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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrat?gias metodol?gicas de ensino-aprendizagem na Educa??o a Dist?ncia: Um estudo de caso no Instituto Federal do Amap? / Methodological strategies of teaching and learning in Distance Education: A case study at the Federal Institute of Amap?

LOBATO, Cristiane da Costa 13 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-04-27T21:03:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Cristiane da Costa Lobato.pdf: 1177773 bytes, checksum: 7cd062ad573d7773cdaaef29c533c1ca (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-27T21:03:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Cristiane da Costa Lobato.pdf: 1177773 bytes, checksum: 7cd062ad573d7773cdaaef29c533c1ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-13 / This research was conducted in a qualitative way in a study case with sampling on the pedagogical action. Five teachers participated of this research involving technical courses in the field of safety, in the 3rd Module which was offered in the 2nd half of 2015 at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technologies of Amap?. The research aimed to map and analyze the methodological strategies adopted by teachers in blended teaching-learning process. And the specific objectives were to investigate such teaching and learning strategies adopted by teachers in classroom meetings and studies and activities in the Virtual Learning Environment - VLE Moodle. As the same manner their contributions in the teaching-learning process as well identify possible differences in educational-methodological practices involving teachers and professors with and without experience in teaching technical education in a distance learning using technological resources and see if the teachers seek to diagnose and take into account the profile of the students in order to integrate this information into their methodological strategies of teaching and learning. Data collection methods used was the questionnaire instruments with closed and open questions, and semi-structured interview. The result of the survey was subjected to content analysis by categorical analysis based on Bardin (2004). There was also consultation with the Pedagogical Project of the Course with finding purpose of the professional profile and methodological principles for the promotion of vocational training and was the observation of the studies and activities undertaken by teachers in the AVA. The results were presented in a descriptive-narrative form and through graphical and table summarizing the results of the research object. It was found that the methodological strategies adopted were the same commonly used in classroom teaching due to the long experience of research participants be in this classroom mode and the didactic-pedagogic practice among teachers with and without experience in technical education in distance learning through internet. Sometimes the data can differ because of the specificity of each curricular component take into account the experiences of each teacher including their professional area as well as the profile of the students was diagnosed and once more taking into account the needs of their teaching strategies in order to get better results. / A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida numa perspectiva qualitativa tratando-se de um estudo de caso com o m?todo de amostragem sobre a a??o pedag?gica de cinco professores do curso t?cnico em Seguran?a do Trabalho, na forma subsequente, na modalidade a dist?ncia, na turma do 3? M?dulo que foi ofertado no 2? semestre de 2015, no campus Macap? do Instituto Federal do Amap?. A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral mapear e analisar as estrat?gias metodol?gicas adotadas pelos docentes no processo ensino-aprendizagem semipresencial. Os objetivos espec?ficos foram investigar tais estrat?gias de ensino e de aprendizagem adotadas pelos docentes nos encontros presenciais e nos estudos e atividades no Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem ? AVA Moodle e suas contribui??es no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, identificar poss?veis diferen?as nas pr?ticas did?tico-metodol?gicas dos professores formadores, com e sem experi?ncia na doc?ncia da educa??o t?cnica a dist?ncia e averiguar se os docentes buscam diagnosticar e/ou levar em considera??o o perfil dos estudantes para integrar essas informa??es em suas estrat?gias metodol?gicas de ensino-aprendizagem. Como m?todo de coleta de dados, foram utilizados os instrumentos do question?rio, com quest?es fechadas e abertas, e a entrevista semiestruturada. O resultado da pesquisa foi submetido a uma an?lise de conte?do por meio da t?cnica de An?lise Categorial com base em Bardin (2004). Tamb?m houve a consulta ao Projeto Pedag?gico do Curso com objetivo de constata??o do perfil profissional e dos preceitos metodol?gicos para promo??o de uma forma??o profissional, bem como ocorreu a observa??o dos estudos e atividades desenvolvidas pelos professores no AVA. Os resultados foram apresentados de forma descritivo-narrativa e por meio de gr?ficos e de tabela sintetizando o resultado do objeto da pesquisa. Constatou-se que as estrat?gias metodol?gicas adotadas foram as mesmas comumente utilizadas no ensino presencial, em virtude de o maior tempo de experi?ncia dos participantes da pesquisa ser nesta modalidade presencial, sendo que, a pr?tica did?tico-pedag?gica entre os professores, com e sem experi?ncia na educa??o t?cnica a dist?ncia, em dados momentos, diferenciavam-se em virtude da especificidade de cada componente curricular, das experi?ncias e vivencias dos docentes, inclusive em sua ?rea profissional, bem como o perfil dos discentes foi diagnosticado e levado em considera??o no replanejamento de tais estrat?gias de ensino-aprendizagem. Entretanto, as aulas pr?ticas, inerentes ? forma??o, foram poucas, deixando de ampliar a pr?tica profissional para a forma??o dos discentes. Mas, as estrat?gias metodol?gicas foram bastante pertinentes ? educa??o a dist?ncia, por causa dos objetivos e da dinamiza??o das propostas educativas, contribuindo significativamente para a forma??o profissional dos estudantes.

