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Jakten på kompetens : En fallstudie om det strategiska HRM-arbetet i el-och energibranschenHennström, Moa, Ohrlander, David January 2023 (has links)
Datum: 2023-05-29 Nivå: Magisteruppsats Företagsekonomi, 15 hp Akademi: Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Universitet Författare: Hennström Moa (99/02/24) Ohrlander David (97/08/10) Titel: Jakten på kompetens - En fallstudie om det strategiska HRM-arbetet i el-och energibranschen. Handledare: Magnus Linderström Nyckelord: Talent Management, Talang, HRM system, Strategisk HRM, Kompetensförsörjning, Kompetensutveckling, Skills gap. Forskningsfrågor: Hur arbetar cheferna strategiskt med HRM-system och Talent Managementpå enheten “Elnät” på Eskilstuna/Strängnäs Energi och Miljö, och hur upplever medarbetarna detta arbete? Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar upplever chefer och medarbetare att det finns med kompetensförsörjning och kompetensutveckling? Hur arbetar cheferna på affärsområdet “Elnät“ för att förebygga och hantera skills gap? Syfte: Syftet med denna fallstudie är att med utgångspunkt i ett managementperspektiv undersöka hur arbetet med HRM-system genom TM gestaltar sig i praktiken, för att få en ökad förståelse och djupare inblick i fenomenens tillämpning och praktiska utövande. Detta kommer att efterforskas med hjälp av en mixad metod, genom att explorativt undersöka förhållandet mellan chefers och medarbetares syn på utövandet av HRM-system och TM. Vidare ämnar studien att undersöka om det finns ett skills gap och i sådant fall generera en förståelse för hur det hanteras och förebyggs i praktiken. Metod: I denna studie användes en fallstudie där den empiriska datan samlades in genom en mixad metod. Den kvalitativa datan har insamlats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med cheferna medan den kvantitativa datan innefattas av ett enkätformulär som chefernas medarbetare gavs möjlighet att besvara. Tillvägagångssättet har varit abduktivt med en explorativ ansats, i syfte att åstadkomma nya upptäckter och perspektiv på fenomenen som undersökts, där det abduktiva förhållningssättet tillåter att ändra inriktning och bygga vidare på den teoretiska referensramen baserat på den empiriska insamlingen. Detta valdes för att uppnå högsta möjliga anpassningsbarhet under studiens genomförande. Slutsats: ESEM arbetar med deras HRM-system i fyra steg: handledning av nyanställda, utvecklingssamtal, utbildning och individuella utvecklingsplaner för varje anställd. Möjligheterna kring utvecklingssamtalen är också för medarbetarna att uttrycka deras önskan att antingen vidareutveckla sig och sin kompetens inom deras valda arbetsområde, för att uppnå en spetskompetens eller bredda sin kompetens genom att arbeta på en annan avdelning. Detta är menat att öka chanserna för de anställda att avancera i karriären. Utmaningarna för ESEM är bristen på teoretisk och praktisk överlappning på utbildningssystemen och det faktiska arbetet. Den största utmaningen har dock visat sig vara bristen på människor som innefattar rätt kompetens inom branschen. Detta kan temporärt men kostsamt bryggas genom att kortsiktigt hyra in konsulter för att utföra det nödvändiga arbetet. För att förebygga skills gap arbetar ESEM aktivt med att attrahera potentiella medarbetare genom att marknadsföra branschen. Soft skills prioriteras genom ESEM:s kärnvärden: schyssta, pålitliga, modiga och nära. / Date: 2023-05-29 Level: Master thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Hennström Moa (99/02/24) Ohrlander David (97/08/10) Title: The Hunt for Competence - A case study of the strategic HRM work in the electric-energy industry Supervisor: Magnus Linderström Keywords: Talent Management, Talen, HRM-system, Strategic HRM, Competence provision, Competence development, Skills gap. Research questions: How do the company leaders work strategically with the HRM-system andTalent Management within “Elnät” at Eskilstuna/Strängnäs Energi och Miljö, and how do the employees experience this work? What opportunities and challenges do company leaders and employees experience concerning competence provision and competence development? How do the company leaders at the business department “Elnät” work to prohibit and manage skills gaps? Purpose: The purpose of this case study is to through a management perspective investigate how the work with an HRM-system through TM is carried out in practice, in order to create an enhanced understanding and deeper insight in the application of both of these phenomena and its practical performance. This will be researched and presented through mixed methods, by exploratively investigating the relationship between company leaders and employees' outlook at the practical performance of an HRM-system and TM. The study will also look to figure out whether there’s a skills gap and if so, how it’s dealt with and prohibited in company practice. Method: This paper was carried out through a case study where the empirical data was collected through mixed methods. The qualitative data was collected through semi structured interviews with company leaders, while the quantitative data was collected