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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação e avaliação de atributos de produto no processo de compra de interruptores

Gregol, Lucas Enrico January 2016 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar quais são os atributos de produto mais importantes – e seu grau de importância relativa – na compra ou recomendação de interruptores a consumidores finais, eletricistas e arquitetos. O método foi dividido em fases, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Inicialmente, foram conduzidas entrevistas em profundidade com consumidores e especialistas, com o objetivo de levantar o máximo de atributos salientes, bem como seus níveis. Em seguida, uma survey online, com 558 consumidores, identificou quais desses atributos são mais importantes no processo decisório de compra e uma validação com executivos da área foi conduzida. Os cinco atributos definidos como mais importantes foram: Marca, Acabamento, Garantia, Material Amarelar e Preço. Para identificar o grau de importância relativa de cada atributo, foi utilizado o método conjoint analysis. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com 116 pessoas, sendo 60 consumidores finais, 28 arquitetos e 28 eletricistas, de cinco regiões do Brasil. Os resultados foram segmentados e analisados de forma agregada, por região, por atuação profissional e por clusters, grupos com preferências de atributo em comum. A análise conjunta revelou que Marca e Material Amarelar obtiveram a maior importância relativa para a amostra total. Pretende-se que este estudo contribua para que executivos da área possam aplicar estratégias de marketing em seus negócios, a fim de obter melhores resultados. / This study aims to identify what are the most important product attributes - and its degree of relative importance – in the purchase or recommendation of interrupters by end users, electricians and architects. The method was divided into phases of qualitative and quantitative approach. Initially, interviews in depth were conducted with consumers and experts in order to enumerate the maximum salient attributes and their levels. Then an online survey with 558 consumers identified which of those attributes are most important in the decision buying process and a validation with area executives was conducted. The five attributes defined as most important were: Brand, Finishing, Warranty, Material Yellowing and Price. To identify the degree of relative importance of each attribute, conjoint analysis method was used. The survey was conducted with 116 people, 60 end users, 28 architects and 28 electricians on five different regions of Brazil. The results were segmented and analyzed in aggregate way, by region, by professional role and by clusters, group with attribute preferences in common. The analysis revealed that the Brand and the Material Yellowing obtained the greater relative importance for the total sample. It is intended that this study will contribute to that area executives can apply marketing strategies in their business in order to get better results.

Processo de compra corporativa de software : um estudo exploratório dos atributos que influenciam na decisão

Costa, Ricardo Simm January 2007 (has links)
Os investimentos em Tecnologia da Informação (TI) precisam ser estudados com maior cautela. No entanto, a decisão de compra deste tipo de bem passa por uma série de reflexões, algumas destas vão além de uma avaliação puramente racional. As etapas e a relação existente entre os agentes envolvidos em um processo de compra tornam a decisão bastante complexa e baseada fundamentalmente em percepções. Assim, é objetivo desta dissertação identificar atributos que influenciam na decisão de compra corporativa de software. Para tanto, dividiu-se o estudo em duas etapas principais. Em um primeiro momento, foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade junto a 7 executivos da área comercial de 6 empresas de TI, selecionadas em função da variedade de clientes e das políticas de comercialização. Neste estágio, tratou-se sobre a condução de negociações e sobre a forma como estes executivos identificavam atributos levados em consideração pelos seus prospectos/clientes. Posteriormente, foi realizado um estudo de caso em uma das empresas fornecedoras consideradas na primeira etapa, ocasião na qual foi possível investigar negociações específicas mantidas com 7 clientes. Baseou-se, para tanto, em entrevistas em profundidade, análise dos materiais e documentos trocados e sondagens com vendedores responsáveis. Como resultados, foram elencados atributos relevantes na decisão de compra de software (na visão de clientes e fornecedores), os quais contribuíram, para a definição de um modelo de decisão de compra. Ao final, são feitas algumas considerações sobre a aplicação do modelo, bem como são tecidas algumas considerações sobre a abrangência do estudo e suas limitações. / It is well known that investments in Information Technology (IT) need to be studied carefully. However, the acquisition decision for this kind of product comes through several reflections, some of which go beyond a pure rational evaluation. The steps and relations between the actors involved in an acquisition process make the decision complex and based fundamentally in perceptions. In this context, the goal of this research is to identify aspects that influence the decision of software buying in corporative acquisitions. To achieve this purpose, the study was divided in two main stages. At first, in-depth interviews with 7 executives from the commercial areas of 6 IT companies were carried out. The companies were chosen based on the variety of clients and commercial policies. At this stage, the focus was kept on negotiation process and on the ways that these executives identified aspects considered by their prospects and clients. Later, a case study was developed in one of the IT companies considered in the first stage of this study, occasion in which it was possible to investigate specific negotiations carried out with 7 clients. This part was based on in-depth interviews, material and document analysis and contact with the sales team. As results, relevant aspects of software adoption decision (from seller and buyer’s point of view) were found. These aspects contributed the conception of the decision of adoption model. At the end, some considerations were made about the application of the model and about the study’s field and limitations.

