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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adolescent Literacy Practices and Positive Youth Development through Fink's Taxonomy of Significant Learning

Taylor-Greathouse, Paula 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was not to disprove the effects of the current, common remedial literacy course design and the literacy practices within that help adolescent RLLs pass statewide assessment tests, but to describe the potential long-term impact of an innovative comprehensive approach to literacy (CAL) framed through an integrated course design model. In this study I sought to determine if the 2012 CAL design with a particular demographic of student produced "significant" or lasting learning as defined by Fink (2003). In other words, did the 2012 CAL design promote sustained or increased practices of literacy and PYD over time with adolescent remedial literacy learners? Findings were documented through the participants' voices one year after participation in the CAL design. These findings demonstrate metadiscursivity with literacy and personal development in all six of Fink's taxa, thus indicating the design produced significant learning as defined by Fink (2003). All four participants demonstrated evidence of sustained or increased growth in their awareness of their learning practices and purposes, as well as their personal development. A major conclusion of this study was that remedial literacy educators and policy makers who impact the current remedial curriculum designs in secondary schools can no longer assume that students who enter the secondary remedial classroom with a deficiency in literacy do not have the potential for academic success and personal growth. Findings from this study demonstrate that this demographic of student can move from a negative to a positive trajectory and come to see themselves as successful and thriving individuals.

Refleksyviojo mokymo principų realizavimas teisinio ugdymo pamokose / Realization of reflective training principles in legal education lessons

Dzičkovskaja, Beata 05 July 2011 (has links)
Teisinis ugdymas yra reikšmingas bei būtinas elementas, kad visuomenė išauklėtų teisingą, moralų, pareigingą ir dorovingą ţmogų. Ţmogus galės visapusiškai išreikšti save kaip dorovingą pilietį tik tada, kai jis ţinos ne tik savo teises ir pareigas, bet kartu supras ir gerbs įstatymus, kitų ţmonių teises ir laisves. Mokykla ir yra ta institucija, kuri padės įgyti pagrindinių teisinių ţinių. Tačiau, kad minėta įstaiga išugdytų dorovingą pilietį vien ţinių perteikimo nepakanka. Todėl būtina teisinio ugdymo pamokose įgyvendinti, realizuoti refleksyvųjį mokymą, kuris gali padėti pasiekti kokybiškesnių mokymo rezultatų įsigilinant ne tik į perteikiamas ţinias, bet ir į save, į savo jausmus, stebint savo veiklą, pasiekimus. Todėl refleksyviojo mokymo principų realizavimas teisinio ugdymo pamokose yra aktuali tema. Paţymėtina, refleksyvus mokymas yra plačiai tirtas suagusiųjų mokyme. Tačiau kaip refleksyvus mokymas gali būti realizuojamas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, teisinio ugdymo pamokose nėra tirta. Darbo tema bei tyrimo objektas – refleksyviojo mokymo principų realizavimas teisinio ugdymo pamokose bei tuose dėstomuose dalykuose, kuriuose integruojamos teisinio ugdymo atskiros temos. Darbo tikslas – ištirti refleksyviojo mokymo principų realizavimą teisinio ugdymo pamokose bei tuose dėstomuose dalykuose, kuriuose integruojamos teisinio ugdymo atskiros temos. Atsiţvelgiant į darbo tikslą, formuluojama hipotezė – refleksyviojo mokymo principų realizavimas teisinio ugdymo pamokose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Legal education is a significant and essential element in order the society would bring up a fair, moral, responsible and truthful person. A person will be able to comprehensively express oneself as a moral citizen only when one will know not only one‟s rights and duties, but also will understand and respect laws, rights and freedoms of other people. School is such an institution, which will help to acquire the main legal knowledge. However, just imparting the knowledge is not enough for the mentioned institution to raise a moral citizen. Therefore, during legal education lessons it is essential to implement, realize reflective teaching, which may help to reach more qualitative teaching results, seeing not only into the imparted knowledge, but also to oneself, one‟s feelings, observing one‟s activity and strides. Consequently, realization of reflective teaching principles in legal education lessons is a relevant topic. It should be noted that reflective teaching has been widely studied in adult education. However, it has not been studied yet how reflective teaching may be realized in general education schools, legal education lessons. The subject of the thesis and the research object is realization of reflective teaching principles in legal education lessons. The aim of the thesis is to analyze realization of reflective teaching principles in legal education lessons. In consideration of the aim of the thesis the hypothesis has been formulated – realization of reflective... [to full text]

