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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência da terapia com laser de baixa potência e hialuronato de sódio de alto peso molecular na ATM de ratos, com artrite, após indução por CFA / Influence of therapy with low-level laser and hight molecular weight sodium hyaluronate in the TMJ of rats with induced arthritis by CFA

Lemos, George Azevedo, 1988- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Evanisi Teresa Palomari / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T08:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lemos_GeorgeAzevedo_M.pdf: 2430384 bytes, checksum: e0763d6d63c12784a5888085434f8dd8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A Disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) é uma expressão coletiva que engloba vários sinais e sintomas clínicos relacionados aos músculos da mastigação, articulações temporomandibulares (ATMs) e estruturas associadas. As principais queixas relatadas são ruídos e dor na região da ATM, com maior prevalência em adultos jovens, especialmente mulheres. A inflamação intra-articular é considerada uma das mais importantes fontes de dor nesta disfunção. O processo inflamatório pode se localizar na membrana sinovial, cápsula articular ou tecidos retrodiscais, e na presença de alterações degenerativas articulares recebe o nome de artrite. Assim, o laser de baixa potência (LBP) e o hialuronato de sódio de alto peso molecular (HSAPM) tem sido utilizados para o tratamento de distúrbios inflamatórios da ATM e, resultados clínicos promissores têm sido descritos. Estudos experimentais, sob a óptica da biologia celular e molecular, fazem-se necessários para melhor compreensão de seus respectivos efeitos biológicos e elaboração de protocolos clínicos seguros. Desta forma, o objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar a ação morfológica e bioquímica da terapia com LBP e HSAPM sobre a artrite induzida na ATM. Utilizou-se 48 ratos machos, Wistar, divididos nos grupos: GA, animais com artrite induzida por meio de injeção intra-articular de adjuvante completo de Freund (CFA); GL, animais com artrite e tratados com LBP; GH, animais com artrite e tratados com HSAPM e; GHL, animais com artrite e tratados com LBP e HSAPM. Todos os experimentos ocorreram na ATM esquerda. As ATMs direitas no GA foram utilizadas como controle (GC). Foram realizadas análises morfológicas por meio de cortes corados em hematoxilina-eosina (HE), azul de toluidina e Picrosirius. Nos discos articulares, também foram realizadas análises histomorfométricas e birrefringência de fibras colágenas (microscopia de polarização). As análises bioquímicas dos tecidos da ATM foram realizadas por meio de dosagens de glicosaminoglicanos sulfatados (GAGs) e zimografia para avaliação das metaloproteinases (MMPs) 2 e 9. Os dados obtidos foram analisados por meio dos testes ANOVA one-way com pós-teste de Tukey e, Kruskal-Wallis seguido do pós-teste de Dunn. O GA exibiu acentuadas alterações morfológicas nos componentes da ATM tais como: elevada espessura do disco articular; hiperplasia da membrana sinovial e formação de pannus; reabsorção óssea da fossa mandibular; aplainamento do côndilo mandibular e presença de intenso infiltrado de células inflamatórias mononucleares no tecido subsinovial. A microscopia de polarização mostrou menor birrefringência das fibras colágenas, indicando alto grau de desorganização das fibras colágenas. Os GL, GH e GHL apresentaram menor espessura do disco articular e maior birrefringência das fibras colágenas em comparação ao GA (p<0,05). Na análise bioquímica, ficou demonstrado que a concentração de GAGs e atividades de MMP-2 e MMP-9 foram estatisticamente maiores no GA em comparação ao GC (p<0,05). Os GL, GH e GHL exibiram menores atividades das isoformas ativas da MMP-2 e MMP-9 em comparação ao GA (p<0,05). Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que o LBP e HSAPM demonstraram efeitos anti-inflamatórios e protetores sobre as estruturas articulares. A terapia com uso simultâneo do LBP e HSAPM não foi superior aos respectivos tratamentos isolados / Abstract: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a collective term that encompasses several clinical signs and symptoms related to mastigation muscles, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and its associated structures. The main complaints reported are noise and pain at TMJ region showing higher prevalence in young adults, especially women. The intra-articular inflammation is considered one of the main sources of pain in the development of TMD. The inflammatory process may be located in the synovial membrane, articular capsule or retrodiskal tissues, and the presence of degenerative joint changes is called arthritis. Currently, Low-level laser (LLL) and high molecular weight sodium hyaluronate (HMWSH) have been used for treating TMJ disorders and promising clinical results have been reported. Experimental studies, from the perspective of cellular and molecular biology, are needed for better understanding of their respective biological effects allowing the development of secure clinical protocols. Thus, the aim of this study was to characterize the morphological and biochemical action of the therapy with LLL and HMWSH on a TMJ with induced arthritis. 48 male rats were divided into the following groups: GA, animals with arthritis induced by an intra-articular complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) injection; GL, animals with arthritis treated with LLL; GH, animals with arthritis treated with HMWSH; and GHL, animals with arthritis treated with LLL and HMWSH. All experiments occurred in the left TMJ. The right TMJs in GA were used as controls (GC). Morphological analysis were performed using slices stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE), toluidine blue and Picrosirius. Histomorphometric analysis and quantification of birefringence collagen fibers (polarization microscopy) were performed on the articular disc. The biochemical analysis of the TMJ tissues were performed by dosing sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and zymography to assess the matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) 2 and 9. Data were statistically analyzed using the one-way ANOVA test with the Tukey's post hoc test and Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Dunn's post hoc test. GA exhibited marked morphological changes in the components of the TMJ such as thickness of the joint disk; hyperplasia of the synovial membrane and pannus formation; bone resorption of mandibular fossa; flattening of the mandibular condyle and the presence of intense inflammatory infiltrate of mononuclear cells in the subsynovial tissue. The polarization microscopy showed lower birefringence of collagen fibers, indicating a high degree of collagen fibers disorganization. The GL, GH and GHL showed narrower articular disc and higher birefringence of collagen fibers compared to GA (p<0,05). In biochemical analysis, it was demonstrated that the concentration of GAGs and MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities were statistically higher in GA compared to GC (p<0,05). The GL, GH and GHL showed lower activity of the active isoform of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in comparison to GA (p<0,05). Based on the results, it is concluded that The LLL and HMWSH demonstrated anti-inflammatory and protective effects on joint structures. Therapy with concurrent use of LLL and HMWSH was not superior to the respective single treatments / Mestrado / Anatomia / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

