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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asas da centralidade em céus conhecidos: a dinâmica empresarial do setor de transporte aéreo no território brasileiro / The wings of centrality in known skies: entrepreneurial dynamics in the air transport sector on Brazilian territory

Ana Paula Camilo Pereira 07 October 2014 (has links)
O setor de transporte aéreo brasileiro apresenta uma dinamicidade socioespacial que está relacionada à atuação e às ações estratégicas desenvolvidas pelas companhias aéreas em múltiplas escalas territoriais. Este trabalho se propõe analisar e discutir as estratégias empresariais no setor de transporte aéreo brasileiro considerando as principais companhias do país, pois são essas que empreendem uma constante dinâmica a partir de ações estratégicas que promovem a concorrência e a competitividade, mas que também se consubstanciam por estratégias de cooperação. Ao analisar a reprodução do capital empresarial, este trabalho discute as estratégias de três das principais companhias aéreas brasileiras que concentram a maioria dos voos realizados no país, sendo: a TAM Linhas Aéreas, a GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes e a AZUL Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras. Considerando a integração entre a dinâmica do capital e a dinâmica territorial, defendemos a tese de que há uma indissociabilidade na relação entre as ações do capital empresarial em determinados territórios e aeroportos que constituem o interesse das principais companhias aéreas brasileiras. O objetivo primordial das empresas aéreas é buscar e garantir um maior alcance do seu poder de atuação territorial. Assim, essas ações estratégias são desenvolvidas para obter e deter o domínio, a supremacia de expansão do poder territorial, daí a constante necessidade de se promover acordos e alianças com outras companhias. Diante dessa abordagem, somam-se elementos como: a concorrência, a competitividade, a cooperação, a distribuição das malhas aéreas e a definição dos principais hubs aeroportuários, as concessões de aeroportos à iniciativa privada e a participação e influência das ações do capital estrangeiro. Em síntese, esses elementos constituem um conjunto de referências para analisar e discutir as ações do capital empresarial integrada à busca por poder de atuação territorial. / The Brazilian air transport sector has socio-spatial dynamics that are related to the performance and strategic actions developed by the airlines at multiple territorial levels. This study aims to analyze and discuss the business strategies in the Brazilian air transport sector considering the leading companies in the country, for these are the agents that engage in a constant and relevant dynamic based on strategic actions that promote rivalry and competition, but that are also supported by cooperative strategies. By analyzing the reproduction of business capital, this work discusses the strategies of three Brazilian companies that operate most flights in the country, namely: TAM Linhas Aéreas, GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes and AZUL Linhas Aéreas Brasileiras. Considering the integration between capital dynamics and territorial dynamics, we defend the thesis that there is an inseparable link between the effects of business capital and certain territories and airports, which constitute the fundamental interests of the main Brazilian airlines. The primary objective of these companies is to pursue and ensure an increase in their potential territorial range. As such, these strategic actions are developed to obtain and hold the command, the supremacy over the expansion of territorial power. It is this that gives rise to the constant need to promote agreements and alliances with other companies. This approach is supplemented by such elements as: rivalry, competition, cooperation, distribution of air networks, definition of the main airport hubs, public concessions of airports to private companies, in addition to the participation and influence of foreign capital. In summary, these elements constitute a set of references to analyze and discuss the effects of business capital integrated with the search to control territorial range.

Hermenêutica do patrimônio e apropriação do território em Ouro Preto - MG / Hermeneutics of the heritage and territory appropriation in Ouro Preto MG

