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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traduire l´oral en une ou deux lignes : Étude traductologique du sous-titrage français de films suédois contemporains

Eng, Thérèse January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation is a comparative investigation of the work of two subtitlers of Swedish films translated into French in the last decade of 20th century. It is a look at how they try to render the illusion of spoken language in the written line that is a subtitle. This effect has to be created despite the constraints of time, synchronisation, readability, and the limited number of characters available to work with. We have shown that the subtitles examined in this work include many of the characteristics typical of spoken French. These characteristics can be classified as belonging to the Phonetic, the Lexical or the Syntactic level. At the lexical level we can see that the translators use expressions with a lower style-level than the originals but manage to avoid being too shocking, innovative or destabilizing for the audience. We have also shown diastratic language differences in translation: our subtitlers strengthen characters of social differences by using a different language style depending on the status that the person in question has. Because of the polysemiotic nature of film it is not the primary purpose of a subtitler to translate everything. Typically verbal speech characteristics such as repetition, hesitation, incomplete phrases and non-informational expressions that are often seen as less acceptable in the written word are normally sacrificed in subtitles. On the other hand, we could not show that the original language (Swedish) had a sizable impact on the style and construction of the subtitles. We also looked at possible stylistic differences between the two subtitlers translations and tried to find out if the “voice” of the subtitler shone through. If so, we were interested in attempting to see if a difference could be caused by the fact that one of the subtitlers has French as her native language while the other translates from his second language. We were not able to relate the cause of the difference of style we observed to anything other than the original dialogue’s changing style-levels. In which direction the verbal content in subtitles will develop is an interesting and relevant question. In this work we have identified a development of style that has taken place during recent years in French subtitles to Swedish films. This development goes from a previous situation where the style of the spoken word was practically unused compared to today’s more frequent and systematic use.

Translation strategies of proper names in Lithuanian and Polish variants of Jerome K. Jerome's Three Men on the Bummel / Tikrinių daiktavardžių vertimo strategijos lietuviškoje ir lenkiškose Jerome K. Jerome romano "Three Men on the Bummel" versijose

Gryguc, Alicja 05 August 2008 (has links)
This comparative study analyzes the translation of proper names found in the Lithuanian and Polish versions of Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men on the Bummel. The analysis is preceded by the discussion of the status of proper names in the English language and their function in the text, later, the various basis for their classification are presented. Further, the treatment of the foreign proper names in the Polish and the Lithuanian language is taken into consideration as the grammatical rules often influence the choices of translators. As various scholars label the similar translation procedures differently, a review of solutions in translating proper names is carried out. In result, for the sake of clarity, the translation strategies proposed by Eirlys E. Davies (preservation, localization, addition, globalization, transformation, omission and creation) (2003) serve as the basis for this comparative analysis. As this thesis aims to reveal the tendencies in translating proper names in the Lithuanian and Polish languages, the Lithuanian translation of Jerome K. Jerome’s Three Men on the Bummel, done by Jonas Čeponis and titled Trise dviračiais (2005) is compared to the Polish ones produced by Jolanta Plakwicz as Trzej panowie na rowerach (1992) and Piotr J. Szwajcer as Trzech panów w Niemczech (tym razem bez psa) (2007). In result, the analysis and statistical representation of strategies applied to the translation of personal, object and geographical names reveal the existing... [to full text] / Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti tikrinių daiktavardžių iš Jerome K. Jerome romano „Three Men on the Bummel“ vertimų būdus, kuriuos pasirinko lietuvių ir lenkų vertėjai. Darbe apžvelgiama tikrinių daiktavardžių vieta anglų kalbos gramatikoje, jų funkcijos tekste bei aptariama įvairi jų klasifikacija. Atsižvelgiama į kitų kalbų tikrinių daiktavardžių pateikimo taisykles lietuvių ir lenkų kalbose, kurios gali įtakoja vertėjų pasirinkimą. Kadangi mokslininkai skirtingai įvardija panašias vertimo procedūras, šios analizės pagrindą sudaro Eirlys E. Davis (2003) pasiūlytos strategijos, kuriomis remiantis tikrinių daiktavardžių vertimas Jonas Čeponio „Trise dviračiais“ (2005) lyginamas su Jolanta Plakwicz vertimu „Trzej panowie na rowerach“ (1992) ir Piotr J. Szwajcer „Trzech panów w Niemczech (tym razem bez psa)“ (2007). Atliktos analizės ir statistinių duomenų pagrindu teigiama, jog tiek lietuvių, tiek lenkų kalboje įžvelgiamos tam tikros vertimo tendencijos. Lietuvių vertėjas dažniau tikrinius daiktavardžius pateikia pagal lietuvių kalbos fonetikos ir morfologijos taisykles, todėl lietuvių skaitytojams jų tartis problemų nesukelia. Lenkų skaitytojams dažniau pateikiami tikriniai daiktavardžiai originalia (kitos kalbos) rašyba, kurie tik priderinti prie lenkų kalboje galiojančių linksniavimo dėsnių. Pastebima, jog lietuvių vertėjas dažnai papildomą informaciją pateikia išnašose. Praleistų, sukurtų, globalizuotų ar pakeistų tikrinių daiktavardžių skaičius minėtuose vertimuose yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Art of Persuasion in English and Lithuanian Political Rhetoric / Įtikinėjimo menas anglų ir lietuvių kalbų politinėje retorikoje

