Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stancetaking"" "subject:"dance:taking""
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L'expression multimodale du positionnement interactionnel (multimodal stance-taking) : étude d'un corpus oral vidéo de discussions sur l'environnement en anglais britannique / Multimodal Stance-taking in a videotaped corpus of discussions about environmental issues in British EnglishDebras, Camille 07 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche propose une analyse multimodale du positionnement interactionnel ou stance-taking. Le corpus de travail, filmé, transcrit et annoté par nos soins dans trois logiciels compatibles (CLAN, PRAAT, ELAN), est une collection de discussions semi-guidées sur le thème de l’environnement (2h 20 min). Les 16 locuteurs sont des étudiants locuteurs natifs d’anglais britannique qui discutent par deux et entre amis. Dans cette recherche, nous adoptons une définition large du « langage », en y incluant l’ensemble des ressources sémiotiques verbales et non-verbales mobilisées pour la co-construction dynamique et intersubjective du sens au cours de l’interaction orale. Nous montrons que les locuteurs intègrent une grande variété de ressources verbales (segments, énoncés), mais aussi vocales (intonation) et mimo-posturo-gestuelles (gestes, expressions du visage), en les synchronisant de manière tant simultanée que séquentielle, pour prendre position vis-à-vis de leur interlocuteur. Au plan théorique, notre approche multi-niveaux et multimodale tisse des liens entre théories françaises de l’énonciation (Benveniste, 1966, Morel et Danon-Boileau, 1998), théorie discursive-fonctionnelle du stance-taking (Kärkkäinen, 2006, Du Bois, 2007), analyse conversationnelle multimodale (C. Goodwin et M.H. Goodwin, 1992, Mondada, 2007), anthropologie linguistique (Ochs, 1996), et étude de la gestualité (Kendon, 2004, Müller, 2004, Streeck, 2009) ; au plan méthodologique, nous combinons analyse qualitative et codage systématique. Notre thèse pose d’abord les bases théoriques et méthodologiques d’une étude multimodale des stances (Partie 1), puis propose la possibilité d’un marquage visuel du positionnement intersubjectif (Partie 2), avant de montrer comment les locuteurs intègrent mots et syntaxe, voix, visage et corps pour prendre position en interaction (Partie 3). / In this research, we propose a multimodal analysis of stance-taking based a collection of semi-guided discussions between pairs of friends who discuss environmental issues (2h 20 min). All 16 speakers are university students who are native speakers of British English. We filmed, transcribed and annotated this video corpus in three compatible software tools, CLAN, PRAAT and ELAN. In this research, we defend a broad understanding of “language”, defined as encompassing all verbal and non-verbal semiotic resources involved in the dynamic and intersubjective co-construction of meaning during spoken interaction. We show that speakers integrate a wide range of verbal resources (segments, utterances) as well as vocal (intonation) and visual ones (gestures, postures and facial expressions), and synchronize these resources simultaneously and sequentially so as to take stances with respect to their interlocutors. On a theoretical level, our multi-level, multimodal approach brings together French utterer-centred approaches to language (Benveniste, 1966, Morel and Danon-Boileau, 1998), discursive-functional theories of stance-taking (Kärkkäinen, 2006, Du Bois, 2007), multimodal conversation analysis (C. Goodwin and M.H. Goodwin, 1992, Mondada, 2007), linguistic anthropology (Ochs, 1996) and gesture studies (Kendon, 2004, Müller, 2004, Streeck, 2009); our methodology combines qualitative analysis with systematic coding. This thesis starts with laying the theoretical and methodological bases for a multimodal study of stance-taking (Part 1); it then proposes that some gestures and facial expressions can be used as intersubjective visual stance markers (Part 2), before showing how speakers integrate words and syntax, voice, facial expressions, gestures and physical posture to take stance in interaction (Part 3).