through questionnaires sent out to the company leaders’ employees. The course of action for this study has been abductive with an explorative approach, with the purpose of discovering and creating a perspective of the researched phenomena, where it is allowed to switch directions of and altering the theoretical framework, even after the empirical data has been gathered. This was favored in order to acquire the highest possible ability to adapt during the conducted research. Conclusion: ESEM work through their HRM system with supervision from company leaders for newly employed, formal meetings with company leaders and their employees, further education that is negotiated through these formal meetings and through creating an individual development plan for each employee. The possibilities regarding the formal meetings are also for the employee to express their wishes to either further enhance their competence within their chosen field, to acquire a talent, or to broaden their competence by working with another department. This is meant to enhance chances to advance in the career of the employees. The challenges for ESEM and its HRM-system is the lack of theoretical and practical overlapping between education systems and the actual line of work. The biggest challenge however is the lack of people who are competent within the field altogether. This can be temporarily but costly bridged by acquiring short term consultants to perform the necessary work. To prevent the skills gap, ESEM are active in attracting potential employees through marketing the line of work. Soft skills are prioritized through ESEM:s core values: Agreeable, reliable, brave and approachable.
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Am I not attractive anymore? : A qualitative study on how to increase attractiveness after Covid-19 for organizations within the tourism & hospitality industryNygren, Simon, Lindahl, Joel January 2022 (has links)
As the need for similar skills across various industries has increased throughout the years, itis not mandatory to stay within the same industry or organization as you once started. Whennew opportunities take shape, people have come to compare their situation with what it couldbe like in another organization, in another industry, making the attractiveness of anorganization increasingly important, both to keep and to attract new talented employees. Thetourism & hospitality industry has long been perceived as an industry where there is poorwork-life balance, and lower compensation for the employees than other industries whencompared. Because of this, the tourism & hospitality industry have to reconsider theirpractices and evaluate what can be changed to increase the attractiveness, to ensure the futuregrowth of the industry. There are aspects of the tourism & hospitality industry that influence the intention to staywithin an organization, and in the industry as well, including the work-life balance andcompensation. However, there has been an emphasis on what influences the employees toleave rather than the aspects that could be changed to increase the attractiveness, reduce theportion of employees leaving, and attract new ones. There are also proven effects that criseshave on organizations within the tourism & hospitality industry, which influence some of thefactors, previously stated as reasons for employees considering leaving. Hence, there is aresearch gap on how to increase the attractiveness of organizations within the tourism &hospitality industry, after a crisis. The purpose of this study is to examine the key factors that explain why employees in thetourism & hospitality industry find other industries more attractive and identify howorganizations within tourism & hospitality must adapt to increase their attractiveness. Toaddress the research gap, this study used an inductive approach and conducted qualitative,semi-structured interviews to gather the data. When choosing a sample technique, it first tooka stance in the snowball technique, using the network of the authors to get in touch with theappropriate respondents. After this a purposive sampling technique was used to select themost appropriate respondents, with the ability to contribute to the study. The empirical datawas analyzed through a thematic analysis to review and present the relevant findings of the empirical data. From the thematic analysis, three main themes were identified: What creates the talentshortage, How do crises affect talent shortage and What can be done to prevent talentshortage. Within the three main themes, nine sub-themes were found, which assisted infinalizing a conceptual model, showing how organizations within the tourism & hospitalityindustry can change to become more attractive toward talented employees. The findings ofthis study shows that opportunities for personal development and career growth, continuouscommunication between employee and employer, involvement of employees in decisions,improved work-life balance, normal workloads, reduction of unhealthy stress, brand image,and compensation can increase the attractiveness of organization in the tourism & hospitalityindustry after a crisis, such as Covid-19.
