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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viktiga funktioner och designfaktorer i resecentrum : Klimatanpassningar för subarktiskt klimat

Anttila, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige finns en enighet om att kollektivtrafiken måste utvecklas om målsättningar för klimat och attraktiva städer ska kunna nås. Trafiksystemets utformning har i sin helhet stor betydelse för en långsiktigt hållbar utveckling. Resecentrumen håller på att få en allt viktigare roll i stora som små städer. I Gällivare pågår den så kallade Samhällsomvandlingen som en konsekvens av LKAB:s gruvdrift i Malmberget och det finns önskemål från Gällivare kommun om att utveckla Gällivares resecentrum som en del i att göra staden mer attraktiv för invånare och besökare. Syftet med studiens första del var att undersöka vilka funktioner och designfaktorer som är viktigast för att ett resecentrum ska upplevas som användbart och attraktivt av resenärer och andra som rör sig kring resecentrumet, samt undersöka hur dessa funktioner och designfaktorer skulle kunna anpassas till ett subarktiskt klimat. Många lösningar för utformning av urbana miljöer är främst anpassade för varmare och mindre varierat klimat än det subarktiska. Studiens andra del var att ta fram ett konceptförslag för resecentrumet i Gällivare, där subarktiska klimatförhållanden råder. Konceptförslaget bygger på resultatet av arbetets första del och på analyser som utförts i Gällivare. Arbetet började med en litteraturstudie som resulterade i två analysmallar, en för analys av generella funktioner och design i resecentrum och en för analys av hur klimatfaktorer påverkar utformningen. Därefter utfördes referensstudier som analyserades med hjälp av den första mallen. Gällivare resecentrum utvärderades med båda analysmallarna och en platsanalys utfördes på Gällivare. En syntes togs fram och användes tillsammans med platsanalysen för att ta fram konceptförslaget. Syntesen visade att viktiga faktorer kunde kategoriseras inom områdena ljus, rumslighet, attraktivitet, struktur, prioritering, nod i staden och trygghet. Ljuset fick stor betydelse i konceptförslaget, både för att platsen ska upplevas som trygg och tydlig men också för dess estetiska kvaliteter. Under årets mörka period är belysningen det mest framträdande i utemiljöerna, särskilt när snö täcker marken, belysningen kan då användas för att göra utemiljöerna mer attraktiva. En förbättrad rumslighet i utemiljöerna kan skapa bättre mikroklimat och på så vis skapa mer attraktiva utemiljöer även under delar av året med mer krävande klimatförhållanden. Resecentrumets olika delar bör förhålla sig till varandra på ett tydligt och logiskt sätt och plats lämnas för förvaring av snö. Det ska finnas gott om ytor för gående och cyklister och det ska vara lätt att röra sig inom resecentrumet. För att säkerställa framkomlighet även under vintersäsongen kan markvärme användas på de viktigaste stråken. De klimatförhållanden som är vanliga i subarktiska miljöer, exempelvis snön, kan lyftas fram på ett sätt som gör att de bidrar till platsens identitet och attrraktivitet. / There is a consensus in Sweden that public transport must be developed if goals for climate and attractive cities are to be achieved. The overall design of the traffic system is of great importance for long-term sustainable development. Travel centers are gaining an increasingly important role in large as well as small cities. Gällivare is undergoing the so-called Urban Transformation as a consequence of LKAB’s mining operations in Malmberget and there is a request from Gällivare municipality to develop Gällivare travel center as a part of making the city more attractive to residents and visitors. The purpose of the first part of the study was to investigate which functions and design factors are most important for a travel center to be perceived as useful and attractive by travelers and others passing through the center, and to investigate ow these functions and design factors could be adapted to a subarctic climate. Many solutions for the design of urban environments are mainly adapted to warmer and less varied climates than the subarctic. The second part of the study was to develop a concept for the travel center in Gällivare, where subarctic climatic conditions prevail. The concept is based on the results of the first part of the study and on analyzes performed in Gällivare. The study began with an extensive literature study that resulted in two templates for analysis, one for analysis of general functions and design in the travel enter and one for analysis of how climate factors affect the design. Subsequently, reference studies were performed, analyzed with the first template. Gällivare travel center was evaluated with both templates and a site analysis was performed at Gällivare. A synthesis was developed and used together with the site analysis to produce the concept. The synthesis showed that important factors could be categorized in the areas of light, spaciousness, structure, prioritization, city node and safety. During the dark part of the year, the lighting is the most prominent in the outdoor environments, especially when snow covers the ground. The lighting can then be used to make the outdoor environments more attractive. An improved spatiality in outdoor environments might create a better microclimate and thus create more attractive outdoor environments even during parts of the year with more demanding climatic conditions. The different parts of the travel center should relate to each other in a clear and logical way and space should be left for snow storage. There should be plenty of space for cyclists and it should be easy to move within the travel center. To ensure availability even during the winter season, ground heating can used on the most important lanes. The climatic conditions that are common in subarctic environments, such as the snow, can be highlighted in a way that makes them contribute to the identity and attractiveness of the place.

