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Desenho : reservatório de vestígiosHerzog, Vivian January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa foi elaborada a partir da minha produção prática em desenho realizada no período de 2009 a 2011. Trata-se de uma reflexão, que busca abarcar a formação dos trabalhos, transcorridos por referências, tais como os documentos de trabalho que englobam as coleções de desenhos e os registros diários. O objeto de pesquisa refere-se à elaboração de reservatórios gráficos formados por múltiplos desenhos que condensam vestígios/experiências e materiais. A pesquisa reuniu considerações sobre as diversas instaurações que envolvem as escolhas materiais, as camadas do fazer e a montagem. / This research was drawn from my practice production in drawing performed in the period from 2009 to 2011. This is a reflection that seeks to encompass the formation of the works, which pass by references such as the working papers including the collections of drawings and the daily entries. The research object concerns the development of graphical shells that are formed from multiple drawings that condense trace/experiences and materials. The survey gathered considerations on the various instaurations which involve the material choices, the making layers and the installation.
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Fragmentos iconográficos de uma poética do abandonoRocha Neto, Manuel Alves da 04 April 2016 (has links)
The research shows an iconographic survey around some situations, which abandonment can be identified in art representations, firstly through paintings that represent homeless people images, beggars and wanderers, expanding itself later to other imagistic references and artistic languages. My own affective and poetry memory was highly significant for this research; both related to the childhood and beings. Abandonment poetry deals with body gestures, in its presences, absences and fragmentations, allowing us to think about the way the abandonment situations are presented into artistic production during all history, even among our contemporaneity, the context in which we must be aware about its invisibility processes and, above all, in the leftovers, the remains and traces that surround these characters existence. / Esta pesquisa apresenta um levantamento iconográfico em torno das situações em que o abandono pode ser identificado nas representações da arte, inicialmente através de pinturas que apresentam imagens de moradores de rua, pedintes, mendigos e andarilhos, ampliando-se posteriormente para outros referenciais imagéticos e linguagens artísticas. Para esta pesquisa foi significativa minha memória afetiva e poética pessoal, relacionadas desde a infância a essas situações e seres. As poéticas do abandono tratam da gestualidade do corpo, em suas presenças, ausências e fragmentações, permitindo-nos refletir sobre os modos pelos quais as situações de abandono são apresentadas na produção artística ao longo da história, inclusive na contemporaneidade, contexto ao qual devemos estar atentos em seus processos de invisibilidade e, sobretudo, nos restos, resíduos e vestígios que cercam a existência desses personagens. / Mestre em Artes
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Modeling and testing of component-based systems / Modélisation et validation des systèmes à base d'étatsKanso, Bilal 21 November 2011 (has links)
La thèse s’inscrit dans le domaine de la modélisation et de la validation des systèmes modernes complexes. Les systèmes actuels sont en fait d’une complexité sans cesse croissante et formés de plus en plus de composants de natures différentes. Ceci rend leur processus de conception et de validation coûteux et difficile. Il semble être la simple façon permettant de faire face à cette hétérogénéité et à cette complexité est l’approche orientée composant. Suivant cette approche, le système est une entité formée par un ensemble des composants interconnectés. Les composants définissent une interface qui permet d’abstraire leur modèle interne (boîte noire), ce qui favorise la modularité et la réutilisation des composants. L’interaction entre ces composants se fait conformément à un ensemble des règles pré-établies, permettant ainsi d’avoir une vision globale de comportement du système. La conception ainsi que la validation des systèmes modernes reste alors problématique à cause de la nécessité de prendre en compte l’hétérogénéité des différents composants. Dans ce cadre, dans un premier temps, nous définirons un cadre formel générique dans lequel une large famille de formalismes de description de systèmes à base d’états peut être naturellement capturée. Ainsi, nous allons définir un ensemble de règles de composition permettant de mettre en correspondance les différents composants et ainsi de constituer un modèle global du système à concevoir. Dans un second temps, nous proposerons une approche de test d’intégration qui permet de valider le comportement d’un système