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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strukturerade intervjuer inom missbruksvården : - som en grund för kunskapsutveckling / Structured interviews in substance abuse treatment : - as a foundation for the development of knowledge

Anderberg, Mats, Dahlberg, Mikael January 2009 (has links)
Anderberg, Mats & Dahlberg, Mikael (2009). Strukturerade intervjuer inom missbruksvården – som en grund för kunskapsutveckling (Structured interviews in substance abuse treatment - as a foundation for the development of knowledge).   In the discussion on knowledge development in social work, structured interviews have attracted an increasing amount of attention. The aim of this thesis is to examine and analyze how structured interviews can serve as a basis in the compilation and development of knowledge for practice and research in addiction treatment. More precisely, it means a problematization of the methodological issues that are of central importance in studying treatment outcomes, in which structured interviews form the basis. The methodological aspects in focus here are scientific concepts such as reliability, validity and specific factors in the evaluation of treatment interventions. A further objective is to outline a model for analysis when compiling and evaluating treatment outcome. The five empirical studies have been conducted in their natural context, in organisations in which structured interviews with clients are carried out as an everyday routine and used for e.g. treatment planning. The structured interview DOK (a Swedish abbreviation for Documentation of clients) is used as a basis and an example for the empirical studies in this thesis. The validation studies show that the DOK interview generally attains a good level of reliability and validity, but also contains a small number of variables that do not live up to the requirements which may be imposed. Deficiencies in operationalization and question construction seem to have a large impact. Another conclusion is that it is possible to carry out validation studies, where each variable is examined separately and evaluated with the aid of both sound methodological starting points and relevant statistical theory. Another of the central questions, the thesis addresses, is how structured interviews can be used as a basis for evaluation of treatment. The two studies which highlight this issue show that it is obvious that structured interviews are suitable for such a purpose, through its standardized form and multi-dimensional nature. Validation of structured interviews or evaluation of social interventions should not be reduced to single numbers or values. The multidimensional nature of the structured interview shall also be reflected in the results and analysis. The thesis presents an analysis model for evaluating treatment outcome in relation to two empirical examples and foregoing theoretical starting points. Our view is that structured interviews can provide a link between practice and research and thus contribute to the development of knowledge in social work and substance abuse treatment.

Distributed k-ary System: Algorithms for Distributed Hash Tables

Ghodsi, Ali January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation presents algorithms for data structures called distributed hash tables (DHT) or structured overlay networks, which are used to build scalable self-managing distributed systems. The provided algorithms guarantee lookup consistency in the presence of dynamism: they guarantee consistent lookup results in the presence of nodes joining and leaving. Similarly, the algorithms guarantee that routing never fails while nodes join and leave. Previous algorithms for lookup consistency either suffer from starvation, do not work in the presence of failures, or lack proof of correctness. Several group communication algorithms for structured overlay networks are presented. We provide an overlay broadcast algorithm, which unlike previous algorithms avoids redundant messages, reaching all nodes in O(log n) time, while using O(n) messages, where n is the number of nodes in the system. The broadcast algorithm is used to build overlay multicast. We introduce bulk operation, which enables a node to efficiently make multiple lookups or send a message to all nodes in a specified set of identifiers. The algorithm ensures that all specified nodes are reached in O(log n) time, sending maximum O(log n) messages per node, regardless of the input size of the bulk operation. Moreover, the algorithm avoids sending redundant messages. Previous approaches required multiple lookups, which consume more messages and can render the initiator a bottleneck. Our algorithms are used in DHT-based storage systems, where nodes can do thousands of lookups to fetch large files. We use the bulk operation algorithm to construct a pseudo-reliable broadcast algorithm. Bulk operations can also be used to implement efficient range queries. Finally, we describe a novel way to place replicas in a DHT, called symmetric replication, that enables parallel recursive lookups. Parallel lookups are known to reduce latencies. However, costly iterative lookups have previously been used to do parallel lookups. Moreover, joins or leaves only require exchanging O(1) messages, while other schemes require at least log(f) messages for a replication degree of f. The algorithms have been implemented in a middleware called the Distributed k-ary System (DKS), which is briefly described. / QC 20100824

STATUSMARKÖRERS BETYDELSE FÖR RISKEN ATT UTSÄTTAS FÖR MOBBNING I SKOLAN. : Fungerar ett högt självförtroende eller en stark kamratanknytning som ett vaccin mot mobbning?

