Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe arrangement"" "subject:"hhe arrangement""
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Personalo valdymas profesinio rengimo įstaigose / The personnel management in professional arrangement institutionsAugūnas, Gytis 27 December 2006 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama svarbi personalo valdymo profesinio rengimo įstaigose tema. Konkrečiai nagrinėjamos viešojo sektoriaus tiek civilinės, tiek karinės organizacijos. Tinkamai vykdomas personalo valdymas daro didelę įtaką organizacijai. Šiuo atveju personalo valdymas dar svarbesnis, kadangi kalbame apie organizacijas, kurios ruošia ir moko kitus asmenis. Blogo personalo valdymo pasekmėje, tokio pobūdžio organizacijose, gali atsiliepti ne tik šių organizacijų veiklai, bet ir daugeliui kitų. Prastas specialistų parengimas gali įtakoti net ir visos Lietuvos ekonomiką. Taikant efektyvų personalo valdymą, organizacijoje tvyros geras darbinis klimatas, personalas stengsis rezultatyviau ir našiau atlikti savo užduotis ir organizacija pradės daug efektyviau veikti. Tačiau praktika rodo, kad personalo valdymas labai sudėtinga ir daugialypė procedūra. Šiame darbe analizuojama mažai tirta profesinio rengimo sistema viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose, teisinė bazė, o taip pat LR krašto apsaugos sistemos organizacija – Generolo Adolfo Ramanausko Kovinio rengimo centras. Darbe siekiama nustatyti galimus trūkumus, problemas, perspektyvas bei tobulinimo galimybes. Atlikta personalo apklausa Generolo Adolfo Ramanausko Kovinio rengimo centre atskleidė darbuotojų nuomonę. Remiantis ja buvo galima susidaryti nuomonę apie esamą situaciją, atskleisti problemas, trūkumus, parengti pasiūlymus ir išvadas, kaip visa tai patobulinti. / Personnel management, professional arrangement, public range organizations, motivation, work effectiveness, success of organization, empirical survey.
The biggest wealth of organization - people. Personnel management is very important in organization. Trying to reach the very best results organizations optimize their personnel management. They optimize working conditions, they trying to do the best not only for organization, but for personnel too.
The master’s thesis analyzes the personnel management in professional arrangement system. The purpose is to show personnel management aspects in professional arrangement system. Also to show possibilities how to optimize this system.
You can find the theoretic analysis of personnel management in first part of master’s thesis. What it is personnel management, theories, aspects of personnel management are explained according literature.
Second part „Professional arrangement“ is about profession arrangement in public civilian and military ranges. Legal base, purposes, programs and statistic data are mention in this part.
Third part „Personnel management analyze of Gen. A. Ramanauskas Warfare training centre“ is about personnel management in this organization. Documents, politics, aspects, personnel planning system and etc. are mention in this part.
Fourth part „ of Gen. A. Ramanauskas Warfare training centre perfections aspects“ shows results of practical analyze which was held in this organization, shows Personnel management... [to full text]
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Darbo organizavimo VšĮ Marijampolės ligoninėje vertinimas / Evaluation of work arrangement at Marijampolė hospitalLukoševičiūtė, Jūratė 03 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Atskleisti darbo organizavimo ypatumus VšĮ Marijampolės ligoninėje.
Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo VšĮ Marijampolės ligoninės pirmaeilėse pareigose dirbantis, stacionarines paslaugas teikiantis personalas: gydytojai, bendrosios praktikos slaugytojai bei slaugytojų padėjėjai. Tyrimas atliktas taikant sudarytą anoniminę anketą. Gauti tyrimo duomenys apdoroti, naudojant statistinių duomenų analizės programą SPSS 13,0 for Windows.