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Patterns of stance taking:negative yes/no interrogatives and tag questions in American English conversationKeisanen, T. (Tiina) 25 April 2006 (has links)
This thesis reports on an empirical study of the forms and functions of two interrelated syntactic constructions, tag questions and negative yes/no interrogatives, in naturally occurring American English conversations. More specifically, the thesis focuses on examining the ways in which these interrogative constructions are involved in the intersubjective and interactional construction of stance. This involves describing the linguistic and interactional practices through which speakers index and negotiate their evaluative, affective or epistemic position or point of view towards some matter in the local context.
The data used in the study comprise naturally occurring face-to-face and telephone interactions the majority of which take place between family and friends. The data are drawn from the first three published parts of the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English.The study is based on the methodological and theoretical principles of interactional linguistics and conversation analysis.
The first part of the study provides an examination of the linguistic and grammatical patterning of the chosen constructions in a database of naturally occurring interactions in English. This serves first of all as a study of the general linguistic patterning of utterances with negation or reversed word order in interaction. At the same time, however, the grammatical and semantic categories of person, verb type and tense are employed for establishing the high frequency of linguistic and semantic material that index the current speaker's affective, evaluative and/or epistemic position towards the issue at hand.
The second part of the study expands the focus from individual utterances to the surrounding interactional context in which the interrogative constructions are located, and makes use of the conversation analytic methodology. I examine how discourse participants use negative yes/no interrogatives and tag questions as a resource for carrying out different actions such as requesting for confirmation, challenging, disagreeing and assessing, and the ways in which interrogative speakers convey their epistemic, affective or evaluative stances in so doing. In this section of the study the research proceeds through detailed analyses of interaction, and an examination of those sequential environments in which the interrogative constructions are found.
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O gênero anúncio eletrônico pessoal e as escolhas de seus anunciantes: uma análise do posicionamento atitudinal de gays e heterossexuais na internet / Dating ads and the lexical choices of their advertisers: a study of the stance-taking of gays and heterosexualsDaniel de Augustinis Silva 13 March 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho se situa na fronteira entre os estudos culturais e os estudos lingüísticos. Ele tem como objetivo observar possíveis diferenças em termos de organização de gênero e escolhas lexicais entre os anúncios pessoais feitos por gays e heterossexuais do sexo masculino. O corpus de análise consiste de quarenta anúncios retirados de dois sites de encontros da Internet, sendo que vinte são originariamente escritos por gays e os outros vinte por heterossexuais do sexo masculino. A base desta pesquisa se encontra nos trabalhos de Swales (1990) e Bhatia (1993) sobre a descrição de gêneros e no trabalho de Hoey (1997) sobre narrativas eróticas. Deste último retiramos alguns conceitos sobre a auto-descrição e a descrição do objeto de desejo. Inicialmente, os anúncios eletrônicos pessoais são comparados com anúncios pessoais impressos (cf. Shalom 1997), na tentativa de verificar como os anúncios impressos podem ter se adaptado ao meio digital. Num segundo momento, a análise se concentra na aplicação do sistema de Avaliação (ou Appraisal) de Martin e White (2005) a fim de caracterizarmos como os gays e heterossexuais do sexo masculino avaliam a si próprios e a seus objetos de desejo. A dissertação sugere que há diferenças relacionadas ao posicionamento atitudinal dos gays e heterossexuais, especialmente em relação à utilização de Afeto. Observam-se diferenças também não previstas por nossas perguntas de pesquisa, que não podem ser atribuídas nem às organizações diferentes dos sites, nem às escolhas lexicais dos anunciantes, mas sim aos tipos de sites e audiências escolhidos pelos anunciantes / The present work lies on the borderline of cultural and linguistic studies. It aims at examining whether there are differences concerning genre organization and lexical choices in ads filled in by gay and heterosexual males. The corpus consists of forty ads from two dating sites on the internet: twenty are originally written by gay males and the other twenty are written by heterosexual males. This research draws on works such as Swales (1990) and