Comparing lavage treatment with local anesthetics of painful jaw movements at disc displacement without reduction

Jalali, Zober January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra tre års resultat av enbart lokalanestesi jämfört mot lokalanestesi ochspolning i käkledenpå patienter som lider av smärtande diskdisplacering utan reduktionStudien utfördes från 2003 till 2007 och 45 patienter valdes från sammanlagt 55 utvalda patienter för behandling av TMD till avdelningen för Klinisk bettfysiologi, Odontologiska fakulteten, Malmö högskola, Sverige.Frågeformulär och klinisk undersökning enligt Research Diagnostic Criteria(RDC/TMD), panorama röntgenbilder och magnetisk resonanstomografi utfördes vid start av studien. Tre år efter behandling, sändes ett frågeformulär till 37 patienter.Intensiteten av smärta, fysisk funktion, känslomässig funktion och global förbättring utvärderades.Tjugofyra patienter randomiserades till behandling med lokalanestesi och tjugo patienter randomiserades till behandling med lokalanestesi och spolning. Trettiofyra patienter besvarade enkäten vid 3-års uppföljningen. I en intention-to-treat analys visade det huvudsakliga resultatet att 28/45(62%) hade fått 30% smärtlindring vid uppföljningen. Inga signifikanta skillnader fanns mellan grupperna lokalanestesi och lokalanestesi och spolning avseende smärtlindring, fysisk funktion, känslomässig funktion och global förbättring. Det fanns signifikanta förbättringar (P< 0.05) inom båda grupperna avseendesmärtintensitet, fysisk funktion och emotionell funktion och global förändring vid uppföljning jämfört med start av studien.Eftersom det inte fanns någon skillnader mellan grupperna lokalanestesi och spolningoch enbart lokalanestesii käkleden tre år efter behandling av smärtsam diskdisplacering utan återgång, kan spolning av käkleden ifrågasätts. / The aim of this prospective and longitudinal study was to compare three-year outcomes of local anesthetics compared to anesthetics, arthrocentesis and lavage on patients suffering from painful jaw locking in the TMJThe study was performed from 2003 until 2007 and 45 patients were selected from altogether 55 eligible patients referred for the treatment for TMD to the Department of Stomatognathic Physiology, Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, Sweden. History questionnaire and clinical examination according toResearch Diagnostic Criteria, panoramic radiographs and Magnetic Resonance Imaging were completed at baseline. A questionnaire was sent three years after treatment to 37 patients. Pain intensity, physical functioning, emotional functioning and global improvement were evaluated.Twenty-five patients were randomised to group anesthetics and 20 patients were randomised to group anesthetics, arthrocentesis and lavage. Thirty-four patients answered the questionnaire at the 3-year follow-up. In an intention-to-treat analysis the primary outcome, showing a ≥30% pain relief, was reported by 28 of 45(62%) patients at the follow-up. No significant differences in improvement were found between group local anesthetics and group anesthetics, arthrocentesis and lavage regarding pain relief, physical functioning, emotional functioning, and global improvement. Significant improvements(P<0.05) were found within both groups regarding pain intensity, physical functioning, emotional functioning and global changes at the follow-up compared to baseline.Since no differences were found between local anesthetics, arthrocentesis and lavage compared to local anesthetics alone of the TMJ three years after treatment of painful disc displacement without reduction, the use of arthrocentesis and lavage can be questioned.

