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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conservação no cerrado, território, política pública: mosaico Sertão Veredas-Peruaçu / Savannas´s conservation - territory - public policy: mosaic Sertão Veredas - Peruaçu

Almeida, Nilo Américo Rodrigues Lima de 12 December 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho está inserido na linha de pesquisa Geografia Política e Meio Ambiente. Estuda a problemática ambiental que envolve relações com política territorial. Como tal, discute questões de acesso, controle e uso dos recursos naturais no bioma do Cerrado do Norte de Minas Gerais à margem esquerda do rio São Francisco sob o pressuposto de que a distribuição política dos recursos não corresponde à distribuição natural gerando situações de conflito, de impacto e destruição. A política territorial e ambiental proposta para a área de estudo é a implantação do Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação Sertão Veredas-Peruaçu que se constitui em política pública ambiental determinada pelo Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação como forma de arranjo territorial e ambiental para o caso de conjunto de unidades de conservação em proximidade regional. A estratégia adotada para implantação do Mosaico é o Desenvolvimento Territorial de Base Conservacionista que pode significar uma transformação na característica territorial e na sociedade da área de estudo. / This paper is inserted in the line of research on Political Geography and Environment. It concerns the environmental issue that involves relations with territorial policy. It discusses matters of access, such as the control and use of natural resources at Savanna biome in the north of Minas Gerais, on the left bank of River São Francisco, under the pretext of the political distribution of resources has no relation to the natural distribution. Due to this result, it creates situations of conflict, impact and destruction. The territorial and environmental policy proposed to the study area is the implementation of Patchwork Units of Conservation of Sertão Veredas-Peruaçu that constitutes itself in environmental public policy determined by the National System of Units of Conservation as a way of territorial and environmental arrangement to the case of Units of Conservation in regional proximity. The adopted strategy to the implementation of the patchwork is the Territorial Development of Conservationist Basis which may concern a transformation in territorial characteristic and in the society of the study area.

A nova ordenação territorial das finanças no Brasil / The new territorial configuration of finances in Brazil

Ribeiro, Clarisse Coutinho 10 August 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda a relação entre território e finanças. O objetivo é analisar a nova ordenação territorial das finanças no Brasil, entre 1996 e 2006, como esta ocorreu, quais foram os seus principais fatores de formação e suas conseqüências. A metodologia utilizada, pelo lado teórico, baseia-se na abordagem do David Harvey sobre os ajustes temporal e espacial, e ordenação espaço-temporal e na teoria Pós-keynesiana sobre finanças regionais. Pelo lado empírico, utiliza-se análises estatísticas do índice de concentração Herfindahl-Hirschman (IHH) e taxas de crescimento acumulado, bem como a análise de cartografia temática digital. A pesquisa mostrou que a nova ordenação territorial das finanças ocorreu sobretudo devido ao grande crescimento e expansão territorial das atividades de intermediação financeira. Sendo assim, os seus principais fatores de formação foram: a abertura financeira da década de 1990, a reestruturação do sistema bancário nacional, estabilidade da moeda, o aumento da demanda financeira regional de baixo volume e o avanço do meio técnico-científico-informacional. As principais conseqüências foram: a mudança na estrutura de composição do Sistema Financeiro Nacional, que passou a ter a atividade de intermediação financeira como principal atividade financeira do país e apesar da redução da concentração das finanças, esta não descentralizou as mesmas, como também não implicou na redução da concentração econômica do Brasil. / This research addresses the relationship between territory and finances. The objective is to analyze the new territorial configuration of finance in Brazil between 1996 and 2006, in particular, how it occurred, what were its main factors of formation and what were its consequences. The methodology, on the theoretical side, is based on the approach of David Harvey on the temporal and spatial adjustments, and space-time configuration, as well as post-Keynesian theory on regional finances. On the empirical side, it uses statistical analysis of the Herfindahl-Hirschman concentration Index (HHI) and aggregate growth rates, as well as the analysis of digital thematic cartography. The research showed that the new territorial organization of finance was largely due to strong growth and territorial expansion of the activities of financial intermediation. Therefore, its principle factors of formation were: the financial opening of the 1990s, the restructuring of the national banking system, monetary stability, increase of low-volume regional financial demand and the advancement of technical, scientific and informational means. The main consequences were: a change in the structure of the composition of the National Financial System, which now has the role of financial intermediation as the main financial activity of the country. Despite the lower concentration of finance, this development did not lead to a decentralization of finance, nor did it imply a reduction of the economic concentration in Brazil.

