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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Tiempos de respuesta a estímulos visuales: vinculando el comportamiento individual y colectivo a través de las leyes de la Física

Hernaiz Guijarro, Moisés 18 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] En la presente tesis se construyen modelos matemáticos para el análisis de tiempos de respuesta (TR) a estímulos visuales en experimentos informatizados. Es conocido que existe una correlación estrecha entre los tiempos de reacción y diversos trastornos cognitivos, tales como el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH). Sin embargo, no existe consenso en la explicación de estas correlaciones. Una primera aportación, más práctica, de este trabajo, es el desarrollo de una metodología para la clasificación de un grupo coetáneo de niños en edad escolar. La función ex-Gaussiana, originada por la convolución entre una Gaussiana y una exponencial decreciente, se utiliza para representar las funciones de distribución empíricas de tiempos de respuesta. La metodología de clasificación propuesta utiliza las distribuciones de los parámetros de la ex-Gaussiana mu, sigma y tau en una muestra de 168 niños, así como la distribución de la moda, obtenida de las distribuciones empíricas de los TR. También utiliza diferentes definiciones de norma del vector de componentes (mu, sigma, tau) también analizado en la muestra. Entre los criterios utilizados para detectar los niños más alejados de un comportamiento normativo y, por tanto, con mayor probabilidad de tener algún trastorno cognitivo, se encuentra, por ejemplo, el porcentaje medio de prevalencia mundial de TDAH (7 %) y el hecho de que los niños con alteraciones cognitivas presentan respuestas más lentas o más rápidas pero con un mayor número de errores. En una segunda parte de la tesis, con un marcado aporte teórico, se analizan las correlaciones existentes entre los tiempos de respuesta de los participantes. Se ha aplicado una metodología propia basada en la transformada rápida de Fourier de las series temporales de las respuestas de los niños a lo largo de estímulos consecutivos y un análisis de correlaciones basado en la Entropía de Shannon espectral (por frecuencia). Los resultados obtenidos son muy novedosos, ya que se evidencia una correlación elevada entre las respuestas de los niños, aun cuando han hecho los experimentos de manera totalmente independiente. A partir de la evidencia empírica de la existencia de correlaciones entre las series temporales de las respuestas de los niños, lo que apunta hacia la existencia de una colectividad, se propone un modelo inspirado en la Física para entender y explicar las correlaciones. Específicamente, se demuestra la existencia de un paralelismo entre las partículas independientes de un gas ideal y los cerebros de los niños, que serían, en última instancia, los que generan las respuestas observables. La distribución de Maxwell-Boltzmann, conocida en Física por describir la distribución de velocidades de un Gas Ideal en equilibrio termodinámico, emerge del análisis de los tiempos de respuesta, en términos de los momentos de las funciones ex-Gaussianas que los representan. La posibilidad de contar con una función de distribución de probabilidades, que describa el comportamiento natural de una colectividad, ofrece muchas posibilidades de aplicación en diferentes áreas. Una de ellas es la posibilidad de clasificar a los individuos con respecto al grupo natural al que pertenecen. Las implicaciones de las aportaciones conceptuales de esta tesis se discuten al final, donde se comenta la continuidad de este trabajo. / [CA] En la present tesi es construeixen models matemàtics per a l'anàlisi de temps de resposta (TR) a estímuls visuals en experiments informatitzats. És conegut que existeix una correlació estreta entre els temps de reacció i diversos trastorns cognitius, com ara el Trastorn per Dèficit d'Atenció i Hiperactivitat (TDAH). No obstant això, no existeix consens en l'explicació d'aquestes correlacions. Una primera aportació, més pràctica, d'aquest treball, és el desenvolupament d'una metodologia per a la classificació d'un grup coetani de xiquets en edat escolar. La funció ex-Gaussiana, originada per la convolució entre una Gaussiana i una exponencial decreixent, s'utilitza per a representar les funcions de distribució empíriques de temps de resposta. La metodologia de classificació proposada utilitza les distribucions dels paràmetres de la ex-Gaussiana mu, sigma i tau en una mostra de 168 xiquets, així com la distribució de la moda, obtinguda de les distribucions empíriques dels TR. També utilitza diferents definicions de norma del vector de components (mu, sigma, tau), també analitzat en la mostra. Entre els criteris utilitzats per a detectar els xiquets més allunyats d'un comportament normatiu i, per tant, amb major probabilitat de tenir algun trastorn cognitiu, es