The relation between salivary suPAR and arthritis in the temporomandibular joint

Lam, Julia, Vekariya, Sandip January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Att utreda sambandet mellan den lösliga formen av urokinas-receptorn (suPAR) i saliv hos patienter med artrit i käkleden (A-TMJ) och friska kontroller, för att skapa en grund för vidare forskning av suPAR som prediktor för inflammationsgraden i käkleden hos patienter med A-TMJ.Material och metod: En fall-kontrollstudie utfördes med 6 kontroller (medelåldern 31±11år) och 5 patienter med A-TMJ (medelåldern 24±5år). Undersökningen bestod av salivprov, registrering av blödning vid sondering (BoP), blodprovstagning, och undersökning av tuggsystemet där antalet smärtsamma käkledsrörelser (PM) mättes. Sist samlades käkledvätska in. Halten suPAR analyserades i saliv, plasma och käkledsvätska. Resultat: En signifikant skillnad mellan suPAR i saliv kunde ej påvisas (A-TMJ 4,4±3,91ng/ml, kontroller 4,96±4,80ng/ml), emellertid hade patienter en signifikant högre halt av suPAR i plasma (A-TMJ 2,71±0,62ng/ml, kontroller: 1,86±0,35ng/ml, P=0,017). Halten av suPAR i käkledsvätska mättes till 1,57±1,50ng/ml hos patienter men kunde inte detekteras hos kontroller. BoP mättes till 16±9% hos patienter och 14±7% hos kontroller, och median(IQR) för PM var 3(1) i höger käkled och 0(3) i vänster käkled hos patienter. Slutsatser: (i) Ingen slutsats kan dras gällande sambandet mellan suPAR i saliv och A-TMJ, men (ii) patienter med A-TMJ har till viss mån en högre smärta i käkleden vid käkledsrörelse medan deras koncentration av suPAR i plasma är högre jämfört med friska kontroller. Det verkar som (iii) BoP skulle kunna vara kopplat till suPAR i saliv. Resultat från denna studie bör tolkas med försiktighet på grund av litet stickprov, fortsatt forskning behövs för att klargöra sambandet mellan suPAR i saliv och A-TMJ. / Aims: To investigate the levels of soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) in saliva between patients with arthritis in the temporomandibular joint (A-TMJ) and healthy controls to create a foundation for further research of the potential predictive value of suPAR in patients with A-TMJ.Materials and method: A case- control study was conducted, 6 controls (mean age 31±11years) and 5 patients with A-TMJ (mean age 24±5years) enrolled in the study. Saliva, blood, synovial fluid (SF) were sampled, and the masticatory system was examined according to DC/TMD, and bleeding on probing (BoP) was assessed, as was painful mandibular movement (PM). The level of suPAR was analyzed in saliva, plasma and SF.Results: Level of salivary suPAR did not differ significantly between A-TMJ patients and healthy controls (P > 0.05). Patients had a significantly higher level of suPAR in plasma than controls (A-TMJ 2.71±0.62ng/mL, controls: 1.86±0.35ng/mL, P=0.017). suPAR level in SF was measured to 1.57±1.50ng/mL in A-TMJ patients and not detected in controls. BoP was 16±9% in patients and 14±7% in controls, and median(IQR) of PM was 3(1) in the right TMJ and 0(3) in the left in patients.Conclusions: (i) No conclusion can be drawn regarding suPAR in saliva and A-TMJ, but (ii) to some degree A-TMJ patients have higher PM meanwhile their plasma concentration of suPAR is higher than controls. A trend that (iii) higher BoP is connected with higher suPAR in saliva could be distinguished. Results must be interpreted with caution due to small study sample, more research is required to further elucidate the association between suPAR in saliva and A-TMJ.


Rambo, Lindsay Ellen January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to subclassify the types of facial asymmetries present in a pre-surgical dentofacial deformity patient population to determine the prevalence of each subcategory. Associations between the craniofacial characteristics of each asymmetry and pre-surgical Jaw Pain and Function Questionnaire (JPFQ) scores, diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), and posterior facial asymmetry (PFA) as determined by nasal septum deviation were analyzed. In addition, the data will aid in the development of a phenomics database to allow for subsequent genotyping and gene expression evaluation from patient saliva and masseter muscle samples that were obtained at the time of corrective orthognathic surgery. Methods: Pre-surgical posterio-anterior (PA) cephalograms, submentovertex (SMV) and panoramic (PAN) radiographs from 92 pre-surgical dentofacial deformity patients at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Lille, France were collected to evaluate facial asymmetry. PAs were traced and analyzed according to the Grummons Simplified Frontal analysis and Ramal Height analysis (Dolphin Imaging). SMVs were analyzed by the refined clinical system of the Ritucci and Burstone analysis proposed by Arnold et al along with original angular measurements for maxillary, mandibular, and nasal septum deviations (ImageJ). PFA was determined by a nasal septum deviation greater than 15 degrees. Lastly, PANs were evaluated visually for condylar pathologies. A comprehensive diagnostic decision tree for facial asymmetry was formulated based upon the current literature for normal variation of landmarks and the study design. Patient diagnosis via the decision tree was compared to visual examination of the appropriate x-rays to verify accuracy. Using this decision tree, patients were classified into subtypes and prevalence of each was calculated to form a phenomics database for future research on genotyping and gene expression. Associations between the subclassifications, mean pre-surgical JPFQ scores, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) clinical examination results (TMD+ or TMD-), and the diagnosis of posterior facial asymmetry (PFA+ or PFA-) were completed. Results: Sixty-two patients were able to fulfill all radiographic requirements to arrive at a diagnosis. Eighteen patients demonstrated facial asymmetry that fell within normal biological variation while the other 44 were diagnosed as having a form of facial asymmetry – Cranial Base Asymmetry: 11 female, 6 male; Non-Condylar Mandibular Asymmetry: 5 female, 3 male; Hemimandibular Elongation: 2 female, 3 male; Maxillary Asymmetry: 3 female, 1 male; Idiopathic Condylar Resorption: 3 female, 1 male; Atypical Asymmetry: 3 female, 1 male; Hemimandibular Hyperplasia: 1 female, 0 male; and Maxillary Base & Mandibular Body Asymmetry: 0 female, 1 male. JPFQ scores for symmetric patients ((x ) ̅= 5.33) and asymmetric patients (x ̅= 4.57) were non-significant overall, however, differences between gender were noted (female symmetric (x ) ̅= 6.13, male symmetric (x ) ̅= 1.33, female asymmetric (x ) ̅= 5.36, male asymmetric (x ) ̅= 3.19). TMD was diagnosed by pre-surgical TMJ examinations and MRIs. Four symmetric patients (3 female, 1 male) were positively diagnosed with TMD while 14 asymmetric patients (11 female, 1 male) also were diagnosed. PFA was diagnosed when nasal septum deviation was greater than 15 degrees – 25⁰ to ≤35⁰: 9 patients; &gt;35⁰ to ≤45⁰: 3 patients; &gt;45⁰: 1 patient. Twenty patients with a positive PFA were asymmetric while the other 8 symmetric. Twenty-one patients with PFA were female while the other 7 were male. Conclusion: A comprehensive diagnostic decision tree for facial asymmetry classification was formulated and validated. With it, it was found that: Females have increased JPFQ scores and clinical diagnosis of TMD versus males. Asymmetric females have decreased JPFQ scores, but increased prevalence of TMD. Presence of PFA does not appear to be a strong influence on development of facial asymmetry but is significantly linked to the presence of TMD. PFA is present in nearly half of all dentofacial deformity subjects. Mandibular asymmetry is most commonly associated with increased JPFQ scores and presence of TMD. However, Hemimandibular Hyperplasia, a particular and less common form of mandibular asymmetry, never associated with TMD. One form of mandibular and mid-facial asymmetry, Atypical Asymmetry, had a relatively high prevalence of TMD. Future directions for this research include continuation of genotypic description of IGF1 and Nodal biologic pathways to determine how gene expression levels in masseter muscle and patient genotypes differ in the eight subclassifications of craniofacial asymmetry compared to the symmetric population. / Oral Biology

