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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projekt "Technické objekty v regionu a jejich uplatnění ve výuce na primární škole" / The Project "Regional technical facilities and their application in teaching at primary school"

KRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The main focus of this diploma thesis is on the technical properties in Posázaví region, that are through project teaching method introduced to elementary school teaching. In the theoretical part, there are set the aims and duties of this work. There is also a description of a technical property and its specifics, official status and standard classification. Following it, the attention is dedicated to the concrete technical properties. The next chapter deals project teaching, which helps to strengthen the student´s activity and learning. The last part deals with technical education and its place in elementary school teaching. In the practical part, the particular technical properties are worked out into seven teaching projects, which are dedicated for the elementary school teaching. The informational basic for teachers, found by each project, is an integral part of it.

Jämförelse Mellan Lätt och Tung Stomme på ett Kontorshus / Comparison between Light and Heavy Frame of an Office Building

Aljija, Elnes January 2012 (has links)
I början av varje nytt projekt stöter man på de olika alternativ av stomme- och bjälklagskonstruktioner som finns att välja mellan, och frågan blir ofta vilken alternativ som är optimal för den aktuella projekteten. Den optimala lösningen för varje projekt existerar inte, på grund av de olika faktorer och förutsättningar som styr projektet, till exempel: ekonomi, typ av byggnad, terrängtyp etc. Frågeställningen i denna rapport är om limträ eller betong är den mest optimala alternativen som stommaterial i det aktuella projektet. Jämförelsearbetet utgående från förutsättningar har gjorts genom att dimensionera delar av ett projekt med både materialen. Fokus har lagts på skillnader i byggnadshöjd, vindstabilitet och grundläggningen. Resultaten tyder på om man ska bygga ett kontorshus eller flervåningshus vore betong mer lämpligare alternativ jämfört med limträ. Skillnaden i byggnadshöjd finns men är förvånansvärt inte så stor mellan de två olika stommaterial. Dock skillnaden varierar avsevärd när det gäller bjälklagshöjd mellan limträ och betong. Detta pga krav på nedböjning och svikt som ställs på limträbjälklag. Båda stommaterial klara vindstabiliteten utan plintar, som är ganska intressant speciellt med tanke på limträets låga vikt. När det gäller grundläggningen, blev skillnaden betydlig större mellan limträ och betong. Dimensionering enligt Eurokoder har gjorts genom egna handberäkningar och även användandet av programvaran Strusoft. / At the beginning of each new project comes across on the different options of frame and floor construction available to choose from, and the question is often which option that is optimal for the current project. The optimal solution for each project does not exist, because of the different factors and conditions that govern the project, such as: economy, building type, terrain type, etc. The issue addressed in this report is on glue-laminated wood or concrete is the most ideal alternative to framing materials in the current project. Comparative work on the basis of preconditions has been made by dimensioning the parts of a project with both materials. The focus was on differences in building height, wind stability and the foundation. The results indicate if you're going to build an office building or apartment building,concrete is more appropriate alternative compared to the glue-laminated wood. The difference in building height is surprisingly not so great between the two different frames. However, the difference varies considerably in terms of floor height between glue-laminated wood and concrete. This is due to requirements for deflection and springines imposed on wood. Both frames can handle wind stability without plinths, which is quite interesting especially in view of the wood's light weight. Regarding the foundation, the difference was significantly greater between glue-laminated wood and concrete. The design according to Eurocodes has been made by hand calculations and also the use of the software Strusofts.

Kommunala särkrav : En studie om i vilken utsträckning kommuner bryter mot förbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a § / Municipal special demands : A study of in which extend municipalities goes against the prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a §