Identifying subarctic river thermal and mechanical ice break-up using seismic sensing

Ursica, Stefania January 2021 (has links)
River-ice break-up in high-latitude regions, despite its brevity, is a fundamental process, representing the most dynamic and complex period of fluvial processes. Moreover, ice break-up has significant cascading ecological effects, with a different severity for mechanical vs. thermal break-up, and thus, motivates the importance of monitoring efforts. Classical research methods, such as fieldwork or analysis of photographs and aerial imagery, offer a general perspective on the timing of ice break-up but have safety and logistic issues caused by the dangers of unstable ice cover, the lag times between event occurrence and observation, and the frequent low visibilities. The emerging field of environmental seismology, which studies surface processes through seismic signals, provides an alternative solution to these shortcomings by continuously recording high temporal resolution data. Seismic sensing can potentially record any event within a set distance if the produced signal is powerful enough. Three geophones had monitored the subarctic Sävar River reach for 185 days to test the efficiency of seismic methods to capture ice-cracking events, and based on their characteristics, to identify thermal vs. mechanical ice break-up. With visual and multivariate analysis, seismic methods provided a conservative set of 2 228 events, detected at milliseconds precision, described, and located. Besides, both trigger lag times and principal component analysis depicted correlations between environmental drivers and ice-cracking events. The automatic picker based on duration and trigger thresholds required manual supervision because of the initial numerous false signals that accounted for 96% of total initial events. Ice-cracking signals as short as 0.2s and frequencies of 8-40 Hz with an average power of -117 dB were statistically defined, classified, and described by case events as two types, associated, based on their spectral and temporal patterns, with the two ice break-up modes. With an estimated Rayleigh wave velocity of 680 m/s, all ice-cracking signals' locations were within the instrumented area. Trigger lag times analysis improved detection and showed a strong link between ice-cracking events and drivers of lag times less than three hours, including near-immediate responses (< 2s). With multivariate analysis, the lag times showed a mainly climatic control for thermal melting and a primarily fluvial control in mechanical ice break-up. The combination of statistical and seismic analysis provides, despite the considerable manual screening, a valid and potentially site-transferable method to extract and describe ice-cracking signals and thus identify ice break-up modes in northern rivers.

Time series analysis of ground frost conditions at Abisko, sub-Arctic Sweden, 1985-2010 / Tidserieanalys av marktemperatur i Abisko,Norra Sverige, under perioden 1985-2010