João Nazario Simões Villaschi 26 May 2014 (has links)
No processo de patrimonialização vertical e excludente de Ouro Preto - que perpassa do tombamento, em 1933 ao título de Cidade Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade, em 1980 -, conflitos entre a comunidade e os órgãos reguladores do patrimônio símbolo nacional se materializam nas modalidades cotidianas de apropriação do território. A abordagem dialética das contradições socioterritoriais encontra na hermenêutica dialógico-reflexiva do patrimônio o esteio para a proposição da metodologia de percursos sensoriais interpretativos. No âmbito deste doutoramento, sua avaliação crítica acena para a compreensão do universo simbólico, histórica e socialmente produzido, na perspectiva de construção de práxis emancipadoras, do refazimento do exercício íntegro e integrado da cidadania e do empoderamento sociocultural. A partir da análise das relações objetivadas no centro histórico, descortinam-se os movimentos de totalização urbana, no entendimento da realidade local e global, do particular e universal, do horizontal e vertical / In the vertical and excludent heritagisation process of Ouro Preto - whitch takes place since its federal conservation law in 1933 until the title of Cultural Heritage City of the Humanity in 1980 - conflicts between the community and the regulatory organs of the national heritage symbol are materialized in the daily modes of territory appropriation. The dialectical approach of socio-territorial contradictions finds in the dialogical-reflective hermeneutics of the heritage the bases for the proposition of the sensory interpretative pathways methodology. Within this thesis, its critical evaluation signals for understanding the historical and socially produced symbolic universe, in the construction perspective of emancipatory praxis, of the repair of the integrated exercise of citizenship and of the socio-cultural empowerment. From the analysis of the relations objectified at the historical center, the movements of urbane totalisation are unveiled, towards the understanding of the local and global reality, of the particular and universal, of the horizontal and vertical

Le sud du Sénégal à l'heure de la culture irriguée de la banane : innovations agricoles et dynamiques territoriales / Southern Senegal at the time of irragated banana farming : agricultural innovations and territorial dynamics

Badji, Seydou 09 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les dynamiques territoriales induites par le développement de la culture irriguée de la banane dessert, dans le sud du Sénégal, dans un contexte de systèmes de production profondément pluviaux et de marginalisation des grandes dynamiques de développement nationales. En tant que culture intensive et marchande, cette innovation agricole pose la question de son adoption, mais surtout de sa rentabilité économique face à l'enclavement et de ses interactions avec les dynamiques locales de développement. Pour répondre à cette question, la thèse s'est appuyée sur des enquêtes qualitatives auprès de divers acteurs de la filière banane (producteurs, commerçants, encadreurs, intermédiaires, etc.) et d'une lecture attentive des mutations en cours au sud du Sénégal. La thèse s'organise ainsi autour de trois parties. La première montre que c'est dans le caractère marginal des régions sud du Sénégal que réside les facteurs naturels et socio­économiques d'émergence de la culture irriguée de la banane. La seconde partie analyse le processus de son intégration dans les stratégies productives des paysans en insistant sur l'organisation de la production et les dynamiques de sa commercialisation. La troisième partie interroge les effets socio-économiques et géographiques de la dynamique de développement de l'innovation bananière dans le sud du Sénégal, en la replaçant au centre des recompositions socio-économiques et environnementales en cours aux niveaux local et régional. Cette thèse est ainsi une contribution à l'étude des «opérations de développement» en milieu rural africain et des possibilités de développement des régions marginalisées en Afrique de l'ouest. / This thesis examines dessert banana cropping development induced territorial dynamics in the southern Senegal region, characterized by highly rained-dependent production systems and by a marginalization of the major national development dynamics. As an intensive and market-oriented crop, this agricultural innovation raises the question of its adoption in rain-fed systems, and above all its economic profitability in an isolation context and its interactions with local development dynamics. To answer this question, this thesis was based on data obtained from qualitative surveys of various banana sector stakeholders (producers, traders, supervisors, intermediaries, etc.) and a careful analysis of the ongoing changes in southern Senegal. The thesis is thus articulated on three axes. The first axis shows that the natural and socioeconomic factors that led to the event of irrigated banana cropping stems from the marginal nature of the southern regions of Senegal. The second part analyzes its integration process into farmers' the productive strategies while emphasizing on produces' organizations, banana production practices and marketing dynamics. Finally, an analysis of the socio-economic and geographical effects of banana cropping innovation dynamic development in southern Senegal, substituting banana innovation at the center of the ongoing socio-economic and environmental reorganizations bath at the local and regional levels. This thesis is thus a contribution to the study of "development operations" in rural Africa and the development opportunities of marginalized areas in West Africa.


