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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of Trent 700 Thrust Reverser Overhaul Package

Milton, Johan, Johansson, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
This report describes a thesis project in aeronautical engineering carried out during April and May 2011 at ST Aerospace Solutions, Arlanda. The company is one of Europe’s leading aviation component maintenance companies. The task for this thesis project has been to develop a baseline overhaul work package for the thrust reverser system of the Rolls-Royce Trent 700 jet engine. An overhaul work package is a collection of maintenance work sheets (MWS) used by the maintenance organization to confirm that a specific maintenance procedure has been carried out correctly. Documenting the maintenance work performed on a component is required in order to comply with the regulations of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). To be able to solve the task, the authors had to study maintenance manuals, learn the functions of the thrust reverser and get an overview of how the maintenance organization works. Much of the work has been conducted in consultation with the company’s engineering department. The result is an overhaul package consisting of approximately 40 MWS’s. These have been designed to promote traceability of actions and to be easily revisable. / Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete i flygteknik som genomförts under våren 2011. Arbetet utfördes hos ST Aerospace Solutions, ett av Europas ledande företag för komponentunderhåll inom flygindustrin. Uppgiften har varit att utveckla ett översynspaket för reverseringssystemet på Rolls-Royce jetmotor Trent 700. Ett översynspaket består av en uppsättning dokument, så kallade ”maintenance work sheets” (MWS), som används för att säkerställa att underhållsorganisationen har utfört det underhåll som krävs. Detta är ett krav enligt den Europeiska luftfartsmyndigheten EASA:s Part 145. Metodiken har främst bestått i att sätta sig in i relaterad dokumentation och underhållsmanualer, samt att skapa sig en förståelse för hur reverseringssystemet och underhållsorganisationen är uppbyggda. Större delen av arbetet har utförts på plats för att kunna samarbeta och diskutera med företagets ingenjörs- och verkstadsavdelningar. Slutresultatet är ett översynspaket som innehåller ca 40 MWS:er, vilka behandlar hela underhållsprocessen. Paketet har utformats med god spårbarhet och reviderbarhet i åtanke.

Implementation of a Profibus agent for the Proview process control system / Implementering av en Profibus-agent i Proview styrsystem

Hauck, Ferdinand January 2009 (has links)
Proview is an open source system for process control, developed at SSAB Oxelösund. A wide range of IO systems are already supported by Proview. This thesis documents the implementation of support for the Profibus DP master board Hilscher CIF 50-PB. Most of the features of the board are supported by the agent. The agent is intended to support up to four boards per system. Adding support for additional types of Profibus DP master boards from Hilscher to the agent should be straightforward. This thesis covers some technical aspects of the Profibus DP technology and also provides some background of Proview’s IO system. The design decisions behind the Hilscher agent implementation will be discussed. All functions and data structures of the implementation are documented. Testing of the implementation is also included in the thesis. The thesis may also be used as technical documentation for the agent implementation. Finally, we look at the strengths and shortcomings of the completed agent implementation.

Public transportation modeling in urban areas

Kieu, Le Minh January 2011 (has links)
Public transportation stands a very important role in the modern society. It solves many transportation problems, reduces the negative impacts of motor vehicles to the environment, and brings benefit and mobility to everyone. Public transportation models are used in urban area transit networks in order to predict the future impacts of the traffic policy and changes. Models in public transportation simulation are extensively studied in the literature, but very few have compared all the available models to a traffic data to find which model is the most accurate one in simulating a transit network. This study provides an overview of some of the available approaches in public transportation modeling, describes how they work by both theoretical review and examples. On the analysis, the modeling results from each model are compared with the Stockholm traffic data. The Stockholm traffic data of average weighted travel time, travel distance, in-vehicle travel distance and number of transfers are extracted from the RES05/06 survey data. The model which provides modeling outputs with least root mean square error compared to the survey data is found. This study could give an initial suggestion for the same type of transit modeling in choosing the appropriate model and finding the direction for calibrating the parameter settings through our proposed comparison measures.

Samhällsekonomiska effekter av långvariga trafikavbrott / National economic effects of long-lasting traffic disruptions