O planejamento regional brasileiro pós-constituição federal de 1988: instituições, políticas e atores / The regional planning after the Brazilian Constitution of 1988: polity, policy and politics

Silva, Simone Affonso da 08 December 2014 (has links)
Considerando que a Constituição Federal de 1988, além de legar uma série de inovações no plano político, econômico e social, representa um marco entre os processos de crise e de retomada do planejamento regional no país, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar criticamente o planejamento regional brasileiro pós-Constituição Federal de 1988, buscando identificar e caracterizar mudanças de paradigmas de natureza política, administrativa e econômica imbricados nesse processo, tendo como parâmetro a comparação com o período precedente (século XX). Foram analisadas as três dimensões que compõem as políticas públicas, segundo a metodologia da Policy Analysis: a estrutura institucional (polity), o processo político que envolve a formulação, a implementação e a execução de políticas públicas (politics) e o conteúdo concreto das decisões políticas (policy), como o arcabouço legislativo e os planos e programas governamentais. No âmbito da polity foram identificadas e caracterizadas as instituições ligadas ao planejamento regional na esfera da Administração Pública Federal, especialmente Ministérios, Secretarias e autarquias, a saber, o Ministério da Integração Nacional, a Sudam, a Sudene, a Sudeco, a Sudesul, o Dnocs e a Codevasf, bem como suas antecessoras. A partir do exame das constantes criações, extinções, fusões e desmembramentos de instituições, bem como alterações nas suas atribuições, estrutura interna, e posição ocupada na Administração Pública, ponderamos a importância que o planejamento regional adquiriu em cada momento de sua história no país. No tocante à politics, foram identificados os principais atores políticos que participaram do processo de formulação das políticas regionais analisadas na pesquisa, bem como uma breve caracterização dos principais estilos políticos vigentes e seus diferentes contextos históricos. Buscamos problematizar a participação dos diversos atores no processo de formulação das políticas regionais, abordando a questão do peso relativo entre decisões técnicas e políticas no âmbito das políticas e planos examinados. No que se refere à policy, apresenta-se, de forma sucinta, as principais características das políticas regionais nos períodos anterior e posterior à Constituição Federal de 1988, especialmente os Polos de Desenvolvimento, os Eixos Nacionais de Integração e de Desenvolvimento (Enids), as Mesorregiões Diferenciadas e a Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional (PNDR), com destaque para esta última. À luz da Geografia, acrescentamos uma quarta dimensão na análise das políticas públicas, a territorial. Com base no exame das dimensões polity, politics, policy e da dimensão territorial do planejamento regional, apresentamos uma análise comparativa entre o período anterior e posterior à Constituição Federal de 1988, identificando e caracterizando os principais paradigmas norteadores do planejamento regional brasileiro, especialmente, no período recente, assinalando a forma como eles são absorvidos pelas políticas regionais e indicando os principais rebatimentos territoriais dessas políticas. Por conseguinte, no contexto de emergência da PNDR, considerada como o marco recente mais importante das políticas regionais no país, concluímos que o planejamento regional está em meio à processos simultâneos de retomada, de ressignificação e de inovação, uma vez que busca revestir-se de novos paradigmas, embora sem destituir-se completamente dos anteriores, o que acaba por lhe conferir um novo conjunto de atributos. Por fim, apresentamos uma apreciação crítica acerca dos limites e desafios do planejamento regional brasileiro na atualidade. / Considering that Brazilian Constitution of 1988, besides a number of innovations in the political, economic and social terms, it represents a milestone for the processes of crisis and resumption of regional planning in that country. The objective of this research was to critically assess the regional planning after the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, seeking to identify and characterize changes in paradigms of political, administrative and economic nature intertwined in this process, establishing the parameter of comparison with the previous period (twentieth century). The three dimensions that comprise public policies were analyzed according to the methodology of Policy Analysis: the institutional structure (polity), the political process that involves the formulation, implement and execution of public policy (politics) and the actual content of decisions policies (policy); and the legislative framework and the plans and programs from government. Within the polity, the institutions related to regional planning were identified and characterized in the sphere of the federal government, especially Ministries, Departments and authorities, namely the Ministry of National Integration, the Sudam, the Sudene, the Sudeco, the Sudesul , the Dnocs and the Codevasf, as well as its predecessors. From the examination of the recurrent creations, extinctions, mergers and spinoffs of institutions, as well as changes in their assignments, internal structure, and the position placed in Public Administration, we ponder the importance of regional planning acquired at each moment of its history in the Brazilian country. In relation to politics, the main political actors who participated in the formulation of regional policies, analyzed in this research process, as well as a brief description of the main current political styles and their different historical contexts, were identified. We seek to problematize the participation of various actors in the formulation of regional policy process, addressing the question of the relative importance between technical decisions and policy, considering the examined policies and plans. With regard to policy, it is presented here succinctly, the main features of regional policies in the earlier and later periods of 1988 Brazilian Constitution, especially the Poles of Development, the National Integration and Development Axes (Enids), Differentiated Meso-regions and the National Policy for Regional Development (PNDR), with an emphasis on the latter. In light of Geography, we added a fourth dimension in the analysis of public policies: the territorial. Based on the examination of the dimensions polity, politics, policy and the territorial dimension of regional planning, we present a comparative analysis between the anterior and posterior periods of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, identifying and characterizing the main guiding paradigms of Brazilian regional planning, especially in recent period, noting how they are absorbed by regional policies and indicating the key territorial repercussions of these policies. Therefore, in the context of the emergence of PNDR, considered as the most important recent milestone of regional policies in the Brazilian country, we conclude that regional planning is through the simultaneous processes of recovery, of reframing and innovation, as it seeks putting on new paradigms, although without completely dismiss the preceding. This ultimately gives you a new set of attributes. Finally, we present a critique of the limits and challenges of the Brazilian regional planning consideration nowadays.

