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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De l'écologie à l'écosophie : l'intuition de Raimon Panikkar / From ecology to ecosophy : the Raimon Panikkar’s intuition

Valverde Campos, Juan Carlos 07 October 2016 (has links)
La crise environnementale a bouleversé la vie de l’homme et toutes ses activités. L’écologie a essayé de trouver des solutions aux problèmes qui nous assaillent, mais elle reste toujours dans le même logos qui nous a mis dans ces difficultés. La théologie, quant-à elle, s’est intéressée depuis peu de temps à cette question. Elle a répondu aux reproches qui lui ont été adressés avec une théologie renouvelée de la création. Notre auteur, Raimon Panikkar, propose de compléter cette approche avec une nouvelle théologie trinitaire. C’est ce qu’il a appelé l’« intuition cosmothéandrique » qui établit une relation étroite et constitutive entre Dieu, l’homme et le cosmos. Cette intuition implique de prêter une attention particulière à la sagesse. Il s’avère donc urgent que l’écologie chemine de pair avec l’écosophie. Dans ce but, il conviendrait que l’homme cultive les vertus qui lui permettront de retrouver son lien avec les autres dimensions de la réalité. Cette nouvelle approche a deux corollaires fondamentaux : une éthique et une théologie politique écosophiques, que nous nous proposons de développer pour prolonger la pensée de Panikkar. / The environmental crisis has disrupted the lives and activities of man. The ecological movement has proposed solutions to the problems we face, but it always uses the same Logos that got us into these difficulties. Theology, however has focused on this question only recently. It answered to criticisms with a renewed theology of creation. Our author of interest, Raimon Panikkar, proposes to complement this approach with a new Trinitarian theology. What he called the “cosmotheandric intuition” establishes a constitutive close relationship between God, man and the cosmos. This intuition means paying special attention to wisdom. It is therefore urgent that ecology walks hand in hand with ecosophy. To this end, mankind ought to cultivates the virtues that will allow it to reconnect with the others dimensions of reality. This new approach has two fondamental corollaries : an ecosophical ethics and a ecosophical political theology, that we intend to develop in order to prolong on Panikkar’s thought.

Utprovning och validering av nya dehydreringsprogram

Blana, Roxana January 2016 (has links)
Dehydration process is an important histotechnical method of tissue samples undergoing histopathological analysis. Using different alcohols and intermedium, the samples are processed for diffusing the water out of the tissue. Impregnation with paraffin of the tissue in the later stagesis crucial for tissue stability in the remaining histotechnical methods. Sakura Tissue-Tek VIP 6 is atraditional dehydration instrument that realizes dehydrations during longer times with xylene asthe intermedium. However, LOGOS is another dehydration instrument operating with shorter times using Histolab Clear, a more environmental and cheaper intermedium.In the current study tissue samples were used from three different patient cases of each tissue:cutis, breast, intestine and prostate. Two different, new LOGOS- dehydration programs with Histolab Clear as intermedium were tested and validated in accordance with specific qualitycriteria. Parallel were tissue samples dehydrated from the same tissues in the traditional routineprogram, in order to evaluate by comparison, sections and staining quality of the new programs.Immunohistochemistry and routine staining were used for evaluation. The pathologist approved allroutine stains and disapproved some immunohistochemical analyses, depending on poorer staining and the quality of the sections.Because the amounts of the samples were insufficient in some cases, the number of the samples were determined to be expanded in order to investigate if the error occurs systematically or onlyto individual cases. Insufficient dehydration seemed to be fundamental as a cause of inferior results. Therefore, even the time of dehydration in Histolab Clear will increase by one hour, in the further validation. Optimization of dehydration time is required for approval of immunohistochemical analyzes. These analyzes are very important and definitive for the treatment of the patient, and therefore the new dehydration programs must give at least as good results as the conventional. / Dehydreringsprocessen är en viktig histoteknisk metod av vävnadsproverna som genomgår histopatologiska analyser. Med hjälp av olika alkoholer och intermedier, bearbetas proverna för att diffundera ut vattnet ur vävnaden. Impregnering av vävnaden i senare steg med paraffin, är avgörande för vävnadens stabilitet i resterande histotekniska metoder. Sakura Tissue-Tek VIP 6 är en traditionell dehydreringsmaskin som genomför dehydreringar under längre tid med Xylen som intermedium. En annan dehydreringsmaskin är LOGOS som är snabbare och som andvänder Histolab Clear, ett miljömässigare och billigare intermedium.I den aktuella studien användes vävnadsprover från tre olika patientfall vardera med vävnadstyperna cutis, bröst, intestinum och prostata. Två olika, nya LOGOS-dehydreringsprogram med Histolab Clear som intermedium utprövades samt validerades enligt bestämda kvalitetskriterier. Parallellt dehydrerades vävnadsprover från samtliga patientfall med det traditionella rutinprogrammet, med syfte att utvärdera genom jämförelse av snittens och infärgningarnas kvalité från det nya programmen.Immunhistokemiska- och rutininfärgningar användes för utvärdering. Patologerna godkände samtliga rutinfärgningar och underkände en del immunhistokemiska på grund av sämre infärgningar och dåligkvalité på snittet.Eftersom provmängden i några fall betraktades vara för få, bestämdes det att utöka antalet för att utreda om felet förekommer systematisk eller enbart vid enstaka fall. Otillräcklig dehydrering verkade vara fundamentalt vid sämre resultat. Därför kommer även dehydreringstiden i Histolab Clear att utökas meden timme till, vid den fortsatta valideringen. Optimering av dehydreringstiden krävs för godkännande av de immunhistokemiska analyserna. Analyserna är mycket viktiga och definitiva för patientens behandling och därför måste de nya dehydreringsprogrammen åtminstone ge lika bra resultat som det konventionella.


