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Hållbara spårvägar / Sustainable Tramway TracksDahlström, Johanna, Hansen, Licette, Hartel, Ellen, Larsson, Francesca, Pettersson, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
The Swedish city of Uppsala is growing and will be expanded. To manage the increase in traffic, a tramway is being planned. It is vital to make the construction and the tramway tracks sustainable. This is explored to study carbon dioxide emissions related to tramway track materials as well as their wear and service life. This project investigates sustainability, the tramway track constituents, rail steel, the rails' wear, rail surface treatments that could minimize wear and increase service life, materials surrounding the rails, and the production of the most used materials in tramway tracks. A literature study is conducted to compare different options for materials and treatments. The municipality of Uppsala's climate goals, technical standards and regulations, articles and studies about the mentioned topics, amongst other sources, are considered and compared. The results include a rough estimation of the material consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Asphalt tracks have the lowest emissions of the different surrounding material options. The steel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions for the vignole rails are less than for grooved rails and the concrete consumption for grass tracks is slightly less compared to edilon tracks. It is also possible to switch from regular perlitic rail steel to bainitic rail steel when needed. Laser hardening, UNSM, and thermal plasma hardening decrease the rails' wear (rates) considering increased surface hardness. / Uppsala är en växande stad och därför ska Södra staden byggas ut. Spårvagnstrafik planeras för att hantera den kommande trafikbelastning. Det är viktigt att göra konstruktionen av spårvägen till spårvagnen så hållbar och miljövänlig som möjligt. Detta utreds i denna rapport för att undersöka koldioxidutsläpp från spårvägens material samt dess slitage och livslängd. Rapporten undersöker hållbarhet, hur spårvägarna ser ut och dess olika delar, rälstål, rälernas slitage, ytbehandlingar till rälarna som kan minimera slitage och öka livslängden, samt tillverkningen av de mest förekommande materialen i spårvagnars spårvägar. En litteraturstudie genomförs för att jämföra olika materialvals- och behandlingsalternativ. Uppsala kommuns klimatmål, tekniska standarder och regelverk, artiklar och studier om de nämnda ämnena, bland andra resurser, används och jämförs. Studiens resultat inkluderar en grov uppskattning av materialåtgången och koldioxidutsläpp. Det blir minst koldioxidutsläpp från asfaltsspår när det gäller de omgivande materialen. Stålåtgången och koldioxidutsläppen för vignolräler är mindre än för gaturäler och betongåtgången blir lite mindre för grässpår jämfört med edilonspår. Det är även möjligt att byta från vanligt perlitiskt rälstål till bainitiskt rälstål vid behov. Laserhärdning, UNSM och termisk plasma härdning minskar rälernas slitage med avseende på framförallt ökningar av ythårdhet.
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Analysis of Automated Vehicle Location Data from Public Transport Systems to Determine Level of ServiceEriksson, Charlotte, Jansson, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Many cities suffer from problems with high traffic flows in the city centers which leads to a desire to get more people to choose public transport over cars. For many car drivers, the main reason to take the car is the convenience and time efficiency; the price is often of less importance. The public transport providers should, therefore, strive to improve their Level of Service (LOS). A general process that can be used by public transport providers or other stakeholders to evaluate the LOS in a public transport system based on Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) data is developed and presented in this thesis.The process values the quality and suitability of the AVL data, propose which KPIs to use and how to use the results to find possible improvements. Four different types of erroneous data were discovered: outliers in position, outliers in speed, outliers in travel time and general errors. KPIs are developed in three main areas: on-time performance, travel time distribution and speed, where each KPI is divided into several sub-areas.
