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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Public participation as a mechanism for promoting sustainable waste management service delivery in Sedibeng District Municipality / Nompazamo Alma Ludidi

Ludidi, Nompazamo Alma January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to determine the extent of public participation in waste management, willingness of the community to assist the municipality in waste management and how the officials involve the community as partners in waste management. Waste management has become a big environmental challenge in Sedibeng District Municipality due to rural- urban drift leading to population increase in the region. In cities and towns where there is population increase there is excessive generation of waste which demands new methods of waste management including public engagement and participation. This can be achieved through education and awareness campaigns in all municipality Wards to capacitate residents to minimize waste at household level. Community participation in waste collection, prevention of waste generation, recycling methods and assistance of waste management departments is one of the recommended methods and solution to waste collection challenges. The challenge in waste management is how to identify the informal sector stakeholders that can be involved in sorting of recyclable waste material that has been separated at source. Another challenge is how private sector can be approached to participate in household refuse collection to reduce backlog of un-serviced areas in the three local municipalities of Sedibeng District Municipality. The objectives of the research are: firstly, to determine the status quo of the household waste collection in the three local municipalities comprising Sedibeng District Municipality. Secondly, it is to determine the extent of backlogs emanating from the un-serviced households in Emfuleni; Midvaal and Lesedi local municipalities. Thirdly, it is to determine how local communities, informal sector and private sector can be involved in waste solutions. Fourthly, it is aimed to identify limitations; constraints and challenges that confront municipalities in engaging stakeholders in waste management solutions. The responses were from the officials of the three local municipalities, relevant supporting departments and stakeholders. Qualitative research and data was collected through questionnaires and interviews. Findings of the research indicated, among others, that: *Though sustainable household collection services are rendered in the three local municipalities, there is a backlog of 10 000 houses at Emfuleni, 270 at Midvaal and 6 000 at Lesedi local municipalities *There are no other stakeholders rendering waste management services in the region except for the operations of the landfill sites *Only 35% of householders recycle at source. The residents are prepared to participate but lack knowledge *The study revealed that in public participation, the community, Office of the Speaker, officials and Executive Mayor are the most important stakeholders to promote sustainable waste management services. They should ensure that public participation policies and strategies are implemented in the region. The study recommends, among others, that municipalities must support the community in the form of education and awareness campaigns, recycling at source, establish infrastructure for recyclable and separated goods, how to establish co-operatives and public-private-partnerships in waste management. New approaches such as composting of organic waste, proper disposal of electronic, medical and hazardous waste need to be communicated to the public. The study ends with recommendations for further research to be pursued in the following fields of study: *The role of the private sector in a municipality. *Integrated Waste Management Plans as tools to promote public participation in the Sedibeng District Municipality *Education and awareness to the public as a strategy to promote sustainable development in waste management in the Sedibeng District Municipality *The impact of waste storage containers in the prevention of illegal dumping in local municipalities *The role of environmental committees within a municipality in waste management and public participation / PhD (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

Montages contractuels : qualification, enjeux et perspectives, contribution à l'analyse en droit privé et en droit public / Contractual editings : qualification, stakes and perspectives, contribution to analysis in private and public law

