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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’esthétique de la manipulation dans l’œuvre d’Albert Camus / Manipulation aesthetics in Albert Camus’s work

Marty, Claire 23 November 2011 (has links)
La manipulation est présente au cœur de l’œuvre d’Albert Camus. Elle s’exerce tant au niveau des personnages qu’au niveau du lecteur. Jean-Baptiste Clamence, dans La Chute, est un personnage extrêmement manipulateur. A la fin de son discours, il énonce ce que furent ses techniques de manipulation. A la lumière de La Chute, on découvre une nouvelle facette de l’œuvre d’Albert Camus, celle de la manipulation.Il existe différents manipulateurs. Il y a ceux qui le font avec un immense plaisir ou ceux qui manipulent pour le bien d’autrui. La manipulation s’exerce parfois au service d’un autre manipulateur. Des événements historiques peuvent être générateurs de manipulation en mettant ces personnages en action.Les personnages manipulés réagissent aussi de différentes manières. On peut dissocier les inconscients des conscients non consentants qui se battent pour s’en libérer. Il existe aussi des personnages conscients de leur manipulation et consentants de l’être.A l’adresse du lecteur, Albert Camus utilise différentes techniques comme le jeu sur les duos, les références à la Bible ou à ses différents écrits. Albert Camus met en place un processus nécessaire de compréhension qui rend le jugement impossible. La Chute apparaît comme le mode d’emploi de la manipulation. A travers les techniques de Jean-Baptiste Clamence, on découvre donc celles d’Albert Camus. Le premier Homme est d’ailleurs la seule œuvre exempte de manipulation et marque un tournant dans l’œuvre d’Albert Camus. / Manipulation is present in Albert Camus’s work. It acts at the level of both the characters and the reader. Jean-Baptiste Clamence, from The Fall, is an extremely manipulative character. At the end of his speech, he lists and describes his manipulation techniques. The Fall reveals a new aspect of Albert Camus’s work : manipulation.There are several kinds of manipulator: those who find personal pleasure in such behaviours, and those who act for the good of others. Manipulation may sometimes benefit another manipulator. Historical events may generate manipulation; they activate Camus’s characters.Manipulated characters also react in different ways. Some are unaware, others may be aware but are non-consenting and fight to free themselves, and other characters are aware of being manipulated and accept it.At the reader’s level, Albert Camus uses different techniques such as the play between duos, references to the Holy Bible or tho his own writings. Albert Camus creates an understanding which makes judgement impossible. The Fall almost resembles an instruction manual for manipulation. Through Jean-Baptiste Clamence’s techniques, we discover those of Camus himself. The First Man is the only one of Camus’s books that is free of manipulation, and in this respect represents a turning-point in his work.

Étude des connaissances de Fonction et de Manipulation associées aux objets dans une perspective vie-entière et en imagerie cérébrale / Comprehension of object Function and Manipulation : evidence from brain imaging and lifespan studies.