troba, per exemple, el percentatge mitjà de prevalença mundial de TDAH (7%) i el fet que els xiquets amb alteracions cognitives presenten respostes més lentes o més ràpides però amb un major nombre d'errors. En una segona part de la tesi, amb una marcada aportació teòrica, s'analitzen les correlacions existents entre els temps de resposta dels participants. S'ha aplicat una metodologia pròpia basada en la transformada ràpida de Fourier de les sèries temporals de les respostes dels xiquets al llarg d'estímuls consecutius i una anàlisi de correlacions basat en l'Entropia de Shannon espectral (per freqüència). Els resultats obtinguts són molt nous, ja que, s'evidencia una correlació elevada entre les respostes dels xiquets, tot i que han fet els experiments de manera totalment independent. A partir de l'evidència empírica de l'existència de correlacions entre les sèries temporals de les respostes dels xiquets, la qual cosa apunta cap a l'existència d'una col·lectivitat, es proposa un model inspirat en la Física per a entendre i explicar les correlacions. Específicament, es demostra l'existència d'un paral·lelisme entre les partícules independents d'un gas ideal i els cervells dels xiquets, que serien, en última instància, els que generen les respostes observables. La distribució de Maxwell-Boltzmann, coneguda de la Física per descriure la distribució de velocitats d'un Gas Ideal en equilibri termodinàmic, emergeix de l'anàlisi dels temps de resposta, en termes dels moments de les funcions ex-Gaussianas que els representen. La possibilitat de comptar amb una funció de distribució de probabilitats, que descriga el comportament natural d'una col·lectivitat, ofereix moltes possibilitats d'aplicació en diferents àrees. Una d'elles és la possibilitat de classificar als individus respecte al grup natural al qual pertanyen. Les implicacions de les aportacions conceptuals d'aquesta tesi es discuteixen al final, on es comenta la continuïtat d'aquest treball. / [EN] Mathematical models are built to analyse response time data to visual stimuli in computerized experiments. The actual correlation between reaction times and cognitive disorders, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) disorder, is well known in the literature. However, there is no clear consensus about how to explain this correlation. A first practical contribution of this work is a classification methodology of a coetaneous group of school-aged children. The ex-Gaussian function, originated by the convolution of a Gaussian and an exponential decay functions is used to represent the experimental probability distributions of reaction times. The classification methodology proposed in this work utilizes the probability distributions of the ex-Gaussian parameters mu, sigma and tau across a sample of 168 children, as well as the mode of the empirical probability distributions of the reaction times. Also, some definitions of the norm of the vector with components (mu, sigma, tau) are used. The detection of those children who lie furthest from the normative behaviour, and then, are more likely to suffer a cognitive disorder is performed by including the following criteria: the world prevalence percentage of ADHD (7 %) and the fact that children with this disorder show slower and faster responses. In the case of the fast responses, they should be given along with a higher rate of mistakes. In a second part of this work more conceptual contributions are provided. The evidenced correlations between the children's responses along consecutive visual stimuli are analysed by using the fast Fourier transform and the Shannon's Entropy in spectral form (per frequency). The outcome is surprising as correlations among the children are manifested, even when they carry out the experiments independently. This fact strongly suggests the existence of a collective of children. In order to gain insights into this finding, a Physics-inspired model is proposed. Specifically, the results indicate the existence of a parallelism between the independent particles forming an Ideal Gas and the group of individuals. Then, the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of the velocities of the particles of an Ideal Gas, emerges here when the moments of the ex-Gaussian distributions are considered across the sample. This opens many possibilities of applications in different fields as a natural distribution of the response times of the collective is available. For instance, the behaviour of an individual in relation to the natural group it belongs to can be known. The potential applications and impact of these developments are included at the end of this work where the continuity of this work is commented. / Hernaiz Guijarro, M. (2021). Tiempos de respuesta a estímulos visuales: vinculando el comportamiento individual y colectivo a través de las leyes de la Física [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168120 / TESIS

