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Framtagning av en generisk databas för trafikdata : En analys av olycksbilden kring trafikplatser / Development of a generic database for traffic data : An analysis of the accident pattern around traffic interchanges locationsBexhorn, Johan, Tägtström, Ninnie January 2021 (has links)
Vid analyser och undersökningar av trafikrelaterade ämnen måste användaren själv lokalisera relevant och aktuell data. Det finns inte heller några garantier på att all nödvändig information går att kombinera på efterfrågat sätt. Detta ställer allt högre krav på kunskaper inom datahantering när det kommer till att skapa modeller och effektsamband för att förebygga olyckor i trafiken. Studiens mål är att undersöka om det är möjligt att kombinera olika data för att skapa en generisk databas som går att nyttja i arbeten med modeller och effektsamband för ökad trafiksäkerhet. Med denna generiska databas har olycksstatistiken för trafikplatser i Region Västmanland undersökts för att idenfitera bidragande orsaker till att olyckor sker. Studiens fokus har legat på arbetet med att ta fram och nyttja en generisk databas genom automatisk selektion av trafiktekniska element såsom trafikplatser. Genom insamling och anpassning av data från NVDB och STRADA har olika typer av analyser gjorts i programmen QGIS och R med syfte att hitta samband mellan olika attribut och trafikolyckor. Utöver detta har tre intervjuer genomförts med sakkunniga inom ämnesområdet.Resultatet som erhölls fann att det idag inte är möjligt att kunna skapa en generisk databas för trafikolyckor innehållande den stora mängd data som efterfrågas. Detta då utformningen av strukturen för den data som inkluderas behöver uppdateras och anpassas. Det saknas även tekniska kunskaper inom området för att automatisera den process som sökes. Gällande identifieringen av attribut som har korrelation med trafikolyckor blev resultatet att det inte gick att hitta statistiska samband med god signifikans. För trafikolyckor finns det en stor spridning och således är det svårt att hitta specifika samband mellan enskilda attribut och olyckor. Därför behövs fler trafikplatser integreras i databasen eller en mer utvidgad statisk analys. / In the analysis and investigation of traffic-related topics users must be responsible for locating relevant and current data. There are no guarantees that all necessary information can be combined in the requested way. This puts higher demand on knowledge in data management when it comes to preventing accidents in traffic. The aim of this study is to investigate the possibility to combine different data to create a generic database that can be used in work with road safety. With the help of this database, the accident statistics for traffic locations in Region Västmanland have been examined in an attempt to identify contributing causes of accidents. The focus has been on developing and using a generic database. By collecting and adapting data from NVDB and STRADA, different types of analyzes have been made in the programs QGIS and R, with the aim of finding connections between parameters and traffic accidents. In addition, three interviews were conducted with relevant experts. The result was that today it is not realistic to be able to create a generic database containing the large amount of information that is requested. It is because the structure of the data needs to be updated and adapted. But also because there is a lack of technical knowledge in the field to automate the process sought. The results showed that regarding the it was not possible to find statistical correlations with traffic accidents. The wide spread in traffic accidents make it difficult to find specific correlations between individual factors and accidents. Therefore the study suggests that more interchanges get integrated into the database or an extended statistical analysis of the current database.
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Automobility and injury inequality : road safety for a diverse societyPringle, Susan Mary January 2014 (has links)
Most knowledge of road accidents patterns derives from datasets. Heightened risk of involvement in road accidents can be shown to be associated with, inter alia, membership of minority ethnic groups and poverty. In addition, males are involved in a greater number of road accidents than are females. Very little work has been done to explain why these patterns should occur or why some places are linked to a greater risk of road accidents for specific groups of road users. This thesis adopts qualitative methodologies to examine reasons for the apparent over-representation in road accidents of Black teenage male pedestrians living in London, an exercise that not only suggests why Black teenagers should be over-represented in datasets but identifies factors that may explain the dynamics behind many accidents in road space. The thesis focuses on the nature of road space as social space, and a road accident as a unique event that is brought into being through an interaction between users as they meet, each user importing his or her own expectations, feelings and interpretations to the experience. Data are used to argue that no one road user independently ‘causes' a road accident and the thesis concludes that an apparently higher rate of road accidents involving Black teenagers is a function of the constructed social space of the road. Rather than anything intrinsic to the individual, the circumstances of a road accident involving a Black teenage pedestrian can reveal many tensions that underpin society. The final chapter proposes a variety of ways of tackling road accidents, concluding that to be effective, road safety programmes should be developed for diverse societies or communities, rather than discrete groups within communities.