Collette, Cynthia 17 December 2018 (has links)
Les objets fabriqués manipulable (ou outils) sont caractérisés entre autre par leur Fonction (i.e. ce à quoi sert l’objet) et par leur Manipulation (i.e. gestes typiques associés à leur utilisation). Le présent travail de thèse s’inscrit dans une approche incarnée de la cognition et défend l’idée que les connaissances gestuelles sont le point d’ancrage au développement de la représentation conceptuelle des objets. Néanmoins, des études antérieures ont montré que les jugements de similarité de Fonction sont réalisés plus rapidement que ceux de Manipulation suggérant un accès plus précoce à la Fonction. En utilisant le paradigme d’amorçage, nous avons exploré l’organisation des connaissances de Manipulation et de Fonction tout au long de la vie. Nous avons montré que les traits gestuels facilitent la dénomination d’objets chez les enfants de 8 ans et que cet effet diminue linéairement avec l’âge. Cet effet est inhibiteur chez l’adulte jeune et âgé. Parallèlement, les traits fonctionnels ne sont activés de façon incidente que chez l’adulte jeune et entrainent une facilitation de la dénomination. Toutefois le sens de l’effet d’amorçage semble dépendant du type de traitement opéré sur l’objet-cible. En effet, l’amorçage par la Manipulation devient facilitateur chez les adultes dans une tâche de décision d’objet. Ces résultats supportent deux idées cruciales ; ils confirment la primauté de représentations gestuelles et l’ancrage plus lent des connaissances fonctionnelles dans les représentations d’objets, d’autre part, ils montrent que le format procédural des traits gestuels peut ralentir le traitement sémantique de l’objet. Ce dernier point est précisé par l’investigation des processus en jeu durant le jugement de deux objets sur la base de leur Fonction vs. Manipulation en imagerie cérébrale. Notre étude IRMf a montré que le jugement de similarité en termes de gestes entraine l’activation spécifique de régions pariétales (représentations gestuelles), frontales (simulation motrice) et cérébelleuses (inhibition de l’exécution du geste) comparativement à la Fonction. Cette dernière ne présentant pas d’activation spécifique. Enfin, notre étude en EEG a montré que le jugement de Manipulation entraine un traitement structurel de l’objet précoce et accru, ainsi que deux traitements plus tardifs observés sur les composantes P300 et P400-700 reflétant respectivement un accès plus profonds aux représentations gestuelles et un traitement en mémoire de travail. Ensemble, ces résultats montrent que l’allongement des temps de réponse aux tâches de jugements de Manipulation s’explique par un coût cognitif plus important pour la comparaison de traits gestuels plutôt que par un accès tardif à ces représentations. La prédiction de l’approche incarnée de la cognition n’est pas écartée. / Manipulable artifacts (or tools) can be defined according to their Function (i.e. what the object is for) or their Manipulation (i.e. the typical gestures associated with its use). The present PhD thesis is inscribed in the embodied cognition approach and supports the idea that gestural knowledge is the anchor point to the development of the conceptual representation of objects. Nevertheless, previous works showed that Function similarity judgments are made faster than those of Manipulation suggesting that Function is more readily available than Manipulation. Using the priming paradigm, we explored the organization of Manipulation and Function knowledge throughout life. We showed that gestural traits facilitate the naming of objects in 8-year-olds and that this effect decreases linearly with age. This inhibitory effect appears in young and in elderly. At the same time, the functional features are only incidentally activated in the young group and lead to facilitation effect. However, the direction of the priming effect seems to depend on the type of processing performed on the target object. Indeed, by using an object decision task, a facilitation is observed in Manipulation . These results support two crucial ideas: they confirm the primacy of gestural representations, and the slower anchoring of functional knowledge in the representations of objects; and, on the other hand, they show that the procedural format of gestural traits can slow down the semantic processing of the object. This last point is clarified by the investigation of the processes involved during the judgment of two objects on the basis of their Function vs. Manipulation in brain imaging. Our fMRI study showed that the similarity judgment in terms of gestures leads to the specific activation of parietal (gestural representations), frontal (motor simulation), and cerebellar (inhibition of gesture execution) regions compared to function. The latter does not show any specific activation. Finally, our EEG study showed that Manipulation judgment leads to an increased structural object processing occurring early, as well as two other processing observed on the P300 and P400-700 components, and reflecting, respectively, a deeper access to gestural representations, and a working memory processing. Together, these results show that slower response times to Manipulation with respect to Function judgment tasks is explained by a higher cognitive cost for the comparison of gestural traits rather than by late access to these representations. The prediction of the embodied approach of cognition is still maintained.

Det sitter i väggarna : Vad styr vid rekrytering av ställföreträdare på överförmyndarverksamheter? / It is in the wall : What guides the recruitment of legal guardians?

Blad, Anna, Pernilla, Karlsson Palmgren January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how social workers on a Chief Guardian unit work from their conditions when recruiting guardians. More specifically, we wanted to see how the law, the practise and the professionals’ tacit knowledge affect their judgement of guardians and how the organisation and the government of the Chief Guardian unit affect their work. The Chief Guardian unit is a municipal supervisor that control and supervise the work of the guardian. Media has criticized the Chief Guardian unit, by highlighting examples of unfit guardians. The Swedish National Audit Office (Riksrevisionen) has expressed a number of shortcomings of the supervision by the County administrative boards of Sweden (Länsstyrelsen). Because the Chief Guardian units lack a common governmental monitoring, internal solutions are created by every individual unit. In this qualitative study we have tried to understand how the social workers practise their profession. Through semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in three different Chief Guardian units, we have interpreted the views of their work. The theoretical framework was primarily founded on Polanyi´s theory of tacit knowledge and the ideas of occupational and organizational professionalism. The results of our study showed that the reality for the social workers is a mix of occupational and organizational professionalism. All the informants describe their work as heavily controlled by laws and regulations, but with a certain freedom of how to conduct their work. They find the tacit knowledge and the collegial support very important when it comes to assessing guardians. All the informants state that an organizational change is crucial to guarantee the legal security of guardians and caretakers.

