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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Composés formés au cours de la cuisson d'une matrice fromagère : contribution à la modélisation stoechio-cinétique multi-réponses de la réaction de Maillard / Heat induced compounds in a model cheese matrix : a contribution to the multi-response modeling of the Maillard reaction

Bertrand, Emmanuel 14 September 2011 (has links)
Le fromage fondu est issu de la seconde transformation du lait. Sa fabrication implique le mélange, le chauffage et la texturation de produits laitiers (fromage, beurre et poudres de lait) et non laitiers (agents émulsifiants, acide citrique et chlorure de sodium). Le résultat est un produit homogène, généralement tartinable et à la durée de conservation longue, souvent supérieure à 6 mois. Au cours de la fabrication et du stockage, les réactions d’oxydation des lipides, de caramélisation et de Maillard forment des composés odorants dont certains sont potentiellement indésirables pour la flaveur du produit. Dans le cadre du projet ANR-06-PNRA-023 Réactial, une démarche méthodologique a été mise en place afin : (i) d’identifier les marqueurs réactionnels précurseurs ou responsables des défauts de flaveur observés, (ii) de suivre l’évolution de ces marqueurs au cours des traitements thermiques appliqués, (iii) d’établir un schéma réactionnel observable en vue (iv) de la modélisation et de la prédiction de l’évolution des marqueurs réactionnels et indirectement de l’apparition de défauts de flaveur. Ceci a nécessité la mise au point d’une formulation de matrice de fromage fondu modèle ainsi que l’élaboration d’une cellule de traitement thermique. Différents couplages de chromatographie en phase gazeuse à l’olfactométrie ont été utilisés afin d’identifier les composés odorants. La chromatographie bidimensionnelle systématique couplée à la spectrométrie de masse à temps de vol a permis une semi-quantification des composés traces et ultra-traces tandis que les précurseurs ont été quantifiés par chromatographie liquide haute performance. Les données ainsi obtenues ont permis l’écriture d’un schéma réactionnel observable qui a donné lieu à une modélisation stoechio-cinétique multi-réponses. Un ajustement des données expérimentales par le modèle a pu être réalisé malgré une quantification partielle des différents constituants. / Processed cheese derives from a secondary milk processing step that involves mixing and heating dairy (cheese, butter and milk powders) and non-dairy products (emulsifiers). This processing yields a homogeneous product, usually spreadable, with a shelf-life often longer than 6 months. During processing and storage, lipid oxidation, caramelization and Maillard reactions occur and produce odour-active compounds. Some of them are potentialy involved in the development of odour defects. As part of the ANR-06-PNRA-023 Réactial project, a methodological approach was used in order to (i) identify key compounds responsible for the flavor defects observed, (ii) monitor the evolution of these markers during the heat treatment applied to the cheese matrix, (iii) establish an observable reaction scheme, (iv) model and predict the evolution of these compounds during thermal operations. To do this, a model cheese and its cooking cell were elaborated. Various couplings of gas chromatography with olfactometry were used to identify odorous compounds. Two-dimensional comprehensive chromatography allowed a semi-quantitation of trace and ultra-trace compounds, while precursors were quantitated by high performance liquid chromatography. An observable reaction scheme was extracted from these data and make the multi-response modelling step possible despite a partial quantitation of the volatile compounds.

Cellular Prion Protein (PrPC): Identification and Characterization of Novel Interacting Partners / Cellular Prion Protein (PrPC): Identification and Characterization of Novel Interacting Partners

Zafar, Saima 17 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Charakterisierung von Viridans-Streptokokken in kariösem Dentin durch biochemische Identifizierung, MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse und speziesspezifische PCRs