Rezultatai. Tyrime dalyvavo 330 darbuotojų (203 slaugytojai, 77 slaugytojų padėjėjai ir 50 gydytojų). Gauti duomenys parodė, kad 99,1 proc. apklaustųjų susipažinę su individualiu darbo vietos aprašu. 50 proc. slaugytojų, mano, kad jų darbo vieta ne visuomet saugi. Daugiau kaip pusę apklaustųjų mano, kad jų darbo vieta nėra patogi ir neatitinka higieninių reikalavimų. Darbo vietos aprūpinimas žmogiškaisiais ištekliais bei techninėm priemonėm taip pat nepakankamas. 39 proc. apklaustųjų teigia, kad siekiant patenkinti visų besikreipiančių į gydymo įstaigą klientų poreikius, trūksta žmonių, taip pat paslaugų kokybei užtikrinti nepakanka aparatūros bei priemonių (26 proc. ir 20 proc.), ne visos priemonės funkcionalios – teigia 56,9 proc. respondentų. Darbo ir poilsio laiko organizavimas skiriasi, priklausomai nuo skyriaus, kuriame dirba apklaustieji bei pareigų. 27,5 proc. slaugytojų padėjėjų teigia, kad sudarant darbo grafiką neatsižvelgiama į jų pageidavimus, 92,5 proc. gydytojų po naktinio budėjimo neturi laisvos dienos bei 64 proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study. Reveal special feature of work arrangement at Marijampolė hospital.
Methods. An employee of full – time position, staff of stationary service: doctors, nurses of general care and assistans of nurses took part in the research. The anonymous quetionnaire was also used to carry out the survey. The data received was processed using the statistics processing program SPSS 13.0 for Windows.
Results. 330 of staff took part in the research (included 203 nurses, 77 assistans of nurses and 50 doctors). The data received showed (99,1%) of recipients were got acquinted with individual description of work position. 50% of nuries think that their position is not safe enough. More than half of recipients think that their position is not convenient and out of requirements of hygiene. There is also lackof equipment and humanism. 39% of recipients claim that improving needs of applicants to health care institution there is shart of equipment and facilities (26% and 20 %), 56,9% respondents say most of facilities are out of work. There is difference between work and free time arrangement which depends on each department and staff position. 27,5% assistants of nuries claim that time – table is made up despote their requist. 92,5% doctors don‘t have a day – off after night shift. Also 64% doctors and 30% nuries ignore the time of lunch break. Arrangement of time for holiday isn‘t successful enough as well. The data received was evaluated where 25% respondents claim that the... [to full text]
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An analysis of the TTBB transcription techniques of Ralph Vaughn Williams : with a transcription of Dona nobis pacem for men's choursHarned, Kenneth A. 01 August 2012 (has links)
Ralph Vaughan Williams was a strong advocate for adapting his compositions to suit the needs of various ensembles. He often arranged his choral compositions for several different voicings, allowing them to be performed by mixed, men’s, and women’s choruses. He also frequently offered reduced instrumentation accompaniment options to
fit the personnel and budget restraints of these choirs.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the male chorus transcription techniques
used by Ralph Vaughan Williams in transcribing his composition for chorus and
orchestra, Five Mystical Songs, from SATB to TTBB voicing. The culmination of this
research is a modern day transcription of Vaughan Williams’s Dona Nobis Pacem for
men’s chorus, brass septet, organ and percussion. This transcription adds to the men’s choral repertoire and increases the work’s accessibility for school and community
choruses by creating a reduced accompaniment that maintains the flavor of the original
orchestral instrumentation. / School of Music
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Environmental Clean-up in Bankruptcy and Insolvency: What Priority for the Environment?Chaput, Nicolas 21 November 2012 (has links)
The lack of clarity of Canadian insolvency legislation with respect to the treatment of environmental claims has left Canadian courts wondering whether they should advance the public order policies embodied in the environmental legislation or promote creditors' interests and the private relief afforded by bankruptcy. This thesis examines the state of the law on the question and provides a critical assessment of the legislation and the relevant case law. The author points to the flaws of the legislation and its judicial interpretation, while uncovering the underlying reasons for the existence of such a confused body of jurisprudence. Building on these findings, the author proposes a reform of the insolvency legislation that would uphold the protection of the environment as a fundamental value in Canadian society.
