Spelling suggestions: "subject:"street"" "subject:"otreet""
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Social Theory and the Occupy Movement: An Exploration into the Relationship between Social Thought and Political PracticeChandler, Jahaan 16 May 2014 (has links)
In the 21st century, this planet has experienced an explosion of social movements and protests. From the Arab Spring to the Occupy Movement, global protests had become such a prominent feature of the first decade of the new millennium that Time Magazine named the protester as its person of the year in 2011. This project examines the relationship between social theory and political practice in an attempt to gain further insight into contemporary social movements. In particular, it examines the theoretical assumptions underlying the Occupy Movement in the United States and compares these assumptions with 19th century individual and collective anarchist theories, as well as with contemporary theories that have taken the postmodern turn.
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Myndighetsutövare eller medmänniska : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevda yrkesrollKlimczak, Gina, Nagy, Sabina January 2016 (has links)
Svenska socialförvaltningar styrs kommunalt och innebär olika arbetsmetoder i olika kommuner för de anställda socialsekreterarna. Vidare tillåter det ett brett tolkningsutrymme i deras arbete med hemlösa klienter. För att uppnå ett tillfredsställande resultat i de hjälpinsatser som kan erbjudas krävs det en individanpassad bedömning utifrån de resurser som finns och ett bemötande som skiljer sig för varje enskild individ. Den höga arbetsbelastningen som är ett problem idag beror på olika saker men sju av tio socialsekreterare kan tänka sig lämna socialtjänsten. Syftet med denna undersökning var att utreda vilka förväntningar som finns på yrket samt om det finns rollkonflikter. För att undersöka detta genomfördes intervjuer med åtta socialsekreterare anställda på socialförvaltningen i Skåne län. Det insamlade materialet analyserades inom ramarna av begreppet gräsrotsbyråkrater som definierar statligt anställda myndighetsutövare och begreppet rollkonflikter som beskriver hur individer påverkas av att behöva inta olika roller. Resultatet visade att förväntningarna av det sociala arbetet inte uppfylldes men att det skiljer sig mellan att arbeta inom bostad-först metoder och traditionella handläggande socialsekreterare. / The Swedish social authorities are governed communally and means that social workers in different counties have different working methods. That also means that they have a wide interpretation in their work with homeless clients. In order to achieve a satisfying result in their assistance it requires an individualized evaluation based on the available resources and a treatment which is different for each individual. Today’s problem for socialworkers is a high workload depending on various things but seven out of ten social workers would consider leaving the social services. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expectations of the profession and whether there are role conflicts emerging. To investigate this, interviews were conducted with eight social workers employed in Skåne county, Sweden. The collected material was analyzed within the framework of the concept of street-level bureaucrats that defines state employees exercising authority and the concept of role conflicts which describes how individuals are affected by having to assume different roles. The results showed that the expectations of social work were not met but that it differs between working in the housingfirst method and traditional work of social secretary.
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Towards a pro-poor service-centred public service: The case of delivery to indigents in two Western Cape municipalities: attitudes, practices and policies among municipal officialsdu Plessis, Belinda January 2018 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / The problems of the predispositions of municipal public officials and the professionalization of the public service have in the recent past come into the spotlight in service delivery protests involving poor people and unemployed youth. The criticism levelled at bureaucrats within the public service relates to administrative systems, bad policies as well as unresponsive attitudes among frontline staff. The existing perception is that South African street-level bureaucrats are lazy, uncaring, self-serving, unethical, and conceive of the poor in derogatory terms. They are generally only in public service because it is a means of employment or enrichment. Most recent literature on municipal water and free basic services focused on exposing the cost recovery drive of the state and its associated forms of oppressive neoliberal surveillance of the poor. The research sought to primarily understand the attitudes of street-level bureaucrats (SLB’s) within two B-category municipalities in the Western Cape, South Africa. This was done by identifying what motivates them to work in the public sector, how they see and interact with identified poor members of the public (usually defined as municipal indigents), what their value orientations are, and if and how principles of Batho Pele are understood by frontline workers. It explored how these principles are applied when interacting with indigent citizens in their everyday work environment. Additionally, the research explored how poor citizens view their experience of interacting with the state. A qualitative study, using semi-structured questionnaires, was conducted in the Cape Agulhas municipality which is the most southern municipality and the Matzikama municipality which is the most northern municipality of the WC on the west coast. Interviews with frontline municipal employees, senior bureaucrats and residents were conducted. The interviews were conducted, to obtain three different views on the problem, with a total of 71 participants. The participants comprised of 15 street-level bureaucrats, 8 senior staff, with a minimum of 5 years’ tenure, and a total of 43 indigent citizens. Given the sample size, composition and the demographics relating to these municipalities, the research is not generalizable. The public workers in the case studies, I found, cared deeply for the community and the community in turn are very appreciative of this. I also found that indigent citizens were not ashamed of their indigent status although there were those who outright denied being indigent and therefore were not interviewed.