A Intercompreensão no curso de Letras: formando sujeitos plurilíngues a partir da leitura de textos acadêmicos em línguas românicas / Intercomprehension in the Degree in Languages: developing plurilingual learners by reading academic texts in romance languages

Paulo, Livia Miranda de 06 November 2018 (has links)
O contexto global e interconectado em que estamos inseridos favorece o contato dos sujeitos com diferentes línguas e culturas, o que, na didática das línguas, se concretizou pela reflexão sobre o Plurilinguismo e as abordagens plurais (CANDELIER; CASTELLOTTI, 2013; ALARCÃO et al., 2009b). Neste cenário, a Intercompreensão (IC), como uma dessas abordagens, valoriza as experiências linguístico-comunicativas do aprendente, as quais servem de base de transferência para a construção de novos conhecimentos em línguas aparentadas (DEGACHE; GARBARINO, 2017; MEISSNER et al., 2004). No âmbito universitário, a proposta intercompreensiva vai ao encontro da necessidade dos estudantes de ler textos acadêmicos em outras línguas, pois rentabiliza e aperfeiçoa a compreensão escrita pelo viés integrativo da lógica plurilíngue. No caso dos estudantes de Letras, mais do que atingir este objetivo de leitura, as reflexões proporcionadas pela IC são fundamentais no conjunto de sua formação como futuros profissionais das línguas e culturas, contribuindo para a diversificação de seus repertórios linguísticos e didático-pedagógicos (ANDRADE; PINHO, 2010; ARAÚJO e SÁ, 2015). Neste sentido, os objetivos desta tese são: (i) compreender e descrever o processo de formação do sujeito-aprendente em direção ao desenvolvimento de uma competência de compreensão escrita plurilíngue; (ii) caracterizar o trabalho com textos acadêmicos na perspectiva da IC; e (iii) analisar que tipos de mudanças a abordagem desencadeou nos participantes. A pesquisa se fundamenta nos estudos sobre o ensinoaprendizagem pela IC, caracterizada por privilegiar a compreensão através de estratégias (meta)cognitivas e (meta)linguísticas no trabalho simultâneo com línguas da mesma família (CADDÉO; JAMET, 2013; DE CARLO et al., 2015). Os dados foram produzidos e coletados a partir do curso Práticas de leitura em Intercompreensão: textos acadêmicos na área das Letras, ministrado na Universidade de São Paulo. Os participantes do curso, alunos de Letras de diversas habilitações, desenvolveram a IC receptiva em espanhol, francês e italiano em gêneros comuns ao meio universitário: resumo, introdução de artigo e capítulo de livro teórico. A análise qualitativa e longitudinal de orientação êmica (BLANCHET, 2000; DE SARDAN, 1998) possibilitou acompanhar as (trans)formações pluridimensionais por que passaram os aprendentes. Suas atividades e discursos demonstraram que, além de desenvolver a compreensão escrita dos textos acadêmicos nas línguas-alvo, a IC fez surgir novas atitudes e representações reveladoras do processo de construção do sujeito plurilíngue. A partir destes resultados, as contribuições da pesquisa vão em duas direções: em relação à demanda de formação para a leitura em LE, a pesquisa demonstrou a pertinência da aplicação da IC para o trabalho com os gêneros acadêmicos; já quanto ao público-alvo aqui implicado, ficou constatada a amplitude das potencialidades da IC na formação integral dos estudantes de Letras, o que confirma a legitimidade dos esforços para sua difusão e efetiva inserção curricular. / The global and interconnected context in which we live makes the contact of people with different languages and cultures more common, which has introduced the discussion of Plurilingualism in Language Didactics. In this sense, Intercomprehension (IC) is defined as a pluralistic didactic approach where the learner\'s linguistic and communicative experiences are transferred during the construction of new knowledges in related languages (DEGACHE; GARBARINO, 2017; MEISSNER et al., 2004). In the academic context, the IC contributes to the students\' need to read academic texts in other languages, as this approach improves written comprehension from the plurilingual view. For students from Degree in Languages, More than achieving this goal of reading, the reflections proposed by the IC approach are fundamental to their training as future language and culture professionals, allowing them to diversify their linguistic and didactic repertoires (ANDRADE; PINHO, 2010; ARAÚJO e SÁ, 2015). From this angle, the thesis aims are: (i) to understand and describe the learner\'s training process towards the development of plurilingual reading; (ii) to characterize the didactical work with academic texts from the IC\'s perspective; (iii) to analyze the changes caused by this method on learners. The research is based on studies in foreign languages teaching and learning by IC, an approach that favors comprehension through the mobilization of (meta)cognitive and (meta)linguistic strategies (CADDÉO ; JAMET, 2013 ; DE CARLO et al., 2015). The data was collected during the course \"Intercomprehension reading practices: academic texts of Language studies\", in the University of Sao Paulo. The participants, Language undergraduate students, practiced receptive IC with textual genres common in the academic area: abstracts, introduction of scientific articles and chapters of a theoretical book. By a qualitative and longitudinal analysis with an emic orientation, it was possible to observe the multidimensional transformations produced on learners. Their activities and speeches confirmed that, more than developing written comprehension of academic texts in the target languages, the IC has brought forth new attitudes and representations related to the training process of a plurilingual person. From these results we have two kinds of contributions: in relation to the need of reading in other languages, the research has shown the relevance of intercomprehensive work with academic texts; furthermore, regarding the target audience of this research, we noted the IC\'s potentialities range for the integral training of the Language undergraduate students, which confirms the legitimacy of the efforts towards its diffusion and effective curricular insertion.