complexe sous l’hypothèse que chaque composant est testé et validé. Cette approche vise à générer automatiquement des cas de test en s’appuyant sur un modèle global décrit dans notre framework du système sous test. / In spite of several decades of research, assuring the quality of software systems still represents a major and serious problem nowadays for the industry with respect to both results and costs. This thesis comes within the scope of a proposal centered on a generic unified framework for both complex software systems modeling and testing. The contribution of this paper is then twofold: first, it defines a unified framework for modelling generic components, as well as a formalization of integration rules to combine their behaviour. This is based on a coalgebraic definition of components, which is a categorical representation allowing the unification of a large family of formalisms for specifying state-based systems. Second, it studies compositional conformance testing i.e. checking whether an implementation made from correct interacting components combined with integration operators conforms to its specification
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Desenho : reservatório de vestígiosHerzog, Vivian January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa foi elaborada a partir da minha produção prática em desenho realizada no período de 2009 a 2011. Trata-se de uma reflexão, que busca abarcar a formação dos trabalhos, transcorridos por referências, tais como os documentos de trabalho que englobam as coleções de desenhos e os registros diários. O objeto de pesquisa refere-se à elaboração de reservatórios gráficos formados por múltiplos desenhos que condensam vestígios/experiências e materiais. A pesquisa reuniu considerações sobre as diversas instaurações que envolvem as escolhas materiais, as camadas do fazer e a montagem. / This research was drawn from my practice production in drawing performed in the period from 2009 to 2011. This is a reflection that seeks to encompass the formation of the works, which pass by references such as the working papers including the collections of drawings and the daily entries. The research object concerns the development of graphical shells that are formed from multiple drawings that condense trace/experiences and materials. The survey gathered considerations on the various instaurations which involve the material choices, the making layers and the installation.
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Biomateriais à base de quitosana de camarÃo e bactÃrias para remoÃÃo de metais traÃos e petrÃleo / Biomaterials based on chitosan of shrimp and bacteria to remove traces of metals and oilTecia Vieira Carvalho 04 June 2006 (has links)
Ao mesmo tempo em que se avolumam os problemas ambientais causados pelos impactos de atividades industriais o homem tenta aperfeiÃoar ou desenvolver novas tÃcnicas de descontaminaÃÃo. A biorremediaÃÃo se destaca pela ampla gama de microrganismos que podem metabolizar muitos dos principais poluentes, alÃm de nÃo deixar resÃduos ou subprodutos recalcitrantes, como geralmente ocorre com outras tÃcnicas. Uma das mais recentes inovaÃÃes nesta Ãrea diz respeito ao uso de microrganismos imobilizados. A imobilizaÃÃo traz uma serie de vantagens, alÃm de facilitar o controle do processo e dos microrganismos. A quitosana, um polissacarÃdeo natural que pode ser obtido de carapaÃas de crustÃceos, agrega vÃrias caracterÃsticas que o tornam um suporte ideal para imobilizaÃÃo de certos organismos. Destaca-se sua biodegradabilidade, lipofilicidade, capacidade de formar gel e microesferas, alÃm de poder ser reticulado. Neste trabalho foi preparada uma quitosana a partir de quitina de carapaÃas de camarÃo com grau de desacetilaÃÃo de 78% e massa molar
mÃdia de 117.000 Da. Esse polÃmero serviu de matriz para imobilizaÃÃo de uma cepa da bactÃria Staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus, selecionada pela
hidrofobicidade de sua parede celular, o que a torna um emulsificante. Foram produzidos esferas, membranas, filmes e hidrogÃis de quitosana sem e com a bactÃria imobilizada. Os
produtos foram testados quanto à capacidade de emulsificaÃÃo de misturas Ãleo-Ãgua, remoÃÃo de cobre e chumbo de amostras de Ãguas contaminadas e como coagulantes de Ãleo
em Ãgua. Os produtos tambÃm foram avaliados quanto à resistÃncia mecÃnica, uniformidade, solubilidade, alÃm de serem analisados por microscopia eletrÃnica de varredura. Os resultados mostraram que a incorporaÃÃo da bactÃria a quitosana melhorou significativamente a resistÃncia desse polÃmero. A membrana de quitosana suportou atà 53,62 Mpa enquanto uma membrana semelhante contendo bactÃrias imobilizadas suportou atà 73,96 Mpa. As esferas com a bactÃria tambÃm se destacaram pela uniformidade e resistÃncia a agitaÃÃo mecÃnica durante os testes de emulsificaÃÃo de misturas Ãleo-Ãgua. As esferas com cÃlulas ao contrÃrio