Diário de um homem supérfluo, de Turguêniev: caracterização de um tipo / Diary of a superfluos man, of Turgenev: characterization of a kind

Antoniasse, Samuel Junqueira 31 March 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar uma tradução do original em russo da novela Diário de um homem supérfluo, de Ivan Turguêniev, e analisar o modo como o escritor procurou retratar a primeira personagem da literatura russa a ser denominada homem supérfluo. Procurar-se-á demonstrar que o autor não se limitou a reproduzir no narrador as características clássicas desse tipo literário, mas inovou ao adicionar outras e retirar algumas tidas como essenciais, criando uma figura que viria a dar um novo significado ao termo homem supérfluo. / This research aims to carry out a direct translation from the Russian novella Diary of a superfluous man, by Ivan Turgenev, and examine how the writer sought to portray the first character of the Russian literature to be termed a \"superfluous man\". It is intended to demonstrate that the author not only was able to reproduce in the narrator the classic features of this literary subject, but also to innovate, by adding other characteristics and even removing those considered essential ones, creating thus a figure that would give a new meaning to the term \"superfluous man\".

O movimento zapatista e a educação: direitos humanos, igualdade e diferença. / The zapatista movement and education: human rights, equality and difference.

Santos, Juliana Silva dos 20 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a proposta de educação contida no discurso do movimento zapatista do estado mexicano de Chiapas, a partir da análise de documentos que tratam especificamente sobre esta questão e em outros nos quais se desenham seus princípios políticos mais gerais. Procura-se trabalhar com a tensão – característica do debate atual dos direitos humanos - entre a reivindicação por igualdade social e por direitos culturais dos povos indígenas, que está presente no zapatismo contemporâneo. Encontra-se a construção de uma educação autônoma, como parte do desenvolvimento de uma organização do território rebelde de Chiapas, que procura uma maneira própria de traduzir essa tensão entre igualdade e diferença e cujos objetivos seriam a construção coletiva de uma escola empenhada na mudança das condições de vida da sociedade em que vive. / This work has as objective to investigate the education proposal presents in the discourse of the zapatista movement of the mexican state of Chiapas, from the analysis of documents that deals specifically about this question and others in which is delineated yours political principles more generals. It is looked work with the tension - characteristic of the actual discussion of the rights of the man – between the demands for social equality and for cultural rights of the indigenous people, that is present in the contemporaneous zapatism. We find the construction of an autonomous education, as part of the development of the an organization of the rebel territory of the Chiapas, that looks for your own way to translate this tension between equality and difference and which objectives are the collective construction of a school that is compromised in the change of the life’s conditions of the society that is part.

Terracetes de pisoteio de gado e mudanças morfo-pedológicas em vertente amostral na bacia hidrográfica do rio Jacareí, Serra da Mantiqueira-SP / Cattle-tracks and morpho-pedological changes in slope samples in the hydrographic basin of Jacarei River, Serra da Mantiqueira-SP

