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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparing rural parent and teacher perspectives of parental involvement: A mixed methods study

Stout, Ann C. 01 January 2009 (has links)
Parents and teachers have differing perspectives of parental involvement which presents a barrier to the development of effective parental involvement. This mixed-method, sequential, exploratory study of parents and teachers in rural school districts sought to identify, compare, and analyze these divergent parental involvement perspectives. A sample of 122 parents and 21 certified teachers from 3 rural elementary schools were first surveyed using parallel questions from Epstein's School and family partnerships parent (or teacher) questionnaire (SFP). Independent-sample t-tests of SFP scales confirmed parental involvement perspectives of parents and teachers differed significantly. Survey data was analyzed descriptively and identified 5 specific topics of differences: parents' ability to help with reading and math, their need for teacher ideas, checking homework, volunteering, teacher and parent communication, and sharing learning expectations. Next, 5 focus groups of parents, teachers, and parents and teachers together probed these topics. Digital recordings of focus group data were transcribed, segmented, and coded for repeated words and phrases. Themes were then inductively developed. Results specified parents want clear, timely communication, while teachers want parents' support and to assist with children's homework. Results further indicated improved communication would assist in building stronger parent teacher relationships. Focus groups provided a venue for communication and building relationships inspiring transformation. The implications of social change are that parental involvement programs that address the perspectives of both parents and teachers improve understanding and promote a sense of social justice where both parents and teachers share positions of power in the education of children.

La question de la traduction dans la langue turque à travers les textes philosophiques / The question of translation into the Turkish language through philosophical texts

Fakioğlu Yakici, Burçak 20 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’analyse de l’activité de traduction philosophique dans le processus de modernisation de Turquie et l’évolution de la conception de la traduction au cours du temps. Dans un premier temps, notre thèse se concentre sur l’histoire de la traduction philosophique. Nous présentons les traductions des textes philosophiques dans la période des Tanzimat et la période après la fondation de la République. Dans un second temps, notre thèse se propose de mener une étude comparative entre les différentes traductions des textes philosophiques. Les questions qui se posent peuvent être énoncées comme suit. Quels types de politique ont-ils pu adopter aussi bien sur un plan théorique que sur le plan du choix des textes à traduire ? Les politiques adoptées ont-elles présentées des modifications notables et significatives tout au long de la période considérée, selon l'évolution de la demande émanant des lecteurs ou selon les exigences des pouvoirs politiques qui se sont succédé ? / This thesis deals with the analysis of the philosophical translation activity in the process of modernization of Turkey and the evolution of the conception of translation over time. First, my thesis focuses on the history of philosophical translation. I present translation activities in general and translations of philosophical texts in the Tanzimat period and the period after the founding of the Republic. In the second section, my thesis proposes to carry out a comparative study between the different translations of philosophical texts. The questions that arise can be stated as follows. What types of policies have they adopted both on the theoretical level and on the choice of the texts to be translated? Have the policies that were adopted resulted in significant changes throughout the period under review, depending on the evolution of the demand from the readers or the requirements of the political authorities that have followed one another?

Perspective vol. 17 no. 5 (Dec 1983) / Perspective: Newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship

Seerveld, Calvin, Zylstra, Bernard, VanderVennen, Robert E., Van Ginkel, Aileen, Cooper, Justin, McIntire, C. T. 26 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Construir la veu filosòfica mitjançant l'escriptura col·laborativa: una comunitat d'aprenentatge de la Filosofia a Batxillerat

