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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changements des politiques d’immigration et d’asile après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 : rupture ou continuité ?

Ali, Karine 07 1900 (has links)
La visée de ce mémoire est d’expliquer les récents changements des lois sur l’immigration et l’asile. À prime abord, le moment de ces changements suggère une influence des attentats du 11 septembre 2001. La littérature avance toutefois que ces changements dateraient plutôt de la fin de la Guerre froide. Nous avons donc vérifié deux hypothèses, la première étant que les changements législatifs découlent de l’évolution des flux migratoires, et la seconde voulant qu’ils résultent d’une « connexion sécurité‐migration ». Nous avons d’abord eu recours aux écrits sur les changements institutionnels et les politiques d’immigration et d’asile et sur la constitution des migrations comme enjeu sécuritaire. Ensuite, nous avons étudié le contenu des lois sur l’immigration et l’asile de pays membres de l’OCDE de 1989 à 2008. Deux typologies ont été construites pour évaluer l’effet des flux migratoires sur lesdits changements législatifs. Enfin, une analyse lexicométrique nous a permis d’évaluer le poids des enjeux sécuritaires dans les lois sur l’immigration et l’asile depuis 1989. Nous avons noté l’absence de corrélation entre changements législatifs et flux migratoires mais la présence d’un lien entre ces changements et la « connexion sécurité‐migration ». Le rôle joué par le 11 septembre et d’autres attaques terroristes a été vérifié pour les États‐Unis, le Royaume‐Uni et l’Union européenne. Ce mémoire démontre ainsi la mutation des lois sur l’immigration et l’asile qui sont passées du statut de « régulateur des migrations internationales » à celui de « garant de la sécurité nationale ». / The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to explain the recent changes in immigration and asylum legislations. On one hand, the timing of the changes suggests a connection with the September 11, 2001 attacks. On the other hand, the literature tends to show that the said changes date back to the Cold War. We therefore tested two hypotheses, the first one being that legislative changes are the result of changes in migratory flows and the second one being that they derive from a ʺsecurity‐migration nexusʺ. First, we studied the literature on institutional change and immigration and asylum policies and on the migratory processes as a security issue. Then, we studied the content of immigration and asylum legislations in OECD member states. Two typologies were constructed in order to assess the impact of migratory flows on legislative changes. Lastly, a lexicometric analysis was undertaken in order to assess the weight of security issues in immigration and asylum legislations since 1989. We found that there is no correlation between legislative changes and migratory flows, but there is a link between those changes and the ʺsecuritymigration nexusʺ. The role played by the September 11 and other terrorist attacks was ascertained for the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union. This thesis thus shows the change of purpose of immigration and asylum legislations; their purpose has shifted from ʺregulating international migrationsʺ to ʺensuring national securityʺ.

Citoyenneté, mondialisation et migration internationale : les réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile mexicains à Montréal