Sehil, Nouha 04 July 2014 (has links)
Issu de la pratique, le phénomène des montages contractuels est devenu une réalité quotidienne de la vie des affaires, des relations de travail, voire du droit économique. La question se pose alors de sa réception par le droit positif. Absent du vocabulaire juridique, le montage est un concept à définir. D'un point de vue théorique, il représente une articulation d'un ensemble d'actes ou d'opérations en vue d'une finalité propre. Cependant, il est loin de refléter une réalité uniforme. En droit privé, comme en droit public, il est une dialectique entre la norme et la pratique, voire entre la complexité et la complication, puisqu'il déroge au schéma classique du contrat simple, ce qui soulève la question de son insertion dans l'ordre contractuel. D'un point de vue pratique, il représente un phénomène pluridisciplinaire et diversifié qui ne saurait être dissocié des impératifs économiques. Une analyse des aspects financiers et fiscaux permet une meilleure compréhension de son caractère transversal. Mais, comme toute ingénierie, la jurisprudence et le législateur tendent à l'appréhender. Dans les montage mettant en présence des problématiques croisées de droit public et privé, la mise en place des solutions contractuelles relatives au financement privé d'équipements publics,telles que les formules de partenariat public-privé de prestations (CP, BEA, AOT), les délégations de service public (concessions, régie intéressée, affermage) ou encore les concessions de travaux, est indispensable. De même, en matière de promotion immobilière, ces solutions doivent permettre une externalisation de la maîtrise d'ouvrage technique des opérations de construction (VEFA, lease-back, contrats de promotion immobilière). / Stemming from the practice,the phenomenon of the contractual editings became a daily reality of business'life, labor relations, and even economic law. The question settles then of its reception by positive law. Absent in the legal vocabulary, the editing is a concept to be defined. From a theoretical point of view, it represents an articulation of a set of acts or operations with the aim of an appropriate purpose. However, it's far from reflecting a uniform reality. In private law, as in public law, it's a dialectic between standard and practice, even between the complexity and the complication because it departs from the classic contract's plan, what raises the question of its insertion in the contractual order. From a practical point of view,it appears as a multidisciplinary and diversified phenomenon which couldn't be separated from the economic imperatives.An analysis of the various financial and fiscal aspects allows a better understanding of its transverse character. As any engineering, the jurisprudence and the legislator try to get grips with. For the editings putting in the presence of the crossed problems of public and private law, the implementation of the contractual solutions relative to the financing deprived of public equipments such as the formulae of Public Private Partnership of services (CP, GAPED, essential AOT ), works contracts (interested state control, lease), is essential. Also, regarding real-estate development, these solutions have to allow an outsourcing of the technical project ownership of the construction's operations (VEFA, lease-back, contracts of real-estate development..).

Uma análise crítica sobre o value for money de um protótipo de linha de metrô em São Paulo tendo como referência as atuais PPP das linhas 4 e 6. / A critical analysis about the value for money of a metro line prototype in São Paulo acting as reference the current PPP lines 4 and 6.

Ponchio, Caoní Farias 22 September 2016 (has links)
A modalidade de contratação via parceria público-privada (PPP) vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada no mundo todo. No Brasil, foi criada pela Lei nº 11.079 e vem crescendo impulsionada pelos megaeventos esportivos como a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e as Olimpíadas em 2016, especialmente na área de infraestrutura em mobilidade urbana. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo fazer uma avaliação por value for money (VfM) da contratação e mérito de um projeto de PPP em um protótipo de uma linha de metrô na cidade de São Paulo baseado na atual Linha 6-Laranja. Após a avaliação, também será verificado o mérito pela escolha de um projeto de PPP de um segundo protótipo similar a Linha 4-Amarela do metrô de São Paulo, o que possibilitará a análise de qual o maior VfM entre dois protótipos de PPP de linhas de metrô, com escopo e divisão de riscos distintos, sendo um similar à Linha 6-Laranja e outro similar à Linha 4-Amarela, permitindo verificar qual a opção de melhor eficiência e retorno exigido pelo ente privado em projetos dessa magnitude, além de identificar as principais dificuldades e propor recomendações e melhorias. A metodologia do estudo é baseada na construção de um modelo de estimativa de custo e receita de linha-protótipo na cidade de São Paulo, tendo como base projetos similares no Brasil e no exterior, fundamentação teórica especializada do setor bem como avaliação de aspectos jurídicos e econômico-financeiros. Dentre as conclusões, observou-se a existência de mérito pela escolha por projetos de PPP em futuras linhas de metrô e, em razão das dificuldades do setor público em tocar grandes obras, com a falta de investimento e expertise em planejamento, da necessidade de melhoria no regime de contratação, com a criação de câmaras especializadas para discutir a viabilidade e a adequada transferência dos riscos entre o ente privado e o Estado em projetos de PPP verificados por meio da comparação do VfM entre os dois protótipos propostos. / The contracting mode public-private partnership (PPP) has been increasingly used in the world, and in Brazil, created by Law No. 11,079, is growing driven by mega sporting events like the World Cup 2014 and the Olympics in 2016, especially in infrastructure of urban mobility area. This thesis aims to make a value for money analysis for a PPP model contracting and therefore the credit through the contractual mode (PPP) of a prototype subway line in the city of Sao Paulo based on current Line 6 - Orange. After such an evaluation, it will also be verified through another prototype like Line 4 - Yellow which will enable the analysis of the higher value for money between the two prototypes of PPP existing in São Paulo with different scopes, one based on subway Line 4 - Yellow and other as the Line 6 - Orange, allowing to check the returns required by private entity in projects of this magnitude, in addition to predict the main difficulties and make recommendations and improvements. The study methodology is based on building a model to estimates costs and revenues of a prototype subway line in Sao Paulo city through a PPP model, based on Brazilian and international similar projects, specialized literature of the sector as well the assessment of legal, economic and financial aspects. Among conclusions, it was found that, given the difficulties of the public sector in leading major projects, such as lack of investment and expertise in planning, there is need for improvement in the procurement regime, such as the creation of specialized chambers to discuss the feasibility and appropriate division of risks between the private entity and the State in PPP projects through the comparison of both prototypes value for money proposed.

