Spelling suggestions: "subject:"17beta"" "subject:"cubeta""
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Expressão de genes homeobox em células de carcinoma epidermóide de boca estimuladas com EGF e TGF-beta / Expression of homeobox genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines, stimulated with EGF and TGF-betaMarcia Sampaio Campos 21 January 2008 (has links)
Genes homeobox, vitais para muitos aspectos relacionados com crescimento e diferenciação celular, têm sido descritos desregulados em alguns cânceres. Seu papel na carcinogênese, principalmente de carcinomas epidermóides de boca, permanence pouco claro e pobremente caracterizado. Desse modo, esse estudo objetivou avaliar, em cultura de células, o perfil de expressão de seis genes homeobox (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selecionados dentre aqueles previamente identificados no Projeto Genoma Câncer de Cabeça e Pescoço (2001) sob estímulo de EGF e TGF-beta1. Para tal, linhagens celulares de carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço primário (HN6) e metastático (HN31) e uma linhagem não-tumoral (HaCat) foram cultivadas sob condições-padrão. Após a confecção dos cDNAs de cada linhagem, por meio de RT-PCR, os transcritos foram amplificados e quantificados pela técnica de PCR em tempo real. Os dados foram normalizados com o gene HPRT e a quantificação relativa foi realizada seguindo o método do delta Ct. De acordo com os resultados foi possível verificar que o EGF produziu uma modulação variável da expressão dos genes avaliados em todas as linhagens celulares, enquanto que, em geral, o TGF-beta1 foi capaz de aumentar significantemente (ANOVA, p<0,05) a expressão dos transcritos de 5 genes homeobox (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Particularmente transcritos dos genes PITX1 e TGIF foram signicantemente mais expressos nas linhagens tumorais (HN6 e HN31) frente à linhagem não-tumoral quando tratados com TGF-beta1. Desse modo, sugere-se que os genes homeobox estudados desempenhem diferentes funções na carcinoma epidermóide de boca, e que, especialmente PITX1 e TGIF atuem como oncogenes inibindo a resposta anti-proliferativa dependente de TGF-beta e levando a progressão tumoral. / Homeobox genes, vital to many aspects related with cellular growth and differentiation, had been described as deregulated in some cancers. Their role in carcinogenesis, mainly oral squamous cell carcinomas, remains unclear and poorly characterized. Thus, this study had the purpose to evaluate, in cell cultures, the expression profile of six homeobox genes (ASH2L, HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF) selected among genes previously identified in the Head and Neck Cancer Genoma Project (2001), under stimulation with EGF and TGF-beta1. Oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines from primary tumour (HN6) and from methastasis (HN31), and a non-tumoral cell line (HaCat) were cultured under standard procedures. CDNAs were obtained by RT-PCR and the transcripts were amplified and quantified by real-time PCR. Data were normalized by HPRT gene and the relative quantification was made by the delta Ct method. According to the results, it was possible to observe that EGF produced a variable modulation of the analyzed genes, in all cell lines. Generally, TGF-beta1 was able to significantly increase (ANOVA, p<0,05) the expression of the transcripts of 5 homeobox genes (HOXA7, HHEX, PKNOX1, PITX1, TGIF). Transcripts of PITX1 and TGIF genes were particularly more expressed in the tumoral cell lines (HN6 e HN31), when compared to the non-tumoral cell line, when treated with TGF-beta1. It is suggested that the studied homeobox genes play different roles in oral squamous cell carcinoma and that, especially the PITX1 and TGIF act as oncogenes, inhibitting the TGF-dependent anti-proliferative response, leading to tumour progression.