Efeitos do uso da placa oclusal sobre o equilíbrio postural em indivíduos dentados, não reprogramados, com sinais e sintomas de desordem temporomandibular diagnosticados pelo RDC/TMD e ressonância magnética / Effects of using occlusal splint on postural equilibrium in dentate, non-reprogrammed, individual with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder diagnosed via RDC/TMD and magnetic-resonance imaging

Oliveira, Simone Saldanha Ignacio de 08 May 2013 (has links)
A desordem temporomandibular (DTM) de origem multifatorial pode estar associada a fatores oclusais e também a alterações posturais. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar os efeitos do uso da placa sobre o equilíbrio postural em indivíduos dentados, não reprogramados, com sinais e sintomas de desordem temporomandibular (DTM). Colaboraram com a pesquisa 70 pacientes (59 placa e 21 controle), entre 18e 84 anos, de ambos os gêneros, diagnosticados com DTM por meio do questionário do RDC/TMD além de ressonância magnética da articulação temporomandibular. O estudo foi de ensaio clínico, randomizado, controlado, prospectivo e de intervenção. Foram respondidos os questionários de risco de quedas - FES-I e de qualidade de vida - SF-36 antes que fosse realizada a avaliação do equilíbrio postural por meio da plataforma de força. Cumprida estas etapas eram feita a randomização: o grupo da amostra recebia placa oclusal com critérios de estabilidade oclusal além de orientação para que fizesse exercícios terapêuticos, enquanto o grupo controle era orientado para fazer apenas exercícios terapêuticos. Após 12 semanas, os dois grupos eram reavaliados. A análise estatística foi feita por frequências, avaliação da associação entre grupos por teste de Fisher; medidas quantitativas considerando por média, mediana, desvio padrão, percentis 25 e 75 além de valores máximo e mínimo; as comparações entre os tempos fez uso de teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon enquanto a entre grupos usou o teste de Mann-Whitney, com nível de significância de 5%. O total de pacientes, que completou o estudo de risco de queda e qualidade de vida, era composto por 77% de mulheres, com média de idade de 42,5 anos. Os itens significantes do risco de queda contribuíram para reduzir a preocupação em cair da mesma forma que os de qualidade de vida auxiliaram o aumento dos domínios saúde mental, dor e vitalidade. Dos setenta pacientes, 64 completaram o RDC/TMD (47 placa e 17 controle), com diferenças significativas no que diz respeito ao diagnóstico de dor miofascial, deslocamento do disco, artralgia direita e esquerda, grau de dor crônica, depressão esomatização relacionada a placa. Dentre os mesmos 70 pacientes, 49 completaram o estudo sobre o equilíbrio postural (36 placa e 13 controle), que apresentou aumento significante na velocidade anteroposterior do CP nas condições olhos abertos e fechados (VAPoa e VAPof), durante a postura em pé no grupo placa. Concluiu-seque o uso da placa foi eficaz no tratamento da DTM sendo que seu efeito pode ser observado no equilíbrio postural a ponto de diminuir a preocupação em cair além de melhorar os domínios de saúde mental e dor, com consequente repercussão sobre a qualidade de vida. / Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) of multifactorial origin may be associated with occlusal factors but also with changes in posture. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the use of the occlusal splint on the postural equilibrium of non-reprogrammed, dentate individual with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder. The research group consisted of 70 patients (59 with occlusal splints, 21 in the control group) between 18 and 84 years of age, of both genders, diagnosed with TMD by way of the RDC/TMD questionnaire and magnetic-resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint. The research was performed via a randomized, controlled, prospective clinical study and intervention. The questionnaires regarding risk of falls - FES-I and quality of life - SF-36 were filled out before evaluating postural equilibrium by way of a force platform. In the randomization, the sample group received occlusal splint, occlusal-stability criteria, and advice about therapeutic exercises; the control group only received advice about therapeutic exercises. After 12 weeks, the groups were re-evaluated qualitatively by frequency, evaluation of the association between the group via Fisher testing; quantitatively via average, median, standard deviation, 25 and 75 percentiles, and minimum and maximum values; comparison between the times via non-parametric Wilcoxon testing and between the groups via Mann-Whitney testing with a threshold of significance of 5 %. Of the universe of the patients who completed the risk-of-fall and quality-of-life study, 77 % were women with an average of of 42.2 years. The items that were significant to the risk of falling contributed to reducing fear of falling, and those significant to quality of life to increasing the domains of mental health, pain, and vitality. Out of the 70 participants, 64 completed the RDC/TMD (47 occlusal splint and 17 controls) with differences that were significant to the diagnosis of miofascial pain, slipped disc, left and right arthralgia, degree of chronic pain, depression, and somatization related to the oclusal splint. Of the 70, 49 completed the postural-equilibrium study (36 occlusal splint and 13 controls), a significant increase in anteroposterior speed of the COP with eyes open and eyes closed (AVPeo and AVPec) occurring in the oclusal splint group while standing. It is therefore concluded that use of the oclusal splint was efficacious in the treatment of TJM and that there was an effect on the postural equilibrium, with improvement occurring in regards to fear of falls and in the domains of mental health, pain, and the quality of life.