Poškaitė, Agnė 06 August 2008 (has links)
The thesis concerns translation issues in Lithuanian translations of English rhetorical figures (anaphora and antithesis) in political speeches delivered by different politicians. Seven political speeches in English and their Lithuanian translations were analyzed from the perspective of translation strategies and translation problems. The study uses terms for translation strategies developed by Devies’ in order to comment on Lithuanian translations of English political speeches. In order to carry out the analysis of the chosen political speeches comparative as well as contrastive analysis were chosen. Firs, the original extract and its translation were compared taking into consideration the issues of translation strategies that have been used in the process of translating. Second, the original extract and its translation were contrasted in order to notice how and why some aspects in the translation have been changed. The main goal of the present paper is to see the differences and similarities of the two languages when dealing with political rhetoric. Moreover, it is extremely important to examine persuasive tools that are used most frequently in political rhetoric both in English and in Lithuanian. The hypothesis of the paper is the following: as the two languages structurally are very different, translations of rhetorical figures in English political texts will contain many structural and stylistic deviations. Structural... [to full text] / Šis baigiamasis darbas yra susijęs su vertimo aspektais, kai retorinės figūros (anafora ir antitezė), skirtingų politikų panaudotos angliškose politinėse kalbose, verčiamos į lietuvių kalbą. Atkreipiant dėmesį į vertimo strategijas ir vertimo problemas buvo išanalizuotos septynios angliškos politinės kalbos ir jų lietuviski vertimai. Siekiant aptarti lietuviškus angliškų politinių kalbų vertimus darbe vartojami Davies vertimo strategijų terminai. Siekiant atlikti politinių kalbų analizę buvo pasirinkti lyginamasis ir kontrastinis analizės būdai. Pirmiausia, buvo lyginama originalo ištrauka su jos lietuvišku atitikmeniu, atsižvelgiant į vertimo strategijas, kurios buvo panaudotos vertimo metu. Antra, originalo ištrauka ir jos lietuviška atitikmuo buvo supriešpriešinami tam, kad būtų įmanoma įžvelgti kaip ir kodėl tam tikri aspektai vertimo metu buvo pakeisti. Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra įžvelgti dviejų kalbų panašumus ir skirtumus būtent politinėje retorikoje. Taip pat labai svarbu išanalizuoti įtikinėjimo priemones, kurios dažniausiai naudojamos tiek anglų tiek lietuvių politinėje retorikoje. Disertacijos hipotezė yra tokia: kadangi nagrinėjamos kalbos struktūriškai yra labai skirtingos, retorinių figūrų vertimas iš angliškų politinių kalbų į lietuviškas bus su stipriais struktūriniais ir stilistiniais nukrypimais. Struktūriniai kalbų skirtumai leidžia daryti prielaidą, kad atsiras daug skirtumų įvairiuose vertimo aspektuose. Darbas yra suskirstytas į šešias... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Translation Strategies Used in Translating Tess Gerritsen’s Medical Thrillers: Paulina Kruglinskienė’s translation of the Novel The Surgeon and Jonas Čeponis’ Translation of the Novel Life Support / Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių "Chirurgas" ir "Užkratas" vertimų analizė: Paulinos Kruglinskienės ir Jono Čeponio vertimai

