad samtida arbetarlitteratur kan erbjuda elever som går på gymnasiet. Den valda litteraturen består av en roman, en diktsamling och en novellsamling vilket innebär att undersökningen genomförts med hjälp av både narrativanalys och lyrikanalys. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt i flera teoretiska perspektiv där nutida arbetarlitteraturs innehåll och litteraturdidaktik står i fokus. Resultatet av analysen visar att litteraturen lyfter fram klass genom vardagliga situationer och genom känslor som ungdomar kan känna igen sig i. Klass synliggörs också genom skildringar av moderna yrken och arbetssituationer vilket därmed bidrar till litteraturens aktualitet.
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