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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett steg mot Förändring? : En analys av läroböcker i engelska för grundskolans tidigare år

Al-Sader, Fatime January 2011 (has links)
The Swedish educational system has taken a step toward change in hopes of a better education by presenting a new national curriculum: Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool class and the leisure-time centre 2011 (Lgr 11). I have therefore chosen to analyze the textbooks Champion 4 and Portfolio based on the objectives and areas of knowledge for grades 4-6 found in the syllabus for English in Lgr 11 in order to find out whether or not the textbooks are in harmony with the syllabus and if the textbooks can be used to help students meet the requirements found in the syllabus for the English subject. The purpose of this study is to analyze selected textbooks for the English subject for students in fourth grade to find out which of the curriculum’s requirements are met for grades 4-6, that is, goals and areas of knowledge and if they can be used in the compulsory school. The results of this study show that the analyzed books can be used in an education that today follows a new curriculum. However the education should not only be based on the textbooks. The teacher must take responsibility for designing an education that suits the intended student group, but also provides students with different learning styles an opportunity to develop in their individual ways. Therefore it is not a reasonable option to allow the teaching to only revolve around the textbooks even if these books offer exercises that help develop the abilities that are written in the curriculum.

Matematikundervisningens varierade arbetssätt : En kvalitativ undersökning om tre grundskolelärares undervisningsmetoder inom matematik / The different approaches of teaching mathematics : A qualitative study of three teachers teaching methods in matematics

Mårtensson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
There is a constant change in the world of school, new curricula and syllabi are made and the view of teaching and learning is changing. The desire to improve maths teaching in Swedish schools is strong, especially by laboratory work. How is it then that several teachers in our schools are still using the traditional way of teaching mathematics, which I consider to be relying a lot on the textbook and work for an automated approach? The purpose of my study is to investigate how three different math teachers on an F-5 school in the southern Stockholm area, choose to work with mathematics and why they choose to work according to a special approach. In order to obtain the information I seek, I have chosen to use the qualitative method to get a better understanding of my results. I have both observed the teachers during mathematics lessons on multiple occasions and interviewed the three teachers individually. The theories I have chosen to support my thesis on are the socio-cultural perspective and the cognitive perspective. Based on the results of my investigation I found that teaching in general assumes a lot from the textbook. Teachers in the survey feel a sense of security, to build upon the textbook, which they consider covers much of the knowledge students should have. The teachers use the textbook as a base and complements with laboratory features and communicate mathematics. The approach they choose to use has a lot of time allocated for teaching mathematics. Time isn’t enough for all the teachers to do what they want and they are worried that students will forget the basics of mathematics. Even the large number of students in the class plays the role of the choice of working, because all students should have time to develop.

På spaning efter Cinelitteracitet : En granskning av filmämnet i de nyutgivna läroböckerna för Svenska Gy11 / In search of Cineliteracy : A review of cinema in the new published Swedish higher education textbooks

Nicoobayan, Azadeh January 2012 (has links)
This thesis will explore how the medium of film is treated in the recently published Swedish textbooks and how these textbooks take into account the four different aspects of Cineliteracy. Cineliteracy is a theory which advocates the necessity of students' increased cinematic knowledge by presenting the four skill areas that should be included when it comes to teaching film in school. The theory implies students´ analytical skills, contextual knowledge and knowledge of the film canon as well as the development of students' skills to produce films. Cineliteracy theory finds support both within Swedish National Agency for Education and in recent Swedish research. This study includes investigation of eight new textbooks, adapted to the criteria for the new Swedish curriculum 2011. The analysis will be limited to textbooks for the course Swedish 1, since it is mandatory regardless of the orientation of the student’s education. / Denna uppsats kommer att undersöka hur filmmediet behandlas i nya läroböcker i svenska och hur pass mycket läroböckerna tagit hänsyn till de fyra olika aspekter av cinelitteracitet. Cinelitteracitet är en teori som förespråkar nödvändigheten av elevers ökade filmiska läskunnighet genom att presentera fyra kunskaps- och kompetensområden som bör ingå när filmämnet behandlas. Det gäller så väl elevernas analytiska kompetens, kontextuella kunskap och kunskap om filmkanon som att utveckla elevernas kompetens att producera egna filmer. Cinelitteracitetsteorin har stöd både inom skolverkets satsningar kring film i skolan och inom de senare svenska forskningen. Undersökningen innefattar åtta nya läroböcker, anpassade efter kriterierna för det nya ämnesplanen i svenska i och med Gy 11. Analysen har begränsats till läroböcker för kursen Svenska 1 som är obligatorisk oavsett elevens programmval.

