Spelling suggestions: "subject:"requalification"" "subject:"dequalification""
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Du régime de l'auto-entrepreneur vers un droit de l'auto-entrepreneuriat / From An "Auto Entrepreneur" Scheme To An "Auto Entrepreneur" LawLe Sagère, Laurie 13 December 2016 (has links)
Le régime de l’auto-entrepreneur connaît depuis sa création un succès considérable en termes d’adhésions. Mais son principe phare de simplification en fait sa propre faiblesse. D’un régime social et fiscal incitatif constituant une alternative au chômage, l’auto-entrepreneuriat suscite aussi la tentation de l’abus. A l’examen attentif de ses motivations et de la réalisation économique de son projet-entrepreneurial, la réalité de l’auto-entrepreneur émerge. A l’image d’entrepreneur autonome libre de ses choix se superposent les nécessités d’un travailleur, employeur de lui-même et de nul autre, employé de lui-même à défaut de l’être par un autre. Après avoir analysé les séductions et les travers du régime, l’étude propose de sécuriser l’auto-entrepreneuriat en explorant les potentialités du droit du travail à l’accueillir. L’observation des dispositifs similaires des voisins européens dresse une perspective plausible d’émergence d’un droit de l’auto-entrepreneuriat dès lors qu’il n’attente pas à celui des autres acteurs économiques, en premier lieu celui des salariés. / Self-employment scheme have been considerably successful since their introduction. However, its flagship principle of simplification is also its main weakness. While self-employment schemes provide social and fiscal alternatives to unemployment, they can also be easily abused. The reality of self-employment emerges from an assessment of a project’s motivating factors and of its economic implementation. The image of an autonomous entrepreneur with freedom of choices becomes superimposed with the needs of a worker, employing himself and nobody else, employed by himself and not by someone else. After having analyzed the appeals and faults of self-employment scheme, this study proposes more secure self-employment principles by exploring the potential of its inclusion in labour law. An observation of similar mechanisms in neighboring European countries suggests a plausible perspective for the emergence of stronger self-employment right, as long as this does not violate the rights of other economic actors, primarily that of salaried employees.The image of an autonomous entrepreneur with freedom of choices becomes superimposed with the needs of a worker, employing himself and nobody else, employed by himself and not by someone else.
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Áreas contaminadas em São Paulo: Uma análise crítica das propostas da operação urbana consorciada bairros do Tamanduateí, Setor Henry Ford / Contaminated areas in São Paulo: A critical analysis of the proposals of the urban operation consortium Tamanduateí neighborhoods, Sector Henry FordFlores Salinas, Vania Cristiane 06 April 2017 (has links)
A expansão desordenada das cidades contemporâneas, além de causar problemas de mobilidade, déficit habitacional devido ao seu rápido crescimento, levou também à ocupação de áreas protegidas ambientalmente bem como de territórios dos quais não se tinha conhecimento sobre seus riscos e restrições, como é o caso das áreas contaminadas. Estas áreas, na sua maioria derivadas de antigos terrenos industriais ou locais de depósito de resíduos, são abundantes na cidade de São Paulo, dado o seu histórico fortemente ligado à expansão industrial.Diante disto, o pressente trabalho reúne algumas das principais políticas públicas utilizadas em diversos países para tratar as áreas contaminadas, a partir de então, procura-se neste trabalho entender quais medidas podem ser aplicadas na cidade de São Paulo de forma a viabilizar a remediação do território com uma ocupação compatível com a demanda local. / The disordered growth of contemporary cities, besides problems with mobility, housing deficit and occupation of protected areas, also led to the occupation of territories with few information about their restrictions and risks, such as contaminated areas. These areas, mostly derived from old industrial lands or waste disposal sites, are abundant in the city of São Paulo, due their history strongly linked to the industrial expansion. Therefore, the present work brings together some of the main public policies used in several countries to treat the contaminated areas. From then on, it seeks to understand what measures can be applied in the city of São Paulo in order to make feasible the remediation of the territory with an occupation compatible with the demands of the city and the local population.