[pt] A presente dissertação aborda o estudo de João 1,14, especificamente no uso do verbo habitar. Semelhanças textuais e temáticas aproximam o texto estudado das tradições veterotestamentárias acerca do tabernáculo israelita. O verbo skenoô e as variações provindas de sua raiz são usados pela LXX na maioria dos textos em que o tabernáculo está em questão. Desta forma, é pretendido pela pesquisa analisar a possibilidade do texto joanino ter a habitação de Deus no tabernáculo (eg. Ex 25,8) como base para a habitação do Logos entre os homens. Para alcançar tal objetivo, será feita uma análise comparativa entre o texto de João 1,14 e as declarações acerca do tabernáculo presentes no Antigo Testamento. / [en] This dissertation deals with the study of John 1:14, specifically in the use of the verb to dwell. Textual and thematic similarities approach the text studied in the Old Testament traditions about Israelite tabernacle. The skenoô verb and variations stemmed from its root, are used by the LXX in most texts where the tabernacle is in question. Thus, it is intended for research examining the possibility of the text of John have the habitation of God in the tabernacle (eg Ex. 25.8) as the basis for the dwelling of the Logos among men. To achieve this goal, a comparative analysis of the text of John 1:14 with the statements about the tabernacle present in the Old Testament will be made.


THALES MACIEL PEREIRA 10 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação expõe as principais teses cristológicas de Joseph Ratzinger, considerando-as em sua unidade e totalidade internas conferidas pelo conceito de cristologia espiritual. Para tanto, efetua-se um caminho analítico que oferece uma visão unificada dos diversos âmbitos da cristologia ratzingeriana. A dimensão analítica consiste na abordagem de cada momento da fórmula cristológica Jesus-Cristo-Logos . O primeiro momento diz respeito ao caráter histórico da cristologia, o qual é abordado diacronicamente pelo levantamento do status quaestionis da pesquisa crítica em busca do Jesus histórico , e sincronicamente mediante a teologia da encarnação que, em J. Ratzinger, não se desvincula da teologia da cruz. O segundo momento da fórmula concerne à profissão de fé bíblica no homem Jesus a partir da categoria Cristo , cujo contexto mais amplo é analisado mediante os seguintes títulos: profeta, Filho de Deus e Senhor. Por fim, o terceiro momento considera a cristologia do Logos no amplo arcabouço fornecido pela cristologia dogmática, tal como se desenvolveu até o século VII no terceiro Concílio de Constantinopla. A análise da cristologia dogmática tem como preâmbulo a discussão a respeito da legitimidade da linguagem do dogma, justificando a abordagem formal dos primeiros concílios que delinearam o dogma cristológico. A exposição analítica da cristologia de J. Ratzinger conduz à junção das teses – synthesis –, fazendo emergir a dimensão sintética como o corolário desta pesquisa. A hipótese levantada como ensejo conclusivo consiste no entendimento de que a unidade da cristologia espiritual ratzingeriana, conquanto seja fruto de um preciso enfoque metodológico, pode ser reduzida ao mínimo denominador comum pertencente aos três momentos da fórmula cristológica: a relacionalidade. A total relatividade, manifestada historicamente pelo fato da oração, pertence ao homem Jesus, ao Cristo professado e ao Logos da dogmática. / [en] This essay exposes the main Christological theses of Joseph Ratzinger, considering them in their internal unity and totality conferred by the concept of spiritual Christology . To this end, an analytical path is taken offering a unified view of the various areas of Ratzingerian Christology. The analytical dimension consists of approaching each moment of the Christological formula Jesus-Christ-Logos . The first moment concerns the historical character of Christology, which is dealt with diachronicly by raising the status quaestionis of critical research in search of the historical Jesus , and synchronously through the theology of the incarnation, which, in J. Ratzinger, does not separate from the theology of the cross. The second part of the formula concerns the profession of biblical faith in the man Jesus from the category Christ , whose broader context is analyzed through the following titles: prophet, Son of God and Lord. Finally, the third moment considers the Christology of the Logos in the broad framework provided by dogmatic Christology, as it developed until the 7th century in the third Council of Constantinople. The analysis of dogmatic Christology has as its preamble the discussion about the legitimacy of dogma s language, justifying the formal approach of the first councils that outlined Christological dogma. The analytical exposition of J. Ratzinger s Christology leads to the junction of theses - synthesis -, making the synthetic dimension emerge as the corollary of this research. The hypothesis raised as a conclusive opportunity consists in the understanding that the unity of the Ratzingerian spiritual Christology , although it is the result of a precise methodological approach, can be reduced to the minimum common denominator belonging to the three moments of the Christological formula: the relationality. Total relativity, historically manifested by the fact of prayer, belongs to the man Jesus, the professed Christ and the Logos of dogmatics.