O litoral do Maranhão, entre segredos e descobertas: a fronteira de expansão do turismo litorâneo na periferia do Brasil / The coast of Maranhão, between secrets and discoveries: the expansion frontier of the Coastal tourism in the periphery of Brazil

Costa, Carlos Rerisson Rocha da 28 January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a expansão do turismo no litoral do Maranhão a partir da apropriação dos fundos territoriais induzida pelo Estado por meio de suas políticas de turismo. Nesse processo, estes espaços são tratados como estoques de território para a expansão da acumulação de capital, meio para futuras expansões de usos hegemônicos do território. Discute-se a particularidade do litoral enquanto espaço apropriado para o lazer, destacando a expansão de seu uso turístico e os processos relacionados à inserção do Maranhão em tal dinâmica. As políticas e os planos dedicados ao desenvolvimento do turismo são apresentados como instrumentos de indução do uso turístico do território, evidenciando o papel do Estado na expansão desta atividade em espaços periféricos. Os municípios de Barreirinhas, Guimarães e Carutapera, identificados como representativos do movimento de expansão em curso e caracterizados por configurações distintas nesse processo, dão base às análises realizadas acerca da apropriação dos fundos territoriais para o turismo no litoral do Maranhão. A análise proposta situa a atividade turística no âmbito do desenvolvimento geográfico desigual, na geografia histórica do capitalismo, tendo como realidade concreta a periferia, onde a expansão do turismo tem encontrado espaço para investimentos em infraestruturas, aplicação de capitais na aquisição de terras, ampliação do mercado de redes hoteleiras, companhias aéreas, agências e operadores de turismo, além de uma série de atividades de cunho especulativo. O uso turístico do território do Maranhão é proposto a partir dos anos 2000 circunscrito prioritariamente ao litoral. O processo de expansão do turismo litorâneo analisado direciona-se para além da capital, São Luís, e seu entorno, consolidando a exploração turística dos Lençóis Maranhenses e induzindo-a em ritmos desiguais aos demais municípios litorâneos, sobretudo àqueles com características ambientais amazônicas. Configura-se assim o Maranhão como a fronteira de expansão do turismo no litoral setentrional do Brasil, processo que se dá acompanhado de diversos problemas, conflitos e contradições. / This study examines the expansion of tourism on the coast of Maranhão from the appropriation of territorial stocks induced by the state through its tourism policies. In this process, these spaces are treated as territory stocks to the expansion of capital accumulation, a form of savings for future expansions of hegemonic use of the territory. We discuss the peculiarity of the coast as an appropriate space for leisure, highlighting the expansion of its touristic use and the process related to the insertion of Maranhão in such dynamics. Policies and plans devoted to the development of tourism are presented as instruments of induction for the touristic use of the territory, highlighting the state\'s role in the expansion of this activity in peripheral spaces. The municipalities of Barreirinhas, Guimarães and Carutapera, identified as representative of the ongoing expansion movement and characterized by different configurations in this process support the analysis about the appropriation of territorial stocks for tourism activity on the coast of Maranhão. This analysis places tourism activity in the context of uneven geographical development, in the historical geography of capitalism, which shows as a concrete reality the periphery, where the expansion of tourism has found room for investments in infrastructure, capital investment in land acquisition, the expansion of market chains linked to hotels, airlines, travel agencies and tour operators, as well as a number of speculative activities. The touristic use of Maranhão\'s territory is proposed since the 2000s, primarily restricted to the coast. The process of expansion of coastal tourism analyzed goes beyond the capital, São Luís, and its surroundings, consolidating the tourist exploitation of Lençóis Maranhenses and inducing it in uneven rhythms to other coastal municipalities, especially those with Amazonian environmental characteristics. So is configured Maranhão as the tourism expansion frontier in the northern coast of Brazil, a process that takes place accompanied by various problems, conflicts and contradictions.

Gouverner la frontière. Innovations dans la coopération transfrontalière des territoires alpins : espace Mont-Blanc, Alpi-Marittime-Mercantour. / Governing the border. Innovating in multilevel cross-border cooperation in the Alpine space : espace Mont-Blanc, Alpi-Marittime-Mercantour.