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Rapports de qualification en milieux ouvriers : du primat des qualifications attribuées au contrôle des rapports salariaux dans les usines gabonaises du bois / Relations of qualification in workers' environment : from the preponderance of attributed qualifications too the labor relations' control in the Gabonese wood factoriesNdombi Boundzanga, Bertrand Dimitri 21 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'analyser les rapports de qualification en milieux ouvriers, notamment au sein des usines gabonaises de transformation du bois. Elle tente de saisir la dynamique des qualifications au regard des processus qui conduisent à leur production et des dispositifs qui sous-tendent leur reconnaissance. Elle interroge les discours et les pratiques autour des régimes de production et de reconnaissance des qualités productives en articulation avec les trajectoires professionnelles. En privilégiant une approche sociétale tenant compte de l'histoire structurelle de l'industrie nationale du bois, l'analyse des processus de production des qualifications ouvrières interroge la place du système scolaire et/ou universitaire, des entreprises et des organisations professionnelles. Les tentatives de professionnalisation des activités industrielles du bois au Gabon depuis les années 50 n'ont pas abouti à la formation de catégories professionnelles qualifiées au sens académique du terme par le diplôme ou tout autre titre. La permanence de ces décalages entre les formations scolaires existantes et les emplois en présence est associée à une longue pratique de production, de reproduction ou de transfert des savoir-faire techniques par l'expérience du travail. Les ouvriers développent ainsi des savoir-faire et des compétences plus ou moins professionnels au gré des trajectoires allant des parcours scolaires généraux ou techniques-professionnels aux expériences d'emplois variées. Les qualités productives construites par la force du travail apparaissent donc comme un caractère dominant des rapports de qualification dans ce secteur industriel. Se pose de fait le problème de leur codification et de leur reconnaissance socioprofessionnelle. De quels dispositifs, de quels espaces et de quelles marges disposent les acteurs alors que les accords, les conventions de travail, bien que « négociés », se révèlent inopérants ? L'intérêt de cette thèse réside moins dans la proposition d'une définition singulière de la notion de qualification que dans la compréhension de ce qui se joue au sein des rapports de qualification dans ces milieux ouvriers. L'étude cherche ainsi à saisir les rapports de qualification sous le prisme des formes et des enjeux de la production, de la reconnaissance, du déni ou du contrôle des rapports salariaux au regard de la structure des trajectoires professionnelles. Elle s'appuie sur la sociologie du travail et emprunte aussi bien à l'histoire, à l'anthropologie, à l'économie qu'au droit du travail. / This thesis offers an analysis of the relations of the qualification in workers' environment, more particularly in the Gabonese wood transformation factories. This work attempts to understand the dynamics of the qualifications through the processes leading to their production and the system that underpins their recognition. It will examine the discourses and practices concerning the regimes of production and recognition of productive qualities in articulation with occupational trajectories. This issue will be focused on a societal approach in consideration with the structural history of the national timber industry. The analysis of the production process of workers' qualification will question the role of the educational system (respectively school and university), the firms and occupational organisations. Since the 1950's, the professionalization of the activities in the wood industry in Gabon has failed to create qualified occupational categories in the academic sense of the word, either through the diploma or any other certification. The continuous gap between existing educational trainings and the jobs offered is associated with a long experience of production, reproduction or transfer of technical know-how acquired by the on-the-job experience. The workers thus develop more or less occupational know-how and competences according to the trajectories, going from general or technical/vocational educational paths to various job experiences. The productive qualities built by the force of the work thus appear as a prevailing reference of the qualification relations in the history of the Gabonese timber industry. As a consequence we may wonder about their codification and their socio-occupational recognition. Which system, which spaces and which margins do the actors of the sector have whereas collective labour agreements, albeit "bargained", turn out to be ineffective? The interest of this study is less centred on a single definition of the notion of qualification than on the understanding of what is going on in the qualification system inside the workers' environment. With this objective in mind, this study will try to shed light on the qualification system under the prism of the forms and stakes of the production, recognition, rejection or control of the wage-earner relationships in the factories with regard to the structure of the occupational trajectories. This work is based on the labour sociology but also history, anthropology, economy and labour law.
