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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The United States’ Enemy Image against North Korea during the Presidency of Donald J. Trump : Decision-Making at the Elite-Level

Schillström, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
The United States' enemy image of North Korea has been on its political agenda since the Korean war. Weapons of mass destruction has, since the Cold War, shown the complexity it brings on conflictual interests and decision-makers persuading efforts. Enemy image, per se, brings difficulties in achieving cooperation, substantially when both parties contempt high levels of enmity. However, the newly established U.S.-DPRK relationship brings hope for cooperative possibilities regarding denuclearization on the Korean peninsula. The relationship between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un is not based on trust, instead, it is dependent on the concrete steps taken by the other. The enemy image of North Korea has been settled on the U.S. political agenda firmly because of the principles regarding denuclearization and security. The enemy image is also an important factor to consider when examining political agendas, since the changing dynamics are dependent on how state A interpret state B and vice versa. What has articulated the dynamics of the U.S. enemy image against North Korea? and how has its enemy image changed? To answer the question at issue, a theory consumption of Eriksson and Noreen’s explanatory model is necessary. Which consists of context-dependent external and informal factors that will contribute different but coherent hypotheses.

Auf dem Weg zur inklusiven Hochschule: Studie zur Situation von Studierenden und Beschäftigten mit Behinderungen im öffentlichen sächsischen Wissenschaftsbereich

Rieger, Kathrin, Walter, Beata, Rieger, Marie-Luise 13 August 2020 (has links)
Im Januar 2015 wurde auf Antrag der Fraktionen von CDU und SPD im Sächsischen Landtag ein Beschluss zur Erstellung einer Studie zur Situation der Studierenden und Mitarbeiter an den sächsischen Einrichtungen der Hochschulbildung gefasst. (Sächsischer Landtag, 6. Wahlperiode; Drucksache 6/729) Diese Studie soll die gegenwärtige Situation analysieren und Empfehlungen dazu erarbeiten, wie die Maximen einer inklusiven Hochschule erreicht werden können. Redaktionsschluss: 01.07.2016

Hållbarhet inom företagsförvärv : En jämförelse av påverkan på abnormal avkastning inom förvärvande företag vid tillkännagivande av företagsförvärv inom tre branscher

Kayhan, Merve, Stevanovic, Ivana January 2020 (has links)
This study examines whether there is a difference in the impact on the cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) when announcing merger and acquisitions for companies that are members and companies that are non-members of UN Global Compact. Furthermore, the study examines the development of CAAR by dividing the acquiring companies in the financial-, industrial-, and high-technology industries. To examine this, a quantitative method with an event study is applied. In total, CAAR is examined for 204 acquisitions where 102 acquisitions are announced by companies that are connected to UN Global Compact 10 principles. All of the acquisitions have been announced between the period 2009-01-01 to 2019-12-31. The hypotheses regarding differences in abnormal returns in the financial, industrial and high-technology industry have been tested in a significance tests and presented in tables and graphs. The results of the study shows that companies that are members, regardless of industry, are negative affected by the announcement of merger and acquisitions. Furthermore, there is differences in how CAAR for members and non-members are affected by the announcement of acquisitions depending on the industry in which the companies are located. The conclusion is that non-members present the highest values of CAAR in all industries but significance can only be showed in the industrial industry. Significance can be showed for members in all industries. / Denna studie undersöker om det föreligger skillnad i påverkan på den genomsnittliga kumulativa abnormala avkastningen (CAAR) vid tillkännagivande av företagsförvärv för företag som är medlemmar respektive icke medlemmar i UN Global Compact. Vidare undersöker studien utvecklingen i CAAR genom att dela in de förvärvande företagen inom finans-, industri- och högteknologiska branschen. Metoden som valts ut är en kvantitativ metod där en eventstudie tillämpas. Totalt undersöks CAAR för 204 stycken förvärv, där 102 stycken förvärv är utannonserade av företag som är anslutna till UN Global Compacts tio principer. Alla förvärv har utannonserats mellan perioden 2009-01-01 till och med 2019-12-31. För att undersöka ställda hypoteser har tabeller och diagram upprättats där signifikans har blivit säkerställd genom ett signifikanstest. Resultaten av undersökningen visar att företag som är medlemmar, oberoende av bransch, påverkas negativt med anledning av tillkännagivande av förvärv, där påverkan även statistiskt kan säkerställas med en signifikans på 90%. Vidare påvisas skillnader i hur medlemmar respektive icke medlemmars CAAR påverkas av tillkännagivande av förvärv beroende på vilken bransch företagen befinner sig inom. Slutsatsen blir att icke medlemmar uppvisar högst värden av CAAR inom samtliga branscher men signifikans kan endast påvisas inom industribranschen. För medlemmar kan signifikans påvisas inom samtliga branscher.