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Le partenariat art public/tramway : appréhender l’espace urbain autrement / The public art/tram partnership : apprehend otherwise urban spaceRedondo, Belinda 24 June 2013 (has links)
La mise en place d'une commande publique artistique aux abords des lignes de tramway n'a de cesse de faire florès dans l'Hexagone. Présente au cœur des principales agglomérations françaises, nul ne peut rester indifférent face à l'ampleur d'une telle démarche, qui de surcroît soulève bien des questionnements, en premier lieu sur sa propre pertinence urbanistique. En effet, si de cette initiative naît un partenariat original entre un mode de transport urbain faisant peau neuve et un art public se voulant plus que jamais proche des citadins, il est judicieux face à ses résultats contrastés sur le terrain, de se pencher sur son devenir, à la lumière notamment d'une étude urbanistique, sensorielle, sémiotique et philosophique. Ainsi, au détour d'une analyse pluridisciplinaire des projets partenariaux (Paris et Nice entre autres), plusieurs pistes réflexives entendent apporter des éléments de réponse sur cette réussite en demi-teinte. Mais également, proposer de nouvelles perspectives conceptuelles pour consolider et valoriser au mieux cette démarche partenariale, qui ouvre assurément une nouvelle façon de voir, de percevoir et d'appréhender la ville ainsi que les mutations qui l'animent. Elle entend par la même occasion redéfinir les fonctions primaires des deux éléments urbains qui la composent : l'art public et le tramway / The implementation of a public art commission around the tram lines blooms in France. Present into the main french agglomerations, nobody can remain indifferent in front of the scale of such an approach, which besides raises many questions, including that of its own urbanistic relevance. This initiative certainly gives birth to an original partnership between a facelifted urban transport mode and a public art, which seems to aspire to be closer than ever towards city dwellers. But in front of contrasted results, it would be wise to examinate the future of such a partnership, in the light of an urbanistic, sensory, semiotic and philosophic study. Through a pluridisciplinary analysis of partnership projects (Paris, Nice among others), several lines of approach attempt to bring elements of answer. At the same times, this study proposes a new conceptual perspective for emphasize this partnership, which delivers a new way of seeing and perceiving the city. It redefines the primary functions of the public art and the tram, both urban elements which compose it
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Spårvagnstrafik i Västerås? : En förstudie i förutsättningarna för modern spårvagnstrafikBacklund, Tomas, Tom, Hedlund January 2011 (has links)
Läns- och lokaltrafikens branschorganisation Svensk Kollektivtrafik har som mål att år 2020 ha fördubblat kollektivtrafikresandet från 2006 års siffror. En sådan förändring kommer inte att ske av sig självt utan ett målmedvetet arbete kommer att krävas för att göra kollektivtrafiken mer attraktiv. En alltmer aktuell utveckling av kollektivtrafiken är att flera svenska städer har mer eller mindre långtgångna planer på att införa spårvagnstrafik. Detta examensarbetes syfte är att utreda förutsättningarna för en spårvägsetablering i Västerås Stad. Arbetet delas in i litteraturstudie, fallstudie, enkätstudie samt intervjustudie. I den inledande litteraturstudien sammanställs allmän information avseende spårvägens utformning, anläggning, kostnader samt finansieringsmöjligheter. Den knyter även an till tidigare studier inom området för att tillvarata nyttiga erfarenheter. I fallstudien undersöks Västerås förutsättningar för spårvagnstrafik. Förutsättningarna används sedan till att upprätta ett systemförslag avseende ett stomlinjesystem för spårvagn med tillhörande drift- och investeringskostnader. I enkätstudien redogörs Västerås invånares inställning till ett hypotetiskt förslag om införande av spårvagnstrafik som en del av stadens kollektivtrafikssystem. Intervjustudien resulterade i att litteraturstudien kunde kompletteras med en i spårvagnsbranschen aktiv aktörs erfarenheter. Vidare analyseras samtliga studier var för sig och sedan som en enhet. Slutligen presenteras våra egna slutsatser. / County and local traffic trade association Swedish Public Transport Association's goal by 2010 is to double the travel by public transport from 2006 years figures. Such a change will not happen by itself; a systematic effort will be required to create an attractive public transport. A more recent development of public transport is that several Swedish cities have more or less advanced plans to introduce trams.This thesis work aims to investigate the preconditions of a tram establishment in Västerås. The work is divided into literature study, case study, questionnaire survey and interview. The initial literature study summarizes general information regarding light rail design, construction, costs and financing options. The study also ties in with previous studies in the area to gain useful experience. The case study examines Västerås conditions for trams. The conditions are then used to establish a system proposal of a line system for tram with the associated operational and investment costs. The questionnaire study describes Västerås residents attitudes to a hypothetical proposal for the introduction of light rail transit as part of the city's public transport system. The interview study resulted in the literature study being supplemented by experiences from an active actor within the tram industry. The thesis analyzes all of the studies individually and then as a unit. Finally, the authors’ own conclusions are presented.
