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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zabezpečovací prostředky v soukromém právu / Security instruments in private law

Poláčková, Saskia January 2013 (has links)
POLÁČKOVÁ, Saskia: Security instruments in private law. [PhD. thesis] / Saskia Poláčková - Charles University in Prague. Faculty of Law; Deparment of civil law. - Supervisor: doc. JUDr. Mgr. Josef Salač, PhD.. Praha: PF UK, 2012. This thesis shows results of an investigation into security instruments recognized by private law of Czech republic and of Slovak republic, specifically focusing on substantive civil law as a representation of general private law. The hypothesis under investigation is that a number of existing security instruments could be fully replaced by a single security instrument, namely the lien. In order to confirm or reject the hypothesis, common characteristics - principle of subsidiarity, principle of accessority, purpose to provide security, purpose to ensure repayment - as well as specific characteristics of individual instruments are compared. The thesis is divided into chapters, sections and subsections, and supplemented by the abstract, introduction, summary and bibliography. Chapter One deals with security instruments in private law, mainly in the areas of substantive civil law, commercial law and labour law as codified in Czech republic and Slovak republic. In this chapter, individual security instruments are categorized into several groups based on their respective...

Le principe de subsidiarité, entre terminologie et discours : pistes pour une nouvelle histoire de la formule / The principle of subsidiarity, between terminology and discourse : tracks for a new history of the formula

