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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les ressorts littéraires de la pensée philosophique dans les Essais de Montaigne / Montaigne's Philosophical Ingenuity

Mollier, Thomas 17 November 2017 (has links)
Nombreux sont les travaux consacrés aux Essais à avoir embrassé d’un seul regard les caractéristiques littéraires et la teneur philosophique du livre de Montaigne. Mais la nature philosophique de la prose d’idées des Essais restait une évidence inquestionnée ; c’est ainsi que s’est constituée une représentation opaque de l’œuvre selon laquelle l’ensemble réputé inextricable de ses aspects ne pouvait être pensé qu’à travers la catégorie doxographique du scepticisme. Enquête méthodologique et critique, la présente thèse vise à dissiper cette opacité en dégageant spéculativement les fondements d’une manière alternative de rendre compte de la philosophie dans les Essais à partir de son articulation avec les propriétés du texte. L’expérience que le lecteur des Essais peut faire de la philosophie montanienne est spécifique : cette philosophie se manifeste comme détermination. Est ensuite démontrée la nécessité méthodologique de localiser la philosophie à sa juste échelle dans le texte pour pouvoir rigoureusement l’identifier. Il apparaît alors que ce n’est qu’à la faveur d’une compréhension poïétique des ressorts textuels de la pensée montanienne que devient véritablement pensable la philosophie des Essais. La description de la philosophie des Essais sur laquelle débouche cette investigation permet enfin de prendre la pleine mesure de l’inventivité d’une pensée tributaire d’une écriture, aux sens matériel et stylistique du terme. / It is common practice for works pertaining to Montaigne's Essays to embrace in a single glance its literary characteristics and its philosophical content. But the philosophical nature of the Essays' non-fictional prose has yet remained unchallenged, crystallizing an opaque representation of the text that precludes its supposedly inextricable aspects from being thought outside the doxographic category of skepticism. A methodological and critical enquiry, the present thesis intends to dispel this opacity by speculatively unfolding the fundamental principles for an alternative construal of the Essays' philosophical content, rooted in its articulation with the properties of the text. The way in which the reader of the Essays shall experience Montaigne's philosophy is specific: this philosophy emerges as semantically determined content. From this ensues the methodological imperative to localize philosophy at its legitimate scope of focus within the text in order to allow for its rigorous identification. It then appears that philosophy of the Essays can only be truly thought through the lens of a poietic understanding of the textual elements of Montaigne’s thought. Finally, the description of the philosophy of the Essays brought about by this enquiry sheds light on the full extent of the ingenuity of Montaigne's thought, tributary of his writing in both the material and stylistic senses of the term.

Identité contemporaine et rationalité communicationnelle: approche critique des acquis de la pragmatique universelle pour l'analyse des processus de socialisation et d'intégration sociale dans le contexte culturel contemporain

Zaccai-Reyners, Nathalie January 1994 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Hoitamisen olemus:hoitotyön historiasta, teoriasta ja tulkinnasta hoitamista kuvaviin teoreettisiin väittämiin