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Vilniaus oro uosto aplinkos urbanistinės konversijos galimybės / Possibilities of urban conversion for the surroundings of Vilnius airportGumuliauskaitė, Evelina 29 June 2005 (has links)
The analysed problem – the possibilities of conversion for the surroundings of Vilnius airport. Needs of Vilnius International airport for Vilnius city. Main goals for the project – to analyse te surroundings of Vilnius airport, to analyse possibilities of territory conversion to public, comercial and infrastuctural zones.to present the best terrain for airport development. To value airport expansion prediction, current urban structure, infrastructure, functional links with EU and other world senters, to value the possibility to subordinate city tram and european fast trainand connect all this with designed urban structure and urban complex. The Project is based on already existing or still conceptional projects made in Lithuania and abroad.Project presents airport surroundings and its interface with the structure of the parts of town. Airport centre complex should make modern, multifunctional, contemporary gates to European Vilnius.
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Vývoj pískovacích jednotek pro kolejová vozidla / Development of railroad sanding equipmentMatečka, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master's thesis is engaged in development of new sanding units for a specific type of rail vehicle. Sanding in rail transport is application of most commonly silica sand into wheel-rail contact. Thanks to its reliability it is still the most widely used method for removing contaminants and improving adhesion in that contact. Sanding devices were developed in cooperation with corporation, which deals with production of rail transport equipment, among other things. The most important part of sanding device is sand dispenser. Dispensers were experimentally developed at the test station in the cooperating corporation. Dispensers were tested for utilization conditions on the locomotive of the train and conditions for trams and light rail vehicles. Furthermore, sand boxes have been designed for specific type of rail vehicle and new type of sand discharge tube, which directs sand directly into wheel-rail contact was designed too.
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Rozvoj tramvajových tratí na Ostravsku / Development of the tram network in Ostrava regionBartoňová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the public transport. The theoretical part contains short characteristics of the transport infrastructure followed by a description of the logistics processes in public transport. The practical part focused on the transport network in the city of Ostrava aims at the public transport in the city, particularly public transport system and integrated transport system. The goal of thesis is to give the readers a comprehensive look at the public transport in Ostrava and to present the tramtrain system.
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Kolmá křížení tramvajových tratí s vlečkami / Perpendicular crossings tram tracks with railway sidingsOmaník, David January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the perpendicular crossing of tram track with railway siding. The structure of crossing is described both in the Czech Republic and in the world. The aim of the thesis is to find the recommended design solution for the crossing of tram and railway tracks with regard to legislation and feasibility. After a comparison of the existing structures is chosen which satisfies the conditions of feasibility.
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Návrh inovační strategie tramvajových vozidel DPMB / Innovation Strategy of DPMB Tram VehiclesŠiler, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis proposes new innovation strategy for The Brno Public Transport Authority (DPMB) tram vehicles. The thesis reviews different approaches to transport innovation strategy. Analyse current strategy in Transport Authority and finally is proposed original innovation strategy of DPMB tram vehicles. The proposal aims to serve as strategical document for the management and stakeholders in tramway fleet renewal.
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Přestavba křižovatky „Semilaso“ v Brně Králově Poli / Study of roundabout in front of the main entrance Trade Fairs BrnoKopuletá, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The topic of my master´s thesis is the reconstruction of the intersection „Semilasso“ in Brno, Královo Pole. I´m designing a signalized transversal intersection of streets Palackého třída, Kosmova and Riegrova, which is a signifiant transfer junction of public transport. Altogether, there stop two tramlines, one trolleybus line and nine bus lines. The project merges the tram stops, directs the movement of pedestrians and lowers the intensity of car transportation heading to the city centre.
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