Bhatias (1993) on genre description and on Hoeys (1997) on erotic narratives. From the latter we have borrowed a few key concepts to help us analyze self and other description. At an early stage, the internet ads are compared to printed ads (cf. Shalom 1997) in an attempt to check how these ads should have adapted to the digital medium. Afterwards, we resort to Martin and Whites (2005) Appraisal system so as to characterize how gays and heterosexuals see themselves and their desired others. The dissertation suggests that there are differences related to the attitudinal positioning of gays and heterosexuals, particularly in the use of Affect. There are also findings unforeseen at the beginning of the research. In other words, these differences do not come down either to the variation in the organization of the sites, or to the lexical choices of the advertisers, but rather to the kind of site chosen by the advertisers
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O gênero anúncio eletrônico pessoal e as escolhas de seus anunciantes: uma análise do posicionamento atitudinal de gays e heterossexuais na internet / Dating ads and the lexical choices of their advertisers: a study of the stance-taking of gays and heterosexualsDaniel de Augustinis Silva 13 March 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho se situa na fronteira entre os estudos culturais e os estudos lingüísticos. Ele tem como objetivo observar possíveis diferenças em termos de organização de gênero e escolhas lexicais entre os anúncios pessoais feitos por gays e heterossexuais do sexo masculino. O corpus de análise consiste de quarenta anúncios retirados de dois sites de encontros da Internet, sendo que vinte são originariamente escritos por gays e os outros vinte por heterossexuais do sexo masculino. A base desta pesquisa se encontra nos trabalhos de Swales (1990) e Bhatia (1993) sobre a descrição de gêneros e no trabalho de Hoey (1997) sobre narrativas eróticas. Deste último retiramos alguns conceitos sobre a auto-descrição e a descrição do objeto de desejo. Inicialmente, os anúncios eletrônicos pessoais são comparados com anúncios pessoais impressos (cf. Shalom 1997), na tentativa de verificar como os anúncios impressos podem ter se adaptado ao meio digital. Num segundo momento, a análise se concentra na aplicação do sistema de Avaliação (ou Appraisal) de Martin e White (2005) a fim de caracterizarmos como os gays e heterossexuais do sexo masculino avaliam a si próprios e a seus objetos de desejo. A dissertação sugere que há diferenças relacionadas ao posicionamento atitudinal dos gays e heterossexuais, especialmente em relação à utilização de Afeto. Observam-se diferenças também não previstas por nossas perguntas de pesquisa, que não podem ser atribuídas nem às organizações diferentes dos sites, nem às escolhas lexicais dos anunciantes, mas sim aos tipos de sites e audiências escolhidos pelos anunciantes / The present work lies on the borderline of cultural and linguistic studies. It aims at examining whether there are differences concerning genre organization and lexical choices in ads filled in by gay and heterosexual males. The corpus consists of forty ads from two dating sites on the internet: twenty are originally written by gay males and the other twenty are written by heterosexual males. This research draws on works such as Swales (1990) and Bhatias (1993) on genre description and on Hoeys (1997) on erotic narratives. From the latter we have borrowed a few key concepts to help us analyze self and other description. At an early stage, the internet ads are compared to printed ads (cf. Shalom 1997) in an attempt to check how these ads should have adapted to the digital medium. Afterwards, we resort to Martin and Whites (2005) Appraisal system so as to characterize how gays and heterosexuals see themselves and their desired others. The dissertation suggests that there are differences related to the attitudinal positioning of gays and heterosexuals, particularly in the use of Affect. There are also findings unforeseen at the beginning of the research. In other words, these differences do not come down either to the variation in the organization of the sites, or to the lexical choices of the advertisers, but rather to the kind of site chosen by the advertisers
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Recovery through repetition:returning to prior talk and taking a stance in American-English and Finnish conversationsRauniomaa, M. (Mirka) 15 October 2008 (has links)
The study examines ‘recovery through repetition’, investigating how speakers repeat their own utterances in order to return to prior talk. The phenomenon comprises instances of everyday, casual conversation in which speakers indicate that their utterance was either not taken up at all or not taken up to an adequate degree. By repeating the utterance more or less word-for-word, speakers suggest to their recipients that a (different type of) response is relevant and offer the utterance for re-consideration.