MARCELO FERREIRA MIGUEL 22 January 2020 (has links)
[pt] Em Gálatas, Paulo está em defesa da Verdade do Evangelho (Gl 2,5.14) e luta contra o trabalho dos missionários rivais que estavam pervertendo a mensagem cristã naquelas comunidades. Paulo estava ciente de que muitos dos seus argumentos e proposições poderiam levar a conclusões falsas. Para não deixar dúvidas e convencer seus leitores acerca da Verdade, um dos recursos que Paulo usa é criar perguntas e respondê-las, a fim de se antecipar às falsas conclusões que seus leitores poderiam tirar de suas proposições. Estas perguntas do interlocutor hipotético, geralmente consideradas absurdas, são respondidas com um veemente de jeito nenhum! (un yevoito). Buscamos, neste trabalho, investigar o uso desta expressão em Gálatas comparando-o com o uso na literatura grega (bíblica e extra-bíblica) para, assim, alcançarmos uma maior clareza do sentido da expressão em Gálatas. Estudiosos têm buscado uma resposta para o uso que Paulo faz de un yevoito em Epíteto (50-135 d.C.), no entanto, a tese desta pesquisa é que a resposta pode ser encontrada nos oradores gregos anteriores a Paulo. Cremos que este tema seja relevante uma vez que quase não há bibliografia específica a respeito do uso da expressão un yevoito, e a que existe restringe-se ao seu uso na diatribe. / [en] In Galatians Paul is defending the Truth of the Gospel (Galatians 2:5.14) and fighting against the work of rival missionaries who were perverting the Christian message in those communities. Paul was aware that many of his arguments and propositions could lead to false conclusions. To avoid doubts and persuade his readers about the Truth, one of the resources that Paul uses is to ask questions and answer them in order to anticipate the false conclusions that his readers might draw from his propositions. These questions of the hypothetical interlocutor, generally considered absurd, are answered with a vehement by no means! (un yevoito). In this work we seek to investigate the use of this expression in Galatians by comparing it with its use in Greek literature (biblical and extrabiblical) in order to achieve greater clarity of the meaning of the expression in Galatians. Scholars have sought an answer to Paul s use of un yevoito in Epictetus (50- 135 AD), however, the thesis of this research is that the answer can be found in the greek orators before Paul. We believe that this topic is relevant since there is almost no specific bibliography regarding the use of the expression un yevoito, and the one that exists is restricted to its use in the diatribe.

Understanding Resilience and Risks : A Qualitative Case Study of International Disaster Policy and Informal Settlements in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hero, John January 2015 (has links)
This study is the result of a two-year long minor field study project of informal settlements in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The aim was to analyse the concept of disaster resilience by describing possible contemporary complications in both theory and practice related to resilience and risks of informal settlements in Buenos Aires. For this reason I have applied the theoretical concept of resilience used by United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). The research has been conducted in two local settings of informal settlements by using a qualitative case study approach of semi-structured interviews and observations. The chosen area of empirics has been limited to local voluntary and political organisations in a context of self-organization were all chosen interviewees have some relation to either projects or organizations in the area. The results show that local context of functionality depends on different political strategies that can either restrict or assist the process of resilience, which can occur on both individual and collective levels of community. In this context resistance to natural hazards becomes contradictive in absence of prevention when resilience is achieved without even touching high levels of vulnerability such as drugs and violence. In this setting United Nations stands before a change of paradigms in either continuing to manage disasters or change focus to manage underlying drivers of risks. / Este estudio es el resultado de un proyecto de dos años de un estudio de campo menor sobre los asentamientos informales en Buenos Aires, Argentina. El propósito fue analizar el concepto de resiliencia de los desastres, describiendo las posibles complicaciones contemporáneos tanto en la teoría y la práctica, en relación con la resiliencia y los riesgos de los asentamientos informales en Buenos Aires. Por esta razón he aplicado el concepto teórico de la resiliencia utilizada por la Estrategia Internacional para la Reducción de Desastres de las Naciones Unidas (UNISDR). La investigación se ha realizado en dos configuraciones locales de los asentamientos informales, mediante el uso de un enfoque de estudio de caso cualitativo de observaciones y entrevistas semi-estructuradas. El área elegida de análisis empírico se ha limitado a las organizaciones locales de voluntarios y políticos en un contexto de auto-organización, donde todos los entrevistados han sido elegidos porque tienen alguna relación con cualquiera de los proyectos u organizaciones de la zona. Los resultados muestran que el contexto local de la funcionalidad depende de diferentes estrategias políticas que pueden restringir o asistir al proceso de resiliencia, esto puede ocurrir en ambos niveles individuales y colectivos de la comunidad. En este contexto, la resistencia a las amenazas naturales se vuelve contradictorio por la ausencia de la prevención, cuando se alcanza la capacidad de resiliencia sin tocar los altos niveles de vulnerabilidad, como las drogas y la violencia. En este escenario las Naciones Unidas se encuentra ante un cambio de paradigma, ya sea continuar para gestionar los desastres o cambiar de enfoque para gestionar los  factores subyacentes de los riesgos. / Minor Field Study