Thiel, Juliane 07 November 2012 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurde bei 27 Patienten, die klinische Zeichen der Karies, aber keine pulpitischen Symptome zeigten, kariöses Dentin mit Hilfe eines sterilen Exkavators entnommen. Das durchschnittliche Alter der Patienten beträgt 41 Jahre und der Durchschnittswert des DMF-T-Index 12,5. Die Untersuchungsgruppe bestand zu 55,5 % aus männlichen Probanden sowie zu 44 % aus Rauchern. Nach Isolierung von 107 Reinkulturen aus den Patientenproben erfolgte die Identifizierung der oralen Streptokokken mittels eines mikrobiologischen Standardtests (RapidID-32Strep der Firma BioMérieux) und MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse. Parallel wurden speziesspezifische PCRs der Dentinproben für S. sanguinis, S. constellatus, S. intermedius, S. anginosus, S. mutans, S. salivarius, S. oralis, S. mitis, S. gordonii und S. parasanguinis durchgeführt. Mittels MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse konnten insgesamt sechs verschiedene Spezies oraler Streptokokken in den Dentinproben nachgewiesen werden. Am häufigsten kamen Vertreter der Mitis-Gruppe vor (in 89 % der Dentinproben), gefolgt von S. gordonii und S. sanguinis (zu 52 % und 26 % vertreten). Die MALDI-TOF-MS-Methode erwies sich als geeignetere der mit Kultivierung verbundenen Nachweismethoden. Ihre Ergebnisse wurden durch selektive PCRs einzelner Subkulturen und DNA-Sequenzierung bestätigt. Mittels der speziesspezifischen PCRs der Dentinspäne wurden zehn verschiedene Spezies oraler Streptokokken identifiziert. Vertreter der Mutans-Gruppe wurden so zu durchschnittlich 44 %, S. salivarius zu 37 % nachgewiesen. Es zeigte sich ein signifikantes Vorkommen von S. anginosus in Proben, die ebenfalls S. mutans enthielten (p= 0,00213). Alle drei Verfahren sind zur Untersuchung klinischer Proben geeignet, wobei die MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse die genaueste Differenzierung auf Speziesebene ermöglicht. Die Non-Mutans-Streptokokken S. oralis, S. gordonii und S. anginosus scheinen die Mikroflora von kariösem Dentin zu dominieren. Sie übertrafen in der vorliegenden Arbeit in ihrem Vorkommen S. mutans in mehr als der Hälfte der untersuchten Proben. Diese Beobachtung stützt die erweiterte ökologische Plaquehypothese.

Detection and Characterisation of Nanoparticles using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry

Schmidt, Benita 26 July 2019 (has links)
In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde eine analytische Methode zur Charakterisierung metallischer Nanopartikel (NPs) entwickelt und die Methode bei der Untersuchung natürlicher Proben angewendet. Mit einem analytisches System bestehend aus einem Mikrotropfengenerator (microdroplet generator, MDG) zusammen mit einem pneumatischen Zerstäuber und einem induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma-Massenspektrometer (ICP-MS) konnte eine quantitative und qualitative Charakterisierung von NPs durchgeführt werden. Der MDG wurde verwendet um die Kalibrierungsfunktion für die massenspektrometrische Quantifizierung der Metalle in den Nanopartikelproben, die über den pneumatischen Zerstäuber eingeführt wurden, einzurichten. Der Hauptvorteil dieser Anordnung besteht darin, dass mit dem MDG für jedes Metall Tropfen einer gewünschten Größe hergestellt werden können und eine 100 %-ige Transporteffizienz gegeben ist. Die eingeführte Masse korrelierte mit der Signalintensität von Nanopartikeln, so dass die mit dem MDG generierten Tropfen für die Kalibrierung verwendet werden konnten ohne dass Referenzmaterial erforderlich war. Die aufwändige und fehleranfällige Bestimmung der Effizienz eines Zerstäubers, die für die Bestimmung des Metallgehaltes von NPs mittels eines Einzelpartikel-ICP-MS (spICP-MS) erforderlich ist, konnte dadurch vermieden werden. Unter Anwendung dieser dualen Einführungsmethode wurden Größen und Konzentrationen einer Reihe von Standard Silber (Ag) NPs und Referenz Gold (Au) NPs mit hoher Genauigkeit bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurde mit einem neuen kommerziell verfügbaren ICP-Flugzeitmassenspektrometer (ICP-TOF-MS) Ag und Au NPs in unterschiedlichen Matrices charakterisiert: in verschiedenen Salzsäure (HCl)- und Salpetersäure (HNO3)- Konzentrationen und in Gegenwart verschiedener Elemente. Bei den unterschiedlichen Matrices war die Größenbestimmung innerhalb der gegebenen Standardabweichungen korrekt. / In this doctoral thesis an analytical method for characterising metal nanoparticles (NPs) was developed and its application for investigating natural samples verified. An analytical system consisting of a microdroplet generator (MDG) used in combination with a pneumatic nebuliser (PN) and an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) proved capable of quantitatively and qualitatively identifying NPs. The MDG was used to establish the calibration function for mass quantification of the metal present in the sample NPs introduced via the PN. The major advantage of this configuration is that the MDG generated droplets of tailored size for any given metal while offering a 100 % transport efficiency. The introduced mass correlated with signal intensities of NPs and thus the microdroplet generated droplets could be used for calibration purposes without the need for any reference material. Thus, the tedious and error-prone nebuliser efficiency determination step that is required when determining the NP metal content using the single particle mode ICP-MS (spICP-MS) approach, could be avoided. With this dual sample introduction method, the sizes and concentrations of a range of standard silver (Ag) NPs and gold (Au) reference NPs were determined with high accuracy. Additionally, together with a new commercially available ICP-time of flight-MS (ICP-TOF-MS) the characterisation of Ag- and Au-NPs was carried out in various matrices: In hydrochloric (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3) at a range of concentration and in different elemental environments. In the presence of matrices, it was found that the size characterisation of the NPs is correct within the standard deviation.