Statkutė, Kotryna 02 June 2014 (has links)
The Master Thesis “Translation Strategies Used in Translating Tess Gerritsen’s Medical Thrillers: Paulina Kruglinskienė’s Translation of the Novel The Surgeon and Jonas Čeponis’ Translation of the Novel Life Support” analyses two novels written by Tess Gerritsen (The Surgeon and Life Support) and their Lithuanian translations by Paulina Kruglinskienė and Jonas Čeponis. The following hypothesis was raised: translation by using an equivalent item and low localization strategy are the most popular and useful translation strategies in translating medical terminology. The aim of this paper is to find out what translation strategies are the most popular while translating medical terminology in Paulina Kruglinskienė’s and Jonas Čeponis’ translations of Tess Gerritsen’s medical thrillers. These particular translators were chosen for this analysis due to the following reasons: they are the main translators of Tess Gerritsen’s novels into the Lithuanian language (both have transated six novels each), what is more, they both have medical background as well as long experience in translation. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether Paulina Kruglinskienė and Jonas Čeponis use similar translation strategies while translating medical terms into the Lithuanian language and how these strategies influence the quality of translation. The theoretical part analyses various aspects related with the translation of Tess Gerritsen’s medical thrillers: genre theory, features of thriller... [to full text] / Baigiamajame Magistro darbe “Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių “Chirurgas” ir “Užkratas” vertimų analizė: Paulinos Kruglinskienės ir Jono Čeponio vertimai” analizuojami du šios rašytojos romanai ir jų vertimai į lietuvių kalbą. Buvo iškelta hipotezė, kad tikslus atitikmuo (equivalent) ir angliškų terminų vertimas, pakeičiant tik nelietuviškas raides ir galūnes šitaip pritaikant juos prie lietuvių kalbos taisyklių (low localization) yra pagrindinės medicininių terminų vertimo strategijos. Šio darbo tikslas yra sužinoti, kokias vertimo strategijas naudoja Paulina Kruglinskienė ir Jonas Čeponis, versdami Tess Gerritsen medicininius trilerius. Šie du vertėjai buvo pasirinkti dėl kelių priežasčių: jie abu yra pagrindiniai Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių vertėjai į lietuvių kalbą (abu yra išvertę po šešis šios autorės romanus), abu vertėjai turi medicininį išsilavinimą ir didelę vertimo patirtį. Darbo tikslas yra išsiaiškinti, ar šie vertėjai naudoja panašias vertimo strategijas medicininiams terminams versti, ar ne ir kokią įtaką tam tikrų vertimo strategijų pasirinkimas turi vertimo kokybei. Teorinėje dalyje yra analizuojami įvairūs aspektai, susiję su Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių vertimu: žanras, trilerio žanras, jo požanriai, medicininių trilerių bruožai ir savybės, medicininės terminologijos ištakos ir pagrindiniai terminų vertimo sunkumai bei Eirly E. Davies vertimo strategijos, pagal kurias buvo grupuojami medicininiai terminai ir medicininių terminų ištakos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Překlad dánských proprií do češtiny / Translation of Danish Proper Nouns into Czech

Jelšík, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyse the translation solutions used for the translation of proper names between Danish and Czech in five contemporary translations of Danish fiction. The first part deals with the definition and division of proper names in the Czech linguistic theory and with the analysis of the Translation studies literature, which will serve as the basis for the analysis. The main focus of the following part is the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the individual translation solutions in the analysed texts. The analysed proper names will be divided according to the translation procedures used in their translation. The results of the analysis will be used to draft the tendency in the translation of these names.

La cultura andina en un contexto sueco : Un análisis de la traducción de los elementos culturales y dialectales en la biografía "Evo Morales: el cambio comenzó en Bolivia"

Berthelsen, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
The present paper treats translation difficulties arising from the translation of a political biography from Spanish into Swedish. More specifically it deals with the translation of cultural and dialectal aspects typical of the Andean region. Parting from the 18 translation strategies defined by Amparo Hurtado Albir (2001) it studies the application and frequency of said strategies when translating cultural references. The aspects treated were divided into cultural and dialectal aspects, with the first category being divided into three subcategories: the Andean culture, geographical references, and other cultural references. The conclusions were that the strategy most frequently applied was that which Hurtado Albir (2001) calls a mplificación, meaning that information is added to the target text to explain phenomena unknown in the target culture. This strategy was often accompanied by a préstamo, that is, a loan of the source language word into the target text. In the translation of dialect the main tendency found was that of a neutralization of the non standard language.

The challenge of multilingualism in a partial translation of the play, requiem for the Last Kaiser

Massoua II, Marcelline January 2013 (has links)
Requiem for the Last Kaiser by the Cameroonian playwright Bate Besong, is a play characterised by singular translational challenges. These challenges range from the presence of many different languages in the text to the use of humour and intratextual references taken from a various range of sources such as the Bible, world history and politics, etc. In our 21st century world, where translation has been described as the language of Europe by Umberto Eco, Africa’s literary treasures should be given a wider readership by means of translation, starting with French, to introduce the writer’s work to French-speaking Cameroonians and from there to other Francophones. The aim of this research was to determine in what way multilingualism in the play could affect its translation and, secondly, how to translate the various multilingual utterances. The focus was put on the rendition of the play’s multilingual elements in a language or languages understandable to a French-speaking readership while keeping the author’s initial intention in mind. This was done firstly by gathering relevant knowledge on theatre as well as literary and theatrical translation, and on the other hand on literary multilingualism and multilingual translation. Subsequently, 28 text segments including multilingual utterances were extracted from the source text, analysed using a combination of the functionalist approach and hermeneutics, and translated. Several translation strategies and procedures were used, among which literalism was particularly successful. It was found that these could not be generalised and that translation choices should be made for each individual utterance. The play impacts on the literary, sociolinguistic, political, and sociological domains, as it dates from the 1990s, a period of Cameroonian history marked by popular uprisings and the struggle for democracy. Attempting a partial translation of Requiem for the Last Kaiser was a means of contributing to the field of multilingual theatre translation, sharing the richness of Bate Besong’s literary work and giving Cameroonian literature in English the port of access it needs since it has not yet attained the recognition it surely deserves. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Modern European Languages / unrestricted