Eletromiografia dos músculos temporais e masseteres em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular tratados com placa interoclusal / Electromyography of the temporal and masseter muscles in patients with temporomandibular disorders treated with interocclusal splint

Crosio, Daniel Mazzetto 05 March 2010 (has links)
Os objetivos do presente estudo foram analisar os efeitos do tratamento de pacientes com Desordem temporomandibular (DTM) articular crônica com a placa interoclusal estabilizadora modelo Michigan por meio dos índices eletromiográficos POC dos temporais, POC dos masseteres, TORS, ASSIM, Ativação, Ativação absoluta, TORQUE, Impacto, em máximo apertamento dental voluntário (MCV) em máxima intercuspidação habitual (MIH) e máximo apertamento voluntário com algodão entre os dentes (MAA). Foram também analisados os sinais e sintomas de DTM. Participaram do estudo 20 sujeitos, jovens e adultos, sendo 10 com DTM articular crônica, que receberão tratamento com placa oclusal modelo Michigan (Grupo DTM) e 10 sujeitos sem sinais e sintomas de DTM (Grupo Controle). Os sujeitos passarão por exame clínico e responderão ao Protocolo para Determinação dos Sinais e Sintomas de DTM para Centros Multiprofissionais (Felício et al., 2006). Os registros e cálculos dos índices eletromiográficos serão realizados com o Eletromiógrafo Freely de oito canais (De Götzen srl; Legano, Milano, Italy). Foram comparados os dados do grupo DTM na fase de diagnóstico (FD) e na fase final (FF) de tratamento, bem como os dados deste grupo com os do grupo controle. Para os dados expressos em nível intervalar de mensuração, como os dos exames clínicos, foi empregada estatística não-paramétrica. Os dados em nível de razão, isto é os dados eletromiográficos, foram analisados por meio de estatística paramétrica. O nível de significância estabelecido foi de 5%. / The objectives of this study were to analyze the effects of treatment of patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) joint with chronic plaque-stabilizing model interocclusal Michigan through electromyographic indices of temporal POC, the POC masseter, TORS, SO, Activation, Activation absolute TORQUE, Impact, for maximum voluntary tooth clenching (MCV) in maximum intercuspal usual (MHI) and maximum voluntary clenching with cotton between teeth (MAA). We also analyzed the signs and symptoms of TMD. The study included 20 subjects, young people and adults, and 10 with chronic articular TMD, which would be treated with occlusal splints Michigan model (DTM Group) and 10 subjects without signs and symptoms of TMD (control group). The subjects will undergo clinical examination and respond to the Protocol for the Determination of the signs and symptoms of TMD for multi Centers (Felicio et al., 2006). Records and calculations of indices electromyographic out with the electromyograph Freely eight channels (De Götzen srl; Legano, Milano, Italy). We compared the data from the DTM group stage of diagnosis (FD) and the final stage (FF) treatment, as well as data from this group with the control group. For data expressed as interval level of measurement, such as clinical examination, was used non-parametric statistics. Data on level of reason, ie electromyographic data were analyzed using parametric statistics. The significance level was set at 5%.