Lapalme, Annie 04 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à la migration des Mexicains au Canada sous la forme de l’asile, flux migratoire que le Canada a tenté de contrer en resserrant ses frontières. Cette exclusion s’est produite simultanément à celle vécue par les Mexicains vivant ou désirant se rendre aux États-Unis. Ainsi, en Amérique du Nord, dans un contexte de profonde intégration économique, la majorité des Mexicains sont privés d’accès à la mobilité et par conséquent de la possibilité de jouir de droits à travers les frontières. Ce phénomène engendre un régime hiérarchisé de citoyenneté au sein de cet espace. Intimement reliée aux thèmes de l’inclusion / exclusion, la citoyenneté est surtout conceptualisée comme un statut rattaché à l’État ou comme un ensemble de droits dérivant de ce statut. Cette recherche met l’emphase sur de nouvelles manières d’appréhender ce concept, telles la citoyenneté comme un processus hégémonique ou comme une pratique. Ainsi, nous tentons de connaître les raisons pour lesquelles les Mexicains ont demandé l’asile à Montréal (Canada) et de quelles façons ces motifs peuvent être reliés à la citoyenneté. Nous cherchons à vérifier si l’exclusion des Mexicains aux États-Unis a un rôle à jouer dans cette migration. Nous explorons aussi la correspondance entre ce flux migratoire et le concept d’acte de citoyenneté, théorisé par Isin (2008), qui fait référence à une pratique où les individus revendiquent des droits, même s’ils ne possèdent pas le statut de citoyen. Les conclusions de cette recherche nous apprennent que les Mexicains ont demandé l’asile en raison d’une privation de citoyenneté substantielle au Mexique, fortement reliée à la formation de l’espace nord-américain. Par ailleurs, les demandes d’asile sont des conséquences directes de l’exclusion des Mexicains de cet espace. Qui plus est, elles coïncident avec la notion d’« acte de citoyenneté ». Finalement, le résultat de cet acte, qui cherchait l’inclusion et l’acquisition de droits, s’avère mitigé et inégal. / This research focuses on the migration of Mexicans to Canada in the form of asylum, a migration flow that Canada tried to counter by tightening its borders. This exclusion occurred simultaneously with that experienced by Mexicans living in or wishing to travel to the United States. Thus, in North America, in a context of deep economic integration, the majority of Mexicans are deprived of access to mobility and hence the ability to enjoy rights across borders. This phenomenon creates a hierarchical regime of citizenship in this space. Intimately related to the themes of inclusion / exclusion, citizenship is generally conceptualized as a status attached to the state or as a set of rights deriving from this status. This research focuses on ways of understanding the concept of citizenship including as a practice or as a hegemonic process. Thus, we attempt to understand why Mexicans have sought asylum in Montreal (Canada) and the ways in which their actions can be linked to citizenship. We seek to verify whether the exclusion of Mexicans in the United States has a role to play in this migration. We also explore the correlation between this migration flow and the concept of an act of citizenship, theorized by Isin (2008), which refers to a practice where individuals claim rights, regardless of whether they possess or not the status associated to citizenship. The findings of this research indicate that Mexicans sought asylum due to deprivation of substantial citizenship in Mexico, strongly related to the formation of the North American space. Moreover, asylum applications are direct consequences of the exclusion of Mexicans from the same transnational space. Moreover, they coincide with the notion of "act of citizenship." Finally, the result of this act, which sought inclusion and rights acquisition, proves to be mixed and uneven. / La presente investigación se centra en el fenómeno de la migración de Mexicanos en busca de asilo en Canadá, flujo migratorio al que Canadá ha intentado oponerse cerrando sus fronteras. Esta exclusión se ha producido simultáneamente a la que viven los mexicanos que desean migrar a los Estados Unidos o que ya habitan allí. De esta manera, en América del Norte, en un contexto de franca integración económica, los mexicanos son privados del acceso a la movilidad y por consiguiente, de la posibilidad de gozar de derechos a través de las fronteras. Este fenómeno genera un régimen jerarquizado de ciudadanía al interior de la región norteamericana. Íntimamente ligado a los temas de la inclusión/exclusión, la ciudadanía es conceptualizada principalmente como un estatus ligado al Estado o como un conjunto de derechos que derivan de dicho estatus. La presente investigación pone el énfasis en nuevas maneras de concebir el concepto de ciudadanía, como un proceso hegemónico o como una práctica. De esta manera, tratamos de conocer las razones por las que los mexicanos han solicitado el asilo en Montreal, Canadá y de qué manera estos motivos pueden relacionarse con la ciudadanía. Buscamos verificar si la exclusión de los mexicanos en los Estados Unidos juega un rol en esta migración. También exploramos la correspondencia entre dicho flujo migratorio y el concepto de acto de ciudadanía teorizado por Isin (2008), que se refiere a una práctica en la que los individuos reivindican derechos, incluso si no poseen el estatus de ciudadano. Las conclusiones de esta investigación demuestran que los mexicanos han solicitado el asilo debido a una privación de ciudadanía sustancial en México, fuertemente ligada a la formación del espacio norte americano. Por otra parte, las solicitudes de asilo son una consecuencia directa de la exclusión que sufren los mexicanos en este espacio. Además, estas solicitudes coinciden con la noción de “acto de ciudadanía”. Finalmente, el resultado de este acto, que busca la inclusión y la adquisición de derechos, se revela mitigada y desigual.