Building a Balanced Organizational Culture – Imagery in Corporate Storytelling : Metaphors and Translation

Eriksson, Maria January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the use of metaphors in corporate storytelling and the strategies that may be applied when translating these from English to Swedish. The conceptual metaphor theory was used as a starting point for the investigation of structural metaphors in particular. The results reveal that the most common translation strategy was keeping the same conceptual metaphor in the target text. The second most common strategy was changing into a different metaphor. Moreover, metaphors were often omitted which results in a translation with less evocative imagery. The metaphorical concepts organism and building were found to be the most frequent. The weave metaphor was frequent in storytelling, and the organism, building, and machine metaphors were common in business contexts, similar to what earlier studies have found. Some conceptual metaphors were less frequent in the translation due to cultural differences, although both similarities and differences were encountered when analyzing the metaphorical expressions in detail. The study also reveals that an awareness of organizational metaphors is fundamental in order to render an inspirational and persuasive text in this genre as accurately as possible, while at the same time being faithful to the style and imagery in the original.

À la recherche des mots culturels tout au long des randonnées fromagères : Une analyse de la traduction des mots culturels dans un guide touristique français. / In search of cultural words throughout cheese-hikes : A translation analysis of cultural words in a French tourist guide

Schånberg, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Each language has a variety of cultural words that in one way or another are deeply rooted in the culture and society of a country or a region. This includes words and / or expressions that have to do with ecology, material culture, social culture, organisations, customs, ideas, gestures and habits. Cultural words often involve translation difficulties and a translator can find help in different strategies when dealing with such challenges during the translation work.  This essay, in the form of a translation analysis, deals with cultural words and how these have been translated into Swedish. The translated texts regard six different French hikes during which it is possible to visit one or more cheese factories to discover certain quality cheeses and their manufacturing process. The aim of this essay is therefore to analyse six informative texts from a tourist guide titled Rando-fromage en France - Jolies balades et fromageries de qualité (2019) in order to distinguish the different strategies of translations for cultural words, especially those that are complex or whose connotations are lacking in the target language. Based on Svane's (2002) translation strategies for cultural words, this translation analysis describes how proper names, cultural terms and technical terms in the domain of cheese have been translated. The most used strategies are undoubtedly transfers of different kinds and additions, either in the form of a single word or in the form of longer explanations.  The translation analysis shows that there is a strong connection between the choice of translation strategy and the type of text that the source text represents. The analysis also highlights the important role of target language readers as the translation of cultural words is adapted to them.

Cultural challenges in translating Tayeb Salih’s novel Season of Migration to the North (1969) from Arabic into English : a comparative and analytical study with a focus on metaphors and similes

Elkhalifa Mohamed, Amani Elmahi January 2020 (has links)
This study investigates how and to what effect metaphors and similes from Tayeb Salih‘s novel Mawsim al-Hiǧra ilā ash-Shamāl (1966) were translated into English – a worthy topic, given the many linguistic and cultural differences between Arabic and English, and the difficulty of translating figurative language. The novel depicts aspects of the life and culture of the Sudanese people. Initially banned in the Arab world, it was voted, in 2001, the most important Arabic novel of the twentieth century. This brought Tayeb Salih (1929–2009) fame and recognition, and translation into more than twenty languages. Season of Migration to the North (1960), the English translation by Canadian-born orientalist Denys Johnson- Davies (1922–2017), is the object of this particular study. This qualitative study employs descriptive translation studies (DTS) as the main theoretical framework, supplemented by insights gained from equivalence theories, theories of culture, the functionalist approach and cognitive studies. Following a textual approach, the study investigates the Arabic source text, the English target text, applicable translation theories and secondary literature on metaphors and similes as sources of information and/or data. It discusses the aforementioned translation theories, definitions, components and types of metaphors and similes in Arabic and English, as well as strategies and procedures of translating metaphors and similes. The researcher identifies, describes and analyses a selection of similes and metaphors in the Arabic source text, and how they were conveyed in the English target text. The study concludes with a discussion of the effects of the translation choices made and the strategies used. / Dissertation (MA (Applied Language Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2020. / African Languages / MA (Applied Language Studies) / Unrestricted

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