The data consist of American-English and Finnish conversations. The segments come from the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English and from the Corpus of Conversational Finnish that is maintained by the Department of Finnish Language and Literature at the University of Helsinki (Keskusteluntutkimuksen arkisto). The theoretical and methodological framework of the study is based on interactional linguistics and conversation analysis.
First, the study details the typical composition and position of recovery through repetition and discusses the interactional implications that the repeated utterances may have. The study focuses on the functions of recovery through repetition and their implications for stance taking. Two overall interactional environments are identified: speakers employ recovery through repetition either to seek the attention of recipients and to take a stance towards an activity in progress, or to redirect the attention of recipients and to take a stance towards a recipient response. The different functions of recovery through repetition in the two environments are further examined. Moreover, the study contrasts repetition with other means of recovery and suggests that the different means have divergent implications for stance taking. Finally, the study concludes that recovery through repetition provides speakers with a means of negotiating the input of their utterances and simultaneously taking a stance towards an aspect of the ongoing interaction. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimus tarkastelee toistoa elvytyskeinona keskustelussa eli sitä, kuinka puhuja toistaa oman lausumansa palatakseen aiempaan puheeseen. Ilmiö muodostuu arkisista, epämuodollisista keskustelutilanteista, joissa puhuja osoittaa, että jotakin hänen lausumaansa ei ole joko otettu lainkaan huomioon tai sitä ei ole käsitelty asianmukaisesti. Toistamalla lausuman lähes sanatarkasti puhuja ilmaisee keskustelukumppaneilleen, että jonkinlainen (tai mahdollisesti tietyntyyppinen) vastaanotto olisi odotuksenmukainen, ja tarjoaa lausumaansa käsiteltäväksi uudelleen.
Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu amerikanenglannin- ja suomenkielisistä keskusteluista, jotka ovat peräisin Santa Barbaran puhutun amerikanenglannin kokoelmasta (Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English) ja Helsingin yliopiston suomen kielen ja kotimaisen kirjallisuuden laitoksen Keskusteluntutkimuksen arkistosta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen ja menetelmällisen viitekehyksen muodostavat vuorovaikutuslingvistiikka ja keskustelunanalyysi.
Aluksi tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan yksityiskohtaisesti elvyttävän toiston tyypillistä rakennetta ja paikkaa sekä pohditaan toistettujen lausumien mahdollisia vuorovaikutuksellisia seuraamuksia. Tutkimus keskittyy elvyttävän toiston tehtäviin ja niiden merkitykseen asennoitumiselle. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetaan kaksi yleistä esiintymisympäristöä: puhujat käyttävät elvyttävää toistoa joko hakeakseen vastaanottajien huomiota ja ottaakseen kantaa meneillään olevaan toimintaan tai ohjatakseen vastaanottajien huomiota ja ottaakseen kantaa edeltävään vastaanottajan vuoroon. Elvyttävän toiston tehtäviä näissä kahdessa ympäristössä eritellään tutkimuksessa tarkemmin. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa verrataan toistoa muihin elvytyskeinoihin keskustelussa ja esitetään, että eri elvytyskeinoilla rakennetaan asennoitumista eri tavoin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että elvyttävä toisto tarjoaa keskustelijoille keinon neuvotella sanomansa merkityksestä ja samalla rakentaa asennoitumistaan meneillään olevaan vuorovaikutustilanteeseen.