Azyl a uprchlictví ve světle judikatury Evropského soudu pro lidská práva / Asylum and refugees in light of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

Kubátová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
- Asylum and refugees in the light of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights The thesis deals with issues of asylum and refugees in the context of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. The purpose of the thesis is to show a tight relationship between refugee law and protection of human rights. The text is divided into seven chapters. In the introduction, the terms asylum and refugees are distinguished and a refugee is defined according to the crucial document of international refugee law, the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. The definition of a refugee is outlined using inclusion, cessation and exclusion clauses. The next chapter is dedicated to the rule of non-refoulement stated in the Article 33 of the Refugee Convention, which prohibits states from expelling and deporting a refugee back to a country, where his life or freedom is threatened. The following part focuses on the European Convention on Human Rights and its surveillance done by the European Court of Human Rights. This part also examines the procedural issues of dealing with complaints on breach of the European Convention on Human Rights. Key chapter six is split into subchapters according to relevant provisions of the...

Erfarenhter och uppfattningar kring arbete med hälsofrämjande kulturinsatser för asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar : En intervjustudie / Experiences and perceptions about work with health-promoting cultural inserts for asylum seekers and newly arrived children and adolescents

Aziz, Bahoz January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe experiences and perceptions of ongoing work with health promotion cultural inserts in four different associations in Gavle municipallity for asylum seekers and newly arrived children and adolescents. The method used was a descriptive empirical qualitative interview with a phenomenological research effort. Five interviews were conducted with four women and one man, from four associations in Gavle municipality. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed with a thematic analysis. The result showed that the staff's perceptions about their work were that the work being conducted was a good method of promoting well-being and contributing to a sense of context for remedying mental ill health. Cooperation with community actors was also a key in their work and made it possible to reach the children and adolescents who were the target group for health-promoting cultural activities. The difficulties perceived were lack of economics, information and structural changes, which made it difficult to implement, follow up and continue their work. The conclusion was that the work with health promoting activities was perceived as a method of integration as well as promoting health. There was also a consensus that the work performed had a good effect in bringing children and young people's families closer to the Swedish society. The obstacles discovered were structural changes, lack of information and too little of economy. One key to success was the cooperation in the local community which made it possible to reach the group. / Studiens syfte var att beskriva erfarenheter och uppfattningar av pågående arbete med hälsofrämjande kulturinsatser i fyra olika föreningar i Gävle kommun för målgruppen asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar. Metoden i denna studie var en beskrivande empirisk kvalitativ intervjustudie med en fenomenografisk forskningsansats. Fem intervjuer genomfördes med fyra kvinnor och en man, från fyra föreningar i Gävle kommun. Intervjuerna transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades med en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att personalens uppfattningar kring arbetet med kulturinsatser för asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar var att arbetet som bedrivs var en bra metod för att främja välbefinnande och även bidra till en känsla av sammanhang för att motverka psykisk ohälsa. Samarbete med aktörer i lokalsamhället var dessutom en nyckel i deras arbeten och möjliggjorde att nå ut till de barn och ungdomar som var målgruppen för de hälsofrämjande kulturaktiviteterna. De svårigheter som uppfattades i arbetet var brist på ekonomi, information och strukturella förändringar vilket försvårade att genomföra, följa upp och fortsätta med arbetet. Slutsatsen av denna studie var att arbetet som bedrivs kring hälsofrämjande kulturinsatser uppfattas vara både en metod för integration och för att främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa för målgruppen asylsökande och nyanlända barn och ungdomar. Arbetet uppfattades även ha en god effekt på barnens och ungdomarnas familjer för att komma närmare det svenska samhället. De hinder som upptäcktes var strukturella förändringar, brist på information och för lite ekonomiska medel. Avslutningsvis var samverkan i lokalsamhället en nyckel för framgång som möjliggjorde att nå ut till målgruppen.