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Anti-TGF-beta-Antikörper und Öffnung der Blut-Hirn-Schranke - Evaluation neuer Optionen zur Behandlung hochmaligner Gliome im Tiermodell / Anti-TGF-beta-antibody and opening of the blood-brain-barrier - Evaluation of new options for the treatment of high malignant gliomas in an animal modelHülper, Petra 27 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchung des TGF-β-induzierten Zelltods in oligodendroglialen Kulturen / Analysis of TGF-beta-induced apoptosis in oligodendroglial culturesSchulz, Ramona 01 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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In vitro Osteokompatibilitätstestung strukturierter „Zirkoniummischoxidschichten“ in der humanen enoralen KnochenzellstrukturButtchereit, Ingo 09 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mit zunehmender Etablierung der Implantattherapie im zahnärztlichen Alltag stellt die Reduzierung der Einheilzeit durch Oberflächenoptimierung eine der Hauptbestrebungen der forschenden Industrie dar. Dazu treten ästhetische Patientenwünsche nach „weißen“ Materialien, die am ehesten durch das jedoch frakturgefährdete Zirkonmischoxid zu realisieren sind. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Osteokompatibilität verschiedener, metallener Probekörper mit „Zirkoniummischoxidbeschichtung“, in der humanen enoralen Knochenzellkultur. Unter Verwendung einer männlichen Knochenzellkultur über 10 Tage wurden die Expressionen der nonkollagenen Knochenmatrixproteine, Osteocalcin, Osteonectin und Bone Sialo Protein sowie des Wachstumsfaktors TGF-β auf 3 Standardoberflächen und 5 experimentell hergestellten Zirkoniummischoxidoberflächen bestimmt. Es galt zu ermitteln, ob die chemische Zusammensetzung und die Mikrostruktur der getesteten Probekörper Einfluss auf die Proteinexpression haben. Die gewonnenen Versuchsergebnisse lassen vermuten, dass vor allem die Oberflächenkonfigurationen der Experimentaloberflächen 3 (ZSG ½), 4 (ZS4-0,5) und 5 (ZS4-2) die Sekretion o.g. Knochenproteine im Vergleich zu den anderen Experimentaloberflächen sowie dem metallenen Positivstandard (PK7) und dem Negativstandard (PK8) begünstigen. Des Weiteren kann für den als keramischen Positivstandard verwendeten CERCON® Probekörper (PK6) auf Grund der Ergebnisse eine gute biologische Eignung in vitro angenommen werden. Von weiteren Versuchen, welche mit mind. 6 Probekörpern pro Standzeit und Marker durchgeführt werden sollten, lässt sich keine der verwendeten Experimentaloberflächen gerechtfertigt ausschließen.
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Avaliação de alterações morfológicas da pele após lesão radioinduzida em ratos Wistar / Evaluation of skin morphological alterations after radio induced injury in Winstars ratsCherley Borba Vieira de Andrade 25 February 2010 (has links)
Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear / A radioterapia é uma das modalidades terapêuticas mais utilizadas no tratamento do câncer, visando à destruição das células neoplásicas, a partir da utilização de radiação ionizante. Um dos fatores limitantes da radioterapia é o dano em tecidos sadios vizinhos ao tumor. A irradiação da pele, acidental ou para fins terapêuticos, pode desencadear uma série de lesões culminando na fibrose, o que implica na alteração funcional deste órgão. A avaliação dos efeitos morfológicos associados à irradiação da pele torna-se fundamental para estabelecer estratégias de irradiação mais eficazes e diminuição da morbidade; e em caso de acidentes, adequado manuseio da vítima. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações dérmicas radioinduzidas, utilizando um modelo em ratos. Ratos Wistar, machos, com três meses de idade, tiveram sua pele irradiada, em um campo de 3cm2, com doses únicas de 10, 40 e 60 Gy de elétrons com energia nominal de 4MeV. Após a irradiação, os animais permaneceram sob avaliação constante, sendo as lesões registradas fotograficamente. Os animais foram divididos em grupos e eutanasiados: no dia da irradiação, 5, 10, 15, 25 e 100 dias após a irradiação. Parte da pele foi fixada em formaldeído, incluída em parafina e submetida à microtomia. Os cortes foram corados com hematoxilina-eosina, picrosirius red e imunomarcados com anticorpo anti-TGF-beta1. Outra parte do tecido foi fixada em glutaraldeido e processada para microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foi observado macroscopicamente o surgimento de lesões cutâneas semelhantes a queimaduras em toda área irradiada. Ao microscópio óptico foi verificado o inicio de desenvolvimento de lesão 5 dias após irradiação. Decorridos 10 dias da irradiação observou-se indícios de cicatrização epidérmica abaixo da crosta formada