As parcerias público-privadas de metrô em São Paulo: as empresas estatais e o aprendizado institucional no financiamento da infraestrutura de serviços públicos no Brasil / São Paulos metro public-private partnerships: state-owned enterprises and institutional learning in financing public servicesinfrastructure in Brazil

Paula, Pedro do Carmo Baumgratz de 01 December 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado consiste em um estudo de caso das contratações das parcerias público-privadas (PPPs) das Linhas 4 e 6 de metrô em São Paulo. A partir do estudo indutivo realizado, buscou-se compreender como os instrumentos jurídicos são efetivamente utilizados para viabilizar o provimento de uma atividade de interesse público para a população; a evolução institucional ocorrida no processo de aprendizagem de utilização dessas ferramentas; e o papel desempenhado pelas empresas estatais nesse novo cenário. Para tanto, o texto constrói a evolução das formas de concessão de serviços públicos e situa no plano histórico o surgimento e a adoção das PPPs como indicativos de uma nova forma de atuação estatal na economia. O estudo de caso foi elaborado a partir de análise documental e construção de narrativas, por entrevistas semiestruturadas, dos atores envolvidos nos processos de contratação das Linhas 4 e 6. A observação empírica revelou que as empresas estatais cumprem um papel fundamental na criação de arranjos institucionais funcionais para a viabilização dos empreendimentos conjuntos, exercendo uma função coordenação público-privada e promovendo aprendizado institucional. Também observou-se que complexos arranjos contratuais são utilizados como forma de separar as obrigações contratuais de demandas políticas, insulando os direitos do concessionário de alterações posteriores. Isso ficou evidente, especialmente, no tocante à diferenciação entre tarifa política e tarifa contratual, às garantias de pagamento de contraprestação e aporte e ao sistema de pagamentos de tarifas. Os resultados obtidos a longo dessa pesquisa acrescem ao conjunto de estudos que apontam para a inadequação de medidas institucionais de tamanho único para o desenvolvimento (teoria das dotações institucionais). A experiência indica que as PPPs estudadas foram bem-sucedidas justamente porque foram construídas a partir de soluções e arranjos institucionais específicos ao contexto em que estavam inseridas, levando em consideração as limitações e as potencialidades do direito local. Desse modo, a pesquisa conclui pela existência de um modelo brasileiro de PPPs que envolve, necessariamente, intermediação de empresas estatais na construção de arranjos institucionais cooperativos entre os atores públicos e privados. / This thesis is the written product of a case study of São Paulos Metro Lines 4 and 6 public-private partnerships contracts. The objectives of this empirical study were to fully understand how: the legal tools are handled in order to provide a public service to the people; the institutional development in the process of learning the use of these tools; and the role played by state-owned enterprises in this new context. In order to do so, the text builds on the historical evolution of state concessions and the emergence of PPPs as indicators of a new way of State intervention in the economy. The case study was made using documental analysis and the building of narratives, through interviews with the main actors in the processes of contracting out the services of metro. The empirical observation revealed that state-owned enterprises play a significant role in the making of functional institutional arrangements necessary to the existence and function of joint enterprises, working as a coordinator of the public-private relationship and promoting institutional learning. Also, it was noted that complex contractual arrangements are used as a way of detaching contractual obligations from political demands, insulating concessionarys rights from ulterior changes. This was evidenced, specially, by the description of the contractual differentiation of tariffs (political vs contractual), also by the structure of the counterparts warrantees, and by the payment system that was created. The results from this research add to the growing literature that points out the inadequacy of one size fits all institutional changes in order to promote development. The reported experience indicates that the PPP contracts were well succeeded precisely because they were built on context-specific solution and institutional arrangements, that took into account the limitations and potentialities of the local legal system. In this sense, the research shows the existence of a Brazilian model of PPP contracts that involves, necessarily, the intermediation of state-owned enterprises in the formation of cooperative institutional arrangements between public and private actors.