"Välkommen till vår verklighet" & "Just nu" : En kvalitativ multimodal audiovisuell analys av Försvarsmaktens reklamkampanj från årtalen 2011 och 2020

Mekonen, Alexander, Nilsson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om en undersökning av Försvarsmaktens reklamkampanjer ‘’Välkommen till vår verklighet’’ och ‘’Just nu”, från år 2011 och 2020. Studiens två frågeställningar ligger som grund till vårt syfte att undersöka hur Försvarsmakten framställer sig i deras två centrala reklamkampanjer och vilka skillnader och likheter som framkommer mellan dessa årtal. Frågeställningarna har besvarats med hjälp av framtagna teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning. Undersökningen i dess helhet gjordes med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och analysen genomfördes med en multimodal audiovisuell analys. Innan vi bestämde oss för att genomföra undersökningen med denna analysmodell tog vi fram andra modeller och jämförde dessa för att hitta den mest relevanta analysmodellen för studien. Resultatet visar att reklamfilmerna syftar till att uppmuntra individer att söka till Försvarsmakten och ge stöd till dess huvuduppdrag, att försvara Sveriges demokrati och medborgare. Studien visade att Försvarsmaktens reklam avser att skilja på verklighet och fiktion för att skapa en trovärdig bild som militär i Sverige. Studien visade också att militären lade stor vikt på filmens innehåll och visade upp militären som heroiska för att få stöd för sitt uppdrag. / This essay is about analyzing the Swedish Armed Forces' advertising campaigns "Welcome to our reality" and "Right now", from 2011 and 2020. The study's two main questions is to examine how the Armed Forces presents themselves in their two central advertising campaigns and what differences and similarities emerge between the advertising campaigns. The questions have been answered with the help of a theoretical framework and previous research. The research was conducted with a qualitative content analysis and the analysis was conducted with a multimodal audiovisual analysis. Before we decided to conduct the study with this analysis model, we studied other models and compared them to find the most relevant analysis model for our study. The results show that the commercials are intended to encourage individuals to apply for the Swedish Armed Forces and give support to there main mission, to defend Swedens democracy and citizens. The study showed that the Armed Forces commercial intend to distinguish between reality and fiction to give a proper sense of what to except when working within the military of Sweden. The study also showed that military put a strong empahasis in the content of the film, showcasing the heroics of the military to get support for there mission.