Drawing the limits : Unaccompanied minors in Swedish asylum policy and procedure

Hedlund, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of the thesis is to explore legislators’ perceptions of unaccompanied children in the development of migration law, and how case-officers transform the policy in arguments for and against residency in asylum-cases. More specifically, this thesis explores how Swedish legislators experienced parliamentary work when putting in place the 2005 Aliens Act and the new system for appeals and procedures. In addition, it explores legislators understanding of the concept of unaccompanied minors, and how the Swedish Migration Agency (SMA) case-officers understand unaccompanied minors’ credibility. It draws on interview data with 15 legislators of the Swedish parliament and an analysis of 916 decisions in asylum cases concerning unaccompanied minors. The thesis is theoretically informed by interpretative phenomenology and social constructionism. The method used builds on detailed coding procedures in qualitative social research as they are applied in interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), thematic analysis and text analysis. Study 1 examines the experiences of 15 legislators when negotiating migration reform in parliament. The findings indicate that the preceding political negotiations can be one of the reasons for unclear aims when politicians’ propose new legislation. In addition, it seems that other policy areas, such as fiscal considerations and state-municipality relations, took precedence in the negotiations when the legislators were attempting to make sense of their experiences in discussing asylum policy. Study 2 explores legislators’ perceptions of unaccompanied minors arriving in Sweden. The findings show that chronological age is a key reference point concerning how legislators understand unaccompanied minors’ claims for asylum and other needs. In addition, the findings suggest that legislators perceive unaccompanied minors as an ambivalent category and that this understanding is influenced by deep-rooted welfare ideology. Furthermore, the findings indicate that legislators develop policy concerning unaccompanied children without considering that they need to be recognised as individuals with different backgrounds, agendas and needs. Study 3 scrutinises how SMA case-officers construct unaccompanied minors credibility in asylum decisions. It shows that case-officers use similar techniques both when approving and rejecting decisions. These techniques consistently question the competence and political agency of the chid in such a way that the element of individual assessment in asylum procedure can become severely restricted. In brief, this thesis identifies that the connection between migration and child policy is complex as legislators appear to struggle with “drawing the limits” of who to include or exclude in policy aims. Hence, the juridical field was seen as the answer to improve legitimation. This also means that the concept of asylum has become de-politicised. In addition, case-officers also seem to use a limited repertoire of arguments when drawing the limits for unaccompanied minors’ credibility in asylum decisions. This thesis points to possible dilemmas in asylum policy and procedure concerning unaccompanied minors. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Accepted. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>

Dimension externe de l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice et action extérieure de l’Union européenne / External dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice and external action of the European Union

