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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propostas Logísticas para o Suprimento de Estruturas Metálicas Utilizando Ferramentas Lean / Logistics proposals for the supply of metalic structures using lean tools

Paulo Roberto Corrêa de Araújo 14 December 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma organização para o processo de abastecimento de estruturas metálicas na construção de um prédio comercial, correlacionando a logística de suprimento do canteiro com a montagem das estruturas metálicas. A proposta foi desenvolvida a partir dos conceitos da logística empresarial e da concepção construtiva lean originário do Sistema Toyota de Produção e, posteriormente, foram aplicados em outros setores como o da construção civil. Para enfatizar problemas críticos do processo abastecimento de materiais e identificar suas soluções, foi estudada uma proposta logística para o suprimento das estruturas em uma obra localizada no Centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A sincronização entre a atividade logística e o processo de montagem das estruturas seguiu a lógica lean de redução de tempos de espera, de eliminação de estoques em canteiro, como condição para a melhoria de produtividade da obra. Foi analisado o mapeamento da cadeia de valor do fluxo de materiais e operações compreendidos entre o depósito de estruturas e a obra, verificando o balanceamento de atividades de produção e os possíveis ganhos de produtividade. Os resultados obtidos evidenciariam potencial de ganho na medida em que fornece justificativas para a aplicação das atividades logísticas e das ferramentas lean na proposta de suprimento de estruturas. A proposta logística apresentada integra os fabricantes de estruturas com a obra e principalmente reduz as esperas e estoques em processo, que são considerados desperdícios na concepção construtiva lean. Conclui-se, portanto, que a logística é fator decisivo na viabilidade de qualquer processo construtivo, e que, especificamente, sob os conceitos do sistema de construção lean, reúne condições para a melhoria de produtividade do processo construtivo e por conseguinte aumento de competitividade. / In this Work is proposed the organization for structural steel supply process in the construction of a commercial building, correlating the supply logistic of the site with the assembly of the steel structures. The proposal was developed using the concepts of business logistic and of the original lean construction conception that was developed by Toyota Production system and later applied in other sections as the one of the building site. In order to emphasize critical problems of the provisioning process of materials and to identify there the main solutions, it was studied a logistic proposal for the supply of the structures in a located work downtown of Rio de Janeiro. The synchronization between the logistics activity and the structures assembly process followed the lean logic of reduction of wait time, of elimination of stocks in construction site, as condition for the improvement of the productivity of construction. It was analyzed the value stream mapping of the materials flow and operations understood between the structures warehouse and the construction site, verifying the swinging of production activities and the possible productivity gains. The obtained results would evidence potential earnings in the measure that it supplies justifications for the application of logistics activities and of the lean tools for structural steel supply. The proposal presented logistic integrates the manufacturers of structures with the work and mainly it reduces the waits and stocks in process, that wastes are considered in lean constructive conception. We can conclude that the logistic is a decisive factor in the viability of any construction process, and that, specifically, under the concepts of lean construction system, it gathers conditions for the improvement of productivity of the constructive process and consequently increase of competitiveness.

Propostas Logísticas para o Suprimento de Estruturas Metálicas Utilizando Ferramentas Lean / Logistics proposals for the supply of metalic structures using lean tools