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Gatan som rum & systemLane, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
The streets are one of the most commonly used spaces of a city and most people would probably say that they know what a street is. However, at a second glance, streets could be quite complex spaces hosting sometimes co-existing and sometimes contradicting uses. To start with, there is both an inherent relation between staying and moving as well as between space and network in the concept of streets. Relations that is reflected in the global goals for sustainable development and that can´t be treated separated from each other if the streets are going to work as both a network of transportation, public spaces and as individual spaces. This study aims to investigate these inherent relations in the concept of streets between space and networks, staying and moving to describe the inherent complexity in the concept of streets these relations causes. Through the reasearh survey of this essay it is discovered that different parts of important litterature about urban planing treats this complexity in the concept of streets differently. This essay is therefore carried out through a observational study where different streets in Gothenburg, Sweden is observed. Thereafter the streets are described and analyzed in the light of the inherent complexity in the concept streets to examine if differents streets treats this complexity differently.
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Drogas de abuso em vítimas de mortes violentas no município de São Paulo / Drugs of abuse in victims of violent deaths in the city of São PauloTakitane, Juliana 29 May 2019 (has links)
Aproximadamente 5,6% da população mundial, entre 15 e 64 anos de idade, usaram algum tipo de droga pelo menos uma vez, no ano de 2016. Estimativas indicam que no ano de 2015 aproximadamente 450 mil pessoas morreram em todo o mundo por motivos diversos, porém todos relacionados de alguma forma às drogas. Além disso, o consumo de cannabis e cocaína estão entre os mais associados aos prejuízos advindos dos transtornos relacionados ao uso de drogas ilícitas na América Latina. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a prevalência do consumo de cannabis e cocaína por vítimas de causas externas (acidentes e violências), necropsiadas no Instituto Médico Legal de São Paulo (IML-SP). Além disso, foi proposto também o desenvolvimento e validação de um método em Cromatografia Líquida de Ultra Eficiência acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas sequencial (UHPLC-MS/MS) para quantificação de cocaína, benzoilecgonina, cocaetileno e anidroecgonina metil éster (AEME) em sangue, empregando-se a técnica de extração líquido-líquido com solventes não clorados, que permite a distinção das diferentes vias de administração da cocaína. Foi utilizado um método de amostragem probabilística para a coleta das amostras de sangue postmortem, entre os meses de junho de 2014 a dezembro de 2015. A etapa de triagem das análises toxicológicas foi feita por Ensaio de Imunoabsorção Enzimática e as amostras positivas foram confirmadas pelas técnicas de Cromatografia Líquida acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas sequencial e Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada à Espectrometria de Massas. Ao longo de 19 meses consecutivos, foram coletadas 365 amostras de sangue postmortem, as quais apresentaram positividade de quase um terço para cannabis e/ou cocaína. Indivíduos do sexo masculino, jovens (<= 30 anos de idade) e que apresentavam algum registro de antecedentes criminais foram os mais prováveis (P <= 0,05) de terem feito uso de alguma substância pesquisada. Entre as causas do óbito estudadas, o uso de cannabis foi mais prevalente entre as vítimas de acidentes de trânsito, enquanto o consumo de cocaína ou de pelo menos uma das drogas foi maior entre as vítimas de homicídio. Utilizou-se uma mistura de éter metil terc-butílico e 2-propanol como solventes orgânicos para a extração da cocaína e produtos de biotransformação e detecção por UHPLC-MS/MS, método que se mostrou preciso, exato, robusto e sensível para a determinação dos analitos de interesse. Acredita-se que o estudo dos resultados toxicológicos em ocorrências com desfechos fatais é de grande importância pois fornece informações que podem auxiliar políticas de prevenção e o combate ao uso de substâncias psicoativas / Approximately 5.6% of the world\'s population aged 15-64 years used some type of drug at least once in 2016. Estimates indicate that in 2015 approximately 450,000 people died worldwide for different reasons, but all of them related in some way to drugs. In addition, the consumption of cannabis and cocaine are among the most associated with the damages resulting from illicit drug use disorders in Latin America. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of consumption of cannabis and cocaine by victims of external causes (accidents and violence), necropsied at the Legal Medical Institute in the city of Sao Paulo (IML/SP). In addition, the aim of this study was to develop and validate an Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) for quantification of cocaine, benzoylecgonine, cocaethylene and anhydroecgonine methyl ester (AEME) in blood, using Liquid-Liquid Extraction with non-chlorinated solvents, which allows distinguishing among different routes of administration of cocaine. A probabilistic sampling method was used to collect postmortem blood samples from June 2014 to December 2015. The screening step of the toxicological analyzes was done by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and the positive samples were confirmed by Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry and Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry. Over a period of 19 consecutive months, 365 postmortem blood samples were collected, which were positive for almost one third for cannabis and / or cocaine. Males, young (<= 30 years old) and those who had some criminal history record were the most likely (P <= 0.05) to have used any substance searched. Among the causes of death, the use of cannabis was more prevalent among victims of traffic accidents, while cocaine use or the consumption of at least one of the drugs was higher among homicide victims. A mixture of methyl tert-butyl ether and 2-propanol as organic solvents for the extraction of cocaine and metabolites and detection by UHPLC-MS/MS was used and the developed method was precise, accurate, robust and sensitive for the determination of analytes of interest. The study of toxicological results in occurrences with fatal outcomes is of great importance because it provides information that can aid in prevention policies and in the fight against the use of psychoactive substance
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Vad krävs för att bli familjehem? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med familjehemsutredare / What is needed to become foster-care takers?Oskarsson, Jenna, Mattsson, Erica January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how foster-care workers use their discretion, also how they evaluate foster-care investigations and which criteria affects the outcome of the investigations. Our focus group were social workers from four middle-sized municipalities and two social workers from the private sector. Two overall themes were identified after our interviews, both with underlying themes: discretion during investigation and criteria for foster-care takers.The analysis was based on previous research and theory. Our main conclusions were that social workers’ discretion is affected by the guidelines and methods established at their workplace. Also that the criterias for foster-care takers depends on the situation, but the foster child needs his or her own room in the home and the foster parent can not appear in criminal records.
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A critical analysis of the iconography of six HIV/AIDS murals from Johannesburg and Durban, in terms of race, class and genderKhan, Sharlene 19 March 2008 (has links)
This research report is a critical analysis of the iconography of six HIV/Aids murals from Johannesburg and Durban, in terms of race, class and gender. The six examples are community murals which were used as a social awareness tool to disseminate information on HIV/Aids to a supposedly highly illiterate Black audience public. This research focuses predominantly on the issue of stereotypes, and how certain societal stereotypes of Others are manifested in these HIV/Aids murals. My analysis also tries to make evident, how difficult it is for muralists to visually represent HIV/Aids facts, in addressing ‘high-risk’ groups. This report also tries to show that key issues of HIV/Aids transmission are often overlooked or omitted for various reasons. I argue that, given the importance of HIV/Aids murals as educative tools, muralists have to be made aware of their role in the possible perpetuation of societal racial, gender and class stereotypes, and how such perpetuation of stereotypes can contribute to the continued stigmatization of the disease.