Gräf, Christina January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker om högstadieelevers utsatthet för mobbning är en konsekvens av att de avviker från de normativa kategoriska tillhörigheterna, vilka definieras av den kulturellt idealiserade formen av maskulinitet respektive femininitet inom skolkontexten. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt används Messerschmidts structured action theory, som går ut på att individens handlingar och beteenden påverkas av och reproducerar den rådande sociala strukturen. I denna uppsats förstås den sociala strukturen som den ojämlika maktfördelningen mellan elever i skolkontexten, utifrån kön, klass och etnisk bakgrund. I vårt västerländska samhälle är det den vita heterosexuella medelklassmannen som besitter den största makten, och kallas för hegemonisk maskulinitet. Flickor kan nå upp till en normativ femininet som definieras utifrån liknande statusmarkörer. Elever som avviker från normen svensk, man och minst medelklassbakgrund besitter därför minst makt i skolkontexten, och har därmed en större risk att utsättas för mobbning än elever som når upp till hegemonisk maskulinitet och normativ femininitet i skolkontexten.Frågeställningarna i denna uppsats är om elever med få eller inga statusmarkörer har ett lägre självförtroende eller en sämre kamratanknytning, som ökar deras sannolikhet att utsättas för mobbning samt om Dan Olweus uppdelning av ”direkt” (fysisk) och ”indirekt” (psykosocial) mobbning är könsspecifika, men också har störst risk att drabba elever med få eller inga statusmarkörer. Få studier har forskat om dessa ”genusspecifika” former av mobbning även skiljer sig utifrån elevers kategoriska tillhörigheter. Forskare inom mobbningsfältet är vidare överens om att ett högt självförtroende och en stark kamratanknytning bör fungerar som ett vaccin mot mobbning. Dock har de använt sig av tvärsnittsdata som inte kan skönja tidsordningen för dessa samband.För att besvara dessa frågor har statistisk sekundärdata analyserats från ett urval av högstadieelever i Sverige, vilket har insamlats av Alkoholkommittén och Mobilisering mot narkotika. Datan har en longitudinell karaktär, vilket innebär att det går att besvara den första frågeställningen om tidsordningen i sambandet mellan självförtroende/ kamratanknytning och utsatthet för mobbning. I statistikprogrammet SPSS 16.0 används en binär logistisk regression för att analysera sambanden.Resultaten av dessa analyser har visat att elever med få eller inga statusmarkörer och med ett lågt självförtroende eller en svag kamratanknytning inte ökar deras sannolikhet att utsättas för mobbning. Dessutom visar resultaten att kön, klass och etnisk bakgrund inte påverkar risken för att utsättas för direkt eller indirekt mobbning. Omvänt säger resultaten att utsattheten för direkt och indirekt mobbning är könsneutrala, samt att ett högt självförtroende och en stark kamratanknytning inte fungerar som ett vaccin mot mobbning.

Structured knowledge transfer in a high technology industry

Gullberg, Cecilia, Pelser, Pieter January 2006 (has links)
Background: Due to the rapid change of conditions knowledge is becoming increasingly more importance today. Knowledge is now considered superior to technology and capital as a source of competitive advantage, however needs to be efficiently transferred and well managed to explore its full potential. Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to map the process of structured knowledge transfer. This is done in two phases from host organisation to expatriate and from expatriate to home organisation. Secondary the results will indicate some major influences on the knowledge transfer process. Research method: A case study of SAAB and Denel Aviatons has been selected for this thesis. Primary information was predominantly obtained through qualitative interviews with some quantitative survey support. The case study has been conducted with people involved in the structured knowledge transfer programme. Results: The study shows that different types of knowledge is transferred and that knowledge moves through several stages as it gets transformed from raw data to action. It also captures the methods of knowledge transfer as it moves from velocity to viscosity. It has also been discovered that although the second phase within the case study is different than the first, that ideally it should be almost identical.