pela lesão. Aos 15 dias após a irradiação o tecido abaixo da lesão apresentava epiderme reconstruída e características de cicatrização tecidual. Foi visualizado também um infiltrado de polimorfonucleares significativo. Após 25 dias nas doses mais elevadas as lesões persistiam, o que não ocorreu na menor dose, na qual a área irradiada dos animais já se encontrava completamente cicatrizada. Após 100 dias da irradiação na dose de 40 Gy ocorreu a cicatrização da ferida. Na dose de 60 Gy em alguns animais a lesão persistia. Nos animais em que ocorreu a cicatrização houve uma hipertrofia da epiderme (acantose). Foi visualizado um tecido com aspecto morfológico totalmente descaracterizado, e necrosado. Os resultados encontrados na analise através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura corroboram os dados encontrados na microscopia de luz, onde observou-se a descaracterização das fibras de colágeno nas doses mais elevadas. Os resultados indicam que as doses utilizadas induziram um processo inflamatório importante na pele, ativando o sistema imunológico. Este fato promoveu um aumento na expressão do TGFbeta1, um dos responsáveis pelo aumento da produção da matriz extracelular por vários tipos celulares, principalmente por fibroblastos em tecidos lesionados. Alem do aumento de expressão da MEC, o TGFbeta1 também promove a inibição dos processos de degradação da mesma. A intensa expressão desta citocina na pele irradiada pode desencadear o processo de fibrose e, conseqüentemente, afetar a homeostase deste órgão devido ao acúmulo da MEC. / Radiation therapy is one of the most commonly used therapeutic modalities in cancer treatment, aiming the destruction of neoplastic cells using ionizing radiation. A limiting factor is the radiation damage in healthy tissues neighboring the tumor. The irradiation of the skin, accidentally or for therapeutic purposes, can trigger a series of injuries culminating in fibrosis, causing functional alterations in this organ. The morphological evaluation of the effects associated with skin irradiation becomes essential to establish more effective strategies for irradiation and decreased morbidity, and in case of accidents, proper handling of the victim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiation-induced dermal changes, using a rats model. Male Wistar rats, three months old, had their skin irradiated, in a 3cm2 field, with single doses of 10, 40 and 60 Gy of electrons with nominal energy of 4MeV. After irradiation, the animals were kept under constant observation, lesions were recorded photographically. The animals were divided into groups and euthanized: on the day of irradiation, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 100 days after irradiation. Part of the skin was fixed in formaldehyde, embedded in paraffin and subjected to microtomy. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, picrosirius red and immunostained with anti-TGF-beta1. Another part of the tissue was fixed in glutaraldehyde and processed for scanning electron microscopy. It was observed macroscopic skin lesions similar to burns throughout the irradiated area. It was verified, by optical microscopy, the early development of lesions 5 days after irradiation. After 10 days of irradiation there was evidence of epidermal wound healing under the crust formed by the injury. At the day 15 days the tissue below the lesion was reconstructed and had characteristics of healing, displaying a significant polymorphonuclear cells infiltration. After 25 days, at the higher doses, the lesions persisted, which did not occur at the lowest dose, which the irradiated area was already completely healed. After 100 days of irradiation with 40 Gy the wound was healed. With 60 Gy, in some animals, the lesion persisted. In the animals which the healing took place there was a hypertrophy of the epidermis (acanthosis). It was observed a tissue totally morphological mischaracterized, and necrotic. The results obtained by scanning electron microscopy analysis corroborate with the optical microscopy findings, where the higher doses collagen fibers were mischaracterized. The results indicate that the doses used induced a significant inflammation in the skin, activating the immune system. This fact promoted an increased expression of TGFbeta1, which is responsible for an increased production of extracellular matrix (ECM) by various cell types, mainly fibroblasts in injured tissues. Besides the increased expression of ECM, the TGFbeta1 also promotes the inhibition of the degradation processes of the same. The intense expression of this cytokines in irradiated skin can trigger the process of fibrosis and, consequently, affect the homeostasis of the body due to accumulation of ECM.
