Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe main"" "subject:"ehe many""
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Humility and Attachment Style in Adult Romantic RelationshipsFarrell, Jennifer Ellen 08 1900 (has links)
The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between adult attachment style, humility, and relationship satisfaction in college student couples. Attachment style--given its significant role in predicting how individuals feel, think, and behave in relationships--was expected to be an important predictor of humility, although this possibility has rarely been studied empirically. The current study found that: (a) attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were significant, negative predictors of total humility, (b) attachment anxiety (but not attachment avoidance) was a significant, negative predictor of both intrapersonal and interpersonal humility, (c) a romantic partner's attachment avoidance (but not attachment anxiety) was a significant, negative predictor of a target person's relationship satisfaction, and (d) a romantic partner's perceived level of humility was a significant, positive predictor of a target person's relationship satisfaction.
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Crying for Change: Examining the Use of Period Melodrama and the Melodramatic Mode in Contemporary Queer RepresentationBonthuys, Justin 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis illustrates how Melodrama and the melodramatic mode have been adapted within contemporary cinema as both a means of commenting on prior LGBTQI representation, and of exposing mainstream audiences to the issues still faced by many within this spectrum. Through my analyses of Carol (2015), Brokeback Mountain (2005), and A Single Man (2009), I examine how filmmakers have drawn on Melodrama as both an aesthetic form, and as a reference to the broader field of generic history and criticism which ground it as a subversive form of societal critique. By focusing specifically on how these three films portray ideological issues of gender, stereotyping, parenthood, aging, and personal shame, my thesis argues that these films are making a commentary on the damaging effects of these discourses on broader society. I also simultaneously question whether the Period Melodrama as a genre can ever fully escape the conservative nature of this form, as well as the implications of continuing to portray those on the LGBTQI spectrum as victims.
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Varför åkte du ner? : En kvalitativ framinganalys av Aftonbladets gestaltning av IS i SverigeSvensson, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Syfte:Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att jämföra Aftonbladets nyhetsrapportering om IS i Sverige med den kunskap och de erfarenheter informanten besitter. Studien har även inkluderat ett genusperspektiv, detta för att reda ut hur vida kvinnor och män gestaltas olika i Aftonbladet. Metod:Det empiriska materialet i studien består av insamlad kvalitativ data genom en semikonstruerad intervju samt artiklar från Aftonbladet. Med framing som metod har ett ramverk skapats detta för att identifiera vad som står i de utvalda artiklarna samt för hur jag valt att gå tillväga i analysen av artiklarna. Slutsats:Resultatet av studien visar att Aftonbladet gestaltar IS och IS-krigare från Sverige negativt samt att informantens erfarenheter och kunskaper inom ämnet skiljer sig markant från hur tidningen beskriver det. Studien har också kommit fram till att kvinnor och män porträtteras olika i Aftonbladet när det handlar om IS i Sverige. / Purpose:The purpose of this study is to compare the news report from the swedish newspaper Aftonbladet about IS and IS-warriors with the knowledge and the experiences that the informant has. The study does also include a gender perspective, this to investigate how women and men frames differently. Method:The emperical material in this study comprises in gathering qualitative data existing of a semi constructed interview together with articles from Aftonbladet. I used the created framework as a method for analysing the articles. Conclusion:The result of the study show that Aftonbladet portrays IS and IS-warriors from Sweden in a negative way and also that the informants experiences and knowledge within the subject differ significantly from how the newspaper describes it. The study also shows that man and women are portrayed differently in Aftonbladet when the subject is IS in Sweden.