Jacob, Lauranne 14 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose de penser les liens entre gouvernance, innovation sociale et territoire dans des marges transfrontalières des Alpes dans une perspective de dépassement disciplinaire. Inscrite principalement en géographie et secondairement en droit, cette recherche explore des thématiques communes que sont la frontière et le territoire. Elle tente de trouver un terrain d’entente sur la gouvernance avant aborder un sujet relativement neuf celui de l’innovation sociale.La gouvernance des coopérations transfrontalières Alpi Marittime-Mercantour et Espace Mont-Blanc a ainsi été décortiquée et analysée de façon comparative. D’ordinaire peu étudiées par la littérature sur la gouvernance, ces coopérations présentent pourtant un intérêt du fait de leurs thématiques et enjeux spécifiques par rapport aux coopérations urbaines. En effet, le développement durable selon les trois piliers classiques est au coeur de leur projet respectif et doit trouver un équilibre acceptable entre protection et développement économique. La frontière défonctionnalisée sur le même modèle que les autres frontières internes à l’Europe permet une coopération. Cependant le relief fait obstacle au franchissement et affecte les modalités de la coopération. Cet aspect doit être intégré à l’analyse de la gouvernance, qui repose sur trois formes : une gouvernance institutionnelle (formelle et informelle), une gouvernance de projet (plutôt formelle) et une gouvernance de programme transfrontalier relativement complexe. Ce système de gouvernance est bien entendu multi-niveaux avec des relations verticales (bottom-up et top-down) mais aussi horizontales. La thèse fait le point sur la définition de l’innovation et en particulier de l’innovation sociale dans une perspective critique. L’ambition n’est pas de déceler des innovations, mais plutôt d’expliquer comment le système de gouvernance décrit précédemment met en place des politiques publiques ayant entre autres objectifs l’innovation et de montrer les failles avec les « presque innovations » et les « innovations ratées ». Enfin les processus d’institutionnalisation et de territorialisation de la coopération transfrontalière sont décrits en regard l’un de l’autre. Tous deux sont des processus continus inscrits dans le temps long, qui dépendent du ou des projets des acteurs de la coopération, de leurs ambitions, mais aussi des cadres politiques et juridiques nationaux et européen. / This thesis examines the links between governance, social innovation and territories with a disciplinaryoverrun context, in Alpine cross-border margins. Mainly related to geography and secondarily to lawdisciplines, this research explores common thematic such us border and space. It tries to find commonground on the governance before working on relatively new topic: social innovation.The Alpi Marittime-Mercantour and Espace Mont-Blanc cross-border governance has been analyzedwith a comparative approach. These cases are poorly investigated by the literature on governance,although they have interesting special topic and issues like sustainable development. They have to findan acceptable balance between protection measures and socio-economic development. Thefunctionalization of border allows for cross-border cooperation but the topography and the pooraccessibility constraint and affect the agreement the of the governance. The analysis of governance isbased on three different forms: institutional governance (formal and informal), project governance(mainly formal) and Interreg program governance relatively