Joyeux, Arthur 23 May 2016 (has links)
La thèse est le résultat d’une recherche menée en sciences du langage : lexicologie, sémantique lexicale et analyse du discours. Elle s’appuie sur les sources primaires du droit de l’Union, les sources doctrinales de la Doctrine Sociale de l’Eglise et des corpus de textes doctrinaux (juridiques allemands), ainsi que sur une relecture de sources philosophiques : aristotélisme, thomisme, kantisme et romantisme allemand. Il est généralement avancé par la doctrine juridique européenne (en France, MILLON-DELSOL, 1991, CONSTANTINESCO, 1991), que le principe de subsidiarité, règle de droit positif européen (traité de Maastricht - 1993) défini à l’article 3B (5TUE), aurait initialement été théorisé par la Doctrine sociale de l’Eglise au 20e siècle (Pie XI, Quadragesimo Anno, 1931). La règle « directive » (CORNU, Vocabulaire juridique, 2015) aurait toutefois été délestée de sa charge philosophique et théologique problématique pour s’apparenter à une règle de procédure. Sur le plan linguistique, la forme française subsidiarité serait un emprunt francisé du néologisme allemand Subsidiarität.Nombreux auteurs soulignent le caractère ambigu, polysémique ou gigogne d’une notion « plus politique que juridique » (DU GRANRUT, 1997, BARROCHE, 2012). Cet « élément juridique communautaire » (Rapport parlementaire DE LA MALENE, 1996-1997), introduit par J. Delors et A. Spinelli dans les années 1980, aurait eu pour vocation de désamorcer les conflits relatifs à la caractérisation constitutionnelle de l’Union Européenne. Il permettrait également d’organiser de manière souple la réalisation des objectifs politiques communautaires définis par les Traités européens dans le domaine des « compétences partagées » (TUE). La thèse s’attache à montrer les incohérences des hypothèses linguistiques relatives au rattachement de cette notion et de sa forme linguistique (subsidiarité, substantivation de subsidiaire (secours, renfort d’un élément inférieur à une chose supérieure, initialement en contexte militaire latin)), ainsi qu’à son rattachement à des sources philosophiques et théologiques en particuliers thomistes et personnalistes.Une recherche sur l’étymon latin et de l’occurrence allemande (Subsidiarität), tend à montrer que la forme subsidiarité désigne initialement le droit romain (subsidiäres Recht), occurrence régulière de la doctrine juridique allemande, tout au long du 19e siècle. La thèse présente donc les résultats d’un repérage et de la collecte d’un corpus d’occurrences de subsidäre(r) Recht/Staat, Subsidiarität, Subsidiarität der Staat, Subsidiär-Prinzip, Subsidiaritätsprinzip, Grundsatz der Subsidiarität, Prinzip der Subsidiarität, dans les œuvres de la science allemande du droit, en particulier chez les membres de l’Ecole historique du droit (F. K. VON SAVIGNY) et chez les premiers formalistes (Paul LABAND, Georg JELLINEK) et penseurs allemands de l’Etat de droit (Robert VON MOHL, Julius VON STAHL). Le travail discute cette occurrence comme une formule discursive, c'est-à-dire un mot d’ordre politique allemand, qui se diffuse dans la science juridique et dans les œuvres de l’école historique d’économie, tout au long du 19e siècle. Initialement, il est un mot d’ordre historiciste, avancé par Savigny dans la Querelle de la codification qui traverse les Etats allemands de l’Ancien Empire Romain Germanique, à partir du Congrès de Vienne (1814). L’occurrence (adjectivale et adverbiale) se diffuse par la suite et devient un motif de l’Etat de droit social (en particulier à partir de R. VON MOHL, 1829), se substantive, devient un principe juridique (relations les ordres juridiques régionaux et fédéraux), puis pénètre la terminologie économique (Etat subsidiaire, devoir subsidiaire de l’Etat dans l’assistance aux pauvres). Son motif conditionne le vote des premières lois dites « sociales » sous Otto von Bismarck. / The PhD is the result of a research carried out in the sciences of language: lexicology, lexical semantics and discourse analysis. It is based on the primary sources of European Union law, the doctrinal sources of the Church's Social Doctrine and the corpus of German legal doctrinal texts, as well as a rereading of philosophical sources: Aristotelianism, Thomism, Kantism and romanticism.It is generally argued by European legal doctrine (in France, MILLON-DELSOL, 1991, CONSTANTINESCO, 1991) that the principle of subsidiarity, a rule of positive European law (Maastricht Treaty - 1993) defined in Article 3B), would initially have been theorized by the Social Doctrine of the Church in the 20th century (Pius XI, Quadragesimo Anno, 1931). The "directive" rule (CORNU, Legal Vocabulary, 2015), however, would have been relieved of its problematic philosophical and theological position in order to resemble a procedural rule. On the linguistic level, the French form subsidiarity would be a francized loan of the German neologism Subsidiarität.The PhD focuses on the inconsistencies of the linguistic hypotheses related to the connection of this notion and its linguistic form (subsidiarity, substantivation of the adjective subsidiary (relief, reinforcement of an element lower than a superior thing, initially in a Latin military context), as well as its attachment to philosophical and theological sources, in particular Thomists and personalists.A search for the Latin etymon and the German occurrence (Subsidiarität) tends to show that the subsidiarity form originally designates the Roman law (subsidiäres Recht), a regular occurrence of German legal doctrine throughout the 19th century. The PhD therefore presents the results of a retrieval and collection of a corpus of occurrences of subsidäre (Recht/Staat, Subsidiarität, Subsidiarität der Staat, Subsidiär-Prinzip, Subsidiaritätsprinzip, Grundsatz der Subsidiarität, Prinzip der Subsidiarität) in the works of the German legal science, especially among the members of the Historical School of Law (FK VON SAVIGNY) and the first formalists (Paul LABAND, Georg JELLINEK) and German thinkers of the Rule of Law VON MOHL, Julius VON STAHL).The work discusses this occurrence as a discursive formula, that is to say a German political slogan, which is diffused in the legal science and in the works of the historical school of economics, throughout the 19th century. Initially, it is a historicist slogan, advanced by Savigny in the Quarrel of the codification which crosses the German states of the Old Germanic Roman Empire, starting from the Congress of Vienna (1814). The occurrence (adjectival and adverbial) is subsequently disseminated and becomes a motive of the social law state (especially from R. VON MOHL, 1829), becomes substantive, becomes a legal principle (relations legal orders Regional and federal), then penetrates the economic terminology (Subsidiary State, subsidiary duty of the State in assisting the poor). His motive conditioned the vote of the first laws called "social" under Otto von Bismarck.The PhD attempts to demonstrate that the pontifical occurrence of 1931 is a late borrowing from these different theoretical and doctrinal sources and not a Catholic neologism.