Systemic Equity Pedagogy in Science Education: A Mixed-Method Analysis of High Achieving High Schools of Culturally Diverse Student Populations in Texas

Blocker, Tyrone Dewayne 16 December 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the associations between systemic equity pedagogy (SEP) practices in highly diverse high schools and their students' science achievement and college readiness. This study focuses on science programs in ten highly diverse Texas high schools serving students who exhibit high science achievement and college readiness. According to the Policy Research Group in Science Education, only two percent of all culturally diverse high schools within the state of Texas demonstrate high science achievement and college readiness on state-tracked school-level indicators. Transforming a school context where achievement disparities exist among student groups in science classrooms necessitates that public school officials understand key factors, or “drivers,” and associated indicators contributing to SEP in programs. A model for programs is suggested using a framework for SEP based on data collected from ten highly successful, high diversity high schools. The following research questions address the research gap regarding indicators of SEP associated with high science achievement and college readiness in highly culturally diverse high schools. How do data from ten highly successful, high diversity high schools inform the development of a comprehensive SEP rubric? How do high achieving high schools of culturally diverse student populations score on a comprehensive SEP rubric? How do teachers’ perceptions toward implementing SEP practices vary in different schools? Three research papers detail the research of this dissertation. The purpose for the first paper is to increase understanding of indicators facilitating systemic and equitable teaching and learning practices, otherwise referred to as systemic equity pedagogy (SEP). Results of the study show indicators of a comprehensive SEP rubric. Together, 127 indicators, thirty categories, and eight SEP drivers form a model framing equitable teaching and learning practices associated with high science achievement and college readiness. In conclusion, indicators within the SEP rubric can be described as action-oriented descriptors that science teachers engage formally or informally in order to facilitate quality science education for all students. The purpose for paper two is to score equitable teaching and learning practices in highly successful high school science programs based on the SEP rubric. Findings reveals that implementation of various equitable teaching and learning practices vary across science programs and these practices can be described as both pedagogical and non-pedagogical. In conclusion, varying degrees of implementation exist for indicators in the SEP rubric. In paper three, the purpose is to understand science teachers’ attitude and approach toward implementing systemic teaching and learning practices. Results from this study provide scores that indicate science teachers’ perceptions of their approach to SEP. This study concludes by suggesting high achieving science programs may operate within a continuum for implementing equitable teaching and learning practices.

An investigation of the coping mechanisms of novice teachers : a study of selected high schools in the Oshikoto Region of Namibia

Uugwanga, Tulonga Tulimeutho January 2010 (has links)
<p>Although there are several achievements made by the Namibian government after independence, there are still many constraints and challenges facing the education system, particularly with regard to novice teachers&rsquo / support and professional development. Most novice teachers are coming into the teaching profession and receive little or no assistance. Nevertheless, novice teachers are expected to perform the full teaching responsibilities despite their inexperience. Novice teachers are expected to formulate their own coping strategies and to grapple with the challenges they encounter during their first year of teaching on their own. This study aims at investigating the coping mechanisms used by novice teachers to achieve their teaching goals during their first year of teaching. The study recommends that the teacher training institutions, the Ministry of Education and schools have an important role to play in facilitating the use of effective coping mechanisms and in assisting novice teachers in alleviating these challenges. Teacher training should ensure that a balance is maintained between theory and practice. In addition the Ministry needs to provide favourable working conditions and put up support systems for novice teachers. Schools should also provide orientation to all novice teachers and most especially render support to all novice teachers until they are fully integrated into the school and teaching culture.</p>

Educator misconduct : a study of labour relations in public schools in Namibia / Paul Chikamhi