Joseph Smith—History: From Dictation to Canon

Bennett, Russ Kay 09 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis seeks to answer the question of how Joseph Smith—History found in The Pearl of Great Price developed into a part of the canon of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When the prophet Joseph Smith first dictated the text to his scribes it seems he had not intended for the work to become scripture, but simply to follow the Lord's divine mandate to keep a record. Additionally he provided the purpose in his document to "disabuse the public mind, and put all inquirers after truth in possession of the facts, as they transpired." The format he proposed for the Manuscript History illustrates how it was originally not purposed for scripture. The compiling of that history took the efforts of many men and women and spanned the length of almost twenty years to complete. Joseph Smith had begun the dictation to his scribe George Robinson in 1838, but it was unfinished. Joseph later began the dictation anew to his scribe James Mulholland, first having the man rewrite what he had told to Robinson and then picking up the dictation from there. While the prophet had started and stopped histories before, this particular dictation began the enduring effort. The Manuscript History was developed from the original 59 pages that were scribed by Mulholland. By the efforts of other scribes, but mostly Willard Richards, the history was completed. The official statement of Brigham Young and Orson Pratt upon its completion said nothing of extracting portions for canon. But Mulholland's work seemed destined for a different purpose than the rest of the Manuscript History. It was printed serially in the Times and Seasons, and a few apostles seemed to catch a vision of what the manuscript could do for potential converts and members of the Church. Orson Pratt was especially a proponent of communicating certain key events as illustrated in his missionary tract "Remarkable Visions." A later apostle, Franklin D. Richards, would see the benefit of using the official history to distribute the history of the restoration of the Church to others. He extracted portions from Mulholland's text that covered certain main events in Joseph's life and printed them in his missionary tract The Pearl of Great Price. This pamphlet would eventually be canonized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1880. Joseph Smith-History's inclusion in the reclamation of revelation that occurred in 1880 was deserved. This is evidenced by examining the process of canonization and the guiding principles of canonization employed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was canonized at the same time as many other revelations and at a General Conference saturated with many important events. Consequently it is difficult to gauge the reaction to its inclusion in canon, except in how it has been used since its canonization. After its inclusion into scripture the text has become a foundational piece of literature for the Church. The impact the text has had can be seen in the culture, missionary work, and doctrine of the Church. The focus of this thesis is to map the text's journey from birth to canonization.

The Whole Other World of Ashman and Menken: Broadway Conventions in Disney's "Renaissance" Musicals

Minelli, Kelli Marie 27 January 2023 (has links)
No description available.