Schmidt, Anja January 2012 (has links)
Observed climatic change may result in modification of the ground thermal regime.The causes of shallow ground temperature variability, however, are not well documented.This thesis reports ground temperatures from Absiko Scientific Research Station, measured ata site currently not underlain by permafrost to illustrate the response of shallow groundtemperatures to changes in climatic parameters. Both air temperature and precipitationincreased at Abisko from 1985-2010. The strongest increase in air temperature occurred inwinter, whereas the precipitation increased mainly during the summer months. There was asignificant trend towards later onset of permanent snow cover, as well as a steadily earlierdisappearance of permanent snow cover in spring, resulting in reduced snow cover duration.Also the snow thickness decreased at Abisko during the study period. The ground experiencedapproximately five months of frost at 5 and 20 cm depth and approx. four, respectively two,months at 50 and 100 cm depth. Annual ground temperatures were found to be increasingfrom 1985-2010 with approx. 0.31 °C, 0.64 °C, 0.82 °C and 0.94 °C at 5, 20, 50, respectively100 cm depth from the surface. The duration and intensity of the seasonal frost cycles weredecreasing, which would reflect the increasing ground temperatures. Changes in short-termfrost cycles were not found to be significant. The changes in mean annual and winter groundtemperature were significantly correlated to the changes in mean annual and winter airtemperature, but surprisingly not to the changes in snow cover. However, seasonally theincreasing trend of ground temperatures was found in autumn and winter, whereas thesummer ground temperatures were decreasing. The cooling of ground temperature in summerat increasing air temperatures may be explained by increased precipitation totals and henceincreased soil moisture due to the so called soil-moisture feedback. From this fact, it can bededuced that the changes in air temperature alone cannot explain all variances in groundtemperatures. However, the results of the study may suggest that in sub-Arctic Swedenchanges in air temperatures may be used as indicator for changes in shallow groundtemperatures. / perioden 1985-2010 ökade både lufttemperatur och nederbörd i Abiskoområdet. Denstörsta ökningen av lufttemperatur skedde under vinterhalvåret medan nederbörden ökademest under sommarhalvåret. En signifikant förkortning i längden av vintersnötäckets existensunder året observerades under studieperioden. Reduceringen av vintesnötäcket skedde genomatt den första snön kom senare och bortsmältningen på våren skedde tidigare. Snötäcketstjocklek minskade också under studieperioden. Marktemperaturmätningarna visar frysgraderpå 5 och 20 cm djup fem månader och fyra respektive två månader på 50 och 100cm djup.Den årliga medeltemperaturen i marken ökade under perioden med 0.31 °C, 0.64 °C, 0.82 °Coch 0.94 °C vid 5, 20, 50 och 100 cm djup. Den årliga längden och intensiteten avfrysförhållandena i marken minskade vilket förmodligen är en konsekvens av de ökandemarktemperaturerna. Ingen trend i förekomsten av kortare svängningar i frysförhållandenakunde observeras. Förändringarna i årsmedetemperaturen i marken är signifikant korrelerademed förändringen i den årliga medeltemperaturen och vintertemperaturen i luften, men ingenkorrelation mellan marktemperaturen och förändringar i snötäckets tjocklek och längdobserverades. Studien avslöjade också att temperaturen i marken ökade under vinternhalvåretmedan den sjönk under sommaren. Avkylningen av marken under sommaren kan förklaras avökad nederbörd under sommaren som ger högre markfuktighet som ger en kylande effektgenom den så kallade jord-fuktighets återkopplingsmekanismen (soil-moisture feedback).Från detta kan vi dra slutsatsen att förändringar i enbart lufttemperatur inte kan förklara denhela observerade variansen av marktemperatur men att lufttemperaturen har en domineranderoll. Resultaten från denna studie indikerar således att förändringar lufttemperatur kananvändas som en indikator på marktemperaturförändringar i Abisko området.

Rare earth element bioaccumulation and anomalies in organisms of northeastern Nunavik (Quebec, Canada)

