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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produktivitet inom public service - det traditionella måttets roll och funktion

Hållkvist, Hans, Lindgren, Tim January 2012 (has links)
Med den växande internet- och mobilmarknaden har public service bolagen inom media följt publiken till att erbjuda sina tjänster via både internet och mobil. För Sveriges Radio har de snabbt växande marknaderna inneburit en problematik för ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrningen. Problematiken härrör i produktivitetsmåttet, som tidigare tagit hänsyn till sändningstimmar. I och med att Sveriges Radio utöver radiosändningar idag erbjuder tjänster på internet och mobil är det svårt att beräkna företagets totala produktivitet på ett tillfredställande sätt. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att utreda den problematik som finns med att mäta produktivitet i public service sammanhang och att formulera nya mått för att mäta produktivitet i den internetbaserade verksamheten. Uppsatsen bygger på aktionsforskning av explorativ karaktär, där offentliga dokument och semistrukturerade intervjuer utgör det empiriska materialet. Teorin bygger till största del på vad som tidigare sagts om att mäta produktivitet inom tjänstesektorn och public service. Insamlad data har sedan analyserats och jämförts med det teoretiska ramverket varpå slutsatserna visar ett alternativt mått för att mäta produktivitet inom public service.

P3-Soundet! : Den statliga ungdomsradions musik

Lundahl, Karin January 2012 (has links)
I uppsatsen behandlas frågeställningarna: Går det finna ett gemensamt sound hos musiken som spelas i P3? Och hur ser P3:s tablå ut under en vecka? Dessa frågeställningar undersöks för att ge en bild av den musik som spelas i P3 som är Sveriges Radios ungdomskanal. Frågorna undersöks genom att utgå från tidigare forskning i ämnet, information från P3:s hemsida samt genom djupgående analyser av sju låtar från de artister som spelades mest under vecka 46 år 2010. Analyserna utformas utifrån Gunnar Ternhags gehörsbaserade analysmetod. Även Lars Lilliestams gehörsbaserade analysmetoder av rock och blues används. Analyserna presenteras först låt för låt och sedan sammanfattas likheter och skillnader hos musiken som spelas. I den slutgiltiga diskussionen framkommer att det går att finna gemensamma nämnare hos låtarna vilket gör att man skulle kunna klassa dem till vad som skulle kunna kallas ett ”P3-sound”. Hur musiken prioriteras och ges utrymme för olika lyssnargrupper beskrivs också. Det går att se att P3 prioriterar olika typ av musik vid olika tidpunkter under dagen, exempelvis sänder man genre-inriktade program främst på kvällstid, medan andra artister spelas från morgon till kväll, det är de här artisterna som tas upp i studien. Arbetet med studien ses som en del av det större arbetet med att granska public service och dess utformning, samt som en förlängning av Alf Björnbergs studie av radio och TV i public service-fomat, där han går igenom utvecklingen av dessa medier under 25 år.

Angra do Heroísmo-arquitectura do século XX e memória colectiva

Gouveia, Paulo Duarte de Melo January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Continuous performance improvement in the South African National Defence Force

Vermaak, JIC, Fourie, L 01 July 2007 (has links)
Abstract: This article concentrates on the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), as a South African public sector department, its acceptance of the Batho Pele principles and the implementation of various organisational performance improvement programmes. However, despite accepting the principles and the programmes, it is uncertain whether the SANDF institutionalised them in order to effect continuous performance improvement.

Continuous performance improvement in the South African National Defence Force

Vermaak, JCI, Fourie, L 07 1900 (has links)
Abstract: This article concentrates on the South African National Defence Force (SANDF), as a South African public sector department, its acceptance of the Batho Pele principles and the implementation of various organisational performance improvement programmes. However, despite accepting the principles and the programmes, it is uncertain whether the SANDF institutionalised them in order to effect continuous performance improvement.

Känsliga kvinnor och mäktiga män : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av genus-representationen i Sveriges Radios P3 Nyheter

Bergvall, Livia, Lindahl, Ellen January 2014 (has links)
The radio is a medium we often listen to whilst doing something else. We wake up, do the dishes, cook or drive to work. Radio as a medium reaches many people, regardless of whether it is through conscious or unconscious listening. We thereby thought it was an important medium to scrutinize in our study. The focus of our study is on the gender representation in P3 Nyheters broadcasts. We scrutinize the representation of gender as well as looking at potential differences in the way men and women are heard. The theoretical frame of reference of the study is primarily based on the agenda-setting theory, which is built on the notion that the media is involved in deciding what subjects we have opinions about, since these subjects are often the ones highlighted by the media. The gender perspective with its theses concerning homosexuality, the masculine norm and the gender stereotypic contract is another theoretic source that the study is based upon. We are also utilizing the theses of hard and soft news to emphasize who gets to talk about what in regards to what is traditionally perceived as feminine and masculine. The results show in a comprehensive way that the stereotypic genders that were created during the ancient time, still remain. Women usually have their say regarding unenlightened public opinion, consumer, neighbor, mother or wife of the man the story is really concerning. The men on the other hand have their say in topics where they get to shine in matters seen as of political relevance and importance to society. The women are under-represented and are portrayed as victims while the men are over-represented and are perceived as experts, which contribute to enhancing stereotypic genders with the masculine norm within the power center of society. The studied material clearly shows signs that P3 Nyheter is far from equal in regards to gender representation, hence, we believe that representation of gender in media is a field that demands more research in order to change or break the masculine norms of the mediasphere.