O significado da parceria público-privada nos projetos habitacionais de baixa renda: os empreendimentos da Caixa Econômica Federal e da Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo / The meaning of the public-private partnership in the habitacionais projects of low income: the enterprises of the Federal government saving bank and the Municipal City hall of São Paulo

Rangel, Silvia Regina Merendas 11 April 2007 (has links)
A presente dissertação aborda o significado das formas alternativas de financiamento para projetos de habitação para a população de baixa renda. O estudo inicia-se com uma contextualização histórica da importância dos investimentos em parceria público-privada para a formação da cidade de São Paulo, tomando, como exemplos, o arruamento de terras, as ferrovias, o saneamento básico e a macro drenagem urbana. Desenvolve-se com a descrição de três estudos de caso baseados em propostas levadas a discussão pela Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo à Caixa Econômica Federal entre os anos de 2003 e 2004, destacando e analisando principalmente os instrumentos utilizados e a estrutura da operação para financiamento das obras. Por fim, culmina no apontamento de aspectos sociais e ambientais, econômicos, urbanísticos, mercadológicos, financeiros, institucionais e de gestão, que impactam na análise de viabilidade dos empreendimentos realizados mediante essa forma de parceria. Assim, pretende permitir uma visão geral sobre as modalidades não convencionais de financiamento e suas implicações, observadas nos empreendimentos estudados. / This dissertation covers the meaning of alternative ways for public-private partnership on low budget house design funding. The study begins by presenting the historical context on the value of public-private partnership investments on the São Paulo city development, shown on street planning, railways, city sanitation and wide area rain draining. It continues describing three cases, established on project reasoning between São Paulo city council and Caixa Econômica Federal, over the years of 2003/2004, analyzing and detaching mostly the means and the operation framing for building and infrastructure funding. At last, it shows the social, environmental, economic, urban design, marketing, financial, institutional and managing features that driven the viability analysis on house planning designs that explored that specific partnership. Thus, the outcome is an wide view over these funding forms and its implications, identified on these cases analysis.

Le règlement des litiges survenant des contrats de partenariats public-privé. : recherche d’une meilleure gestion des sources des litiges dans les contrats de PPP : enjeux et conséquences pour l’Egypte / The settlement of disputes arising from public-private partnership contracts (PPP / PFI) : search for better management of sources of disputes in PPP contracts, issues and consequences for Egypt