De nationella parlamenten och EU : En studie av motiverade yttranden inom ramen för subsidiaritetsgranskningen

Ingschöld, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
This essay studies the national parliaments' reasoned opinions at the early warning mechanism. The study aim to declare if there is any variation in which national parliaments who is active in the early warning mechanism, and if there is a variation in type of bills in the early warning mechanism. These study also wants to describe some variation in how the national parliaments argued in the reasoned opinions. The study gives an enhanced understanding of the importance and legitimacy of the early warning mechanism and the reasoned opinions. The result shows that there is a certain group of parliaments who are more active and these are with few exceptions EU 15 countries. The study also shows that there is some kind of bills that is more prevalent than others, there is however some variation. There is also a wide variation in the arguments raised in the reasoned opinions. The results indicate that the national parliaments varies greatly in managing the reasoned opinions and it gives a negatively impacton the early warning mechanism. / Studien granskar de nationella parlamentens motiverade yttranden inom ramen för EU:s subsidiaritetsgranskning. Studiens syfte är att beskriva en möjlig variation angående  vilka nationella parlamenten som är aktiva inom subsidiaritetsgranskningen. Studiens syfte är även att beskriva variationen i vilka lagförslag som återfinns i subsidiaritetsgrankningen, samt om de nationella parlamenten varierar i  argumentering i de motiverade yttrandena. Studien visar att det finns nationella parlament som är vanligare förekommande inom granskningen, samt att vissa typer av lagförslag föranleder fler yttranden än andra. Beträffande argumenteringen i de motiverade yttrandena fanns en stor variation.

Souveraineté, démocratie et gouvernance mondiale chez David Held : le problème de la démocratie au-delà de l’État national

Bossé, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la mondialisation contemporaine, le développement d’une structure de gouvernance à plusieurs niveaux nous oblige à revoir notre compréhension de la souveraineté de l’État et de l’exercice de la démocratie. Notre objectif consiste à présenter la pensée de David Held au sujet des conséquences de ces transformations de la gouvernance politique sur la théorie démocratique. Dans un premier temps, nous analyserons les conséquences de l’atténuation de la souveraineté de l’État, dorénavant partagée avec diverses organisations supranationales, sur la théorie de l’État démocratique moderne. Nous verrons comment Held répond au déficit démocratique constaté au sein de ces organisations, en adaptant le principe de subsidiarité au système de gouvernance multicouche émergeant, et ce, afin de rétablir la congruence entre les décideurs et les destinataires de leurs décisions, caractéristique de l’activité (libérale) démocratique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons les fondements normatifs du modèle théorique qu’il préconise pour assurer la démocratisation de ce nouveau système de gouvernance. Nous verrons pourquoi, selon Held, la poursuite de l’idéal démocratique exige aujourd’hui la mise en oeuvre d’une variété de droits, inspirés des valeurs sociales-démocrates, qu’il faut enchâsser dans le cadre constitutionnel de toutes les institutions de gouvernance du monde contemporain. De plus, nous dégagerons les objectifs institutionnels qu’il faut atteindre afin de parvenir à la réalisation d’une social-démocratie mondiale. Nous conclurons avec une brève analyse critique de son interprétation du principe de subsidiarité et de son approche “du haut vers le bas” (top-down) des processus conduisant à la démocratisation des institutions supranationales. / In the context of contemporary globalization, the development of a multi-layered structure of governance forces us to reexamine our understanding of the sovereignty of states and of the practice of democracy. Our objective consists in outlining the thinking of David Held concerning the consequences of these transformations of political governance on democratic theory. First, we shall analyze the consequences of the weakening of the sovereignty of states, from now on shared with diverse supranational organizations, on the theory of the modern democratic state. We shall see how Held responds to the democratic deficit noticed within these organizations, by adapting the principle of subsidiarity to the emerging multilayered system of governance, in order to restore the congruence between decision-makers and the recipients of political decisions, characteristic of the (liberal) democratic activity. Secondly, we shall present the normative foundations of the theoretical model which he recommends to ensure the democratization of this new system of governance. We shall see why today, according to Held, the pursuit of the democratic ideal requires the enactment of clusters of rights, inspired by social-democratic values, which it is necessary to set in the constitutional framework of all the institutions of governance of the contemporary world. Furthermore, we shall see what institutional objectives it is necessary to meet for the realization of a global social democracy. We shall end with a brief critical analysis of his interpretation of the principle of subsidiarity and of his top-down approach to processes leading to the democratization of supranational institutions.