Postkolonialistisk bildanalys av Hem- och konsumentkunskapsböcker / A post-colonial image analysis of schools textbooks in home economics

Casal-Eriksson, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish education system reflects the multicultural society in Sweden, therefore there is a need of school textbooks that pupils can identify themselves with to create meaning and value in their learning. According to the Swedish Education Administrations (Skolverkets) report (2006) and Selander (2003, s. 198) the school textbooks are the main source of education in class. There has been an implicit message in the older textbooks that is associated with the belief that non-Europeans are "seen" as victims, and that Europeans are privileged with a "good life". Many school texbooks has been analyzed from different points of perspectives, however, analysis from a postcolonial perspective on home economics books has practically been nonexistent. Analysis in this study are focused on how non-western people are been portrayed in six different textbooks in the subject to conclude if the colonial discourse is still maintained and reproduced in the school. To answer the question of formulation an image analysis is made of the six, previiously mentioned, textbooks. The result shows that since 1976 school textbooks are consistently reproducing the same image of non-Europeans as victims and underdeveloped- the way of portraying them as said has merely shifted from images of starved children to helpless victims of environmental disasters and occidental abundance but are held equally responsible for their underdevelopment, in anticipation of occidental aid.

Informacinių technologijų e-vadovėlio struktūros, metodikos, programavimo, eksploatavimo galimybių tyrimas / Information technologies electronic textbook’s research on the structure, techniques, programming and operation possibilities

Dulevičienė, Gita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tema: „Informacinių technologijų e-vadovėlio struktūros, metodikos, programavimo, eksploatavimo galimybių tyrimas“. Elektroninis vadovėlis – tai programa, kuri leidžia suburti mokinius į virtualią klasę, kiekvienam suteikiama galimybė naudotis ta pačia mokomąja medžiaga, tiesiogiai bendrauti su klasės draugais ir mokytoju, neatsitraukiant nuo savo darbo vietos. Elektroninis vadovėlis yra puiki priemonė, ugdanti mokinių savarankiškumą ir skatinanti domėtis naujausiomis technologijomis. Elektroniniai vadovėliai tinka visiems mokiniams ir netgi suaugusiems žmonėms, o ypač tiems, kurie nori įsisavinti ne tik privalom���ją, bet ir daugiau papildomos medžiagos, reikalingos dalyvaujant įvairiose olimpiadose, konkursuose bei realiame gyvenime ar netgi darbe. Tiriamojo darbo tema pasirinkta, tikint, kad sukurtas elektroninis vadovėlis pagelbės įvairaus amžiaus žmonėms įsisavinti informacines technologijas (pradžioje tik elektroninę skaičiuoklę Microsoft Excel), padės kelti ar įgyti naują kvalifikaciją, neatsitraukiant nuo darbo ir pamokų bei kasdieninės veiklos. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – sukurti programinius modelius, kurie pagelbėtų geriau įsisavinti informacinių technologijų (elektroninės skaičiuoklės Microsoft Excel 2003) kursą, pristatyti produktą mokiniams, mokytojams ir supažindinti juos su elektroninės medžiagos rengimo metodika, o taip pat atlikti grįžtamojo ryšio efektyvumo tyrimą su besimokančiais. Elektroninis vadovėlis užtikrina: - didelės įvairiarūšės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master’s degree work: „Information technologies electronic textbook’s research on the structure, techniques, programming and operation possibilities“. An electronic textbook means the programme which is able to gather together students into virtual reality, where they are given equal possibility to use the same teaching programme, to communicate directly with the teacher and other students in the group while sitting at the computer. E-textbook is a perfect means for developing students’ independence and for encouraging them to care for newest technologies. E-textbooks are proper for students of various ages as well as for adult people, but especially for those who are eager to acquire not only compulsory, but also some additional material in order to take part in Olympiads, contests, use it in real life or at work. The main aim of the work is to create the course of programme models, introduce it to students and teachers, afterwards let them learn the particular methods and ways how the electronic material was prepared. Finally, to find out the feedback and, what is the most important thing, to set the efficiency of the programme. The e-textbook assures: • a possibility of presentation of great variety of information; • much more freedom for creative activity, cosy and lovely atmosphere while studying; • individualization and intensification of teaching process; • interest in the newest information technologies and their usage in daily life; • learning in a convenient place... [to full text]

Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden : En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin / Bokakademin i Östergötland AB meets the future : A study of students’ purchasing behaviour regarding textbooks and a proposal for a marketing strategy for Bokakademin

Hamnqvist, Fabian, Svensson, Emma January 2013 (has links)
Bokakademin i Östergötland AB möter framtiden – En studie av studenters köpbeteende vad gäller kurslitteratur och ett förslag på marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin (Bokakademin i Östergötland AB meets the future – A study of students’ purchasing behaviour regarding textbooks and a proposal for a marketing strategy for Bokakademin) Authors: Fabian Hamnqvist and Emma Svensson Bachelor’s thesis in business administration Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, 2013 Supervisor: Mehran Noghabai Abstract This paper examines the competition arising from online textbook retailers met by physical college bookstores. The paper examines the implications of college students' purchasing behaviour when buying textbooks, how a specific corporate clientele is composed and the purchasing habits of these customers to the specific company in question. The company used as a practical example is a bookstore located on a university campus of Linköping University in Sweden. Data have been collected using a paper and pen survey of 200 students from Linköping University as well as conducting interviews with eight students and the Managing Director of the company in question. Empirical findings about the students’ purchasing behaviour are presented and these are accompanied by several theories about consumers and companies’ marketing activities. This paper presents a proposal for a marketing strategy for the company in question and considers how this particular bookstore should deal with the new market environment where online sales have increased rapidly. / Bakgrund Denna kandidatuppsats presenterar en marknadsundersökning genomförd vid Linköpings universitet. Fokus har legat på en specifik butik på Campus Valla och dess konkurrenssituation samt kundkrets, nämligen en butik tillhörande företaget Bokakademin i Östergötland AB, Bokakademin fortsättningsvis. Denna marknadsundersökning har genomförts våren år 2013 under författarnas sista termin på sin kandidatutbildning inom ämnesområdet företagsekonomi. Företagets VD har uppfattningen om att företaget står inför en hård konkurrens och vill därför informera sig om marknaden. Författarnas avsikt med denna undersökning har varit att kunna ge företaget en ökad förståelse för sin konkurrenssituation och ny kunskap om sina kunder. Bokakademin bedriver försäljning av kurslitteratur till studenter och på grund av internets utbredning råder idag mer transparens på marknaden än tidigare. Forskning har visat att kunder har blivit mer krävande och att de inte uppvisar en hög grad av lojalitet till återförsäljare, det råder alltså ökad konkurrens och en minskad kundlojalitet på den marknad som Bokakademins är verksam på. Av dessa skäl menar författarna att det är av relevans och intresse att undersöka och studera detta ämne, detta styrks av att tidigare forskning har bedrivits inom området. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka studenters köpbeteende vid köp av kurslitteratur samt att utifrån denna information föreslå en lämplig marknadsföringsstrategi för Bokakademin att möta den nya marknadssituationen. Metod Den metodansats som uppsatsen har utgått ifrån är av induktiv karaktär då den har haft sin utgångspunkt i empiri, den empiriska data som har samlats in har legat till grund för den marknadsföringsstrategi som presenteras i uppsatsen. Det underlag som uppsatsen har baserats på har i första hand utgjorts av en enkätundersökning omfattande 200 respondenter ur Bokakademins potentiella kundkrets och målgrupp. Dessa respondenter har fått besvara frågor rörande deras köpvanor och köppreferenser vid köp av kurslitteratur, en kvantitativ undersökning har med andra ord genomförts. Utöver detta har en intervju med bokhandelns VD samt åtta stycken uppföljningsintervjuer med utvalda respondenter genomförts. Samtliga intervjuer har varit av mer samtalsliknande karaktär och kan anses utgöra kvalitativa informationskällor. Genom intervjuerna har författarna erhållit ytterligare data angående Bokakademin och dess kundkrets. För att uppnå ett mer kvalitativt djup i denna undersökning har författarna valt ut en respondent för att sedan jämföra denna persons uppfattning om hur mycket pengar denne spenderar på kurslitteratur per termin mot vad denne, enligt inhämtad kurs- och prisinformation, borde spendera på kurslitteratur per termin. Vad gäller den teori som presenteras i denna uppsats utgörs den främst av grundläggande teorier presenterade i Jobber och Fahy (2009) samt Blackwell et al. (2006). Denna litteratur har kompletterats med teoriavsnitt som återger teorier samt forskning av exempelvis Kotler (1999), Kotler et al. (2013), Wilson et al. (2012), Foucault och Scheufele (2002) samt Parment (2013).