Eissa Zakaria Abdelsalam, Nora 18 December 2017 (has links)
Le partenariat public privé est un instrument pour la réalisation des objectifs du développement en Egypte. Sur le plan international, le recours aux PPP soulève des difficultés compliquées à résoudre. La nature complexe de ce type de projets augmentent la probabilité de litiges entre les parties. L’analyse comparée des expériences britannique et française, permet d’élaborer une référence pour le gouvernement égyptien en matières des réformes juridique et économique. Dans le cadre d’améliorer la gestion des projets de PPP en Egypte, deux approches peuvent être adressées dans notre recherche. En premier lieu, le développement d’une méthodologie de gestion efficace des risques par l’analyse de types des risques attachés aux PPP pendant le cycle de vie du projet. En deuxième lieu, la présentation des mécanismes les plus efficaces de résolution des litiges découlant des projets de PPP / Public-private partnership is an instrument for achieving development objectives in Egypt. On the international level, the use of the PPP model raises complicated challenges and difficulties. The complex nature of such projects increase the probability of disputes between the parties. The comparative analysis of the British and French experience allows the elaboration of a reference for the Egyptian government in the legal and economicreforms. In order to improve the management of PPP projects in Egypt, two approaches can be addressed in our research. First, the development of an effective risk management methodology through the analysis of the types of risk associated with PPP during the life cycle of the project. Second, the presentation of the most effective mechanisms for the resolution of disputes arising from PPP projects

Parceria público-privada para produção de moradia popular no estado de São Paulo: o Programa da Casa Paulista / Public-Private Partnership to Build Social Housing in São Paulo State: The Casa Paulista Program

Palladini, Gabriel Maldonado 08 May 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo o programa de parceria público-privada para a construção de moradia popular no centro da cidade de São Paulo. Promovido pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo, o projeto foi escolhido como estudo de caso para discutir a utilização do instrumento jurídico-contratual de parceria público-privada, regido pela lei federal nº 11.079 de 2004 na construção de moradia popular no Estado de São Paulo. De modo específico, pretendeu-se entender como foram feitos os estudos pelas instituições privadas no processo da Manifestação de Interesse Privado (MIP) que resultaram no edital de licitação lançado de 2012. A coleta de informação foi feita a partir de entrevista com os principais atores envolvidos no projeto, desde funcionários do Governo do Estado, consultores privados e funcionários de empresas do setor de construção civil. Como suporte às entrevistas, utilizou-se documentos disponibilizados pela Secretaria de Habitação. Previsto na legislação brasileira desde 1995, o instrumento que permite que instituições privadas ofereçam projetos de parceria entre o setor público e o privado passa a ser mais amplamente utilizado a partir de 2004, com a aprovação da lei federal das PPPs. Partindo de uma análise da própria estrutura administrativa do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, o presente estudo se propôs a entender como as parcerias público-privadas estão sendo utilizadas no setor de habitação social. / The aim of this dissertation is to study the Public-Private Partnership Program for the construction of popular housing in the city of São Paulo. Promoted by the São Paulo Government State, the project was chosen as a case study to discuss the use of the contractual instrument of public-private partnership, governed by federal law 11.079 of 2004 in the construction of popular housing in the State of São Paulo. Specifically, it intends to understand how the studies were done by the private institutions in the process of the Private Interest Manifestation (MIP) that resulted in the auction notice issued of 2012. The data collection was made from interviews with the stakeholders involved in the project, from State Government employees, private consultants and employees of construction companies. To support the interviews, documents made available by the Housing Secretariat of São Paulo State were analyzed. Under Brazilian law since 1995, the instrument that allows private institutions to offer public-private partnership to the government became more widely used in 2004, with the approval of the federal PPP law. Based on an analysis of the administrative structure of the São Paulo Government State, the present study aims to understand how public-private partnerships are used in the social housing sector.

A Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e sua aplicação no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP: gestão e manejo dos resíduos sólidos domésticos urbanos / The National Solid Waste Policy and its application in Ribeirão Preto-SP: management of urban household waste