Développement d'outils analytiques basés sur la spectrométrie de masse pour le suivi d'interactions enzyme-ligand dans le domaine de la santé / Development of analytical tools-based on mass spectrometry for the monitoring of enzyme-ligand interactions in the healthcare field

Ferey, Justine 24 November 2017 (has links)
Les enzymes et leur diversité d’actions sont appréciées dans des domaines d’applications variés allant del’agroalimentaire à la thérapeutique. Ainsi, une attention toute particulière est portée à leur étude afin d’améliorer uneaction (contre le vieillissement de la peau, antivirale, anticancéreuse…) ou un procédé de synthèse. Ce projet derecherche s’inscrit dans une démarche de développement d’outils analytiques basés sur la spectrométrie de masse,permettant le suivi rapide et sensible d’interactions enzyme-ligand.Dans une première étude, l’approche TLC couplée à une détection par UV a été évaluée pour la déterminationde constantes enzymatiques de l’enzyme invertase. Cette approche couplée à un MALDI/TOF MS a permis d’identifierdes substrats spécifiques de l’invertase au sein d’extraits de plantes. Pour preuve de concept, l’interactioncellobiohydrolase II–ligand est présentée dans le cadre de l’identification d’inhibiteur par TLC-MALDI/TOF et TLCENALDIMS.En seconde étude, nos travaux ont porté sur la caractérisation directe de différentes enzymes kinases, puis auxsuivis des réactions de phosphorylation de nucléosides /tides endogènes. Ces études, basées sur des approches « offline» (Flow Injection Analysis, FIA) et « on-line » (Frontal Affinity Chromatography, FAC) couplées à unspectromètre de masse haute résolution, ont été réalisées au moyen de ces kinases libres et immobilisées. Dans le cadrede la recherche de nouveaux candidats médicamenteux antiviraux, le suivi d’une phosphorylation spécifique desmolécules de synthèse, au regard de souches humaine ou virale de kinase, a également été évalué par ces deuxméthodologies. / Enzymes are very appreciated and useful in various application fields from agri-business to therapeutic due to theirdiversity of actions. Therefore, their action mechanisms are widely studied in order to enhance an action (anti-aging ofskin, antiviral, antitumorous) or a synthesis process. This research project is part of the approach to propose analyticaltools based on mass spectrometry, allowing rapid and sensitive follow-up of enzyme-ligand interactions.In a first study, the Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) approach coupled with UV detection was evaluated forthe determination of invertase kinetic constants. This approach coupled with a MALDI / TOF-MS led to theidentification of invertase substrates in plant extracts. As a proof of concept, the cellobiohydrolase II - ligand interactionwas presented in the framework of the identification of inhibitor by TLC-MALDI / TOF and TLC-ENALDI MS.In the second study, our work aimed at developing a direct method for the determination of kinetic parametersof kinases and following-up the phosphorylation reactions of endogenous nucleosides / tides. These studies, based on“off-line” (Flow Injection Analysis, FIA) and “on-line” (Frontal Affinity Chromatography, FAC) approaches coupledwith a high-resolution mass spectrometer, were carried out using free and immobilized kinases. In the context of thesearch for new antiviral drug candidates, a specific phosphorylation of synthetic molecules regards to human or viralkinase was also evaluated by these both approaches.