LEANDRO SERRA SILVA PEREIRA 10 January 2020 (has links)
[pt] O processo de difusão das microfinanças e de microcrédito é característico do momento atual da fase da ideologia neoliberal de mercado, que tende a valorizar novos espaços para a reprodução das relações rentistas. Os reflexos na produção, na sociedade e na refuncionalização dos territórios são extremamente complexos. Neste contexto de intensificação dos fluxos de capital e predominância da produção do espaço capitalista via processos de financeirização, faz-se necessário compreender as transformações nas dinâmicas territoriais, devido a complexidade das múltiplas escalas em que perpassam os territórios. Dessa maneira, buscaremos entender a dinâmica territorial das famílias remanescentes de quilombos do rio Trombetas, o acesso e uso da linha de microcrédito rural do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) e como o Programa transforma (e/ou perpetua) a dinâmica territorial das populações agroextrativistas. A racionalidade econômica e ambiental não são novidades na Amazônia, nem nos territórios quilombolas do estudo de caso. Os negros escravizados sempre estiveram inviabilizados e subalternos pelas relações de poder que buscam homogeneizar o espaço e deslegitimar o acesso à terra e a reprodução da dinâmica territorial e do modo de vida elaborado por esse grupo étnico. Foi assim com o sistema produtivo escravocrata no século XVIII, com as tentativas de destruição dos quilombos e reintegração da mão-de-obra negra ao quadro produtivo, com a chegada das unidades de conservação e da empresa de mineração de bauxita. Atualmente, os programas de ―desenvolvimento social são os novos elementos da lógica das relações de mercado que chegam aos países periféricos. A difusão do microcrédito é oriundo das diretrizes do Banco Mundial, FMI e outras instituições responsáveis pela administração da pobreza. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal da analisar as singularidades das transformações na dinâmica territorial a partir do acesso e uso do microcrédito rural (PRONAF B) nos Territórios Quilombolas do Rio Trombetas, Oriximiná-PA. / [en] The process of diffusion of microfinance and microcredit is characteristic of the current moment of the phase of neoliberal market ideology, which tends to value new spaces for the reproduction of rentier relations. The repercussions on production, society and the refunctionalization of the territories are extremely complex. In this context of intensification of capital flows and predominance of the production of capitalist space through financialization processes, it is necessary to understand the transformations in territorial dynamics, due to the complexity of the multiple scales in which they pass through the territories. In this way, we will try to understand the territorial dynamics of the remaining families of quilombos of the Trombetas river, the access and use of the rural microcredit line of the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF) and how the Program transforms (and / or perpetuates) the dynamics of the agro-extractive populations. Economic and environmental rationality are not new in the Amazon, nor in the quilombola territories of the case study. The enslaved Negroes have always been unfeasible and subalternos by the relations of power that seek to homogenize the space and to delegitimize the access to the land and the reproduction of the territorial dynamics and the way of life elaborated by this ethnic group. This was the case with the slave-owning productive system in the eighteenth century, with attempts to destroy the quilombos and reintegration of the black labor force into the productive framework, with the arrival of the conservation units and the bauxite mining company. Nowadays, social development programs are the new elements of the logic of market relations that reach peripheral countries. The spread of microcredit comes from the World Bank, IMF and other institutions responsible for managing poverty. Thus, this research has as main objective to analyze the singularities of the transformations in the territorial dynamics from the access and use of rural microcredit (PRONAF B) in Quilombola Territories of the Trombetas River, Oriximiná-PA.

Hospitalisations de patients en Bourgogne et dans neuf autres régions métropolitaines, analyse territoriale des flux interrégionaux à partir de la base nationale du PMSI-MCO / Hospitalizations of patients in Burgundy and in nine other french regions, spatial analysis of interregional flows from french hospital claims data

