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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les stratégies de compréhension de l'oral chez les Thaïlandais étudiant le français dans des environnements d'apprentissage multimédias. / Listening Strategies of Thais studying French in multimedia learning environments

Leepuengtham, Wankaew 07 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude des stratégies de compréhension de l’oral des apprenants de français dans le contexte hétéroglotte thaïlandais. Nos travaux ont pour objectifs d’étudier ainsi que d’analyser les stratégies de la compréhension de l’oral, le rôle du multimédia dans l’acquisition de cette compétence et de proposer des macro-tâches d’entraînement individuel à la compréhension de l’oral du français en tant que langue étrangère dans des environnements multimédias. Nos deux expérimentations ont été menées auprès de 30 apprenants de français en tant que langue étrangère au centre de langues étrangères de l’université Suan Dusit Rajabhat, à Bangkok en Thaïlande. Nous avons effectué différents modes de collectes de données : observation, questionnaire et entretien. La réalisation de cette recherche nous a permis non seulement de répondre aux questions initiales mais aussi de valider nos hypothèses et d’obtenir des résultats positifs et favorables chez les apprenants, comme point de départ de l’amélioration de la compétence d’écoute. Le type de stratégie employée dépend du niveau linguistique. Les apprenants adaptent leurs stratégies d’écoute aux types de tâches à résoudre et de documents sonores. Ils sont favorables à nos tâches d’écoute médiatisées avec les supports TIC permettant un rythme d’apprentissage personnalisé qui facilite la gestion et la répartition du temps, l’individualisation et l’autonomie dans l’apprentissage, sans regard ni jugement unique du formateur, mais une gestion partagée de l’évaluation. Tous les apprenants ont tiré le plus grand profit de ces expérimentations d’entraînement à l’écoute qui leur permettent d’améliorer leur compétence dans la compréhension de l’oral ainsi que leur autonomie. Cette étude analytique nous amènera à tirer profit, pour l’enseignement et l’entraînement de l’utilisation des stratégies adéquates, pouvant être intégrées en début d’apprentissage linguistique, qui seraient bénéfiques à la compréhension de l’oral ainsi qu’à d’autres compétences langagières (compréhension de l’écrit, production orale et production écrite) du français en tant que langue étrangère. / This thesis focuses on the study of listening strategies to learn French in the Thai heteroglott context. Our work has two main aims. The first is to study and analyze listening strategies and the role of multimedia in the acquisition of this skill. The second is to provide individual macro-task training in multimedia environments to improve listening comprehension of French as a foreign language. The study was conducted with 30 learners of French as a foreign language at the institute of language, art and culture at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand. We collected the data by using three different methods : observation, questionnaire and interview. The realization of this research has enabled us not only to respond to initial questions and to validate our assumptions, but also to develop methods that can be used by learners as a starting point to improve the skill of listening. We found that the type of listening strategy employed depended on the learner’s language level. Students adjusted their listening strategies according to the type of task that needed to be carried out and the type of sound recording. Students used the support of ICT to learn at their own pace, manage their time more effectively, be more autonomous, and learn according to their individual needs without the need for feedback from the teacher. All learners have taken advantage of our listening training experiments to enable them to improve their listening skills and be more autonomous learners. This analytical study has enabled us to devise and make use of the best teaching and training strategies for early language learning that can improve learners’ listening and other language skills (reading, speaking and writing) when studying French as a foreign language.

Aging-in-place with ICT : A qualitative study of senior citizen users’ perception and acceptance towards Smart home technology

Gudmundsson, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
This is a qualitative, interpretive research study of how six senior citizens’ aged 70-85 describe their use and need of Smart home technology for their independent living and welfare. Data was collected through technology probing and interviews. Data analysis was done using a thematic method. The research was underpinned by the theoretical model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2). The research setting was senior citizens’ living in Care housing rented out by the municipality owned company. The findings show that technology is perceived by the senior citizens’ to be something must be taught and takes effort. Senior housing need to be better designed for its senior tenants. It was also found that if technology is used to ensure safety, fall detection for instance, trust and sufficient support is crucial. The findings suggest it could be difficult to assess your own need and to realize when assistance technology is needed. It also found that the use of technology was perceived as being individual and as something that cannot be treated collectively. It was suggested that health professionals do have some influence on the senior citizen and their use of technology. The findings of this study was compared to previous studies and how it relates to the determinants and moderating factors suggested by the theoretical model UTAUT2.