From logos to bios : Hellenic philosophy and evolutionary biology

De Beer, Wynand Albertus 02 1900 (has links)
This thesis deals with the relation of Hellenic philosophy to evolutionary biology. The first part entails an explication of Hellenic cosmology and metaphysics in its traditional understanding, as the Western component of classical Indo-European philosophy. It includes an overview of the relevant contributions by the Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, and the Neoplatonists, focusing on the structure and origin of both the intelligible and sensible worlds. Salient aspects thereof are the movement from the transcendent Principle into the realm of Manifestation by means of the interaction between Essence and Substance; the role of the Logos, being the equivalent of Plato’s Demiurge and Aristotle’s Prime Mover, in the cosmogonic process; the interaction between Intellect and Necessity in the formation of the cosmos; the various kinds of causality contributing to the establishment of physical reality; and the priority of being over becoming, which in the case of living organisms entails the primacy of soul over body. The first part of the thesis concludes with a discussion of the implications of Hellenic cosmology and metaphysics for evolutionary biology, including an affirmation of final and formal causality over and against its rejection by the modern scientific project. The second part commences with a delineation of organic form and transformation, emphasizing the mathematical foundations thereof. It continues with a critical consideration of the modern evolutionary theory on both scientific and philosophical grounds. In the process a fundamental distinction is made between micro- and macro-evolution, involving the reshuffling of existing genetic material which is acted upon by natural selection, and the production of new genetic material by means of macro-mutations, respectively. In the remainder of the thesis the macro-evolutionary process is described as mainly lawful, directed and convergent, instead of contingent, undirected and divergent as postulated in the modern evolutionary synthesis. This approach does not preclude the recognition of exceptions, due to the limitation of Intellect by Necessity – that is to say, of teleology by mechanism. / Religious Studies & Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)

Varumärkets personlighet : En kvalitativ studie om hur konsumenter tillskriver varumärken personlighetsdrag beroende på logotypens färg

West, Julia, Österberg, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Denna studies syfte är att öka förståelsen för vilka personlighetsdrag konsumenter tillskriver varumärken beroende på logotypens färg. Metod: Eftersom studiens syfte har varit att öka förståelsen för ämnet har en kvalitativ metod använts och färgerna blå, grön, gul, röd och svart har legat till grund för undersökningen. För att samla in empiriskt material har semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med tolv deltagare. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av Aakers (1997) Brand Personality Scale samt tematisering. Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visar att den blå logotypen associeras med kompetens, den gröna med uppriktighet och den gula med spänning. Den röda logotypen har även den associerats med kompetens och den svarta med robusthet, i Aakers (1997) Brand Personality Scale. Reaktionerna för den blå och den gröna logotypen har visat sig vara enklast för deltagarna att placera samt visat sig överensstämma med tidigare forskningsresultat. Den gula, röda och svarta logotypen har upplevts svårare och resultaten har avvikit mer från tidigare forskning. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Våra förslag för framtida forskning är att istället för att studera färger, studera vilken påverkan logotypens utformning har på varumärkets personlighet. Vidare kan framtidens forskning studera flerfärgade logotyper. Vår studie studerar endast en speciell subgrupp och framtida forskning kan därför studera en annan subgrupp för jämförelse. Uppsatsens bidrag: Som bidrag till framtida forskning ser vi att denna studie beskriver samband mellan färgerna blå, grön, gul, röd och svart och dimensionerna som återfinns i Aakers (1997) Brand Personality Scale. Detta tillägg ser vi skulle fungera som ett utvecklande ramverk och därför bidra till det teoretiska perspektivet i framtida studier utförda i Sverige. Som rekommendation kan företag rent praktiskt använda sig av dessa resultat när de ska välja färg för sin logotyp. / Aim: In this study we aim to increase understanding of the personality traits consumers ascribe to brands depending on the color of the logo. Method: Due to the aim of the study, which was to increase understanding of the topic, a qualitative method has been used. To collect empirical data semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve participants. The material was analyzed using Aaker’s (1997) Brand Personality Scale and thematisation. Result & Conclusions: Results show that the blue logo is associated with competence, green with sincerity and yellow with excitement. The red logo has also been associated with competence and the black with ruggedness, in Aaker’s (1997) Brand Personality Scale. The reactions of the blue and green logo has proven to be the easiest for the participants to place and shown to be consistent with previous research. The yellow, red and black logo has been perceived more difficult and the results have deviated more from previous research. Suggestions for future research: Our suggestions for future research is that instead of examining colors, examine the impact of the logo design in brand personality. Furthermore, future research could investigate multi-color logos. Our study examines only a specific subgroup and future research can explore a different subgroup for comparison. Contribution of the thesis: As a contribution to future research, this study describes the relationship between the colors blue, green, yellow, red and black and the dimensions found in Aakers (1997) Brand Personality Scale. This addition would serve as a developed framework and thus contribute to the theoretical perspective in future studies carried out in Sweden. As a recommendation, companies can practically use these results when they are designing their logo.

Phronesis, Tradition, Logos and Context: a Reading of Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics

Friesen, Henry 07 1900 (has links)
Permission from the author to digitize this work is pending. Please contact the ICS library if you would like to view this work.