Roussot, Adrien 11 December 2015 (has links)
Introduction / présentation du contexte : La création des ARS s’est accompagnée d’un pilotage régionalisé de la gouvernance sanitaire. Si les modalités administratives de découpage des territoires sanitaires sont connues, nous proposons une analyse géographique des logiques de fréquentation effectives des établissements hospitaliers qui semblent échapper à ce cadre réglementaire.Méthodes employées et sources de donnéesA partir du PMSI-MCO, nous avons étudié les flux inter-régionaux hospitaliers pour dix motifs de recours. L’analyse a été complétée par une analyse cartographique associant les mobilités à différents découpages géographiques et historiques, en Bourgogne et pour neuf autres régions test.Principaux résultats : La cartographie des mobilités hospitalières en Bourgogne et pour chaque région test montre que les flux de patients s’insèrent dans des ensembles territoriaux souvent cohérents au regard des limites que nous avons utilisées. Nos résultats indiquent que les frontières administratives régionales ne délimitent pas toujours des territoires homogènes. Pour chaque région test, des frontières invisibles apparaissent, héritées de la sédimentation historique et façonnées par des interfaces géographiques multiples.Discussion/Conclusion : La géographie aide à mieux comprendre l’organisation des flux hospitaliers, qui échappent aux logiques administratives régionales de la planification actuelle. A l’heure de la création de nouvelles grandes régions, l’outil géographique apparaît essentiel pour contribuer à l’instauration d’une gouvernance sanitaire plus pragmatique. / Introduction / presentation of the context : The creation of ARS (Regional Healthcare Agencies) was accompanied by the regionalized organization of healthcare. Even though the administrative procedures for dividing the country into areas for healthcare coverage are well known, we propose a geographic analysis of the reasons why patients attend one hospital rather than another, which seem to escape the logic used by the authorities.Methods employed and sources of data : Using the PMSI-MCO, we studied the flow of patients living in one region to hospitals in other regions according to ten reasons for visiting hospitals. The analysis was completed by a cartographic analysis, which related the flow to different geographical and historical divisions in Burgundy and in nine other test regions.Main results : The cartography of hospital flow in Burgundy and for each test region showed that the choices made by patients were often coherent with regard to the limits that we used. Our results indicate that regional administrative boundaries do not always create homogeneous territories. For each test region, invisible boundaries appear. They stem from historical sedimentation and were shaped by numerous geographic dynamics.Discussion/ConclusionGeography makes it easier to understand hospital flow, which escapes the logic of current regional administrative planning. Now, with the creation of new super-regions, geography appears to be an essential tool to establish more pragmatic healthcare coverage.

Ruralité et agriculture au prisme des mobilités spatiales. L’Altiplano Sud de la Bolivie à l’heure du boom de la quinoa / Rurality and agriculture through the prism of spatial mobilities.The Southern Altiplano of Bolivia in the boom time of quinoa

Vassas Toral, Anaïs 05 December 2011 (has links)
En réponse à une nouvelle demande du marché alimentaire, l’Altiplano Sud de Bolivie est devenu la première régionexportatrice au monde de quinoa, aliment traditionnel des populations andines, désormais consommé dans de nombreuxpays du Nord. La thèse interroge les changements induits par le passage d’une agriculture d’autosubsistance à uneagriculture familiale d’exportation, avec une attention particulière portée à la mobilité spatiale des populations et à la manière dont elle s’articule aux profondes mutations que vit cette région. La reconstitution par récit de vie des biographiesde 170 individus originaires de cinq communautés rurales a permis de resituer le boom de la quinoa dans les trajectoiresrésidentielle, professionnelle et circulatoire des populations. À travers l’étude des liens qui se nouent entre mobilité,dynamique agricole et gestion des ressources, cette étude montre une grande réactivité des familles et des communautésface aux exigences des nouveaux systèmes de production, l’émergence de multiples formes d’arrangements sociaux, ainsiqu’une plasticité des territoires de vie que révèlent des pratiques plurielles de mobilité et de pluriactivité fondées sur uneorganisation socio‐spatiale réticulaire articulant ville et campagne. Mais dans cette région au milieu fragile et aux conditions climatiques extrêmes, le regain d’intérêt pour l’activité agricole, ayant induit le retour de nombreux migrants et l’émergence de multiples acteurs, s’accompagne de fortes pressions sur les ressources foncières, de tensions sociales et d’un risque de fragilisation du milieu posant la question cruciale de la gestion durable du territoire. / Responding to a new food market demand, the Southern Altiplano region of Bolivia has become the world’s largest exporterof quinoa, a traditional food of Andean populations, now consumed in many countries in the North. This thesis investigatesthe changes induced by the transition from subsistence agriculture to family‐based export agriculture, with a particular focus on the spatial mobility of the populations and its relation to the profound changes experienced by this region.Reconstruction through life narratives of the biographies of 170 people originating from 5 rural communities facilitated areframing of the quinoa boom in the context of the residential, professional and circulatory histories of the populations.Through study of the links between mobility, agricultural dynamics, and local resource management, this study demonstrates i) the great reactivity of the families and communities facing the demands of new production systems, ii) theemergence of multiple forms of social agreements, iii) the plasticity of the livelihood territories revealed by various practicesof mobility and pluriactivity based on a reticular socio‐spatial organization connecting the city and the countryside.However, in this region of fragile environment and harsh climate conditions, the resurgence of interest in agriculturalactivities, precipitating the return of many migrants and the emergence of multiple actors, is accompanied by hugepressures on land resources, social tensions and a risk of environmental degradation, calling into question the crucial issue of the sustainable management of the region.