Conocimiento de la marca país como herramienta en la decisión de viajar a un país de la región sudamericana en personas de 25 a 40 años de edad del NSE B de Lima Moderna / The Awareness of the country brand as a tool in the decision to travel to a country in the South American region in people from 25 to 40 years of age of NSE B of modern Lima

Calderón Rojas, Sebastián Raúl 19 January 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal: Identificar la relación entre la información que una marca país comunica como herramienta que fomenta en la decisión de viajar a un país de la región sudamericana del público objetivo. La metodología de estudio fue de carácter mixto: cualitativo mediante el empleo de entrevistas a un grupo de personas del público objetivo y expertos; y cuantitativo por medio de encuestas aplicadas a una muestra significativa. Los resultados principales mostraron que las personas utilizan con mayor frecuencia el medio online para la búsqueda de información y mencionaron también que sí han visto alguna vez alguna publicidad de alguna de las marcas país evaluadas en el presente estudio por medios masivos o alternativos. Mediante las percepciones que tienen sobre los países lograron identificar ciertos elementos de la comunicación del destino; sin embargo, no conocían alguna campaña o esfuerzo promocional a profundidad o la presencia que ha tenido el país como imagen en distintas actividades. A pesar de eso, un 76% de la muestra identificó que una marca país sí puede ejercer una influencia en la decisión de viaje a uno de los países sudamericanos estudiados. Esto significa que, mediante una estrategia y campaña de promoción adecuada, se pueden finalmente alcanzar los resultados positivos que una marca país tiene como objetivo: el generar una mayor atractividad hacia el destino, sea para la generación de mayores divisas por medio de actividades como el turismo, por los negocios dentro del territorio o las inversiones posibles luego de haber visto al país como un lugar apto. / The following thesis’ objective was to: identify the relationship between the information that a country brand communicates as a tool of influence in the decision to travel to a country in the South American region in people from the target. The methodology of the study was mixed: qualitative through the use of interviews with a group of people from the target audience and experts in the field; and quantitative according to a survey applied to a given sample according to the population. The main results showed that people use most often online media for finding information and even mentioned in certain cases that they have seen any advertising of any of the country brands evaluated in this study by massive or alternative media. In addition, by perceptions the target was able to identify certain elements of the communication of the destination; however, they did not know any campaign or promotional effort at depth or the presence that has had the country as image in different activities. Despite that, 76% of the sample identified a brand country as an influence in the decision to travel to one of the South American countries studied. This means that, through a strategy and appropriate promotional campaign, the positive results can be achieved by a country brand: generating a greater attractiveness to the destination, whether for the generation of major currencies by means of activities like tourism, businesses within the territory or investments possible after seeing the country as a place. / Tesis

Inbound marketing from a B2B-perspective

Lindblom, Matilda, Andréasson, Amelia January 2019 (has links)
There has been a lot of research and studies done about the positive effects of inbound marketing and previous research clearly states that engaging customers is crucial when developing a successful inbound marketing strategy. However, a gap in connecting inbound marketing to a B2B-perspective is evident. Little information can be found about this specific field of practice when using inbound marketing strategy. Therefore, the aim of this study is to increase the understanding of in what way business to business companies use inbound marketing and the reasons they have for applying this strategy. This study was constructed by a qualitative method with an abductive approach where six companies were interviewed. The interviews were then compared with each other and the collected data from the Frame of Reference in order to gain a deeper understanding of the companies work with inbound marketing. The result of the study gives an insight into how companies can implement inbound marketing in their marketing strategy and the benefits it will lead to if executed correctly. Furthermore, a model has been created to help companies implement inbound marketing and shows which inbound marketing tools that can be used in the different stages of the sales and marketing process.