Structured epitaxial graphene for electronics

Ruan, Ming 28 June 2012 (has links)
After the pioneering investigations into graphene-based electronics at Georgia Tech, great strides have been made developing epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide (EG) as a new electronic material. EG has not only demonstrated its potential for large scale applications, it also has become an important material for fundamental two-dimensional electron gas physics. Graphene is generally considered to be a strong candidate to succeed silicon as an electronic material. However, to date, it actually has not yet demonstrated capabilities that exceed standard semiconducting materials. One disadvantage of conventionally fabricated graphene devices is that nanoscopically patterned graphene tends to have disordered edges that severely reduce mobilities thereby obviating its advantage over other materials. The other disadvantage is that pristine graphene does not contain a band gap, which is critical for standard field effect transistor to operate. This thesis will show that graphene grown on structured silicon carbide surfaces overcomes the edge roughness and promises to provide an inroad into nanoscale patterning of graphene. High-quality ribbons and rings can be made using this technique.

Understanding the Role of Culture in Health-Seeking Behaviours of Chinese International Students in Canada

Shen, Xueyi 28 July 2011 (has links)
In the 21st century, the mobility of world population has posed greater challenges to healthcare practitioners, since they are facing an increasingly diverse patient population from all over the world. At the same time, patients also find it difficult to access and utilize quality health care services in a culturally diverse context. This study examines the role of culture in Chinese international students’ health-seeking behaviours in Canada. The study explores any barriers/perceived barriers that Chinese international students may confront when accessing health care which can prevent them from obtaining quality health care services in Canada. To this end, an intercultural health communication model was employed as a theoretical framework, and semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection tool. While contributing to existing literature on health communication and culture, this study also hopes to contribute to providing Canadian universities and institutions important information regarding Chinese international students’ access to and utilization of health care services with the hope of enhancing the quality of ethnic health care and promoting better health outcomes.

An Exploration of the Experience of Chinese Emerging Adults-University Students Transitioning to Mature Adulthood

Pang, Wuji, W.P. 23 November 2011 (has links)
Recent research has proposed a new stage in human development, termed emerging adulthood by Jeffrey Arnett, which is characterized by a prolonged journey to adult roles and responsibilities. This thesis explores the experience of Chinese emerging adults, university students aged 20-25 years using Erikson’s and Levinson’s developmental theories as a theoretical framework. These authors proposed that three major developmental tasks are necessary for the transition to adulthood: separating from family of origin, forming an adult identity and finding the place for the self in the larger society. Qualitative interviews were conducted virtually with 12 Chinese university students to understand their perceptions and lived experience. Qualitative thematic analysis was used to analyze the interview transcripts. The results suggest Chinese emerging adults (a) have a low level of separation from parents; (b) have not formed a clear sense of identity and have not achieved a self-definition in adulthood; and (c) have not made initial commitments to love and work. It is speculated that the Chinese sociocultural context may further postpone its young adults’ independence and autonomy, and this prolonged transition to adulthood is both positive and problematic to Chinese young adults. This study lends support to Arnett’s emerging adulthood theory through its exploration of emerging adulthood in China, where, to date, little research has been done on this subject. It provides rich descriptions of the experience of Chinese emerging adults’ lives and enhances understandings of the role of culture in influencing the emerging adulthood period.

Investigating Transparency in Government of Canada Citizen-focused Communications

Ghergari, Kori 02 April 2012 (has links)
Government of Canada communications professionals work in an increasingly challenging environment, characterized by an intrusive 24/7 media cycle, a frenetic pace of evolving communication technologies, layered accountability requirements, political tension, and waning public trust. Scholars call on professional communicators to help rebuild public trust, which is intrinsic to a healthy democratic government. The Three-dimensional Model for Transparency in Government Communication developed by Fairbanks, Plowman and Rawlins (2007) serves as the theoretical framework for investigating the Government of Canada’s approach to transparent citizen-focused communications from the perspective of communications professionals. The model’s adaptability to the Government of Canada context is tested through 23 qualitative semi-structured interviews with Government of Canada senior communications advisors, managers and executives. The data is analysed using constant comparative thematic analysis. The findings demonstrate that Government of Canada communicators strongly value transparency. Furthermore, the key components of the transparency model – communications practices, organizational support and provision of resources – encapsulate the factors that influence the practice of transparent citizen-focused communications by the Government of Canada. The study concludes by offering recommendations for future research and practical applications.