Marginson, Holly 07 1900 (has links)
Comme la demande mondiale des éléments de terres rares (ETR) ne cesse d'augmenter, de nouveaux projets d'exploration ont été lancés dans de nombreux pays, incluant au Canada. Le présent projet découle d'un programme communautaire environnemental issu d'une collaboration entre des chercheurs et la communauté inuite de Kangiqsualujjuaq suite à la proposition d’un projet minier d'ETR au Nunavik. Pour répondre aux études limitées sur la distribution des ETR dans les environnements non pertubés, cette étude rapporte les niveaux actuellement observés des sédiments, des lichens et de multiples espèces animales provenant d'écosystèmes terrestres, d’eau douce et du milieu marin du subarctique de l’est du Canada. Les résultats suggèrent que toutes les matrices ont la capacité d'accumuler les ETR, bien qu'une dilution trophique soit notée. De plus, l’analyse des tissus d’espèces alimentaires traditionnelles a démontré que le foie des vertébrés avait des concentrations d'ETR plus élevées que le muscle et le gras, tandis que les tissus osseux et rénaux présentaient généralement des concentrations intermédiaires. En outre, les tendances observées pendant l'analyse des anomalies du cérium sensibles aux transformations d’oxydoréduction ont suggéré que ces anomalies peuvent servir de biomarqueur dans l’exposition aux ETR et leur transformation biologique. Dans l'ensemble, cette étude présente une bioaccumulation et un fractionnement d’ETR spécifiques aux espèces et aux tissus, ce qui justifie des recherches plus approfondies afin de comprendre les facteurs de contrôle du comportement d’ETR au sein des espèces animales. Ces résultats peuvent également servir à établir des lignes directrices nationales d’ETR, et servir de référence dans les futures études de biosurveillance. / A gradual increase in the release of rare earth elements (REE) to the environment has been reported, as well as a continuous rise in their global demand. New REE exploration projects have been initiated in multiple countries, including within Canada where REE deposits are frequently located in northern regions. This project stems from a community-based environmental program between researchers and the Inuit community of Kangiqsualujjuaq in the context of a prospective REE mine in Nunavik. To address the limited review of REE distribution in natural environments, the present study reports the current REE values for sediments, lichens, and multiple animal species from terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems of the eastern Canadian subarctic. Results suggest that all matrices have the capacity to accumulate REE, though a biodilution across taxonomic groups is noted. Also, a study of animal tissue samples from country food species demonstrated that liver tissues have significantly higher concentrations of REE than the muscle and blubber, with bone and kidney tissues typically presenting intermediate concentrations. Further, the analysis of redox-sensitive cerium anomalies supported the presence of tissue-specific mechanisms that suggest these anomalies may serve as a biomarker in REE exposure and biological transformation. Overall, this study presents a species- and tissue- specific bioaccumulation and fractionation of REE that warrants further investigation to better understand the controlling factors of REE processing within animal species. The results may additionally serve in the establishment of national REE guidelines for environmental health and human consumption, and act as a reference in future biomonitoring studies.

Caractérisation hydrogéomorphométrique du bassin versant de la Rivière George (Nunavik) par télédétection et analyse typologique

Sicaud, Eliot 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire a pour objectif d’approfondir les connaissances scientifiques sur les comportements hydrologiques des bassins versants arctiques et subarctiques. Les rivières drainant ces bassins versants sont parmi les systèmes fluviaux les moins étudiés et compris, étant donné leur vaste étendue et leur localisation éloignée. L’approche utilisée, issue de la discipline de l’hydrologie paysagère, présente une technique de classifications non-supervisées jumelées à des données de télédétection afin de caractériser le comportement hydrologique et les changements à l’échelle du paysage qui se sont produits sur les 35 dernières années dans un bassin versant subarctique de 42 000 km2. Plus précisément, plusieurs analyses géographiques d’image orientées-objet (AGIOO), employant des variables hydrogéomorphométriques et combinées à l’algorithme de classification Fuzzy C-Means, ont été produites, puis comparées afin de classifier et identifier les changements dans le paysage du vaste bassin versant de la Rivière George (BVRG), situé au Nunavik (Canada). Nos résultats indiquent que le BVRG contient deux types distincts de sous-bassins versants typologiquement similaires, distribués selon un gradient latitudinal, mettant en lumière une hétérogénéité spatiale dans les structures des sous-bassins constituant le BVRG. De plus, une expansion du type de bassins versants du sud dans le nord du BVRG est observée depuis les 35 dernières années. Cette expansion est principalement due à une augmentation de la production végétale et de l’humidité contenue dans les sols et la végétation, elle-même induite par une augmentation des températures moyennes annuelles et des précipitations totales annuelles associée aux changements climatiques. Ces changements observés dans la couverture terrestre ont des impacts importants et à long terme sur les processus hydrologiques du BVRG en augmentant les taux d’évapotranspiration. Ce phénomène pourrait expliquer la diminution d’environ 1% des débits annuels observée dans le BVRG entre les années 1970 et 2017. / The objective of this study is to develop scientific knowledge on the hydrological behaviors of Arctic and Subarctic watersheds. Rivers draining high-latitude watersheds are among the least studied and understood fluvial systems, given their large extent and their remote locations. Here we develop a landscape hydrology approach which pairs unsupervised classifications with remote sensing data to characterize the hydrological behavior and landscape scale changes that have occurred over a 42 000 km2 sub-arctic watershed over the last 35 years. More precisely, multiple Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis (GeOBIA), employing hydrogeomorphometric variables and combined to the Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm, were produced and then compared to classify and identify landscape change across the vast George River Watershed (GRW), situated in Nunavik (Canada). Our results indicate that the GRW contains two distinct subwatershed types which are distinct in their typology and distributed along a latitudinal gradient, which highlights spatial heterogeneity in the structures of the subwatersheds constituting the GRW. Moreover, an expansion of the southern type subwatersheds in the north of the GRW has been observed since the last 35 years. This expansion is principally due to increases in vegetation production and moisture content in soils and vegetation, themselves induced by increases in mean annual temperature (MAT) and total annual precipitation (TAP) associated with the changing climate in this northern watershed. These land cover changes are likely to have important and long-term impacts on the hydrological processes within the GRW by increasing rates of evapotranspiration. This phenomenon may explain the decrease of about 1% in the George River’s annual discharge observed between the mid-1970s and 2017.