Building a Professional Identity: The Role of Conferences

Hill, Celeste, Chandler, Kristie, Gerhardt, Clara 09 March 2018 (has links)
Professional identity is an ongoing process that evolves throughout the undergraduate years of study, and which will hopefully facilitate graduate school and vocational choices that match the student’s skills and sense of vocational calling. Professional Identity (PI), one form of social identity, has been described as the “attitudes, values, knowledge, beliefs, and skills that are shared with others within a professional group” (Adams et al., 2006, p. 56). Understanding the options and opportunities the chosen major may facilitate, allows for a good match between student interests and abilities and the potential career of choice. Developing a strong sense of professionalism is a key component within this process. Fields practiced by many NCFR members, including counseling and gerontology, are studying PI because of its links to important educational processes and outcomes. From the beginning of a student’s college education, PI or professional/vocational identity has been shown to relate to important educational processes and outcomes, including completion of a bachelor’s degree. After graduation, PI has been associated with reduced burnout, increased team functioning, and greater retention in fields such as nursing and related helping professions. These links are supported by Social Identity Theory, which suggests that PI shapes the attitudes and behaviors that can differentiate an individual from members of other professional groups, allowing improved collaborations and occupational flexibility. PI is also increasingly important to the work of Family Life Educators (FLEs) and the profession, as the PI of FLE’s becomes more distinct. For NCFR and for educational programs, studying PI seems wise to help promote FLE’s professional status and to encourage family life educators to remain engaged in the profession. Conference attendance can be used as an instructional tool to guide students towards greater professional identity. The increased need for inter-professional collaboration in delivery of services (e.g., family sciences) and the corresponding rise in inter-professional education, demand clear professional identity as an important training metric and goal. These links are supported by Social Identity Theory, which suggests that attitudes and behaviors can differentiate members of specific professional groups, allowing improved collaborations and occupational flexibility. In 2011, following attendance at a regional professional conference, family science students responded to a retrospective pre-test / post-test survey adapted from the Professional Identity Scale. In a two more recent studies within our school (2016 and 2017), it was found that family science students as well as Education majors, benefited from attendance of a professional conference. The implications for the scholarship of teaching and learning in Family Science, as well as Education, could be widespread. The implications for the scholarship of teaching and learning in family science could be widespread. For example, our results indicate that educational programs in family life education could benefit from regular assessment of PI throughout the curriculum. If PI is improved by specific educational practices, such as experiential and service learning opportunities and field placements, it might be possible to focus on improved PI as a path to improve recruitment and retention of students, as well as wider benefits apparent in our field.