Billet, Carole 15 March 2014 (has links)
Domaine d’action récent, la dimension externe de l’ELSJ a connu un développement fulgurant et apparaît aujourd’hui comme une composante essentielle de l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne. Il s’agit toutefois d’une composante particulière en raison de la sensibilité des domaines en cause, qui entraîne d’importantes réticences de la part des Etats membres. L’objet de cette recherche consiste à analyser la question de la façon dont la dimension externe de l’ELSJ s’intègre au cadre juridique de l’action extérieure de l’Union, lequel a été largement rénové par le traité de Lisbonne, et ce, sous deux angles : institutionnel et matériel. Sous l’angle institutionnel, la dimension externe de l’ELSJ s’inscrit pleinement dans la systémique des compétences de l’Union. En raison des lacunes des traités concernant cette dimension externe, une dynamique de compensation des fondements juridiques apparaît en effet nécessaire et les institutions font donc appel aux diverses solutions découlant du système des compétences de l’action extérieure pour adopter les instruments souhaités. Confronté aux caractéristiques de l’ELSJ, ce recours au système des compétences de l’action extérieure engendre toutefois une accumulation de contraintes auxquelles les institutions doivent faire face. Certaines de ces contraintes, celles liées à la répartition des compétences, sont classiques mais se voient renouvelées et démultipliées dans le cadre de cette dimension externe. D’autres contraintes, celles liées à la différenciation, sont plus spécifiques et nécessitent d’avoir recours à des solutions innovantes. Sous l’angle matériel, l’intégration de la dimension extérieure de l’ELSJ à l’action extérieure de l’Union se mesure à l’aune du respect des exigences applicables à toute action de l’Union sur la scène internationale : les principes sur lesquels elle repose et les objectifs qu’elle poursuit, précisés à l’article 21 TUE. Concernant les objectifs de l’action extérieure, leur prise en compte dans le développement de la dimension externe de l’ELSJ demeure encore graduée. L’intégration apparait quasi-naturelle concernant l’objectif de sécurité pour lequel il existe une coïncidence avec les objectifs de l’ELSJ, mais pour les objectifs de soutien au multilatéralisme ou au développement, leur prise en compte nécessite davantage d’ajustements. Concernant les principes de l’action extérieure, leur valorisation apparait encore imparfaite. Auprès des tiers, l’Union utilise la conditionnalité de façon trop erratique, et en son sein, le contrôle demeure perfectible. / As a recent domain of action, the external dimension of the AFSJ has developed with lightning speed and is currently emerging as an essential component of the European Union’s external action. This is, however, a specific component owing to the sensitivity of the areas concerned, and one which arouses considerable reticence on the part of Member States. The question then arises as to how it is to be fitted into the legal framework of the Union’s external action, which has been extensively renovated by the Lisbon Treaty. The ensuing analysis needs to be conducted from two distinct and complementary perspectives: an institutional one and a material one. From an institutional perspective, the external dimension of AFSJ is totally in keeping with the Union’s competence system. Indeed, because of the loopholes in the treaties regarding this external action, a compensation scheme taking account of the diverse legal bases appears to be necessary. Therefore, institutions have recourse to the various solutions arising out of the external action’s competence system, in order to adopt the required instruments. Nevertheless, when confronted with the AFSJ’s characteristics, this recourse to the external action’s competence system generates a build-up of constraints which institutions have to face up to. Some of these constraints are familiar but are renewed and sometimes multiplied within the framework of this external dimension of the AFSJ. The constraints in question are related to the sharing out of competences. Other constraints are more specific and make it necessary to resort to innovative solutions, and such constraints are linked to differentiation. From a material perspective, integration of the AFSJ’s external dimension into the external action of the Union has to be measured in light of the respect for the exigencies applicable to any action by the Union on the international stage, namely the principles on which it is based and the objectives that it pursues, as specified in Article 21 of TEU. Regarding the goals of the external action, the role they play in the development of the AFSJ’s external dimension remains gradual. Integration appears to be a quasi natural objective as regards security, a domain in which it happens to coincide with the objectives of the AFSJ. However, regarding the desirable support for multilateralism or development, achieving coherence requires further adjustments. Concerning the principles underlying the external action, results are more mixed. With third parties, the EU makes an erratic use of conditionality, and within the Union, control could be improved.

Svenska statens gränskontroll av kön och sexualitet : En diskursanalys av hur staten konstruerar och reproducerar kön och sexualitet när könsidentitet eller sexuell läggning åberopas som skyddsskäl / The Swedish Government’s border control of gender and sexuality

Nygren, Sara, Petersson, Timmy January 2019 (has links)
In 2006 a new law in Sweden let refugees apply for asylum on the grounds of them being in need of protection due to their gender or sexual orientation. Due to this law, the Swedish migration authority are the ones who decide whether or not a person has made it likely to be of a certain gender or sexual preference and whether or not they are in need of protection in Sweden due to this. The asylum process thus becomes a clear example of how norms for gender and sexuality are constructed and reproduced by the government. The limited research about sexual orientation, gender and asylum in Sweden, which in itself was a reason for this paper, stated that there were limited definitions and guidelines on the subject which made decision-making depend on the person in authority. The aim of this study were to understand how the construction of gender and sexuality are made within asylum-cases through analyzing two cases from the Swedish Supreme Court of Migration (Migrationsöverdomstolen) and the government-proposition of the 2006 migration-law. To meet the purpose of the study’s aim, the research questions used were, what constructs of gender and sexuality could be found in asylum-cases and which discourse of gender and sexuality could be seen as ruling in legislations and judgements. To understand this we used a social constructivist approach and Judith Butlers theory about the heterosexual matrix. The main findings were that constructions of sexuality is categorized in terms of homo-, bi- and heterosexual orientation. Hence, the Swedish government produces and reproduces western designations of sexuality as valid, while leaving non-western designations invalid. Further more, our study shows that this is all done under a heterosexual norm that produces and reproduces a binary perception of gender, consisting of male and female as opposites. Hence, the discourse links gender and sexuality together under the heterosexual matrix. While previous reports and research show that decisions are depending on individual decision-makers, this study shows that both the decisions and the decision-makers are depending on the judicial and societal discourse.