Responsabilidade tributária: solidariedade e subsidiariedade

Darzé, Andréa Medrado 12 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andrea Medrado Darze.pdf: 2228719 bytes, checksum: 7bf7117448bd3033beba88b8fde4f3e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-12 / The objective of the present work is to study the norms of solidary and subsidiary tax responsibility under two perspectives: static and dynamic. We began our research by seeking to answer to the following questions: what are the constitutional and legal limits for the choice of the taxpayer of the tax legal? What is the calculation that establishes the relationship between the rule of tax incidence in broad sense and the rules on liability? After intense discussions, we conclude that the legislature may charge the duty to pay taxes to subject other than that held its materiality ensure that only when the financial burden of taxation is likely to pass on the display of wealth that gave him cause. We, also, noticed that the need for indirect linkage to the support of responsible tax or tribute of the subject that made the two alternatives were chosen by positive law to ensure compliance with this requirement. Finally, we explained the suitable legislative vehicle to promote the insertion of the image of the tax responsible in the system varies because of the very connection type which the responsible maintains with the assumption of tax fact, whether objective or subjective. Identified the requirements for the establishment of rules for tax liability, we present, dynamically, the possible patterns of species of tax liability under Nacional Tax Code. After that, we found that the calculation of the relations established between the rule of tax incidence in the broad sense and the responsibility rule is not dictated by the species of responsibility of the case, but by its characteristics: whether exclusive, solidary, or subsidiary. In a second moment, we set the scope and content of signs solidarity and subsidiarity on tax, stating the characteristics that bring together these two legal institutions and move them away. Also, we factored analytically the main examples of these ties under tax law. , concluding that the concomitant notification of all of the solidary and subsidiary codebtors is requirement of validity of the release action or of the infraction solemnity and fine imposition. That circumstance will only be able to be outlined in the eventuality of the knowledge of the fact of the responsibility to be subsequent to the emission of those norms, be because the own passive subject was used of artifices to hide his/her occurrence, be because the event of the responsibility was indeed practiced in a second instant. Finally, we examined the conditions for the drafting of individual and specific rule in such cases, concluding that the concomitant notification of all solidary and subsidiary co-debtors is a requirement of validity of the act of publication the tax notice and imposition of fine. That circumstance can only be avoided if the knowledge of the fact that the responsibility is subsequent the issuance of these rules, either because the taxpayer concealed his occurrence, or because the event of liability was actually practiced in a second moment / O objetivo do presente trabalho é estudar as normas de responsabilidade tributária solidária e subsidiária sob duas perspectivas: estática e dinâmica. Iniciamos nossa pesquisa buscando responder às seguintes questões: quais os limites constitucionais e legais para a escolha do sujeito passivo da relação jurídica tributária? Qual o cálculo de relações que se estabelece entre a regra-matriz de incidência tributária em sentido amplo e as normas sobre responsabilidade? Após intensa reflexão, concluímos que o legislador poderá imputar o dever de pagar tributos a sujeito diverso daquele que realizou a sua materialidade apenas quando assegurar que a carga financeira da tributação possa vir a repercutir sobre a manifestação de riqueza que lhe deu causa. Percebemos, também, que a necessidade de vinculação indireta do responsável ao suporte fáctico do tributo ou ao sujeito que o realizou foram as duas alternativas escolhidas pelo direito positivo para assegurar a observância dessa exigência. Por fim, esclarecemos que o veículo normativo idôneo para promover a inserção da figura do responsável tributário no sistema varia justamente em razão do tipo de ligação que o responsável mantém com o pressuposto de fato do tributo: se objetiva ou subjetiva. Identificados os requisitos para a instituição de normas de responsabilidade tributária, apresentamos, dinamicamente, os possíveis esquemas impositivos das espécies de responsabilidade previstas no Código Tributário Nacional. Avançando na pesquisa, concluímos que o cálculo de relações que se estabelece entre a regra-matriz de incidência em sentido amplo e a norma de responsabilidade é ditado não pela espécie de responsabilidade de que se trate, mas por suas características: se exclusiva, solidária ou subsidiária. Num segundo momento fixamos o conteúdo e alcance dos signos solidariedade e subsidiariedade em matéria tributária, apresentando as características que aproximam e afastam esses dois institutos jurídicos. Além disso, decompomos analiticamente os principais exemplos destas modalidades de vínculo previstas na lei tributária. Por fim examinamos as condições para a lavratura de norma individual e concreta nesses casos, concluindo que a notificação concomitante de todos os co-devedores solidários e subsidiários é requisito de validade do ato de lançamento ou do auto de infração e imposição de multa. Essa circunstância somente poderá ser contornada na eventualidade de o conhecimento do fato de a responsabilidade ser posterior à emissão dessas normas, seja porque o próprio sujeito passivo utilizou-se de artifícios para ocultar a sua ocorrência, seja porque o evento da responsabilidade foi efetivamente praticado em um segundo instante