das esferas sem cÃlulas promoveram a emulsificaÃÃo de hidrocarbonetos, atingindo um percentual de 60% de emulsificaÃÃo. Os filmes obtidos pelo tratamento das membranas com glicerol 20% se comportaram bem diferentes das membranas. Os filmes foram menos resistentes a traÃÃo, suportando 20,50 Mpa e 8,91 Mpa, para filmes sem cÃlulas e com cÃlulas respectivamente. Por outro lado, foram significativamente mais elÃsticos do que asmembranas, como provado pelos valores dos mÃdulos de Young, 146,4 Mpa e 222,8 Mpa, para filmes sem cÃlulas e com cÃlulas, respectivamente. As membranas com bactÃrias imobilizadas removeram mais eficientemente cobre e chumbo do que as membranas sem cÃlulas, enquanto os filmes independentemente de terem ou nÃo cÃlulas imobilizadas foram impermeÃveis à passagem dessas soluÃÃes. As esferas de quitosana contendo cÃlulas foram significativamente mais eficientes para adsorver cobre e chumbo de amostras de Ãguas contaminadas. Comparativamente, o cobre foi melhor adsorvido do que o chumbo nas esferas. NÃo foram observadas diferenÃas na remoÃÃo de atà 200 μg/g de cobre e chumbo atribuÃveis
Ãs diferenÃas da Ãgua doce e Ãgua do mar. A adsorÃÃo de cobre e chumbo foi da ordem de 20 mg/g de quitosana enquanto a capacidade de dessorÃÃo foi de mais de 90% para o cobre e mais de 80% para o chumbo. NÃo foram observadas diferenÃas entre a coagulaÃÃo de amostras de petrÃleo derramadas em Ãgua com gÃis de quitosana sem cÃlulas ou com cÃlulas. Conclusivamente, os produtos desenvolvidos e testados neste trabalho possuem grande potencial para emprego em atividades de biorremediaÃÃo. / As the environmental problems caused by the impacts of industrial activities increase the man tries to improve or to develop new descontamination techniques. The bioremediation stands out for a wide range of microorganisms that can metabolize many of the pollutants,
besides not leaving residues or recalcitrant by-products, as it usually happens with other techniques. One of the most recent innovations in this concern is the use of immobilized microorganisms. The immobilization has many advantages besides facilitating the control of the process and the microorganisms. The chitosan, a natural polysaccharide that can be obtained from crustacea shells, presents several characteristics that turn it an ideal support for immobilization of certain microorganisms such as its biodegradability, lipofilic properties, capacity to form gel and beads and it can be reticulated. In this work was prepared a chitosan starting from chitin of shrimp shells with degree of desacetilation of 78% and molar mass of 117.000 Da. This polymer was used for immobilization of the Staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus strain, selected by the cell-wall hydrophobicity, what turns it an emulsificant. Beads, membranes, films and hydrogels were produced with and without immobilized bacteria. The products were tested for oil-water emulsification, removal of copper and lead from contaminated water and as clotting of oil in water. The products were also available for the mechanical resistance, uniformity, solubility and analyzed by electronic
microscopy of varredure. The results showed that the incorporation of the bacteria into chitosan improved significantly the resistance of this polymer. The chitosan membrane supported up to 53.62 Mpa while a similar membrane containing immobilized bacteria supported up to 73.96 Mpa. The beads with the bacterium also stood out for the uniformity and mechanical resistance during the tests of oil-water emulsification. The beads with cells unlike the beads without cells promoted the hydrocarbon emulsification, reaching of 60%. The films obtained by the treatment of the membranes with glycerol 20% behaved very
different far from the membranes. The films were less resistant to traction, supporting 20.50 Mpa and 8.91 Mpa, for films without cells and with cells respectively. On the other hand, the films were significantly more elastic than the membranes, as proven by the values of the Young modules, 146.4 Mpa and 222.8 Mpa, for films without cells and with cells, respectively. The membranes with immobilized bacteria removed copper and lead more efficiently than the membranes without cells, while the films showed the same result independently of having or not immobilized cells. Both films were impermeable to the
passage of copper and lead solutions. The beads containing cells were significantly more efficient for metal adsorption from samples of polluted waters. Comparatively, the copper was better adsorpted than the lead. There were not observed any difference on the removal of 200 μg/g of copper and lead that should be attributed to the differences of fresh and sea water. The copper and lead adsorption was of 20mg/g of chitosan while the desorption was more than 90% for the copper and more than 80% for the lead. No differences were observed among the petroleum coagulation spilled in water with chitosan gels with or without cells. In conclusion, the products developed and tested in this work showed great potential for bioremediation applications.