Influence du corps calleux sur la variabilité interindividuelle de la désynchronisation liée à un évènement mesurée par électroencéphalogramme

Trottier Duclos, François January 2014 (has links)
Encore aujourd’hui, l’électroencéphalogramme (EEG) reste la seule modalité permettant d’étudier facilement l’activité neuronale. Toutefois, l’interprétation de l’enregistrement EEG est un processus essentiellement qualitatif, ce qui limite grandement son utilisation clinique. Bien que certaines mesures aient été conçues pour évaluer quantitativement les modulations d’amplitude du signal EEG, leur grande variabilité empêche l’établissement de critères qui en permettraient une utilisation clinique. Par exemple, la désynchronisation liée à un évènement (DLE), une mesure reflétant l’activation corticale lors d’une tâche, pourrait être utilisée pour investiguer de nombreuses pathologies neuropsychiatriques et être intégrée au développement d’interface neuronale directe. Toutefois, pour une même tâche dans les mêmes conditions certains individus génèrent une forte DLE alors qu’elle est très faible pour d’autres. Curieusement, lors d’un mouvement de la main droite, la DLE est retrouvée au niveau des électrodes situées au centre de l’hémisphère gauche, mais aussi au niveau de celles situées au centre de l’hémisphère droit. Cette symétrie s’accorde avec une théorie de plus en plus répandue proposant une organisation bilatérale du système moteur. Ainsi, l’interaction interhémisphérique serait essentielle à la réalisation de mouvements mêmes unimanuels. Le corps calleux (CC), étant la principale structure responsable de cette interaction, revêt donc un intérêt particulier et cette étude vise à évaluer sa contribution à la variabilité interindividuelle de la puissance de la DLE élicitée par un mouvement des doigts. L’imagerie par résonnance magnétique a été utilisée afin de mesurer non seulement l’aire du CC sur la coupe mi-sagittale, mais aussi d’autres mesures reflétant son organisation et qui proviennent des techniques d’imagerie par résonnance magnétique de diffusion. Ces mesures sont la diffusivité moyenne, l’anisotropie fractionnelle et la longueur moyenne des fibres transcalleuses reconstruites par tractographie. Bien que nos résultats ne démontrent pas la présence d’une relation statistiquement significative entre la puissance de la DLE et aucune de ces mesures, deux tendances intéressantes émergent. En effet, la puissance de la DLE au niveau des électrodes centrales semble présenter une relation positive avec la diffusivité moyenne et une relation négative avec l’anisotropie fractionnelle. Ces deux mesures pourraient être particulièrement prometteuses pour de prochaines études visant à expliquer la variabilité de la puissance du signal EEG.

Turkey and its call for a safe area in Syria

Schuringa, Charlotte January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

KEX-utredningen - förslag präglade av realism eller liberalism? : En kvantitativ analys av KEX-utredningen utifrån realism och liberalism.