Barnprogram i Sveriges television år 2000-2012

Nylander, Sara, Nyback, Julia January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker förändringar i SVTs utbud av barnprogram samt förändringen i bilder, tilltal och vilka som får komma till tals i nyhetsprogrammet Lilla Aktuellt. Uppsatsen undersöker vecka 37 mellan åren 2000 och 2012 med nedslag vartannat år (2000, 2002 etc.). Uppsatsen består två analyser, varav den ena är en kvantitativ analys. Den fokuserar på SVTs utbud av barnprogram. Fokus ligger på programtyp, genre, utseende och ursprungsland. Totalt analyserades 629 barnprogram. Analysen har, precis som resten av uppsatsen, Ingegerd Rydins bok (2000) Barnens röster – program för barn i Sveriges radio och television 1925-1999 som teoretisk ram. Uppsatsen innehåller även en kvalitativ del där programmet Lilla Aktuellt analyseras. Totalt analyserades sju program, ett från varje undersökningsår, med fokus på bilder, tilltal och vilka som får komma till tals. Delen har förutom Rydin även Terje Hillesunds bok (1994) Står det noe nytt? samt Kristina Lundgren, Birgitta Ney, Torsten Thuréns bok (1999) Nyheter – att läsa tidningstext som teoretisk ram. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att serier ökar i takt med underhållning och datoranimerade program. Dessutom minskar dramatiseringar och program med grund i verkliga miljöer. Även den totala programtiden har ökat samtidigt som tiden för journalistiskt inriktade program minskat. Vad gäller Lilla Aktuellt finns små förändringar i tilltal. Det har gått från näst intill barnsligt de första åren, via väldigt seriöst för att sedan landa i en varm ton som ändå är seriös. Bildurvalet har förändrats på så sätt att inslagen blivit mer kreativa i sina utformningar. Redaktionen har även blivit mer medveten om att undvika stereotyper och könsroller i inslagen som produceras.

Newsworthiness in Science : A Content Analysis of Science News in Swedish Prime Time Television 2009-2011

Ekblad, Nils January 2013 (has links)
Background: Science journalism is essential for keeping citizens of democracies informed and educated, this is part of the public service concept. However, some authors assume much arbitrariness of selectivity mark science news as a peculiar journalistic genre. This study investigates how science news are valued alongside general news in swedish public service programme Rapport. Method: The science features from two years of prime time broadcasts of Rapport was analyzed quantitatively by means of content analysis. Results: Studies with some connection to Sweden, a ”human angle”, emphasizing health risk, seems most likely to be covered. Conclusions: Put into context, the results was interpreted as invalid in some respects that support the conjecture of the peculiar nature of science news. The findings therefore suggest that news value theory needs special revision to account for newsworthiness in science.

The reform of public service broadcasting in Italy

Hibberd, Matthew January 1999 (has links)
This thesis provides an overview to a series of reforms undertaken at RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana), the Italian public service broadcasting company between June 1993 and April 1996. The reform process began as a direct result of the collapse of the Christian Democrats and its coalition partners after 45 years of continuous government and was initiated by the centre-left 'Technocrat' government led by the former governor of the Bank of Italy, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi (April 1993 to May 1994); it was also continued by the centre-right Berlusconi government (May 1994 to December 1994) and by the centre-left Dini technocrat government (January 1995 to April 1996). The research aims to focus on two related topics in order to fully explain the broad social, economic and political context within which the reforms took place. Firstly, especial interest wil be given to an historical analysis of public service provision in Italy in the light of the twin pressures coming from the state and market. Historically, these twin pressures have had a detrimental effect on public service broadcasting in Italy. Secondly, the research also focuses on the impact of the reform process on the functioning of public service broadcasting in Italy. It identifies four areas of RAJ's operations which merit special attention: the system of political occupation, the so-called lottizzazione; the internal network system; the devolution of Raitre; and RAI and Fininvest-Mediaset duopoly. This thesis uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including primary and secondary analysis and interviews with key architects of the reform process.

Lost in translation? Language policy, media and community in the EU and Australia : some lessons from the SBS

Podkalicka, Aneta Monika January 2007 (has links)
Cultural diversity is a central issue of our times, although with different emphases in the European and Australian context. Media and communication studies have begun to draw on work in translation studies to understand how diversity is experienced across hybrid cultures. Translation is required both for multilingual (multicultural) societies such as Australia and for trans-national entities such as the European Union. Translation is also of increasing importance politically and even emotionally as individual nations and regions face the challenge of globalisation, migration, and the Americanisation of media content. The thesis draws on cultural and media policy analysis. Programming strategies are reviewed and 'conversational' interviews conducted with broadcasting managers and staff at SBS Australia and across multilingual public broadcasters in the EU (BBC WS, Deutsche Welle, ARTE, Radio Multikulti Berlin, Barcelona Televisió). These are used to investigate the issues, challenges, and uses of the multilingual broadcasting logic for Australia's and Europe's cultural realities. This thesis uses the concept of 'translation' as a key metaphor for bridging differences and establishing connections among multicultural citizens in the context of the European Union and Australia. It is proposed that of the two versions of translation - institutional in the EU and mediated in Australia respectively - the mediated version has achieved higher success in engaging ordinary citizens in more affective, informal and everyday forms of cross-cultural communication. Specifically, the experience of the Special Broadcasting Service (Australia's multilingual and multicultural public broadcaster) serves as a model to illuminate the cultural consequences of the failure of the EU to develop translation practices beyond the level of official, institutional and political communication. The main finding is the identification of a need for more mediated interlingual exchange; that is a translation of language policy in Europe into media experience for ordinary citizen-consumers, at both institutional and textual levels.

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