Corcelles Seuba, Mariona 13 September 2010 (has links)
L'objectiu de la recerca és mostrar com, mitjançant l'escriptura col·laborativa, elsestudiants de filosofia de 1r de Batxillerat aprenen a desenvolupar les competènciesfilosòfiques de problematitzar, conceptualitzar i argumentar, les quals hem anomenat"veu filosòfica".És un estudi descriptiu i exploratori, amb un disseny d'anàlisi de cas que combina lesmetodologies quantitativa i qualitativa. Se situa en el context natural de l'aula.Aquest context s'ha organitzat com a comunitat d'aprenentatge i pretén esdevenir uncontext dialògic i multivocal combinant la interacció entre iguals i l'ensenyament del'escriptura per elaborar textos argumentatius filosòfics.L'estudi analitza, d'una banda, la qualitat filosòfica dels textos individuals i conjuntselaborats per quatre equips al llarg de la intervenció (curs 08-09), i d'altra banda, laqualitat filosòfica dels processos d'escriptura col·laborativa de dos equips en cincsessions per publicar un text filosòfic a la revista de l'institut. Per últim, també analitzales percepcions pel que fa al context d'ensenyament i d'aprenentatge dels 48 estudiants iel professor que han participat en la intervenció.Els resultats mostren que hi ha millores en la qualitat filosòfica dels escrits delsestudiants, especialment els individuals. Quant a l'anàlisi de la qualitat filosòfica delsprocessos d'escriptura col·laborativa, s'observen les dificultats dels estudiants perpassar del nivell abstracte al concret i com l'escriptura col·laborativa permet concretar ireformular les idees per construir coneixement en l'àmbit de la filosofia. Per últim, lespercepcions dels estudiants i del professor aporten valoracions positives que reforcenaquest context educatiu i a la vegada elements per millorar-lo. / El objetivo de la investigación es mostrar cómo, mediante la escritura colaborativa,los estudiantes de filosofía de 1º de Bachillerato aprenden a desarrollar las competenciasfilosóficas de problematizar, conceptualizar, y argumentar, que hemos llamado como"voz filosófica".Es un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio basado en un diseño de análisis de caso quecombina metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se sitúa en el contexto natural del aula.Este contexto se ha organizado como comunidad de aprendizaje y pretende potenciarun contexto dialógico y multivocal combinando la interacción entre iguales y laenseñanza de la escritura para elaborar textos argumentativos filosóficos.El estudio analiza por un lado, la calidad filosófica de los textos individuales yconjuntos elaborados por cuatro equipos a lo largo de la intervención (curso 08-09), ypor otro lado, la calidad filosófica de los procesos de escritura colaborativa de dosequipos a lo largo de cinco sesiones para publicar un texto filosófico en la revista delinstituto. Por último, el estudio también analiza las percepciones respecto al contexto deenseñanza y de aprendizaje de los 48 estudiantes y el profesor que han participado en laintervención.Los resultados muestran que hay mejoras en la calidad filosófica de los escritos delos estudiantes, especialmente los individuales. En el análisis de la calidad filosófica delos procesos de escritura colaborativa, se observan las dificultades de los estudiantespara pasar del nivel abstracto al concreto y cómo la escritura colaborativa permiteconcretar y reformular las ideas para construir conocimiento en el ámbito de la filosofía.Por último, las percepciones de los estudiantes y del profesor aportan valoracionespositivas que refuerzan este contexto educativo y a la vez elementos para mejorarlo. / The aim of this research is to study how through collaborative writing philosophystudents in High School learn to develop philosophical skills (to ask questions, toconceptualize, and to argue). These skills we have termed as "philosophical voice."It is a descriptive and exploratory study based on case analysis. It combinesquantitative and qualitative methodology and it is situated in the natural classroomcontext.This educational setting is organized as a community of learning and aims topromote a dialogic and multivocal educational context through the combination of peerinteraction and the teaching of writing to develop philosophical argumentative texts.The study analyzes one the one hand, philosophical quality of individual and grouptexts elaborated by four teams over the academic course intervention. On the otherhand, it analyzes the collaborative writing process quality of two teams over fivesessions to publish a philosophical text in the High School's Journal. Finally, the studyalso examines the perceptions of the learning context of 48 students and a teacher whoparticipated in the intervention.The results show, first, that there are improvements in the quality of thephilosophical writings of the students, especially the individual text. Moreover, theanalysis of the collaborative writing process show the students' difficulties in movingfrom abstract to concrete level and how writing can helps to reformulate the ideas intopractice and to build knowledge in the field of Philosophy. Finally, perceptions ofstudents and teacher provide positive feedback to reinforce the educational context and,at the same time, elements for his improvement.

Genesis 1-11 and the African worldview : conflict or conformity?