An Analysis of Student Performance with Podcasting and Active Learning in a Pharmacotherapy Module

Stewart, David W., Panus, Peter C., Hagemeier, Nicholas E. 01 November 2013 (has links)
Objectives: The objective was to determine the effect of podcasting, with resultant increased in-class active learning time, on student performance. Methods: In an effort to increase in-class active learning time and improve understanding of the material in a third-year pharmacotherapy course, podcasts were developed to cover specific topics and were made available outside-of-class for students in 2010. Students in the same course in the year 2009 had received identical in-class didactic instruction for these topics. End-of-course exam scores were adjusted using analysis of covariance and compared using the t-test. Results: The class averages on the end-of-course exams were significantly higher at 77.5 ± 1.2 (n = 65) for the class of 2009 compared to 72.9 ± 1.5 (n = 71) for the class of 2010 (p = 0.019). This difference remained significant after adjusting the 2009 and 2010 classes for the covariates. The difference between the classes was further magnified when using the covariate of GPA, 78.3 ± 1.2 compared to 72.2 ± 1.1 (p < 0.001) for the classes of 2009 and 2010, respectively. Rank ordering resulted in a significant difference in the exam grade in the lower 50th percentile 73.2 ± 1.6 (n = 34, 2009 class) compared to 65.8 ± 1.9 (n = 34, 2010 class), p = 0.004. No significant differences were noted between the two classes for those students in the upper 50th percentile. Conclusion: Increased in-class active learning time led to decreased examination scores for the lower 50th percentile of students in the 2010 cohort. One potential explanation is that students were not held accountable for completing the out-of-class preparatory exercises.

Pharmacy Student Self-Testing as a Predictor of Examination Performance

Stewart, David, Panus, Peter, Hagemeier, Nicholas E., Thigpen, Jim, Brooks, Lauren 12 March 2014 (has links)
Objectives. To determine if student self-testing improves performance during a doctor of pharmacy course. Methods. Students were given access to online quizzes with a large pool of randomly selected questions specific to upcoming examination content. Quizzes were electronically scored immediately upon completion and students were provided corrective feedback. Results. Examination scores following implementation of the practice quizzes were significantly higher in all but the last testing period. The upper fiftieth percentile of students scored higher on both the practice quizzes and subsequent examinations in all but the fourth testing period. Conclusions. Providing pharmacy students with self-testing opportunities could increase their retention of course material and provide feedback to both students and educators regarding learning, as well as provide students with a measure of their metacognition.

A Philosophical and Evidence-based Basis for Including Students with Disabilities in the General Education Curriculum

Mims, Pamela J. 28 June 2016 (has links)
Those of us involved in education – administrators, teachers, parents, students, specialists, policy makers and researchers – must decide on the level of rigour that will take place in our classrooms. Decisions based on the least dangerous assumption (LDA) are providing outstanding results. Donnellan (1984) famously wrote that “we should assume that poor performance is due to instructional inadequacy rather than to student deficits” (p 142). This philosophy has been the foundation of recent research into the access available to the general curriculum and practice in the classroom by individuals who have a wide range of ability levels. As a result, these studies have repeatedly yielded data showing students with a range disabilities can make gains in a variety of areas including grade-aligned content. This keynote presentation will highlight important criteria to promote LDA including: evidence-based practices with scientifically researched curricula and materials, differentiated instruction that maintains rigour, consistent data capture, and decision making standards-based instruction. Throughout this presentation, specific studies conducted to reinforce these criteria when LDA has been the foundation for this work will be highlighted. Special education has a rich history in advocating for the individual needs of students with disabilities. As we move into the rigour of providing standards-based instruction, we see how much more they are capable of, as well as an opportunity to increase quality of life. - See more at: http://sydney.edu.au/education_social_work/professional_learning/teachers/2016/major-events/successful-learning-conference.shtml#sthash.hTRDzYbP.dpuf