Röcklinger, Martin January 2011 (has links)
I detta examensarbete undersöks effekterna av trafiklänkavbrott med varaktighet på ett flertal månader. Arbetet använder Sampers, ett trafikslagsövergripande analyssystem som kan prognostisera trafikförändringar och utföra samhällsekonomiska kalkyler. Arbetets syfte är att skapa en metodik för användning av Sampers vid sådana undersökningar, samt att tillämpa metodiken på en fallstudie av jordskred i Göta älvdalen. Fallstudien, framtagen av Statens geotekniska institut, består av fem scenarier för jordskred längs Göta älv i Västra Götaland. I varje scenario drabbas antingen väg E45, en fyrfältig motorväg med dragning längs älven, eller både E45 och Norge/Vänernbanan, en dubbelspårig järnväg som till delar följer vägens sträckning. Både vägen och järnvägen är viktiga transportstråk och används av ett stort antal trafikanter. Den metodik som skapas omfattar tre alternativ på analysmetoder, som tillsammans utgör ett spann av samhällsekonomiska kostnader. Metoderna skiljer sig åt i hur resandet förändras efter skredet, från en resefterfrågan som inte påverkas av de nya förhållandena till en efterfrågan som antas anpassas fullt ut till det nya vägnätet. Mellan dessa finns en metod där resor till och från arbetet inte påverkas, men resterande resor anpassas till det nya vägnätet. Vid tillämpning av metoderna på de fem scenarier som utgör fallstudien fås ett kostnadsspann som är relativt jämnt inom varje scenario, men där kostnaderna mellan två scenarier kan variera kraftigt. Ett scenarios samhällsekonomiska kostnad tycks bero dels av flödet på den länk som bryts, dels av tillgängligheten till lokala länsvägar i närheten av skredet. Flödet ökar i första hand på just de lokala vägarna nära avbrottet, inte de stora vägar som går längre bort men har högre standard. Slutsatsen av rapporten är att metoden där arbetsefterfrågan hålls på samma nivå som innan skredet, och övrig efterfrågan anpassas, bör användas i första hand och kompletteras med de två övriga metoderna i den mån det anses nödvändigt. Fallstudiens kostnader med denna metod är mellan 45 Mkr och 400 Mkr beroende på scenario. Scenariernas varierande förutsättningar har alltså en stor roll i effekternas storlek vid skred. / This master’s thesis studies the effects of a traffic link disruption with a duration of several weeks. The study is performed using Sampers, a traffic analysis system spanning several modes of transportation. Sampers can perform traffic prognoses and calculate national economic effects. The aim of the report is to create a methodology for the use of Sampers in such studies, and to apply this methodology to a case study of landslides in the Göta älv area of Sweden. The case study, created by the Swedish Geotechnical Institute, consists of five scenarios of landslides occurring along the river Göta älv in western Sweden. Each scenario affects either the road E45, or E45 together with the railway Norge/Vänernbanan. Both are important transport routes and are used by a large number of passengers. The created methodology spans three methods, together creating a range of national economic costs. The methods differ in the way that travel changes after the landslide, ranging from a travel demand that is not affected at all to one that is completely adapted to the new transportation network. Between these is a method where trips to and from work are not affected, but all other trips adapt to the new situation. When the methods are applied to the five scenarios that constitute the case study, the resulting range of costs is relatively consistent within each scenario, but the costs between two scenarios can vary drastically. The national economic costs of a scenario seem to depend partly upon the flow of the link that is disrupted, and partly upon the availability of local roads near the landslide. After the landslide, the flow grows primarily on such local roads and not on the larger roads that are further away but have a higher standard. The report concludes that the method where work trip demand is kept on the same level as before the landslide, and the other demand is adapted, should be the primary method used in these types of studies. The method can be supplemented with the other two methods to the degree that this is considered necessary. Using this method, the case study’s national economic costs range from 45 million SEK to 400 million SEK depending upon which scenario is studied.

Utvärdering av trafiksimuleringsmodellen RuTSim

Nordlöf, Maria, Onmalm, Linda January 2006 (has links)
Trafiksimulering är ett användbart verktyg då olika typer av vägar ska studeras. Statens väg och transportforskningsinstitut, VTI, har under de senaste åren utvecklat en ny landsvägssimuleringsmodell, Rural Road Traffic Simulator (RuTSim) (Tapani 2005). För att en simuleringsmodell ska vara användbar måste den ge en god överrensstämmelse mot verkligheten. Syftet med detta examensarbete är därför att utvärdera RuTSim, genom att kalibrera och validera två 2+1-vägar och en vanlig landsväg med mötande trafik. Detta både för en implementerad frifordonsmodell samt befintlig modell med trafikinteraktioner. Resultatet visar att frifordonsmodellen är valid för simulering av de studerade vägsträckorna. Vad gäller modellen med trafikinteraktioner uppvisar RuTSim brister i omkörningsmodellen, vävning mellan två och ett körfält och i car-followingmodellen. De brister som finns i modellen går troligtvis att åtgärda och god överrensstämmelse mot verkligheten kan då erhållas.