Drömmen om en effektiv inköpsprocess : ett modeföretags eviga kamp / The dream about an efficient buying process : the eternal struggle for a fashion company

Larsson, Isabelle, Nilsson, Emma January 2011 (has links)
För företag som verkar på den dynamiska och konkurrenskraftiga modemarknaden är den storautmaningen att skapa en hållbar konkurrensfördel för att på ett lönsamt sätt vinna kampen omkunden. Ett viktigt verktyg är en effektiv och flexibel inköpsprocess. Utformningen avinköpsprocessen avgör förmågan att möta den krävande modekundens efterfrågan. Vår studie avseratt undersöka hur inköpsprocessen bör organiseras hos en produktutvecklande modedetaljist för attvara effektiv och kunna möta marknadens förändringar. För att påvisa ämnets praktiska relevans ochförtydliga problematiken används ett fallföretag där kvalitativa empiriska undersökningar har utförts.En inköpsprocess består av olika aktiviteter som tillsammans påverkar processens utfall. Enprocesstyrd verksamhet separerar inte aktiviteterna från varandra utan vill förtydligaberoendeförhållandet mellan dem och skapa ett helhetsperspektiv. En förutsättning för att skapakundvärde är att processens samtliga aktiviteter arbetar med syfte att skapa värde för slutkunden.Inköpsprocessens aktiviteter bör även ha ett tydligt definierat utfall för att överlämningen till nästafas ska ske så effektivt som möjligt. I strävan att säkra kvaliteten på utfallet från varje aktivitet bliransvarsfördelningen inom inköpsprocessen en viktig fråga. En tydlig och balanserad uppdelning avarbetsuppgifter, ansvarsområden och slutgiltig beslutsfattare inom varje aktivitet ökar effektiviteten iprocessen och de interna ledtiderna reduceras.Företag X står inför en omorganisering av deras inköpsprocess då den i dagsläget inte upplevstillräckligt konkurrenskraftig. För att öka processens effektivitet, flexibilitet samt minska de internaledtiderna utförs en omfördelning av arbets‐ och ansvarsuppgifterna. Företagets designers hartidigare ägt allt ansvar över processens beslut, vilket gjort inköpsavdelningens betydelse nästintillobefintlig. Idag arbetar företaget för att öka varje aktivitets‐ och befattningsbetydelse för att säkraprocessens resultat och för att den inte ska, som tidigare, vara beroende av ett fåtal medarbetaresarbete. Genom omorganiseringen ska flera arbetsuppgifter utföras parallellt vilket gjort attöverlämningarna mellan avdelningarna fått en ökad betydelse. Företagets nya inköpsorganisation ärännu i sin uppstartsfas men fördelar och nackdelar kan ändå redan identifieras. Resultatet av denempiriska undersökningen visar på en större andel värdeskapande aktiviteter, en jämnareuppgiftsfördelning och en tydligare gemensam målsättning. Undersökningen påvisar även brister iform av att den tidigare strukturens ansvarsfördelning till mångt och mycket lever sig kvar vilkethämmar effektiviteten. Det saknas, trots identifieringen av överlämningarnas betydelse, tydligariktlinjer om vad överlämningarna ska innefatta och hur dem skall utföras.Vår slutsats är att en processtyrd inköpsprocess är att föredra för en produktutvecklandemodedetaljist. Det faktiska kundvärde som processen har för avsikt att skapa bör styra processensutformning både när det gäller ansvarsfördelning och värdeskapande aktiviteter.For companies that compete in the dynamic and highly compatible fashion market, the greatchallenge is to create a sustainable competitive advantage to be able to win the customer during themost profitable circumstances. An important tool for this ambition is an efficient and flexible buyingprocess. The structure of the buying process determines its requirement and ability to handle thedemanding demands of the fashion customer. Our essay aims to examine how the buying processshould be organized at a product developing fashion retailer to be efficient and able to deal with themarket changes. To make a statement regarding the practical relevance of the chosen theme and toelucidate the complex of problems, we chose to use a company to exemplify in where we carried outqualitative empirical research.A buying process consists of different activities that together have a direct impact at the output ofthe process. A business with a process management doesn’t separate the activities apart, instead itemphasize the interdependence between them and a comprehensive perspective by orientate themin a process. The requirement for creating customer value is for all the activities within the process tobe aware of the customer needs and bear it in mind when performing every single working task. Theactivities of the process should also have a clearly defined output so that the handing over to thenext phase will appear as efficient as possible. With the ambition to secure the output quality foreach activity, the responsibilities within the buying process become an important issue. E clearlydefined and balanced split of working tasks, responsibilities and final decision makers within eachactivity, increases the efficiency of the process and will result in reduced leadtimes.Company X is facing a re‐organisation of their buying process since its current capability doesn’treach a satisfying level of being competitive. To increase the efficiency, flexibility and the internalleadtimes, a redistribution of working tasks and responsibilities are being made. Previously, thedesigners of the firm have had the overall responsibility of the decisions of the process which haveresult in a lack of impact for the buying function. The company is trying to achieve an increasedimportance and impact of each of the activities within the process to secure the result of the outputin which it will not be depending on the work of a few members of the process.In the new structure of the firm’s buying process, the activities within the process are suppose to runparallel which requires hand overs performed with good quality. The new buying process is still in anearly stage but even so, advantages and disadvantages can be identified. The result of the empiricalresearch is showing an increased share of value added activities within the process, a more balancedsplit of working tasks and clearer common objectives from the participating activities and employees.The investigation also shows deficiencies in the new organization regarding the previous structure ofresponsibilities that is still affecting the efficiency in a non‐favorable way. There is also lack of clearguidelines for how the handovers should be performed.Our conclusion is that it’s favourable for a fashion retailer if their buying process has a processmanagement. The process should be designed in both terms of responsibilities and value creationactivities after the real customer value that the process is planning to create. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Building a strong brand with marketing communications at the cognitive, affective, and behavioral level. - Case Södertörn University