Inuit ethnobotany and ethnoecology in Nunavik and Nunatsiavut, northeastern Canada

Clark, Courtenay 12 1900 (has links)
Les habitats uniques de l'écotone forêt boréale-subarctique dans le nord du Canada subissent les contrecoups du changement climatique. Combinés aux effets de la mondialisation, les changements environnementaux touchent les Inuits de cette région et imposent des contraintes importantes sur leur mode de vie traditionnel, ce qui a des répercussions sur leur langue et les savoirs qui l'accompagnent. Cette étude compare deux aspects de l’ethnobiologie inuite : a) les noms et les utilisations des plantes par les Inuits de Nain, Nunatsiavut, suivis par une comparaison des utilisations avec la communauté inuite de Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, et b) une analyse des types de lieux ou d’habitats que les Inuits reconnaissent et nomment. Des interviews semi-dirigés ont été menés à Nain, Nunatsiavut et à Kangiqsualujjuaq, au Nunavik. Les plantes mentionnées sont utilisées comme aliment, thé, médecine, combustible, construction, nettoyage, et autres utilisations. Les deux communautés ont utilisé un nombre égal de plantes, avec des proportions équivalentes de taxons vasculaires/invasculaires, de formes de croissance (habitus), et d’espèces par catégorie d'utilisation. Les éléments du paysage les plus fréquemment rapportés sont d’ordre topographique, hydrologique ou écologique. L’intégration des concepts inuits, quant aux plantes et au paysage, à ceux de la science occidentale peut améliorer notre compréhension de l'écologie subarctique, aider à impliquer les acteurs locaux dans les décisions sur le développement de leur territoire et, conséquemment, modifier l'aménagement du territoire ainsi que les initiatives de conservation de la biodiversité. Ces concepts ont également des répercussions sur les stratégies d'adaptation face aux changements climatiques. / Unique habitats of the boreal-subarctic ecotone in northeastern Canada are being impacted by climate change. Combined with effects of globalization, changing environmental conditions are causing Inuit of this region to see significant strains on their traditional lifestyle and on the language and knowledge that go with it. This study compared two aspects of Inuit ethnobiology: we compared plant names and uses from two Inuit communities and examined what kinds of places or habitats Inuit recognize and name. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Nain, Nunatsiavut and Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, by showing interviewees (mostly Elders) plant specimens or photos of the region. Plants were used for food, tea, medicine, fuel, construction, cleaning, and other uses. Both communities used equal numbers of plants, with equivalent proportions of vascular/non-vascular taxa, growth forms, and species per use category. Forty-three species were reported in each community, for a total of 78 species from 39 families. Despite high overlap in species distributions, only half of all species were shared, reflecting community-specific bodies of traditional knowledge, or perhaps an overall decline in ethnobotanical knowledge use. The most frequently reported landscape features were topographical, hydrological, and ecological (i.e. plant associations and animal habitats). Some Inuit categories reflected their significance to traditional Inuit lifestyle (e.g. ‘berry-patch’, ‘seal-place’), aiding navigation and resource finding. Integrating Inuit conceptions of plants and landscape with those of contemporary science can improve our understanding of subarctic ecology, help involve local stakeholders in sustainable development discussions, and inform land-use planning, biodiversity conservation initiatives, and climate change adaptation strategies.