complex. This system is obviously multilevelwith vertical (top-down and bottom-up) and horizontal relations.The thesis reviews the definition of innovation especially social innovation with a critical perspective.The ambition isn’t to say “this is an innovation” but to understand and explain how the system ofgovernance implements public policies and finally produces innovations. The goal is also to show andanalyze “almost innovations” and “failed innovation”.Finally, this research considers institutionalization and territorialization processes next to each other.Both of them are continuous on long term and they are dependent on project’s players, their ambitions,but also on national and European, political and legal framework.

\'Boxe é compromisso\': políticas do corpo, territórios e histórias de vida de boxeadores na cidade de São Paulo / \'Boxing is compromise\': body politics, territories and life stories of boxers in the city of São Paulo

Soares, Michel de Paula 22 November 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação parte de meu engajamento como aprendiz de boxe em três diferentes equipamentos na cidade de São Paulo. Uma etnografia emaranhada em narrativas viscerais sobre uma pratica corporal eficaz, complexa, coletiva e contraditória. Para isso, procurei um olhar de perto e de dentro, convivendo solidariamente com meus colegas, desde a rotina das academias aos torneios e competições. Histórias de vida, corpos em metamorfose, olhares e gestos que representam, como mímica da violência, a postura da agressividade, se entrelaçam no limite entre o fantástico e o cotidiano. Boxe é movimento, compromisso matemática, dor, sacrifício, amor, dança, é sério, é pensar com as pernas, é roubar no olho, é para existir em outro lugar, é ritmo, tempo e barulho. Busquei compreender como se dá a construção de territórios, corpos e relações a partir do comprometimento em calçar as luvas. O mundo do boxe envolve uma emaranhada e complexa trama política-social, justapondo masculinidades conflitantes e contraditórias, utopias e reterritorializações, significados sobre racismo e violência, disciplina e sacrifício, espaços urbanos e fronteiras simbólicas, resultando em dinâmicas históricas singulares e carregadas de significação para as pessoas envolvidas. / The present dissertation starts from my engagement as boxing apprentice in three different equipments in the city of São Paulo. An ethnography entangled in visceral narratives about an effective, complex, collective and contradictory body practice. For this, I sought a look from near and within, living together with my colleagues, from the routine of the academies to the tournaments and competitions. Life stories, bodies in metamorphosis, looks and gestures that represent, as a mimic of violence, the posture of aggression, are intertwined in the limit between the fantastic and the everyday. Boxing is \"movement\", compromise, \"math\", \"pain\", \"sacrifice\", \"love\", \"dance\", \"serious\", is \"think with legs\", is \"steal in the eye\", is to \"exist elsewhere, is \"rhythm, time, and noise. I have tried to indicate how the construction of territories, bodies and relationships is given from the commitment to put on the gloves. The boxing world involves a complicated and complex political-social fabric, juxtaposing conflicting and contradictory masculinities, utopias and reterritorializations, meanings about racism and violence, discipline and sacrifice, urban spaces and symbolic frontiers, resulting in unique historical dynamics and charged with significance for the people involved.