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Tabhys: um peptídeo com atividade lectínica extraído de Tabernaemontana hystrix / Tabhys: a peptide with lectin activity extracted from Tabernaemontana hystrixGabriela Peron 31 August 2015 (has links)
Lectinas são proteínas que possuem pelo menos um domínio não catalítico que se liga reversível e especificamente a um monossacarídeo ou oligossacarídeo. A capacidade de ligação a diferentes tipos de açúcares torna essas moléculas ferramentas úteis no estudo de diversos processos celulares específicos. Embora as lectinas de plantas sejam amplamente estudadas, aquelas referentes à família Apocynaceae ainda são pouco exploradas. Resultados prévios obtidos pelo nosso grupo de pesquisa mostraram que extratos brutos de súber do caule da apocinácea Tabernaemontana hystrix Steud apresenta atividade hemaglutinante. Além de aglutinar eritrócitos do sistema ABO, a putativa aglutinina foi capaz de estimular a síntese de RNAm de IL-6 e TGF- beta em células esplênicas de camundongos. À vista disso, no presente projeto tivemos como objetivo identificar, caracterizar bioquimicamente e avaliar o possível potencial imunoestimulador da aglutinina de T. hystrix. Os extratos de T. hystrix obtidos por meio da farinha de raspas do súber apresentaram atividade hemaglutinante, o que não foi observado no extrato do caule destituído de súber e no extraído das folhas. Para comprovar que se tratava da atividade observada anteriormente, obtivemos a inibição da hemaglutinação com a glicoproteína fetuína, mas não houve inibição por monossacarídeos. Foi determinado um protocolo de isolamento da hemaglutinina com precipitação do extrato do súber com sulfato de amônio, cuja atividade foi recuperada no material precipitado na faixa de 30 a 60% de saturação, seguido de cromatografias sequenciais por (1) interação hidrofóbica (HiTrap Octyl), (2) troca catiônica (HiTrap SP), (3) fase reversa (EC Nucleosil C18) e (4) afinidade (Blue Sepharose). Nessas colunas a atividade foi recuperada do (1) material não retido e dos eluatos (2 e 4) com 1M e 0,5M de NaCl, respectivamente, e (3) 83% de acetonitrila. Esse protocolo produziu uma preparação homogênea contendo um peptídeo cuja análise eletrofóretica revelou massa molecular (MM) aproximada de 3kDa e concentração hemaglutinante mínima de 50g/mL. A fim de determinar se esse peptídeo formava estrutura quaternária (dímeros, tetrâmetros, etc.), característica da maioria das lectinas de plantas, submeteu-se a preparação a uma eletroforese em gel nativo (PAGE), não sendo observadas mudanças na MM do peptídeo e nem a presença de outras moléculas com MM maiores que pudessem estar associadas a ele, o que sugere que a aglutinina de T. hystrix (denominado aqui de Tabhys) é um peptídeo de MM aproximada de 3kDa. O fato da heveína, um dos peptídeos lectínicos com atividade antifúngica mais estudado, ter especificidade por quitina nos motivou a tentar o isolamento do peptídeo em coluna desse polissacarídeo. Observou-se atividade hemaglutinante e presença de peptídeo com MM de 3kDa no material eluído com Ácido acético a 0,1M da coluna de quitina. Curiosamente, nenhuma de nossas preparações foram capazes de inibir o crescimento do fungo Trichophyton rubrum. O peptídeo purificado foi testado quanto a sua capacidade em induzir a proliferação celular e a produção de citocinas em células esplênicas murinas. Os resultados dos ensaios de RT-PCR em tempo real e citometria de fluxo demonstraram que o a aglutinina de T. hystrix não foi capaz de estimular a proliferação de linfócitos, entretanto, induziu o aumento de mensagem para a citocina TGF-beta, cujo pico de produção ocorreu em célula estimuladas com 37ng/mL. Neste estudo, relatamos a presença de um peptídeo no extrato de T. hystrix com atividade hemaglutinante, o que é relativamente raro e novo. Devido a isso, este estudo pode proporcionar novas perspectivas e paradigmas nos estudos das lectinas a nível molecular e estrutural. / Lectins are proteins that have at least one non-catalytic domain that binds specifically and reversibly to a monosaccharide or oligosaccharide. This ability to bind to different types of sugars makes these molecules useful tools in the study of various specific cellular processes. Although the plant lectins are widely studied, those belong to Apocynaceae family are still little explored. Previous results obtained by our research group showed that bark crude extracts from Tabernaemontana hystrix Steud (Apocynaceae) had hemagglutination activity. Besides to agglutinate erythrocytes from ABO blood group system, the putative agglutinin induced the synthesis of IL-6 and TGF-beta mRNA in mouse spleen cells. Here we aim to identify, characterize biochemically and evaluate the possible immunostimulatory potential of T. hystrix agglutinin. The haemagglutination activity was obtained from crude extracts of bark flour, but not of flours of stems without bark and leaves. The activity of the bark extract was similar to that from the previous study, since the haemagglutination was inhibited by the glycoprotein fetuin, but not by monosaccharides. An isolation protocol was determined by using ammonium sulfate precipitation, with