The final chapter of this research examines my own practical work that was produced as a requirement for the MA (Fine Art) degree. It analyses my performance-exhibition Walking the Line. My commentary focuses on how the social phenomenon of street trade in the Johannesburg city centre and specifically the ‘refurbishment’ of the Johannesburg Fashion District influenced my art practice. My analysis is further extended to the use of my own body in the performance, to consciously engage notions of hybridized identity.
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Re-assembling the city: rapid transit as catalyst.Fortmann, Karen Ann. January 1994 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Architecture, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of
Urban Design. / The fountainhead of the tramways in South African cities occurred a century
ago, when Johannesburg, in particular, experienced horse-drawn trams in the
early 1890's. From a rough Babylon, this city has henceforth experienced
significant changes in time and space, failing to avoid the desecration of
racial segregation and the associated spatial ramifications. The
contemporary city hs thus charged with the task of reconstruction and
integration to redress the effects of past actions.
In parallel, the renslssance of the tramway worldwide, in the form of rapid
transit, has brought to light an opportunity to be exploited in the process of
re-assembling the fragmented urban form. The catalytic and associated rtpple
effects of rapid transit on the urban environment in nearby proximity is,
considered critical to both the sustainability of the system and to the
environment through which it operates.
The underlying approach incorporates the notion of linking history and
precedent as a means of instructing future designs. The process Is
concerned w!th definition, decomposition, analysis of intermutual links, and
re-assembling the whole, to achieve a higher level conceptual abstractlon and
understanding. Such an understanding could facilitate the urban designer to
maximise the catalytic benefits of a revived urban element. / Andrew Chakane 2018
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The Presidential Scholars Program: An Examination of the Program's Mission and Its Fidelity to that MissionWilson-Byrne, Christopher Michael January 2007 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Robert Capalbo / The Presidential Scholars Program is a full tuition scholarship program offer to the 15 most outstanding applicants to Boston College each year. It involves three summer programs: a summer of service, an international summer experience, and a career development internship. The Program is funded by the Wall Street Council's Tribut Dinner to Boston College. During the first decade and a half of its existence, the Program has successfully fulfilled its mission to increase the intellectual standing of the University. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2007. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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[pt] O hospital de emergência constitui-se para o morador de rua
o principal
meio de acesso ao sistema de saúde. Este estudo, propõe-se
a conhecer os
contornos que envolvem o atendimento nestas unidades de
saúde. A
problematização da questão foi delineada a partir da
análise das relações
desenvolvidas no âmbito institucional e da fragilização dos
vínculos sociais.
Retrata-se este encontro em trás momentos significativos:
admissão, permanência
e alta hospitalar. A fundamentação teórica deste trabalho
buscou situar os
moradores de rua em uma perspectiva histórica e não
circunstancial, objetivando
compreender a representação social que incorporam. As
principais categorias de
análise utilizadas para o estudo são a exclusão social e o
estigma, por serem
conceitos definidores e pertinentes à condição de morador
de rua que se configura
naquele outro que não queremos ver, sentir o cheiro ou
tocar. A partir de
entrevistas realizadas junto a moradores de rua
hospitalizados e a profissionais da
área da saúde, observamos que muitos são os conflitos que
permeiam seu percurso
em busca de atendimento. / [en] The hospital emergency is for the residents of the street
as the main means
of access to the health system, therefore, this study
proposes to know the contours
involving this service. The problematization of this issue
was outlined from the
analysis of the relationship developed under institutional
and weakening of social
ties. This research describe this meeting in three
significant moments: admission,
hospital stay and medical release. The theoretical
foundation of this study sought
to locate the residents street in a historical perspective
and not circumstantial, to
understand the social representation incorporating. The
main categories of
analysis used for this study are social exclusion and
stigma because they are
defining concepts and relate to the condition of living on
the streets. From
interviews with residents of the street hospitalised and
health care professionals,
the conclusion is that many are the conflicts that permeate
the journey made by
residents of the street in search of care. The resident of
the street set up in other
that we do not want to see, smell or feel the touch.
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