Giroldo, Larissa 29 November 2013 (has links)
A dissertação de mestrado desenvolvida tem como objetivo colaborar com a avaliação conceitual da forma erosiva terracete de pisoteio de gado, ainda pouco desenvolvida e, avaliar as perturbações do meio físico associadas ao pisoteio de gado. O objetivo da pesquisa torna-se relevante ao constatar que a temática desenvolvida é objeto de poucas produções acadêmicas. Além disso, no caso brasileiro, a grande área de terras utilizadas para a pastagem gera a necessidade de entendimento do funcionamento dessa paisagem antrópica para se produza formas corretas de manejo e possíveis restrições para o uso do solo a fim de evitar perturbações no meio físico difíceis de serem revertidas. Para elaborar a análise proposta, utilizou-se como embasamento teórico-metodológico a Geomorfologia Antropogênica em que a sociedade humana é inserida como agente de formação do relevo mesmo que indiretamente como no caso de áreas para a pastagem. Na perspectiva da Geomorfologia Antropogênica é necessário uma abordagem multiescalar para entender a magnitude das perturbações geradas no meio físico pelo ser humano. A primeira linha de investigação para o desenvolvimento da dissertação foi a pesquisa bibliográfica multilíngüe sobre o verbete terracete de pisoteio de gado. Completando a pesquisa bibliográfica, a segunda linha de investigação foi a analise em campo das perturbações do meio físico associadas aos terracetes de pisoteio de gado, com parâmetros físicos do solo e morfológicos da vertente. Como área de estudo, foi escolhida uma vertente amostral da parte rural da cidade de Joanópolis SP. A vertente amostral pertence ao Planalto Atlântico com solos pouco espesso e uso agrícola intensa, possibilitando a comparação entre do trecho da vertente preservado e o trecho antrópico com pastagem. Na vertente amostral foram aplicadas técnicas de campo reconhecidas academicamente. Como procedimento inicial utilizou-se o pantômetro por permitir o cálculo preciso da declividade. Com a análise inicial em campo e a elaboração do perfil topográfico, foram selecionados três pontos de controle para a medição de resistência a penetração; medição da densidade do solo e; a análise morfológica do solo. Os resultados evidenciaram que as perturbações geomorfológicas e pedológicas criadas pelo rebanho bovino são intensas e de diversos tipos. O caminhar do gado também promove a exposição do solo, visto que dificulta ou impede o crescimento da pastagem, pois ao compactar o solo, gera resistência a penetração superior ao limite de crescimento radicular. A compactação do solo é mais profunda que o horizonte A e, em solos pouco espessos, como o neossolo estudado nessa pesquisa, o terracete de pisoteio de gado tem um limite físico para a sua profundidade a rocha parental. / The developed dissertation aims to collaborate with the conceptual evaluation of cattle-tracks erosive form, which studies are still little developed, and to evaluate the physical disturbance associated with cattle trampling. The objective of this research is relevant to add the developed subject itself, which has been presented in few academic productions. Besides that, in Brazilian case, the large land area used for grazing, generates the necessity to understand the functionality of the anthropic landscape, in order to produce correct forms of handling and possible use of land restrictions to avoid disturbances in the physical environment, which are difficult to be reversed. Composing the proposed analysis, it was applied as theoretic and methodological praxis the Antropic Geomorphology where in the society is an agent of relief formation even indirectly, like the case of grazing. In perspective of anthropic geomorphology is necessary a multi-scale approach to understand the magnitude of the disturbance generated in the physical environment caused by human being. The first investigation line for the development of this dissertation was the bibliographic multilingual search about the word cattletracks. In completion of the bibliographic search, the second investigation line was the analyses in field about the disturbance in physical environment associated to the cattle-tracks, with physical soil parameters and morphological slope parameters analyses. As study area, a sample slope of Joanópolis rural area was selected. The sample slope belongs to Atlantic plateau with shallow soil e intense agricultural use enabling comparison between the segment with cover forest and segment with grazing. In the sample slope, it was applied field techniques academical lyre cognized. And as an initial procedure it was used the pantometer, which allows accurate calculation of slope. Up the initial field analysis and profile elaboration, three control points were selected in order to measure the penetration resistance, measure the soil density and morphology. The results showed that geomorphological and pedological disturbance created by cattle was intense and from several types.The cattle grazing causes naked soil, because hinders or prevents the growth of pasture, therefore compacts the soil, creates penetration resistance upper to the limit root growth. The soil compact is deeper than the horizon A and, in shallow soil, as the soil of this research, the cattle-tracks has a physical limit for its deepness, which is the parent rock.