haemagglutination activity recovered in the range of 30-60% of saturation, and sequential chromatography procedures: (1) hydrophobic interaction (HiTrap Octyl), (2) cation-exchange (HiTrap SP), (3) reverse phase (EC Nucleosil) and (4) affinity (BlueSepharose) chromatography. From these columns the activity was recovered in the (1) unbound material, and eluates (2 and 4) with 1M and 0,5M of NaCl, respectively, and (3) 83% acetonitrile. On the basis of electrophoresis analysis, the protocol produced a preparation comprised of only band corresponding a peptide with molecular weight (MW) of about 3-kDa, with minimum haemagglutination concentration of 50g/ml. To determine if this molecule arrangement had a quaternary structure arrangement, a feature of most known lectins, we submitted the preparation to a native electrophoresis. Because there was neither change in migration pattern nor presence of molecules of higher molecular mass, we suggested that T. hystrix peptide (Tabhys) is a peptide with MW of about 3-kDa. Since hevein, which is a most studied lectin-like peptide with antifungal activity, binds specifically to chitin, we performed an affinity chromatography in the chitin column with bark extract. We observed haemagglutination activity and the presence of peptide with MW of 3-kDa in the material bound to column and eluted with 0,1M acetic acid. Curiously, this peptide was not able to inhibit the growth of the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. Thereafter, when the purified peptide was used to stimulate murine spleen cells, we detected the expression of TGF-beta message, with a peak production obtained in cell stimulated with 37 ng/mL of Tabhys. In the current study, we isolated a peptide from crude extract of T. hystrix bark with haemagglutination activity, providing new perspectives in molecular and structural researches of peptide lectins.
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Cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes et immunosurveillance ou échappement immunitaire dans le cancer du sein : impact des signaux activateurs versus inhibiteurs du microenvironnement tumoral / Plasmacytoid dendritic cells and immunosurveillance or immune escape in breast cancer : impact of activators versus inhibitors signals in tumoral microenvironmentVey, Nelly 20 November 2014 (has links)
Le cancer du sein est une maladie impactant le système immunitaire dont le rôle évolue au cours de la tumorigénèse, allant de la détection et l'élimination des cellules transformées (immunosurveillance) à la promotion du développement tumoral (immunosubversion). Les efforts déployés pour définir de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques ont révélé que rétablir l'immunité anti-tumorale chez les patientes permettrait d'améliorer leur pronostic. Durant ma thèse, nous avons mis en évidence l'existence de signaux activateurs et inhibateurs des pDC dans les cancers du sein, qui confèrent aux pDC un rôle dans l'immunosurveillance et dans l'échappement immunitaire du cancer du sein respectivement. Nous avons ainsi montré que le TGF-beta et le TNF-alpha sont impliqués dans l'inhibition fonctionnelle des TApDC en réprimant l'expression et l'activation d'IRF-7. Dans un second temps, nous avons montré i) la présence de complexes [ADN-LL37] produits par les neutrophiles dans les tumeurs et capables d'induire la production d'IFN-alpha par les pDC, ii) l'expression des gènes associés aux IFN-I dans les tumeurs de sein et iii) un rôle majeur de la voie des IFN-I dans l'immunosurveillance des tumeurs mammaires chez la souris. De plus, des données préliminaires chez la souris suggèrent que les pDC participent à l'immunosurveillance anti-tumorale in vivo. Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit apportent de nouvelles données sur le rôle des pDC dans l'immunosurveillance des cancers du sein et ouvrent sur de nouvelles stratégies d'immunothérapie anti-tumorale ciblant les pDC / Breast cancer are disease impacting immune system whose play role during tumorigenesis, to detect and eliminate malign cells (immunosurveillance) or promote tumoral development (immunosubversion). Efforts to define new therapeutic strategies revealed that restoring anti-tumor immunity in patients would improve their prognosis. During my thesis, first, we demonstrated the existence of stimulatory and inhibitory signals of pDCs in the breast, which give the pDCs a role in immunosurveillance and immune escape of breast cancer, respectively. We showed that TGF-beta and TNF-alpha are involved in the functional inhibition of TApDC repressing IRF-7 expression and activation. Secondly, we showed i) the presence of [DNA LL37] complex produced by neutrophils in tumors that can induce the production of IFN-alpha by pDCs, ii) the expression of type I IFN associated genes in breast tumors and iii) a major role of IFN-I pathway in immunosurveillance of mammary tumors in mice. In addition, in mice, preliminary data suggest that pDC could play a role in anti-tumor immunosurveillance in vivo. The work presented in this thesis provide new data on the role of pDCs in immunosurveillance of breast cancers, and open new anti-tumor immunotherapy strategies targeting pDCs
