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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

<b>Forensic Analysis of Images and Documents</b>

Ruiting Shao (18018187) 23 February 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This thesis involves three topics related to forensic analysis of media data. The first topic is the analysis of images and documents that have been created with a scanner. The goal is to detect and identify scanner model from the scanned images/documents. We propose a deep learning system that can automatically learn the inherent features of the scanned images. This system will produce a scanner model identification and a reliability map for a scanned image. The proposed system has shown promising results in the forensic analysis of scanned images. The second topic is related to forensic integrity of scientific papers. The project is divided into multiple tasks, data collection, image extraction, and manipulation detection. We have constructed a dataset of retracted scientific papers that have been verified to have issues with integrity. We design and maintain a web-based Scientific Integrity System for forensic analysis of the images within scientific publications. The third topic is related to media document analysis. Our goal is to identify the publication style for media document, aiding in the potential document manipulation. We are mainly focusing on image-text consistency check, and synthetic tweets analysis. For image-text inconsistency check, we describe a system that can examine an image in document and the corresponding text caption (or other associated text with the image) to check the image/text consistency. For synthetic tweets analysis, we propose a system to detect and identify the text generation models and paraphrase attack models.</p>

Call Me By My Right Name: The Politics of African American Women and Girls Negotiating Citizenship and Identity

Cherry-McDaniel, Monique Gabrielle 06 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Ways of Being in Trauma-Based Society: Discovering the Politics and Moral Culture of the Trauma Industry Through Hermeneutic Interpretation of Evidence-Supported PTSD Treatment Manuals

Lord, Sarah Peregrine 17 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Symbolizing Institutional Change: Media Representations and Legality in the Payday Loan and Medical Marijuana Industries

Schnackenberg, Andrew K. 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Signaling Normative and Economic Orientations during Earnings Conference Calls: Market Performance Antecedents and Consequences

Jancenelle, Vivien E. 16 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Построение модели машинного обучения для поиска кода товара по текстовому описанию : магистерская диссертация / Building a machine learning model to search for a product code using a text description

Кожемяков, К. В., Kozhemyakov, K. V. January 2023 (has links)
Цель работы – разработка модели машинного обучения для автоматического сопоставления описаний продуктов, представленных в текстовом виде с внутренними кодами компании. Объект исследования – бизнес-процесс сопоставления описаний продуктов с внутренними кодами компании. Методы исследования: предварительная обработка данных, анализ данных, выбор и обучение модели машинного обучения, оценка производительности модели. Результаты работы: разработана и обучена модель машинного обучения на основе алгоритма CatBoost для автоматического сопоставления описаний продуктов с внутренними кодами компании. Модель показала высокую точность и полноту при тестировании. Созданная модель машинного обучения внедрена в продуктивное использование компании АО «Сони Электроникс» и позволяет сокращать ресурсы аналитиков в существенном объеме. Выпускная квалификационная работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word и представлена в электронном и печатном виде. / The goal of the work is to develop a machine learning model for automatically comparing product descriptions presented in text form with the company’s internal codes. The object of study is the business process of comparing product descriptions with internal company codes. Research methods: data preprocessing, data analysis, selection and training of a machine learning model, evaluation of model performance. Results of the work: a machine learning model based on the CatBoost algorithm was developed and trained to automatically compare product descriptions with internal company codes. The model showed high accuracy and completeness during testing. The created machine learning model has been put into productive use by Sony Electronics JSC and makes it possible to reduce analyst resources to a significant extent. The final qualifying work was completed in the text editor Microsoft Word and presented in electronic and printed form.

Machine Learning and Text Mining for Advanced Information Sharing Systems in Blockchain and Cybersecurity Applications