JAHIR DESAILY LLAGAS ORTEGA 24 November 2022 (has links)
[pt] Com o aumento das questões energéticas e ambientais, os veículos elétricos (EVs) se tornarão um modo de transporte essencial na distribuição logística. Um cenário vital a ser considerado é a dependência do congestionamento do tráfego nos tempos de viagem dos veículos, como é comum nas áreas urbanas hoje. Esse recurso significa que a velocidade de um EV em cada rota pode ser distinta durante diferentes períodos. Como os EVs possuem autonomia limitada, vários trabalhos na literatura propuseram modelos de consumo de energia em função da velocidade e fatores aerodinâmicos. No entanto, sua aplicação permanece limitada e simplificada devido à sua dependência da velocidade e dos tempos de viagem. No caso da velocidade, os modelos da literatura trabalham sob uma velocidade média durante um determinado arco ou introduzem aproximações com métodos de linearização por partes. Em relação aos tempos de viagem, os atuais algoritmos de roteamento de veículos muitas vezes reformulam a rede viária em um gráfico completo onde cada arco representa o caminho mais rápido entre dois locais. Os resultados obtidos por esses métodos divergem da realidade, principalmente para problemas de roteamento de arco envolvendo serviços nos arcos de uma rede rodoviária. Por essas razões, definimos o Problema de Roteamento de Arco Capacitado Elétrico com tempos de viagem dependentes do tempo e taxa de consumo de energia dependente da velocidade. Ao longo de um horizonte de planejamento, cada arco está associado a uma função de velocidade passo a passo. O objetivo é atender um conjunto de arcos que demandam serviços por meio de uma frota de EVs com carga e capacidade de bateria limitadas, minimizando o tempo total de viagem. Além disso, a taxa de consumo de energia por unidade de tempo percorrido é considerada uma função não linear baseada na velocidade. Propomos um algoritmo de pré-processamento de consumo de energia de forma fechada sem aproximações. Nós o incorporamos em uma metaheurística Iterate Local Search e comparamos o impacto no projeto de rotas com os veículos convencionais. / [en] With energy and environmental issues rising, electric vehicles (EVs) will become an essential mode of transportation in logistics distribution. A vital scenario to consider is the dependence of traffic congestion on vehicle travel times, as it is common in urban areas today. This feature means that the speed of an EV on each route may be distinct during different periods. Because EVs have a limited driving range, various works in the literature have proposed energy consumption models as a function of speed and aerodynamic factors. However, their application remains limited and oversimplified due to their dependence on speed and travel times. In the case of speed, the models in the literature work under an average speed during a given arc or introduce approximations with piece-wise linearization methods. Regarding travel times, current vehicle routing algorithms often reformulate the road network into a complete graph where each arc represents the quickest path between two locations. The results obtained by these methods differ from reality, particularly for Arc Routing Problems involving services on the arcs of a road network. For these reasons, we define the Electric Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Time-dependent Travel times, and Speed-dependent Energy Consumption Rate (E-TDCARP). Over a planning horizon, each arc is associated with a step-wise speed function. Based on this function, a vehicle s speed can change while traveling on a given arc. The objective is to serve a set of arcs that require services through a fleet of electric vehicles with limited load and battery capacity, minimizing the total travel time. Furthermore, the energy consumption rate per unit of time traveled (ECR) is considered a nonlinear function based on speed. We propose a closed-form energy consumption preprocessing algorithm without approximations. We embed it into an Iterate Local Search metaheuristic (ILS) for E-TDCARP and compare the impact on the design of routes between these alternative vehicles and conventional ones.

Methods Short of War: The United States Reacts to the Rise of the Third Reich

Negy, Kenneth 01 January 2013 (has links)
This project analyzes the various opinions in the United States of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during the 1930s and studies the amount of information that was available in the United States regarding Nazi Germany before entering World War II. Specifically, it seeks to understand why the United States did relatively little to influence German and European affairs even in the face of increasing Nazi brutality and bellicosity. The analysis has been divided into three different categories. The first focuses on the United States government, and the President and Secretary of State in particular. The second category analyzes the minority opinion in the United States that had Nazi sympathies. Finally, the third deals with the American public in general. The evidence suggests that there was enough information regarding Nazi Germany for Americans to make a reasonable judgment. Most of the United States was opposed to Nazism and the German government. In spite of this, the majority agreed that the United States should not intervene or enter war. This study is significant because it helps shed further light on a debate in the country that continues to the present day: what role should the United States have when it comes to world affairs? The research in this thesis suggests that, in spite of opposition by the American public, if there is enough verifiable evidence of a humanitarian crisis to justify intervention, the government should act.

Media as a Battlefield: The Competition between Nabucco and the South Stream

Zabrovskaya, Ekaterina S. 09 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Underestimated Influences: North Africa in Classical Antiquity

Martin, Maria A. 09 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Stunt Girls: Elizabeth Bisland, Nell Nelson, and Ada Patterson as Rivals to Nellie Bly

Peko, Samantha N. 22 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Web-based dynamic material modeling

Nanjappa, Jagdish January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Organic Electrochemical Transistors

Paudel, Pushpa Raj 21 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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