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Lietuvos teritorijos rangavimo georodiklių įtakai modelis nekilnojamojo turto plėtrai įvertinti / Rating model geo-factors in the teritory of the Lithuania influence of the estate developments assessmentVolungevičiūtė, Dovilė 23 July 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – ištirti aplinkos georodiklių sąsajas su skirtingų susirgimų grupių rizika ir ranguoti Lietuvos regionus pagal palankumą (nepalankumą) susirgimams atskiromis ligų grupėmis. Tyrimų duomenys – teritorijos georodikliai paimti iš Lietuvos teritorijos geologinių tyrimų duomenų, o duomenys apie susirgimus iš Higienos instituto. Tyrimų objektas – Lietuvos teritorija. Tyrimų metodai – matematinė statistinė analizė, daugiakriterinė analizė ir daugiatikslių sprendimų priėmimo metodai. Tyrimo rezultatų mokslinis naujumas – pirmą kartą atliktas Lietuvos teritorijos rangavimas pagal riziką susirgti tam tikromis ligomis ir sukurta rangavimo metodika galėtų teikti papildomą informaciją kadastrams. Galimas praktinis rezultatų panaudojimas – vertinant teritorijas sveikatingumo požiūriu, nustatant nekilnojamojo turto rinkos vertę, pasirenkant gyvenamąją vietą. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, 3 skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 58 p. teksto be priedų, 35 paveikslų, 10 lentelių. / The research purpose – to analyze the correlation between the geographical environment indexes and risk of different illnesses and to rank Lithuanian regions by disfavor and disfavour of particular illnesses groups. The research data – the environment geoindexes were taken from Lithuanian Geology Service of GIS date base and data about illnesses were taken from Hygiene Institute. The object of the research – the territory of Lithuania. The method of the research – the mathematical statistical analysis, the multiobjective analysis and the multipurpose awards accepatnce method. The scientific novelty of results – The first time Lithuanian territories were arranged by the risk to developing certain illnesses and the created method of arrangement can give an additional information for the Cadastres. Its is possible the practical results using – to value the territories according as the attitude of healthy; evaluated the market value of the realty, choosing the living place. It includes: an introduction; 3 chapters; the conclusion, references, additions. The size of the thesis - 58 pages of the text without additions, 35 illustrations, 10 charts.
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Maleic hydrazide (MH) applications have been standard practice for sucker control in burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) production for the last half-century because it is relatively inexpensive, effective and easy to apply. Non-MH suckercides such as fatty alcohols and local systemics can be utilized to reduce or replace MH and lower undesirable residues in the cured leaf. The objective of this study was to evaluate various nozzle types and arrangements for efficiency to determine if sucker control with fatty alcohol could be consistently improved over the currently used TG3-5-3 arrangement, as well as examine sprayer positioning (center vs. off-center) and leaf orientation variables using artificial plants. In the field study, the TG4-6-4 arrangement performed the best (p<0.05) when applying the same volume per hectare providing 80% sucker control with fatty alcohol only, not significantly different (p>0.05) than MH+Butralin treatment. For the artificial plant study, the TG4-6-4 provided more solution collected (p<0.05) at leaf axils as well as the highest percent of solution intercepted. Sprayer position and leaf orientation had less effect on solution intercepted with this arrangement than it did with the TG3-5-3. Results from this study support a recommendation of the TG4-6-4 over the TG3-5-3 for the application of contact chemicals for sucker control in burley tobacco.
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Arrangements d'hyperplansBailet, Pauline 11 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse étudie la fibre de Milnor d'un arrangement d'hyperplans complexe central, et l'opérateur de monodromie sur ses groupes de cohomologie. On s'intéresse à la problématique suivante : peut-on déterminer l'opérateur de monodromie, ou au moins les nombres de Betti de la fibre de Milnor, à partir de l'information contenue dans le treillis d'intersection de l'arrangement? On donne deux théorèmes d'annulation des sous-espaces propres non triviaux de l'opérateur de monodromie. Le premier résultat s'applique à une large classe d'arrangements, le deuxième à des arrangements de droites projectives tels qu'il existe une droite contenant exactement un point de multiplicité supérieure ou égale à trois. Dans le dernier chapitre, on considère la structure de Hodge mixte des groupes de cohomologie de la fibre de Milnor d'un arrangement central et essentiel dans l'espace complexe de dimension quatre. On donne ensuite l'équivalence entre la trivialité de la monodromie, la nullité des coefficients non entiers du spectre de l'arrangement, et la nullité des nombres de Hodge mixtes des groupes de cohomologie de la fibre de Milnor.
