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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le roman-feuilleton français et le serial britannique pendant le premier conflit mondial, 1912-1920 / The french roman-feuilleton and the british serial during the first world war, 1912-1920

Erbs, David 26 November 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche concerne l’étude de deux productions littéraires au cours de la décennie 1910, le roman-feuilleton français et le serial britannique de la presse quotidienne. Elle s’intéresse à leurs conditions de production, de diffusion et de réception, et vise à évaluer l’impact de la Première Guerre mondiale sur la fiction sérielle, principale forme de littérature de masse de la période. Elle s’inscrit dans une problématique d’histoire culturelle attentive aux représentations produites et diffusées pendant ce conflit, et prend place dans une réflexion sur les “cultures de guerre” telles qu’elles ont été définies et discutées à partir du début des années 1990 par les historiens ; c’est une des raisons pour lesquelles elle se veut résolument comparatiste et interdisciplinaire. Elle s’attache à mettre en évidence les modalités de l’instrumentalisation de cette littérature dite “populaire” par la mobilisation culturelle, processus au travers duquel une société entreprend, à un moment donné, d’orienter dans un but précis les représentations qu’elle partage. Elle vise à analyser leur rôle dans le façonnement des imaginaires de guerre. / This research is focused on the study of two literary productions during the 1910’s, the French roman-feuilleton and the British serial published in the daily press. It examines their conditions of production, distribution and reception. Its purpose is to evaluate the impact of the First World War on the serial fiction, the main form of mass literature during this period.It is part of an issue of cultural history, looking for the representations which are built and shared during the conflict, and part of a reflexion on “war cultures”, as they have been defined and discussed from the beginning of the 1990’s by the historians ; that is one of the reasons why this study is intended to be a comparative and interdisciplinary work. It gives special attention to highlight the terms of the instrumentalization of these “popular” literatures by the process of cultural mobilization through which a society, at some point, undertakes to influence collective representations for a specific purpose. It aimes to analyse their role in the shaping of imaginaries of war.

Le général Arthur Boucher (1847-1933) : une carrière atypique, une œuvre érudite / General Arthur Boucher (1847-1933) : An erudite and atypical army officer

Détrie, Jean-François 16 December 2017 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’histoire militaire contemporaine, tournant le dos à l’histoire bataille traditionnelle, s’est intéressée aux témoignages des combattants de la Grande Guerre. Cette approche très riche, qui a fait l’objet de vives controverses scientifiques, s’est penchée sur le vécu des simples soldats, et leurs contraintes matérielles et culturelles. L’approche biographique des chefs militaires, malgré un certain renouveau, très récent, a par contre été largement négligée. Il en est de même pour les officiers supérieurs appartenant au « second cercle», largement inconnus du grand public. Pourtant, connaître leur parcours militaire et familial permet d’appréhender de façon concrète ce qu’a été cette nouvelle armée, née après la terrible défaite de 1870, et qui, après la victoire de 1918, est devenue la première armée du monde.La biographie du général Arthur Boucher (1847-1993) étudie en détail son parcours atypique et met en avant le caractère érudit de son œuvre d’écrivain militaire. Elle expose sa très longue carrière militaire et sa vie familiale. Elle fait revivre, à travers son cas personnel, l’armée de la IIIe République et les grands événements de l’époque. Elle redonne vie à un certain nombre de généraux marquants de cette époque, qu’Arthur Boucher a côtoyés. Ce travail a été rendu possible grâce à des archives publiques, mais aussi et surtout grâce à des archives familiales fournies, conservées par l’une de ses filles.Si l’histoire militaire a maintenant une connaissance précise de la vie des soldats sous la IIIe République et durant la Grande Guerre, cette recherche permet d’un peu mieux connaître celle des officiers supérieurs, qui, grâce à leur formation de haut niveau, à leurs qualités intellectuelles, ont permis à la France d’affronter victorieusement l’armée allemande durant la Grande Guerre.Cette thèse, mettant en avant un officier supérieur, qui plus est le « doyen » de l’armée française, comme était surnommé Arthur Boucher pendant la Grande Guerre, et éclairant plus généralement la vie des officiers supérieurs de « second rang », enrichit les études consacrées aux élites militaires du XIXe siècle. / For the last twenty years, contemporary military history, turning away from a traditional History of Battles, has been about witness accounts of participants in the Great War. There is a place for this approach that, although sometimes controversial, focuses on the lives of private soldiers and on their material and cultural constraints. On the other hand, biographical studies of military heads, in spite of a very recent renewal of interest, are largely neglected. The same applies to the study of senior officers belonging to the “second circle”, who are mainly unknown to the public at large. And yet through their family and military history much is to be learned of this contingent and of the officers who rose after the disastrous defeat of 1870 and became the world first army following their 1918 victory.General Arthur Boucher biography is a detailed study of his atypical long military career and of his family life, and draws out the erudite character of his output as a military writer. It also brings to the fore some key events and important Third Republic generals, with whom General Boucher interacted. This study was made possible through researching public archives as well as some private archives made available by one of General Boucher’s daughters.This research adds to what recent contemporary military history reveals about the lives of private soldiers during the Third Republic and the Great War with a better knowledge of officers who, thanks to their training and intellectual capacities, gave France victory over Germany during the Great War.This thesis about a senior officer known as the French army Great War “elder” throws a light on the life of senior officers and enriches the studies of 19th Century military elites.