Ekberg, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Aim:</strong> The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Södertörn University may build a stronger brand through marketing communications. The paper discussed each stage of the buying process. With models like these it is possible to measure the number of consumers who occupy the different stages.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> The data was collected in a non-random convenience selection at the Stockholm fair for higher education with 21 000 visitors. I used a survey questionnaire. The number of respondents was 409 respondents. My method of investigation is quantitative. It is measurable so that communication goals can be set. In order to build a stronger brand I analyzed prospective students and their awareness of Södertörn University. The study has a positivistic view and a deductive approach.</p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions: </strong>My study shows that Södertörn University should use marketing communication strategically by using the models. At the cognitive level the most important is to raise brand awareness. Total knowledge is 52% in Stockholm County which is too low. An increase is fatal to raise the number of applicants. At the affective level they have to increase brand attitude. At the Behavioural level they need to increase brand purchase intention and facilitate purchase.</p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research:</strong> It would be interesting to use other models of consumer responses too. Next step could be to make interviews with students to be to study how they first got to know the name, and what has affected them in order to choose or not to choose the university.</p><p><strong>Contribution of the thesis: </strong>The thesis has actually contributed a lot to Södertörn University. I have used the collected data to make a marketing plan. We now have worked a lot with awareness and seen a great increase in applications.</p>

The Evolution of E-Commerce : How to develop a successful Strategy?

Olson, Corey, Rödel, Antonia January 2009 (has links)
<p>E-commerce presents a new format for doing business. It creates an efficient, yet complex, system providing potential time and cost savings. The main question is then how a comprehensive strategy is developed to outline the new process. Whether an MNC can successfully develop an e-commerce strategy or not, depends on their understanding of customers within their global environment and the secure transfer of customer information. They must adjust their company operations to concentrate on identifying sources of customer relationship management, such as segmentation, needs and abilities, benefits, values, buying behaviour and trust aspects. Companies need to differentiate their ecommerce approaches from their competition, in order to enable and motivate their transition to an online system.</p><p>In the case of our methodology, a qualitative, single case study approach of Electrolux Professional Laundry Group was used. Interviews of their customers and sales offices from around Europe determined their understanding and opinions of the closure of warehouses to concentrate on e-commerce within the company. Findings indicate that there is a need to clarify the role of the system, the safety of the customer's information and how it relates to the responsibilities of the sales offices in question. In addition, customers must be carefully researched in order to make the new system congruent with their purchasing preferences and abilities. Once created, a clear model is established to determine their affects on the process of creating a successful e-commerce strategy.</p><p>Due to the increasing presence of e-commerce amongst competition in Electrolux's industry, the need to develop a detailed e-commerce strategy is crucial. Their products and services are some of the highest-rated in the industry, but their e-commerce system needs to be improved to match the standards of their well-known brand name. Therefore, careful development of their e-commerce operations will require detailed attention to every stage of the strategy process.</p>

Building a strong brand with marketing communications at the cognitive, affective, and behavioral level. - Case Södertörn University