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臺灣地區古文書的編排與描述之研究 / The Study on Arrangement and Description of Ancient deeds in Taiwan郭紋秀, Kuo, Wen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,對於國內古文書檔案典藏單位編排與描述實務,提出結論如下:一、編排實務現況:(一) 多數古文書典藏單位多能遵守尊重來源原則,(二)古文書典藏單位的編排原則多以時間順序為主;二、描述實務現況:(一)多數古文書典藏單位尚未完成古文書描述規則,(二)多數古文書典藏單位缺乏全宗、系列、案卷層級內容描述。
最後就前述研究結論,提出建議:一、擬定國內古文書檔案編排與描述作業指引,二、擬定國內古文書檔案描述欄位元素,三、建立國內古文書典藏單位共建共享的合作機制。 / Abstract
Ancient deeds to prove some kind of civil society agreed to produce records exist naturally, in addition to the era, but also reflect the history of the old era phenomenon of social life and economic development. It is important precious historical, highly research value. To archives in order to accurately reveal it’s administrative or preservation of historical and protracted with the value of the evidence, and perform its functions, improve the effective use of archival information, archival repository must be a systematic collection order, namely through the arrangement and description of the process.
This study used "case study", "in-depth interviews." Domestic public sector units in the current collection of ancient deeds and collections management, the number of sizable who have the National Central Library, the National Taiwan Library , National Taiwan University Library, Taiwan Historica, The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History, Institute of Yilan County History. With case studies and in-depth interviews to explore the status of the unit for the collection of ancient deeds of archives arrangement and description, and comparative analysis.
According to the results, the domestic ancient deeds repository arrangement and description of practice, made the following conclusions: First, the arrangement practice Status: 1) most ancient instrument collection units and more able to comply respected Principle of provenance, and 2) the ancient instrument collection unit arrangement the principle of multi-chronological order based. Second, description the status of practice: 1) most ancient instrument collection of ancient deeds describing the unit has not yet completed the rule, 2) the most ancient instrument collection units lack fonds, series, files hierarchical content description.
Finally, based on the aforementioned conclusions, we suggest:1) to develop domestic arrangement and description of the ancient deeds archives of practice guide, 2) to develop domestic ancient deeds archives description field elements, 3) domestic ancient deeds repository building sharing mechanisms for cooperation.
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Increasing Effective Self-Advocacy Skills in Elementary Age Children with Physical DisabilitiesAvant, Mary Jane T 17 May 2013 (has links)
For students with physical and health disabilities, the development of self-advocacy skills is critical to their future success. Characteristics that may inhibit the development of self-advocacy skills in this population include reliance on others for assistance across multiple areas requiring physical abilities, deficits in communication skills, and the development of learned helplessness. Instruction in self-advocacy is needed for this population of students in order to maximize future success and decrease learned helplessness (Angell, Stoner, and Fulk, 2010; Macdonald & Block, 2005; Roberts, 2007). For this study, the researcher provided instruction to four elementary age students with physical disabilities who exhibited characteristics of learned helplessness, including ineffective initiation of requests. Students used speech, sign, or gestures as their primary form of communication, and were able to use this form of communication as a reliable means of response during typical classroom activities, including social interactions and when responding to questions. When they needed to initiate a request for required materials during classroom activities, they made no response, ineffectively gestured, or made unrelated comments when prompted to complete an activity. Students who initiated requests ≤ 50% of presented opportunities were eligible to participate in this study.