Mosaico de Áreas Protegidas: gestão ambiental e território - o caso do Mosaico Bocaina / Mosaic of Protected Areas: territory and environmental management the Bocaina Mosaic case

Cavalcante, Julia Affonso 27 November 2018 (has links)
exercício de sua soberania, entretanto, a redemocratização e a globalização trouxeram para esse cenário o fortalecimento dos múltiplos atores e a emergência de novas ideias e representações. Dentre as de grande expressão, a agenda ambiental ganhou muita força trazendo consigo a necessidade da construção de caminhos alternativos a partir da proposição de modelos de gestão participativa, equitativa e de desenvolvimento sustentável. Contudo, apesar desses princípios, a principal estratégia para lidar com a degradação ambiental continuou sendo o estabelecimento, pelo Estado, de unidades de conservação que não tem sido capazes de frear a crescente perda de biodiversidade. Nesta nova dinâmica o território torna se elemento estratégico na medida em que se estrutura a partir das relações entre sociedade e meio, e por isso, iniciativas de abordagem territorial que buscam a integração de propósitos ambientais, culturais e socioeconômicos para o desenvolvimento local estão no centro de diversos debates. O Mosaico de Áreas Protegidas se insere por meio do princípio de gestão integrada, como uma dessas possibilidades. É a partir das unidades conceituais acima descritas que essa dissertação pretende iniciar o estreitamento desse arcabouço teórico com a crise do antigo paradigma do modelo de conservação ambiental do Brasil apresentando o mosaico de áreas protegidas como uma alternativa de governança para a transformação do território. / Historically the planning and management of the territory has been given by the State in the exercise of its sovereignty. The redemocratization and globalization have brought to this scenario the strengthening of multiple actors and the emergence of new ideas and representations. Among those of great expression, the environmental agenda gained a lot of strength, bringing with it the need to build alternative paths based on the proposition of participatory, equitable and sustainable development models. However, despite these principles, the main strategy to deal with environmental degradation has remained the establishment by the State of protected areas that have not been able to curb the growing loss of biodiversity. In this new dynamic the territory becomes a strategic element insofar as it is structured based on the relations between society and environment, and therefore, territorial approach initiatives that seek the integration of environmental, cultural and socioeconomic purposes for local development are in the center of various debates. The Mosaic of Protected Areas is inserted through the principle of integrated management, as one of these possibilities. It is from the conceptual units described above that this thesis intends to initiate the narrowing of this theoretical framework with the crisis of the old paradigm of the model of environmental conservation of Brazil presenting the mosaic of protected areas as an alternative of governance for the transformation of the territory.