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Acquisition et Expression Multimodale de la Négation. Étude d'un Corpus Vidéo et Longitudinal de Dyades Mère-Enfant Francophone et Anglophone. / Multimodal acquisition and expression of negation. Analysis of a videotaped and longitudinal corpus of a French and an English mother-child dyad.Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'acquisition et le développement de la négation chez deux enfants monolingues anglaise et française, filmées entre 10 mois et 4 ans et 2 mois (66h) en interactions naturelles avec leur mère. Nous adoptons une perspective constructiviste et fonctionnaliste de la langue (Tomasello 2003) en tissant des liens avec la théorie des opérations énonciatives, la socialisation langagière et avec les études sur la gestualité. Notre définition du langage est large car nous analysons toutes les ressources sémiotiques dont le locuteur dispose pour se positionner en interaction. À l'aide d'un système de codage multimodal qui repose sur l'utilisation de logiciels compatibles, nous menons des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives de l'usage des modalités verbales et non-verbales pour l'expression de la négation chez l'enfant avant 4 ans.Après avoir présenté l'ancrage théorique (partie 1) et notre méthode (partie 2), nous montrons que la négation correspond à un grand nombre de fonctions pragmatiques qui sont exprimées à l'aide de la synchronisation de modalités distinctes (partie 3). Les résultats indiquent que distinguer le rôle des modalités dans la construction de l’énoncé permet de travailler sur la complexité du langage. Concernant la négation, nous observons qu’il s’agit d’une opération énonciative qui ne repose pas systématiquement sur les mêmes formes selon la fonction exprimée.Cette recherche montre que l'usage synchronisé de plusieurs modalités en contexte de négation est une compétence linguistique et cognitive. En outre, les formes négatives s’enrichissent et se spécialisent après 3 ans pour permettre l’expression d’intentions communicatives variées. / This research focuses on the acquisition and the development of negation in two monolingual French and English children filmed from 10 months to 4 years and 2 months old (66 hours) in natural mother-child dyadic interactions.We use a functionalist and constructivist theoretical approach (Tomasello 2003) but we also bring together French utter-centred approach to language, language socialisation and gesture studies. Our definition of language encompasses all verbal and non-verbal means of expression speakers use to position themselves within interaction. We developed a multimodal coding system relying on the use of several compatible programs to combine qualitative and quantitative analyses. This method offers the opportunity to investigate the expression of negation in verbal and non-verbal modalities in children under 4.After laying the theoretical background (Part 1), we will present our methodology (Part 2). Results show that negation refers to a vast range of pragmatic functions whose expression is fully embodied because it is conveyed through the synchronisation of several modalities of expression (Part 3). Our analysis of the interplay of modalities in the construction of meaning happens to be a great locus to account for the complexity of language. We also observe that negation is a meta-category which can be expressed by a variety of forms.Our research shows that the usage of synchronised modalities in negative contexts can be considered a linguistic and cognitive skill. Moreover, the set of forms for negation develops and specialises after 3 years and helps the child express various communicative intentions linked to negation.
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Resonance in storytelling:verbal, prosodic and embodied practices of stance takingNiemelä, M. (Maarit) 27 April 2011 (has links)
This study examines stories as they appear in everyday conversation, focusing on the high degree of parallelism observed in them. Such parallelism is shown to be a vehicle of stance taking in interaction. Stance taking is here viewed as a highly intersubjective and interactive, public, multi-layered activity, which involves words, linguistic structures, voices, the body and the surrounding environment, and is embedded in the sequential organisation of social interaction. Stance taking involves various types of resonance between two interaction participants and also between the interactional turns of one participant. The concept of resonance is treated as the process of activating affinity across dialogic turns of talk within a telling or a series of tellings.