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Revisorns oberoende vid fristående rådgivning : det ständiga dilemmat / Auditor independence and non-audit services : the constant dilemmaLindahl, Ida, Wendel, Elisabeth January 2014 (has links)
Revisorn anlitas för att ge ett oberoende yttrande som ska säkerställa pålitligheten i företagensfinansiella rapporter. Denna tilltrosskapandande effekt kan endast uppnås om revisorn görsina bedömningar och fattar beslut utan att låta sig påverkas av andra personers viljor ellerönskningar. Att revisorn är oberoende är särskilt viktigt i de fall revisorernas arbete påverkarintressenters beslutsfattande. Diskussionen kring revisorns oberoende i samband medtillhandahållandet av fristående rådgivning har debatterats flitigt. Vissa menar att denfristående rådgivningen medför positiva effekter på revisionen, medan andra anser att denborde förbjudas då den utgör ett hot mot revisorns oberoende och påverkar förtroendet förbranschen. Genom införandet av revisionspaketet står revisionsbranschen inför nyaregleringar av oberoendet och den fristående rådgivningen. Denna uppsats ämnar fördjupadiskussionen och undersöka varför det kan upplevas som ett problem när en revisionsbyrå, irollen som oberoende kontrollorgan, erbjuder både fristående rådgivning och revision.Frågeställningen besvaras med hjälp av relevanta teorier, modeller och intervjuer medrevisorer, intressenter samt normgivande organ. Den fristående rådgivningen kan medföra attrevisorn inte uppfattas som oberoende och kan utmana förtroendet hos allmänheten. Vidarekan det upplevas som ett problem när den fristående rådgivningen sker på revisionsklienter.Medias skildring av debatten, att det verkar föreligga ett förväntningsgap samt en bristandetransparens kan även det vara bidragande orsaker till problematiken. Revisionspaketet kankomma att öka transparensen, minska förväntningsgapet samt stärka förtroendet för branschenoch kan således komma att minska problematiken med att ett oberoende kontrollorganerbjuder både fristående rådgivning och revision. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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BAMBUVISKOS : En hållbar fiber för framtiden? / Bamboo Viscose : a Sustainable Fibre for the Future?Svensson, Karin, Magnusson, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Naturskyddsföreningen gav författarna uppgiften att undersöka förekommande viskosprocesser och alternativa regenereringsprocesser, detta för att identifiera hur hållbara de är ur ett miljöperspektiv och vilka processer som går att applicera på bambu. Detta för att se möjligheten att märka bambuviskos med Bra Miljöval och för att klargöra frekvent uppkommande frågor angående bambuviskos. Syftet är att se på de olika processernas kemiska innehåll samt vilka utsläpp de orsakar till luft och vatten. Ett delmål med rapporten är att den ska kunna användas som material vid vidareutveckling av kriterierna för Bra Miljöval Textil. Resultat som erhållits vid jämförelser av studerad litteratur är att de betydande faktorerna för miljöpåverkan från massaframställningen samt viskos- och lyocellprocessen beror av: använda kemikalier i processen, energianvändningen och vilken typ av energi, möjligheten till rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten samt återvinning av energi och kemikalier. Beroende på vilket råmaterial som används vid massaframställningen kan skillnader i markanvändning, användning av bekämpningsmedel och gödningsmedel samt upptagande av koldioxid skilja sig. Massa- och fiberframställning bör vara integrerade då energiförbrukning och mängd kemikalier kan minskas. Energin kan dessutom återvinnas till större utsträckning.Genom miljömärkningar från oberoende organisationer blir det lättare för konsumenter att göra miljömedvetna val och veta vad märkningarna står för. Sammanfattningsvis ska det påpekas att om regenererad bambu framställs som den görs idag är den ingen hållbar fiber, men sker framställningen i en integrerad process där kemikalier och energi återvinns samt rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten sker, kan bambuviskos bli en hållbar fiber för framtiden. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) gave the authors the task to investigative present viscose processes and alternative regeneration processes to identify how sustainable they are from an environmental perspective, and examine which processes that can be applied to bamboo. This to see the possibility to label bamboo viscose with “Bra Miljöval” (Good Environmental Choice), which is the eco-label of SSNC, and to clarify the frequently emerging issues concerning bamboo viscose. The aim is to look at the various processes, their chemical content and the emissions they cause to air and water. Another objective of the report is that it can be used as material for further development of the criteria for “Bra Miljöval”.Results obtained when comparing the studied literature is that the significant factors of the environmental impact from the pulp production, the viscose and lyocell processes depends on: chemicals used in the process, energy and energy source, the possibility of purifying emissions to air and water and recycling of energy and chemicals. Depending on the raw materials used for pulp production, differences in land use, use of pesticides and fertilizers as well as absorption of carbon dioxide differ. Pulp and fibre production should be integrated to reduce energy consumption and the amount of chemicals used. The energy can also be recycled to a greater extent.Eco-labels from independent organizations will make it easier for consumers to make environmentally conscious choices and be aware of what the labels stand for.In conclusion, it should be noted that if the regenerated bamboo is produced as it is today, it is not a sustainable fibre. If the production is done through an integrated process in which chemicals and energy recovery and purification of air and water occurs, bamboo viscose can be a sustainable fibre for the future. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen
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Attityder, bemötande och engagemang : Om emotionernas och myternas betydelse i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld / Attitudes, treatment and commitment : On the importance of emotions and myths in the meeting with women victims of male violenceOlsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på intervjuer med två kvinnor anställda på en kvinnojour. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter vad gäller uppbrottsprocessen för den kvinna som utsatts för mäns våld och hur hon blir bemött av polis och sociala myndigheter under uppbrottet. Kvinnan som ska bryta sig loss från mannen måste ofta ta kontakt med olika myndigheter för att lösa sin situation och dessa har visat sig agera på olika sätt. Deras kunskap är av stor vikt, men det är också nödvändigt att fundera på hur de personliga känslorna styr bemötandet och utgången av mötet. Människan är mån om att försöka anpassa sina känslor till situationen och tysta regler styr vad som är korrekt i en specifik situation. Dessa känslor går dock inte alltid att kontrollera och kan få konsekvenser för kvinnan i hennes process.</p> / <p>This study in social anthropology is based on interviews with two female employees at a women's aid centre. It is about their perceptions and experiences of the breakup process a woman who has been ill treated by her man goes through, and of the way she is treated by the police and the social authorities during this breakup. The woman who must break away from her man must often make contact with various authorities to resolve her situation and they have been shown to act differently. Their knowledge is of great importance, but it is also necessary to consider how their personal feelings govern how they receive the woman and the outcome of the meeting. Man is anxious to try to adapt his feelings to the situation and silent rules govern what is appropriate in a particular situation. These feelings are not always controlable and may have consequences for the woman in her process.</p>
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Attityder, bemötande och engagemang : Om emotionernas och myternas betydelse i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för mäns våld / Attitudes, treatment and commitment : On the importance of emotions and myths in the meeting with women victims of male violenceOlsson, Emelie January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på intervjuer med två kvinnor anställda på en kvinnojour. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar och erfarenheter vad gäller uppbrottsprocessen för den kvinna som utsatts för mäns våld och hur hon blir bemött av polis och sociala myndigheter under uppbrottet. Kvinnan som ska bryta sig loss från mannen måste ofta ta kontakt med olika myndigheter för att lösa sin situation och dessa har visat sig agera på olika sätt. Deras kunskap är av stor vikt, men det är också nödvändigt att fundera på hur de personliga känslorna styr bemötandet och utgången av mötet. Människan är mån om att försöka anpassa sina känslor till situationen och tysta regler styr vad som är korrekt i en specifik situation. Dessa känslor går dock inte alltid att kontrollera och kan få konsekvenser för kvinnan i hennes process. / This study in social anthropology is based on interviews with two female employees at a women's aid centre. It is about their perceptions and experiences of the breakup process a woman who has been ill treated by her man goes through, and of the way she is treated by the police and the social authorities during this breakup. The woman who must break away from her man must often make contact with various authorities to resolve her situation and they have been shown to act differently. Their knowledge is of great importance, but it is also necessary to consider how their personal feelings govern how they receive the woman and the outcome of the meeting. Man is anxious to try to adapt his feelings to the situation and silent rules govern what is appropriate in a particular situation. These feelings are not always controlable and may have consequences for the woman in her process.
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Task-Dependent Effects of Automation: The Role of Internal Models in Performance, Workload, and Situational Awareness in a Semi-Automated Cockpit.Carmody, Meghan A. 01 March 1994 (has links)
Thesis (Doctora).