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Estudo da expressão de Arkadia, proteína E3 de ubiquitinação, em tumores de tiróide e sua relação com a via de sinalização de TGF-Beta. / Study of Arkadia expression, ubiquitination E-3 protein, in thyroid tumors and its relation to the TGF-beta signaling pathway.Eloiza de Rezende 12 May 2009 (has links)
Arkadia participa do processo de amplificação da sinalização de TGF-b mediada por Smads, via degradação do I-Smad. O objetivo desse estudo foi caracterizar e investigar a influência de Arkadia em linhagens celulares de cânceres de tiróide. A expressão gênica de Arkadia em linhagens celulares de carcinomas papílifero (NPA), folicular (WRO) e anaplásico (ARO), foi avaliada por PCR quantitativo. Em ARO, que apresenta a maior expressão de Arkadia, foram identificados subclones (ARO_1 e ARO_2) com expressão diferencial de Arkadia, ARO_2>ARO_1. A expressão gênica de SMAD2, 3, 4, 7 e de genes do ciclo celular modulados por TGF-b, foi maior em ARO_2. Os subclones respondem ao tratamento com peptídeo de TGF-b1 e activina A. O crescimento in vivo (xenotransplante) mostra que ARO_2 desenvolve um tumor de menor volume. Recentemente a origem de ARO foi questionada e comprovamos sua origem por análises de expressão gênica e morfologias. Desta maneira, observamos que a expressão diferencial de Arkadia indica que ela está envolvida na modulação inibitória da via de TGF-b. / Arkadia is involved in the process of amplification of the TGF-b signaling mediated by Smads, by degradation of I-Smad. The aim of this study was to characterize and investigate the influence of Arkadia in thyroid cancers cell lines. Arkadia gene expression in the papillary (NPA), follicular (WRO) and anaplastic carcinoma cell lines (ARO) was evaluated by quantitative PCR. In ARO, which presents the highest Arkadia expression, we identified subclones (ARO_1 and ARO_2) with differential Arkadia expression ARO_2> ARO_1. The expression of SMAD2, 3, 4, 7 and the cell cycle genes modulated by TGF-b, was also higher in ARO_2. However both the subclones responded to treatment with peptide of TGF-b1 and activin A. The in vivo growth (evaluated by xenotransplant), showed that ARO_2 developed tumors of lower volume. Recently the ARO origin was questioned and we proved its origin by gene expression and morphological analysis. This way, the differential Arkadia expression indicates that it is involved in modulation of the inhibitory TGF-b pathway.
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Morphologische, immunphänotypische und elektrophysiologische Eigenschaften deaktivierter muriner Mikroglia in vitroSchilling, Tom 16 July 2001 (has links)
Murine Mikrogliakulturen wurden mit Astrozyten-konditioniertem Medium (ACM) in einen deaktivierten Zustand überführt. Dies wurde anhand morphologischer (Grad der Ramifizierung) und immunologischer (Expression von Adhäsionsmolekülen) Parameter verifiziert. Durch den Einsatz von Makrophagen-koloniestimulierenden Faktor (M-CSF), Granulozyten/Makrophagen-koloniestimulierenden Faktor (GM-CSF), transformierenden Wachstumsfaktor beta (TGF-beta) und den gegen sie gerichteten Antikörpern wurde gezeigt, daß alle untersuchten Zytokine in unterschiedlichem Maße an der Deaktivierung der Mikrogliazellen durch ACM beteiligt sind. Außerdem wurde nach Stimulation mit ACM an murinen Mikrogliazellen eine transiente Hochregulation eines Kaliumauswärtsstromes beobachtet Das Auftreten dieses Kalium-stromes nach Inkubation der Mikrogliazellen mit ACM konnte auf die Wirkung von TGF-beta, welches im ACM enthalten ist, zurückgeführt werden. Der durch ACM in deaktivierter Mikroglia induzierte Kaliumkanal entsprach in seinen kinetischen und pharma-kologischen Eigenschaften am ehesten dem klonierten Kanal Kv1.3. Die Kv1.3 Expression durch TGF-beta oder ACM war durch den unspezifischen Proteinkinaseinhibitor H7 unterdrückbar. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Expression des Kv1.3 Kanals nicht, wie bisher angenommen, ein Indikator für aktivierte Mikroglia ist. / Murine microglial cultures were deactivated with astrocyte-conditioned medium (ACM). The deactivation process was verified measuring morphological (ramification index) and immunological (expression level of adhesion molecules) parameters. By using macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF), granulocyte/macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and their corresponding antibodies it was shown, that to a different extent all of these cytokines influence the deactivation process of microglial cells by ACM. ACM treatment of microglial cultures also lead to a transient upregulation of a delayed potassium outward current. This upregulation was due to the impact of TGF-beta contained in ACM. The ACM induced potassium channel resembled in its kinetic and pharmacological properties the cloned Kv1.3 channel. Expression of Kv1.3 in microglial cells by TGF-beta or ACM was inhibited by the unspecific protein kinase inhibitor H7. These results show, that expression of Kv1.3 channels is not a special feature of activated microglia, which has been proposed in recent publications.