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Examination of Relationship Between Talent Management Practices and Employee Job-Related OutcomesRenu Dalal (9755840) 11 December 2022 (has links)
<p>This study examined the
relationship of talent management practices to employee job-related outcomes in
the Indian manufacturing setting. Talent management practices included talent
acquisition, talent development, talent engagement, and talent retention.
Employee job-related outcomes of this study included intent to stay, job
engagement, affective commitment, job satisfaction, and employee competency.
This study used the social exchange theory and resource based view as the
theoretical underpinning for the proposed TM model. The role of organizational
culture as a moderator was also examined in the study.</p>
<p>The sample of the study consisted
of 992 full time employees working in one of largest textiles and paper
manufacturing organization of India with facilities located in two Indian
states. Data is collected online through a questionnaire composed of several
existing survey instruments. Response rate for the survey was high (62.98
percent). The primary method of data analysis was structural equation modeling.</p>
<p>Overall, the findings of the
analysis showed a number of significant relationships among talent management
practices and employee job-related outcomes. There were strong positive
relationships between talent acquisition and affective commitment, talent
engagement and job satisfaction, talent engagement and affective commitment,
and talent retention and employee competency. The findings showed that
organizational culture is significantly related to talent management and
employee job-related outcomes. However, the organizational culture does
moderate the relationship of talent management and employee job-related
outcomes. The overall relationship between talent management and employee
job-related outcome was found significant and positive.</p>
<p>The findings of this study
identified a number of implications for the Indian manufacturing organizations.
The study also provides a framework of talent management practices for future research.</p>
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Совершенствование системы обучения персонала в компании Х : магистерская диссертация / Research of the Construction and Application of Training System in Company ХЦао, Л., Cao, L. January 2023 (has links)
Система обучения является важным компонентом управления человеческими ресурсами с целью создания платформы управления человеческими ресурсами для долгосрочного развития компании, формирования талантливой команды, постоянного повышения эффективности работы компании и сотрудников, а также содействия достижению стратегические цели компании. Изучая курсы, связанные с человеческими ресурсами, автор выбрал подходящую компанию, чтобы проанализировать проблемы в системе обучения компании и предложить соответствующие предложения по улучшению. X Company — это компания-посредник в сфере недвижимости, имеющая опыт работы на государственных предприятиях и обладающая богатыми социальными ресурсами, но ее доля на рынке относительно невелика. Существует значительный разрыв между текущей ситуацией и стратегическими целями, и компании необходимо срочно повысить свою основную конкурентоспособность, чтобы адаптироваться к потребностям стратегических открытий. Интеграция различных ресурсов для повышения основной конкурентоспособности, наиболее важными являются человеческие ресурсы. Поэтому развитие и культивирование талантов имеет особое значение. Однако обучение в компании X находится на ранней стадии, и система обучения не является надежной и имеет множество проблем. Поэтому создание стратегически ориентированной системы подготовки кадров имеет большое практическое значение для достижения стратегических целей предприятия и долгосрочного развития. / The training system is an important component of human resource management, with the aim of building a human resource management platform for the company's long-term development, building a talent team, continuously improving the performance of the company and employees, and promoting the achievement of the company's strategic goals. Through studying courses related to human resources, the author chose a suitable company to analyze the problems in the training system of the company and propose relevant improvement suggestions. X Company is a real estate intermediary company with a background in state-owned enterprises, with abundant social resources, but its market share is relatively small. According to the company's five-year development strategic plan, we aim to become the most competitive real estate agency in South China and plan to achieve an overall listing within 5 years. There is a significant gap between the current situation and strategic goals, and the company urgently needs to enhance its core competitiveness to adapt to the needs of strategic discovery. Integrating various resources to enhance core competitiveness, the most important is human resources. Therefore, the development and cultivation of talents is particularly important. However, X Company's training is in its early stages and the training system is not sound, with many problems. Therefore, establishing a strategic oriented human resource training system is of great practical significance for the achievement of enterprise strategic goals and long-term development.