Chalk, Jack Pryor 30 November 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to present an analysis of the belief systems of the worldviews behind the religions of Christianity and African Traditional Religion with a view toward aiding the Christian church in African help its converts from African Traditional Religion to hold a biblical worldview in the areas where the biblical and traditional African worldviews conflict. The two worldviews were analyzed, and compared using the philosophical elements of a worldview and the religious dimensions of how a worldview is lived out in culture. Genesis 1-11 of the Christian Bible was used as the basis for the biblical or Christian worldview. The Christian believes that the Bible is God's inspired word to mankind and that what is recorded in Genesis 1-11 gives God's answers to the basic philosophical questions that make up a worldview. Therefore, Christian philosophy and the Christian worldview are postulated on God's special revelation as recorded in the Bible. The African worldview is based upon the sayings and traditions of the elders as received from the ancestors. The traditional African believes in the trustworthiness of the ancestors as strongly as the Christian believes in the trustworthiness of the Bible. When an African converts from African Traditional Religion to Christianity he encounters a conflict of beliefs in certain philosophical elements of his worldview. Upon the conviction that beliefs determine practice, unless the African convert to Christianity changes his beliefs he will not change his practice, and syncretism will be the result. After analyzing the two worldviews, the areas of conflict in beliefs were presented with recommendations for bringing the African Christian's worldview beliefs into conformity with the Christian worldview. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D.Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)

Challenges faced by student teachers of Nyadire Teachers' College in engaging pupils in philosophical inquiry and feasible solutions

Zimbiti, Clementine T. 11 1900 (has links)
Philosophical inquiry as a pedagogical approach develops higher order thinking and problem solving skills. Inquiry-based learning is an important approach for sustainable development, considering the fact that today’s societies has to deal with everyday challenges. Philosophical inquiry is a powerful educational approach that has cognitive, social and practical benefits. This study examined the challenges faced by the Nyadire Teachers’ College (NTC) student teachers in Mashonaland East Province in Zimbabwe in engaging pupils in philosophical inquiry and ways of overcoming them. The study employed the qualitative design because of its focus on participants’ perceptions and actions. The researcher viewed participants as reflective beings whose actions were influenced by their thoughts. The study sample comprised forty student teachers on campus who had just completed their Teaching Practice (TP), eight student teachers on TP and ten lecturers from various departments. The data were collected through individual interviews, focus group discussions, non-participant observation of lessons and document analysis. The evidence from literature indicates that philosophical discourse and pedagogy develop learners’ ability to be responsible and accountable for their actions. It has also indicated teachers’ inability to introduce children to thoughtful discussion as one of the barriers to the use of philosophical inquiry as a pedagogy. The findings of the study indicated that NTC student teachers lacked skills and dispositions to engage pupils in philosophical inquiry. This was attributed to lack of critical pedagogy in teacher education at NTC. The findings also indicated that there were challenges in practicing schools. The study established knowledge and competence gaps amongst NTC student teachers as one of the challenges. The study suggested that NTC teacher education should expose student teachers to theory and practice of critical pedagogy. It also suggested in-service education on mentoring for teachers in schools, as mentoring demands more skills and knowledge than mere teaching. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)

A critical appraisal of the problems and prospects of theological non-realism

Badenhorst, Marthinus Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
This study in philosophical-theology investigates the problems and prospects of theological non-realism, as proposed and developed by the Cambridge philosopher of religion Don Cupitt. After contextualising non-realism within the worldview, epistemology and theology of pre-modernity, modernity and postmodernity, the study appraises the prospects of non-realism as a new philosophical and theologica default position for Christianity and how it relates to what has been referred to as the New Reformation. The study hypothesises and contends that, although radical in orientation and multifarious in prospect, it is a viable and valid basis for Christian reformation. After contextualising, considering some religious and theological content, as well as critique and contrapuntal positions, the study delineates theoretical and practical reformatory options. By and large concurring with Cupitt, the study also deviates from him, particularly with respect to the prospect of ecclesiastical post-Christianity. Although this is not a study in practical theology, this study nevertheless aims to move the debate about the New Reformation forward by proposing non-realism as a basis for a new Church / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Thesis (D. Th. (Religious Studies))