Chikamhi, Paul January 2006 (has links)
During the past number of years the press in Namibia has been regularly publishing reports linking educators to some unacceptable conduct. The apparent increase in the frequency of educator misconduct coupled with relevant research in education law prompted this research to be carried out. Recent research shows that good labour relations promote mutual respect between employer and employee. In education, the good labour relations help to promote the achievement of the national goals on education. The aim of this research was to determine the nature and frequency of educator misconduct in public or government schools in Namibia. The research was also conducted to establish the extent to which educator misconduct affected learning and teaching in the schools as well as the effects on the well-being of the learners and other stakeholders in education. It was also aimed in this research to analyse the respective roles of those individuals, organisations or bodies, such as teacher unions, who are responsible for the management of educator misconduct. The findings from the review of policy documents, text books, journal articles and newspaper articles and the empirical research pointed out a high frequency of educator misconduct. Participants recommended that the supervisors and the employers have to do much more to curb the upsurge of educator misconduct. Educator misconduct was blamed for harmful effects to the learning and teaching of learners, as well as the wellbeing of other stakeholders. The research revealed that legislation plays an important role in the management of educator misconduct. Being consistent with the guidelines from legislation, jurisprudence and the common law regarding management of educator misconduct was established to be essential to ensure fairness to both learners and educators. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007

Die rol van die skoolhoof in die transformasie van Afrikaansmediumskole / B.P. Smit