Da negação do manicômio à construção de um modelo substitutivo em saúde mental: o discurso de usuários e trabalhadores de um núcleo de atenção psicossocial / From the asylum denial to the development of a substitutive model in mental health: the users and workers discursion of a psychosocial care center

Koda, Mirna Yamazato 19 August 2002 (has links)
Tendo em vista a passagem do paradigma asilar para um paradima antimanicomial no âmbito da Atenção à Saúde Mental e a necessidade de avaliar aquilo que está a se produzir a partir da implementação de um modelo substitutivo ao Hospital Psiquiátrico, investigou-se, através das práticas discursivas de usuários e trabalhadores de um serviço substitutivo em Saúde Mental, os sentidos que se produzem no que diz respeito à compreensão sobre o projeto antimanicomial, ao trabalho desenvolvido pela instituição, às relações entre profissionais e usuários e à noção de doença mental. Foram realizadas entrevistas em um Núcleo de Atenção Psicossocial (NAPS) do município de Santos. A análise do material foi sustentada a partir da perspectiva do Construcionismo Social. Os sentidos produzidos pelos sujeitos entrevistados revelaram a efetivação de transformações coerentes com o projeto antimanicomial, no que diz respeito às ações desenvolvidas, à relação entre usuários e trabalhadores e à concepção de doença mental. Por outro lado, foram encontrados conflitos e ambigüidades na construção discursiva sobre o tratamento realizado. Tais aspectos são associados às dificuldades enfrentadas pelo desinvestimento nas políticas públicas por parte do poder municipal e ao confronto entre um discurso político (posição de militante) e um discurso clínico (posição de técnico). Se o aprisionamento e medicalização da loucura foram gerados a partir de transformações sobre o significado dado à loucura e àquilo que é da ordem do humano, sua reinserção no campo da cultura implica revisitar tais questões. As transformações no âmbito da Atenção à Saúde Mental, com a efetivação do projeto antimanicomial, deve pressupor a revisão do campo de saberes e fazeres tradicionalmente ligados à assistência (Psiquiatria, Psicanálise, Psicologia), assim como a construção de políticas subordinadas a uma perspectiva ética. / Having in mind the change from an asylum paradigm to anti-asylum paradigm in Mental Health Care arena and the necessity to evaluate the future outcomes of a substitutive model implementation for a Psychiatric Hospital, it was investigated, through users and workers discursive practices of an alternative service in Mental Health Care, the senses generated regarding the understanding of the anti-asylum project, the work performed by the institute, the relationship between professionals and users and the mental disease notion. The interviews were performed in a Psychosocial Care Center at Santos city. The material analysis is sustained by the Social Constructionist perspective. The senses generated by interviewees reveal the implementation of transformations coherent with the anti-asylum project regarding the actions developed, the relationship between users and workers and the conception of mental disease. Nevertheless, conflicts and contradictions were found on the discursive construction about the treatment performed. Such aspects are associated with difficulties due to desinvestment of public policies from the municipal power and confrontation between a political discursion (militant positioning) and a clinical discursion (technical positioning). If the captivity and medication of madness were generated based on transformations of the meaning given to madness and whatever is part human nature, its re-insertion in the culture field implies on revisiting such matters. The transformations in the Mental Health Care arena, with the anti-asylum project implementation, must estimate the revision of areas traditionally related to care (Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology), as well as the development of policies subordinated to an ethical perspective.