Pomníky Velké války v okresu Kutná Hora. / Monuments of the Great War in the district Kutná Hora.

Bubelová, Marcela January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis covers the topic of memorials of the victims of the Great War in the district of Kutná Hora. History of the memorials since their unveiling to the present day will also be taken into account. The differences in the memorials (e.g. in iconography) men in k.u.k. army and in the legions, will be researched. As one of the district's cities, Čáslav, was also the resident city of the 12th landwehr and the 21st infantry regiment of the k. u. k. army, the thesis has the ambition to find out, whether there was any sign of it in the memorials around the city.

Le centenaire de la Grande Guerre au prisme des médias : le cas des quotidiens The Guardian, Le Monde et die Süddeutsche Zeitung

Cusson, Jean-Christophe 06 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche montre que l’espace médiatique, en temps de commémoration, est un lieu privilégié pour un.e historien.ne qui souhaite capturer les dynamiques mémorielles d’une collectivité. Notre cas d’étude est la couverture médiatique du centenaire de la Première Guerre mondiale au prisme du The Guardian, Le Monde et Die Süeddeutsche Zeitung. Dans les sections en ligne First world war, Centenaire 14-18 et Erster Weltkrieg, nous avons analysé la couverture de presse sur une période allant de juin 2014 à juillet 2017. Cette étude utilise une définition opératoire de la mémoire collective qui nous aide à comprendre qu’il est nécessaire en histoire de la mémoire d’étudier le journalisme non pas comme une simple source d’archives, mais aussi comme un espace discursif où diverses représentations complexes du passé se rencontrent et communiquent afin de se redéfinir. Cet espace discursif possède deux points de jonction : l’histoire pratiquée et le mythistoire. Ce sont les dynamiques dans cet espace qui ont été étudiées pour chaque média dans ce mémoire. Nous identifions d’abord les grandes configurations historiographiques de la Grande Guerre, le rôle des historiens dans la couverture et tentons de voir dans quelle mesure ces configurations s’expriment dans les trois journaux étudiés. Pour terminer, les intentions commémoratives des journaux sont identifiées et mise à l’épreuve au moyen d’une étude des flux de nouvelles et des champs lexicaux de la couverture médiatique. / This mémoire aims to show that media space, in times of commemoration, is a privileged place for historians who want to capture the dynamics of a community’s memory. Our case study is the media coverage of the centenary of the First World War through the lens of The Guardian, Le Monde and Die Süeddeutsche Zeitung. We analysed in these newspapers the press coverage from June 2014 to July 2017 in the online sections First world war, Centenaire 14-18 and Erster Weltkrieg. This study uses an operative definition of collective memory that allows us to understand the necessity, in the history of memory field, to study journalism not simply as an archive, but also as a discursive space where various complex representations of the past meet and communicate in order to redefine themselves. This discursive space has two points of junction: Practiced history and “mythistory”. The dynamics of this space have been studied for each publication in this research. First, we identify the major historical configurations of the Great War, the role of historians in the coverage, and try to see to which extent these configurations are expressed in the three newspapers studied. Finally, the commemorative intentions of the newspapers are identified and then tested through a study of news-flow and an analysis of the lexical fields of the respective media coverage.