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Samkörning av databaser-Är lagen ett hinder?Ankarberg, Alexander January 2006 (has links)
Title:Comparison of databases – Is the law an obstacle? Authors:Alexander Ankarberg, Applied Information Science. Tutors:Lars- Eric Ljung Problem: Cross running databases is getting more and more significant during the development of the information flow. There are huge benefits if we start to use the technique that already exists. The law is today an obstacle, so what would happen if the law wasn’t so stern. My question is:” why don’t we cross run databases more efficient between parts of institutions” Aim:The purpose of this essay is to evaluate why institutions does not cross run databases and start a discussion. There are possibilities that we today does not use. One aim is also to find solutions so that we can start to use the techniques. The essay will explain the fundamentals and discuss both the advantages and the disadvantages in depth. Method:The author has approached the problem from two ways. From induction and deduction which combined is abduction. The author hopes that this results in as many points of angles as possible. And the answers will be as complete as possible. The essay also includes an inquiry which is based on interview with ordinary people. Conclusions:The law is not up to date nor made for today’s technique. It is in some ways an obstacle for a more efficient system and it could save enormous amounts of money for both the government and common man. There is hope though, and small revolutions happen every day. There is also ways to go around the law and make things possible and make the system more efficient. That is with agreement from the person that the information is about. There is also one possibility with safety classes, to put a number on information.
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The lands of Southern Brazil comprising the municipalities of Santa Vitória do Palmar
and Chui, during the process of colonial occupation, were classified as neutral
ground. In this territory still hold the remains of a pastoral heritage: the Stables of
Palmas. The Stables of Palmas found in the landscape are square and circular
structure consisting of palm Butia capitata. Therefore, the general aim of this
research is to georeference the Stables of Palmas in order to record the traces of
human action that may corroborate or refute the hypothesis that the Stables of
Palmas in neutral camps are evidence of a cultural heritage building threatened with
extinction. Once they are exposed in areas of agricultural production, cattle ranching,
urban growth and weather. Therefore, this production agropastoral destroyed (and
continues destroying the trees) deep folds of the palms. However, the interest in
researching the Stables of Palmas in neutral camps rests with the need to record
these material traces of a pastoral heritage that, being a tree, certainly over time will
disappear. However, even time can bring relevant information to regional history, on
the historical process of occupation and exploitation of the land called the neutral
ground. This dissertation proposes not only to record information, but can also
promote further research on this forgotten region in Southern Brazil. Strengthen local
identity and memory, providing grants to educational projects to the community in
general and finally, the interpretation of landscape transformation that compromises
this cultural heritage. / As terras do extremo Sul do Brasil que compreendem os municípios de Santa Vitória
do Palmar e Chuí, durante o processo de ocupação colonial, foram denominadas de
Campos Neutrais. Nesse território ainda resistem os vestígios de uma herança
cultural pastoril: os Currais de Palmas. Os Currais de Palmas encontrados nesta
paisagem são estruturas quadradas e circulares constituídas de palmeiras Butia
capitata. Portanto, o objetivo geral dessa pesquisa consiste em georreferenciar os
Currais de Palmas no intuito de registrar os vestígios da ação humana que possam
corroborar ou refutar a hipótese de que os Currais de Palmas nos Campos Neutrais
são testemunhos de um patrimônio cultural construído ameaçado de extinção. Uma
vez que se encontram expostos em áreas de produção agrícola, ganadeira, de
crescimento urbano e a intempérie. Assim sendo, essa produção agropastoril
destruiu (e continua destruindo as árvores) profundamente os currais de palmas.
