Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sunday"" "subject:"munday""
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Child development concepts as teaching aids in The Methodist teacher V-VIPeckham, Dorothy Miller 01 January 1966 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent the teacher’ manual, The Methodist Teacher V-VI, Fall, Winter, and Spring 1964-65, published by the Graded Press, Nashville, Tennessee, succeeds in providing insights for church school teachers in understanding the developmental patterns of the late elementary years in order to encourage and guide the child intelligently in his Christian growth.
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Medical Humanitarianism: Supporting Health Across the Life Course in a Changing Healthcare ClimateChahal, Jasleen K. 23 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Use of Rotation Model Sunday School.Jones, Heather Renee 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
As outlined in this paper, Rotation Model (RM) Sunday school employs early childhood education practices. This study investigates the attitudes of parents, children's Sunday school leaders, and children in RM Sunday school compared to those in Non-Rotation Model (NRM) Sunday school. The purpose of the study was to determine if the attitudes of children and adults involved in RM were more positive than children and adults not participating in the model. Thirteen churches in East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia participated in the study. Surveys rating attitudes toward Sunday school were completed by 100 children and 63 adults. Results showed no difference between attitudes toward Sunday school of the children in RM and NRM programs. Adults in this study involved in RM have significantly more positive attitudes toward children's Sunday school than those in NRM. Children's Sunday school attendance was reported for nine Sundays in order to study attendance patterns.
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The Development of the Juvenile Instructor Under George Q. Cannon and its Functions in Latter-Day Saint Religious EducationFlake, Lawrence R. 01 January 1969 (has links) (PDF)
The success of the Juvenile Instructor magazine, called the Instructor since 1929, owes much to the vision and foresight of its great founder, George Quale Cannon. From a small, crude, four-page paper, first published in 1866, the Juvenile Instructor has developed into a far-reaching and attractive publication, touching the lives of countless thousands in 1969. It has proved to be a great implement of religious education to the Latter-day Saint people and fulfilled four important functions in its early years when Elder Cannon was its editor. It served as the official organ of the Sunday Schools, as a voice of truth in an era when so much low-grade fiction was available, as a source of religious reading material for children, and as an aid to parents and teachers in furthering the religious education of the young ones under their care. Its popularity and long life of over a century bespeak the enduring and influential nature of Elder Cannon's edifying combination of information, entertainment, and inspiration.
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The Teacher Training Program Administered by the Sunday School of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsHedquist, Steven A. 01 January 1976 (has links) (PDF)
Teaching is an art based upon the carefully considered scientific principles of pedagogy; therefore, teacher training has been an established policy of the Sunday School in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A fundamental educational responsibility in the Church is the preparation of members to teach well by providing them with methods for successful instruction. To accomplish this objective, the Sunday School developed a teacher training program whereby members became more proficient teachers.The purpose of this study was to reconstruct the historical development and present a concise history of the teacher training program administered by the Sunday School of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This history will be valuable to administrators of the teacher development program of the Church, to developers of future Church teacher development courses, and to students of Mormon history who have no complete history of their own and must depend upon single sources and independent studies.