Communicative preaching : a homiletical study in the light of Hebrews / Jae Young Jang

Jang, Jae Young January 2007 (has links)
This study is an attempt to investigate communicative and effective preaching. It suggests some guidelines for the praxis of communicative preaching for contemporary preachers in the light of Hebrews. Hebrews was written in an elevated rhetorical style and contains one of the longest sustained lines of argumentation in the New Testament. The research is expanded in order to arrive at the answers to the question: • How can a preacher effectively communicate his/her message to his/her audience in their situation in the light of Hebrews? In order to reach this aim, Hebrews and the rhetorical strategies used in this book are investigated to disclose basis-theoretical principles for communicative preaching. Communication principles are investigated in order to extract meta-theoretical principles that can be utilised in communicative preaching. In addition, three published sermons are analysed in order to evaluate the results of this study. After having scrutinised these elements, a final conclusion is deduced. Basis-theoretically, the research reveals the following guidelines: • Communicative preaching should provide the opportunity for hearers to listen to the real speakers, God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, from the Scripture itself. • A preacher should have the ability to interpret and apply the Biblical texts in relation to people's situation and must testify his/her faith in Jesus Christ in his/her daily life. • A preacher should have the specific goal of his/her preaching in mind and use a literary style that is suitable for the level of his/her hearers' understanding. • A preacher must keep in touch with his/her hearers in their real-life situation in order to recognise their real problems and try to solve these in the course of preaching. • A sermon should be well structured by means of logical development. • A sermon should contain a transition or transitions that are created by digressions between two movements of sermon units in order to keep the hearers' attention. • A sermon should persuade the hearers not only by means of logos but also through the example of the preacher's own good character. • A sermon should employ the interplay of positive and negative feelings in order to establish emotional dynamics in the process of preaching. Meta-theoretically, the processes, forms of communication, and the principles of public speaking are investigated in order to understand the principles of communication. This research finds the following guidelines: • Communication is a transactional process in which source and receiver play interchangeable roles throughout the act of communication. • To communicate effectively, a sender has to understand his/her audience and adjust his/her message to the audience because public speaking is an audience-centred process. • A speaker's speech should suit his/her goal. Guidelines that were obtained as a result of the research include the following: • A preacher has to analyse both the Biblical text and his audience. • A preacher has to apply the goal and the theme of the text in relation to his/her audience's situation. • A preacher has to logically organise his/her sermon in order to win his/her audience's attention through the principles of effective communication. • A preacher should persuade his/her listeners not only by means of the logical development of the sermon, but also through the example of his/her own good character. • A preacher should employ emotional appeal to have an impact on his/her listeners. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Homiletics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

O lógos cético de sexto empírico / Sextus Empiricus sceptic lógos

Schvartz, Vitor Hirschbruch 19 March 2014 (has links)
A tese defende a ideia de que uma compreensão adequada da suspensão cética de juízo (epokhé) pressupõe o estudo dos textos de Sexto Empírico que, direta ou indiretamente, abordam o problema da concepção pirrônica da linguagem ou discurso (lógos), e também daqueles que fornecem elementos para a compreensão da posição sextiana acerca da linguagem cotidiana das pessoas comuns. Os primeiros capítulos lidam com a conhecida distinção entre as assim chamadas interpretações rústica e urbana da filosofia pirrônica. A seguir, o texto discute o problema do lógos quando considerado a partir de uma perspectiva pirrônica, onde uma nova argumentação em favor da interpretação rústica é desenvolvida, baseada na ideia de um percurso cético. No quarto capítulo, é examinada a noção de phainómenon e sua relação com o lógos cético, através da formulação de uma interpretação mais geral do ceticismo antigo e do seu discurso fenomênico. O quinto e último capítulo procede então a uma avaliação da força filosófica tanto da filosofia pirrônica como da neopirrônica / The dissertation defends the idea that an adequate understanding of the sceptical suspension of judgement (epoché) presupposes the study of the Sextus Empiricus texts which, either directly or indirectly, address the problem of the pyrrhonian conception of language or discourse (lógos), and also the study of those texts that provide elements for the understanding of the Sextian position about the everyday language of common people. The first chapters deal with the well-known distinction between the so-called rustic and urbane interpretations of the pyrrhonian philosophy. In the sequence, the dissertation discusses the problem of the lógos, as viewed from a pyrrhonian perspective, also by developing a new argument in favor of the rustic interpretation, based upon the idea of a sceptic path. Subsequently, the notion of phainómenon and its relation to the sceptic lógos are analyzed through a general approach to ancient scepticism. The fith and last chapter proceeds to an avaluation of the philosophical strength of both the pyrrhonian and neopyrrhonian philosophies

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