Sabine Hank/Uwe Hank/Hermann Simon: Feldrabbiner in den deutschen Streitkräften des Ersten Weltkrieges

Hecht, Dieter J. 15 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Propaganda and Poetry during the Great War.

Leadingham, Norma Compton 12 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
During the Great War, poetry played a more significant role in the war effort than articles and pamphlets. A campaign of extraordinary language filled with abstract and spiritualized words and phrases concealed the realities of the War. Archaic language and lofty phrases hid the horrible truth of modern mechanical warfare. The majority and most recognized and admired poets, including those who served on the front and knew firsthand the horrors of trench warfare, not only supported the war effort, but also encouraged its continuation. For the majority of the poets, the rejection of the war was a postwar phenomenon. From the trenches, leading Great War poets; Owen, Sassoon, Graves, Sitwell, and others, learned that the War was neither Agincourt, nor the playing fields of ancient public schools, nor the supreme test of valor but, instead, the modern industrial world in miniature, surely, the modern world at its most horrifying.

Crisis, Shell-Shock, and the Temporality of Trauma: Cultural Memory and the Great War Combatant Experience in Owen, Graves, and Barker

Kelly, Dylan 01 May 2014 (has links)
The year 2014 will mark the centennial of the outbreak of World War I in August 1914. This historic anniversary will likely provoke several discussions from all fields in the humanities concerning the Great War's significance on contemporary culture through history, visual art, and in the case of this essay: literature. In light of this event, any serious discussion among scholars should undeniably begin with how the war continues to be represented today through a thorough, contemporary analysis of its many key literary texts. This essay will examine, in this regard, how past and contemporary discourses in literary theory-primarily concerned with how an individual combatant subject attempts to construct and understand their own traumatic experiences through poetic and literary discourse-can continue to incite discussion on why literature of the Great War and its influential role in defining how it has come to be understood in our cultural memory remains relevant even today. Under the guiding influence of Paul Fussell's classic The Great War and Modern Memory, I will discuss how three important works-a poetry collection, a memoir, and a modern work of historical fiction-all contribute to how the war has become represented as a tragic rupture in history that reversed the idea of human progress and left an entire generation disillusioned in its aftermath, regardless of the historical veracity of this legacy. The texts I will be examining include: select poems of Wilfred Owen, Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves, and Regeneration by Pat Barker. In addition to this, I will conclude with an analysis of how a contemporary reading of these texts can contribute to a larger discussion of the crisis of historicity in our current post-modern cultural landscape.

Conrad Eymann: A Microhistory of Changing German-Canadian Identity during the First World War

Thompson, Andrew Carl 17 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Beyond Nightingale: The Transformation of Nursing in Victorian and World War I Literature

Benham, M. Renee 12 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

From Governors to Grocers: How Profiteering Changed English-Canadian Perspectives of Liberalism in the Great War of 1914-1918

Targa, RYAN 20 September 2013 (has links)
The war against Germany was perceived by the majority of English Canadians as a necessity to defend the British Empire, democracy and justice. However, it became increasingly evident to the public that some individuals were being permitted to prosper, while others — particularly those of the working class — endured immense hardship. These individuals who prospered at a level judged excessive became known as "profiteers." Initial criticisms of profiteering were connected to graft, jobbery and patronage apparent in government military purchases. However, as public sacrifices intensified, the morally acceptable extent to which individuals and businesses could profit came to be more narrowly defined. Criticisms of profiteering expanded to challenge the mainstream liberal notions of private wealth and laissez-faire policies as being inequitable and undemocratic. The federal government's unwillingness to seriously implement measures against profiteering led to rising discontent. Consequently, working-class English Canadians aspired to form a 'new democracy' that was worth the sacrifices of the war. / Thesis (Master, History) -- Queen's University, 2013-09-19 19:02:13.077

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