Haho, A. (Annu) 21 November 2006 (has links)
Abstract The present study investigates phenomena of caring from the point of view of nursing work in the Western society, approaching the topic from historical and theoretical frames of reference. The historical frame of reference is an entity where descriptions of the concepts and phenomena of nursing, nursing ethics and caring are explored from the point of view of hermeneutic interpretation of history. Data from an earlier period include publications, text books and research papers from the years 1903–1938 on nursing in Finland, nursing ethics and caring and also material on the life work of Ms. Naima Kurvinen (1876–1933), matron at the Oulu Province Hospital. Data from a later period consist of articles, literary work and research papers on nursing work, nursing ethics and caring from the years 1979–2004. The theoretical frame of reference will here be approached from the points of view of phenomenology and philosophical hermeneutics. The data include philosophical literature on phenomenology, philosophical hermeneutics, and the essence, ethics and knowledge of humanity. Heidegger's philosophy of the mind of being proved to be a central theory in interpreting the phenomenon of caring. Morality, autonomy and universality were the three theoretical statements of caring found in the study. Central characteristics describing the moral essence of caring were grouped under four theses as follows: 1. Moral statements describing caring are normative, i.e. they contain moral principles which guide our actions. The good of another individual emerged as the expressed function of caring. 2. Some values, such as humaneness, dignity, health, and well-being can intuitively be named as the good within caring. 3. The act of caring is to place oneself to take care of another person. This is based on freedom, authentic presence and ability to assume another person's preferences. The combination of these qualities describes altruism within caring. 4. The humane essence of man and interaction with others include ethical meanings of caring. Caring is action that protects, maintains and enriches life and involves hope. The autonomous nature of caring is here described with the following three theses: 1. The autonomy of caring signifies the nurse's independence and the special nature of the context. Knowledge and the ability to place oneself to take care of another person are essential prerequisites. 2. The practical knowledge of caring is ethical in nature. 3. Prerequisites explaining caring, such as ethicality, knowledge, and awareness and meanings of nursing describe the phenomenological features of caring, making the act of caring an autonomous one. The following two theses are used to argue for the universal essence of nursing: 1. Our humane and historical qualities are part of universally recognized humane values. Concern represents the manner of being within caring, describes meanings and values given to it and, finally, attaches one's awareness to the real world. 2. The moral of caring is universal in nature. / Tiivistelmä Tarkastelen tässä tutkimuksessa hoitamisen ilmiötä länsimaisen hoitotyön näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen lähestymistavaksi valitsin historiallisen ja teoreettisen viitekehyksen. Historiallinen viitekehys on kokonaisuus, jossa hoitotyön, hoitoetiikan ja hoitamisen käsitteiden ja ilmiöiden kuvaukset muodostavat historiallisen aineiston, jota tarkastelen hermeneuttisen historiantulkinnan näkökulmasta. Varhaisempi aineisto sisältää suomalaista hoitotyötä, hoitoetiikkaa ja hoitamista käsitteleviä julkaisuja, oppikirjoja ja dokumentteja vuosilta 1903–1938 sekä Oulun lääninsairaalan ylihoitajatar Naima Kurvisen (1876–1933) elämäntyöhön liittyvän aineiston. Myöhäisempi aineisto koostuu hoitotyötä, hoitoetiikkaa ja hoitamista käsittelevistä artikkeleista, teoksista ja tutkimuksista vuosilta 1979–2004. Historiallinen viitekehys on opastanut minua hoitamisen alkuperäistä luonnetta esittävien kysymysten etsimisessä, tutkimuskohdetta kuvaavan aineiston löytämisessä ja sen hedelmällisessä tulkitsemisessa. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen tarkastelunäkökulmiksi valitsin fenomenologian ja filosofisen hermeneutiikan. Aineisto sisältää fenomenologiaa ja filosofista hermeneutiikkaa sekä ihmisyyden olemusta, etiikkaa ja tietoa käsittelevää filosofista kirjallisuutta. Teoreettinen viitekehys mahdollisti tutkimuskulun ymmärtämisen sekä sen esittämisen. Heideggerin olemisen mielen filosofia osoittautui keskeiseksi teoriaksi hoitamisen ilmiön tulkitsemisessa. Hoitamisen ensimmäisen väittämän, moraalisuuden, ominaispiirteet esitän seuraavissa teeseissä: 1. Hoitamista kuvaavat moraalilausumat ovat normatiivisia eli ne sisältävät toimintaa ohjaavia moraaliperiaatteita. Niissä ilmaistu hoitamisen funktio on toisen ihmisen hyvä. 2. Joitakin arvoja voidaan nimetä intuitiivisesti hoitamisen hyvän määritelmiksi. Näitä ovat inhimillisyys, arvokkuus, terveys ja hyvinvointi. 3. Hoitaminen on asettautumista toisen ihmisen hoitamiseen. Asettautumisen perustana on vapaus ja autenttinen läsnäolo sekä kyky toisen preferenssien omaksumiseen. Nämä ominaisuudet yhdessä kuvaavat altruismia hoitamisessa. 4. Ihmisen inhimillinen olemus ja kanssakäyminen toisten ihmisten kanssa sisältävät hoitamisen eettisyyden merkityksiä. Hoitaminen on elämää suojelevaa, ylläpitävää ja rikastavaa sekä toivoa sisältävää. Toisen väittämän, autonomisuuden, olemusta kuvaavat ominaispiirteet esitän seuraavasti: 1. Hoitamisen autonomisuus tarkoittaa hoitajan itsenäisyyttä ja kontekstin erityislaatuisuutta. Tieto ja asettautuminen ovat sen välttämättömiä ehtoja. 2. Hoitamisen praktinen tieto on eettistä. 3. Hoitamista perustelevat ennakkoehdot, kuten eettisyys, tieto ja tiedostaminen sekä hoitamisen merkitykset, kuvaavat hoitamisen fenomenologisia ominaisuuksia. Nämä tekevät hoitamisesta autonomisen. Hoitamisen universaalia olemusta perustelen kahden teesin avulla: 1. Ihmisen inhimilliset ja historialliset ominaisuudet kuuluvat yleismaailmallisesti esiintyviin humaanisiin arvoihin. Huoli ilmentää hoitamisen olemisen tapaa, kuvaa sille annettuja merkityksiä ja arvoja sekä kiinnittää tietoisuuden reaaliseen maailmaan. 2. Hoitamisen moraalin luonne on yleinen.