The effectiveness of MRP II to integrate enterprise systems : Effektiviteten av MRP II för att integrera företagssystem

Meza De los Cobos., Benjamín, Ortigoza Monroy., Ricardo January 2006 (has links)
The Small and Medium-size Enterprises are the key bone of the economy of many nations. The usual definition of SME’s, make up 99.8% of the approximately 19 million enterprises of the European Union (ISO, 2002) and Sweden is not an exception. That is why SME’s faces the strategic challenge of achieving sustained profitable growth. To meet this challenge, SME’s must develop capabilities to integrate their systems. Since ICT gives so many advantages to support the Supply Chain, and MRPII software’s have become a very popular tool in the last thirty years; Our purpose is to answer the following research question: How can MRP II-type computer systems be used effectively to support the manufacturing and organizational integration? The research started with on-site observations and interviews but the development of a model and a survey was needed. After, we linked the research with an already accepted model. The results show how important the human aspect and the accuracy are in the effective usage of an MRP II. It also demonstrates that the MRP II philosophy must be accepted to use the MRP II software profitably. Nevertheless, we modeled the vicious cycle that our case company might deal with, tried to find the root cause and give recommendations to break it. / Små och Mellan- stora företag är många nationers byggstenar. Den vanligaste definitionen av SME´s utgör 99,8% av de uppskattningsvis 19 miljoner företag inom Europeiska Unionen (ISO, 2002) och Sverige är inget undantag. Det är anledningen till att SME´s möter den strategiska utmaningen att uppnå ihållande och vinstgivande tillväxt. För att ta sig an denna utmaningen måste SME´s utveckla förmågor att integrera sina system. Eftersom ICT ger så många fördelar att stödja utbudskedjan, och eftersom MRP II mjukvaror har kommit att bli ett populärt verktyg de senaste trettio åren, kommer vårt syfte bli att svara på följande fråga: Hur kan datasystem av typen MRP II användas för att på ett effektivt sätt underlätta integrering av tillverkning och organisation? Undersökningen startade med observationer samt intervjuer på plats, men utförandet av en statistisk undersökning och en modell var nödvändig efter det att vi redan hade kopplat ihop arbetet med en redan accepterad modell. Reasultaten visar hur viktig den mänskliga faktorn samt exaktheten är i användandet av en MRP II. Den visar också att MRP II filosofin måste vara accepterad innan man kan använda MRP II mjukvaran på ett fördelaktigt sätt. Likväl har vi illustrerat den onda cirkeln som vårt företag måste försöka ta sig ur, försökt hitta den underliggande orsaken och slutligen att ge rekommendationer för att bryta den.

ICT Interventions for Rural Empowerment : An Empirical Study

Tallapragada, Sudhakar January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Significant interest is witnessed in the context of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) mediated interventions for development and empowerment of people living in Rural India since the turn of the century. An objective evaluation of impact of such initiatives is important for enrichment of these initiatives as well as potential scaling up and replication. Despite a large number of such initiatives and their subsequent scrutiny in the literature, there is a dearth of comprehensive studies to establish the potential and scope of ICT mediated interventions on empowerment and the role of participation. The present study focuses on bridging this gap. The study is undertaken in three phases- (1) Longitudinal observation, (2) Intensive analysis of ongoing ICT mediated interventions to study stages of empowerment and their measurement and (3) Analytical modelling of the processes and outcomes of empowerment. In the first phase, a longitudinal observation using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach was undertaken in Sirsa, Haryana over two years to explore the relevance of ICT mediation through various communication devices. In the second phase, mobile phone based interventions, involving dissemination of information, were intensively studied. Nine PRA studies were undertaken at eight locations from three states representing diverse agriculture and allied contexts. A Knowledge Gap Analysis (KGA) was undertaken in which a participant was assessed at three different stages – (a) awareness, (b) knowledge and (c) internalization. A specimen based approach based on PRA techniques was adopted, to assess their retention and internalization. A ‘Knowledge Gap Indicator (KGI)’ approach was used to assess and compare retention between people who were part of the intervention with those who did not have exposure to it. In the third phase, the process of empowerment was conceptually modeled as ‘The Participation based ICT Mediated Empowerment Cycle (PICTEC)’. The conceptual model – PICTEC was empirically tested using data obtained from seven locations from three states based on a survey using structured audio-enabled questionnaire. The structural model of PICTEC based on the factors that influence the empowerment cycle was studied using Generalized Partial Least Square (PLS) techniques. The research points to the utility of understanding empowerment through the three distinct approaches adopted in the three phases. The other main contributions include design and development of a methodology to assess empowerment at various stages using Knowledge Gap Analysis (KGA), measurement of empowerment using Knowledge Gap Indicators (KGI) and data collection approaches in the spirit of PRA techniques based on specimen based approach and audio enabled questionnaires which are amenable to rigorous analysis. The results indicate evidence for positive impact of technology mediation in achieving the overall objectives of empowerment in the rural India context. The enabling role of participation is also observed. The results show that the stages of manifestation of empowerment and the internal processes can be studied simultaneously which has positive implications for designing effective interventions. The outcome of the present study are expected to contribute to existing literature on the subject and have relevance for policy makers, managers, designers and administrators of ICT based interventions targeting empowerment.