P3HT:PCBM Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cell : Performance Optimization and Application of Inkjet Printing

Liu, Jiang January 2008 (has links)
<p>Organic solar cells have emerged as an important cheap photovoltaic technology. In this thesis work, a study of P3HT:PCBM heterojunction solar cells was presented. By incorporation of photo-active film slow growth, PEDOT:PSS (Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate)) de-water treatment and application of highly conductive PEDOT:PSS (HC-PEDOT), a maximum PCE (power conversion efficiency) of 4% was achieved.</p><p>Inkjet printing technique was on the other hand introduced into fabrication process. The morphological, electrical and optical properties of printed HC-PEDOT were investigated. Fine silver girds with well-designed pattern, combining with a transparent thin film of HC-PEDOT, was inkjet-printed to form the anode of solar cells. A functional device with printed anode and printed photo-active layer was demonstrated, showing the possibility of realizing fully printed organic solar cells.</p><p> </p>

Internal material transports at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB / Interna materialtransporter vid Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

Gabrielsson, Petter January 2008 (has links)
<p>This report is the result of a master thesis work which has been carried out at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB (SIT). The aim of the study has been to examine the possibilities of improving the internal material handling at SIT by making the flow of materials more efficient.</p><p>SIT develops, manufacture and sell steam and gas turbines to industrial customers all over the world. The site in Finspång consists of a number of workshops which are geographical spread across a fairly large area. This creates a need for material movements and transports that does not add any value to the final products being made.</p><p>To examine the possibilities of making the material handling at SIT more efficient, a description of the present situation and a mapping of the internal material flows have been made. With the mapping as a starting point, a proposal for how to improve the material flow is presented and analyzed regarding both quantitative and qualitative aspects.</p><p>The proposal, which is overarching and describes general effects rather than details, suggests that SIT relocate the <em>core engine assembly department</em> from the area called “Centrum” to the area called “Norrmalm” and locate the incoming goods area as close as possible to the place of the consumption of the material.</p><p>The analysis of the mapping shows that there is 180 kilometers of internal transports at SIT every week. In this distance, transport between different departments and different working stations in the same building, are not included. The need for transports exists mainly because of the fact that SIT has its incoming goods area located at Norrmalm, approximately 2.2 kilometers away from its warehouse building and by implementing the proposal given in this work, the weekly transport distance will decrease by 60 percent. Apart from the decrease in distance, the change will also make it possible to simplify the goods receiving process.</p>

Elever och lärare på yrkesförberedande program - deras tankar kring undervisningsmetoder i samhällskunskapämnet : Students and teachers in vocational programmes - their thoughts regarding teaching methods in social sciences

Malmström, Anna January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Nytt uppföljningsprogram för komponenter åt SOS Flygambulans

Johansson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete var att hitta, utvärdera och rekommendera ett nytt uppföljningsprogram för komponenter åt SOS Flygambulans. Genom kontakt med andra flygbolag hittades några olika program. Bland dem valdes två stycken ut som mest lämpade för SOS Flygambulans. Dessa två program var MTrax och CAMS. Med hjälp av demos från tillverkarna av programmen kunde de undersökas och beskrivas. Fördelar och nackdelar med varje program togs fram med utgångspunkt från en lista med krav på ett nytt program från företaget. De jämfördes sedan med varandra och med kravlistan. Jämförelsen resulterade i att MTrax rekommenderades. Den största orsaken till det var att det är ett litet program som sköter uppföljningen av komponenter på ett bra och enkelt sätt. Det är lätt att lära sig utan att någon utbildning behövs och det kan enkelt skötas av vem som helst. / The goal with this thesis was to find, evaluate and recommend a new follow-up computer program for components for SOS Flygambulans. Through contacts with other airline companies some programs were found. Among them two were chosen as the most suited for SOS Flygambulans. These two programs were MTrax ad CAMS. With the help of demos from the manufacturers of the programs they could be examined and described. Pros and cons with each program were listed on the basis of a list with requirements on a new program from the company. They were then compared with eachother and the requirementlist. The comparison resulted in the recommendation of MTrax. The biggest reason was that it is a small program that takes care of the follow-up of components in a god and simple way. It is easy to learn without the need for any education and it can easily be managed by anyone.

Programming of coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures

Zain-ul-Abdin, January 2011 (has links)
Coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures, which offer massive parallelism coupled with the capability of undergoing run-time reconfiguration, are gaining attention in order to meet not only the increased computational demands of high-performance embedded systems, but also to fulfill the need of adaptability to functional requirements of the application. This thesis focuses on the programming aspects of such coarse-grained reconfigurable computing devices, including the relevant computation models that are capable of exposing different kinds of parallelism inherent in the application and the ability of these models to capture the adaptability requirements of the application. The thesis suggests the occam-pi language for programming of a broad class of coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures as an intermediate language; we call it intermediate, since we believe that the applicationprogramming is best done in a high-level domain-specific language. The salient properties of the occam-pi language are explicit concurrency with built-in mechanisms for interprocessorcommunication, provision for expressing dynamic parallelism, support for the expression of dynamic reconfigurations, and placement attributes. To evaluate the programming approach, a compiler framework was extended to support the language extensions in the occam-pi language, and backends were developed to target two different coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures. XPP and Ambric. The results on XPP reveal that the occam-pi based implementations produce comparable throughput to those of NML programs, while programming at a much higher level of abstraction than that of NML. Similarly the two occam-pi implementations of autofocus criterion calculation targeted to the Ambric platform outperform the CPU implementation by factors of 11-23. Thus, the results of the implemented case-studies suggest that the occam-pi language based approach simplifies the development of applications employing run-time reconfigurable devices without compromising the performance benefits.

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