Socio-economic factors contributing to exclusion of women from maternal health benefit in Abuja, Nigeria

Oyewale, Tajudeen Oyeyemi 18 February 2015 (has links)
The study was conducted to describe how socio-economic characteristics (SEC) of women affect their utilization of maternal healthcare services in Abuja Municipal Areas Council (AMAC) in Abuja Nigeria. A non-experimental, facility-based cross-sectional survey was done. Data was collected using structured interviewer administered questionnaire in 5 district hospitals in AMAC. Sample size of 384 was calculated a priori based on the assumption that 50% of the target population utilized maternal healthcare services during their last pregnancy. Equal allocation of samples per facility was done. The ANC register was used as the sampling frame and proportionate allocation of samples per clinic days was undertaken in each facility. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, cross tabulations and measures of inequality. Logistic regression analysis was used to test the hypothesized relationship between socioeconomic characteristics (predictors) and maternal healthcare service utilization. Other than birth order that showed consistent effect, the results of this study indicated that the predictive effect (predisposing and enabling factors) of the SEC of women included in this study (age, education, birth order, location of residence, income group and coverage by health insurance) on maternal healthcare service utilization were not consistent when considered independently (bivariate analysis) as opposed to when considered together through logistic regression. In addition, the study revealed that there was inequality in the utilization of maternal healthcare services (ante-natal care - ANC, delivery care and post natal care - PNC, and contraceptive services) among women with different SEC, and the payment system for maternal healthcare services was regressive. Addressing these predictors in the natural co-existing state (as indicated by the logistic regression) is essential for equitable access and utilization of healthcare during pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period, and for contraceptive services in AMAC, Abuja Nigeria. Targeted policy measures and programme actions guided by these findings are recommended to optimise returns on investment towards achieving national and global goals on maternal health in Nigeria / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Pouvoirs et territoires. Permanence et éclatement géopolitique du Liban / Non communiqué

El samad, Ali 20 September 2010 (has links)
La problématique de cette thèse porte sur les relations entre pouvoir(s) et territoire(s). Elle s’intéresse à la situation particulière de l’État libanais, que l’on peut considérer comme victime d’un processus de décomposition territoriale et sociétale, avec des effets sur le local influencés par le contexte régional externe. Elle cherche à comprendre pourquoi, sur le territoire libanais, se multiplient, à diverses « échelles » des conflits qu'ils soient libano-libanais, libano-étrangers, et étrangers-étrangers ? Cette thèse tente réfléchir sur les territoires et la territorialisation au Liban. Elle est formulée à partir de plusieurs interrogations : comment ces territoires naissent et s’organisent-ils ? Pour quelles raisons ? Et par quels acteurs ? / This thesis of geopolitics examines the relationship between powers and areas. It shows interest in the situation of the Lebanese state, which can considered as a victim of a process of territorial and societal breakdown, with effects on the local context influenced by the external regional context. It searches for understanding why many conflicts happen endlessly, repeatedly, and multiply on the Lebanese territory. Such conflicts are on various "scales"; Lebanese Vs Lebanese, Lebanese Vs foreign and foreign Vs foreign? This thesis is trying to understand the territories structures and the processes of territorial construction in Lebanon. The problematic is formulated from a number of questions: how are these territories born? What are their logics? By which players?

Frontières et populations : territoires, mobilités, voisinages européens / Borders and populations : territories, mobilities, European neighbourhoods