La subsidiarité inversée en droit européen : contribution à l’étude des rapports de systèmes entre les ordres juridiques nationaux et l’ordre juridique de l’Union européenne / The reverse subsidiarity : contribution to the study of relationships between systems of national legal order and the legal order of the European Union

Tetang, Franc de Paul 07 December 2012 (has links)
Depuis le traité de Maastricht, le principe de subsidiarité fait l'objet d'une littérature remarquable tant du point de vue quantitatif que du point de vue qualitatif. La doctrine s'y intéresse au point de bâtir une « Europe de la subsidiarité » dont la finalité est la présentation des différentes formes et des diverses applications de la subsidiarité dans l'articulation des ordres juridiques internes et des ordres juridiques européens. Le résultat d'une telle construction intellectuelle brille cependant par l'absence remarquable, dans l'Europe unionaire, d'une variante de la subsidiarité qui bien que ne portant pas le nom a pourtant déjà dépassé le cap de « la vie cachée » pour celui de « la vie publique ». De ce fait, elle mérite d'être aussi intégrée dans cette « Europe de la subsidiarité » au rang de principe de la structure constitutionnelle du processus d'intégration. Cette autre forme de subsidiarité qu'est la subsidiarité inversée, est manifestement présente dans l'Union européenne où elle peut se définir soit comme la possibilité que se réservent certains États membres de l'Union d'intervenir en cas de défaillance de l'institution supranationale dans un domaine précis en l'occurrence les droits fondamentaux, soit comme une action nationale destinée à contrôler, toujours à titre subsidiaire, la qualité du droit « venu d'ailleurs » et ce, afin de garantir le respect de la « constitution fondamentale européenne ». Pourtant, elle n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une conceptualisation en tant que principe au sens de « proposition purement descriptive par laquelle le juriste rend compte d'une idée ou d'une tendance du droit ».Toutefois, la doctrine européaniste n'ignore pas / Since Maastricht Treaty, the principle of subsidiarity is the subject of many striking written works in quantity as well as in quality. It's so interesting for the doctrine that an “Europe of subsidiarity” has been built a in order to describe the different forms and applications of the subsidiarity in the connection between the national and European juridical orders. The result of this intellectual construction shines by the notable lack, in the “Europe unionaire”, of a variation on the subsidiarity. This one came through a “secret life” to a “public life” and has to be integrated in this “Europe of the subsidiarity” like a real principle of the constitutional structure of the process of integration. This other form of subsidiarity is the reversed subsidiarity and is plainly found in the European Union. It can either be defined as the possibility for some member States to interfere in case of failure in supranational institution in a limited area (here the fundamental rights), or as a national activity in order to control, always in a subsidiary way, the quality of the right “coming from somewhere else” in order to guaranty the respect of the “fundamental European constitution”. Yet there never was any conceptualization of it as an “only descriptive proposition through which the jurist is able to give a move of the law”. However the Europeanist doctrine can't deny it because the reversed subsidiarity is recognized (as a simple phenomenon this time) by many authors seeing only a way of breaking, a way to make the juridical construction more fragile or complicated. But a detailed analysis of its functions makes it possible to defend the contrary and to assert that the rev