Wise Choices? The Economics Discourse of a High School Economics and Personal Finance Course

Sober, Tamara L 01 January 2017 (has links)
Today’s high school students will face a host of economic problems such as the demise of the social safety net, mounting college student debt, and costly health care plans, as stated in the rationale for financial literacy provided by the Council for Economic Education’s National Standards for Financial Literacy. These problems are compounded by growing income and wealth inequality and the widespread influence of neoliberal ideology. Although one of the major goals of economics education is to teach students to make reasoned economic choices in their public and private lives and provide the skills to solve personal and social economic problems, little empirical research has been conducted on how these goals are addressed. Secondary economics education research has primarily focused on measuring students’ grasp of neoclassical economics while a separate body of literature provides theoretical critiques of that approach. This study responds to the gap presented by these separate camps by capturing the economics discourse of a high school economics and personal finance course in relation to the role of economic decision-making in a democracy, and the space to hold values discussions. Using case study methodology that included analysis of student and teacher interviews, classroom observations, the standards and official curriculum, lesson plans, and student-produced documents, the study provides deep, context-dependent knowledge about how the official curriculum is manifest in the classroom. Findings reveal that the role of economic decision-making and values discussions were given very little space. The discourse was heavily focused on the acceptance of the science and mastery of technical knowledge about personal finance for the dual purposes of preparing students to succeed on the W!SE Financial Literacy Certification Test and preparing students to navigate and succeed in a fixed economic reality firmly committed to neoclassical economics. The role of economic decision-making was diminished by the foregrounding of financial literacy over economics, which served as a mechanism of power to send the silent message that economic circumstances (such as wealth inequality) change through individual choices and that economic and social phenomena can be understood and addressed through the application of technical approaches.

Influence of Language Arts Instructional Practices on Early Adolescents’ Motivation to Read: Measuring Student and Teacher Perceptions

Pennington, Sarah E. 02 August 2016 (has links)
Early adolescence is a critical time for examining academic motivation, specifically motivation to read (Hervey, 2013). In order to support self-determined motivation to read, students’ needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness must be met within the classroom context (Miller & Faircloth, 2014). Since classroom instructional practices are a key component of adolescents’ daily experiences in the classroom, research which investigates the influence of these practices on students’ self-determined motivation to read is needed. In addition, the perceptions of students and teachers regarding the degree to which classroom instructional practices meet students’ needs as well as the influence of classroom instructional practices on students’ self-determined motivation to read must be considered as the perceptions of these two groups of classroom stakeholders rarely fully converge (Delaney et al., 2014; Wang & Eccles, 2014). However, the field is lacking an established measure of both groups’ perceptions of classroom instructional practices and the degree to which they support students’ needs (i.e., competence, autonomy, relatedness) and self-determined (intrinsic) motivation to read. Therefore, this study sought to address this gap in the literature by developing and validating a measure with parallel teacher and student forms called the Language Arts Reading Practices Survey (LARPS). This measure assessed student and teacher perceptions of the degree to which classroom instructional practices in the language arts classroom support students’ needs for competence, autonomy, relatedness, and students’ self-determined motivation to read. The results of this study provide preliminary support for the validity of the student form of the LARPS, with less support for the teacher form of the measure. By assessing both student and teacher perceptions, the LARPS adds to the general understanding of specific instructional practices and how stakeholder groups view these practices regarding their ability to support students’ needs and motivation.