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Enrichissement et conflits sociaux à la fin du XVIIe siècle : une comparaison de Colbert, Vauban et Locke / Enrichment and social conflicts at the end of the 17th century : a comparison of Colbert, Vauban and LockeBouillot, Céline 23 November 2017 (has links)
Au XVIIe siècle, commerce et guerre étant étroitement liés (Pocock), les auteurs de cette époque accordent une grande importance aux liens entre conflits et monnaie. Cette thèse met en évidence comment la conception de la monnaie, sous forme de métaux précieux, influence la manière d’envisager la question de l’enrichissement chez Colbert, Vauban et Locke. Elle montre également quelles sont les implications en matière de politiques économiques et de relations sociales. Ces auteurs développent ainsi une pensée pouvant être qualifiée«d’hétérodoxe», en opposition à l’orthodoxie d’Adam Smith qui critique vivement leur question d’une quantité de monnaie nécessaire au fonctionnement du système économique. Dans ce cadre, quatre questions sont traitées. La première consiste à mettre à jour les effets sociaux d’une économie monétaire : l’apparition d’un conflit entre propriétaires terriens et détenteurs de monnaie et la création du gouvernement civil. La seconde permet de souligner le lien entre les relations sociales et les politiques monétaires à mener – à savoir favoriser l’intérêt des marchands ou maintenir une stabilité sociale? La troisième question aborde alors le rôle du gouvernement et des leviers dont il dispose. Le gouvernement doit garantir une quantité de monnaie appropriée, maintenir une balance commerciale excédentaire et faire circuler la monnaie, via une stabilité monétaire ou encore une réforme fiscale. Enfin la dernière question permet d’appréhender le rôle du commerce international. Celui-ci, n’est qu’un moyen de faire circuler la richesse créée au niveau national, selon ces auteurs. Par ailleurs, seul le commerce international permet l’entrée de monnaie sous la forme de métaux précieux. / In the 17th century, trade and war are deeply related (Pocock). Thus, authors from thatperiod gave a great importance to the links between conflicts and money. This PhD aims at understanding how the idea of money, as a precious metal, influences Colbert’s, Vauban’s and Locke’s thinking about the question of the enrichment. It further studies the implications of this approach for economic policy and social relations. These authors can be considered as« heterodox » in opposition to the orthodoxy of Adam Smith who sharply criticized their investigation of an appropriate quantity of money needed to ensure the good functioning of an economic system. In this framework, four questions are analysed. The first one discusses the social effects of a monetary economy in the form of the appearance of a conflict between the landed men and the moneyed men, that ultimately leads to the establishment of a civil government. The second one underlines the link between social relations and the required monetary policies: shall measures favour merchants’ interest or shall they maintain social stability? This brings the reader to the third question, which is to define the role of the government and its means of action. The government must ensure that an appropriate quantity of money, maintain a trade surplus and make money circulate. This can be achieved through a monetary stability or by implementing fiscal reform. Finally, the last question revolves around the role of international trade. According to these authors, it is mainly a mean allowing wealth which is created inside the country, to circulate. Besides, international trade is the only way to have inflows of precious metal, thus increasing the quantity of money in the country.