Paulo Roberto Corrêa de Araújo 14 December 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma organização para o processo de abastecimento de estruturas metálicas na construção de um prédio comercial, correlacionando a logística de suprimento do canteiro com a montagem das estruturas metálicas. A proposta foi desenvolvida a partir dos conceitos da logística empresarial e da concepção construtiva lean originário do Sistema Toyota de Produção e, posteriormente, foram aplicados em outros setores como o da construção civil. Para enfatizar problemas críticos do processo abastecimento de materiais e identificar suas soluções, foi estudada uma proposta logística para o suprimento das estruturas em uma obra localizada no Centro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A sincronização entre a atividade logística e o processo de montagem das estruturas seguiu a lógica lean de redução de tempos de espera, de eliminação de estoques em canteiro, como condição para a melhoria de produtividade da obra. Foi analisado o mapeamento da cadeia de valor do fluxo de materiais e operações compreendidos entre o depósito de estruturas e a obra, verificando o balanceamento de atividades de produção e os possíveis ganhos de produtividade. Os resultados obtidos evidenciariam potencial de ganho na medida em que fornece justificativas para a aplicação das atividades logísticas e das ferramentas lean na proposta de suprimento de estruturas. A proposta logística apresentada integra os fabricantes de estruturas com a obra e principalmente reduz as esperas e estoques em processo, que são considerados desperdícios na concepção construtiva lean. Conclui-se, portanto, que a logística é fator decisivo na viabilidade de qualquer processo construtivo, e que, especificamente, sob os conceitos do sistema de construção lean, reúne condições para a melhoria de produtividade do processo construtivo e por conseguinte aumento de competitividade. / In this Work is proposed the organization for structural steel supply process in the construction of a commercial building, correlating the supply logistic of the site with the assembly of the steel structures. The proposal was developed using the concepts of business logistic and of the original lean construction conception that was developed by Toyota Production system and later applied in other sections as the one of the building site. In order to emphasize critical problems of the provisioning process of materials and to identify there the main solutions, it was studied a logistic proposal for the supply of the structures in a located work downtown of Rio de Janeiro. The synchronization between the logistics activity and the structures assembly process followed the lean logic of reduction of wait time, of elimination of stocks in construction site, as condition for the improvement of the productivity of construction. It was analyzed the value stream mapping of the materials flow and operations understood between the structures warehouse and the construction site, verifying the swinging of production activities and the possible productivity gains. The obtained results would evidence potential earnings in the measure that it supplies justifications for the application of logistics activities and of the lean tools for structural steel supply. The proposal presented logistic integrates the manufacturers of structures with the work and mainly it reduces the waits and stocks in process, that wastes are considered in lean constructive conception. We can conclude that the logistic is a decisive factor in the viability of any construction process, and that, specifically, under the concepts of lean construction system, it gathers conditions for the improvement of productivity of the constructive process and consequently increase of competitiveness.

Návrh optimalizace procesu / Proposal of a Process Optimizing

Šafářová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem procesů oddělení System Activation & Deactivation společnosti IBM Česká Republika, s.r.o. s cílem zlepšení těchto procesů a navýšení efektivity těchto procesů v rámci firmy.

Zvyšování produktivity na obráběcím centru pomocí metody štíhlé výroby / On the productivity increase of a machining centre with the lean manufacturing application

Illeová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou zvyšování produktivity pomocí metody štíhlé výroby zvané Lean. V dnešní době je potřeba udržet si přízeň zákazníka a finanční prosperitu firmy. Právě štíhlá výroba se zaměřuje na spokojenost zákazníka a na zvýšení finančního přínosu firmě, tím, že se snaží odstranit plýtvání, která se vyskytují v procesu. Lean Six Sigma je metoda, která se zaměřuje na spokojenost zákazníka (Lean) a na zdokonalování procesů (Six Sigma). Jejím cílem je zvýšit kvalitu a zároveň snížit náklady a dobu dodání. První část diplomové práce se zabývá nástroji štíhlé výroby a detailně popisuje metody, které budou použity v praxi. V praktické části diplomové práce byly využity nástroje Lean Six Sigma především metoda DMAIC, která je označována za systematický přístup k řešení problémů. Skládá se z pěti částí: definování, měření, analýza, zlepšení a kontrola.

Dynamics of streamflow and stream chemistry in a Swiss pre-Alpine headwater catchment : A fine scale investigation of flow occurrence and electrical conductivity in the temporary streams in the lower Studibach catchment / Dynamiken hos bäckflöden och bäckkemi i ett Schweiziskt pre-Alpint avrinningsområde av första ordningen : En finskalig undersökning av förekomsten av vattenflöde och elektrisk konduktivitet i temporära bäckar i den nedre delen av avrinningsområdet Studibach