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Mathematical modeling and kinetic analysis of cellular signaling pathwaysZi, Zhike 28 November 2008 (has links)
Aufgrund des wachsenden Interesses an der Systembiologie werden zunehmend mathematische Modelle in Kombination mit Experimenten für die Analyse von Stoffwechselnetzwerken, Genregulationsnetzwerken und zellulären Signalweiterleitungswegen verwendet. Diese Dissertationsschrift benutzt die mathematische Modellierung und kinetische Untersuchungsmethoden zum Studium von zelluären Signalwegen, insbesondere des Netzwerkes zur Festlegung der Rezeptorlokalisation und des Tumorwachstumsfaktor-beta-Signalweges. Ergänzend wurde ein Computerwerkzeug (SBML-PET) entwickelt, das die Modellentwicklung unterstützt und der Parameterschätzung dient. Mit diesem Werkzeug kann man Modelle bearbeiten, die in der Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) formuliert sind. In dieser Arbeit wird ein quantitatives mathematisches Modell benutzt, um die Signalantwort in unterschiedlichen Rezeptorlokalisationsnetzwerken in Abhängigkeit von der Ligandenanzahl und der Zelldichte zu untersuchen. Die rechnergestützte Analyse des Modells hat ergeben, dass der Zustand eines Rezeptorlokalisationsnetzwerkes potenziell eine sigmoide Abhängigkeit von dem Verhältnis zwischen Ligandenanzahl und Oberflächenrezeptoranzahl pro Zelle zeigen. Dieses Verhältnis ist die entscheidende Kontrollgröße der Signalantwort in Rezeptorlokalisationsnetzwerken. Mit Hilfe des SBML-PET Software-Paketes haben wir eine Modellierungsmethode mit Randbedingungen vorgeschlagen, um ein umfangreiches mathematisches Modell für den Smad-abh?ngigen TGF-beta Signalweg zu erstellen und dessen Parameter aus experimentellen Daten unter Berücksichtigung qualitativer Nebenbedingungen zu fitten. Die Ergebnisse der kinetischen Untersuchung dieses Modells legen nahe, dass die Signalantwort auf einen TGF-beta-Reiz durch die Balance zwischen clathrin-abhängier Endozytose und clathrin-unabhängiger Endozytose reguliert wird. / With growing interests in systems biology, mathematical models, paired with experiments, have been widely used for the studies on metabolic networks, gene regulatory networks and cellular signaling pathways. This dissertation employs the mathematical modeling and kinetic analysis method to study cellular signaling pathways, in particular, the receptor trafficking network and TGF-beta signaling pathway. On the other hand, a systems biology markup language (SBML) based parameter estimation tool (SBML-PET), was developed for facilitating the modeling process. A quantitative mathematical model is employed to investigate signal responses in different receptor trafficking networks by simultaneous perturbations of the ligand concentration and cell density. The computational analysis of the model revealed that receptor trafficking networks have potentially sigmoid responses to the ratio between ligand number and surface receptor number per cell, which is a key factor to control the signaling responses in receptor trafficking networks. Using the SBML-PET software package, we proposed a constraint-based modeling method to build a comprehensive mathematical model for the Smad dependent TGF-beta signaling pathway by fitting the experimental data and incorporating the qualitative constraints from the experimental analysis. Kinetic analysis results indicate that the signal response to TGF-beta is regulated by the balance between clathrin dependent endocytosis and non-clathrin mediated endocytosis.
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