Smit, Barend Petrus January 2010 (has links)
Die uitdagings wat in skare ontstaan het as gevolg van transformasie plaas die moderne skoolhoof se bestuursleierskap onder die vergrootglas. Skoolhoofde benodig radikale metodes van benadering in hul bestuurstyle en fokus. Die interpretering en implementering van transformasie gee aanleiding tot onduidelikheid en verrykende kompieksiteit. Van skoolhoofde word verwag am antwoorde en oplossings te vind vir transformasie en terselfde tyd word van hulle verwag am effektiewe en doeigerigte onderrig en leer daar te stel. Hoofstuk 1 handel kortliks oar die bree probleemvrae van transformasie wat in skole plaasvind. Die benadering en gevolge, direk of indirek, wat met die skoal hoof se bestuurstyl gepaard gaan word bestudeer. Die bestuurstyl, benadering en veranderings wat met transformasie gepaard gaan en hoe skoolhoofde hulself moet herontwerp, te same met hulle skoal am aan die behoeftes en else van transformsasie te voldoen word bestudeer. Verder wys dit daarop dat 'n gedeeltelike en algehele persoonlike transformasie benodig word am transformasie te laat plaasvind vir mod erne skole van die een-twintigste-eeu. Daar word oak aandag geskenk aan die doel en metode van die navorsing. Verder word daar oak aandag gegee aan probleemvrae wat met behulp van die Iiteratuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek beantwoord sal word. 'n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief en die invloed, gevolge van transformasie word in die daaropvolgende hoofstuk (hoofstuk 2) bestudeer. Hoewel baie klem op transformasi~ geplaas word, dui die hoofstuk aan dat transformasie onderwys vanaf Jan van Riebeeck se tyd met ons is, verskans onder verskeie name en benaderings. Verskeie filosofiese benaderings word ondersoek en hoe dit in 'n mod erne era toegepas kan word. Minder bekend, maar met ononderhandelbare gevolge is die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet en beleidsraamwerk rakende die onderwys. Ten einde word verskeie implikasies van transformasie in die onderwys ondersoek. Hoofstuk 3 word gewy aan die bestuursleierskap van die moderne skoolhoof. Aandag word geskenk aan die sieninge rakende wat leierskap is en wat verwag word van 'n leier asook die kompleksiteit van moderne leierskap. Verder word 'n verskeidenheid van leierskapmodelle en dimensies bestudeer en bespreek wat bydra tot die kompleksiteit van bestuursleierskap. Omdat leierskap nie vir aile persone 'n eenstyl kan wees nie word verskillende leierskapstyle bestudeer wat afsonderlik en gekombineerd in suksesvolle bestuursleierskap situasies gebruik kan word. Transformasie bring mee dat moderne skoolhoofde sekere karaktereienskappe moet he en stel gevolglik sekere en uitdagende professionele eise aan die skoolhoof. Transformasie het ook tot gevolg dat die rol van die skoolhoof in SuidAfrika drasties verander, wat meebring dat hoofde hul benadering tot skoolbestuur en spesifiek hul benadering tot transformasie onderwys indringend moet hersien. Ten einde bestudeer hoofstuk 3 sekere uitdagings wat aan die skoolhoof in 'n moderne onderwysmilieu gerig word. In hoofstuk 4 is gepoog om die navorsingsontwerp deeglik te beskryf. Die meetinstrument (vraelys) is 'n selfontwerpte vraelys wat uit vrae bestaan wat deur respondente beantwoord moes word. Die ontwerp van die vraelys vir skoolhoof en onderwyser respondente is van so aard dat dit met mekaar ooreenstem. In die beantwoording van die vraelyste het respondente vier keuses van antwoorde gehad. Die administratiewe prosedures wat gevolg is met die vraelyste is ook aangedui. Die statistiese tegnieke en prosedures is ook volledig uiteengesit en verduidelik. Die hoofstuk sluit ook in die uiteensetting van die faktoranalise, bepaling van betroubaarheid van die vraelyste en die bepaling van effekgroottes van verskille tussen die groepe respondente. In die volgende hoofstuk is die empiriese ondersoek en resultate verder verduidelik word. In hoofstuk 5 is die resultate van die inligting wat in die vraelyste verkry is asook die statistiese ontleding daarvan volledig weergegee. Bepaling van frekwensies en gemiddeldes van vraelyste aan skoolhoofde en personeel word weergegee. Die bevindinge van die vraelyste vir beide skoolhoofde en personeel dui slegs die hoogste en laagste uitvalle aan. Vergelyking tussen die hoogste en laagste uitvalle van die vraelyste aan skoolhoof en personeel respondente word ook aangedui. Met 'n faktoranalise is die verskillede faktore uit skoolhoof en personeel vraelyste aangedui. 'n Betroubaarheids toets is gedoen met behulp van die Cronbach-Alfa Koeffisient . Verder is die gemiddeldes en standaardafwykings van die items van skoolhoof en personeel vraelyste bepaal. Die statistiese verskille tussen skoolhoof en personeel met betrekking tot elke faktor is ook bepaal. Statistiese verskille tussen hoer-en laerskole en verskille tussen verskillende ouderdomsgroepe met betrekking tot die 6 faktore is ook gedoen. In die volgende hoofstuk is gevolgtrekkings uit die resultate van die navorsing gemaak word. Daar is gepoog word om aanbevelings uit die gevolgtrekkings aan die hand te doen. Verder is gepoog word om rigting vir verdere navorsings aan die hand te doen. In hoofstuk 6 is die probleem en doelstelling kortliks bespreek. Dit word opgevolg deur te kyk na die literatuurstudie en bevindinge met betrekking tot die literatuurstudie. Daar is ook aandag gegee aan bevindinge met betrekkinge tot navorsingsdoelwite. Verder is die empiriese navorsing en bevindinge met betrekking tot die empiriese ondersoek aangedui. Riglyne vir die verbetering van die rol van die skoolhoof word ook in hierdie hoofstuk aangedui. Die hoofstuk sluit ook in aanbevelings wat gedoen is aan die hand van bevindinge wat gemaak is. Ten einde is aanbevelings gemaak vir verdere navorsing. / ABSTRACT: The management leadership of the modern principal has been placed under the magnifying glass due to the challenges brought about in schools by transformation. School principals are in need of radical methods of approach to their management styles and focus. Interpretation and implementation of transformation lead to obscurity and far reaching complexity. School principals are expected to provide answers and solutions for transformation while at the same time putting effective and purposeful education in place. Chapter 1 gives a brief overview of the broader problem of transformation in schools. The approach and results, either direct or indirect, that are linked to the management style of the principal are studied. The management style, approach and changes due to transformation, has principals need to re-invent themselves and their schools to fulfil the needs of transformation, are also studied. It points out that a partial or even complete personal transformation in modern schools of the twenty first century. Attention is given to afforded problematic questions that will be answered by means of the literature study and empirical investigation. A South African perspective and the influence and consequences of transformation are discussed in the subsequent chapter (chapter 2). Although transformation is emphasized, this chapter reveals that diverse teaching and education have been with us since the time of Jan van Riebeeck, entrenched by various names and approaches. Various philosophical approaches and their applications in the modern era are investigated. Perhaps not as well-known, but with non-negotiable results, is the South African Constitution and Management framework regarding education. Therefore various implications of transformation for diverse education are investigated. Chapter 3 is dedicated to leadership in management of modern school principals. Attention is given to views as to what leadership is, what is expected of a leader as well as the complexities of modern leadership. A number of leadership models and dimensions that add to the complexity of leadership in management are studied as leadership can never be the same for all people. These varying styles of leadership can be used separately or in combination for successful management leadership. Transformation has resulted in school principals having to possess certain characteristics. This results in specific and challenging professional demands on the school principal. Transformation has brought about dramatic changes to the role of school principals in South Africa. This in turn has caused principals to revise their approach to diverse and transformation education. To this end chapter 3 studies certain challenges to the school principal in the modern education milieu. In chapter 4 the research concept has been explained. The measuring instruments (questionnaires) is a self conducted questionnaire that consist of questions that must be answered by the respondents. The questionnaire concept for principals and teachers is of such a nature that it is corresponding with one another. In answering the questions the respondents have four possible answers to choose from. The administrative procedures that was followed are also indicated. Statistic techniques and procedures are explained and set out in detail. The chapter include the layout of the factor analysis, reliability of the factors and the determining of effect valuation between different groups of respondents. The empirical investigation and its results will be explained in the next chapter. In chapter 5 the results of the information from the questionnaires are given. There is a detailed statistical analysis of all information. The frequency and averages of questionnaires completed by principals and educators are determined and explained. Findings indicate only the highest and lowest fall-outs of the questionnaires of principals and educators respondents. The factor analysis is an indication of the different factors from principal and educator questionnaires. A reliability test was done by means of the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. The averages and standard deviations of the items of principals and educators questionnaires were determined, as were the statistical differences between high and primary schools and the differences between age groups with reference to the six factors. In the next chapter conclusions are drawn from the results of the research. Recommendations were suggested with reference to the conclusions. Possible areas for future research are also be suggested. The problem and objectives of the study were briefly discussed in chapter 6. The literary study and its results were discussed. Attention was also be focused on the results with reference to the research objectives. The empirical research and its results have also been discussed in detail. Guidelines for the improvement of the role of the principal are given in this chapter. Recommendations which have been made with reference to the findings of the study are included and finally recommendations for further research have been suggested. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Primary school learners' understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning in classroom practice / S.R. Simmonds.