Ricco, Rubens Francisco 05 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:15:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rubens Francisco Ricco.pdf: 4080451 bytes, checksum: d2c0005b766bda9a52e9cc82fbc0c1ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work attempts to the problem of solid domestic urban waste (RSDU) in the city of Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brazil, and to the process of the ongoing implementation of the National Policy on Solid Waste (PNRS). Analyzes the development of international and national guidelines and laws relevant to the subject, and the formulation of the sectorial plan for urban sanitation and solid waste management of this city, its general issues and, especially, all your management system, handling and disposal the prediction of a Public Private Partnership (PPP). It also examined the problem of the current predominant form of management and planning in government and the PPP, also the current stage of capitalism that prioritizes private sectors participation in public affairs and the increasing production and consumption of goods. Another important point relates to the question of recycling and the collectors cooperatives of these materials, an important point of PNRS. The survey was developed through technical visits in all localities of the management and disposal of RSDU and cooperative of recyclable materials, interviews with agents of government, responsible for waste management, and agents of civil society who promoted, and are monitoring the process, ongoing approval of the sectorial plan for urban sanitation and solid waste management, as well as attempt of municipal government approving the PPP of waste. In this process occurred broad participation of civil society that could change and add several points in sectorial plan and suspended the PPP because of some irregularities founded. There are historical environmental liabilities arising from improper disposal of RSDU; agglutination of urban sanitation and solid waste management in a few companies, attempted adoption of a PPP services that would concentrate all these services in one company; and a selective collection of recyclable materials that has been poor and insignificant, and such service along with the inclusion of waste pickers and the cooperative are not clearly included in the sector plan, like the PNRS requires / O presente trabalho atenta para a problemática dos resíduos sólidos domésticos urbanos (RSDU) no município de Ribeirão Preto - SP, bem como para o processo, em curso, da aplicação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Analisa o processo de desenvolvimento internacional e nacional das diretrizes e legislações pertinentes ao assunto, até a formulação do plano setorial de limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos sólidos do município estudado, suas características gerais e, principalmente, todo seu sistema de gestão, manejo e destinação final existente e a previsão de uma Parceria Público Privada (PPP). É analisada, também, a questão da atual forma de gestão e planejamento predominante no poder público e as PPP, bem como o atual estágio do capitalismo que prioriza a participação da iniciativa privada nas questões públicas e a crescente produção e consumo de mercadorias. Outro ponto relevante abordado refere-se à questão da reciclagem e do cooperativismo de catadores desses materiais, ponto de destaque da PNRS. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se mediante visitas técnicas em todas as localidades do manejo e destinação final dos RSDU e na cooperativa de materiais recicláveis existente, foram promovidas entrevistas com representantes do poder público, responsáveis pela gestão dos resíduos e representantes da sociedade civil, além do acompanhamento do processo, em curso, de aprovação do plano setorial de limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos sólidos, assim como a tentativa do poder público municipal da aprovação de uma PPP para sua execução. Nesse processo ocorreu ampla participação da sociedade civil que conseguiu alterar e acrescentar diversos pontos no plano setorial e suspender a PPP devido a irregularidades constatadas. Verificou-se históricos passivos ambientais decorrentes da inadequada destinação dos RSDU, aglutinação dos serviços de limpeza urbana e manejo de resíduos sólidos em poucas empresas, tentativa de aprovação de uma PPP que iria concentrar todos esses serviços em uma única empresa e uma coleta seletiva de materiais recicláveis deficiente e irrisória, sendo que tal serviço juntamente com a inserção dos catadores e da cooperativa não estão claramente contemplados no plano setorial, como obriga a PNRS

A desapropriação como instrumento de fomento a empreendimentos privados

Cammarosano, Márcio Alexandre G. F 03 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-04-19T12:03:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Márcio Alexandre G. F. Cammarosano.pdf: 582770 bytes, checksum: 41d897c1fd3c46b6c8559f92435e301f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-19T12:03:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Márcio Alexandre G. F. Cammarosano.pdf: 582770 bytes, checksum: 41d897c1fd3c46b6c8559f92435e301f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-03 / The present work is a study about the possibility of use by the Public Administration of the expropriation institute as a tool for fomenting private enterprises. In the first chapter we discuss the reasons why the state should intervene in the economic order, and how this duty is disciplined by the Federal Constitution of 1988. In the second chapter we investigate the principle of subsidiarity, in its vertical and horizontal aspects, understanding this principle as the delineating element of the roles of the State and society in the search for a fair and egalitarian distribution of social welfare. The third chapter is devoted to the study of state fomenting activity, from its first scientific systematization, including the analysis of the active and passive subjects, of the applicable norms, as well as the means allowed by the law. In the fourth and last chapter we analyze the expropriation institute and the possibility of its use as a tool to foment private enterprises, as well as the limits and indispensable procedures of this practice / O presente trabalho constitui estudo sobre a possibilidade de utilização, pela Administração Pública, do instituto da desapropriação como instrumento de fomento a empreendimentos privados. No primeiro capítulo tratamos das razões pelas quais o Estado deve intervir na ordem econômica, e como esse dever foi disciplinado pela Constituição Federal de 1988. No segundo capítulo investigamos o princípio da subsidiariedade, nos seus aspectos vertical e horizontal, entendendo tal princípio como o elemento delineador dos papeis do Estado e da sociedade na busca da distribuição justa e igualitária do bem-estar social. O terceiro capítulo é dedicado ao estudo da atividade estatal de fomento, desde a sua primeira sistematização científica, abordando os temas dos sujeitos ativos e passivos, do regime jurídico dessa relação, e dos meios admitidos pelo ordenamento jurídico. No quarto e último capítulo analisamos o instituto da desapropriação e a possibilidade da sua utilização como instrumento de fomento a empreendimentos privados, bem como os limites e procedimentos indispensáveis dessa prática