Análise do efeito da terapia miofuncional orofacial associada à laserterapia em pacientes com desordem temporomandibular / Effect of orofacial myofunctional therapy associated with lasertherapy in patients with temporomandibular disorder

Machado, Barbara Cristina Zanandréa 30 January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A desordens temporomandibulares (DTMs) abrangem uma série de problemas clínicos que envolvem a musculatura mastigatória, a própria articulação e estruturas associadas, ou ambas. Os efeitos da laserterapia em casos de DTM veem sendo estudados como modalidade única de tratamento ou associada à outras modalidades da área fisioterápica e/ou odontológica como a placa de oclusão, contudo não há qualquer estudo sobre a associação da laserterapia à terapia miofuncional orofacial (TMO), realizada pelo fonoaudiólogo. Objetivo: analisar os efeitos da TMO, modificada pela exclusão das estratégias de alívio da dor e relaxamento, associada à laserterapia em casos de DTM. Método: Participaram 55 pacientes com DTM, diagnosticados de acordo com o Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) e divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos de tratamento. Um grupo (grupo T) realizou TMO, de acordo com protocolo previamente testado (FELÍCIO, 2009; FELÍCIO; MELCHIOR; RODRIGUES DA SILVA, 2010); os outros dois grupos receberam laserterapia e TMO, modificada pela exclusão das técnicas de alívio da dor, sendo que para um deles o laser era, de fato, ativo (Tm-L) e para o outro inativo, funcionando como placebo (Tm-LP). Tanto os pacientes como o profissional desconheciam qual era a modalidade de laser (duplo-cego). As medidas antes e depois do período de tratamento foram: Índices Anamnésico e de Disfunção Clínica de Helkimo, limiar de dor a palpação (algometria), percepção de severidade dos sinais e sintomas de DTM e avaliação miofuncional orofacial. As comparações incluíram os dados dos três grupos nas fases diagnóstica (FD), final de tratamento (FF), seguimento depois de um mês (FS1) e depois de três meses da conclusão do tratamento (FS3), por meio de múltipla análise de variância, com efeitos fixos (three-way Anova). O pós-teste Tukey foi aplicado para diferenças significantes. O nível de significância estabelecido foi de 5% (P < 0,05). Resultados: Ao final do tratamento, os grupos T, Tm-L e Tm-LP apresentaram melhora de todos os parâmetros avaliados. Houve diferença entre os grupos apenas para os movimentos excursivos da mandíbula, onde o pós teste indicou diferença entre os grupos Tm-L e T, devido maior média geral no grupo T. Além disso, houve diferença entre as fases para a sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação, limiar de dor à pressão, severidade dos sinais e sintomas de DTM e condição miofuncional orofacial, sendo a Fase D significantemente diferente das fases FF, FS1 e FS3. Conclusão: A combinação de estratégias para o controle da dor e para a melhora das condições miofuncionais orofaciais e a recuperação das funções estomatognáticas parece ser promissora como uma opção no tratamento conservador das DTMs. / Introduction: The temporomandibular disorders (TMD) comprise a number of clinical problems that involve the masticatory musculature, temporomandibular joints and associated structures, or both. The effects of laser therapy in cases of TMD have been studied as single modality of treatment or in combination with other modalities of physical therapy and/or dental area as oclusal splint, however there is no study about the association of orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) with laser therapy realized by the speech therapist. Objective: to analyze the effects of OMT, modified by the exclusion of the techniques of pain relief and relaxation, associated with laser therapy in cases with TMD. Methods: Fifty five patients with TMD, diagnosed according to Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD), were randomly assigned in three treatment groups. One group (Group T) perfomed OMT according to a protocol previously tested (FELÍCIO, 2009; FELÍCIO; MELCHIOR; RODRIGUES DA SILVA, 2010). The other two groups received laser therapy and OMT modified by the exclusion of the techniques of pain relief and relaxation, and for one the laser was, in fact, active (Tm-L) and the other inactive, consisting as placebo treatment (Tm-LP). Both patients and professional were unaware of what was the type of laser (double-blind). The outcome measures were performed before and after the treatment: Anamnestic (Ai) and Clinical Dysfunction (Di) Indexes of Helkimo, pressure pain threshold (algometry), self-judgment of the severity of signs and symptoms of TMD (ProDTMmulti), orofacial myofunctional evaluation. Data were analyzed through multiple analysis of variance with fixed effects (three way-ANOVA) for the three groups in diagnostic phase (FD), end of treatment (FF), follow up after one month (FS1) and after three months of ending of treatment (FS3). The pos-test Tukey was applied for significant differences. The significance level was set at 5% (p< 0,05). Results: in the end of treatment, the groups T, Tm-L and Tm-LP showed improvement of all parameters evaluated. There was a difference between groups only for excursive mandibular movements, that the post test indicated differences between groups T and Tm-L because of higher overall mean in group T. In addition, there were differences between phases for tenderness in the palpation, pressure pain threshold, severity of signs and symptoms and condition orofacial myofunctional, and the phase D differed significantly from FF, FS1 and FS3. Conclusion: The combination of strategies for control pain and improvement of the orofacial myofunctional conditions and recovery of the stomatognathic functions seems to be promising as an option in the conservative treatment of TMD

Centros instantâneos de rotação mandibular por meio de processamento de imagem obtida por metodologia optoeletrônica / Mandibular instantaneous centers of rotation assessed by image processing obtained by optoelectronic method