Simmonds, Shan Robyn January 2010 (has links)
The National Curriculum Statement (2002), in line with the South African Constitution (1996), views human rights, inclusivity and social justice as priorities in all learning areas of the curriculum. However, a document such as the Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy (2001) illustrates the complexities of addressing this in practice. One of the reasons is that there are misconceptions about how the concept of 'human rights' should be interpreted in the educational realm. This study sets out to explore how primary school learners understand human rights teaching-and-learning (from a moral and value stance) and what factors influence this. The intention is to rethink and redefine human rights teaching-and-learning from a learner's perspective as well as to investigate the notion that regards human rights as 'misunderstood'. This research offers a new perspective on human rights in that it focuses on primary school learners. Therefore this study will provide another lens through which to consider human rights teaching-and-learning in classroom practice. A literature study and empirical research have been undertaken to investigate how learners understand human rights teaching-and-learning. The literature study explores ontological, epistemological and methodological perspectives of human rights teaching-and-learning. Qualitative observation, written narratives and focus-group interviews formed the bases of this empirical research. Ongoing triangulation is used to ensure that the research findings are valid and trustworthy. It seems that primary school learners do have an understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning, which is characterized by an emphasis on legal rights and the contextualisation of human rights within South African, value and educational contexts. Educational and societal factors are two of the factors that influence this understanding. It is clear that learners' understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning is not one-dimensional. However, there are certain ontological ambiguities in the views that learners hold of the significance of human rights teaching-and-learning -both within and beyond the curriculum. An indication of this is that learners' responses reveal that they are often uncertain about why they have to learn about human rights and the contexts and/or learning areas (other than Life Orientation) in which human rights teaching-and-learning should take place. Recommendations highlight the need to gain a better understanding of classroom practices so that teaching-and-learning can infuse a culture of human rights; to acknowledge that human rights teaching-and-learning should be more flexible; to use an implicit way of generating an understanding of human rights; to make human rights teaching and learning in classroom practice more authentic; and to consider 'a human rights beyond the curriculum approach'. This study also identifies areas in which further research should be done. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Educator misconduct : a study of labour relations in public schools in Namibia / Paul Chikamhi