The intervention consisted of combined use of environmental arrangement and the system of least prompts in a multiprobe multiple baseline across participants design. Environmental arrangement strategies included missing materials or materials that were out of reach. The system of least prompts involved the following levels of prompting: (a) independent, (b) verbal – restatement of direction, (c) indirect verbal, and (d) verbal/model. Analysis of the data indicated that three of the four students increased their effective initiation of requests during intervention, and generalized this skill to new materials and novel settings. The fourth student exhibited noncompliant behaviors that interfered with his ability to reach criteria during intervention. These results support the effectiveness of this intervention in decreasing learned helplessness and increasing the self-advocacy skill of initiating requests with students with physical disabilities who have no interfering behaviors.
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Current and Temperature Distributions in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel CellAlaefour, Ibrahim January 2012 (has links)
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is a potential alternative energy conversion device for stationary and automotive applications. Wide commercialization of PEMFC depends on progress that can be achieved to enhance its reliability and durability along with cost reduction. It is desirable to operate the PEMFC at uniform local current density and temperature distributions over the surface of the membrane electrode assembly (MEA). Non-uniform distributions of both current and temperature over the MEA could result in poor reactant and catalyst utilization as well as overall cell performance degradation. Local current distribution in the PEMFC electrodes are closely related to operating conditions, but it is also affected by the organization of the reactant flow arrangements in PEMFCs. Reactant depletion and water formation along the flow channel leads to current variation from the channel inlet to the exit, which leads to non-uniformity of local electrochemical reaction activity, and degradation of the cell performance. Flow arrangements between the anode and cathode streams, such as co-, counter- and cross- flow can exacerbate the effect of the non-uniformity considerably, producing complex current distribution patterns over the electrode surfaces. Thus, understanding of the local current density and its spatial characteristics, as well as the temperature distributions under different physical and operating conditions, is crucially important in order to develop optimum design and operational strategies. Despite the importance of the influence of the flow arrangement on the local current and temperature distributions under various operating conditions, few systematic studies have been conducted experimentally to investigate this effect.
In this research, an experimental setup with special PEMFC test cells are designed and fabricated in-house, in order to conduct in-situ mapping of the local current and temperature distributions over the electrode surfaces. A segmented flow field plate and the printed circuit board (PCB) technique is used to measure the current distribution in a single PEMFC. In situ, nondestructive temperature measurements are conducted using thermocouples to determine the actual temperature distribution. Experimental studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of different flow arrangements between the anode and cathode (co-, counter-, and cross- flow) on the local current density distribution over the MEA surface. Furthermore, local current distribution has been characterized for PEMFCs under various operating conditions such as reactant stoichiometry ratios, reactant backpressure, cell temperature, cell potentials, and relative humidity for each one of the reactant flow arrangements. The dynamic characteristics of the local current in PEMFC under different operating conditions also have been studied. Temperature distributions along the parallel and serpentine flow channels in PEMFs under various operating conditions are also investigated. All independent tests are conducted to identify and optimize the key design and operational parameters for both local current and temperature distributions.
It has been found that the local current density distribution is strongly affected by the flow arrangement between the anode and cathode streams and the key operating conditions. It has also been observed that the counter-flow arrangement generates the most uniform distribution for the current density, whereas the co-flow arrangement results in a considerable variation in the current density from the reactant gas stream inlet to the exit. Low stoichiometry ratio of hydrogen at the anode side has a predominant effect on the current distribution and cell performance. Further, it has been found that the dynamic characteristics and the degree of fluctuation of local current density inside PEMFC are strongly influenced by the crucial operating conditions. In-situ, nondestructive temperature measurements indicate that the temperature distribution inside the PEMFC is strongly sensitive to the cell’s current density. The temperature distribution inside the PEMFC seems to be virtually uniform at low current density, while the temperature variation increases up to 2 oC at the high current density. Finally, the present work contribution related to the local current and temperature distributions is required to understand the effect of each individual or even several operating parameters combined together on the local current and temperature distributions. This will help to develop an optimum design, which leads to enhancing the reliability and durability in operational PEMFCs.
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