Svensson, David, Torbäck, Nils January 2016 (has links)
Den första januari 2015 trädde en ny regel i kraft, PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. Regeln innebär att kommuner inte får ställa egna krav på ett byggnadsverks tekniska egenskaper, även kallat särkrav. Med egna krav anses sådana krav som är mer ambitiösa än vad regelverket tillåter. Krav på byggnadsverks tekniska egenskaper finns angivna i plan- och bygglagen (PBL), plan- och byggförordningen (PBF), Europeiska konstruktionsstandarder (EKS) och i Boverkets byggregler (BBR). En anledning till förbudet är att särkrav anses påverka byggkostnaderna, vilket i sin tur påverkar förutsättningarna för att tillgodose behovet av bostäder. I utredningar som utfördes åt regeringen hävdades att särkrav medför merkostnader på mellan 10 och 15 procent vid bostadsbyggandet. Regeringen ansåg även att samma krav ska gälla över hela landet för att underlätta den industriella produktionen av byggnadsverk. När lagförslaget lades fram bemöttes det negativt av många kommuner och myndigheter, vilket gör det intressant att undersöka om kommunerna väljer att följa den nya regeln. Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning kommuner, i bygglovsprocessen och vid upprättade av exploateringsavtal, bryter mot särkravsförbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. Studien utgår från exploateringsavtal och bygglovsärenden vars handlingar är upprättade efter 2015-01-01 då särkravsförbudet trädde i kraft. I studien ingår bygglovshandlingar från åtta kommuner i Västra Götalands län och exploateringsavtal från 34 av Sveriges kommuner. I studien används en kombination av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod samt en juridisk metod. Särkrav som förekommer i studien är klassificerade som tydliga eller vaga särkrav. Bedömning av särkravens klassificering är författarnas egna och utgår från grundsatsen att byggherren är fri att välja metod så länge föreskrifterna i BBR uppfylls. Studiens resultat visar att 24 av de 42 kommunerna som ingår i studien ställer särkrav, vilket motsvarar 57 procent av de granskade kommunerna. Tolv kommuner ställer tydliga särkrav, fyra ställer vaga särkrav och åtta ställer både tydliga och vaga särkrav. Var fjärde kommun hänvisar även till olika program, strategier eller policys där särkrav förekommer. I exploateringsavtalen är särkrav vanligast inom områdena hygien, hälsa och miljö samt energihushållning. I byggloven är särkrav vanligast inom områdena brandskydd, hygien, hälsa och miljö samt säkerhet vid användning. Studiens slutsats är att kommuner fortfarande ställer särkrav i stor utsträckning trots förbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. / On January 1, 2015, a new law came into force, PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. The law implies that municipalities may not impose their own demands on construction works technical properties, also known as special demands. Own demands are considered as demands that are more ambitious than the law allow. Demands on construction works technical properties are specified in the Planning and Building Act (PBL), the Planning and Building Regulation (PBF), the European Construction Standard (EKS) and in Boverket's Building Regulations (BBR). One reason why the prohibition came into force is that special demands affect construction costs, which affect the conditions to meet the need of housing. The government's investigations revealed that specials demands resulted in additional costs of between 10 and 15 percent in the residential construction. The government wanted as well that the same requirements would apply across the whole country to facilitate the industrial production of construction works. When the new law was presented it faced negatively by many municipalities and public authorities, which makes it interesting to examine if the municipalities choose to follow the new law. The purpose of the study is to investigate in which extend the special demand prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a § are broken by the municipalities in the building permit process and in the establishment of land development agreement. The study is based on land development agreements and building permits documents that are signed after 2015-01-01. Building permit documents from eight municipalities in Västra Götaland and land development agreements from 34 of Sweden's municipalities are included in the study. The study use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods as well as a jurisprudence method. Special demands which been presented in the study have been classified into clearly or vaguely special demands. The special demands classification are the authors own assessment and are based on the principle that the developer is free to choose the method as long as the regulations in BBR is met. The study's result points out that 24 of 42 municipalities that is included in the study, use special demands, which is equivalent to 57 percent of the audited municipalities. Twelve municipalities have clearly special demands, four have vaguely special demands and eight have both clearly and vaguely special demands. Every fourth municipality also refers to various programs, strategies or policies with special demands. Special demands are most common within the area of hygiene, health and environment and energy in the land development agreements. In the building permits are special demands frequently used within the area of fire protection, hygiene, health and environment and safety in use. The conclusion of the study is that municipalities still use special demands widely despite the prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a §.

Optimalizace návrhu energetické renovace školských budov / Optimisation of energy renovation of school buildings

Mocová, Pavla January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is focused on a methodology of optimal design energy renovation of school buildings. The thesis is focused on the analysis of selected school buildings during the last 100 years of construction in the first phase. At this phase, are found some important information, especially in terms of the energy performance of the building envelope and results of this parts. Last but not least, CO2 emissions were detected. In the next part of this work, one selected school is assessed in terms of the quality of the environment, due to the evaluation of microbial microclimate on building structures, CO2 concentration and daylight. CO2 concentration and classroom daylight is addressed both for the original and for the new state. Another point of this thesis is the appreciation of the size of the classrooms in the schools both in terms of typological principles and in terms of the average size of classrooms. The daylight assessment is performed on these selected sizes, which is a part of the "PaMo I" design tool. In the next phase of the dissertation was created the design tool "PaMo I". This tool solves the evaluation of the renovation of school buildings from the point of view of the thermal engineering in connection with the influence of the daylight illumination on the classrooms of the school buildings by the thickness of the insulation system and the replacement of the windows. Part of the design tool is also the financial quantification of the investment, the payback period and the impact on the environment of the individual variants. The choice of variant options has been used when making a design tool user decision. The result of this work is a design tool which will help in deciding and finding the optimal alternative to the energy renovation of a school building in connection with daylighting inside classrooms.