Contudo, o interesse em pesquisar os Currais de Palmas nos Campos Neutrais recai
sobre a necessidade de registrar esses vestígios materiais de uma herança cultural
pastoril que, se tratando de uma árvore, certamente ao longo do tempo irá
desaparecer. No entanto, ainda em tempo pode-se trazer relevantes informações
para a história regional, sobre o processo histórico de ocupação e exploração
dessas terras denominadas de Campos Neutrais. A presente dissertação se propõe
não somente em registrar informações, mas de poder também fomentar outras
pesquisas a esta região esquecida no extremo Sul do Brasil. Fortalecer a identidade
e a memória local, proporcionando subsídios a projetos educativos à comunidade
em geral e finalmente, interpretações à transformação da paisagem que
compromete este Patrimônio Cultural.
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Présence de contaminants émergents dans les eaux potables de dix-neuf municipalités du Centre-Sud du Québec, CanadaSanchez, Juan Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Environ 10 millions de personnes, soit près d'un tiers de la population canadienne, utilise des eaux souterraines comme source d’eau potable, et plus de 80% de la population rurale canadienne dépend de l'approvisionnement en eau souterraine pour faire son approvisionnement en eau. Le Bilan de la qualité de l'eau potable au Québec 2005-2009, nous montre qu’environ 14% des habitants du Québec prend leur eau de puits individuelle. Dans la municipalité de Saint-François-Xavier-de-Brompton (SFXB) il n'y a pas de système collectif de production de l’eau potable. Pour cette raison, les quelque 2 500 habitants de cette municipalité s'approvisionnent en eau à partir de puits privés.
La première étape de cette recherche (réalisée en 2013), vise à déterminer le portrait spatio-temporel de la qualité de l’eau potable dans cinq puits individuels à SFXB. Les campagnes d'échantillonnage ont été réalisées de la mi-mai jusqu’à la fin de novembre (22 en 2013 et 24 en 2014). Le suivi environnemental réalisé, testé l’eau potable sur soixante-dix produits pharmaceutiques et pesticides, cyanotoxines (microcystines MC-LR), métaux et metalloïdes en état de traces, nitrate et phosphore total. Pendant ce suivi environnemental, on a quantifié seize contaminants émergents CÉ (neuf produits pharmaceutiques, six pesticides et MC-LR), du cadmium, de l’arsenic, du fer, du manganèse et une quantité suffisante de nitrates et phosphore total pour garantir l’eutrophisation du Petit Lac Saint-François (PLSF) placé quelques mètres en aval de nos résidences riveraines.
En 2014 la deuxième étape du projet a débuté, en élargissant la zone d’étude avec l’ajout de dix-huit municipalités du centre-sud de Québec, mais cette fois ci, en prenant des eaux potables traitées des municipalités petites à moyennes (médiane de 4000 habitants). Les campagnes d'échantillonnage ont été réalisées de mai jusqu’à la fin de novembre (8 en 2014 et 4 en 2015). Dans les dix-huit municipalités, onze molécules (6 produits pharmaceutiques, 4 pesticides et MC-LR) ont été quantifiées dans au moins un échantillon, y compris le cancérogène connu cyclophosphamide et le fongicide thiabendazole, dont la présence dans l'eau potable municipale traitée au Québec est signalée ici pour la première fois. Les concentrations maximales de produits pharmaceutiques quantifiés variaient de 48 à 1233 ng l-1 et de pesticides de 40 à 366 ng l-1.