L'activité vitivinicole comme base d'une dynamique territoriale : le cas de la Bekaa au Liban / The wine industry as a basis for territorial dynamics : the case of the Bekaa in Lebanon

Bou Antoun, Layal 09 February 2017 (has links)
Depuis environ un demi-siècle nous assistons à une intégration du concept du territoire dans l’étude de la problématique du développement économique dans les pays du Sud comme dans les pays du Nord. La nouvelle approche considère le territoire comme un acteur du développement et non uniquement un support de l’activité économique. Elle se base sur le constat que le développement ne peut pas se réaliser qu’au plus près des acteurs territoriaux qui valorisent les ressources (génériques et spécifiques) disponibles sur le territoire par une dynamique technico-économique de production assurant sa compétitivité et une dynamique socio-institutionnelle de régulation garantissant son maintien et sa durabilité. Cette thèse se veut une contribution à la compréhension et à l’enrichissement de cette nouvelle approche du développement.A partir d’une réflexion approfondie sur le cas de la Bekaa (un territoire périphérique – dans le sens géographique et économique – du Liban), nous tentons de démontrer, que dans le contexte d’une structure économique génératrice de déséquilibres sectoriels et spatiaux et de disparités sociales, la notion de développement territorial et les concepts qui lui sont associés (système économique territorial, organisation territoriale, régulation locale, rendement collectif…) constituent un cadre d’analyse approprié et peuvent être un outil efficace d’une politique de développement au niveau régional ou local. Notre analyse s’efforce à montrer qu’au sein d’un cluster agricole à la Bekaa se développe un système économique territorial structuré autour de la filière vitivinicole engendrant une dynamique socioéconomique territoriale susceptible d’améliorer les conditions de vie de la communauté locale. Bien qu’elle soit ancrée dans le territoire de la Bekaa, l’activité vitivinicole est loin de se développer en autarcie. Elle cherche en permanence à s’inscrire dans une économie mondialisée grâce à l’ouverture internationale des acteurs locaux. Dans le contexte actuel de la globalisation, cette ouverture sur l’extérieur, tout en offrant d’importantes opportunités, est simultanément source de défis sur le plan concurrentiel. Le SET vitivinicole de la Bekaa fait face également à d’autres défis relevant de facteurs endogènes tels que les interactions entre les acteurs. C’est pourquoi il est incontournable de mettre en place une gouvernance territoriale susceptible de réguler les rapports inter-acteurs et d’élaborer des stratégies collectives de promotion territoriale. / For about half a century we have witnessed an integration of the concept of territory in the analysis of economic development in less developed countries as well as in developed ones. The new approach considers the territory as an actor of development and not merely as a spatial frame for the economic activity. It is based on the observation that development must be carried out as close as possible to the local actors who value the resources (generic and specific) available on the territory by a technical-economic dynamic of production ensuring its competitiveness and a socio-institutional dynamic of regulation guaranteeing its sustainability. This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding and improvement of this new approach of development.With a deep consideration of the Bekaa (a peripheral territory - in the geographical and economic sense - of Lebanon), we try to demonstrate that in the context of an economic structure generating sectoral and spatial imbalances and social disparities, the notion of territorial development and the concepts associated with it (territorial economic system, territorial organization, local regulation, collective efficiency ...) constitute an appropriate framework of analysis and can be an effective tool for a development policy on the local level. Our analysis attempts to show that within the Bekaa agricultural cluster develops a territorial economic system structured around the wine industry, generating a territorial socio-economic dynamic capable of improving the living conditions of the local community. Although it is anchored in the territory of the Bekaa, wine activity is far from developing in autarchy. It constantly seeks to be part of a globalized economy thanks to the international openness of local players. In the current context of globalization, this openness to the outside world, while offering important opportunities, simultaneously presents challenges on a competitive level. The Bekaa territorial economic system also faces other challenges arising from endogenous factors such as interactions between actors. Therefore, it is essential to set up territorial governance that can regulate inter-actors’ relations and develop collective strategies for territorial promotion.