De utvalda : om antisemitism i Sverige / The Chosen Ones : about anti-Semitism in Sweden

Johansson, Niclas January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om hur fyra judiska personer upplever antisemitism i Sverige. De har svarat på frågor som rör två teman, antisemitism och Israelkritik/antisionism. Informanterna har inte personligen utsatts för antisemitism i stor utsträckning, däremot upplever de att antisemitismen finns mer utbrett på andra platser i Sverige. Israelkritik upplever de enbart som antisemitism när den är obalanserad och när media anklagar judar kollektivt för vad som sker i Israel/Palestina. Sionism ser de dock ingen anledning till att kritisera eftersom den handlar om ett judisk självbestämmande. Ett par av informanterna anser att sionism är så starkt förknippat med judisk tradition att antisionism per automatik blir judefientlig. / The essay is about how four Jewish people experience anti-Semitism in Sweden. They answered questions related to two themes, anti-Semitism and Israel Criticism / anti-Zionism. The informants have not personally been subjected to anti-Semitism widely, but they feel that anti-Semitism is more prevalent in other parts of Sweden. Criticism of Israel is experienced as anti-Semitism when it is unbalanced and when the media blames Jews collectively for what is happening in Israel / Palestine. They see no reason to criticize Zionism because it is about a Jewish self-determination. A couple of respondents believe that Zionism is so strongly associated with Jewish tradition that anti-Zionism automatically becomes hostile towards Jews.

Development and preliminary validation of measures to assess mother's self-regulatory efficacy and outcome expectations to transport preschool aged children to structured physical activities

Bloomquist, Candace D. 20 December 2010
Structured physical activity (SPA) is one type of physical activity in which preschool aged children participate (e.g., soccer programs). Given that SPA often occurs at community-based locations, such as at a field or hockey rink, primary caregivers, who are often times mothers, must transport their preschool aged children to the scheduled SPA. Although studies have examined social cognitions important to individuals participation in their own scheduled physical activity, no study to date has focused on the social cognitions of mothers that may be related to the transportation of their preschool aged children to SPA. The purpose of this two-study dissertation was to use self-efficacy theory to develop and examine the reliability and validity evidence of measures to assess mothers social cognitions (i.e., self-regulatory efficacy to overcome barriers and to schedule/plan; outcome expectations including likelihood and value) that may be related to transporting their children to SPA. A literature review, focus group elicitation with nine participants (Mean age = 35.25 years; SD = 3.57), and feedback from three expert judges and 10 participants were used to develop items for each of the measures in Study 1. The reliability of the measures was then investigated in Study 1 using data from 31 participants (Mean age= 33.50 years; SD = 5.79) to examine initial internal consistency and then 64 participants (Mean age= 32.87 years; SD = 4.48) to further examine internal consistency and temporal stability. Findings revealed some evidence for the content and construct validity, internal consistency, and temporal stability of the measures. To continue the construct validation of the measures, it was important to continue to examine the reliability evidence of the measures and other aspects of validity, including concurrent and predictive validity. In Study 2, data from 93 participants (Mean age= 34.88 years; SD = 5.04) were used to examine evidence of the criterion-related validity (i.e., concurrent and predictive) of the developed measures. Results revealed convergence of the measures that assessed similar constructs (i.e., self-regulatory efficacy to schedule/plan and to overcome barriers; outcome expectations: likelihood and value). However, evidence of the divergence of the self-regulatory efficacy measures from the outcome expectation measures was less consistent. Results also revealed that the self-regulatory efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations measures were not significant, independent predictors of transportation to SPA. These predictive validity findings as well as the divergence findings may have been due to the type of mothers who participated in the study (i.e., highly experienced in transporting children to SPA). Findings from the present series of studies suggest a need for continued exploration of the measures, including research with a more diverse sample. Collecting further reliability and validity evidence of these measures to compare it with the evidence from the present studies would contribute to the ongoing construct validation of these measures.

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