A saúde mental pública na América Latina. Estudo comparativo dos sistemas de saúde mental de Argentina e Brasil / The public mental health in Latin América. Comparative study of public mental health systems in Argentina and Brasil

Marazina, Isabel Victoria 24 February 2012 (has links)
Estudo de cunho comparativo-descritivo e analítico dos sistemas de saúde mental de Brasil e de Argentina através da consideração de alguns dos desdobramentos e construções da instalação do paradigma antimanicomial nos países em questão, colocando-os em conversação com as normativas emanadas das organizações internacionais, que vêm apoiando a mencionada mudança de paradigma desde 1975 até a atualidade. Nesse sentido, o principal referente será a Declaração de Caracas de 14 de novembro de 1990, produzida na Conferencia Regional para a Reestruturação da Assistência Psiquiátrica na America Latina assinada por ambos os países, que assumem assim o compromisso de reestruturação dos seus sistemas de saúde mental de acordo as recomendações emitidas. A análise se realiza através de três momentos: o estudo das legislações emitidas, o estudo das praticas existentes no campo e um estudo de caso sobre duas experiências pioneiras de instalação da lógica antimanicomial que foram efetuadas simultaneamente, uma em cada país. Toma como referência teórica os pressupostos do Movimento Institucionalista e os trabalhos de Michel Foucault, além do extenso ideário que sustentou a construção do paradigma antimanicomial: Basaglia, Tosquelles, Oury, Castel, e outros / A comparative, descriptive and analytical study of mental health systems in Brazil and Argentina, considering some of the developments and structures of implementation of the anti-asylum trend in the countries analysed and studying these factors in conjunction with regulations issued by international organisations in favour of this change in trend, from 1975 until the present-time. In this regard, the principal reference used in this study is the Caracas Declaration of 14 November 1990, created at the Regional Conference for the Restructuring of Psychiatric Care in Latin America, and signed by both countries, each therein committing to the restructuring of their respective mental health systems in accordance with the recommendations stipulated in the document. The analysis has three strands: a study of the published legislation, a study of existing practice in the Field, and a case study of two pioneering experiments of implementation of anti-asylum logic carried out simultaneously in each of the two countries. The study uses as theoretical reference the hypotheses of the Institutionalization Movement and the work of Michel Foucault, as well as the extensive ideology supporting the development of the anti-asylum trend: Basaglia, Tosquelles, Oury, Castel, and others

COTIDIANO E PRESERVAÇÃO: ASILO SÃO VICENTE DE PAULO DA CIDADE DE GOIÁS / Daily Preservation: Asylum Is Vicente of Paulo of Goiás City.

Prudente, Thaise Cristiane de Abreu 21 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:36:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thaise Cristiane de Abreu Prudente.pdf: 8886563 bytes, checksum: 3c207eb96090dc06c6edec5a6ecb819e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-21 / Fruit of a reflection on the social dynamism front to the preservation, this objective work to analyze the daily one in the Asylum Is Vicente de Paulo in way to the old corporeal properties. For in such a way, do one searches concerning the history of Goiás, as well as of the installation of the Church Catholic, responsible for the construction of the related asylum. As the interns of this asylum they are aged and carrying of necessities special, then a study is approached on these two scopes. To understand the experience in the asylum front to the old goods, then we compare the analysis of this asylum with the one of other historical places as Willliamsburg in the United States and Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais. It weaves considerations, finally, on the ethnography of a daily one in the asylum, analyzing as if they process the social relations with furniture and utensils of the start of century XX. / Fruto de uma reflexão sobre o dinamismo social frente à preservação, este trabalho objetiva analisar o cotidiano no Asilo São Vicente de Paulo em meio a preservação patrimonial. Para tanto, engrendra-se uma pesquisa acerca da história de Goiás, bem como da instalação da Igreja Católica, responsável pela construção do referido asilo. Como os internos deste asilo são idosos e portadores de necessidades especiais, então aborda-se um estudo sobre esses dois âmbitos. Para compreender a vivência no asilo frente aos bens culturais, como o próprio prédio, compara-se esse asilo com outros locais históricos como Willliamsburg nos Estados Unidos e Ouro Preto em Minas Gerais. Tece considerações, por fim, sobre a etnografia do asilo, analisando como se processam as relações sociais em meio às referências culturais do começo do século XX.

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