What We’ve Got Here is a Failure to Communicate: A Postmodern Analysis of Representations of Higher Education in Cinema

Gonzalez, Carlos E 30 June 2015 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to explore representations of higher education in film. In order to achieve that objective this study consisted of a narrative analysis of the themes that emerged in films regarding higher education. This study focused on films from the 1950s to the present. The narratives that emerged from the analysis of the films were compared and contrasted to the scholarly literature regarding higher education. The analysis of the films also included juxtaposing the film narratives to the work of postmodern theorists such as Michel Foucault in order to inform the claims made by the researcher. This study focused on seven main themes regarding higher education in the cinema. The higher education themes that were examined in this study were Students, Student Services, Admissions, Race, Finance, Faculty, and Gender. Overall, this study found that higher education in the cinema is not represented as a unified monolithic system. Instead, the findings indicate that the representations of higher education and its different parts were quite varied among the films. In spite of all the differences there was one overall theme that remained constant. This study found that the cinema privileged the traditional, selective, four-year residential university as the model for a higher education institution. An analysis of the representations of students in the films found that the depictions of students in the cinema also varied greatly over time. However, this study revealed that a major discursive student theme that was constant throughout the films was a focus on the sex lives of students. The analysis of the representations of faculty members also proved to be quite varied. This study revealed that the one major discursive theme that was constant in regards to faculty was that all of the faculty members remained employed as academics regardless of the difficulties they may have faced. This dissertation also includes a discussion of the implications of the study's findings and provides suggestions for future research.

Content Analysis of Conflict Resolution Curricula

Smith, Mary 01 January 2012 (has links)
Violence in schools in various forms has become recognizable. Awareness of this situation has resulted with proliferation of curricula for conflict education. The purpose of this study was to analyze conflict resolution curricula designed for five to eight year olds. The study examined three issues formulated from the review of related literature: time and space, skill building, and developmentally appropriate practices. The findings included time and physical space requirements for conflict resolution curricula, the suggested skills needed to peacefully resolve conflicts, and an evaluation of the developmentally appropriate activities in the curricula for early childhood ages 5-8.

"I Speak, Therefore I Am:" Identity and Self-Construction as Motivation to Engage in Electronic Word of Mouth

Taylor, David George 08 1900 (has links)
To paraphrase an old bromide, "you are what you consume." Consumers derive their sense of self through products, brands, performances and a host of other meaning-laden materials that they consume. The marketing literature has long recognized possessions as an extension of the self-concept. Although hundreds of studies have examined the linkage between consumption and the self, surprisingly few have examined a related phenomenon - the relationship between the self-concept and word of mouth (WOM). A handful of studies have demonstrated the use of WOM to enhance the consumer's self-image, but most extant research focuses on how the act of engaging in WOM is used to build the self-concept. To date there has not been an extensive examination of the process by which WOM transfers the meaning of a product, brand, advertisement or narrative from one consumer to another as part of identity construction. This dissertation attempts to answer the following research questions: 1. Do self-concept and identity motivate consumers to engage in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)? 2. Is there a conceptual model to represent the effects of message characteristics, product/brand characteristics and individual personality differences on the self-enhancement value of eWOM and resulting eWOM behaviors? A conceptual model was proposed and, using an experimental research design, hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results suggest that self-concept and identity indeed motivate consumers to engage in eWOM, and a number of brand and message traits comprise eWOM's self-enhancement value. This dissertation both contributes to the theoretical understanding of eWOM and assists managers in developing marketing strategy. The use of WOM for identity construction remains an understudied area in marketing when compared to the consumption of products as self-expression. This research provides suggestions for practitioners in harnessing the potential of eWOM as a marketing strategy through message development and targeting of lucrative segments with viral campaigns.