Dynamiques territoriales dans la gestion des ressources forestières des espaces protégés du Mexique : le cas du Nevado de Toluca / Territorial dynamics in forest resources management in Mexico’s protected areas : the case of Nevado de Toluca

Salinas Rojas, Andrea 25 October 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le Nevado de Toluca (Mexique), espace protégé où l’objectif de conservation des ressources forestières, tout en étant difficilement atteint, met en question les conditions d’existence des populations rurales. On étudie les dynamiques territoriales qui découlent de ces tensions. La question porte donc essentiellement sur la confrontation entre la conservation forestière telle qu’elle est portée par les autorités publiques d’une part, et d’autre part, les besoins vitaux des populations agricoles affectées par les politiques suivies. L’hypothèse principale est que les politiques de conservation forestière n’atteignent pas les objectifs de gestion fixés parce qu’il n’y a pas une vision globale dépassant les approches sectorielles des institutions en présence, et surtout parce que l’avis des paysans n’est pas assez pris en compte faute d’une connaissance approfondie des sociétés rurales. Pour rétablir cette connaissance, la méthode de recherche a consisté principalement, outre la documentation mobilisée, en de nombreux entretiens avec les habitants de plusieurs localités du Nevado, avec différents acteurs institutionnels et avec des experts forestiers qui participent à la conservation de cet espace protégé. À l’aide du logiciel TXM, ces entretiens ont fait l’objet d’une analyse quali-quantitative de type « textométrique ». Parmi les principaux résultats obtenus, on retiendra notamment le fait que les populations locales ont des représentations sociales très contrastées de leur milieu tout en ayant une pleine conscience des enjeux écologiques. Elles ressentent les restrictions d’usage, en particulier du bois de feu, comme une injustice sociale. Cependant, des configurations socio-spatiales et des dynamiques territoriales originales existent, et dépendent du contexte géographique, en particulier des phénomènes de proximité spatiale et sociale. La cohésion sociale des groupes importe et sera d’autant plus forte que ses membres partagent les mêmes valeurs culturelles, y compris religieuses. On constate également que l’éloignement de la ville produit paradoxalement des dynamiques endogènes d’organisation qui peuvent aussi constituer une base pour une politique de protection intégrée en dépit des contraintes de vie au quotidien. Au total, cette thèse propose une réflexion sur l’arbitrage à faire entre la conservation forestière et les impacts socio-économiques que cela provoque sur les populations rurales les plus démunies et esquisse des pistes de conciliation. Elle invite à penser la justice environnementale comme le fruit de l’innovation sociale. / This research concerns the Nevado de Toluca (Mexico), a protected area where the goal of forest conservation, while being hardly reached, calls into questions the livelihoods of rural populations. Territorial dynamics which ensue from these tensions are examined. The question concerns essentially the confrontation between the forest preservation such as it is carried by the public authorities on one hand, and on the other hand, the vital needs for the agricultural populations affected by the followed policies. The main hypothesis is that policies of forest preservation do not reach the expected results because there is no global vision exceeding the sectorial approaches of institutions in presence, and especially because the opinion of the farmers is not enough taken into account, due to lack of a thorough knowledge of the rural societies. To restore this knowledge, the research method consisted mainly, besides the mobilized documentation, of numerous interviews with the inhabitants of several localities of Nevado, with the various institutional actors and with the forest experts who participate in the preservation of this protected space. Using the TXM software, these interviews were analysed employing a quali-quantitative analysis on the “textometric” type. Among the main obtained results, we shall hold in particular the fact that the local populations have very contrasted social representations of their environment while having a full consciousness of the ecological challenges. They feel the limitations of use, in particular some wood of fire, as a social injustice. However, socio-spatial configurations and original territorial dynamics exist, and depend on the geographical context, in particular the phenomena of spatial and social proximity. The social cohesion of the groups is important and will be all the stronger as his members share the same cultural values, including religious ones. We also notice that the distance of the city produces paradoxically endogenous dynamics of organization which may also be a basis for an integrated protection policy in spite of the constraints of everyday life. All in all, this thesis suggests a reflection around arbitration between the forest preservation and the socioeconomic impacts on the rural poorest population groups. She invites to think of the justice environmental as of the fruit of the social innovation.