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Идентификација опасних места на путевима применом континуалне дисперзионе анализе / Identifikacija opasnih mesta na putevima primenom kontinualne disperzione analize / IDENTIFICATION OF HOTSPOTS ON ROADS USING CONTINUAL VARIANCE ANALYSISAnđelković Dejan 10 May 2019 (has links)
<p>У оквиру истраживања ове докторске дисертације креиран је нови<br />оригинални метод за идентификацију опасних места на путевима<br />заснован на континуалној анализи варијансе (АНОВЕ). Метод, на основу<br />статистичких показатеља даје одређене карактеристике<br />(сигнификантности) односно разлике или сличности између<br />посматраних група. Под појмом „група“ подразумевају се краће путне<br />деонице пута стандардне дужине (суб-деонице) на којима се у<br />одређеном временском периоду десио одређени број саобраћајних<br />незгода. Међусобним поређењем тих група (суб-деоница), као и<br />поређењем тих група (суб-деоница) са целим скупом (целом<br />посматраном путном деоницом коју чине све суб-деонице), добијају се<br />одређене статистичке вредности сигнификантности односно значајности<br />разлике или сличности међу њима. Ти показатељи дају одговарајуће<br />оцене посматраних суб-деоница у погледу безбедности односно не<br />безбедности тих суб-деоница.</p> / <p>U okviru istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije kreiran je novi<br />originalni metod za identifikaciju opasnih mesta na putevima<br />zasnovan na kontinualnoj analizi varijanse (ANOVE). Metod, na osnovu<br />statističkih pokazatelja daje određene karakteristike<br />(signifikantnosti) odnosno razlike ili sličnosti između<br />posmatranih grupa. Pod pojmom „grupa“ podrazumevaju se kraće putne<br />deonice puta standardne dužine (sub-deonice) na kojima se u<br />određenom vremenskom periodu desio određeni broj saobraćajnih<br />nezgoda. Međusobnim poređenjem tih grupa (sub-deonica), kao i<br />poređenjem tih grupa (sub-deonica) sa celim skupom (celom<br />posmatranom putnom deonicom koju čine sve sub-deonice), dobijaju se<br />određene statističke vrednosti signifikantnosti odnosno značajnosti<br />razlike ili sličnosti među njima. Ti pokazatelji daju odgovarajuće<br />ocene posmatranih sub-deonica u pogledu bezbednosti odnosno ne<br />bezbednosti tih sub-deonica.</p> / <p>In the framework of the research of this doctoral dissertation, a new original<br />method for the identification of dangerous locations on roads based on<br />continual analysis of variance (ANOVE) was created. The method, based on<br />statistical indicators, gives certain characteristics (significance), ie differences<br />or similarities between the observed groups. The term "group" means shorter<br />road sections of standard length (subsections) where a certain number of<br />traffic accidents occurred during a certain period of time. By comparing these<br />groups (subsections) with each other, as well as by comparing these groups<br />(subsections) with the whole set (the entire observed road section consisting<br />of all subsections), certain statistical values of significance or significance of<br />the difference or similarity between them are obtained. These indicators<br />provide appropriate assessments of the observed subsections in terms of the<br />safety or not the safety of these subsections.</p>
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Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluation eines Telemedizinsystems für die präklinische Notfallrettung bei Verkehrsunfällen in DeutschlandAuerbach, Holger 25 April 2006 (has links)
Aufgabenstellung: Die Europäische Kommission strebt an, die Zahl der Getöteten im Straßenverkehr in der EU bis zum Jahr 2010 zu halbieren, unter anderem durch Einsatz von Telemedizin in der präklinischen Notfallrettung. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Kosten-Wirksamkeit von Telemedizinsystemen für die präklinische Notfallrettung bei Verkehrsunfällen in Deutschland. Methodik: Aus Sicht der Gesellschaft und der Krankenkassen werden drei Varianten eines Telemedizinsystems mit dem Status Quo in Deutschland, das heißt dem "Nicht-Einsatz von Telemedizin" in der präklinischen Notfallrettung, verglichen. Die Analyse erfolgt auf Basis retrospektiv erhobener Daten für einen Zeithorizont von zehn Jahren. Berücksichtigt werden Systemkosten, Kosten der Personenschäden und Strukturkosten des Rettungsdienstes. Diese werden diskontiert und nicht inflationsbereinigt. Der Nutzen wird mittels gewonnener Lebensjahre durch die Verkürzung des therapiefreien Intervalls und die Verbesserung der Laienhilfe gemessen. Aufgrund der Uneinheitlichkeit der Daten werden Annahmen und Abschätzungen getroffen. Ergebnis: Im Basisergebnis ist der Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Quotient für die Variante "Telemedizin für Laienhelfer" (299.366 Euro pro gewonnenes Lebensjahr) höher als für die Variante "Automatische Unfallmeldung" (247.977 Euro pro gewonnenes Lebensjahr). Den besten Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Quotient erzielt die Vollausstattung mit 239.524 Euro pro gewonnenem Lebensjahr. Im Rahmen von multivariaten Sensitivitätsanalysen (best und worst case scenario) wird festgestellt, dass eine Senkung der Systemkosten die Gesamtkosten überproportional reduziert und dass durch eine schnelle Marktdurchdringung der Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Quotient des Telemedizinsystems deutlich verbessert werden kann. Fazit: Für alle drei Varianten des Telemedizinsystems werden hohe Kosten pro gewonnenes Lebensjahr erwartet. Eine Einführung dieser Systeme erscheint nur in einer abgestimmten europäischen Vorgehensweise realistisch. / Objective: Since the European Commission set a goal of reducing the number of road accident deaths across the EU by 2010 to one half, the use of telemedicine for pre-clinical traffic accident emergency rescue is very high on the agenda. The purpose of this study is to assess the cost-effectiveness of telemedical devices for pre-clinical traffic accident emergency rescue in Germany. Methods: Three telemedical devices are compared from the perspective of society and health insurance with baseline assumptions in Germany, i.e. the non-application of telemedicine in pre-clinical emergency rescues. The analysis is based on retrospective statistical data covering a period of ten years. Costs resulting from telemedical device, personal injury, wasted journeys and erroneous dispatching of rescue services are discounted and not adjusted for inflation. The outcome is measured in terms of "life years gained" by reducing therapy-free intervals and improvements in first-aid provided by laypersons. Due to the uncertainty of data, certain assumptions and estimates are necessary. Results: In the base case scenario the cost-effectiveness ratio of the device "Telemedicine for laypersons" (Euro 299,366 per life year gained) would be higher than of the "Automatic Accident Alert" (Euro 247,977 per life year gained). The full equipment device has the best cost-effectiveness ratio (Euro 239,524 per life year gained). Multi-way sensitivity-analysis with best and worst case scenarios show that decreasing costs of telemedical device would disproportionately reduce total costs, and that rapid market penetration would largely increase the cost-effectiveness ratio of the devices. Conclusion: The net costs per life year gained in the application of the three telemedical devices are estimated as quite high. The implementation of the devices seems only realistic as part of a larger European co-ordinated initiative.
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Att genom design effektivisera räddningsinsatsen för motorcyklister i trafikolyckaVikström, John January 2012 (has links)
What if the emergency response directly knew exactly where to go and what to do if a road accident occured? During the last ten years the number of motorcyclists in Sweden has doubled. Every year, more than 300 riders are seriously injured and over 40 die in road accidents. Being found in time is critical to increase the chance of survival. The goal of this project is to use design methods to find a solution that enables a fast and adequate emergency response for motorcyclists and other unprotected road users. / Vad hade hänt om akutsjukvårdare direkt kände till var en olycka inträffat och vilken vårdinsats som behövdes? Under de senaste tio åren har antalet motorcyklister i Sverige fördubblats. Varje år skadas över 300 förare allvarligt, och över 40 omkommer i trafikolyckor. Att bli hittad i tid är kritiskt för att öka chansen för överlevnad. Målet med det här projektet är att med designmetoder hitta ett sätt att möjliggöra en snabb och adekvat räddningsinsats för motorcyklister och andra oskyddade motortrafikanter.