Les conditions monétaires d'un développement local soutenable : des systèmes d'échange complémentaire aux monnaies subsidiaires / Monetary conditions for sustainable local development : from complementary trading schemes to subsidiary currencies

Fare, Marie 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’évaluer les potentialités et les impacts des monnaies locales, sociales et complémentaires au regard des enjeux posés par le développement soutenable. La thèse adopte une approche socioéconomique et institutionnaliste, alimentée principalement par deux études de terrain sur les dispositifs du SOL Alpin (France) et de l’Accorderie (Québec) pour obtenir des données quantitatives et qualitatives. Dans une approche bioéconomique et socioéconomique, un double enchâssement de l’économie dans le social et du social dans l’environnement est postulé. À partir des résultats des enquêtes et de l’analyse théorique, un schéma monétaire à même de favoriser le développement local soutenable sera présenté. Cet agencement propose, dans un dépassement de l’approche en termes de complémentarité, de poser les jalons d’une perspective relative à la subsidiarité monétaire c'est-à-dire un agencement monétaire relatif à chaque niveau d’action sur le territoire. / This thesis aims to assess the potential and impact of local, community and complementary currencies with regard to the challenges posed by sustainable development. The thesis adopts a socio-economic and institutionalist approach based mainly on the SOL Alpin (France) and the Accorderie (Quebec) to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. In a bio-economic and socio-economic approach is postulated a double embeddedness of the economy in the social and social in the environment. From the survey results and theoretical analysis will be presented a monetary scheme able to support local sustainable development. This arrangement provides beyond the approach to complementarity, to lay groundwork for a perspective on subsidiarity money that is to say monetary arrangement on each level of action in the territory.

L' ente "parrocchia" tra sussidiarietà e universalità

CARACCIO, ANDREA 03 March 2009 (has links)
Attraverso lo studio della disciplina giuridica dell’ente parrocchia nella sua evoluzione storica, dapprima sono stati enucleati i principi sottesi alla legislazione di riferimento, canonica statuale e concordataria, e, poi, sono state analizzate le loro diverse concretizzazioni a livello normativo. Si tratta del principio gerarchico, di quello comunitario e di partecipazione, del principio di sussidiarietà, del principio di collaborazione e del principio territoriale, analizzati nei rapporti istituzionali tra la parrocchia e la diocesi, nei rapporti interni alla comunità parrocchiale, nelle relazioni tra istituzioni ecclesiastiche ed istituzioni civili. Si è evidenziato come l’ufficio ecclesiale del parroco, pur ancora gerarchicamente subordinato all’Ordinario diocesano, non sia più di natura vicariale; come ci sia stata una crescente valorizzazione del principio di partecipazione e dei profili di corresponsabilità di tutti i fedeli nell’edificazione della Chiesa, come Stato e Chiesa, abbandonando la reciproca diffidenza, abbia rinnovato l’impegno alla fattiva collaborazione per il benessere sociale, con un’adeguata attenzione da parte di entrambi alle esigenze del territorio. / Through the study of the rules I have specified the most important principles of the parish, territorial subdivision of the diocese recognized by the State. I have analysed the relation between the parish priest and the bishop, the relation between parish priest, who has the responsibility and the canonical authority over the parish, and the local community, the relation between the parish and the civil institutions to promote the social welfare.