Dinâmica territorial, atividade industrial e cidade média : as interações espaciais e os circuitos espaciais da produção das indústrias alimentícias de consumo final instaladas na cidade de Marília - SP /

Bomtempo, Denise Cristina. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Eliseu Savério Sposito / Banca: Sandra Lencioni / Banca: Silvia Selingardi Sampaio / Banca: Paulo Fernando Cirino Mourão / Banca: Everaldo Santos Melazzo / Resumo: Fazer a leitura do território, do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento das atividades econômicas, no período da globalização, é uma tarefa complexa. Novos paradigmas estão postos, novas dinâmicas são sentidas e novas configurações notadas. É preciso identificar os agentes, entender os processos e as relações que influenciam nas decisões, nas normatizações que (re) organizam, reestruturam e, portanto, usam o território. Neste contexto, apresentamos esta pesquisa, que tem como perspectiva a leitura das dinâmicas territoriais pela via da atividade industrial do ramo alimentício de consumo final na cidade de Marília/SP, no período da globalização. A metologia da pesquisa está estruturada em três eixos, são eles: leituras; levantamento, sistematização e mapeamento de dados secundários; pesquisa de campo (realização de entrevistas e aplicação de questionários). Tal análise se justifica, pois o ramo industrial alimentício de consumo final instalado nessa cidade teve sua origem atrelada à ação de agentes locais, anterior ao processo de desconcentração industrial, iniciado a partir da metrópole paulistana na década de 1970. No entanto, a partir desse período, devido à expansão das indústrias locais, grupos empresariais de capital nacional e transnacional foram atraídos para escala dessa cidade média. Assim, com o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, verificamos que Marília, por aglomerar empresas industriais de um mesmo ramo produtivo, complexificou e ampliou sua função na divisão territorial do trabalho e na rede urbana em que está inserida e mantém relações... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico baixo) / Résumé: Faire la numérisation du territoire, du point de vue du développement des activités économiques, dans la période de la mondialisation, c'est une tâche complexe. De nouveaux paradigmes sont faites, de nouvelles dynamiques sont expérimentés et de nouveaux paramètres notés. Il faut identifier les agents, comprendre les processus et les relations qui influencent les décisions, dans les normes qui réorganisent, qui restructurent, et,donc, qui utilisent le territoire. Dans ce contexte, nous présentons cette recherche, qui a comme perspective la lecture des dynamiques territoriales par la voie de l'activité industrielle dans le secteur de consommation finale des aliments dans la ville de Marília-SP, dans la période de la mondialisation. La méthodologie de la recherche est structurée autour de trois axes, ils sont: les lectures; l'enquête, la cartographie systématique des données secondaires, la recherche de terrain (la réalisation d'entretiens et l'aplication de questionnaires). Telle analyse est justifiée, puisque le secteur industrielle de la consommation alimentaire finalement installé dans cette ville a eu son origine liée à l'action des agents locaux, avant le processus de déconcentration industriel, lancé à partir de la métropole de São Paulo dans les années 1970. Cependant, à partir de ce moment, en raison de l'expansion des industries locales, les groupes d'entreprises de capital national et transnational ont été attirés par cette moyenne échelle de la ville... (Résumé complet accès életronique cidessous) / Abstract: Making the analysis, from the development of economical activities point of view, in times of globalization, is a complex task. There are new paradigms, new dynamics are felt and new configurations are noticed. It is needed to identify the agents, to understand the processes and relationships that have influence in the decisions and in the laws the (re)organize, restructure and, therefore, use the territory. In this context, we present this research, that has as perspective the analysis of territorial dynamics by the industrial activity of the final consumption nourishing field in the city of Marilia/SP, in the period of globalization. The methodology of the research is structured in three guidelines: analysis; survey, systematization and mapping secondary data; field research (realization of interviews and questionnaires). This analysis's reason is that the final consumption industry installed in this city has its origins related to the actions of local agents, preceding the industrial decentralization process that began in the metropolis of Sao Paulo in the decade of 1970. However, from then on, because of the local industry expansion, business groups with national and transnational were attracted by this medium-sized city. Then, with the development of this research, we verified that Marília, by concentrating industrial companies of the same productive field made more complex and extended its function in the territorial work division and in the urban network in which it is inserted and relates to... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Dinâmica territorial, atividade industrial e cidade média: as interações espaciais e os circuitos espaciais da produção das indústrias alimentícias de consumo final instaladas na cidade de Marília – SP