Production des savoirs dans le discours universitaire en situation d’évaluation endogène : philosophie, sciences économiques et de gestion au Cameroun / Knowledge production in university discourse in a situation of endogenous evaluation : philosophy, economics and management sciences in Cameroun

Olembe, Esther 29 November 2010 (has links)
En prenant le contre-pied des méthodes généralisées et universalisantes d’évaluation mondiale des institutions de la science, la présente thèse décrit les savoirs générés par le discours universitaire au moment de leur mise à l’épreuve de validation par des instances d’évaluation d’un espace localisé. Le cadre d’observation est le système d’évaluation en vigueur au Cameroun qui sert de dispositif de promotion sociale des enseignants-chercheurs, et de légitimation du travail universitaire. Le décryptage des formes de savoirs produits en situation d’évaluation endogène prend appui sur l’épistémologie historique et l’archéologie foucaldienne des discours. Les résultats de l’analyse montrent que le savoir produit, s’inscrivant dans une temporalité discursive est anonyme et marqué historiquement, culturellement et géographiquement. Ce savoir appartient en outre à un réseau de discours qui dépasse la seule sphère des universités et des disciplines. Les mécanismes et stratégies d’élaboration des savoirs sont soumis à des règles et à des normes qui elles-mêmes produisent de manière permanente des formes de pouvoir. Les référents théoriques et méthodologiques mobilisés dans ce travail participent à l’enrichissement des cadres de référence traditionnels des sciences de l’information et de la communication. / In addition to the general and universal evaluation methods of scientific instituions, this thesis describes knowledge generated by university discourse during validation by local authorities. The framework of experience is the evaluation system in force in Cameroon which serves as social promotion for university lecturers and researchers and legitimizes university work. Deciphering forms of knowledge produced in an endogenous evaluation system is based on historical epistemology and Foucaldian archeology of discourse. The results of the analysis show that knowledge produced falls within the purview of discursive temporality and is anonymous and geographically, culturally and historically marked. It belongs moreover to a network of discourse which goes beyond the lone sphere of universities and disciplines. Knowledge generation mechanisms and strategies are subject to rules and standards which themselves permanently produce forms of power. The theoretical and methodological referents mobilised in this work contribute to the development of traditional frames of information and communication sciences

Gaining Insight into Teaching: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Lived Experience of the Teachers of the Year

Amparo, Robin F 29 March 2013 (has links)
What qualities, skills, and knowledge produce quality teachers? Many stake-holders in education argue that teacher quality should be measured by student achievement. This qualitative study shows that good teachers are multi-dimensional; their effectiveness cannot be represented by students’ test scores alone. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of quality in teaching by examining the lived experiences of 10 winners or finalists of the Teacher of the Year (ToY) Award. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, examines how these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). This inquiry asked two questions: (a) How is teaching experienced by recognized as outstanding Teachers of the Year? and (b) How do ToYs feelings and perceptions about being good teachers provide insight, if any, about concepts such as pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions? Ten participants formed the purposive sample; the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Sixty to 90-minute interviews were conducted with each participant. Data also included the participants’ ToY application essays. Data analysis included a three-phase process: description, reduction, interpretation. Findings revealed that the ToYs are dedicated, hard-working individuals. They exhibit behaviors, such as working beyond the school day, engaging in lifelong learning, and assisting colleagues to improve their practice. Working as teachers is their life’s compass, guiding and wrapping them into meaningful and purposeful lives. Pedagogical tact, teacher selfhood, and professional dispositions were shown to be relevant, offering important insights into good teaching. Results indicate that for these ToYs, good teaching is experienced by getting through to students using effective and moral means; they are emotionally open, have a sense of the sacred, and they operate from a sense of intentionality. The essence of the ToYs teaching experience was their being properly engaged in their craft, embodying logical, psychological, and moral realms. Findings challenge current teacher effectiveness process-product orthodoxy which makes a causal connection between effective teaching and student test scores, and which assumes that effective teaching arises solely from and because of the actions of the teacher.

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