Baumann, Elise, Berglund, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Temporary streams and their dynamics have often been largely overseen in hydrological research and there is relatively little knowledge about how the occurrence of flow in these streams varies temporally and spatially. Temporary streams are important from a hydro- logical perspective because they affect water quantity and quality in downstream peren- nial reaches, and from an ecological perspective because they provide habitat to unique species. In order to gain knowledge about these important streams, this maser thesis was conducted, within the Msc program in Water and Environmental Engineering at Uppsala University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in collaboration with the Hydrology and Climate group at the University of Zurich. In this study, the temporal and spatial variation of the temporary streams in a small pre-Alpine catchment in Switzerland were investigated, both in terms of the presence of flowing water and stream chemistry. The 20 ha Studibach catchment is typical for the pre-Alpine area, with frequent precipi- tation. The streams in the lower part of the Studibach catchment were mapped in the field during September 2020. The temporal and spatial variations of the presence of flow and stream chemistry within the stream network was investigated in September and October 2020 during varying weather conditions. During ten field campaigns the flow state of the streams was classified and the Electrical Conductivity (EC) of the streams was mea- sured approximately every 20 meter. The findings from the field campaigns were related to topographic indices, in particular the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) and Upslope Accumulated Area (A), in order to see how topography influenced the presence of stream- flow and stream EC. The results show a high temporal and spatial variation in both stream chemistry and streamflow. The active network length expanded by a factor of two in re- sponse to precipitation events. The stream EC also had a large spatial variation, and the streams in the southeast part of the catchment had a higher EC than the other streams. This spatial variation is expected to reflect the large variability in groundwater EC within the catchment. The spatial variation of the streamflow demonstrated a difference between the north-middle and the south part of the catchment, where the south part responded quicker to events and drained and retracted faster after the event. The findings also indicate that topographic indices can predict the occurrence of flow in the stream network, with sites with higher topographic index values having a higher probability of flowing water in the stream. Topography also influences the stream chemistry. The variation in stream chem- istry was smaller for sites with higher values for the topographic indices, something that can be explained by the Representative Elementary Area (REA) concept, because sites with higher topographic index values are located further downstream and water at these locations is a mixture of the smaller streams that feed these streams. / Temporära bäckar och dess dynamik har länge varit förbisedda inom hydrologisk forskn- ing, och en djupgående kunskap rörande temporära och rumsliga variationer saknas. Tem- porära bäckar är viktiga utifrån ett hydrologisk perspektiv eftersom de påverkar både kvantitet och kvalitet på vattnet nedströms, och från ett ekologiskt perspektiv eftersom de bidrar med habitat till unika arter. Detta examensarbete har genomförts för att öka kunskapen kring dynamiken i dessa temporära nätverk. Examensarbetet genomfördes inom Civilingenjörsprogrammet i Miljö och Vattenteknik vid Uppsala Universitet och Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, i ett samarbete med Hydrologi- och Klimatgruppen vid University of Zurich. Studien har undersökt temporära och rumsliga variationer i ett tem- porärt bäcknätverk med avseende på flöden och kemin i vattnet, i ett mindre pre-alpint avrinningsområde i centrala Schweiz. Bäckarna i den nedre delen av avrinningsområdet Studibach karterades i fält för hand med karta och kompass under september 2020. Avrin- ningsområdet är på 20 ha och räknas som typiskt för ett pre-Alpint område, med frekvent nederbörd. Tio fältkampanjer genomfördes där temporära och rumsliga variationer un- dersöktes genom klassificering av flöden och mätningar av Elektrisk Konduktivitet (EC) i bäckarna ungefär var 20e meter, under september och oktober 2020 i varierande väder- förhållanden. Resultaten från fältkampanjerna relaterades till de topografiska indexen Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) och Upslope Accumulated Area (A) för att undersöka hur topografin påverkar flöden och bäckkemin. Studien kom fram till att bäckarna i den nedre delen av Studibach visar både en temporär och en rumslig variation för både flöde och bäckkemi. De aktiva bäckarna i nätverket visade på en expansion med en faktor två som svar på nederbörd. En rumslig variation för flödet påträffades även mellan den södra och nord-centrala delen av nätverket där den södra svarade snabbare mot event och även drogs ihop snabbare. Kemin i bäckvattnet visade på en stor rumslig variation, med högt EC i den sydöstra delen av avrinningsområdet, vilket förmodas bero på den stora rumsliga variationen av EC i grundvattnet. Resultaten visar även på att topografiska index kan till viss del förutspå flöden i bäckarna, där platser med högre topografiska index har högre sannolikhet att det flödar i bäcken. Topografin påverkar även bäckkemin. Variationen i bäckkemin var mindre för platser med högre topografiska index, vilket kan förklaras med Representative Elementary Area (REA) konceptet, eftersom platser med högre to- pogragiska index värden återfinns längre nedströms och vattnet på dessa platser är en blandning av de mindre bäckarna som tillför vattnet till de större.