Ekberg, Charlotte January 2010 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Södertörn University may build a stronger brand through marketing communications. The paper discussed each stage of the buying process. With models like these it is possible to measure the number of consumers who occupy the different stages. Method: The data was collected in a non-random convenience selection at the Stockholm fair for higher education with 21 000 visitors. I used a survey questionnaire. The number of respondents was 409 respondents. My method of investigation is quantitative. It is measurable so that communication goals can be set. In order to build a stronger brand I analyzed prospective students and their awareness of Södertörn University. The study has a positivistic view and a deductive approach. Result &amp; Conclusions: My study shows that Södertörn University should use marketing communication strategically by using the models. At the cognitive level the most important is to raise brand awareness. Total knowledge is 52% in Stockholm County which is too low. An increase is fatal to raise the number of applicants. At the affective level they have to increase brand attitude. At the Behavioural level they need to increase brand purchase intention and facilitate purchase. Suggestions for future research: It would be interesting to use other models of consumer responses too. Next step could be to make interviews with students to be to study how they first got to know the name, and what has affected them in order to choose or not to choose the university. Contribution of the thesis: The thesis has actually contributed a lot to Södertörn University. I have used the collected data to make a marketing plan. We now have worked a lot with awareness and seen a great increase in applications.

The Evolution of E-Commerce : How to develop a successful Strategy?

Olson, Corey, Rödel, Antonia January 2009 (has links)
E-commerce presents a new format for doing business. It creates an efficient, yet complex, system providing potential time and cost savings. The main question is then how a comprehensive strategy is developed to outline the new process. Whether an MNC can successfully develop an e-commerce strategy or not, depends on their understanding of customers within their global environment and the secure transfer of customer information. They must adjust their company operations to concentrate on identifying sources of customer relationship management, such as segmentation, needs and abilities, benefits, values, buying behaviour and trust aspects. Companies need to differentiate their ecommerce approaches from their competition, in order to enable and motivate their transition to an online system. In the case of our methodology, a qualitative, single case study approach of Electrolux Professional Laundry Group was used. Interviews of their customers and sales offices from around Europe determined their understanding and opinions of the closure of warehouses to concentrate on e-commerce within the company. Findings indicate that there is a need to clarify the role of the system, the safety of the customer's information and how it relates to the responsibilities of the sales offices in question. In addition, customers must be carefully researched in order to make the new system congruent with their purchasing preferences and abilities. Once created, a clear model is established to determine their affects on the process of creating a successful e-commerce strategy. Due to the increasing presence of e-commerce amongst competition in Electrolux's industry, the need to develop a detailed e-commerce strategy is crucial. Their products and services are some of the highest-rated in the industry, but their e-commerce system needs to be improved to match the standards of their well-known brand name. Therefore, careful development of their e-commerce operations will require detailed attention to every stage of the strategy process.

Kundens val av researrangör

Gestlöf, Sandra, Hendsel, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka faktorer som kunden anser påverkar och avgör valet av researrangör samt jämföra detta med researrangörernas egen syn. En avgränsning har gjorts till två researrangörer, Ving och Fritidsresor samt till privatturism. Studiens disposition består av ett inledande kapitel i form av introduktion där bakgrund, syfte och frågeställningar presenteras följt av en avgränsning. Vidare presenteras studiens teoretiska grund som följs av det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet. Det fjärde kapitlet består av den insamlade empirin och uppsatsen avslutas med analys och slutsatser som baseras på de ovannämnda kapitlen. Studien undersöks utifrån fyra teorier vilka belyser konsumentbeteende, köpprocess, kundtillfredsställelse och eventuella gap mellan kundernas samt företagens uppfattning. Dessa teorier ligger till grund för studiens diskussion och slutsats. Det teoretiska materialet baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur inom ämnet. En metodtriangulering har tillämpats i studien där kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod i form av enkätundersökningar och intervjuer utgör grunden för det material som presenteras i empirin. Då studien analyserar och jämför researrangörernas syn med kundens syn har en komparativ design tillämpats. Resultaten från undersökningen presenterar både likheter och skillnader mellan kundernas respektive företagens syn på faktorer som påverkar valet av researrangör. Likheterna har resulterat i synen på hemsidans betydelse, direktflyg samt marknadsföring i form av omdömen från nära och kära. Skillnaderna som kunde urskiljas var främst synen på sociala medier. Undersökningen visar att kunderna anser att service/tillgänglighet/kontakt är den mest centrala och avgörande faktorn när beslut av en researrangör görs.

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