Hajian, Ava 07 1900 (has links)
This research explores the role of blockchain technology in advanced information sharing systems with the applications of energy systems and healthcare. Essay 1 proposes a blockchain application to improve resilience in smart grids by addressing cyber security and peer-to-peer trading potentials. The results show that blockchain-based smart contracts are positively related to smart grid resilience. The findings also show that blockchain-based smart contracts significantly contribute to zero trust cybersecurity, which results in a better capability to mitigate cyber-attacks. Essay 2 proposes a blockchain application to improve electronic health record (EHR) systems by increasing patient's empowerment. Confirmatory factor analysis is used for the validity and reliability tests of the model. The results show that blockchain-based information systems can empower patients by providing the perception of control over their health records. The usage of blockchain technology motivates patients to share information with healthcare provider systems and has the advantage of reducing healthcare costs and improving diagnosis management. Essay 3 contributes to the existing literature by using a multimethod approach to propose three new mediators for blockchain-based healthcare information systems: digital health care, healthcare improvement, and peer-to-peer trade capability. Based on the findings from the text analysis, we propose a research model drawing upon stimulus-organism-response theory. Through three experimental studies, we test the research model to explain the patient's willingness to share their health records with others, including researchers. A post hoc analysis is conducted to segment patients and predict their behavior using four machine learning algorithms. The finding was that merely having peer-to-peer trade capability by ignoring healthcare improvement does not necessarily incentivize patients to share their medical reports.

Das Genfer Modell zur Diskursanalyse - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen seiner Anwendung in der Exegese des Neuen Testaments = The Geneva model of discourse analysis and its application to New Testament exegesis: potential and limitations

Wüsthoff, Cornelia 31 May 2007 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / The Geneva model of discourse analysis is a linguistic tool developed by Eddy Roulet and his team in Geneva. It was first presented in its modular approach in 1999. This dissertation examines whether the Geneva model can be applied to New Testament texts and whether this application yields results for exegesis. I first explain the model with its five basic modules and twelve organization forms, giving examples from German texts as well as simple New Testament examples. Then I apply the model to two New Testament texts (Rom 6:1,11 and John 8:31,42), summarizing the results in relation to exegesis at the end of each analysis. In the final chapter I discuss which parts of the Geneva model should generally be applied to New Testament exegesis, explaining its potential and its limitations and suggesting some areas in which the Geneva model could be complemented by other approaches. / Das Genfer Modell ist ein von Eddy Roulet und seinem Team in Genf entwickelter linguistischer Ansatz zur Diskursanalyse. Er wurde 1999 erstmalig in seiner modularen Auspragung vorgestellt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, ob dieses Modell auf neutestamentliche Texte angewendet werden kann und ob diese Anwendung einen Ertrag fur die Exegese bringt. Ich erlautere dazu das Modell mit seinen funf Grundmodulen und zwolf Modulverbindungen zunachst an deutschen und einfachen neutestamentlichen Beispielen. Sodann wende ich das Modell auf zwei neutestamentliche Texte an (Rom 6:1-11 und Joh 8:31-42). Am Ende jeder Anwendung fasse ich die Ergebnisse fur die Exegese dieser Texte zusammen. Im Schlusskapitel schliesslich erortere ich, welche Teile des Modells in der Exegese mit Gewinn eingesetzt werden konnen, wo Nutzen und Grenzen seiner Anwendung liegen und in welchen Bereichen das Modell durch andere Ansatze sinnvoll erganzt werden kann. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

Vi som undervisar : En normkritisk undersökning av lärarhandledningar i sexualitet och samlevnad, för undervisning i språkintroduktionsklasser

Guy, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
This essay deals with teachers’ guides on teaching about sexuality and personal relationships, in particular guides focusing on introductory programmes in languages in upper secondary school and teaching adult immigrants Swedish. The aim is to investigate how the teachers’ guides function as further training for teachers. In Sweden 2016, the number of pupils enrolled in language introductory programmes was rapidly increasing. The number of participants in Swedish language for immigrants was also growing quickly. Teachers are in need of further training in sex and sexuality education and instruction in general, and particularly in this teaching context. It is hard to find teachers with sufficient competence in the field, due to the current general lack of skilled teachers in Sweden. Research on teachers’ guides in Sweden is underdeveloped and previous research on the topic of this essay is virtually non-existent, which makes this a pilot study of sorts. The study focuses on text-analysis, function and normativity. The results show that teachers’ guides respond to teachers’ needs and demands. These specific teachers’ guides affect each other through intertextuality. The norms imbedded in the language used in the teachers’ guides have an influence on teachers reading them.

Expérimentation de la cartographie conceptuelle comme dispositif de collecte de données en vue de l’évaluation des apprentissages

Morin, Maxim 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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