Sistema de controle por imagem para indivíduos tetraplégicos ou com lesões cerebrais / Control system image for individuals or quadriplegic with brain damage

Gomez, Benigno Alonso 25 April 2007 (has links)
Um dos grandes desafios para a reabilitação de indivíduos que sofreram traumas resultando na sua incapacidade de interação com o ambiente é o desenvolvimento de um sistema que possibilite a esse indivíduo a mínima capacidade de comunicação. Em casos extremos, indivíduos perdem os movimentos dos membros superiores, pescoço e a capacidade de comunicação por voz, ficando praticamente isolados do ambiente. O sistema de controle por imagem proposto é baseada na interpretação de seqüências de imagens que compõem movimento do globo ocular, usando como elemento de controle a região da pupila iluminada por diodos emissores de luz (LED\'s) de infravermelho. A tomada de decisão do sistema para a interpretação do movimento do globo ocular utiliza um controlador baseado em lógica fuzzy, que classifica o movimento do globo ocular em padrões pré-determinados e gera um sinal de controle, que pode ser utilizado para o acionamento de um hardware ou software adicionais, conforme a utilização do sistema proposto. O objetivo do presente trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma interface homem-máquina de baixo custo, permitindo acesso desses indivíduos ao computador pessoal. / One of the biggest challenges for rehabilitation of people that suffered traumas resulting in environment iterating inabilities is a system development that allows this individuals the minimal communication ability. In extreme circumstances, persons loose superior limbs and neck movements, and also voice communication capacity, staying almost isolated from environment. The proposed image controlled system is based on the interpretation of image sequences that compose the eye movement, using as control element the opening of the pupil illuminated by infra-red light emissor diode (LEDs). The decision-making for the eye movement analysis uses a fuzzy logic controller, that classifies this movement accord to pre-determinated patterns standard and returns a control signal, used for a hardware or software activation. The project goal is the development of a low cost man machine interface, allowing the access for these individuals to a personal computer.

Disquiet chaos

Unknown Date (has links)
This poetic thesis is an exploration of the darker side of relationships. There are two parts of this thesis and they are to be read independently of each other. Part one is concerned with the chaotic relationship structure between lovers, husbands and wives, and the unexpected anguish that results from living an inauthentic life. Part two of my thesis is a rumination of a past close friendship and the tragic death of that friend. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

The Effect of Competition on Men's Sexual Psychology and Attitudes Toward Rape

Unknown Date (has links)
In addition to the reproductive benefits associated with outcompeting sexual rivals and being seen as an attractive mating prospect by women, research suggests that competition adaptively regulates men's sexual interest and behavior in preparation for mating opportunities following competitive outcomes, with victory leading to an increase in sexual interest and loss leading to a decrease in sexual interest. One hundred fifteen undergraduate men engaged in a contrived competitive task in which a third were led to believe that they won, a third were led to believe that they lost, and a third were led to believe that they neither won nor lost. Participants completed the Rape Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (RABS), which was used to test whether the effects of competition extend to men's proneness to sexual aggression. In addition, the current study attempted to replicate Gorelik and Bjorklund's (2015) finding that only single men's sexual interest is affected by competition. Results did not reveal an effect of competition on men's rape proclivity, although there were effects in the predicted direction on two of the RABS items. Gorelik and Bjorklund's (2015) effect of competition on men's sexual interest was not replicated. Limitations, implications for the understanding of the biology of sexual aggression, and directions for future research are discussed. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Evolutionary psychological perspectives on men's partner-directed violence in context of perceived partner infidelity

Unknown Date (has links)
Evolutionary psychology offers a framework for investigating the design of evolved information-processing mechanisms that motivate costly behaviors such as men's partner-directed violence. The current research investigated predictors of and individual differences in men's intimate- partner-directed violence from an evolutionary psychological perspective. The problem of paternity uncertainty is hypothesized to have selected for the emotion of male sexual jealousy, which in turn motivates men's nonviolent and violent mate-retention behaviors. Study 1 documented a hierarchy of behaviors initiated with men's suspicions of partner infidelity leading to men's engagement in frequent non-violent mate-retention behaviors, ending in men's partner-directed violence. Study 2 documented an interaction between men's personality traits and the context of perceived partner infidelity risk to predict men's perpetration of violence. Finally, Study 3 extended Studies 1 and 2 by building a causal cascade model that captures the hierarchy of adaptive behaviors in order of: (1) men's childhood experiences with their parents' parental effort, (2) men's adaptive life history strategies and behavioral self-regulation, (3) men's perceptions of partner infidelity risk, and (4) men's non-violent mate retention behaviors, conclusively predicting men's perpetration of violence in intimate relationships. / by Farnaz Kaighobadi. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

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