Missaka, Reinaldo 20 September 2010 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, realizou-se o estudo dos movimentos de abertura e fechamento da mandíbula por meio de recursos da optoeletrônica para a obtenção e avaliação dos seus centros instantâneos de rotação. Os dados foram obtidos por duas câmeras filmadoras digitais e o processamento das imagens foi realizado por um software de computador desenvolvido junto ao Departamento de Engenharia Mecatrônica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram realizadas filmagens de dois pacientes, um sem sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) e outro com deslocamento anterior unilateral do disco articular. Foi desenvolvida uma estrutura removível fixada aos dentes dos pacientes, que por meio de hastes metálicas, permitiu projetar para a porção extra-oral, o movimento da mandíbula, com pontos de referência (alvos) fixados à mesma. Foram realizadas duas filmagens do movimento de abertura e fechamento de cada paciente, uma a partir da posição de máxima intercuspidação (MIC) e outra com a mandíbula sob retrusão manual. As sequências de imagens obtidas geraram arquivos de dados em forma de coordenadas dos pontos correspondentes à variação do movimento dos alvos, bem como de suas trajetórias. Pelo processamento das imagens, foram calculados os centros instantâneos de rotação mandibular (CIRs), resultando em subsídios para análise clínica. Os resultados demonstraram que: o método desenvolvido foi capaz de capturar e processar o movimento mandibular de abertura e fechamento em um plano tridimensional de forma dinâmica, produzindo dados palpáveis para análise clínica; que foi possível, com nível de grandeza na ordem de pixels, analisar o comportamento dos CIRs da mandíbula e de toda a face dos pacientes; os CIRs se encontraram em regiões diferentes durante o movimento de abertura e fechamento com ou sem retrusão manual e com ou sem DTM; a localização dos CIRs esteve próxima à região de ATM quando se executou o movimento de abertura e fechamento com retrusão mandibular, e próximos ao forame mandibular, quando se executou o movimento de abertura e fechamento natural a partir da posição de MIC. / This study assessed the mandibular instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) of mandibular opening and closing movement using the optoelectronic method. Two digital camcorders provided the images and the data were evaluated by a software developed by the Department of Mechatronic Engineering, Polytechnic School- USP. The images were obtained from two patients, one without signs and symptoms with concerns on temporomandibular disorders and the other with unilateral disc displacement. A removable structure attached to patients teeth allowed recording references points outside of the mouth. Two movies of mandibular opening and closing movement were made of each patient, one starting from intercuspal position and the other starting from a forced retrusive mandible position. The images sequence was use to produce the location data from the references points pathway. The software processed the data and the ICR was determined to provide clinical analysis parity. Optoelectronic method can be used to analyze the mandibular three-dimensional movements and could be applied to the clinical evaluation. Also, the method allowed the assessment of the ICR and the patients faces in pixels magnitude. The ICR were detect in different regions of the mandible during the opening and closing mandibular movements of each condition. When patients started the mandibular movements from the forced retrusive position, the ICR was situated near the temporomandibular joint and, when patients started the movements from the intercuspal position, the ICR was located near the mandibular foramen.

Estudo da relação de parâmetros psicossociais na resposta terapêutica de pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular / Relationship between psychosocial parameters on the therapeutic response of temporomandibular disorders patients

Jesus, Beatriz Cione Adriano de 11 July 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou a relação dos parâmetros do eixo II dos Critérios de Diagnóstico de Pesquisa das Disfunções Temporomandibulares (RDC/TMD) na resposta terapêutica de pacientes com DTM. Trinta e três pacientes (média de idade de 33,2 anos ± 13,4) com artralgia da articulação temporomandibular (ATM) foram submetidos a três terapêuticas: laser de baixa potência (LBP) + piroxicam (LPi), LBP + placebo de piroxicam (L) e piroxicam + placebo de LBP (Pi). Os pacientes receberam a terapêutica por 10 dias. As avaliações foram feitas na 1a e 4a sessões de tratamento. A presença e intensidade de dor espontânea, dor à palpação e máxima abertura bucal foram mensuradas. A evolução destas foi comparada à classificação dos pacientes de acordo com os parâmetros do eixo II: grau de dor crônica (GDC), depressão e sintomas físicos não específicos (SFNE). Os dados foram analisados usando os testes de Fisher, Wilcoxon, t de Student, Kruskal-Wallis, U de Mann-Whitney e análise de variâncias, adotando-se p<0,05 como nível de significância. Foi possível observar melhora significativa (p<0,05) dos pacientes estudados quanto ao tempo em relação à EVA e dor à palpação tanto muscular quanto articular. Notou-se diferença estatística significante (p<0,05) entre os grupos de GDC e abertura bucal 4ª sessão e dor articular; entre os grupos de SFNE (incluindo e excluindo itens de dor) e palpação muscular 1ª sessão. Entre os grupos de GDC e as variáveis de EVA e palpação muscular foi encontrada diferença marginalmente significativa, apresentando p-valores próximos a 0,05 (p<0,1). Não foi encontrada diferença estatística significante entre os grupos de depressão e as variáveis consideradas. Portanto, foi observada relação entre alta incapacidade e maiores médias dor articular, grau de SFNE incluindo e excluindo itens de dor classificados como severos e palpação muscular inicial. A depressão não apresentou relação com as variáveis estudadas. / The aim of this study was assess the influence of Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) Axis II parameters on treatment outcome of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) associated with piroxicam in patients with TMD. Thirty-two patients (mean age 33.2 years old ± 13.4) with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthralgia were enrolled in the study and received three kinds of treatment: LLLT + piroxicam (LPi), LLLT + placebo piroxicam (L) e piroxicam + placebo LLLT (Pi). Patients were managed for ten days. Follow-up evaluations were done at the 1st and 4th consults. The presence and intensity of spontaneous pain through the visual analogue scale (VAS), painful palpation and mandibular maximum vertical opening were measured. The therapeutic outcomes of this population were compared between the classifications of axis II scores: graded chronic pain (GCP), depression and non-specific physical symptoms (NEPS). The data was analyzed using the following statistic models: Fisher\'s test, Student t test, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Analysis of Variance. The statistical significance level set was p<0.05. The variables VAS, painful joint and muscle palpation showed improvement over time. Significant difference was found between GCP groups and maximum mouth opening on the 4th session and painful TMJ palpation; between NEFS (including and excluding pain items) and painful muscle palpation on the 1st consult. Between groups of GCP and VAS\'s variables it was found a marginally significant relation, showing p-values near 0.05 (p<0.1). No statistical difference was found on the comparison between depression and the physical variables considered. Thus, it is possible to conclude that there is an association between high incapacity and higher mean values to painful joint palpation, severe NEPS including and excluding pain items and baseline painful muscle palpation. No relation between depression and the studied variables was observed.