Multidimensional Leadership: Masculine and Feminine Leadership Approaches in Public Education

Eberhard, Joseph P 16 May 2017 (has links)
With two-thirds of new leaders being women, it has become increasingly more clear that the face of our educational organizations is changing both symbolically and substantively. The demands placed on public education have also grown exponentially. If society demands that schools become better, then it is necessary to investigate the approaches that school leaders utilize in making decisions. The purpose of this research was to explore the different approaches that educational leaders implement during their decision-making processes. The present study asked 20 school leaders within Miami Dade County Public Schools to report and explain their personal approaches to leadership to determine if these individuals utilize the reporting categories of masculine, feminine, or multidimensional decision making. Following a four-round modified electronic Delphi technique, involving an open-ended questionnaire, a situation specific decision making survey, and two subsequent rounds of reflection, it was determined that the majority of school leaders use a multidimensional approach in making decisions; however, these individuals did not adhere strictly to any one of the specific reporting categories discussed. The study showed that the incorporation of several approaches contributed to the decision-making processes of educational leaders. Although contrary to relevant literature in the field, participants’ leadership approaches were not stringently tied to whether they happened to be male or female. The results of the current study suggest that research in sex-role orientations and gender studies, especially in the fields of organizational and educational leadership, may be evolving. The complex nature surrounding leadership in schools may imply that the infusion of a diverse or multidimensional approach to decision making is a necessary part of steering an organization towards a path that meets contemporary education demands. The environment particular to each school determines the leadership approach that is appropriate. Environmental variables may include the school’s history, the demographics of students and personnel, and details involving the type of organizational culture that has been fostered. Practical implications of the current study include exploring appropriate leadership and the role that multidimensional leadership approaches have in fulfilling the needs of specific schools. These leadership styles not only incorporate masculine and feminine leadership approaches, but also integrate approaches that can be considered androgynous and multidimensional.

"--Dass einer mit sich selbst identisch wird" : zur Identitätsproblematik in Max Frischs Werk / The problem of identity in Max Frosch's work

Kohl, Martha Elisabeth Bärbel 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Summary in English / Max Frisch's work centres around the question of authenticity of the individual, of true self-identity. It is difficult and problematic if ever possible to discover the true inner self. Stereotypical thinking, prejudice as well as societal demands, rules and norms are great obstacles in the way for attaining this goal. Frisch's protagonists fail in one or another way. The emphasis lies therefore not in the answer but rests on the questions as to why and how failure occurred and contemplate possible alternatives. The message is: the task is arduous, never completed. The goal lies in the process rather than in the end. It is a continuous struggle, appraisal and renewal resulting in raising awareness and consciousness and thus find more true and independent solutions. Frisch's work is an appeal to the public to take charge, to exercise one's choices wisely and to act with love and responsibility / Classics & Modern European Languages / M. A. (German)

Gender, genre and identity in selected short stories by Bessie Head

Ngomane, George Nkhesani 11 1900 (has links)
This study probes selected stories from Bessie Head's The Collector of Treasures (1977) in order to elicit instances of contiguity and disjuncture between orality and literacy, to establish Head's complex identity configurations which are often manifested in the interactions between aesthetic form and content, authorial consciousness, character delineation, and narrative voice. At the same time, the dissertation explores her portrayal of the proscribed condition of women, the subversive consciousness that undercuts women's subjugation by patriarchy, and her vision for the liberatory possibilities for women from the exigencies of patriarchal domination. I also examine Head's (re-)vision of culture within the framework of hybridity and creolity and determine how some of these perspectives are crystallized in discourses such as When Rain Clouds Gather (1968), Maru (1971) and A Question of Power (1973). I juxtapose my reading of Head with other African writers such as Bâ, Emecheta and Nwapa to draw references in instances where the context permits. The dominant critical approach adopted in this thesis is a contextual approach. I consider this approach useful for my purposes because of its flexibility, the attention it pays to the formal properties of literary texts and, its cognizance of the socio-historical genesis of texts and its demonstration of literature's timeless value. / English Studies / M.A. (English)

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