Chikamhi, Paul January 2006 (has links)
During the past number of years the press in Namibia has been regularly publishing reports linking educators to some unacceptable conduct. The apparent increase in the frequency of educator misconduct coupled with relevant research in education law prompted this research to be carried out. Recent research shows that good labour relations promote mutual respect between employer and employee. In education, the good labour relations help to promote the achievement of the national goals on education. The aim of this research was to determine the nature and frequency of educator misconduct in public or government schools in Namibia. The research was also conducted to establish the extent to which educator misconduct affected learning and teaching in the schools as well as the effects on the well-being of the learners and other stakeholders in education. It was also aimed in this research to analyse the respective roles of those individuals, organisations or bodies, such as teacher unions, who are responsible for the management of educator misconduct. The findings from the review of policy documents, text books, journal articles and newspaper articles and the empirical research pointed out a high frequency of educator misconduct. Participants recommended that the supervisors and the employers have to do much more to curb the upsurge of educator misconduct. Educator misconduct was blamed for harmful effects to the learning and teaching of learners, as well as the wellbeing of other stakeholders. The research revealed that legislation plays an important role in the management of educator misconduct. Being consistent with the guidelines from legislation, jurisprudence and the common law regarding management of educator misconduct was established to be essential to ensure fairness to both learners and educators. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007

Die rol van die skoolhoof in die transformasie van Afrikaansmediumskole / B.P. Smit