Eliassi, Azad January 2016 (has links)
Swedish arms exports is a controversial topic. Sweden is one of the world's leading arms exporters. In connection to an investigation conducted by the Eko in 2012, which is a program of the Swedish Radio, Sweden's long arms negotiations with Saudi Arabia. This became a big debate, because Sweden isn't supposed to negotiate with non-democratic countries. The Swedish government decided to appoint a committe to study this subject and come up with stricter laws on arms exports. The purpose of this paper is to see which theory that dominates the committe investigation. it turns out that liberalism dominates the investigation, although even in small tensile characterized by realism. Liberalism is the theory which dominates them abandoned the proposals, the view of democracy as the consequences that a more restrictive regulation would entail.

More than Fighting for Peace? An examination of the role of conflict resolution in training programmes for military peacekeepers

Curran, David Manus January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research project is to examine the role of conflict resolution in training programmes for military peacekeepers. It offers a significant contribution to the conflict resolution literature by providing contemporary analysis of where further manifestations exist of the links between military peacekeeping and the academic study of conflict resolution. The thesis firstly provides a thorough analysis of where conflict resolution scholars have sought to critique and influence peacekeeping. This is mirrored by a survey of policy stemming from the United Nations (UN) in the period 1999-2010. The thesis then undertakes a survey of the role of civil-military cooperation: an area where there is obvious crossover between military peacekeeping and conflict resolution terminology. This is achieved firstly through an analysis of practitioner reports and academic research into the subject area, and secondly through a fieldwork analysis of training programmes at the UN Training School Ireland, and Royal Military Training Academy 4 Sandhurst (RMAS). The thesis goes on to provide a comprehensive examination of the role of negotiation for military peacekeepers. This examination incorporates a historical overview of negotiation in the British Army, a sampling of peacekeeping literature, and finally fieldwork observations of negotiation at RMAS. The thesis discusses how this has impacted significantly on conceptions of military peacekeepers from both the military and conflict resolution fields. The thesis adds considerably to contemporary debates over cosmopolitan forms of conflict resolution. Firstly it outlines where cosmopolitan ethics are entering into military training programmes, and how the emergence of institutionalised approaches in the UN to 'human security' and peacebuilding facilitate this. Secondly, the thesis uses Woodhouse and Ramsbotham's framework to link the emergence of cosmopolitan values in training programmes to wider structural changes at a global level.

Setting a new standard: a sociolinguistic analysis of the regional Italian of Sicily in Andrea Camilleri’s Commissario Montalbano mystery series

Andrighetti, Traci Lee 01 June 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a sociolinguistic analysis of the regional Italian of Sicily in Andrea Camilleri’s Un mese con Montalbano (A Month with Montalbano). The lexical portion of a model developed by Sgroi (1990) to examine the use of regional Italian in literature was applied to the thirty short stories in Camilleri’s text to isolate the components of this variety. The study also attempted to identify the socio-economic features of the characters who speak regional Italian, the contexts of use of this variety and what the regionalisms in the stories indicate about Italy and the speech of Italians. The model revealed that Camilleri utilizes three main types of language to regionalize his prose: Sicilian Italian regionalisms; phonological adaptations of Sicilian dialect terms; and, hyperfrequent Italian words. The regional terms comprise only 24.4% of the lexemes identified by the model, while 40.4% represent Italianizations of Sicilian dialect that may be artistic adaptations of the author. A surprising 33.4% of the terms are standard Italian words that appear to have been chosen by Camilleri due to their similarity to equivalent Sicilian dialect terms. With respect to the sociolinguistic aspects of the study, the findings were somewhat problematic owing to the nature of the mystery genre. Specifically, middle-aged policemen and police-related contexts of use are disproportionately represented in the stories. Nevertheless, it was determined that regional Italian is spoken by male and female characters who represent a wide range of ages and occupations. Furthermore, results illustrated that regionalisms are uttered most frequently in professional, public and formal contexts. The requisites of the mystery genre also affected the findings in regard to Camilleri’s portrayal of Italy and Italian speech. Much of the regional language used in the text exaggerates the criminal aspects of Italian society and the expressive quality of this variety. In a more realistic vein, however, many regionalisms emphasize the multi-cultural makeup of the country and the intangible facet of Italianness. In general, the textual analysis indicates that regional Italian is a complex variety which may enjoy a broader usage in contemporary Italy than the traditional dialects. / text

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