Studie operativního řízení výroby / The Study of the Operating Production Management

Mayerbergová, Ilona January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to use the principles of lean manufacturing to lean workplace and eliminate all forms of waste in this workplace. A part of this work is opti-mal design of the workplace in terms of ergonomics which should have a positive effect on shortening lead time and process cycle efficiency. Shortening the lead time will allow company to respond more quickly to customer requirements and this effect may subsequently lead to the drop in inventories.

Optimalizace činnosti měrového střediska / Measuring centre process optimization

Benda, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This master's thesis is engaged in optimisation processes of PUQ (as for Purchasing Quality) department, Robert Bosch České Budějovice. This department is responsible for input control of parts for manufacture as well as check of new parts including their documentation and documentation updates. By optimisation we understand selection of the best variant from group of possibilities.

Möjligheter och hinder med tillämpningen av Lean på högskolor : En fallstudie på Högskolan i Gävle

Hägglund, Pauline, Lindbom, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Högskolor och universitet bedriver utbildning och forskning, där sätten för att driva dessa under åren har förändrats. Lean-verktyg och principer har blivit allt vanligare i såväl offentliga som privata organisationer för att söka efter förbättringar och då även i högre utbildning. För att förbättra och effektivisera processer i högre utbildning kan Lean-verktyg och principer vara ett alternativ, dock finns det begränsat med forskning inom området som ligger till grund för denna studie. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka möjligheter och hinder det finns med att tillämpa Lean-verktyg och principer i högskolor. Studien undersöker ifall högskolor kan förbättra sina interna processer samt vilka problem och begränsningar som finns med tillämpningen av Lean-verktyg och principer. Metod: En abduktiv ansats har använts för att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Den teoretiska referensramen har samlats in i samband med insamlingen av empirisk data från en fallstudie på Högskolan i Gävle. Genom analys och diskussion av den teoretiska referensramen och insamlad data från fallstudien har en slutsats arbetats fram. Resultat/analys: Fallstudiens organisation och den valda processen har kartlagts utifrån dokument, intervjuer och enkäter. En värdeflödesanalys presenteras som belyser slöserier i processen och en föreslagen process åskådliggörs. Begränsningar: Lean-verktyg och principer i högre utbildning är ett område med begränsad forskning och är därför i behov av mer kunskap kring ämnet. Slutsats: Tillämpningen av Lean-verktyg och principer i högre utbildning har i denna studie visats vara möjligt och användbart. Studien visar också på att problem och begränsningar finns med tillämpningen som bör beaktas. / Background: Higher education conducts education and research, where the ways of operating these have changed over the years. Lean tools and principles have become increasingly common in both public and private organizations in search of improvements, which also regard higher education. In order to improve and streamline processes in higher education, Lean tools and principles may be an alternative. However, there is limited research in the area that forms the basis for further research. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the possibilities and obstacles of applying Lean tools and principles in higher education. The study explore whether higher education can improve their internal processes and also the problems and limitations that exist with the application of Lean tools and principles. Method: An abductive approach has been used to answer the study's purpose and questions. The theoretical framework has been collected in connection with the gathering of empirical data from a case study at the University of Gävle. Through the analysis and discussion of the theoretical framework and data collected from the case study, a conclusion has been drawn up. Results/analysis: The case study's organization and the selected process have been mapped based on documents, interviews and surveys. A value stream mapping is presented that highlights waste in the process and a proposed process is illustrated. Limitations: Lean tools and principles in higher education are an area of limited research and are therefore in need of more knowledge about the subject. Conclusion: In this study, the application of Lean tools and principles in higher education has been shown to be potential and useful. The study also shows that problems and limitations exist with the application.