The present study uses both audio and video recordings of naturally-occuring everyday interactions as data. The study first shows that voiced direct reported speech (DRS) utterances displaying a shared stance are an appropriate response to prior voiced DRS utterances and that a sequence of subsequent resonant voiced DRS utterances is an orderly phenomenon in interaction and a sequentially relevant practice of stance taking. Secondly, the study explicates the way in which participants use resonant words, structures, voicing and embodiment, and implicate the surrounding environment in constructing a reporting space. The reporting space enables and invites active participation in the form of multimodal enactments from all the participants of the telling event to the overall stance-taking activity within the storytelling sequence. Thirdly, the study details the use of resonating formal storytelling elements functioning as a resource for stance taking, e.g. the preface of a second telling by second tellers ties back to the preface and the high point of a prior telling. Finally, the study examines the way in which multiple actions, such as troubles telling, delivering news, giving an explanation and requesting advice, are accomplished via repeated tellings of a story in different interactional contexts. Similar structural units of such tellings resonate in form, whereas some lexico-syntactic details of these units vary according to the social actions that are being accomplished via the tellings, according to the engagement of the recipient in the telling and to the physical circumstances of the telling. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimus tarkastelee arkikertomuksissa ilmeneviä parallellismin muotoja ja sitä miten nämä rakentavat vuorovaikutuksellista asennoitumistoimintaa. Asennoituminen nähdään monisäikeisenä intersubjektiivisena ja interaktiivisena toimintana, joka rakentuu puhujien sanojen, kielellisten rakenteiden, äänen ja kehon keinoin. Samanaikaisesti se rakentuu vuorovaikutuksen sosiaalisten toimintojen ja niiden sekventiaalisen järjestyksen tuloksena. Asennoitumistoimintaa ilmentää eriasteinen resonanssi pääasiassa eri puhujien mutta myös yhden puhujan eri vuorojen välillä: Puhujan resonoiva vuoro sitoo sen edellisen arkikertomuksen tai arkikertomussarjan vuoroihin aktivoiden näin yhtäläisyyden vuorojen välillä. Ilmiöitä tarkastellaan vuorovaikutuslingvistiikan ja keskustelunanalyysin menetelmin.
Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu englannin- ja suomenkielisistä äänitetyistä ja videoiduista arkikeskusteluista. Tutkimus osoittaa, että kertomistapahtumaan osallistuvat puhujat tuottavat kertomusten huippukohdissa kohosteisia referointivuoroja vastauksina aiempien kertojien kohosteisiin referointivuoroihin. Puhujat ilmaisevat tällä tavalla asennoitumistaan yhtäältä kerronnan sisältöön ja toisaalta edeltävien vuorojen ilmentämään asennoitumistoimintaan. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan myös sitä, miten puhujat rakentavat asennoitumista sanojen, kielellisten rakenteiden, prosodian ja kehollisten keinojen avulla. Kertomusten huippukohdissa puhujat referoivat roolihenkilöitä puheen lisäksi myös kehollisin keinoin, mitä tutkimuksessa kutsutaan roolissa toimimiseksi. Vastaanottajat voivat vastata asettumalla itsekin rooliin. He osoittavat ymmärtävänsä kertojan näkökulman tuottamalla kertomuksen sisältöön ja kertojan ilmentämiin asenteisiin sopivia samanlinjaisia lisävuoroja. Edelleen tutkimus kuvailee nk. toisen kertomuksen kielellisiä, prosodisia ja kehollisia elementtejä, jotka resonoivat edeltävän kertomuksen vuorojen elementtien kanssa ja joiden avulla asennoitumistoiminta rakentuu. Kertojat viittaavat toisen kertomuksen vuoroillaan edellisen kertomuksen vuoroihin aktivoiden yhtäläisyyksiä yhtäältä kyseisten resonoivien vuorojen ja toisaalta edeltävän ja toisen kertomuksen asennoitumistoimintojen välillä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan samansisältöisiä peräkkäisiä arkikertomuksia, jotka on tuotettu eri vastaanottajille. Kertoja tuottaa samansisältöisten kertomusten avulla eri toimintoja vastaanottajasta ja vuorovaikutusympäristöstä riippuen. Kertomusten välillä on resonoivia rakenteellisia yhtäläisyyksiä, mutta ne myös poikkeavat toisistaan sosiaalisen toiminnon sekä vastaanottajan sitoutumisen asteen ja ympäröivien olosuhteiden mukaan.
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