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Montages contractuels : qualification, enjeux et perspectives, contribution à l'analyse en droit privé et en droit public / Contractual editings : qualification, stakes and perspectives, contribution to analysis in private and public lawSehil, Nouha 04 July 2014 (has links)
Issu de la pratique, le phénomène des montages contractuels est devenu une réalité quotidienne de la vie des affaires, des relations de travail, voire du droit économique. La question se pose alors de sa réception par le droit positif. Absent du vocabulaire juridique, le montage est un concept à définir. D'un point de vue théorique, il représente une articulation d'un ensemble d'actes ou d'opérations en vue d'une finalité propre. Cependant, il est loin de refléter une réalité uniforme. En droit privé, comme en droit public, il est une dialectique entre la norme et la pratique, voire entre la complexité et la complication, puisqu'il déroge au schéma classique du contrat simple, ce qui soulève la question de son insertion dans l'ordre contractuel. D'un point de vue pratique, il représente un phénomène pluridisciplinaire et diversifié qui ne saurait être dissocié des impératifs économiques. Une analyse des aspects financiers et fiscaux permet une meilleure compréhension de son caractère transversal. Mais, comme toute ingénierie, la jurisprudence et le législateur tendent à l'appréhender. Dans les montage mettant en présence des problématiques croisées de droit public et privé, la mise en place des solutions contractuelles relatives au financement privé d'équipements publics,telles que les formules de partenariat public-privé de prestations (CP, BEA, AOT), les délégations de service public (concessions, régie intéressée, affermage) ou encore les concessions de travaux, est indispensable. De même, en matière de promotion immobilière, ces solutions doivent permettre une externalisation de la maîtrise d'ouvrage technique des opérations de construction (VEFA, lease-back, contrats de promotion immobilière). / Stemming from the practice,the phenomenon of the contractual editings became a daily reality of business'life, labor relations, and even economic law. The question settles then of its reception by positive law. Absent in the legal vocabulary, the editing is a concept to be defined. From a theoretical point of view, it represents an articulation of a set of acts or operations with the aim of an appropriate purpose. However, it's far from reflecting a uniform reality. In private law, as in public law, it's a dialectic between standard and practice, even between the complexity and the complication because it departs from the classic contract's plan, what raises the question of its insertion in the contractual order. From a practical point of view,it appears as a multidisciplinary and diversified phenomenon which couldn't be separated from the economic imperatives.An analysis of the various financial and fiscal aspects allows a better understanding of its transverse character. As any engineering, the jurisprudence and the legislator try to get grips with. For the editings putting in the presence of the crossed problems of public and private law, the implementation of the contractual solutions relative to the financing deprived of public equipments such as the formulae of Public Private Partnership of services (CP, GAPED, essential AOT ), works contracts (interested state control, lease), is essential. Also, regarding real-estate development, these solutions have to allow an outsourcing of the technical project ownership of the construction's operations (VEFA, lease-back, contracts of real-estate development..).
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Impact de l'ajout de préposés aux bénéficiaires sur le travail des infirmières : rôle du leadership de l'infirmière-chefFugulin-Bouchard, Célinie January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Radial Leste, Brás e Mooca: diretrizes para requalificação urbana / Radial Leste, Bras and Mooca: guidelines for urban requalificationRodriguez, Maria Elizabet Paez 26 October 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da problemática que envolve a requalificação urbana de áreas centrais consolidadas e industrializadas em processo de degradação urbana e ambiental que perderam parte de sua população residente, mas que dispõem de infra-estrutura urbana básica instalada suficiente para suportar readensamento populacional controlado na reorganização da cidade. A requalificação urbana dessas áreas, aliada à sua localização estratégica próxima aos centros históricos ou novos das grandes metrópoles completos por sua diversidade de oferta de comércio, serviços, cultura e lazer, são um trunfo para o planejamento urbano na solução de problemas causados pelo constante deslocamento das populações entre seu local de moradia, local de trabalho, consumo, educação, cultura, esporte e lazer. Esta dissertação partiu da análise histórica do desenvolvimento urbano de dois bairros centrais e industrializados: os bairros históricos Brás e Mooca, localizados na metrópole de São Paulo, passando pela análise do tecido urbano, por um diagnóstico geral e finalizando com a proposição de um conjunto de diretrizes gerais e pontuais para a requalificação urbana da área-objeto de estudo. / The following dissertation discusses the problems involved in the urban requalification of consolidated and industrial central areas under urban and environmental degradation processes ? also known as brownfields. It outlines areas that have lost part of their original inhabitants, but which still possess the basic installed infrastructure necessary to endure controlled repopulation upon city reorganization. The urban requalification of these areas, together with their strategic placing within the city ? near historical and newly formed centers, which are made complete by the wide diversity of commerce, services, culture and entertainment ? constitutes a great advantage in the context of urban planning and problem solving regarding commuters and other shopping, education, culture, sport and leisure journeys. This paper begins with the historical analysis of the urban development of two central and industrialized neighborhoods ? the historical neighborhoods of Brás and Mooca, located at the city of São Paulo ? going through the analysis of the urban network via a general diagnosis, and summing up with the proposition of a set of general directives, both general and specific, for the urban requalification of the area under study.