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Impacto de la gestión del talento humano en la retención de empleados de una constructora de la ciudad de Jaén 2022Guevara Cruzado, Senaida Milagros January 2023 (has links)
En esta investigación se determinó el impacto de la gestión del talento humano en la retención de empleados de una constructora de la ciudad de Jaén, 2022. Además, en relación a la metodología, la investigación fue cuantitativa, no experimental, aplicada y transversal, en donde se tuvo una población censal, es decir, la población fue conformada por 100 colaboradores que tuvieron como mínimo 3 meses de trabajo y que se encontraron en planilla en la constructora. Se tuvo como instrumento el cuestionario planteado por Tiwari & Shrivastava (2013) quienes estudiaron ambas variables. Los hallazgos indicaron que, gracias al entorno de trabajo cómodo y seguro, la empresa constructora goza de una excelente reputación ante la sociedad, sin embargo, la escasa inversión en iniciativas de retención ha provocado que se tenga poco talento adecuado para estrategias presentes y futuras, lo que ha repercutido en retener al colaborador, asimismo, aunque se ha fomentado el bienestar de los empleados, la falta de ventajas y posibilidades de desarrollo profesional ha provocado la marcha de personal esencial, esto supone un riesgo para el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la constructora. En conclusión, el impacto de la gestión del talento humano en la retención de empleados es significativo, dado que la empresa ha acogido talento y oportunidades comerciales debido a su reputación favorable con clientes y socios potenciales. Asimismo, la satisfacción y el bienestar del personal en el trabajo han incrementado
el compromiso y la productividad. / In this research, the impact of human talent management on the retention of employees of a construction company in the city of Jaén, 2022, was determined. In addition, in relation to the methodology, the research was quantitative, non-experimental, applied and cross-sectional approach, where there was a census population, that is, the population was made up of 100 collaborators who had at least 3 months of work and who were on the payroll at the construction company. The questionnaire posed by Tiwari & Shrivastava (2013) who studied both variables was used as an instrument. The findings indicated that, thanks to the comfortable and safe working environment, the construction company enjoys an excellent reputation in society, however, the low investment in retention initiatives has led to having little suitable talent for present and future strategies, which has had an impact on the retention of the employee, likewise, although the wellbeing of employees has been promoted, the lack of advantages and possibilities for professional development has caused the departure of essential personnel, this poses a risk to the growth and long-term sustainability of the construction company. In conclusion, the impact of human talent management on employee retention is significant, since the company has embraced talent and business opportunities due to its favorable reputation with potential customers and partners.
Likewise, the satisfaction and well-being of staff at work have increased commitment and productivity.
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The Impact of Green Talent Management Policies on Employer Branding : master's thesis / Влияние политики экологичного управления человеческими ресурсами на бренд работодателя : магистерская диссертацияХаммед, Ш. О., Hammed, S. O. January 2024 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа состоит из введения, трех частей, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. Теоретическая часть представляет собой обзор различных исследований, проведенных выдающимися исследователями, а также направлена на то, чтобы дать отчет о прошлом и текущем состоянии проблемы, проанализировав предыдущие исследования по тесно связанной проблеме. В практической части анализируется влияние экологичных практик на брендинг работодателя в L&M компаниях в соответствии с программой исследования. Проектная часть содержит исследование и теоретические основы управления "зелеными" талантами и брендинга работодателей, разработку инструментов и методологии, сбор данных и информации о лучших практиках, анализ собранной информации и обсуждение результатов, заключения и рекомендации, основанные на результатах обсуждения результатов. В заключение подводятся итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three parts, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and appendixes. The theoretical part presents an insight into various studies conducted by outstanding researchers and also seeks to give an account of the past as well as current status of the problem by reviewing preceding studies into closely related problem. The practical part analyzes the impact of eco-friendly practices on employer branding in company L & M according of the program of research. Project part contents Research and theoretical basis of green talent management and employer branding, Development of instruments and methodology, Data Collection and best practices information, Analysis of information gathered and discussion of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations based on result of discussion of findings. In conclusion, the results are summed up in accordance with the tasks set.