Evidence for birch forests and a highly productive environment near the margin of the Fennoscandian ice sheet in the Värriötunturit area, northeastern Finland

Bogren, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
High-resolution records of early Holocene deposits are rare, and as a consequence reconstruction of terrestrial environments very soon after the deglaciation has often been difficult. In this study the palaeoenvironmental conditions of early Holocene (c. 10600-7500 cal. yr BP) are reconstructed in the Värriötunturit area of northeastern Finland, using evidence from plant macrofossils and pollen preserved in a lake sediment sequence retrieved from the small lake Kuutsjärvi. Special emphasis is put on the environment immediately following the deglaciation as the base of the sediment sequence is rich in minerogenic material interpreted to have been deposited by meltwater pulses from the retreating ice sheet. The abundance and variety of fossil remains in these early meltwater deposits provide evidence for a very productive ice-marginal environment in the area between the lake and the ice sheet, and the presence of tree-type Betula macro remains as well as high percentage values of tree-type Betula pollen suggests that a subarctic birch forest established just a few years after the deglaciation. In the following centuries the birch forest around the lake became rich in an under growth of ferns, and at c. 9400 cal. yr BP a transition into a mixed pine and birch forest took place. Due to absence of indicator plant taxa in the sediment it was not possible to reconstruct temperature conditions for any parts of the sequence in this study. However, the rapid colonisation of birch forests suggests that the climate was warm already during deglaciation, which is also in accordance with climatic conditions reconstructed for the early Holocene in the nearby Sokli area just 10 km away, as well as in other parts of Fennoscandia and Russia.

Inuit Ethnobotany in the North American Subarctic and Arctic: Celebrating a Rich History and Expanding Research into New Areas Using Biocultural Diversity

Norton, Christian H. 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Arkitektoniska kvaliteter i ett arktiskt klimat : Ett gestaltningsförslag baserat på principer och strategier för klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande / Arkitektoniska kvaliteter i ett arktiskt klimat : Ett gestaltningsförslag baserat på principer och strategier för klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande

Sjöström, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Städer och samhällen har under det senaste seklet utvecklats och exploaterats längre norrut men med en avsaknad av ett tydligt arkitektoniskt formspråk anpassat för ett arktiskt och subarktiskt klimat. Somliga forskare hävdar att städer och byggnader i dessa klimat till stor del baseras på universella arkitektoniska och urbana principer, som egentligen är bättre lämpade i tempererade klimat. Syftet med detta ar-bete är att undersöka, identifiera, sammanställa ochvisualisera relevant forskning, kunskap och praktisk kännedom gällande arkitektonisk gestaltning i ett arktiskt och subarktiskt klimat. Att identifiera bidragandefaktorer till komfortabla och attraktiva bostäder och stadsrum med kvalitéer som reducerar uppkomsten av väderrelaterade obehag. För att således, genom ett konceptuellt gestaltningsförslag, kunna visualisera och belysa det arkitektoniska formspråket som är bäst lämpat för det arktiska och subarktiska klimatet. Inledningsvis genomförs en litteraturstudie där till- gänglig forskning studeras med avseende att tydlig-göra vad som definierar arktisk och subarktisk arki- tektur samt klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande. Vidareidentifieras avgörande klimatfaktorer och arkitekto- niska kvaliteter som kan främja ett tydligt formspråk och komfortabla miljöer i dessa krävande klimat. Efter litteraturstudien upprättas en syntes som tillsammans med metoder ur Problem Seeking och Design: pro- cess och metod sammanställer de identifierade kvali- teterna till konkreta principer och strategier. Syntesen resulterade i följande tre klimatfaktorer att ta hänsyn till: Sol, Vind och Snö. Vidare resulterade syntes i följande nio byggnadsrelaterade faktorer: Volymer, Tak, Fasad, Entré, Markplan, Innergårdar samt mer urbana delar som: Gator, Vegetation och Aktiviteter. För att applicera dessa identifierade principer ochstrategier valdes ett tillämpningsområde med klimat- förutsättningar likt de som studerats. Tillämpningsområdet blev två kvarter i Kirunas nya stadsdel, nordväst om nya centrum. En platsanalys genomfördes med hjälp av välkända analysmetoder där information tillhandahållits genom Kirunas utvecklingsplan, fördjupande översiktsplan samt det vinnande täv- lingsbidraget för den nya stadsdelen, Kiruna 4-ever. Det konceptuella gestaltningsförslaget, som är arbetets resultat, baseras på den upprättade synte- sen tillsammans med resultatet av de analyser som genomförts med avseende på tillämpningsområdet. Gestaltningsförslaget utgör två bostadskvarter i linjer med Kirunas utvecklingsplan gällande utformning ochfunktion samt det identifierade arkitektoniska principerna. En höggradig funktionsblandning, levande och inbjudande gatumiljöer, attraktiva stråk, torg och parker samt en tydlig närhet till naturen är några av de kvaliteter som framgår i förslaget. Tillsammans med de väl avvägda och anpassade kombinationerna av designprinciper för arktisk och subarktisk arkitektur. Då gestaltningsförslaget är utformat på en övergripande konceptuell nivå, där fokus legat på attapplicera de identifierade principerna, anses detinte vara en fullständig produkt. Fortsatt arbete med och utveckling av det termiska klimatet samt interiöra faktorerna föreslås, som inte nödvändigtvis bör påverka den förslagna exteriöra utformningen. Det sammanställda och identifierade principernapresenteras på sida 47 i rapporten. Medan gestaltningsförslaget i sin helhet presenteras på sida 85. / Cities and communities have moved and developed further north over the last century, but with a lack of a clear architectural design adapted to the arctic and sub-arctic climate. Some researchers argue that cities and buildings in these climates are largely based on universal architectural and urban principles, which are actually better suited in temperate climates. The purpose of this work is to investigate, identify, compile and visualize relevant research, knowledge and practical knowledge regarding architectural design in an arctic and sub-arctic climate. To identify contributing factors to comfortable and attractive homes and urban spaces with qualities that reduce the occurrence of weatherrelated discomfort. In order to, through a conceptual design proposal, be able to visualize and illuminate the architectural design that is best suited to the arctic and sub-arctic climate. Initially, a literature study is conducted in which available research is studied with regard to clarifywhat defines arctic and sub-arctic architecture and climateadapted housing construction. Furthermore, crucial climate factors and architectural qualities are identified that can promote a clear design languageand comfortable environments in these demanding climates. After the literature study, a synthesis is established which together with methods like Problem Seeking and Design: process and method compilethe identified qualities to concrete principles and strategies. The synthesis resulted in the following three climate factors to take into account: Sun, Wind and Snow. Furthermore, synthesis resulted in the fol- lowing nine building-related factors: Volumes, Roofs, Facade, Entrance, Ground plan, courtyards and urban factors such as: Streets, Vegetation and Activities. In order to apply these identified principles andstrategies, an application area with climate conditions similar to those studied was chosen. The application area became two blocks in Kiruna's new city plan, northwest of new center. A site ana- lysis was carried out using well known analysis methods where the necessary information was provided through Kiruna's development plan, indepth overview plan and the winning competition contribution for the new city plan, Kiruna 4-ever. The conceptual design proposal, which is the result of the work, is based on the established synthesis together with the result of the analyzes carried outwith respect to the field of application. The designproposal constitutes two residential blocks in lines with Kiruna's development plan regarding design andfunction and the identified architectural principles. A high quality functional mix, vibrant and inviting street environments, attractive streets, squares and parks as well as a clear connection to nature are some of the qualities that appear in the proposal. Along with the well-balanced and adapted combinations of design principles for arctic and sub-arctic architecture. Since the design proposal is designed on an overall conceptual level, where the focus has beenon applying the identified principles, it is not considered a complete product. Continued work on and development of the thermal climate and interior factors is proposed, which should not ne- cessarily affect the proposed exterior design.The crucial and identified principles are presented on page 47 of the report. While the design proposal as a whole is presented on page 85.

