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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spanish La Junta de los Rios: The institutional Hispanicization of an Indian community along New Spain's northern frontier, 1535-1821.

Folsom, Bradley 08 1900 (has links)
Throughout the colonial period, the Spanish attempted to Hispanicize the Indians along the northern frontier of New Spain. The conquistador, the missionary, the civilian settler, and the presidial soldier all took part in this effort. At La Junta de los Rios, a fertile area inhabited by both sedentary and semi-sedentary Indians, each of these institutions played a part in fundamentally changing the region and its occupants. This research, relying primarily on published Spanish source documents, sets the effort to Hispanicize La Junta in the broader sphere of Spain's frontier policy.

La représentation de l’Amérique hispanique dans la littérature et l’iconographie espagnoles entre 1838 et 1885 / The representation of Hispanic America in Spanish literature and iconography between 1838 and 1885

Lafuente, Eva 29 September 2011 (has links)
Loin d’avoir provoqué l’indifférence des Espagnols, l’Amérique hispanique a attiré le regard péninsulaire au lendemain des indépendances américaines et encouragé une production littéraire et iconographique continue depuis le début de l’ère isabelline jusqu’aux premiers temps de la Restauration. Constitué de près de 300 œuvres dramatiques, romanesques etplastiques, le corpus réuni et analysé dans le cadre de cette thèse montre qu’une production littéraire et artistique sur l’Amérique hispanique traverse bien le XIXe siècle péninsulaire. Afin d’en dégager les caractéristiques et l’impact sur l’imaginaire collectif espagnol, nous avons mis en lumière les spécificités des modes de production et de diffusion de chacun des supports artistiques. Cette production, fortement conditionnée par les moules artistiques préétablis, a favorisé la construction d’une imagerie américaine collective, notamment à travers la cristallisation d’images type qui circulent entre les différents supports. Dès lors, si les oeuvres elles-mêmes sont pour la plupart tombées dans l’oubli, elles demeurent néanmoins le reflet du regard porté par les Espagnols sur le continent à une période charnière des relations entre l’Espagne et l’Amérique hispanique. / Far from leaving the Spaniards indifferent, Hispanic America has drawn Spanish attention after its independence and fostered a continuous literary and iconographic production since the beginning of the era isabellina to the early days of the Restoration. Consisting of nearly 300 plays, novels, paintings and sculptures, the corpus collected and analyzed in this thesis shows the existence of an actual literary and artistic production about Hispanic America through the nineteenth century in Spain. In order to identify its characteristics and its impact on the social imaginary of Spain, we have highlighted the specific modes of production and distribution of each artistic media. This production, heavily influenced by preexisting artistic standards, has favored the construction of a collective American imagery, particularly through the crystallization of images that circulate between the different media. Therefore, although most of these works have sunk into oblivion, they remain a reflection of the way the Spaniards looked at the continent and of the need to redefine and legitimize the relationship between Spain and the young American republics.

Od kláštera k člověku. Význam klášterní architektury a umění v Novém Španělsku 16. století. / From monasteries to men. The significance of monastic architecture and its art in the New Spain of 16th century

Brenišínová, Monika January 2017 (has links)
In my dissertation, I inquire into the phenomenon of monastic architecture and its plastic decoration in 16th century New Spain. The aim of this work is to present Mexican monasteries and their artistic significance. In my analysis, I build on the interpretation of monastic architecture from the perspective of early colonial society, I also reflect on the individual level, assessing its impact on the conquest and colonization of America. The methodology of this research project combines analysis of historical (e.g. study of historical sources) and art historical processes (iconological analysis of E. Panofsky) with analysis of anthropological concepts (e.g. rituals of transition of A. van Gennep, thick description of Cl. Geertz, concepts of liminality, structure and communitas of V. Turner). During my PhD studies, I conducted a field trip in Central Mexico (2013), supported by a grant from the Government of Mexico. I visited and documented one hundred and sixteen monasteries and the photographic documentation is the main empirical source of my analysis which further draws from the study of historical sources and academic literature. My research primarily focuses on three aspects: 1. the monastic architecture and art; 2. the role of the monastery in the process of European conquest and colonization...

Le monde de Jean Alexis Lemoine dit Monière, marchand de Montréal au XVIIIe siècle