At the heart of it all : A value stream mapping of the heart emergency at Danderyds Sjukhus AB / Hjärtefrågan : En värdeflödesanalys av hjärtakuten på Danderyds Sjukhus AB

Svensson, Ivan, Berglund, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Dagens situation med en åldrande befolkning som leder till en större förekomst av allvarliga kroniska sjukdomar gör att sjukvården står inför nya utmaningar. Då de flesta vårdinrättningar har en mycket hög beläggning och begränsade resurser har man börjat använda sig av produktionsstrategier som traditionellt använts i mer industrinära miljöer, exempelvis Lean production. I denna studie har värdeflödet kartlagts och analyserats för besök vid hjärtakuten på Danderyds Sjukhus AB. Detta har genomförts med hjälp av fältstudieobservationer och intervjuer, för att undersöka verksamheten på en vårdinstitution som arbetar enligt Lean healthcare. Studien har genomförts för att identifiera potentiella förbättringsområden och förändringar inom dessa, som kan leda till effektivare patientflöde. Resultaten av vår fallstudie tyder på att det förekommer icke-värdeskapande inslag relaterade till Transport, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction & Over processing, Defects, Confusion och People på hjärtakuten. Den vanligaste orsaken till slöseri har upptäckts vara kopplad till arbetsrutiner och hur väl dessa rutiner följs, även om problem relaterade till kommunikation och arbetsplatskultur också har upptäckts. Vår främsta rekommendation för att effektivisera verksamheten på akuten är att skapa standardiserade rutiner som är lätta för personalen att följa. Studien och dess resultat kan ses som ett bidrag till den generella diskursen på områdena Lean healthcare, kartläggning samt analys av värdeflöden. Den kan även användas av vårdinrättningar liknande fallkliniken som är i stånd att genomföra en värdeflödesanalys. / The aging population and higher occurrence of chronic diseases today has healthcare facing a very high occupancy and limited resources. To meet rising demands, many healthcare institutions have adapted operational strategies traditionally used in more industrial settings such as Lean production. In this study, the value flow during emergency visits to the heart emergency at Danderyds hospital (Danderyds Sjukhus AB) was mapped and analysed through observations and interviews. The aim was to identify potential changes that might render a more efficient patient flow and improve the operations at a healthcare institution working in accordance with Lean healthcare. The findings from the study show that waste related to Transport, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction & Over processing, Defects, Confusion and People exists at the heart emergency. The most common source of waste is related to routines and compliance to them among the staff, all though some issues related to communication and workplace culture were also discovered. Our main suggestion is therefore to establish standardised routines that are easy to follow for the staff at the clinic, to make emergency visits and patient flow more efficient. The study and its findings can be seen as a general contribution to the discourse regarding Lean healthcare, value stream mapping and analysing. It can also be used by healthcare institutions similar to the case clinic, about to perform an analysis of the value stream.

Increasing sustainability performance in a SME : Focusing on lean and green / Increasing sustainability performance in small and medium-sized enterprises : Focus on lean and green

Harisekar, Vigneshwar January 2021 (has links)
The SMEs are considered as the backbone of the country, they are contributing the biggest part of the country’s GDP (Gross domestic product). The SMEs are showing rapid growth and facing tough competition to satisfy the customer needs. The purpose of the report is to identify the solution to increasing sustainability performance and having the focus on the pillars of sustainability social, economic, and environmental in an SME within the production systems. The research is focused on enriching the qualitative study, to have an in-depth understanding, and triangulation of method has been used. The findings collected from the case company about the production system and current sustainability performance are presented. Then, lean and green paradigms are presented along with the overlapping factors. Then the findings are analyzed which includes the cause-effect relationship for lean and green followed by a selection of lean and green tools such as 5S and VSM are analyzed.  The research provides a solution to regain its competitiveness for the SME in the current industrial development by incorporating lean and green principles into their production systems. The initial step for attaining it to kick start with 5S and, Value stream mapping. The conclusion of this research showing the sustainability performance improvement suggestions is presented using lean and green tools into the SME. This research will be much needed for the present scenario especially for the SMEs, as they are the backbone of the country’s economy. This serves as a motivation and moves their focus to attain sustainability to serve evergreen with their customers. Finally, the future work of this research work along with managerial suggestion is presented which ensures to minimize the CO2 with leaner and green tools.

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