Gender representation in contemporary Grade 10 Business Studies textbooks.

Pillay, Preya. January 2013 (has links)
Since 2009 the textbook has emerged as a key educational resource in South African classrooms. This has been a direct response to rapid curriculum change, and real and perceived inadequacies in teacher content and pedagogic knowledge. Of significance though is that there is limited understanding of the nature of content selections that textbook authors invoke and the subtext thereof. The purpose of this study therefore is to understand how gender is represented in Business Studies textbooks available to teachers and pupils in the Further Education and Training (FET) band in South African classrooms. This qualitative study is located in the critical paradigm and engaged the tenets of Critical Discourse Analysis as the key analytical frame. A purposive sample of two contemporary Business Studies textbooks was selected to investigate the phenomenon of gender representation. Findings reveal that stereotypes of women and men are reinforced in the selected textbooks under study. Women were shown more frequently in home settings than were men. Men were shown in a wider variety of occupational roles than women. Textbooks portrayed men in a wide range of highly-paid, high-status occupations such as managing directors, doctors, lawyers etc. In both texts more males have been represented in leadership positions in government, economic and corporate institutions. The textbooks further represented women as being disabled and destitute. Males were portrayed as confident and educated in the usage of technology while women were portrayed as illiterate. Additionally men were portrayed as assertive and forthright business individuals, while women were also portrayed as emotional and as more reliant on, or needing, the advice of men to deal with business-related issues. Finally, the portrayal of firstness presented the male pronoun first in sentences and conversation as opposed to the female pronoun. The findings indicate that representations in the textbooks are gender-biased and gender-insensitive. Of concern is that these representations may be transmitted to school learners. A critical approach to the selection and use of textbooks is thus necessary. Much work needs to be done by key role players in the educational sectors to ensure that gender inclusivity becomes a feature of South African Business Studies textbooks. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

Anglų kalbos vadovėlių naudojimo vadyba / Managing the use of English textbooks

Artiuškina, Jelena 31 July 2012 (has links)
Šiuolaikinė švietimo sistema turi būti pakankamai lanksti, kad galėtų atitikti kaitos pasaulio reikalavimus. Lietuvai tapus ES nare, švietimas yra reglamentuojamas ne tik nacionalinių dokumentų, bet ir Europos Sąjungos, kuriuose ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas mokymuisi visą gyvenimą, švietimo kokybės gerinimui, kūrybiškumo, verslumo ir informacinių, komunikacinių, bei komunikavimo užsienio kalbomis kompetencijų ugdymui. Įvardintų kompetencijų kontekste komunikavimo užsienio kalba kompetencija išskiriama kaip viena iš pagrindinių, laiduojanti asmenų ir tautų sėkmingą komunikavimą šiuolaikinėse daugiakultūrinėse visuomenėse, todėl anglų kalbos mokymasis bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose tampa itin reikšminga ugdymo proceso dalimi, o tinkamų anglų kalbos priemonių pasirinkimas ir jų naudojimas tampa atsakinga mokytojų veiklos sritimi. Atsiranda naujas šiuolaikinio anglų kalbos mokytojo vaidmuo: ugdymo proceso vadovas. Tačiau lieka klausimas, ar mokytojai yra tam tinkamai pasirengę. Tai suponuoja mokslinę problemą: ar mokytojai tinkamai atlieka pagrindines vadybines funkcijas naudodamiesi ne visada tinkamomis ugdymo priemonėmis: ne visada naujais vadovėliais, ar pilnu jų komplektu, efektyviam ugdymui užtikrinti. Tyrimo objektas. Vadybinių funkcijų raiška ugdymo procese naudojantis anglų kalbos vadovėliais. Tyrimo tikslas. Identifikuoti anglų kalbos vadovėlių naudojimosi vadybines funkcijas ugdymo sėkmei užtikrinti. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, interviu.Tyrimo imtis ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Under conditions of constant change education system must be flexible enough to meet the postmodern world requirements to make all students prepared to them. Lithuania being a European Union member should fit european education standarts which propose such basic competences as communication skills, social skills, foreign language speaking as the main goals. Therefore, foreign language teachers take more responsibility for better language teaching methods and more effective materials. However, being more responsible may not mean having more competence for that. The aim of the thesis is to identify teachers‘ management in planning, organizing, managing and assessing while using different coursebooks to assure high quality learning process. The object of the work is teacher‘s permormance of the management functions using of a coursebook in the learning process. The research method applied in the thesis – an intervew, which is a qualitative research method, revealed not only the quality level of the permormed management functions, but also helped to descry possible reasons for a good or bad management and also some relationships between working conditions and successful management. The results of the research describe a coursebook mainly as a helpful tool for a teacher to plan the learning process. A coursebook itself can not guarantee the highest learners‘ results, although, it can be used much for an individual work by independent students. Even though, a coursebook provides... [to full text]