Electronic Voting; A Possible Solution for Sub-Saharan Africa? : A focus on the Ghanaian Electoral System

Gyimah, Nana Afua Boamah, Tita, Bertrand Asongwe January 2010 (has links)
One of the major reasons for political instability in Sub-Saharan Africa originates from the way elections are conducted. Most African countries have quite a handful of electoral malpractices which lead to political instability, civil wars and low economic growth.  Electronic voting might be a solution to the election problems and thus bring in a stable political atmosphere which attracts investors. This thesis looks at the prospects and challenges of implementing e-voting in Ghana and Sub-Saharan Africa as a solution to the current manual paper-based system and proposes a framework and requirements which can be used as guidelines for its adoption and implementation. The thesis has been conducted by studying literature on electronic voting and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Furthermore, a case study has been conducted on the Ghanaian electoral process, by conducting interviews with the Danquah Institute of Ghana and through questionnaires to some Ghanaian citizens in both the rural and urban areas of Ghana. The main results from the thesis show that the adoption and subsequent implementation of e-voting in SSA countries, can only be possible if the governments show strong committment and support by securing funds through donor organizations, and providing the necessary IT infrastructure and other resources needed to support the project. Voter education too is an absolute necessity. The adoption of e-voting is mainly based on how the innovation will be diffused and the perceived benefits that will be derived from the investment. Hence, particular attention should be paid to the various communication channels, especially the media, through which messages are passed across to the citizens.

Ett hav av matematikapplikationer, och att hitta rätt : En analys av matematikapplikationer som används i grundskolans tidigare år / An ocean of mathematical applications, and how to find the proper one : An analyze of mathematics applications that are used in primary school

Örtendahl, Jennelie January 2017 (has links)
Applikationer har blivit en tillgång för att utveckla elevernas kunskaper inom taluppfattning. Men innehåller applikationer didaktiska eller pedagogiska styrkor som andra läromedel inte innehåller? Vilka matematiska kunskaper är möjliga att utveckla genom att spela en applikation inom området? Med dessa frågeställningar tog denna studie avstamp som syftar till att studera applikationers layout och innehåll inom taluppfattning. Studien är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där 39 applikationer har analyserats genom en analysmodell. Alla applikationerna används av elever i förskoleklass eller grundskolans tidigare år 1–3 någonstans bland landets grundskolor inom ramen för matematikundervisningen. Studien visar att applikationerna är utformade med en layout som har en stimulerande och intresseväckande effekt hos eleverna. Applikationernas möjlighet till individuell direkt återkoppling kan dessutom bidra till att elevernas motivation ökar. Vilket matematiskt innehåll som applikationerna erbjuder varierar. De områden inom taluppfattning som minst antal applikationer behandlar är mönster och rimlighetsbedömning. Däremot erbjuder delar av applikationerna möjligheten att utveckla elevernas aritmetiska kunskaper. / Applications have become a resource for developing students' knowledge in number sense. But do applications have didactical or educational strengths that other teaching materials don´t? What mathematical skills are possible to develop by playing an application in the field? With these questions, this study took off with the aim to study applications' layout and content within number sense. The study was conducted thru a qualitative content analysis, where 39 applications were analyzed by a framework. All applications are used by students in pre-school or primary school's somewhere among the country's elementary schools within the framework of mathematics education. The study shows that the applications are designed with a layout, that has a stimulating and interesting effect on the students. What mathematical skills these applications contains varies. Patterns and reasonability are the two most uncommon components of number sense apparent in the applications. However a large part of the applications develop the students' arithmetic skills.