Inuit ethnobotany and ethnoecology in Nunavik and Nunatsiavut, northeastern Canada

Clark, Courtenay 12 1900 (has links)
Les habitats uniques de l'écotone forêt boréale-subarctique dans le nord du Canada subissent les contrecoups du changement climatique. Combinés aux effets de la mondialisation, les changements environnementaux touchent les Inuits de cette région et imposent des contraintes importantes sur leur mode de vie traditionnel, ce qui a des répercussions sur leur langue et les savoirs qui l'accompagnent. Cette étude compare deux aspects de l’ethnobiologie inuite : a) les noms et les utilisations des plantes par les Inuits de Nain, Nunatsiavut, suivis par une comparaison des utilisations avec la communauté inuite de Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, et b) une analyse des types de lieux ou d’habitats que les Inuits reconnaissent et nomment. Des interviews semi-dirigés ont été menés à Nain, Nunatsiavut et à Kangiqsualujjuaq, au Nunavik. Les plantes mentionnées sont utilisées comme aliment, thé, médecine, combustible, construction, nettoyage, et autres utilisations. Les deux communautés ont utilisé un nombre égal de plantes, avec des proportions équivalentes de taxons vasculaires/invasculaires, de formes de croissance (habitus), et d’espèces par catégorie d'utilisation. Les éléments du paysage les plus fréquemment rapportés sont d’ordre topographique, hydrologique ou écologique. L’intégration des concepts inuits, quant aux plantes et au paysage, à ceux de la science occidentale peut améliorer notre compréhension de l'écologie subarctique, aider à impliquer les acteurs locaux dans les décisions sur le développement de leur territoire et, conséquemment, modifier l'aménagement du territoire ainsi que les initiatives de conservation de la biodiversité. Ces concepts ont également des répercussions sur les stratégies d'adaptation face aux changements climatiques. / Unique habitats of the boreal-subarctic ecotone in northeastern Canada are being impacted by climate change. Combined with effects of globalization, changing environmental conditions are causing Inuit of this region to see significant strains on their traditional lifestyle and on the language and knowledge that go with it. This study compared two aspects of Inuit ethnobiology: we compared plant names and uses from two Inuit communities and examined what kinds of places or habitats Inuit recognize and name. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Nain, Nunatsiavut and Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik, by showing interviewees (mostly Elders) plant specimens or photos of the region. Plants were used for food, tea, medicine, fuel, construction, cleaning, and other uses. Both communities used equal numbers of plants, with equivalent proportions of vascular/non-vascular taxa, growth forms, and species per use category. Forty-three species were reported in each community, for a total of 78 species from 39 families. Despite high overlap in species distributions, only half of all species were shared, reflecting community-specific bodies of traditional knowledge, or perhaps an overall decline in ethnobotanical knowledge use. The most frequently reported landscape features were topographical, hydrological, and ecological (i.e. plant associations and animal habitats). Some Inuit categories reflected their significance to traditional Inuit lifestyle (e.g. ‘berry-patch’, ‘seal-place’), aiding navigation and resource finding. Integrating Inuit conceptions of plants and landscape with those of contemporary science can improve our understanding of subarctic ecology, help involve local stakeholders in sustainable development discussions, and inform land-use planning, biodiversity conservation initiatives, and climate change adaptation strategies.

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