A parceria público-privada no saneamento básico brasileiro: uma proposta para o desenvolvimento do setor / The public-private partnership in the brazilian basic sanitation: a proposal for the development of the sector

Scriptore, Juliana Souza 26 February 2010 (has links)
Atualmente, no Brasil, a atenção ao setor de saneamento básico tornou-se uma questão de saúde pública e ambiental. A evolução dos indicadores recentes mostra que o nível de cobertura se encontra em patamares aquém do necessário frente a uma elevada demanda, decorrente do crescimento populacional e de um histórico insuficiente de atendimento no país. Esse setor enfrenta dificuldades na captação de recursos para investimentos por parte das empresas públicas, pois estas se encontram submetidas a regras fiscais tais como limites de endividamento, contingenciamento de crédito e metas de superávit. Além disso, registram uma baixa geração de excedentes, ineficiência operacional e ingerência política. O avanço da iniciativa privada ocorreu de forma tímida no setor, decorrente do caráter fortemente social do mesmo e da ausência de diretrizes que definam suas políticas. Com a introdução de novo marco regulatório estabelecido por meio da Lei no 11.445/2007, surge um ambiente institucional com menos incerteza para atuação de investimentos privados. Diante das preocupações com processos de privatização, como, por exemplo, trade-off custo/qualidade com o qual a empresa privada pode se deparar, constatou-se, por meio de estimação de dados em cross section, via Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários, os tipos de prestadores que tiveram melhor desempenho nos indicadores que compõe as funções-objetivo de cada empresa enunciadas pela literatura do setor. Os resultados indicaram que a participação da iniciativa privada foi positiva para o setor na medida em que apresentou menores perdas de distribuição e de faturamento, maiores índices de produtividade, investimento e qualidade dos serviços. Portanto, pode-se sugerir que as parcerias entre setor público e privado são alternativas viáveis para acelerar o cumprimento das metas de universalização dos serviços. / Currently, in Brazil, the attention to basic sanitation sector has become a matter of public health and environmental concerns. The evolution of the recent researches states that the level of coverage is not enough to fulfill the high demand due to population growth and a history of inadequate investments in the country. This sector is facing difficulties in raising funds by public enterprises, as these are subject to tax rules such as limits on debt, curtailment of credit and surplus targets. In addition, they have had low generation of profit, operational inefficiency and political interference. The private enterprise investments in the sector have not being significant due to its evident social character and the lack of guidelines that define their policies. With the introduction of new regulatory framework established by the Law number 11.445/2007, an institutional environment have being created with less uncertainty for the private investments. In face of the concerns about the privatization processes, for instance the cost-quality trade-off which a private company may have to deal with, it was found through cross section data estimation via OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) the supplier types that had better performance on the indicators that comprise the objective functions of each company listed in the literature of the sector. The results indicated that the participation of the private capital was positive for the sector as it showed lower losses on sales and distribution, higher rates of productivity, investment and quality of services. Therefore, it can be suggested that partnerships between public and private sectors are viable alternatives to accelerate the achievement of the targets of a universalized service.

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