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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ryssland och syriska konflikten 2015 : En studie av ryska ingripandet i inbördeskriget med ursprung i politisk realism

Sbynati, Joseph January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

IL NEOREALISMO RIVISITATO. IL RUOLO DELLA CONCENTRAZIONE, DELLA GEOGRAFIA E DELLA SOCIALIZZAZIONE IN UN MODELLO AMPLIATO DELLA TEORIA DELL'EQUILIBRIO DI POTENZA / Neorealism Revisited. The role of power concentration, geography and socialization in an enriched model of the Balance of Power Theory

BARBIERI, GIOVANNI 06 April 2017 (has links)
Cosa determina la stabilità di un sistema politico internazionale? L’anarchia sistemica determina sempre una minaccia alla sopravvivenza? Il modello strutturale qui proposto integra le variabili della concentrazione del potere e della localizzazione geografica delle Grandi Potenze, per dimostrare come specifiche configurazioni strutturali contribuiscano a plasmare le motivazioni che stanno alla base dei comportamenti statali, condizionando i risultati sistemici osservabili. Viene, inoltre, inquadrato il processo di socializzazione come variabile interveniente, attivata da specifiche condizioni strutturali, in grado di inibire la ricorrenza della tendenza sistemica al bilanciamento attraverso la riduzione delle opzioni di politica estera a disposizione degli Stati. Dal punto di vista teorico, concentrandosi sul ruolo svolto dal potere e dalla geografia nell’orientare le motivazioni di base degli attori, il modello modifica l’assunto realista di incentivi strutturali costanti all’azione degli Stati, ipotizzando che questi varino al variare dei livelli di concentrazione del potere. Inoltre, mitiga il carattere meccanicistico del realismo strutturale, considerando il bilanciamento come una tra tante opzioni disponibili. Dal punto di vista empirico, il modello viene applicato a tre casi di studio, nel tentativo di evidenziare come la stabilità o l’instabilità sistemica siano determinate dall’esistenza di strutture di potere diffuse o concentrate. / What does effectively determine systemic stability? Does international anarchy always determine a threat to survival? The structural model introduced in this work focuses on two main variables, power concentration and geography, to demonstrate how structural constraints shape States’ base motivations to action, and how the resulting behaviors condition the observable systemic outcomes. Furthermore, I introduce the socialization process as an intervening variable, enabled by specific structural conditions. Socialization could inhibit the systemic balancing tendency by narrowing States’ foreign policy options. From the theoretical point of view, the model modifies the realist assumption towards constant structural incentives to action. By focusing on the role played by power concentration and geography in shaping States’ motivations, it is possible to link together the shifts in international power distribution with shifts in structural incentives. Nonetheless, the model loses the rather mechanistic character of structural realism, making balancing one among many viable options. From the empirical point of view, I apply the model against three case studies, trying to demonstrate how the existence of concentrated or diffused power structures determines systemic stability or instability.

Germany’s “Open-Door” Policy in Light of the Recent Refugee Crisis : An Interpretive Thematic Content Analysis of Possible Reasons and Underlying Motivations

Schmid, Claudia Theresia January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the medially conveyed open-door refugee policy approach of the German government, in light of the recent refugee crisis in Europe. To gain an understanding of the reasons for this policy approach, a thematic content analysis is carried out, identifying and extracting themes, as portrayed in the national, international media, and political debates in the German Bundestag. These themes are then used in a comparison with actual refugee polices and further analysed from a constructivist and a structural realist perspective so as to investigate underlying motivations behind them.Fifteen themes and reasons were identified, with the three most frequently occurring themes, Capacity and Capability, Humanitarian Responsibility, and Demography and Economy, making up about half of the number of themes found. The analysis also showed that both constructivist concepts – such as identity – as well as structural realist notions – for example national interests and capabilities – were largely contributing factors with regards to guiding, shaping and deciding on Germany’s refugee policies. Germany’s intake of about one million refugees was – in the context of identity – an acceptable decision, following its normative, national, moral, historical and humanitarian standards; and the perceived benefits of the policy provide strong arguments in regards to the country’s capabilities and national interests.The thesis concludes that because Germany’s highly internal-moral-driven identity aligned well with its capabilities and national interests, Germany was able to continuously pursue its “open-doors” refugee policy despite resistance from a vocal opposition.