eLearning adoption in Eastern and Southern African higher education institutions

Njenga, James Kariuki January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This research was undertaken to propose a model for eLearning adoption in Higher Education in Africa and to identify and empirically test measures to assess the model. The model identified eLearning, individual and organisational factors affecting eLearning adoption in higher education. eLearning factors were deemed to be aligned with the individual and organisational factors and therefore, the measurement of individual and organisational factors of eLearning adoption is essential in determining the current state, and future development that could enhance eLearning adoption in higher education. This study is a first attempt in Africa to define and present a conceptualization of an eLearning adoption framework. The framework is a combination of frameworks and models from various disciplines, including social psychology, information systems, anthropology, sociology, education, communication, marketing, management, geography, economics and cognitive psychology. These frameworks for eLearning adoption in Higher Education are synergised and contextualised in the study. / South Africa

The information and communication technology infrastuctures in public schools in the Western Cape : a case study

Clarke, Lyndwill January 2010 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / This mini-thesis attempts to explain the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure in public schools in the Western Cape. The mini-thesis uses the case study as research design to explore aspects such as the motivation for using ICT, funding models, infrastructure models, ICT curriculum integration and teacher development. In order to gather data on the above, interviews and observations are used as research tools. The study begins with the exploration of the history of ICT infrastructure in South African schools and subsequently an international perspective is added through the literature review. Officials and teachers of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) were interviewed to obtain their perspectives and a school was visited to observe procured ICT infrastructure. The results revealed that the WCED is using the Khanya project to deliver an ICT infrastructure to schools and to provide facilitation in the integration of ICT into the curriculum. It further showed that due to the rapid change in technology, Khanya had to adapt the hardware configuration on a regular basis and that this put considerable strain on and already small budget for ICT. The challenge that emerged is the lack of adequate ICT training for teachers. This could potentially hamper the integration of ICT and if not addressed, could serious hamper the WCED in its quest to deliver a technology based curriculum. The study concludes with conclusions drawn for the data as well as recommendations for effective ICT integration. / South Africa

Digital literacy: ICT intergration in grade 10 english first additional language teaching

Shandu, Nonhlanhla January 2011 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) both in the General Education and Training (GET) and Further Education and Training (FET) bands is viewed as an innovative tool in enhancing a learner-centered approach to teaching and learning. As a result, a number of schools in rural and urban environments in South Africa have been provided with computers and other digital resources to facilitate teaching and learning. This study investigated the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of English First Additional Language (FAL) at Grade 10 level. It set out to discover digital resources and literacies to which teachers and learners were exposed in the English (FAL) classroom, and how these resources were used to enhance learners’ reading and writing skills. Following a qualitative research design, this study made use of classroom observations and interviews to collect data from teachers and Grade 10 learners. The collected evidence was from a single school which uses Khanya Project ICT materials. The school is located in one of the disadvantaged black townships in Cape Town. The study made use of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and the constructivist theoretical framework to make sense of classroom interaction and the extent to which ICT and other teaching strategies were used to facilitate acquisition of English language skills, particularly reading and writing. The findings of the study show that there are a number of factors influencing ICT integration in Grade 10 English (FAL). These factors include teachers’ and learners’ limited access to ICT and digital literacy. Other factors relate to pedagogy and support in the use of ICT in teaching and learning. All the identified factors indicate that there are a number of barriers to ICT integration in English teaching and learning. The study concludes that ICT use has great potential in providing creativity and innovativeness to facilitate language teaching and learning. Given the lack of adequate ICT resources and under-utilization of ICT resources in disadvantaged schools, there is a need to improve teacher and learner access to ICT, especially in disadvantaged schools. This could be done through monitored support and adequate teacher training and active involvement of higher education institutions through teacher training programmes which should prioritize ICT integration in their curricula.

Assessing the ICT-enabled agricultural commodity exchange market and its impact on small-scale farmers in South Africa Takudzwa

Musiyarira, Takudzwa Taurai Christopher January 2013 (has links)
Magister Economicae - MEcon / Pre-democratic South Africa was highly regulated by the apartheid government with the black small-scale farming community actively marginalised. Following the deregulation of the South African agricultural market came the opening up of the market to accommodate these small-scale farmers and also the introduction of South African Futures Exchange. South Africa has done well in terms of development of ICT over the past years, making it a country with characteristics of both first and third world countries. This study aims to assess the agricultural commodity exchange market and how small-scale farmers may participate more actively in the market. This study finds that though South Africa has world class ICT infrastructure this has not made it easier for small-scale farmers to enter the agricultural market and value chain. The study finds that there is little or no participation by small-scale farmers in South African Futures Exchange. It finds that mobile phones and applications may be the way forward in the efforts to ensure their participation in the commodity exchange market through provision of services such as price discovery and price risk management as is the function of South African Futures Exchange. It is also found that there is need to invest in high value agricultural products in order to benefit more from commodity exchanges.

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