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Métaux traces : réponses écophysiologiques et rôle dans le maintien du polymorphisme de coloration mélanique du plumage chez le pigeon biset / Trace metals : ecophysiological responses and their influence on melanin-based plumage colouration polymorphism maintenance in feral pigeonsChatelain, Marion 30 September 2015 (has links)
Les métaux traces comme le plomb, le zinc sont essentiellement émis par les activités anthropiques et se retrouvent de ce fait à des concentrations beaucoup plus élevées en milieux urbains qu’en milieux ruraux. Durant ma thèse, j’ai tout d’abord testé les effets écotoxicologiques d’une exposition chronique au plomb et/ou au zinc, deux métaux particulièrement abondants en milieu urbain, chez le pigeon biset (Columba livia). J’ai ainsi pu montrer des effets nocifs du plomb, et bénéfiques du zinc sur l’immunité, le maintien de la corpulence et plusieurs paramètres de la reproduction. Du fait de la variabilité des réponses écophysiologiques des individus, les métaux traces sont susceptibles d’exercer de nouvelles pressions de sélection sur les populations urbaines et favoriser les individus capables de se détoxifier ou de tolérer de fortes concentrations en métaux. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai mis en évidence le rôle de la mélanine dans la fixation du zinc et du plomb au niveau des plumes. Par ailleurs la coloration mélanique du plumage semblent moduler les effets du plomb et du zinc sur certains paramètres physiologiques, et les juvéniles au plumage davantage mélanique survivent mieux dans un environnement pollué en plomb. Quels que soient les mécanismes sous-jacents (i.e. rôle détoxifiant de la mélanine ou effets pléiotropes associés à sa synthèse), mes résultats soulignent l’avantage sélectif potentiel de la mélanisation du plumage dans un environnement pollué en métaux traces, dont notamment le milieu urbain. Cette étude apporte des réponses essentielles sur l’impact écologique de l’urbanisation et les mécanismes permettant le maintien du polymorphisme de coloration mélanique du plumage, et plus largement des phanères. / Trace metals, such as lead and zinc are mainly emitted by human activities, explaining their high concentrations in urban areas in comparison with rural environments. During my PhD, I first investigated the ecotoxicological effects of a chronic exposure to lead and/or zinc, two abundant metals in urban areas, in feral pigeons (Columba livia). I stressed deleterious effects of lead, while beneficial effects of zinc on immunity, body mass index maintenance and several parameters of reproduction. Because sensitivity to trace metals differs between individuals, trace metals may exert new selective pressures on urban populations and favour individuals with higher detoxification capacities and that are more tolerant to elevated environmental trace metals concentrations. My work puts ahead the role of melanin in the storage of zinc and lead in the feathers. Moreover, melanin-based plumage colouration seems to modulate the effects of lead and zinc on some of the physiological parameters measured and darker juveniles were more prone to survive than paler ones when exposed to lead. Whatever the underlying mechanism (i.e. the detoxification role of melanin or the pleiotropic effects associated with its synthesis), my results suggest a selective advantage of plumage melanism in environments polluted with trace metals, such as urban areas. This study brings key answers on the ecological impact of urbanization and on the mechanisms explaining melanin-based plumage colouration polymorphism maintenance.
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Comportement de l'Hydrogène lors des processus mantelliques / Behavior of Hydrogen during mantle processesDenis, Carole 04 December 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse apportent de nouvelles contraintes sur la concentration et le comportement de l’H dans le manteau lithosphérique et reposent sur l’étude pétro-géochimique de trois séries de xénolites de péridotites à spinelle, associant les concentrations en élément majeurs et en traces y compris l’H dans les minéraux dits anhydres (les NAMs, ici, olivine, pyroxènes) et hydratés (amphibole). Les effets de la remontée des xénolites dans du magma hôte sur les concentrations en H des NAMs ont pu être étudiés sur une série de xénolites de péridotite du champ volcanique d’Eifel (Allemagne). Une variation intra cristalline de concentration en H peut être identifiée dans l’olivine et non dans les pyroxènes coexistant. Ces profils de concentration en H peuvent être utilisés pour estimer des vitesses de remontées des magmas. Dans le cas des volcans étudiés, ces vitesses sont estimées entre 3.5 et 12 m.s-1. Ces résultats suggèrent que les pyroxènes sont de meilleurs proxy que l’olivine pour quantifier la concentration mantellique de l’H. Les xénolites de Ray Pic (Massif Central, France) ont permis de discuter dans un contexte de point chaud, l’effet de la fusion partielle et du métasomatisme à grande échelle sur les concentrations en H des