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Um Centro para uma cidade (PÃs-)Moderna: a requalificaÃÃo do Centro HistÃrico de Fortaleza / A downtown to the postmoderns cities: the requalification in historic area of FortalezaLeonardo Costa de Vasconcelos 28 November 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / A pesquisa reflete um esforÃo em entender, a partir da realidade de
Fortaleza, um processo que se tornou comum em cidades ao redor do mundo, tais como Barcelona, Boston ou SÃo Paulo. Este à a difusÃo, cada vez mais intensa, das requalificaÃÃes de antigos centros histÃricos, o que surge, entre a aÃÃo das polÃticas pÃblicas e da iniciativa privada, no final do sÃculo XX, e se dà como uma espÃcie de âculturalizaÃÃoâ do espaÃo urbano. Ou seja, uma valorizaÃÃo do aspecto simbÃlico e econÃmico dos âprodutos culturaisâ que Ãreas histÃricas, como os antigos centros urbanos, podem oferecer. Constituem-se daà trÃs tipos de discussÃes: 1) um debate sobre os conceitos que pautam este tipo de polÃtica cultural; 2) o levantamento documental de projetos para o centro de Fortaleza; e 3) a realizaÃÃo de observaÃÃes sistemÃticas em campo nos espaÃos que jà passaram ou estÃo passando por intervenÃÃes com vistas à de requalificaÃÃo da Ãrea central de Fortaleza, afim de identificar os âcontra-usosâ (LEITE, 2004), ou como os grupos sociais se reapropriam da idÃia de um centro âenobrecidoâ. O que se busca Ã, portanto, uma estratÃgia de se relacionar as requalificaÃÃes em escala global e local, compreendendo o que à valorizado e as disputas implÃcitas neste processo. / Taking the reality of Fortaleza, this research does a discussion about a usual process to the towns around the world, like Barcelona, Boston or SÃo Paulo.
Itâs a diffusion of requalification projects in old downtowns that appears with a Public and Private partners, mainly in last half of twentieth century. Itâs a valorization of symbolic and economic aspect from the âcultural productsâ that historic areas, like old downtowns, can give. Three kinds of discussions are
constitutive: 1) talk about the concept of this cultural politics; 2) analyze the projects to Fortalezaâs downtown area; and 3) talk about the results that have been constructed in ârequalificatedâ areas, doing the investigation with field observations.
This last one step has the concept of âcontra-usosâ (LEITE, 2004) or how the social groups expropriate the thinking of âgentrificatedâ areas. This is a strategy to do a parallel behind global and local requalifications, understanding what is valorized and the actors in this process.
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Radial Leste, Brás e Mooca: diretrizes para requalificação urbana / Radial Leste, Bras and Mooca: guidelines for urban requalificationMaria Elizabet Paez Rodriguez 26 October 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação trata da problemática que envolve a requalificação urbana de áreas centrais consolidadas e industrializadas em processo de degradação urbana e ambiental que perderam parte de sua população residente, mas que dispõem de infra-estrutura urbana básica instalada suficiente para suportar readensamento populacional controlado na reorganização da cidade. A requalificação urbana dessas áreas, aliada à sua localização estratégica próxima aos centros históricos ou novos das grandes metrópoles completos por sua diversidade de oferta de comércio, serviços, cultura e lazer, são um trunfo para o planejamento urbano na solução de problemas causados pelo constante deslocamento das populações entre seu local de moradia, local de trabalho, consumo, educação, cultura, esporte e lazer. Esta dissertação partiu da análise histórica do desenvolvimento urbano de dois bairros centrais e industrializados: os bairros históricos Brás e Mooca, localizados na metrópole de São Paulo, passando pela análise do tecido urbano, por um diagnóstico geral e finalizando com a proposição de um conjunto de diretrizes gerais e pontuais para a requalificação urbana da área-objeto de estudo. / The following dissertation discusses the problems involved in the urban requalification of consolidated and industrial central areas under urban and environmental degradation processes ? also known as brownfields. It outlines areas that have lost part of their original inhabitants, but which still possess the basic installed infrastructure necessary to endure controlled repopulation upon city reorganization. The urban requalification of these areas, together with their strategic placing within the city ? near historical and newly formed centers, which are made complete by the wide diversity of commerce, services, culture and entertainment ? constitutes a great advantage in the context of urban planning and problem solving regarding commuters and other shopping, education, culture, sport and leisure journeys. This paper begins with the historical analysis of the urban development of two central and industrialized neighborhoods ? the historical neighborhoods of Brás and Mooca, located at the city of São Paulo ? going through the analysis of the urban network via a general diagnosis, and summing up with the proposition of a set of general directives, both general and specific, for the urban requalification of the area under study.