Det ihågkomna och det bortglömda : en undersökning om hur fyra historiska händelser presenteras i skollitteraturen

Afshar, Taaba January 2014 (has links)
This essay is a textbook study where I aim to review four textbooks regarding some historical events in the subject History. The textbooks are used in junior high school and the historical events are as follows: the genocide that happened in Congo during the leadership of king Leopold II, the genocide on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, the Holocaust and the Vietnam War. By performing this study I wanted to answer these three questions: What differences and similarities can be found in how the events circumscribed? How much space do the various events have and has it evolved through the years 1980-2009? How can this be explained? The study has been analyzed from a post-colonial perspective and the recurring patterns that appear show how the texts are post-colonial. This means that the authors of the textbooks are writing about the same subjects, but in very different ways.

台灣的道德教育: 小學修身與公民教科書之比較研究 (1920-1960) / Taiwan's Moral Education: Comparative Analysis of Elementary School Ethics and Civics Textbooks (1920-1960)

龍偉, Drew McNeil Unknown Date (has links)
在西方傳統上,宗教對個人道德修養扮演重要角色。相反地,由於受到中國儒教傳統的影響,許多亞洲國家認為道德教育列為正規教育重要的一環。自十九世紀末至今,台灣經歷五十年日本政府的殖民階段,後續接受中國國民黨統治,其學童在不同政權下所接受的道德教育為一值得研究的主題。台灣近代的教育系統建立於日本政府殖民時期,之後經過國民黨政府修正。兩個政府都壟斷了教科書的編修與發行,並提供學生免費或價廉的教科書,更透過統一、嚴格的教育系統使得政府發行的教科書變成老師與學生最主要的學習資源,確保執政者之信念在民眾間可獲得推廣。本論文的目的是探討1920年至1960年期間台灣兒童所接受的道德教育。研究的方法是檢視及評估此段期間內,分別由日本殖民政府與國民黨政府所出版的小學修身與公民教科書,我們將對教科書內傳達的道德價值觀進行分析與比較。 / In the Western world religion has long played an important role in moral education and self-cultivation. Conversely, in many Asian countries which have been influenced by Chinese Confucian traditions, moral self-cultivation is one of the primary goals of education. Taiwan, which was a Japanese colony for 50 years before coming under the control of the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT), presents a unique case for the study of ethics education, as Taiwanese schoolchildren were exposed to both Japanese and Chinese moral traditions over the course of the 20th century. Taiwan’s modern education system, established by the Japanese and expanded under KMT rule, allowed the ideologies of the two governments to reach a wide audience. Government monopolies on textbook creation, the provision of free or subsidized textbooks to schools, as well as the rigid and uniform nature of the school system all ensured that textbooks would be the primary resource for both students and teachers. This research seeks to examine and evaluate Taiwanese moral education from 1920 through to 1960, a period which covers both Japanese and Chinese rule. The study will be carried out by way of a comparative analysis of elementary school ethics and civics textbooks published under both regimes.

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