Smit, Barend Petrus January 2010 (has links)
Die uitdagings wat in skare ontstaan het as gevolg van transformasie plaas die moderne skoolhoof se bestuursleierskap onder die vergrootglas. Skoolhoofde benodig radikale metodes van benadering in hul bestuurstyle en fokus. Die interpretering en implementering van transformasie gee aanleiding tot onduidelikheid en verrykende kompieksiteit. Van skoolhoofde word verwag am antwoorde en oplossings te vind vir transformasie en terselfde tyd word van hulle verwag am effektiewe en doeigerigte onderrig en leer daar te stel. Hoofstuk 1 handel kortliks oar die bree probleemvrae van transformasie wat in skole plaasvind. Die benadering en gevolge, direk of indirek, wat met die skoal hoof se bestuurstyl gepaard gaan word bestudeer. Die bestuurstyl, benadering en veranderings wat met transformasie gepaard gaan en hoe skoolhoofde hulself moet herontwerp, te same met hulle skoal am aan die behoeftes en else van transformsasie te voldoen word bestudeer. Verder wys dit daarop dat 'n gedeeltelike en algehele persoonlike transformasie benodig word am transformasie te laat plaasvind vir mod erne skole van die een-twintigste-eeu. Daar word oak aandag geskenk aan die doel en metode van die navorsing. Verder word daar oak aandag gegee aan probleemvrae wat met behulp van die Iiteratuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek beantwoord sal word. 'n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief en die invloed, gevolge van transformasie word in die daaropvolgende hoofstuk (hoofstuk 2) bestudeer. Hoewel baie klem op transformasi~ geplaas word, dui die hoofstuk aan dat transformasie onderwys vanaf Jan van Riebeeck se tyd met ons is, verskans onder verskeie name en benaderings. Verskeie filosofiese benaderings word ondersoek en hoe dit in 'n mod erne era toegepas kan word. Minder bekend, maar met ononderhandelbare gevolge is die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet en beleidsraamwerk rakende die onderwys. Ten einde word verskeie implikasies van transformasie in die onderwys ondersoek. Hoofstuk 3 word gewy aan die bestuursleierskap van die moderne skoolhoof. Aandag word geskenk aan die sieninge rakende wat leierskap is en wat verwag word van 'n leier asook die kompleksiteit van moderne leierskap. Verder word 'n verskeidenheid van leierskapmodelle en dimensies bestudeer en bespreek wat bydra tot die kompleksiteit van bestuursleierskap. Omdat leierskap nie vir aile persone 'n eenstyl kan wees nie word verskillende leierskapstyle bestudeer wat afsonderlik en gekombineerd in suksesvolle bestuursleierskap situasies gebruik kan word. Transformasie bring mee dat moderne skoolhoofde sekere karaktereienskappe moet he en stel gevolglik sekere en uitdagende professionele eise aan die skoolhoof. Transformasie het ook tot gevolg dat die rol van die skoolhoof in SuidAfrika drasties verander, wat meebring dat hoofde hul benadering tot skoolbestuur en spesifiek hul benadering tot transformasie onderwys indringend moet hersien. Ten einde bestudeer hoofstuk 3 sekere uitdagings wat aan die skoolhoof in 'n moderne onderwysmilieu gerig word. In hoofstuk 4 is gepoog om die navorsingsontwerp deeglik te beskryf. Die meetinstrument (vraelys) is 'n selfontwerpte vraelys wat uit vrae bestaan wat deur respondente beantwoord moes word. Die ontwerp van die vraelys vir skoolhoof en onderwyser respondente is van so aard dat dit met mekaar ooreenstem. In die beantwoording van die vraelyste het respondente vier keuses van antwoorde gehad. Die administratiewe prosedures wat gevolg is met die vraelyste is ook aangedui. Die statistiese tegnieke en prosedures is ook volledig uiteengesit en verduidelik. Die hoofstuk sluit ook in die uiteensetting van die faktoranalise, bepaling van betroubaarheid van die vraelyste en die bepaling van effekgroottes van verskille tussen die groepe respondente. In die volgende hoofstuk is die empiriese ondersoek en resultate verder verduidelik word. In hoofstuk 5 is die resultate van die inligting wat in die vraelyste verkry is asook die statistiese ontleding daarvan volledig weergegee. Bepaling van frekwensies en gemiddeldes van vraelyste aan skoolhoofde en personeel word weergegee. Die bevindinge van die vraelyste vir beide skoolhoofde en personeel dui slegs die hoogste en laagste uitvalle aan. Vergelyking tussen die hoogste en laagste uitvalle van die vraelyste aan skoolhoof en personeel respondente word ook aangedui. Met 'n faktoranalise is die verskillede faktore uit skoolhoof en personeel vraelyste aangedui. 'n Betroubaarheids toets is gedoen met behulp van die Cronbach-Alfa Koeffisient . Verder is die gemiddeldes en standaardafwykings van die items van skoolhoof en personeel vraelyste bepaal. Die statistiese verskille tussen skoolhoof en personeel met betrekking tot elke faktor is ook bepaal. Statistiese verskille tussen hoer-en laerskole en verskille tussen verskillende ouderdomsgroepe met betrekking tot die 6 faktore is ook gedoen. In die volgende hoofstuk is gevolgtrekkings uit die resultate van die navorsing gemaak word. Daar is gepoog word om aanbevelings uit die gevolgtrekkings aan die hand te doen. Verder is gepoog word om rigting vir verdere navorsings aan die hand te doen. In hoofstuk 6 is die probleem en doelstelling kortliks bespreek. Dit word opgevolg deur te kyk na die literatuurstudie en bevindinge met betrekking tot die literatuurstudie. Daar is ook aandag gegee aan bevindinge met betrekkinge tot navorsingsdoelwite. Verder is die empiriese navorsing en bevindinge met betrekking tot die empiriese ondersoek aangedui. Riglyne vir die verbetering van die rol van die skoolhoof word ook in hierdie hoofstuk aangedui. Die hoofstuk sluit ook in aanbevelings wat gedoen is aan die hand van bevindinge wat gemaak is. Ten einde is aanbevelings gemaak vir verdere navorsing. / ABSTRACT: The management leadership of the modern principal has been placed under the magnifying glass due to the challenges brought about in schools by transformation. School principals are in need of radical methods of approach to their management styles and focus. Interpretation and implementation of transformation lead to obscurity and far reaching complexity. School principals are expected to provide answers and solutions for transformation while at the same time putting effective and purposeful education in place. Chapter 1 gives a brief overview of the broader problem of transformation in schools. The approach and results, either direct or indirect, that are linked to the management style of the principal are studied. The management style, approach and changes due to transformation, has principals need to re-invent themselves and their schools to fulfil the needs of transformation, are also studied. It points out that a partial or even complete personal transformation in modern schools of the twenty first century. Attention is given to afforded problematic questions that will be answered by means of the literature study and empirical investigation. A South African perspective and the influence and consequences of transformation are discussed in the subsequent chapter (chapter 2). Although transformation is emphasized, this chapter reveals that diverse teaching and education have been with us since the time of Jan van Riebeeck, entrenched by various names and approaches. Various philosophical approaches and their applications in the modern era are investigated. Perhaps not as well-known, but with non-negotiable results, is the South African Constitution and Management framework regarding education. Therefore various implications of transformation for diverse education are investigated. Chapter 3 is dedicated to leadership in management of modern school principals. Attention is given to views as to what leadership is, what is expected of a leader as well as the complexities of modern leadership. A number of leadership models and dimensions that add to the complexity of leadership in management are studied as leadership can never be the same for all people. These varying styles of leadership can be used separately or in combination for successful management leadership. Transformation has resulted in school principals having to possess certain characteristics. This results in specific and challenging professional demands on the school principal. Transformation has brought about dramatic changes to the role of school principals in South Africa. This in turn has caused principals to revise their approach to diverse and transformation education. To this end chapter 3 studies certain challenges to the school principal in the modern education milieu. In chapter 4 the research concept has been explained. The measuring instruments (questionnaires) is a self conducted questionnaire that consist of questions that must be answered by the respondents. The questionnaire concept for principals and teachers is of such a nature that it is corresponding with one another. In answering the questions the respondents have four possible answers to choose from. The administrative procedures that was followed are also indicated. Statistic techniques and procedures are explained and set out in detail. The chapter include the layout of the factor analysis, reliability of the factors and the determining of effect valuation between different groups of respondents. The empirical investigation and its results will be explained in the next chapter. In chapter 5 the results of the information from the questionnaires are given. There is a detailed statistical analysis of all information. The frequency and averages of questionnaires completed by principals and educators are determined and explained. Findings indicate only the highest and lowest fall-outs of the questionnaires of principals and educators respondents. The factor analysis is an indication of the different factors from principal and educator questionnaires. A reliability test was done by means of the Cronbach Alpha Coefficient. The averages and standard deviations of the items of principals and educators questionnaires were determined, as were the statistical differences between high and primary schools and the differences between age groups with reference to the six factors. In the next chapter conclusions are drawn from the results of the research. Recommendations were suggested with reference to the conclusions. Possible areas for future research are also be suggested. The problem and objectives of the study were briefly discussed in chapter 6. The literary study and its results were discussed. Attention was also be focused on the results with reference to the research objectives. The empirical research and its results have also been discussed in detail. Guidelines for the improvement of the role of the principal are given in this chapter. Recommendations which have been made with reference to the findings of the study are included and finally recommendations for further research have been suggested. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Primary school learners' understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning in classroom practice / S.R. Simmonds.