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Analyse der Verletzungen verunfallter motorisierter Zweiradfahrer unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Polytraumatisierter im Göttinger Polytraumaregister / Analysis of the injuries of motorized two-wheelers with particular reference to multiple traumatized patients of the Göttinger PolytraumaregisterVatterodt, Susanne 10 February 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Šetření vybraných parametrů výjezdů Hasičského záchranného sboru k dopravním nehodám v Jihočeském kraji / Statistic Review of Parameters of Fire Rescue Service's Interventions in Traffic Accidents in South BohemiaPETRŮV, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Fire Rescue Service is territorialized in each region, which means that Fire Rescue Service is present in each region of the Czech Republic as an individual accounting entity. Each accounting entity is obliged to prepare own budget estimate for next year which serves for covering costs related to interventions. Therefore it is beneficial to have an overview about the number of interventions expected in following year. The prediction of the expected interventions should be based utmost on real data from the the last period. Fire Rescue Service units' interventions in traffic accidents are covered from the state budget as well as other performances. The thesis is concerning the statistic survey related to Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents. Specified goals of the thesis: G1) The survey of the development in time of the number of traffic accidents associated with South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents within one month as the unit of time during the last 5 years. It is considered as the survey of the first of selected parameters concerning Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents in the South Bohemia region. G2) The survey of the development in time of costs associated with South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents within one month as the unit of time during the last 5 years. It is considered as the survey of the second of selected parameters related to Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents in the South Bohemia region. G3) The comparison of the number of interventions and costs, the investigation of the apportionment of the number of interventions and costs in terms of a proper theoretical apportionment. It is considered as the survey concerning the dependence of selected parameters of Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents in the South Bohemia region. With regard to a relativelly high number of primary data (entries from about 8 000 traffic accidents in the time period between 7/2010 and 6/2015 in the South Bohemia region, where was always present at least one unit of the South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service), mathematical statistic tools were needed to create a survey of selected parameters of the data file. Determining intervals for individual statistic features is to some extent carried out "by feeling". With regard to it, there was done the sensitivity analysis within which was investigated the influence of minor changes in the number of intervals on apportionment of percent occurrences of monitored statistical features (intervals were determined "by feeling" and based on recommendation from technical literature). For investigation of statistical features were used description statistics and also methods of statistical induction. The information used from technical literature and the interpretation of partial results and conclusions concerning individual sections of the thesis are provided in the section Discussion. The thesis demonstrated that the empirical apportionment of the number of traffic accidents and costs on South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in traffic accidents can be considered as standard. Therefore it is correct to use theoretical findings associated with standard apportionment to work with those data. Also the thesis demonstrated that the number of traffic accidents and costs associated with South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions not only does not decrease but on the contrary increases. It was demonstrated that there is present very high positive correlation between numbers of the traffic accidents and the costs related to South Bohemia Fire Rescue Service's interventions in single months of the monitored time period. This brings us to a conclusion that the increase of costs related to interventions is caused mainly by the increase of the number of traffic accidents where the units of Fire Rescue Service intervene.
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Simulovaná dopravní nehoda cisterny v Ústí nad Labem spojená s únikem chlóru / A simulated road accident of a tank truck in Ústí nad Labem resulting in chlorine leakageLANGOVÁ, Regina January 2007 (has links)
The main theme of the diploma thesis is simulated accident of a truck transporting pressure barrels with chlorine.The study is focused on evaluating the effects of the accident on the lives and health of the local population and assessing the risks (and the level of hazards) with the use of selected methods.In this study, the truck accident is described in detail and the risks are evaluated through using the IAEA-TECDOC-727 method, which is based on quantitative risk assessment of sources according to the level of hazard to lives.