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Succession planning a development tool for developing middle managers in the Department of Science and TechnologyKraai, Vuyokazi, Kahn, Sinval Benjamin, Motsoeneng, Ramokhojoane Paul 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate how succession planning can be used as a developmental tool in developing middle managers in the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
The research shows that the DST has good strategies and policies in place for the development and retention of its employees, although there is no succession planning tool or system in place.
Proposed interventions to address identified gaps in terms of succession planning include a quota system of positions that should be filled by internal candidates to encourage employees’ buy-in to succession planning; inculcating it in the institutional culture and therefore, preserving and retaining institutional memory; creating a robust reward management programme based upon a pay-scheme that seeks to reward middle managers for developing their competencies in line with institutional requirements / Public Administration / M.A. (Public Administration)
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Assessing the accuracy of the growth in theoretical capability as predicted by the career path appreciation (CPA) 1 VS CPA 2Kruger, Ester 17 October 2013 (has links)
The need for the identification and appropriate development of talent in organisations has led to a renewed interest in the accuracy of tools used in this context. The objectives of the study were to: (1) determine whether there is a significant difference in the growth in theoretical capability as predicted by Career Path Appreciation (CPA) 1 and CPA 2 among the sample population, (2) determine whether there is a significant difference in Mode as predicted by CPA 1 and CPA 2 among the sample population, and (3) formulate recommendations for Talent Management and Industrial and Organisational Psychology practices and future research.
The CPA is a tool used for the selection and development of talent nationally and internationally. Limited recent test-retest research has been done regarding the utilisation of the CPA in this context. Scholars in the field of industrial psychology could therefore benefit from follow-up research regarding the validity and reliability of the CPA. The research design is an ex post facto correlational design using longitudinal data of a sample of convenience (N=527).
Overall, the results indicated a significant correlation between CLC for CPA 1 and CPA 2 as well as between Mode for CPA 1 and CPA 2. The CPA as a measure of theoretical capability is consistently accurate between measures and can be used with confidence for the identification and development of talent within organisations. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / M. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Work-life balance, job satisfaction and turnover intention amongst information technology employeesMunro, Zanel 11 1900 (has links)
The objectives of the study were to determine the relationship between the demographic variables, work-life balance (as measured by the Survey Work-Home Interaction - Nijmegen), job satisfaction (as measured by the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire) and turnover intention (as measured by the Turnover Intention Scale); to determine whether the demographic variables and work-life balance significantly predict job satisfaction and turnover intention; and to determine the differences between biographical groups. A quantitative cross-sectional survey research design was applied to a stratified random sample of 79 employees in a South African IT company. Descriptive statistics, correlations, independent t-tests and regressions were used to analyse the data. Analysis revealed that job satisfaction has a significant negative relationship with turnover intention. Furthermore, the work-home interface sub-dimensions of work-life balance have both a positive and negative relationship with job satisfaction and turnover intention. There are significant differences between the various biographical groups. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology
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Řízení kariéry / Career managementŠmejkalová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the career management from the perspective of the organization. The theoretical part concerns the definition and explication of the terminology (basic terms), approaches and methods in the process of the career management. The separate chapter is dedicated to the current issue of talent management and also to the interpretation of the research of career counseling in the workplace, which compares the approaches of employers to the career management of their employees in 25 states of the European Union. The incorporation of the domain of career management to the set of other HR activities in the organization makes also part of this thesis. The practical part of thesis describes the concrete example of work with prospective employees of the organization, i.e. the presentation of implementation of the development program for talented and key employees. The conclusion of the thesis comprises the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program, including the recommendations for its potential continuation in the future.
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