Baropodometria dinâmica de atletas remadores, com sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular, pré e pós tratamento, com placa oclusal estabilizadora e exercício terapêutico de movimento mandibular: estudo piloto / Dynamic baropodometry in rowing athletes refering signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction before and after using an occlusal splint associated to therapeutic mandibular exercise: pilot study

Abe, Eduardo Yujiro 02 May 2016 (has links)
A desordem temporomadibular em atletas da modalidade do remo é uma temática ainda pouco abordada na literatura, muito embora se tenha conhecimento que a biomecânica do gesto esportivo possa provocar dores lombares, fratura de costela devido ao estresse, além de dores cervicais provenientes do desprendimento de força, para atingir grande velocidade e manutendo o equilíbrio por um longo tempo. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar, por meio da baropodometria dinâmica, a ação da placa oclusal estabilizadora associada ao exercício terapêutico de movimento mandibular em atletas remadores diagnosticados como portadores de desordem temporomandibular (DTM). Estudos prévios demonstram que um dispositivo intraoclusal (placa oclusal estabilizadora) tem ação significante sobre o sistema de manutenção do equilíbrio corporal na postura estática. Trinta indivíduos remadores apresentaram-se como voluntários com queixa de dor, sendo 10 deles (40% homens e 60% mulheres), com idade entre 24 e 35 anos foram diagnosticados com DTM por meio do preenchimento do questionário RDC/TMD e de exame clínico. O presente estudo piloto foi caracterizado por ser um ensaio clínico, randomizado, controlado, prospectivo e de intervenção. Imediatamente após aplicação do questionário e do exame clínico, todos os indivíduos realizaram testes de baropodometria estática e dinâmica. Após esta etapa, realizou-se a randomização dos grupos por meio de software online gratuito (www.random.org) que determinou os integrantes do grupo controle, denomindado de Grupo Exercício (GE) e grupo teste denominado de Grupo Placa (GP). Ambos os grupos receberam orientação para a realização do exercício terapeutico de movimento mandibular. Definidos os integrantes do GP, foram realizados agendamento para a realização da etapa de confecção da placa oclusal. Os grupos foram monitorados por 12 semanas e após este período foram reavaliados segundo os mesmos parâmetros da etapa inicial. A análise estatísitca foi realizada utilizando o modelo ANOVA (normalidade e homoscedasticiodade),teste T-Student e teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon. Os resultados apresentaram significância estatística na redução da dor e aumento da amplitude articular da articulação temporomandibular (ATM) no GP (p<0,05). Não foi observada significância estatísitica na análise da pressão plantar dinâmica, justificado pelo fato da insuficiência do número de invidíduos da amostra. Concluiu-se que o uso da placa oclusal foi eficaz no tratamento da DTM pela redução do quadro doloroso, entretanto, uma amostragem maior se faz necessária pra a verificação da integração entre sistema estomatognático e postural na dinâmica da marcha. / Temporomadibular joint disorder (TMJD) in rower athletes has still few studies over this theme, where the biomechanics of athletic gesture points can produce low back pain, rib stress fractures and cervical pain as resulting from power requirement to obtain high speed and body balance for repeatedly long period exercises. The aim of this study was to analyze through dynamic plantar pressure the effects of occlusal splint and therapeutic exercise of mandibular movement in rowers diagnosed as suffering from TMJD. Previous studies have shown that the occlusal splint has significant action to keep the system of body balance in standing position. 30 rower athletes came as volunteers with pain symptoms, and 10 individuals, 40% men ande 60% women, aged between 24 and 35 years, were diagnosed with TMJD through completion of the RDC/TMD questionnaire and clinical examination. The research was performed by a randomized controlled prospective clinical study besides intervention. Immediately after the questionnaire application and clinical examination, all individuals performed tests of static and dynamic baropodometry. After this procedure, the groups were randomized by using a free online software (www.random.org) which determined the members of control group, named Exercise Group (EG) and test group called Oclusal Splint Group (OSG). Both groups received guidance for performing only therapeutic exercise of mandibular movement. The OSG were scheduled for the completion of preparation stage for occlusal splint. All groups were monitored for 12 weeks and after this period were evaluated according to the same parameters of the initial step. Statistic analysis was performed by using ANOVA model (normal and homoscedasticity), t-Student test and Wilcoxon nonparametric test. The results showed statistical significance to pain relief and increase of amplitude range of jaw joint in OSG (p < 0.05). No statistical significance was observed in the analysis of dynamic plantar pressure, justified by insufficient statistic population. In conclusion the use of occlusal splint was effective in the treatment of TMJD to pain relief, however, a larger sampling is necessary to verify the integration among stomatognatic system, posture and and gait dynamics analyzes.

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