Incorporating Trauma Informed Care into the Classroom: Using Trauma Research to Train Family Professionals

Bernard, Julia M. 18 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

A Subgroup Analysis of the Impact of Self-testing Frequency on Examination Scores in a Pathophysiology Course

Panus, Peter C., Stewart, David W., Hagemeier, Nicholas E., Thigpen, Jim C., Brooks, Lauren 01 November 2014 (has links)
Objective: To determine if the frequency of self-testing of course material prior to actual examination improves examination scores, regardless of the actual scores on the self-testing. Methods: Practice quizzes were randomly generated from a total of 1342 multiple-choice questions in pathophysiology and made available online for student self-testing. Intercorrelations, 2-way repeated measures ANOVA with post hoc tests, and 2-group comparisons following rank ordering, were conducted. Results: During each of 4 testing blocks, more than 85% of students took advantage of the self-testing process for a total of 7042 attempts. A consistent significant correlation (p≤0.05) existed between the number of practice quiz attempts and the subsequent examination scores. No difference in the number of quiz attempts was demonstrated compared to the first testing block. Exam scores for the first and second testing blocks were both higher than those for third and fourth blocks. Conclusion: Although self-testing strategies increase retrieval and retention, they are uncommon in pharmacy education. The results suggested that the number of self-testing attempts alone improved subsequent examination scores, regardless of the score for self-tests.

Pharmacy Student Self-testing as a Predictor of Exam Performance

Stewart, David W., Panus, Peter C., Thigpen, James, Hagemeier, Nicholas E., Brooks, Lauren K. 01 July 2012 (has links)
Objectives: To determine if benefit exists in allowing students to self-test over relevant material as they progress through a professional course. Method: A total of 1,342 multiple choice questions were developed for pharmacy students to self-test for a pathophysiology course. Prior to each examination, students were allowed to take online quizzes which were randomly generated and related to the exam content. Quizzes were scored immediately, and students were shown the incorrect questions along with all answer choices. A matrix of intercorrelations and repeated measures ANOVA were generated using PASW Statistics Version 19 (IBM, Armonk, NY) to evaluate number of quiz attempts, highest attempt score, lowest attempt score, average attempt score, last attempt score, undergraduate GPA, and composite PCAT in relation to exam grade. Results: Seventy-seven of 79 students took advantage of self-testing and completed a total of 7,042 attempts. For the four exams, average quiz attempts score had the highest correlation, R = 0.591, 0.670, 0.550, and 0.373 respectively, to exam score (p ≤ 0.001 for each comparison). For each student who took advantage of self-testing, a paired analysis revealed exam score was significantly higher on the first three exams when compared with quiz attempts average. Implications: Literature indicates self-testing strategies increase recall ability as compared to more commonly employed study techniques. Self-testing opportunities in the pharmacy curriculum could increase student retention of course materials and provide feedback to educators regarding student learning while offering students an indication of their comprehension.

Teaching Communication Skills to Medical and Pharmacy Students Through a Blended Learning Course

Hess, Rick, Hagemeier, Nicholas E., Blackwelder, Reid, Rose, Daniel, Ansari, Nasar, Branham, Tandy 25 May 2016 (has links)
Objective. To evaluate the impact of an interprofessional blended learning course on medical and pharmacy students’ patient-centered interpersonal communication skills and to compare precourse and postcourse communication skills across first-year medical and second-year pharmacy student cohorts. Methods. Students completed ten 1-hour online modules and participated in five 3-hour group sessions over one semester. Objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) were administered before and after the course and were evaluated using the validated Common Ground Instrument. Nonparametric statistical tests were used to examine pre/postcourse domain scores within and across professions. Results. Performance in all communication skill domains increased significantly for all students. No additional significant pre/postcourse differences were noted across disciplines. Conclusion. Students’ patient-centered interpersonal communication skills improved across multiple domains using a blended learning educational platform. Interview abilities were embodied similarly between medical and pharmacy students postcourse, suggesting both groups respond well to this form of instruction.

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