NAMs. Les concentrations en H des minéraux ne suggèrent pas de lien avec le métasomatisme subit, qu’il soit modal, cryptique, à rapport liquide/roche élevé ou faible. Cependant, en comparant les concentrations en H avec un marqueur de la fusion partielle (Yb du cpx), l’H semble avoir un comportement similaire à une MREE (e.g., Sm ; D(cpx/liquide)~0.29). Enfin, des xénolites composites associant une péridotite accolée à un agent métasomatique ont permis de cibler l’influence du métasomatisme de petite échelle (pluri-centimétrique). L’interaction magma roche identifiée sur une harzburgite en contact avec du basalte montre dans les cas des olivines, des variations chimiques couplé entre éléments majeurs en fonction de leur proximité au filon et les concentrations en H. Plus l’olivine se rééquilibre avec le liquide moins elle contient d’H. Parallèlement dans cette étude, trois échantillons présentent une lherzolite en contact avec une pyroxénite avec 14% d’amphibole, une clinopyroxénite avec 40 % d’amphibole et une amphibolite (98% d’amphibole). Cette contiguïté avec un filon métasomatique permet l’étude du comportement de l’H en contexte de percolation en bordure de filon. Chaque échantillon présente des concentrations en H homogènes pour chacune des phases minérales. Cependant plus les filons contiennent d’amphibole moins il y a d’H dans les NAMs. D’autre part, une nouvelle fois, la corrélation positive entre les concentrations en H des NAMs et le Sm(cpx) en tant que marqueur de métasomatisme suggère que l’H se comporte comme une MREE.En conclusion, les minéraux des spl-harzburgites contiennent en moyenne un peu plus d’H que ceux des spl-lherzolites. Les concentrations en H des olivines sont sensibles à la dévolatilisation lors de la remontée dans le système magmatique et le rééquilibrage avec le magma. Au contraire, les concentrations en H des pyroxènes, spécialement l’opx, sont très homogènes suggérant des concentrations mantelliques. Le comportement de l’H lors de la fusion partielle et du métasomatisme reste complexe ; nos données suggèrent que l’H suit les MREE tel que le Sm. / This thesis provides new constrains on H concentrations and H behaviour in the lithospheric mantle and is based on a petro-geochemical study on 3 spinel-peridotite xenoliths series with major and traces elements analyses, including H in nominally anhydrous minerals (NAMs, olivine and pyroxenes) as well as hydrous minerals (amphibole).Ascent effects through a magmatic system on H concentration of NAMs are studied for a xenoliths series from the Eifel volcanic field (Germany). Intracrystalline variation in H concentration are observe in olivine but not in the coexisting pyroxenes. Such H concentration profiles are used to calculate the rate of magma ascent. For the studied volcanoes, the calculated rate of magma ascent is between 3.5 and 12 m.s-1. Such H concentration variations imply a devolatilisation affecting only olivine, whereas the pyroxenes are homogeneous and then can be used as a better proxy for mantle H concentrations.Ray Pic xenoliths (French Massif Central) belongs to a mantle plume setting, implying the possibility to assess the effect of partial melting and large scale metasomatism on H concentration of NAMs. The H concentrations determined do not suggest a strong link with the suffered metasomatism whether modal, cryptic, at low or high melt rock ratio. However, using H concentrations and a marker of the partial melting (Yb in cpx), H seems to behave as a MREE (e.g., Sm, D(cpx/melt) ~ 0.29).Finally, the composite xenoliths with a peridotite adjacent to a metasomatic agent allow to target the influence of small scale metasomatism (pluri-centimetric). A magma-rock interaction between a harzburgite and a basaltic patch shows that, for olivines, chemical variations in major element as a function of olivine proximity to the vein, is coupled to H concentrations of NAMs. More the olivines are close to equilibrium with the basalt, more the H concentrations are low. Alongside in this study, three samples consist of a lherzolite adjacent a pyroxenite (14% amphibole), to a clinopyroxenite (40% amphibole) and to an amphibolite (98% amphibole) respectively. This special relationship with a metasomatic vein allows to study the behaviour of H during wall rock percolation. Each sample display homogeneous H concentration within each NAMs. However, H concentration is inversely correlated to modal content in amphiboles in the peridotite. Furthermore, a positive correlation between H in NAMs and Sm(cpx) here as a marker of metasomatism suggests, again, that H behaves as a MREE.To conclude, minerals from harzburgite contain in average a bit more H than the one in lherzolite. The H concentration in olivine are sensitive to degassing during magma ascent toward the surface and reequilibrium with magma. On the contrary, H concentration in pyroxenes, especially opx, are very homogeneous suggesting mantle concentration. The behaviour of H during partial melting and metasomatism is complex. However, our data suggest that H broadly follows MREE.
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