Gousse, Suzanne 05 1900 (has links)
On s’est intéressé dans les années 1950 à 1970 à la disparition d’une bourgeoisie canadienne qui aurait dû faire la transition du capitalisme marchand vers l’industrie. Les réflexions historiennes avaient cependant commencé par la fin, tentant de définir les conséquences historiques à long terme de la « Conquête » sur un groupe encore mal connu qui, en principe, incluait des marchands. Notre thèse s’inscrit dans la lignée des travaux états-uniens et européens qui ont permis de revoir, souvent dans une optique culturelle, les marchands occidentaux de l’époque moderne. À partir du cas précis d’un marchand équipeur montréalais et de sa lignée, nous voulons tout d’abord établir si la culture négociante des marchands, au sens large du terme, était du même ordre que celles des métropolitains qui avaient des commerces semblables. Deuxièmement, nous voulons cerner la marge de manœuvre individuelle face aux contraintes des conditions ambiantes ainsi que le rôle des réseaux dans l’évolution de la carrière des marchands. Enfin, nous souhaitons définir la conception de soi de ces derniers, à travers l’examen de leur style de vie et des rôles qu’ils pouvaient jouer dans leur milieu. Pour le faire, nous avons choisi de ratisser « en largeur » dans des sources multiples, y compris des livres de comptes, et de creuser « en profondeur » pour en extraire le maximum de données. L’enquête a été menée à travers la longue carrière de l’équipeur Jean Alexis Lemoine dit Monière (1680-1754) qui s’est installé à Montréal en 1715. Lemoine est connu de la postérité grâce à l’étude de Louise Dechêne qui l’avait suivi jusqu’en 1725. Elle en a tracé un portrait, amplement repris par la suite, qui a fait de lui l’exemple type de marchand équipeur. Or, Monière n’est peut-être pas typique, il pourrait même être un cas-limite. En le suivant jusqu’à sa mort, nous avons exploré toutes les possibilités qui se sont offertes à lui. Nous avons aussi fait une large place aux legs matériel et immatériel de son père Jean Lemoine, et à ce que Monière a transmis à son fils, Pierre Alexis, ainsi qu’à quelques neveux. En encadrant Monière de son père, immigrant rouennais, de ses frères et de son fils, nous avons pu observer l’émergence d’un métier, celui d’équipeur. Nous avons examiné comment Monière, décédé en 1754, a été préparé à exercer son métier et comment il concevait la pratique de ce dernier. Cette démarche a permis de mieux comprendre la culture (au sens large) des gens de la marchandise au Canada. En utilisant une variété de sources et en faisant appel à une démarche micro-historique, nous souhaitons avoir répondu, vingt-cinq ans plus tard, au vœu de Dale Miquelon de regarder, dans la mesure du possible, le monde de la marchandise avec les yeux des acteurs de la période pour répondre aux interrogations des gens d’aujourd’hui. / From the 1950s to the 1970s, historians’ attention was turned towards the disappearance of a bourgeoisie canadienne which should have made the transition from commercial to industrial capitalism. These studies began, so to speak, with the end, in attempting to define the long-term historical consequences of the Conquest on an as-yet ill-defined group that in principle included some merchants. This thesis follows new investigations in both Europe and the USA which have permitted to look anew, often with a cultural history approach, at merchants of the Early Modern period. Focusing on a Montreal merchant outfitter (marchand équipeur) and his family, the investigation first seeks to determine if the Canadian merchants’ culture (broadly defined) was similar to that of their French counterparts who worked on the same business level. A second aim is to evaluate the leeway available to individuals in face of the general conditions of the trade and the role of networks in the merchants’ career. Finally, the thesis attempts to define the self-conception of these men while looking at their lifestyle and the various roles they played in their community. To complete such a study, we have chosen to look « wide and deep » like micro-historians have before us. The study examines the long life of the équipeur, Jean Alexis Lemoine dit Monière, who chose to settle in Montreal in 1715 and whose career Louise Dechêne had followed until 1725. After her, historians have since pictured Monière as a typical marchand équipeur. But he might not have been typical, he might even have been a « limiting case ». The thesis follows him to the end of his life and looking for all the opportunities that were offered to him along the way. It accords considerable importance to the material and immaterial legacy of his father, Jean Lemoine, and to what Monière passed on to this son, Pierre Alexis and a few nephews. Situating Monière between his father who emigrated from Rouen, his brothers and his own son, permits us to see the emergence of a profession, that of équipeur. We look at how Monière, who died in 1754, was prepared to embrace the merchant’s profession and how he perceived the way he should work as an équipeur. This study affords a better understanding of merchants’ culture, broadly conceived, in early French Canada. Exploring a variety of sources and using a micro-historical approach, we hope to have followed Dale Miquelon’s suggestion to look (again) at the merchants’ world with the eyes of the people of the times in order to answer today’s questions.

Restorative Post Bellum Integration

Renfro, Zachariah M. 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Pedro De Moctezuma and His Descendents (1521-1718)