亞投行與國際經濟制度之政經競合–以結構現實主義分析 / Study of the Competition and Cooperation between AIIB and International Economic Institution–Perspective of Structural Realism

張君傑, Chang, Chun Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
國際經濟制度權力分配所形成的結構,是展現權力或實現利益的一種形式。二次世界大戰結束後,美國透過主導創設國際貨幣基金(IMF)、世界銀行(WB)構成國際經濟制度,確保在全球經濟治理的優勢地位。中國改革開放以來,隨著經濟快速發展與綜合國力大幅提升,日益展現出革新與完善現有國際經濟制度的強烈企圖心,尤其亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB, 簡稱亞投行)從提出倡議到正式成立僅歷時兩年,並獲得亞太區域內、外之主要國家支持,反映出中國具備主導建構區域性或全球性多邊金融機構的政經實力。本論文將從結構現實主義的權力、利益、霸權等視角,探討美國在二戰後主導創設國際經濟制度之戰略目的、中國深化參與現行國際經濟制度之戰略意圖、美中兩國在國際經濟制度權力消長情形,以及中國創建亞投行對於美中關係未來發展的可能影響與戰略意涵,從中推論在美國掌控總體主導優勢的國際經濟制度下,中國試圖運用亞投行在國際經濟制度的權力結構組建平行架構,爭取與其政經實力相符的國際地位和影響力等相對利益,藉以形塑安全環境、擴大國際事務話語權和提升其大國地位,並在國際經濟制度結構下,與美國保持競合兼具的權力平衡的均勢格局,進而實現「兩個百年」的戰略發展目標。 / The distribution of power formed in the international economic institutional structure may reflect influence of power and fulfillment of the national interests. After World War II, the United States has secured its dominant position of global economic governance by establishing the international economic institution consisting of International Monetary Fund and World Bank. In contrast, since the implementation of “Reform and Opening-up” policy, China has been rapidly developing its comprehensive national power and gradually shown a strong desire to reform the existing international economic institution. The purposes of this thesis are to explore the Sino-US strategic struggles in current international economic institution and evaluate the potential impacts on the Sino-US relations caused by Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank from the perspective of structural realism. Based on the conducted analyses, this thesis concludes that China aims to pursue the gains corresponding to its growing influence and have a bigger say in the international economic institution. Moreover, China also devotes to maintaining the status quo in balance of power with the United States while establishing a parallel structure to the existing international economic institution so as to accomplish its Two Centenary Goals of strategic development.

Théorie générale de la manipulation / intervention : son implémentation aux expériences de la physique et d'astrophysique / General theory of manipulation/intervention : Its implementation on physics and astrophysics experiments