XIA, Rong 30 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Un dispositif de stimulation électrique in vitro sur des lignées cellulaires a été optimisé afin de nous permettre d'étudier les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires de la SHF. Deux lignées cellulaires (GH3 et PC12) ont été analysées au niveau transcriptomique, protéomique et de la sécrétion hormonale et de neurotransmetteurs.Nous avons comparé les niveaux de sécrétion de PRL des GH3 traitées par SHF, SBF ou par la dopamine; ainsi que les niveaux des catécholamines (DA, AD et NA) des PC12 traitées par SHF, SBF ou par la 6-OHDA. La synthèse protéique des cellules stimulées a été analysée par les techniques d'incorporation de 35S méthionine et de SELDI-TOF-MS. Enfin nous avons recherché les modifications d'expression génique des cellules stimulées en utilisant la technique des microarray à base d'oligonucléotides longs sur nylon et détection radioactive.Les premières expériences montrent une diminution significative de la quantité de prolactine à un niveau comparable à celui obtenu avec l'inhibiteur conventionnel, la dopamine. De la même façon, la production de catécholamines dans le milieu est inhibée. Les données transcriptomiques montrent l'existence des profils d'expression caractéristique de la neurostimulation à haute fréquence, avec environ 100 gènes discriminants impliqués dans la synthèse protéique, la signalisation calcique, l'énergétique cellulaire pour les principaux. Nous avons confirmé l'impact de la neurostimulation sur la synthèse protéique en SELDI-TOF comme en incorporation de méthionine. Un mécanisme original de SHF peut donc être proposé, impliquant la neutralisation de la synthèse protéique dans l'inactivation réactionnelle des structures neuronale

Quantitation, Purification and Reconstitution of the Red Blood Cell Glucose Transporter GLUT1

Zuo, Shusheng January 2005 (has links)
<p>The human glucose transporter GLUT1 facilitates glucose to be accumulated on the other side of the cell membrane. The functional state of GLUT1 is uncertain due to diversity of the reports. In this thesis, the activity of red blood cell GLUT1 was extensively studied to further characterize this protein.</p><p>The human red blood cell membranes were stripped to become vesicles with low-ionic alkaline solution in the presence or absence of dithioerithritol. The supernatant of partially solubilized membrane vesicles provided approximately 65% of the vesicle proteins. GLUT1 purified from this supernatant showed a little high-affinity cytochalasin B binding activity. On the other hand, the vesicles stripped with dithioerythritol provided mostly monomeric GLUT1 and those without dithioerythritol provided monomeric and oligomeric GLUT1. MALDI-ToF-MS detected variant GLUT1 fragments between the two preparations. Residual endogenous phospholipids per GLUT1 also showed difference. However, the equilibrium exchange of glucose was retained for both GLUT1 preparations. Cytochalasin B-binding activity of GLUT1 in streptoavidin-biotin-immobilized red blood cells showed that both dissociation constant and binding sites per GLUT1 fell between those of wheat germ lectin-immobilized red blood cells with or without polylysine coating, which indicated the switching of two cytochalasin B-binding states of GLUT1. It is concluded that GLUT1 in red blood cells contains approximately two equal portions, monomeric with high-affinity cytochalasin B-binding activity and oligomeric without high-affinity cytochalasin B-binding activity. In the partial solubilization of the membrane vesicles, GLUT1 which does not have high-affinity cytochalasin B-binding activity is pooled. This might provide a resolution to select oligomerically and functionally different GLUT1 for crystallization.</p><p>In addition a modified micro-Bradford assay with CaPE precipitation was developed to achieve a routine quantitation method for membrane proteins and the effects of cholesterol and PEG(5000)-DSPE on reconstituted GLUT1 were preliminarily determined.</p>

Glucotoxicity in Insulin-Producing β-Cells

Nyblom, Hanna K January 2007 (has links)
<p><b>Background and aims:</b> Type 2 diabetes mellitus is connected with elevated glucose levels, which cause impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and degeneration of β-cells. Mechanisms for such glucotoxic effects were explored in the present study.</p><p><b>Materials and methods:</b> INS-1E cells were cultured for 5 days in 5.5, 11, 20 or 27 mM glucose in the presence or absence of AMPK-agonist AICAR. GSIS was determined from INS-1E cells and islets obtained from type 2 diabetes and control donors. Human islets and INS-1E cells were functionally characterized (GSIS) and protein profiled (SELDI-TOF MS). Glucose-induced <i>de novo</i> synthesis of fatty acyls (HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy), fatty acid composition (GC-MS), triglyceride content and specific proteins (Western blotting) were determined in INS-1E cells.</p><p><b>Results:</b> Impaired GSIS was observed from INS-1E cells exposed to chronic hyperglycaemia and islets isolated from type 2 diabetics compared to INS-1E cells cultured at normal glucose levels and control islets, respectively. Several glucose-regulated proteins were found when type 2 diabetes and control islets or mitochondria from INS-1E cells cultured at different glucose concentrations were protein profiled. Glucose induced lipid <i>de novo</i> synthesis of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in specific proportions. Glucose-induced impairment of function and mass was reverted by inclusion of AICAR, which lowered levels of pro-apoptotic protein CHOP but left triglyceride content unaffected.</p><p><b>Conclusions:</b> Impaired GSIS and increased apoptosis observed in β-cells after prolonged exposure to elevated glucose concentrations involved accumulation of lipid species in specific proportions, AMPK-inactivation, ER-stress activation and complex, coordinated changes in expression patterns of mitochondrial and human islet proteins.</p>