Hollingsworth, Ann Prather 05 1900 (has links)
In 1521 a band of several hundred Spaniards overthrew the Aztec empire in Mexico and its ruler, Moctezuma II. This defeat in itself created a major cultural shock for the indigenious population, but the later arrival of Spanish officials and colonists constituted a far greater if less dramatic upheaval. For the victorious Spaniards rejected Aztec governmental institutions, considering them to be distinctly inferior, and quickly substituted their own. Moctezuma II and a substantial number of the Aztec ruling class had died during the violence which accompanied the conquest and those who remained were not permitted to exercise leadership. It was, however, the stated policy of the Spanish Crown that the Indian population of New Spain should be treated with kindness, allowed to retain their property, and led gently toward acceptance of the Christian faith. Among the surviving members of the Aztec nobility were several of the emperor's children, to whom Spanish authorities accorded special attention because of their unique position. Moctezuma II's son, Tlacahuepan, who on his conversion was baptized Pedro de Moctezuma, was one who received special grants and favors, for it was the Crown's intention that members of the emperor's family should be treated with consideration and be provided with the means to live in a fashion suitable to their aristocratic lineage. But during the years following the conquest, forces within the Spanish government and the Spanish and Indian communities came together to frustrate this purpose. Don Pedro and his descendents were very much aware of and prepared to exploit the unusual position their heritage gave them. They believed that the Crown had made promises to them of perpetual income and honors which were unfulfilled and they were prepared to continue their attempts to gain these prizes. The Crown rewarded their persistence with repeated orders to colonial authorities to pay the income owed, but frequently these commands were not answered. As Spanish income from New Spain declined and the quality of government in Spain and the colonies deteriorated, the possibilities that the Moctezuma family might prosper as earlier Spanish governments had decreed they should disappeared. And, at last, it became apparent that the essential inertia which permeated all levels of colonial administration combined with the chasm which existed between the edicts issued from Spain and their effective application in the New World were factors against which no one family could contend successfully.

To Know the One True God: Reconciling the God of the Old Testament with the God of the New Testament

Newman, Kelly D. 22 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
There is a popular misconception in the world that Jehovah is too severe on occasion while Jesus Christ is always kind and merciful. The Latter-day Saint belief that Jehovah and Jesus are the same person presents a supposed conflict. There has not been much written on this subject by either non-Latter-day Saints or Latter-day Saints, thus, this thesis represents a unique contribution to a common perception prevalent in many Christian circles. The research of this thesis shows that the misconception is based on three problems: first, a misinterpretation of biblical stories in both the Old and New Testament; second, a lack of understanding biblical context and culture; and third, a lack of applying modern revelation to this subject. The research of this thesis focuses on these three areas in an effort to resolve this false perception. This thesis takes a deeper look into the acts of Jehovah and Jesus Christ as found in the Old and New Testaments respectively. Next, it looks as several doctrines related to this subject that have been revealed through latter-day prophets and incorporates them into the Old Testament. This analysis paints a broader picture of the Lord and illustrates that He was, indeed, merciful in the Old Testament but, at times, severe in the New Testament. Lastly, this thesis takes four of the most difficult Old Testament stories that seem to represent Jehovah as harsh, capricious, and unyielding, and puts them in their cultural setting. Though not every act can be completely explained, there is a high degree of similarity between Jehovah and Jesus. The study concludes, therefore, that much of the problem lies with perception and not with reality.

“I Laid my Hands on a Gorgeous Cannibal Woman”: Anthropophagy in the Imperial Imagination, 1492 – 1763

Watson, Kelly Lea 17 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Layamon's Brut and the March of Wales: Merlin, his Prophecies, and the Lex Marchia

Helbert, Daniel Glynn 18 May 2011 (has links)
This study explores Layamon's engenderment of cultural unification for the explicit purposes of an Anglo-Welsh cultural resistance to the Norman overlords in the March of Wales. In essence, I examine some of the most important cultural signifiers in medieval English and Welsh culture and the methods by which the poet adapts and grafts them together to form a culturally amalgamated text—neither explicitly English nor Welsh but yet simultaneously both - and the political implications of this amalgamation. Though Laymon's methodology emanates from multiple aspects of the text, I have concentrated here on what I feel are the most explicit manifestations of this theme: Merlin, his prophecies, and the Law of the March. / Master of Arts

Postcolonial biblical interpretation in the context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo : selected texts from Joshua 1-12

Bwalya, Laishi 11 1900 (has links)
The present research has been aimed at investigating how imperialism and colonialism are located both in the biblical text (cf. Joshua 1-12) and in present day interpretive postcolonial contexts such as that of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. An investigation was made of the unequal power dynamics at play between the Israelites who are depicted as mercilessly conquering the indigenous peoples of Canaan in the name of the deity, and the Canaanites. How were/ are such power dynamics played out in the Katangese, Democratic Republic of the Congo’s context in the relations between the then colonizers, that is, the Belgians as well as the neo-colonial African rulers and the Congolese peoples? It is argued that the Belgians assumed the role akin to that of the Israelite invaders as they mercilessly invaded the “promised land”, that is, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, ending with the brutal extermination of African peoples justified on biblical precedents. A conclusion is made that within the context of postcolonial biblical interpretation, the conquest narrative of Joshua 1-12 is one of the most traumatic stories in which violence is committed by one nation on another in the name of the deity. Postcolonial biblical criticism was found to be an appropriate approach in assisting the researcher to navigate through violent biblical texts with a view to coming up with a transformative reading of the texts in the (Katangese) context of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Biblical Studies)

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