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How to build and irish artist : Joyce's first portraits of DublinCorrêa, Alan Noronha January 2012 (has links)
James Joyce é um dos escritores mais famosos do século 20, sendo sua obra muito comentada por leitores e acadêmicos, especialmente devido ao alto nível de complexidade de Ulisses e Finnegans Wake, os romances da fase madura. O foco da presente dissertação, todavia, são os primeiros livros de Joyce que, apesar de serem mais acessíveis ao público em geral, também contêm toda a elaboração linguística e simbólica que caracteriza o autor. Trato especificamente do volume de contos Dublinenses e do romance Um Retrato do Artista Quando Jovem, utilizando para análise deste o suporte oferecido pelo outro romance anterior, não publicado em vida, Stephen Hero. O objetivo da pesquisa é investigar aspectos presentes na prosa de Joyce que revelem a formulação e a aplicação de sua teoria estética. Como a cidade de Dublin surge como uma metáfora sobre as circunstâncias de ser irlandês, interessa ao leitor adquirir alguma familiaridade com a cultura e a história daquele país e com as relações existentes entre os irlandeses e sua terra natal, especialmente no que tange às questões sobre religiosidade e sobre a dominação inglesa. A dissertação vem estruturada em quatro capítulos. O primeiro apresenta James Joyce tanto como pessoa quanto como escritor em formação, nascendo e crescendo em Dublin na virada dos séculos XIX e XX. São analisadas as influências exercidas pelo contexto católico de sua criação e pela crise social e econômica enfrentadas tanto pelo país quanto pela família do autor. O segundo capítulo lida com Dublinenses, o conjunto de contos que apresenta a visão de Joyce sobre a cidade de Dublin. Esses contos podem ser lidos individualmente, mas a obra assume um significado maior quando considerada de forma unificada em termos de linguagem, simbologia, estratégias narrativas e objetivos, em um plano de evolução que abrange fases da infância, da adolescência, da maturidade e da vida pública. As personagens compartilham características comuns: paralisia, falta de perspectivas e incapacidade de entender ou de reagir aos fatores históricos e sociais que os colocam naquela posição. Entre tais fatores predominam três, a cultura católica, a dominação inglesa e a inabilidade das pessoas para reagir de maneira criativa e produtiva aos problemas que se apresentam. O terceiro capítulo analisa a evolução do fazer artístico de Joyce a partir do binômio Stephen Hero e Um Retrato do Artista Quando Jovem, tendo como elemento comum a ideia do Künstlerroman. No quarto e último capítulo, apresento um comentário sobre as marcas de individuação de Joyce em relação a alguns de seus contemporâneos que também tratam sobre questões envolvendo arte, história e tradição. Ao término do trabalho, espero que a minha percepção sobre o conjunto de fatores que propiciaram o surgimento de um autor como Joyce possa ser de utilidade para pessoas que, como eu, acreditam tanto na importância estética quanto na relevância política e social desses três primeiros livros, os primeiros retratos de Dublin que James Joyce produziu. / James Joyce is one of the most famous writers in the 20th century, whose work is very commented both by readers and scholars, especially because of the high level of complexity of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake, the two mature masterpieces. The focus of the present thesis, however, lies on the first books written by Joyce, because they are more manageable for reading, and yet bear all the linguistic and symbolic sophistication that marks Joyce’s production. The corpus of the research comprises the book of short stories Dubliners and the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, using as support to the analysis of the latter, the previous novel, never published in life, Stephen Hero. The aim of this thesis is to investigate aspects of Joyce’s prose that expose the stages of construction and application of his aesthetic theory. The city of Dublin comes as a metaphor about the condition of being Irish. As a consequence, some familiarity with Irish history and culture is relevant for a better understanding of the books, and of the complex relations involving the Irish and their land, especially in matters concerning Catholicism and English domination. The thesis is divided in four chapters. The first draws on James Joyce, considered both as a person and as a writer in progress, born and raised in Dublin in the turn of the 19th into the 20th centuries. The chapter centres on the relations involving the influence of the Catholic context of his formation and the economic and social crises experienced by Ireland and by the Joyce family at the time. Chapter two is about Dubliners, the collection of short stories that presents Joyce’s view about the city of Dublin. These stories can be read independently from one another, but they acquire a finer meaning if considered as a unit in terms of language, symbolism, narrative strategies and goals, besides following a plan of evolution from childhood to adolescence, and to maturity, and public life. The characters share common characteristics: paralysis, lack of perspective, incapacity to understand or to react to the historical and social factors that put them in that position. Among those factors we have the Catholic tradition, the English domination and the inability of the people to react to circumstantial problems in a creative and productive way. Chapter three analyses the evolution of Joyce’s craftsmanship through the duo Stephen Hero/A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, using the notion of Künstlerroman as a starting point. In the last chapter I deal with the peculiarities in Joyce’s style, contrasting them to the practice of some other contemporary authors who also state their views about art, history and tradition. As an aftermath to this thesis, I hope that my comments about the body of elements that propitiated the rise of Joyce as the author he is may prove useful to other people like me, who believe in the relevance of his contribution to the aesthetics of literature and to the discussion about political and social issues related to Ireland, in the first portraits of Dublin displayed in Joyce’s three first books.
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