Souveraineté, démocratie et gouvernance mondiale chez David Held : le problème de la démocratie au-delà de l’État national

Bossé, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la mondialisation contemporaine, le développement d’une structure de gouvernance à plusieurs niveaux nous oblige à revoir notre compréhension de la souveraineté de l’État et de l’exercice de la démocratie. Notre objectif consiste à présenter la pensée de David Held au sujet des conséquences de ces transformations de la gouvernance politique sur la théorie démocratique. Dans un premier temps, nous analyserons les conséquences de l’atténuation de la souveraineté de l’État, dorénavant partagée avec diverses organisations supranationales, sur la théorie de l’État démocratique moderne. Nous verrons comment Held répond au déficit démocratique constaté au sein de ces organisations, en adaptant le principe de subsidiarité au système de gouvernance multicouche émergeant, et ce, afin de rétablir la congruence entre les décideurs et les destinataires de leurs décisions, caractéristique de l’activité (libérale) démocratique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons les fondements normatifs du modèle théorique qu’il préconise pour assurer la démocratisation de ce nouveau système de gouvernance. Nous verrons pourquoi, selon Held, la poursuite de l’idéal démocratique exige aujourd’hui la mise en oeuvre d’une variété de droits, inspirés des valeurs sociales-démocrates, qu’il faut enchâsser dans le cadre constitutionnel de toutes les institutions de gouvernance du monde contemporain. De plus, nous dégagerons les objectifs institutionnels qu’il faut atteindre afin de parvenir à la réalisation d’une social-démocratie mondiale. Nous conclurons avec une brève analyse critique de son interprétation du principe de subsidiarité et de son approche “du haut vers le bas” (top-down) des processus conduisant à la démocratisation des institutions supranationales. / In the context of contemporary globalization, the development of a multi-layered structure of governance forces us to reexamine our understanding of the sovereignty of states and of the practice of democracy. Our objective consists in outlining the thinking of David Held concerning the consequences of these transformations of political governance on democratic theory. First, we shall analyze the consequences of the weakening of the sovereignty of states, from now on shared with diverse supranational organizations, on the theory of the modern democratic state. We shall see how Held responds to the democratic deficit noticed within these organizations, by adapting the principle of subsidiarity to the emerging multilayered system of governance, in order to restore the congruence between decision-makers and the recipients of political decisions, characteristic of the (liberal) democratic activity. Secondly, we shall present the normative foundations of the theoretical model which he recommends to ensure the democratization of this new system of governance. We shall see why today, according to Held, the pursuit of the democratic ideal requires the enactment of clusters of rights, inspired by social-democratic values, which it is necessary to set in the constitutional framework of all the institutions of governance of the contemporary world. Furthermore, we shall see what institutional objectives it is necessary to meet for the realization of a global social democracy. We shall end with a brief critical analysis of his interpretation of the principle of subsidiarity and of his top-down approach to processes leading to the democratization of supranational institutions.

Poselství encykliky Caritas in veritate ve světle tradice sociální nauky církve a v kontextu aktuálních politických a ekonomických otázek / Legasy of the encyclical Caritas in veritate in the light of tradition of social clerical doctrines in the context of present political and economical matters.

PODLEŠÁKOVÁ, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the ethical aspects of the development. This thesis deals with te concrete ethical principles of the development such as solidarity, subsidiarity and their interconnection in field of the economic, politics and sociology. It adverts to each man?s righta to development accordinf to human dignity and the liberty of man. It considers the perspectives of social clerical doctrines, as well as the Pope Benedikt XVI., the Pope Pavel VI., and the economic, politics and ethical too. The thesis seeks possibilities to effective development all of the nations and man?s like individual.

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