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The Braggart Soldier: An Archetypal Character Found In "Sunday In The Park With George"Gebb, Paul 01 January 2007 (has links)
In preparation for performance, an actor must develop an understanding for the character they portray. A character must be thoroughly researched to adequately enrich the performance of the actor. In preparation for the role of the "Soldier" in the production, Sunday in the Park with George, it is important to examine the evolution of the "Braggart Soldier" archetypal character throughout the historical literary canon. It is also of equal importance to study an author's canon of literature to acknowledge the reoccurring use of similar archetypal characters in order to successfully interpret the intentions of the author. This thesis paper will be divided into four main sections. First, research of the evolution of the "Braggart Soldier" archetypal character from Greek Theater to Contemporary Theater will help to define the character type. Second, historical production research associated with the musical's creation will also provide a deeper insight into the musical's inception. Sunday in the Park with George was based on the painting A Sunday on the Island of La Grande Jatte. Furthermore, a specific focus will be placed on the painting's creation, the background of the Soldier's inclusion in the painting, the musical's collaborative process, and critical responses of the original production. Third, research of four other Stephen Sondheim shows in which similar archetypal characters appear will demonstrate the author's utilization of the character type. The characters referenced from Sondheim's shows will be: Miles Gloriosus from A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum; Carl Magnus from A Little Night Music; The Princes from Into the Woods; and John Wilkes Booth from Assassins. By studying the scripts and scores of each of these shows, a pattern of character traits will be revealed to enlighten the actor's preparation for the role of the "Soldier" in Sunday in the Park with George. Lastly, an understanding of the musical's overall structure and themes helps to further define the characterization revealed from script and score analysis. This thesis project will contribute to the pre-existing canon of musical theatre research but will also provide insight to non-musical actors who are researching similar archetypal characters. Musical theatre performers who are preparing for Stephen Sondheim shows can apply this research to help understand the role of this archetypal character in the context of each show.
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A study of religious legislation in CaliforniaOchs, Daniel A. 01 January 1934 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Style over Substance? A Content Analysis of the Gendered Style of Political Pundits on the "Big Five"Ancarrow, Megan Ashley 28 June 2016 (has links)
It is well known that males dominate politics, both in elected positions and in the media as political pundits (Melber, 2011). Is it the masculine style that is appealing to society? Do popular political pundits (male and female) emulate this masculine style in order to appeal to and persuade their audience? Through a content analysis of the rhetoric of six specified political pundits, it is hypothesized that both males and females are more likely to incorporate masculine styles of rhetoric, and those who display more masculine style traits will be more acceptable to the general audience leading to more airtime and appearances across networks. Through the analysis of the programs' 2013 transcripts, the communicative style of both male and female political pundits of the top five news programs from the big five networks will be studied: ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, CBS's Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer, CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley, Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, and NBC's Meet the Press with Chuck Todd. / Master of Arts
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Der Bibliothekssonntag / die Wiederbelebung der Sonntagsöffnung von Bibliotheken nach historischen und ausländischen Vorbildern in juristischer Perspektive und empirischer AnalyseVerch, Ulrike 19 October 2005 (has links)
Im Gegensatz zu anderen Kultur- und Freizeiteinrichtungen wie den Theatern, Kinos oder Museen sind deutsche Bibliotheken im Allgemeinen sonntags nicht zugaenglich. Nur ein Prozent der kommunalen oeffentlichen Bibliotheken und vier Prozent der Hochschulbibliotheken oeffnen an diesem Wochentag. So gering diese Anteile jeweils erscheinen, unterliegen sie seit einigen Jahren einer hohen Wachstumsrate, so dass der Bibliothekssonntag im neuen Jahrtausend inzwischen von zahlreichen namhaften Institutionen angeboten wird und im Hochschulbereich nicht mehr als ungewoehnliche Ausnahmeerscheinung anzusehen ist. Auch in den west- und nordeuropaeischen Nachbarlaendern Daenemark, Finnland, Grossbritannien und den Niederlanden ist mit der Liberalisierung des Ladenschlusses in den 90er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ein hoher Anstieg sonntagsgeoeffneter Bibliotheken, insbesondere der Stadtbuechereien, zu verzeichnen. Das Niveau der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, in denen jede zweite Public Library und rund Dreiviertel der Hochschulbibliotheken