Ciapin, Etienne 23 August 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne les frontières européennes contemporaines et tente de les penser en échappant à la fragmentation liée aux évènements propre aux standards médiatiques et aux multiples discours politiques polémiques. Il s'agit tout d’abord de contextualiser les tracés actuels et de les resituer au fil de l’histoire. Pour cela, la recherche revient sur la formalisation des États en Europe dans la période moderne, pour comprendre comment sont définies leurs limites territoriales et s’inventent les relations internationales modernes, avant d’étudier les multiples reconfigurations frontalières sur le continent entre le 17ième et le 21ième siècle de façon diachronique. Ainsi, dans une perspective constructiviste, la recherche restitue l’originalité du processus de la construction européenne et aborde l’Union Européenne contemporaine par le prisme de ses frontières et voisinages de façon synchronique. Cette thèse permet de comprendre les enjeux de l’évolution post-westphalienne des relations internationales par le biais de l’intégration européenne et de ses dimensions supranationales. Parallèlement, sont abordées les dynamiques souverainistes et néo-westphaliennes à l’œuvre au moment historique où l’UE est confrontée à une crise de légitimité interne, et doit faire face à de multiples crises géopolitiques dans ses voisinages. Dans un second temps, la thèse propose de revenir sur trois espaces régionaux afin d’interroger, plus particulièrement, les voisinages européens contemporains autant du point de vu des Etats voisins que des populations frontalières qui vivent et agissent dans ces espaces frontaliers. Pour cela, la thèse mobilise des observations et des entretiens compréhensifs issus d’un travail de terrain mené in situ sur chaque espace frontalier à partir des méthodes et outils de la sociologie. Plus précisément, il s’agit du bassin genevois, aux frontières entre la France et la Suisse, de la région du Sud-Est de la péninsule balkanique, où se rencontrent la Bulgarie, la Grèce et la Turquie, et enfin de l’interface entre la Slovaquie, la Hongrie et l’Ukraine en Europe centrale. Ces régions sont successivement remises en contexte puis étudiées à partir de leurs interfaces frontalières. Au-delà des singularités historiques et des diversités empiriques, la thèse souligne l’importance décisive de l’européanisation pour normaliser les relations de voisinages étatiques et intégrer les territoires. Les propriétés frontalières et les « effets-frontières » entre territoires se reconfigurent, les populations frontalières s’adaptent et agissent en mettant en œuvre des stratégies de mobilités différentiées et diversifiées. Cependant, les acteurs frontaliers locaux sont tributaires des États et de l’UE qui gardent la main sur : les propriétés ; les règles et les normes frontalières ; la vie politique et institutionnelle et l’évolution des relations internationales, tous éléments clés qui conditionnent le présent et l’avenir de ces espaces pour leurs habitants. La thèse repose sur une articulation analytique de ces différentes échelles, périodes et acteurs. Elle permet par ces différents axes d’approche de comprendre le fait frontalier de façon historique et relationnelle. Plus généralement, ce travail amène ainsi à comprendre pourquoi le projet européen fait face aujourd’hui à un carrefour politique. / This thesis questions the contemporary European borders and tries to think of them by escaping the fragmentation in events that is specific to media standards and multiple political polemical discourses. First of all, it is a question of contextualizing the current lines and relocating them over the course of history. To that end, the research returns to the formalization of the states in Europe in the modern period, to understand how their territorial limits were defined and modern international relations were invented, before studying diachronically the multiple border reconfigurations on the continent between the 17th and the 21st century. Thus, in a constructivist perspective, this research restores the originality of the process of European construction and approaches synchronically the contemporary European Union through the prism of its borders and neighborhoods. This thesis aims at understanding the challenges of the post-Westphalian evolution of international relations through the European integration and its supranational dimension. At the same time, sovereignist and neo-Westphalian dynamics are approached at the historical moment when the EU is facing a crisis of internal legitimacy, and faces multiple geopolitical crises in its neighborhoods. In a second time, the thesis proposes to dwell on three regional spaces in order to question contemporary European neighborhoods as much from the point of view of neighboring states as from perspective of the border populations living and acting in these border areas. For that purpose, the thesis mobilizes observations and comprehensive interviews from fieldwork conducted in situ on each border area, using the methods and tools of sociology. More precisely, it concerns the Geneva basin, on the border between France and Switzerland, the South-East Balkan Peninsula region, where Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey meet, and finally the interface between Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine in Central Europe. Beyond the historical singularities and the empirical diversities, the thesis underlines the decisive importance of Europeanization to normalize relations of neighborhoods and integrate territories. Border properties and border-effects between territories are reconfigured, border populations adapt and act by implementing differentiated and diversified mobility strategies. However, local border actors are dependent on the states and the EU who keep control of: properties; border rules and standards; the political and institutional life and the evolution of international relations, all of them key elements that are shaping the present and the future of these spaces for their inhabitants. The thesis is based on an analytical articulation of these different scales, periods and actors. These different axes of approach makes it possible to understand the border principle in a historical and relational way. More generally, this work leads us to understand why the European project is at a political crossroads today.

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