Simmonds, Shan Robyn January 2010 (has links)
The National Curriculum Statement (2002), in line with the South African Constitution (1996), views human rights, inclusivity and social justice as priorities in all learning areas of the curriculum. However, a document such as the Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy (2001) illustrates the complexities of addressing this in practice. One of the reasons is that there are misconceptions about how the concept of 'human rights' should be interpreted in the educational realm. This study sets out to explore how primary school learners understand human rights teaching-and-learning (from a moral and value stance) and what factors influence this. The intention is to rethink and redefine human rights teaching-and-learning from a learner's perspective as well as to investigate the notion that regards human rights as 'misunderstood'. This research offers a new perspective on human rights in that it focuses on primary school learners. Therefore this study will provide another lens through which to consider human rights teaching-and-learning in classroom practice. A literature study and empirical research have been undertaken to investigate how learners understand human rights teaching-and-learning. The literature study explores ontological, epistemological and methodological perspectives of human rights teaching-and-learning. Qualitative observation, written narratives and focus-group interviews formed the bases of this empirical research. Ongoing triangulation is used to ensure that the research findings are valid and trustworthy. It seems that primary school learners do have an understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning, which is characterized by an emphasis on legal rights and the contextualisation of human rights within South African, value and educational contexts. Educational and societal factors are two of the factors that influence this understanding. It is clear that learners' understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning is not one-dimensional. However, there are certain ontological ambiguities in the views that learners hold of the significance of human rights teaching-and-learning -both within and beyond the curriculum. An indication of this is that learners' responses reveal that they are often uncertain about why they have to learn about human rights and the contexts and/or learning areas (other than Life Orientation) in which human rights teaching-and-learning should take place. Recommendations highlight the need to gain a better understanding of classroom practices so that teaching-and-learning can infuse a culture of human rights; to acknowledge that human rights teaching-and-learning should be more flexible; to use an implicit way of generating an understanding of human rights; to make human rights teaching and learning in classroom practice more authentic; and to consider 'a human rights beyond the curriculum approach'. This study also identifies areas in which further research should be done. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

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