sonntags oeffnet, wird in Europa jedoch nicht erreicht. Gleichwohl folgen auch deutsche Bibliotheksoeffnungszeiten dem auslaendischen Vorbild, mit der Abkehr von den regulaeren Dienstzeiten des Personals einer zunehmenden Flexibilisierung und Ausdifferenzierung im Serviceniveau zu unterfallen. Bereits vor hundert Jahren galt die Kundenorientierung der amerikanischen Gebrauchsbibliothek als wegweisend für die neugegruendeten Lesehallen, die entsprechend den Forderungen der Buecherhallenbewegung ausreichende Oeffnungszeiten für alle Bevoelkerungsschichten anboten, meist in den Abendstunden und am Sonntag. Auch wenn diese Tradition nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg allmaehlich in Vergessenheit geriet, zeigt die vorliegende Untersuchung durch die Analyse von Mitarbeiter- und Kundenbefragungen und eine umfassende Pruefung der Rechtslage auf, dass entsprechende Oeffnungszeiten auch heutzutage moeglich und nachgefragt sind. Gerade Stadtbibliotheken bietet sich die Chance, ihr Dienstleistungsniveau an das anderer kommunaler Freizeiteinrichtungen anzupassen und damit nicht nur zur Belebung des oertlichen Kulturlebens und der Innenstaedte am Sonntag, sondern nach auslaendischem Vorbild auch zur eigenen Profilierung als Freizeiteinrichtung mit hoher Aufenthaltsqualitaet beizutragen. / In contrast to other cultural and recreational facilities like theatres, cinemas or museums, the libraries in Germany are generally closed on Sundays. Only one per cent of the municipal and only four per cent of the university libraries are open on this day of the week. As small as theses percentages may seem, they have increased significantly in the last few years. Now, in the new millennium the Sunday opening is offered by well-established libraries and is no longer unusual in the academic sector. In the wake of generally liberalised opening hours in the 1990''s other northern and western European countries - Denmark, Finland, Great Britain and the Netherlands - there has been a noticeable increase in the number of libraries open on Sundays. The service level of the USA, where every second public library and roughly three quarters of the university libraries are open on Sundays, is not evident in Europe. However, German opening times are following these trends by increasing the flexibility of working hours and differentiating and adapting the delivery of service. A hundred years ago, the customer services currently offered by the American public libraries was generally practised by the new type of German municipal libraries. These so called Lesehallen, responding to the demands of the movement for open book halls (Buecherhallenbewegung), offered sufficient opening hours for all classes of population, especially in the evenings and on Sundays. Even though this tradition gradually fell into oblivion after World War I, this study shows, by the means of analyses of interviews of both employees and customers, and a comprehensive breakdown of the legal aspects, that such opening hours are possible and sought after today. Public Libraries in particular can take advantage of the public interest to align their service levels with other municipal recreational facilities, which will not only enrich the local cultural life and that of the city centres on Sundays, but also, in following international examples, enhance their image as a recreational institution with very high service standards.
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L’État de droit en transition : une amnistie pour le Bloody Sunday?Denicourt-Fauvel, Camille 10 1900 (has links)
Depuis la signature de l’Accord de paix du Vendredi Saint, l’Irlande du Nord a entamé son processus de transition après trente ans d’un conflit communément appelé les Troubles. Parmi les questions relatives à son cheminement se pose celle du Bloody Sunday. Lors de cet évènement tristement célèbre des Troubles, quatorze civils furent tués par des soldats britanniques, alors qu’ils prenaient part à une manifestation pour les droits civiques. Les soldats n’ont pas eu à faire face au processus judiciaire, malgré la volonté des familles des victimes d’obtenir justice. Une amnistie visant les soldats responsables fut proposée en mars 2014, à titre de mécanisme de justice transitionnelle pour accompagner la société nord- irlandaise dans sa démarche vers un état de paix. Entre droit et politique, plusieurs questions se posent relativement à un tel projet. La présente étude vise à examiner la validité de cette proposition d’amnistie eu égard aux valeurs de l’État de droit. / Since the Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998, the Northern Irish society has embarked on its transitional process towards peace, attempting to leave behind thirty years of a conflict commonly known as the Troubles. This outcome brings to light many different issues, amongst which is that of the Bloody Sunday. This infamous event of the Troubles saw fourteen civilians killed by British soldiers as they were taking part in a civil rights demonstration. The soldiers were spared the judicial process despite the efforts deployed by the victims’ families to bring them to justice. In 2014, an amnesty was suggested as a transitional justice mechanism to further the society’s transition to the post-conflict era. This study examines the validity of such an amnesty in light of the underlying values of the Rule of Law.
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