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Patrimônio ambiental urbano e requalificação: contradições no planejamento do núcleo histórico de Santos / Urban environmental patrimony and requalification: contradictions in the planning of historical nucleus of SantosCardoso, Jorge de Jesus 09 August 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca traçar um panorama urbano, histórico e atual, das políticas públicas implantadas no município de Santos, em especial naquelas voltadas à zona central mais antiga da cidade, a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Trata do conflito entre o processo de requalificação urbana desencadeado pelo projeto Alegra Centro, e a atual política de Gestão Estratégica e City Marketing desenvolvida pela municipalidade. Abarca ainda a implementação das políticas urbanas baseadas nos projetos \"âncora\", e nos Focos de Desenvolvimento do Centro Histórico, ambas prevendo a parceria pública/privada como desencadeadora do processo de gentrificação. Aborda experiências de revitalização e requalificação vividas no exterior - Itália, Espanha e Argentina, e, no Brasil - Salvador, Recife e Vitória. Ao final, enfoca o patrimônio ambiental urbano de Santos a partir de dez focos de desenvolvimento, analisando-os enquanto instrumentos de recuperação do patrimônio edificado mais antigo para o uso do turismo histórico e cultural. / The present work searches to draw an urban, historical and current panorama, of the public politics implanted in the municipal district of Santos, especially in those turned to the older central area of the city, starting from the second half of the century XX. It treats of the conflict between the urban requalification process unchained by the project \"Alegra Centro\", and the current politics of Strategic Administration and City Marketing developed by the municipality. It still embraces the implementation of the urban politics based on the projects \'anchor\', and on the Focuses of Development of the Historical Center, both foreseeing the public and private partnership broken out by the gentrification process. It approaches revitalization experiences and requalification lived abroad - Italy, Spain and Argentina, and, in Brazil - Salvador, Recife and Vitória. At the end, it focuses the urban environmental patrimony of Santos starting from ten development focuses, analyzing them while instruments of recovery of the older built patrimony for the use of the historical and cultural tourism.
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Les actes administratifs unilatéraux négociésDeau, Richard 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le droit administratif est traditionnellement caractérisé par l'existence de rapports fondamentalement inégalitaires entre les administrés et l'administration. La supériorité de cette dernière se manifeste principalement par l'édiction d'actes unilatéraux. Mais la puissance publique s'est affaiblie car derrière le qualificatif unilatéral se cachent des actes élaborés par voie de négociation entre leurs destinataires ou leurs représentants et l'administration. Ces actes, que le juge refuse de qualifier de contrats et ce pour diverses raisons, apparaissent notamment dans le domaine de l'administration économique, de l'organisation et du fonctionnement des services publics, ainsi qu'en matière sanitaire et sociale. De par leurs caractéristiques, les actes administratifs unilatéraux négociés semblent apparemment remettre en cause la distinction traditionnelle entre l'acte unilatéral et le contrat. Dans ce cas, doit-on en déduire qu'ils forment une catégorie juridique s'insérant entre ces deux catégories classiques ? Sur le plan contentieux et théorique, il apparaît que, malgré leurs spécificités, les actes administratifs unilatéraux négociés doivent être considérés comme une sous-catégorie des actes unilatéraux.
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