Projevy fyzikálních vlastností staviv v budovách v nízkoenergetickém a pasivním stavitelství / The effect of physical properties of building materials in buildings in low-energy construction

Svoboda, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the diploma thesis is the study of physical properties of various building materials in buildings in low-energy construction. The work is mainly focused on the influence of the thermal accumulation properties of building materials used in buildings in order to achieve low energy consumption for heating. The thesis compares the energy characteristics of five different constructional material variants of the house.

Optimalizace nákladů provozní fáze stavebních objektů / Cost optimization of the operational phase of buildings

Kleinerová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses the operating costs and the possibilities for their optimization. Specifically, it focuses on one of the greatest possible operating costs and it's heating costs. In the first part of the thesis are defined in general expenses, the price and the production, operating costs, optimization of these costs, life cycle of buildings and technological methods to improve the thermal and technical properties of the object. Finally, the theoretical part describes the terms for calculating the energy performance of the building and the payback period, which evaluates the effectiveness of investments. The practical part is assessed according to specific building energy performance, and especially in terms of its demand for heating. The building is designed for six variants of insulation, which is again judged on their energy performance. Subsequently these measures for better thermal insulating properties of the object assessed according to their cost efficiency and return on investment of individual variants.

A Material Framework for Product Design

Asbjørn Sörensen, Charlotte January 2018 (has links)
A new paradigm is slowly making its way into society, affecting our material practice as designers. Materials selection in design and product development has for a long time been dominated by a purely technical approach, mainly focusing on properties and performance. With the increasing evidence of climate change, waste and pollution, environmental effects, we are slowly realizing that unsustainable consumption of materials is no longer an alternative. Previous studies of material practices, both within design educations and the design profession, has primarily dealt with the development of material related methods. This thesis has focused on gaining an in-depth understanding of material practices within design processes, in order to develop a pedagogical framework that facilitates the development of reflective material practices in design education. There are four primary aims of the research presented in this licentiate thesis: (1) ascertain obstacles in the traditional ways of teaching materials to design students, (2) to bridge the differences in language, research culture and pedagogic approaches in design education, (3) to investigate current professional material practices in industrial design, and (4) to develop a new material framework for teaching reflective material practices for design students. During the project, the material framework has been tested and evaluated in two mandatory material courses with first and second year bachelor students from Product Design education over a period of four academic years. A comparative case study was conducted with five design consultancies. The qualitative interviews were transcribed and analysed using category zooming. The outcomes of this research are: (1) a new pedagogic framework for teaching materials to Product Design students in higher education, and (2) insights into professional practices of selecting and designing with materials. The pedagogic model A Material Framework for Product Design is designed to facilitate the development of reflective material practices in design education. The Framework consist of four levels: (1) a pedagogical foundation based on Experiential Learning theory that provide a framework for how to approach teaching and learning, (2) designing and structuring learning activities, (3) creating learning environments that facilitate learning activities, and (4) defining learning objectives, assessment of learning outcomes and detecting signs of learning. The main insights from the study of professional practices suggest: (1) that risk management has a major influence on the material selection process, (2) that negotiations of project boundaries in the ‘fuzzy’ pre-design phase has crucial influence on the risk management aspect of the material criteria activities, and (3) a lack of awareness, that design briefs usually outline material criteria expressed as sensorial characteristics, which are later translated by engineering into final material criteria used for the material selection process. The findings implies that design students would benefit from developing reflective material practices in design education.

Výpočtové hodnocení konstrukčních staviv na energetickou náročnost budovy / Computational assessment of structural building materials in terms of energy performance of the building

Křenek, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Theme of the diploma thesis is computational assessment of structural building materials in terms of energy performance of the building. The history and types of the objects with low energy performance are described. There are listed elements of constructionally energetic concept with low energy performance and overview of building materials used for their construction. In the practical part a selected building was tested for energy performance by legislation. Then two structural material solutions on selected detached house are compared by using a simulation program.

Modelování a simulace projektů zlepšujících tepelně-technické vlastnosti budov / Modelling and Simulation of Projects Improving the Thermal Properties of Buildings

Výskala, Miloslav Unknown Date (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the modelling of projects improving the thermal technical characteristics of buildings. The solution of this problem seems to be finding at least one cost-effective option. The basic method of evaluation of cost-effectiveness is represented by the compilation of all corresponding cash flows and their rendering in time through discounting. The aim of the docáral thesis is the processing and modeling of individual investment options related with improve the thermal-technical properties of buildings and finding a cost-optimal variants, ideally. One of the expected outputs is to develop a comprehensive methodology (modeling and simulation task) useful for defining all potential investment projects improving variant thermal-technical properties of the object.

Optimierung der Exploration, Gewinnung und Materialcharakterisierung von Naturwerksteinen / Optimisation of exploration, extraction and material characterisation of dimension stones

Mosch, Stephan 27 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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