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Vliv alkoholu na dopravní nehodovost v Jihočeském kraji v komparaci let 2008 až 2012 / Influence of alcohol on road traffic accident rate in the South Bohemian Region by comparison of the years 2008 - 2012ŠUPLER, Josef January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Influence of alcohol on road traffic accident rate in the South Bohemian Region by comparison of the years 2008 2012 is aimed at comparing the influence of alcohol on road traffic accidents in the districts of the South Bohemian Region in the period 2008 2012 as well as outlining the effects of road traffic accidents due to alcohol with regard to partial circumstances of particular accidents (according to accident type, accident effects, age of the perpetrators of accidents) in the years 2008 2012. The comparison was based on police statistics of road traffic accident rates of the Regional Police Headquarters for the South Bohemian Region, the Road Traffic Inspectorate in České Budějovice. The thesis attempted to perform a survey of the problems related to accidents caused by driving under the influence of alcohol. The theoretical part deals with two spheres connected with alcohol-related road traffic accidents. The practical part focuses on the effects of the accidents which happened in the South Bohemian Region in the years 2008 2012, and on the effects of accidents caused due to alcohol in the South Bohemian Region in the years 2008 2012.
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Rôle de l'alcool et des substances psychoactives dans les accidents de la voie publique à Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Étude ASMA-CI) / Implication of alcohol and psychoactive substances in the occurence of road traffic accidents in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (The ASMA-CI study)Diakite, Aïssata 17 June 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de notre thèse est d'évaluer le rôle de l'alcool et autres substances psychoactives dans la survenue et la gravité des traumatismes dus aux Accidents de la Voie Publique (AVP) en Côte d'Ivoire. Nous avons initié un recueil de données sur 893 victimes tuées ou blessées suite à un AVP, et admises aux urgences ou à l'Institut de Médecine Légale d'Abidjan. Ces données hospitalières ont été couplées aux données policières et aux résultats d'analyses toxicologiques. La méthode de dosage de l'alcoolémie par CPG-FID a démontré qu'elle répond parfaitement aux critères de performances analytiques recommandés en termes de fidélité, d'exactitude, de linéarité, de stabilité et de limite de quantification. Les niveaux d'alcoolémie chez les victimes au moment de l'AVP, sont élevés et compatibles avec un profil d'alcoolisation excessive. Plus de 75% des conducteurs alcoolisés ont une alcoolémie supérieure à 1g/L. Les prévalences d'alcoolémie au-delà de 0,8g/L sont de 41% chez les conducteurs de véhicules légers 4 roues, 35% chez les 2-roues, 17% chez les piétons et 13% chez les passagers. L'usage des autres substances psychoactives est moins fréquent chez les victimes (11%) et souvent associé à une alcoolémie supérieure à 0,8g/L. L'évaluation du risque de blessures graves (NISS9+) en fonction du degré d'alcoolisation suggère que les victimes avec une alcoolémie modérée ont un risque de blessures graves plus élevé en comparaison avec les victimes sobres (OR = 7,7; IC95% : 2,5-24,2). Au terme de cette thèse, nous proposons une procédure fiable de dosage de l'alcoolémie chez les victimes d'AVP et des mesures concrètes pour la prévention des traumatismes par AVP en Côte d'Ivoire / We implemented a data collecting process including 893 victims who died or were injured following a RTA, and were admitted to the Emergency Room or to the Forensic Institute in Abidjan. This hospital-based data was linked with police data and toxicological testing. The method developed in our laboratory for blood alcohol determination using GC-FID demonstrated a good compliance with analytical performance requirements in terms of repeatability, accuracy, linearity, stability and limit of quantification. Blood alcohol levels found in victims at the time of the RTA were compatible with an excessive alcohol intake. More than 75% of drivers with a positive alcohol test had a blood alcohol concentration greater than 1g/L. Prevalence of alcohol above 0.8g/L reaches 41% in light four-wheel drivers, 35% in two-wheel riders, 17% in pedestrian and 13% in passengers. The prevalence of psychoactive drugs was lower (11%) compared to alcohol and usually associated with blood alcohol level greater than 0.8g/L. The assessment of the risk of serious injury (NISS9+) associated to the level of blood alcohol content suggest that victims showing a moderate blood alcohol level are more at risk to sustain serious injury compared to sober victims (OR = 7.7; IC95% : 2.5 – 24.2). In conclusion, we make some practical proposals to strengthen and for facilitating the application of the current law concerning driving under the influence of alcohol. We also make recommendations for prevention of road traffic injuries in the Ivory Coast
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