Hiahemzizou, Rafik 05 December 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous analysons le concept de manipulation à travers une théorie élargie qui inclut le réalisme des entités et la théorie causale de la manipulation. Dans une seconde étape, nous appliquons cette théorie à plusieurs expériences scientifiques. Cette thèse est articulée autour de quatre parties : Dans la Partie I nous exposons le concept de manipulation. Nous examinons le réalisme structurel en mettant l’accent sur ses difficultés concernant particulièrement les incertitudes ontologiques de la physique. Cet examen du réalisme structurel nous permettra de développer un réalisme des entités qui est susceptible de constituer une alternative au réalisme structurel.La partie II est consacrée aux aspects clés du réalisme des entités, c’est-à-dire ses fondements, ses arguments ainsi qu’une définition aussi précise que possible du concept de manipulation.Dans la partie III, nous élaborons une théorie générale de la manipulation/intervention qui est basée sur le réalisme des entités et la théorie de Woodward sur l’intervention, l’invariance et la profondeur de l’explication des évènements causaux. Nous allons développer trois éléments : 1-un système des conditions de l’intervention, 2- une typologie de l’intervention, 3-l’intervention probabiliste. Ce dernier type de l’intervention est applicable à l’expérience EPR. Dans la partie IV- Nous appliquons cette théorie à cinq expériences scientifiques : l’expérience EPR, l’expérience de l’électrodynamique quantique en cavité, l’expérience sur l’effet Zeeman, l’expérience du Tevatron (collisions de protons) et la dernière est non des moindres, est une expérience d’astrophysique (ondes gravitationnelles). Dans chacune de ces expériences, notre théorie a trouvé une application réussie. Toutes les conditions de l’intervention sont applicables sur les cinq expériences et une typologie bien définie de l’intervention a été élaborée et qui met en évidence les résultats de l’intervention dans les différentes séquences de ces expériences.Par conséquent, notre théorie de la manipulation reflète une utilité authentique et réelle dans différent domaines de la physique et de l’astrophysique. Un pareil résultat est important tenant compte du rôle de la manipulation expérimentale pour la science moderne. / In this work, we analyze the concept of manipulation through a comprehensive theory which includes the entity realism and the causal theory of manipulation. At the second stage, we implement this theory to several scientific experiments. It is divided into four parts:In Part I, we will have a long journey until we will reach the true concept of manipulation. We analyze the structural realism and we explore its difficulties regarding ontological problems of physics. Our survey of structural realism enables to open a new way to developing entity realism instead of structural realism.Part II will be dedicated to the core aspect of entity realism such as its foundations, its arguments and our aim to reach a global definition of manipulation concept.In Part III I will achieve my aim which is elaborating a global theory of manipulation/intervention based on entity realism and the Woodward theory of intervention, invariance and depth explanation of causal events. We will develop three items : 1- a system of intervention conditions 2-a typology of intervention, 3-probabilistic intervention. Such type of intervention is applicable to EPR experiment. In Part IV, we implement our theory to five scientific experiments: EPR experiment, electrodynamics cavity experiment, Zeeman effect experiment, Tevatron experiment (collision of protons) and last but not least an astrophysical experiment (gravitational waves).In each case, our theory is successful. All intervention conditions are applicable to our five experiments and a well defined typology of intervention is developed based on intervention results through different stages of those experiments. Therefore, the theory of manipulation shows a real and genuine application in different domains of physics and astrophysics. Such result is important regarding the role of manipulation in modern science.

A Europeanist or a Transatlantic EU Grand Strategy? : A comparative study of how Germany and France approach EU grand strategy

Eklind, Anton January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this research is to analyse the development of an EU grand strategy, using the two dominant EU powers Germany and France and their respective approach to an EU grand strategy. The importance of the EU grand strategy cannot be underestimated as it concerns the national security of all citizens in the EU. Research in this area which contributes with more findings addressing new information must be seen as urgent and relevant. While other studies have researched the development of the EU grand strategy, the recent international structural events in the form of the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War have not yet been studied. The concepts that will be used are strategic culture and strategic autonomy, with the purpose to provide insights on Germany’s and France’s approach to an EU grand strategy. Strategic culture and strategic autonomy will use theoretical assumptions based on constructivism and structural realism respectively. The findings are that Germany is still a major proponent of a transatlantic EU grand strategy, while France remains supportive of a Europeanist EU grand strategy. Recent events with the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War have led to that Germany have decided to abandon its energy dependency towards Russia and significantly increase its military spend to the by NATO stipulated two percent of GDP. These events will affect the development of the EU grand strategy, but the current signs are that Germany and France will not change their approach on the EU grand strategy because of this.

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