Bomtempo, Denise Cristina [UNESP] 10 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-06-10Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:45:22Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 bomtempo_dc_dr_prud.pdf: 5289318 bytes, checksum: 613626bdfce6751f4cf01f0aab4c2d5f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Faire la numérisation du territoire, du point de vue du développement des activités économiques, dans la période de la mondialisation, c’est une tâche complexe. De nouveaux paradigmes sont faites, de nouvelles dynamiques sont expérimentés et de nouveaux paramètres notés. Il faut identifier les agents, comprendre les processus et les relations qui influencent les décisions, dans les normes qui réorganisent, qui restructurent, et,donc, qui utilisent le territoire. Dans ce contexte, nous présentons cette recherche, qui a comme perspective la lecture des dynamiques territoriales par la voie de l'activité industrielle dans le secteur de consommation finale des aliments dans la ville de Marília-SP, dans la période de la mondialisation. La méthodologie de la recherche est structurée autour de trois axes, ils sont: les lectures; l´enquête, la cartographie systématique des données secondaires, la recherche de terrain (la réalisation d´entretiens et l´aplication de questionnaires). Telle analyse est justifiée, puisque le secteur industrielle de la consommation alimentaire finalement installé dans cette ville a eu son origine liée à l´action des agents locaux, avant le processus de déconcentration industriel, lancé à partir de la métropole de São Paulo dans les années 1970. Cependant, à partir de ce moment, en raison de l´expansion des industries locales, les groupes d'entreprises de capital national et transnational ont été attirés par cette moyenne échelle de la ville... (Résumé complet accès életronique cidessous) / Fazer a leitura do território, do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento das atividades econômicas, no período da globalização, é uma tarefa complexa. Novos paradigmas estão postos, novas dinâmicas são sentidas e novas configurações notadas. É preciso identificar os agentes, entender os processos e as relações que influenciam nas decisões, nas normatizações que (re) organizam, reestruturam e, portanto, usam o território. Neste contexto, apresentamos esta pesquisa, que tem como perspectiva a leitura das dinâmicas territoriais pela via da atividade industrial do ramo alimentício de consumo final na cidade de Marília/SP, no período da globalização. A metologia da pesquisa está estruturada em três eixos, são eles: leituras; levantamento, sistematização e mapeamento de dados secundários; pesquisa de campo (realização de entrevistas e aplicação de questionários). Tal análise se justifica, pois o ramo industrial alimentício de consumo final instalado nessa cidade teve sua origem atrelada à ação de agentes locais, anterior ao processo de desconcentração industrial, iniciado a partir da metrópole paulistana na década de 1970. No entanto, a partir desse período, devido à expansão das indústrias locais, grupos empresariais de capital nacional e transnacional foram atraídos para escala dessa cidade média. Assim, com o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, verificamos que Marília, por aglomerar empresas industriais de um mesmo ramo produtivo, complexificou e ampliou sua função na divisão territorial do trabalho e na rede urbana em que está inserida e mantém relações... / Making the analysis, from the development of economical activities point of view, in times of globalization, is a complex task. There are new paradigms, new dynamics are felt and new configurations are noticed. It is needed to identify the agents, to understand the processes and relationships that have influence in the decisions and in the laws the (re)organize, restructure and, therefore, use the territory. In this context, we present this research, that has as perspective the analysis of territorial dynamics by the industrial activity of the final consumption nourishing field in the city of Marilia/SP, in the period of globalization. The methodology of the research is structured in three guidelines: analysis; survey, systematization and mapping secondary data; field research (realization of interviews and questionnaires). This analysis’s reason is that the final consumption industry installed in this city has its origins related to the actions of local agents, preceding the industrial decentralization process that began in the metropolis of Sao Paulo in the decade of 1970. However, from then on, because of the local industry expansion, business groups with national and transnational were attracted by this medium-sized city. Then, with the development of this research, we verified that Marília, by concentrating industrial companies of the same productive field made more complex and extended its function in the territorial work division and in the urban network in which it is inserted and relates to... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

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