Glucotoxicity in Insulin-Producing β-Cells

Nyblom, Hanna K January 2007 (has links)
<b>Background and aims:</b> Type 2 diabetes mellitus is connected with elevated glucose levels, which cause impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) and degeneration of β-cells. Mechanisms for such glucotoxic effects were explored in the present study. <b>Materials and methods:</b> INS-1E cells were cultured for 5 days in 5.5, 11, 20 or 27 mM glucose in the presence or absence of AMPK-agonist AICAR. GSIS was determined from INS-1E cells and islets obtained from type 2 diabetes and control donors. Human islets and INS-1E cells were functionally characterized (GSIS) and protein profiled (SELDI-TOF MS). Glucose-induced de novo synthesis of fatty acyls (HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy), fatty acid composition (GC-MS), triglyceride content and specific proteins (Western blotting) were determined in INS-1E cells. <b>Results:</b> Impaired GSIS was observed from INS-1E cells exposed to chronic hyperglycaemia and islets isolated from type 2 diabetics compared to INS-1E cells cultured at normal glucose levels and control islets, respectively. Several glucose-regulated proteins were found when type 2 diabetes and control islets or mitochondria from INS-1E cells cultured at different glucose concentrations were protein profiled. Glucose induced lipid de novo synthesis of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in specific proportions. Glucose-induced impairment of function and mass was reverted by inclusion of AICAR, which lowered levels of pro-apoptotic protein CHOP but left triglyceride content unaffected. <b>Conclusions:</b> Impaired GSIS and increased apoptosis observed in β-cells after prolonged exposure to elevated glucose concentrations involved accumulation of lipid species in specific proportions, AMPK-inactivation, ER-stress activation and complex, coordinated changes in expression patterns of mitochondrial and human islet proteins.

Quantitation, Purification and Reconstitution of the Red Blood Cell Glucose Transporter GLUT1

Zuo, Shusheng January 2005 (has links)
The human glucose transporter GLUT1 facilitates glucose to be accumulated on the other side of the cell membrane. The functional state of GLUT1 is uncertain due to diversity of the reports. In this thesis, the activity of red blood cell GLUT1 was extensively studied to further characterize this protein. The human red blood cell membranes were stripped to become vesicles with low-ionic alkaline solution in the presence or absence of dithioerithritol. The supernatant of partially solubilized membrane vesicles provided approximately 65% of the vesicle proteins. GLUT1 purified from this supernatant showed a little high-affinity cytochalasin B binding activity. On the other hand, the vesicles stripped with dithioerythritol provided mostly monomeric GLUT1 and those without dithioerythritol provided monomeric and oligomeric GLUT1. MALDI-ToF-MS detected variant GLUT1 fragments between the two preparations. Residual endogenous phospholipids per GLUT1 also showed difference. However, the equilibrium exchange of glucose was retained for both GLUT1 preparations. Cytochalasin B-binding activity of GLUT1 in streptoavidin-biotin-immobilized red blood cells showed that both dissociation constant and binding sites per GLUT1 fell between those of wheat germ lectin-immobilized red blood cells with or without polylysine coating, which indicated the switching of two cytochalasin B-binding states of GLUT1. It is concluded that GLUT1 in red blood cells contains approximately two equal portions, monomeric with high-affinity cytochalasin B-binding activity and oligomeric without high-affinity cytochalasin B-binding activity. In the partial solubilization of the membrane vesicles, GLUT1 which does not have high-affinity cytochalasin B-binding activity is pooled. This might provide a resolution to select oligomerically and functionally different GLUT1 for crystallization. In addition a modified micro-Bradford assay with CaPE precipitation was developed to achieve a routine quantitation method for membrane proteins and the effects of cholesterol and PEG(5000)-DSPE on reconstituted GLUT1 were preliminarily determined.

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